Brošura - Slovensko društvo za daljinsko energetiko

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Slovensko društvo za daljinsko energetiko
(Slovenian District Energy Association)
Karlovškova cesta 3,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje / District heating and cooling
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Daljinska energetika skupaj s Slovenskim društvom
za daljinsko energetiko SDDE pred velikimi izzivi
Prof. dr. Alojz Poredoš, predsednik SDDE
Na{a dol`nost je, da spremljamo stanje na podro~ju energetike v svetu in v Sloveniji ter da se
odzivamo na aktualno dogajanje na tem podro~ju.
Dejstvo je, da se raba energije na splo{no, {e posebej pa toplote, vztrajno zni`uje. K temu nas silijo
zaveze, ki smo jih v skladu z zakonodajo EU sprejeli, predvsem pa Direktiva o energetski u~inkovitosti iz leta 2012. Na podro~ju daljinske energetike
to pomeni manj{i odjem iz sistemov daljinskega
ogrevanja, hlajenja in tudi iz plinskega omre`ja.
Zmanj{evanje odjema energentov iz sistema daljin ske energetike je logi~na posledica ukrepov u~inko vite rabe energije predvsem v stavbah, kajti daljinski sistemi so v glavnem namenjeni ogrevanju stavb,
Prof. dr. Alojz Poredo{
ki so vse bolj izolirane, sistemi ogrevanja so ~edalje bolj regulirani, raba energije pa merjena. Posledice tega so mo~no zaznavne v zmanj{anem obsegu dejavnosti in finan~ne
realizacije distributerjev. Soo~amo se torej s potrebo po ve~jih investicijskih in vzdr`evalnih vlaganjih na eni strani ter manj{im finan~nim prihodkom na drugi strani.
Postavlja se vpra{anje, kako kljub trenutnemu stanju na trgu zagotoviti normalno delovanje teh sistemov za zanesljivo oskrbo z energijo. Leto{nja mednarodna konferenca
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SDDE je namenjena tudi temu, da skupaj poi{~emo odgovore na ta aktualna in po membna vpra{anja. Pred nami so torej problemi, ki jih lahko s pravilnim pristopom
pretvorimo v pomembne izzive.
Menim, da morajo dobavitelji najprej poiskati rezerve v racionalizaciji poslovanja
in porabnikom energije ponujati tudi nove storitve in produkte. Med temi bi na prvo
mesto postavil daljinsko hlajenje, ker se v nasprotju z zmanj{anjem potreb po ogrevanju potrebe po hlajenju stalno pove~ujejo. Nadalje je nujna posodobitev daljinskih
sistemov z re{itvami in produkti, ki bodo zagotavljali energetsko in ekonomsko u~in kovitej{e delovanje. To je lahko pomembna promocija in motivacija za pridobitev
novih uporabnikov in pove~an odjem.
Ve~ina prispevkov na leto{nji konferenci je namenjena prav temu, kako s tehni~ni mi in ekonomskimi ukrepi dosegati zanesljivo in varno ter tudi u~inkovito energetsko
oskrbo. So odli~no izhodi{~e za razpravo, ki bo prav gotovo prinesla pomembne odgovore na zastavljene dileme in izzive. [tevilni prispevki jasno ka`ejo, da so obnovljivi viri
energije tudi v daljinski energetiki dejstvo. Hvala vsem avtorjem za pravo~asno pripravljene in vsebinsko bogate prispevke, ki nam bodo na razpolago v obliki povzetkov in
predstavitev na konferenci SDDE.
Tudi letos smo organizacijo konference zaupali ekipi Energetike.NET. Sedaj `e
ute~eno sodelovanje je tudi tokrat osve`eno z nekaterimi novimi organizacijskimi pristopi. Zahvaljujem se vam za odli~no opravljeno naporno delo.
Na{ tridnevni dogodek {e prav posebej obogati spremljevalna razstava energetske
opreme. Vsem razstavljavcem se zahvaljujem za prisotnost in podporo.
Posebno zahvalo namenjam podjetju Danfoss, ki je prevzelo generalno pokro viteljstvo in nosilno vlogo organizacije leto{nje konference SDDE. Moje iskrene ~estitke
ob va{em 20-letnem zelo uspe{nem delovanju v Sloveniji z `eljo po nadaljevanju va{e
uspe{ne dejavnosti.
Hvala tudi vsem sponzorjem in podpornikom ter vsem ~lanom organizacijskega in
strokovnega odbora za dobro sodelovanje v vseh fazah priprav na konferenco.
Vabim vse, da na leto{nji mednarodni konferenci SDDE stopimo skupaj, se
soo~imo z izzivi, ki so pred nami, in naka`emo poti do tak{nih pravih re{itev, ki bodo
zagotavljale uspe{nej{e delovanje sistemov daljinske energetike. Poka`imo, da smo spo sobni poskrbeti za resni~no zanesljivo in okolju prijazno energetsko prihodnost.
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Important Challenges Ahead for District Energy,
including the Slovene District Energy Association, SDDE
Prof. dr. Alojz Poredoš, president of SDDE
It is our duty to follow the developments in the energy industry both in
Slovenia and globally, and to respond to current events in this field. The fact is
that the consumption of energy, heat in particular, is declining steadily. This is an
obligation imposed by the commitments made in accordance with the EU law,
especially the Energy Efficiency Directive from 2012. In district energy, this means
reduced consumption in the district heating and cooling systems as well as in the
gas network. The declining consumption of energy sources in the district energy
system is a logical result of energy efficiency measures. This is especially the case
in buildings where district systems are being used primarily for the heating of
buildings where insulation and control of heating systems is improving and energy consumption is being metered. The consequence of this is reflected strongly in
the reduced scope of operation and turnover of distributors. Hence, the need to
increase the funding for investments and maintenance on the one hand, and
smaller revenues on the other. This raises the question of how to enable steady
operation of these systems for secure energy supply despite the current market situation. One of the purposes of this year’s SDDE international conference is to find
answers, together, to these vital pressing questions. By adopting the right appro ach, the problems that have arisen can be transformed into important challenges.
In my view, distributors should first try to rationalise their operations while
providing new services and products to energy consumers. Of the latter, let me
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draw attention to district cooling because, in contrast to the demand for heating,
demand for cooling is steadily growing. A further urgent measure is to modernise
district systems with solutions and products that allow for higher energy and economic efficiency. This can yield vital promotion and encouragement to win new
users and increase consumption.
Most of the presentations at this year’s conference deal with how technical
and economic measures can help achieve the reliability and safety, as well as efficiency, of energy supply. They provide an excellent starting point for discussion,
which will doubtlessly give critical answers to the dilemmas and challenges we are
faced with. Many of the presentations clearly indicate that district energy is one
of the fields where renewables have become a fact. My thanks go to all the authors
for their timely and substantial contributions which will be available in the form
of abstracts and SDDE conference presentations.
As with last year, the organisation of the conference was entrusted to the team
behind Energetika.NET, and some fresh organisational approaches were introduced in our smooth co-operation. I thank the team for having done such a wonderful job completing this strenuous task.
As a special addition to our three-day event, we have organised an exhibition of energy equipment. My thanks go to all the exhibitors for their participation and support.
Special thanks go to Danfoss, the general sponsor and lead partner in the
organising committee of this year’s SDDE conference. My sincere congratulations
on the 20th anniversary of their successful presence in Slovenia, and best wishes
for an equally successful operation in the future.
Many thanks also to all the sponsors and supporters, as well as all members of
the organising and technical committees for their contribution in all phases of
organising the conference.
I invite all participants of this year’s SDDE international conference to rise to
the challenges that lie ahead together, and point to paths leading to the right solutions, ones that guarantee a better functioning of district energy systems. Let us
demonstrate that we are capable of providing a truly secure and environmentally
friendly energy future.
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Ogrevanje trajnostnega mesta z daljinskim ogrevanjem
– prihodnost prinaša za našo industrijo zanimive
priložnosti za rast.
Aleksander Zalaznik Višji podpredsednik, Danfoss District Energy,
Poslovna enota Controls Generalni direktor, Danfoss Trata
Do leta 2030 bo 60 odstotkov svetovnega prebivalstva `ivelo v mestih, ta pa porabijo kar 75
odstotkov vse svetovne energije. Daljinsko ogrevanje igra pomembno vlogo pri zadovoljevanju
te potrebe, obenem pa omogo~a razvoj vse bolj
trajnostnih urbanih sredi{~.
Daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje je v porastu,
z novimi pobudami v mnogih evropskih mestih.
Rast izhaja tako iz vse ve~je raz{irjenosti pri po rabnikih, kot tudi glede na politi~ni profil znotraj EU ter vse ve~ji politi~ni interes za bolj traj nostne re{itve.
Vendar pa daljinsko ogrevanje trenutno zadovoljuje le 15 odstotkov potreb po toploti v EU.
Aleksander Zalaznik
Glede na to, da se dele`i v posameznih dr`avah
~lanicah zelo razlikujejo med seboj, od dr`av, kjer ima daljinsko ogrevanje kar 60odstotni dele`, do držav, kjer daljinsko ogrevanje pokriva le nekaj odstotkov v celotni porabi toplote, ima daljinsko ogrevanje v Evropi {e zelo velik potencial.
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Nova direktiva o energetski u~inkovitosti (Energy Efficiency Directive - EED), ki
je bila sprejeta v Bruslju leta 2012 in ki jasno definira prednosti daljinskega ogrevanja in hlajenja, predstavlja za celoten sektor nov veter v krila, ki bo omogo~il {e
ve~jo rast v Evropi.
Direktiva navaja: “Soproizvodnja z visokim izkoristkom ter daljinsko ogrevanje
in hlajenje imata velik potencial za prihranek primarne energije, ki v Uniji ve~inoma ni izkori{~en.”
Torej, daljinsko ogrevanje je del politi~ne agende v Evropski uniji, dejstvo pa je
tudi, da sama direktiva ne bo dovolj. Na nivoju sektorja mora vsak posameznik, ki
deluje na podro~ju daljinskega ogrevanja, prispevati svoj dele` k spremembam ter
zagotoviti, da se direktiva na lokalnem nivoju prevede v politi~na dejanja ter ve~
investicij v daljinsko ogrevanje.
Kot industrija pa moramo zagotoviti, da se zastarela in “siva” slika daljinskega
ogrevanja spremeni v pojmovanje daljinskega ogrevanja kot edine prave energetske
re{itve za prihodnost na podro~jih z visoko gostoto poseljenosti. Daljinsko ogrevanje je sistem za distribucijo, ki se lahko uporablja za kakr{enkoli vir energije,
vklju~no s trenutnimi in bodo~imi obnovljivimi viri energije. Pomembno je, da to
sporo~ilo ponavljamo znova in znova.
Evropa je na globalnem nivoju vodilna sila, kar se ti~e znanja in tehnologij na
podro~ju daljinskega ogrevanja. To znanje se lahko izvaža in uporablja izven regije,
na podro~jih, kjer ima daljinsko ogrevanje prilo`nosti za rast.
Zastareli sistemi daljinskega ogrevanja v Rusiji in na Kitajskem imajo velik
potencial za prenovo, z agresivnimi na ~rti za zmanj{anje emisij CO2 ter prihranek
energije pa se v obeh regijah že sedaj ogromno vlaga v energetsko prenovo in poso dobitev sistemov.
Daljinskemu ogrevanju in hlajenju se nedvomno obeta svetla prihodnost v
Evropi, saj predstavlja klju~no re{itev znotraj bodo~ega energetskega okvira, prav
tako pa tudi izven Evrope kot re{itvi, ki varuje okolje in omogo~a prihranke.
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Heating the sustainable city with district heating – a future
with attractive growth opportunities for our industry.
Aleksander Zalaznik Senior Vice President, Danfoss District Energy Controls
General Manager, Danfoss Trata
60% of the world’s population will live in cities by the year 2030; cities that
consume 75% of the world’s energy. District heating (DH) plays a vital role in
meeting that demand, while at the same time enabling the creation of ever more
sustainable urban city centres.
District heating and cooling is growing and new initiatives are taking place in
several European countries. The growth comes both from more citizens being
served, as well as in the political profile of the EU, and the growing political interest for more sustainable solutions.
However, currently DH only meets around 15% of the heat demand in the EU,
and with a huge variety in the penetration from member state to member state,
varying from countries with more than a 60% share of DH, to other countries
with only a few percent of heat demand covered by DH, there is still a huge
potential for DH in Europe.
With the new Energy Efficiency Directive (EDD), adopted in Brussels in 2012,
clearly recognising the benefits of district heating and cooling, the sector has gained
a new momentum, to increase the usage of district heating and cooling to an even
higher degree in Europe.
The EDD is saying; “High-efficiency co-generation (CHP) and district heating and cooling has significant potential for saving primary energy which is
largely untapped in the Union.”
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Therefore, district heating is now on the political agenda in the EU – but it is
also a fact that the directive alone will not do. As a sector, everybody working within the district heating industry must contribute to making changes, ensuring that
locally the directive is converted to political actions and more investments in DH.
As an industry, we must also ensure that the old fashioned and “grey” image
that DH has is converted into an image, as “THE” energy solution for the future
in areas with a high population density. DH is a distribution system, a system
which can be used with any energy supply – renewable sources, current as well as
future ones. It is important to convey this message over and over again.
Europe leads the world in district energy technology and know-how - knowhow which can be exported and utilised outside our region, where DH has the
potential to grow.
The aging DH-systems in both Russia and China, show huge potential for renovation and with the aggressive plans in both regions to reduce CO2 emissions
and save energy costs, heavy investments are being made in energy renovation
and modernisation.
Without a doubt district heating and cooling awaits a bright future in Europe
as a key solution in the future energy framework, but also outside Europe as a
solution for saving both costs and the environment.
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NEDELJA, 22. 3. 2015
Prijava udele`encev in postavitev razstavnih prostorov
Ob~ni zbor SDDE
Dobrodo{lica na razstavnem prostoru
PONEDELJEK, 23. 3. 2015
Registracija udele`encev
Otvoritev konference
Uvodno predavanje:
Paul Voss, direktor Euroheat & Power
prof. dr. Noam Lior, Univerza v Pennsylvania, ZDA
Lars Tveen, predsednik, Danfoss Heating Segment
Okrogla miza, Moderatorka: Alenka @umbar Klop~i~, Energetika.NET
Uvodni~arja: Mojca Kert, Petrol Energetika in Jurij Verta~nik, Direktorat za energijo
Lars Tveen, Danfoss
Prof. dr. Alojz Poredo{, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo in SDDE
Marko Notar, Energetika Ljubljana
Alan Perc, Energetika Maribor
Irena Pra~ek, Agencija za energijo
Mojca Kert, Petrol Energetika
Jurij Verta~nik, Direktorat za energijo
Milenko Ziherl, Eko sklad
Predstavitev prispevkov – vzporedni sekciji
Poslovni modeli, moderator: Jo`e Torkar, Petrol
• Energijska u~inkovitost – kako lahko napredne tehnike strojnega
u~enja izbolj{ujejo poslovni proces razli~nih dele`nikov,
Maja [krjanc, Institut Jo`ef Stefan, Slovenija
• Nov pristop k reguliranju cen toplote, Tina [tok, Mojca [panring,
Agencija za energijo, Slovenija
• Vloga in pomen spletnega portala Trajnostna energija pri soo~anju
z aktualnimi okoljskimi izzivi, Dejan [oster, Borzen, Slovenija
• Predstavitev dejavnosti, Milenko Ziherl, Eko sklad
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Daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje I, moderator: Ervin Miklav`ina, KP Velenje
• Uporaba vakuumskega razplinjenja vstopne vode v sistemih
daljinskega ogrevanja, Branislav Ja}imovi}, Srbislav Geni}, Ljubi{a Vladi},
Fakulteta za strojni{tvo v Beogradu, PUC Beogradske Elektrarne, Srbija
• Izku{nje z mikro toplotno ~rpalko za ultranizkotemperaturne sisteme,
Marek Brand, Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Jan Eric Thorsen, Danfoss A/S,
Oddelek za daljinsko energetiko, Danska
• Kartiranje toplotnih potreb in napredno energetsko na~rtovanje v
mestni ob~ini Osijek, T. Novosel, N. Dui}, T. Puk{ec, G. Kraja~i};
Fakulteta za strojni{tvo in pomorski in`eniring, Oddelek za energijo,
energetski in`eniring in okolje, Hrva{ka
• Eksergoekonomska analiza sistema daljinskega hlajenja, T. Duh,
A. Kitanovski, A. Poredo{, Katedra za toplotno in okoljsko tehniko,
Fakulteta za strojni{tvo, UL, Slovenija, T. Morozyuk, In{titut za energetski
in`eniring, Tehni{ka univerza Berlin, Nem~ija
Odmor za kavo
Predstavitev prispevkov – vzporedni sekciji
Obnovljivi viri energije I, – sekcija vklju~uje delavnico EU projekta solarnega
daljinskega– SDH plus
moderator: Andrej Kitanovski, UL, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo
• Toplotna oskrba pametnih mest s shranjevanjem toplote in sezonski
mi hranilniki v Avstriji; pametna oskrba mest v Avstriji, Robert Soell,
Sabine Putz, Gernot Prem, S.O.L.I.D. GmbH, Avstrija
• Ekonomska analiza vklju~evanja polja solarnih sprejemnikov v sistem
daljinskega ogrevanja na Bledu, B. Vidrih, S. Medved, S. Domjan, A.
Kitanovski, A. Poredo{, UNI LJ, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo, Slovenija
• Sezonsko shranjevanje toplote, Andrej Kitanovski, Alojz Poredo{,
Fakulteta za strojni{tvo, UL, Slovenija
• Sistemati~na implementacija OVE v energijsko oskrbo objektov
v Ob~ini Ivan~na Gorica, Simon Muhi~, Fakulteta za tehnologije in
sisteme, SimTec in INOVEKS, Jure Glavi~, SimTec, Simon Strnad,
INOVEKS - In{titut za obnovljive vire energije in u~inkovito rabo
eksergije, Matja` Jurca in Robert Ostreli~, Eltec Petrol, Slovenija
Plin in ostali viri, moderator: Dejan Koletnik, Plinovodi
• U~inkoviti na~ini ogrevanja, Franko Nemac, Agencija za prestrukturiranje
energetike, Slovenija
• Trg z zemeljskim plinom leto dni po uveljavitvi novega Energetskega
zakona, Mojca [panring, Tina [tok, Agencija za energijo, Slovenija
• Razvojne mo`nosti slovenskega prenosnega sistema, Mitja Podgorelec,
Franc Cimerman, Plinovodi, Slovenija
• Nov na~in dodeljevanja zmogljivosti na prenosnem omre`ju – spletna
rezervacijska platforma PRISMA, Jo{t [trukelj in Marko [irovnik,
Plinovodi, Slovenija
Slavnostna ve~erja
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TO R E K , 2 4 . 3 . 2 0 1 5
Predstavitev prispevkov - vzporedni sekciji
Obnovljivi viri energije II, moderator: Mitja Dolin{ek, Energetika Maribor
• Naprave za soproizvodnjo elektri~ne in toplotne energije iz lesnih
sekancev in pelet, David [peh, Biomasa, Slovenija
• ElectraTherm na trgu daljinskega ogrevanja ponuja izbolj{ave u~inkovitosti sistema, Antonio Mendes Nazare, ELectratherm, SIES, Slovenija
• Raba biomase v sektorju daljinskem ogrevanju v Srbije, Tatjana Nu{i},
Petar Vasiljevi}, DH Beogradske elektrane, Milo{ Banjac, Belgrade
University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Srbija
• Vrednotenje alternativnih u~inkovitih re{itev ogrevanja BC Naklo,
Drago Papler, Gorenjske Elektrane, Toma` Levstek, BC Naklo, Slovenija
Vodenje in upravljanje daljinskih energetskih sistemov,
moderatorka: Bla`a Pospi{ Perpar, Petrol
• Kratkoro~no napovedovanje s pomo~jo nevronskega omre`ja za
pove~anje u~inkovitosti sistemov daljinskega ogrevanja,
Milo{ Simonovi}, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo, Univerza v Ni{u, Milan
Ogrizovi}, Podjetje za daljinsko ogrevanje JKP Toplana Nis, Srbija
• Lokalna skupnost kot steber razvoja trajnostne energetske strategije,
Amer Karabegovi}, Centralno grijanje, Tuzla, BiH
• Energijski prihranek s selitvijo naprav za daljinsko ogrevanje v oblak,
Michael Hansen, Danfoss, Danska
• Energetski prihranki z IKT storitvami in izobra`evanjem – prakti~na
izku{nja iz Beograda, Radmilo Savi}, Bojan Bogdanovi}, PUC Beogradske
elektrane, Beograd, \or|e Lazi}, Belit, Beograd, Srbija
Odmor za kavo
Predstavitev prispevkov – samostojna sekcija
Daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje II, moderator: Du{ko Vnu~ec, Danfoss Slovenija
• Danska od sistemov daljinskega ogrevanja tretje generacije prehaja
na sisteme ~etrte generacije, Lars Gullev, VEKS, Danska
• Regulatorji diferen~nega tlaka – orodje za optimizacijo sistemov
daljinskega ogrevanja, Jan Eric Thorsen, Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Marek
Brand, Danfoss A/S, Oddelek za daljinsko ogrevanje, Danska
• Izbira regulatorja diferen~nega tlaka za podpostajo daljinskega ogre
vanja, Milan Poga~ar, Danfoss Trata, Slovenija
• Identifikacija izbolj{av za toplotno integracijo in vire odpadne toplote
za daljinsko ogrevanje znotraj industrijskih obratov, Lidija ^u~ek,
Zdravko Kravanja, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijski in`eniring, Univerza v
Mariboru, Slovenija
• Ugotavljanje pu{~anja vode za vro~evod daljinskega ogrevanja v
Ljubljani na osnovi meritev dinamike tlaka, Matja` Perpar, Jurij Gregorc,
Matic Coti~, Iztok @un, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo,
Primo` [kerl, Energetika Ljubljana, Slovenija
Zaklju~na slovesnost
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Vodilno združenje za daljinsko energetiko
v Sloveniji in v jugovzhodni Evropi ter
med najbolj dejavnimi v širši regiji
• Skrbi za strokovni nivo na področju daljinske energetike
• Povezuje podjetja na področju daljinske energetike in energetike širše
• Sodeluje s strokovnimi institucijami doma in v tujini za iskanje naprednih
rešitev na področju energetske oskrbe
• Organizira odmevno vsakoletno mednarodno konferenco in druge
izobraževalne aktivnosti
• Spodbuja člane in širšo javnosti k učinkoviti rabi energije in zaščiti okolja
• Sooblikuje energetsko strategijo Slovenije in preko združenja
Euroheat & Power vpliva na oblikovanje evropske energetske politik
Vaše podporno članstvo v SDDE
• Vam omogoča dostop do pomembnih informacij o daljinski energetiki
• Vam daje prednost aktivnega sodelovanja na vseh dogodkih SDDE
• Vam zagotavlja popuste pri plačilu kotizacij na vseh dogodkih SDDE
• Vam omogoča aktivno vlogo pri oblikovanju slovenske energetske zakonodaje
• Vas vključuje v veliko družino distributerjev toplote, hladu in plina
Vaše skupno članstvo v Euroheat & Power
• Vam nudi dostop do vseh informacij o daljinski energetiki v Evropi in svetu
• Vam daje prednost aktivnega sodelovanja na vseh dogodkih Euroheat & Power
• Vam zagotavlja popuste pri plačilu kotizacij na vseh dogodkih Euroheat & Power
• Vam omogoča aktivno vlogo pri oblikovanju evropske energetske zakonodaje
• Vam omogoča sodelovanje v številnih evropskih projektih daljinske energetike
• Zagotavlja Sloveniji enakopravno mesto na energetskem zemljevidu Evrope
Slovensko društvo za daljinsko energetiko
Karlovška cesta 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, [email protected]
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S U N D AY, 2 2 M a r c h 2 0 1 5
Registration of participants
SDDE general assembly
Welcome reception at the exhibition area
M O N D AY, 2 3 M a r c h 2 0 1 5
Registration of participants
Conference opening
Invited lecturers
Paul Voss, Managing Director of Euroheat & Power
Prof. Dr. Noam Lior, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Lars Tveen, President, Danfoss Heating Segment
Round table session, Moderator: Alenka @umbar Klop~i~, Energetika.NET
Introductory speakers: Mojca Kert, Petrol Energetika and Jurij Verta~nik,
Slovenian Energy Directorate
Lars Tveen, Danfoss
Prof. Dr. Alojz Poredo{, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and SDDE
Marko Notar, Energetika Ljubljana
Alan Perc, Energetika Maribor
Irena Pra~ek, Slovenian Energy Agency
Mojca Kert, Petrol Energetika
Jurij Verta~nik, Slovenian Energy Directorate
Milenko Ziherl, Eko sklad
Presentations - parallel sessions
Business models, Moderator: Jo`e Torkar, Petrol
• Energy efficiency – how advanced machine-learning techniques can
improve business processes for various stakeholders,
Maja [krjanc, Jo`ef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
• A new approach to heat price regulation, Tina [tok, Mojca [panrig,
Slovenian Energy Agency, Slovenia
• The role and significance of sustainable energy websites in facing
current environmental challenges, Dejan [oster, Borzen, Slovenia
• Presentation of activities, Milenko Ziherl, Eko sklad
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District heating and cooling I, Moderator: Ervin Miklav`ina, KP Velenje
• Application of vacuum degasification of feed water in district heating
systems, Branislav Ja}imovi}, Srbislav Geni}, Ljubi{a Vladi}, Faculty of
Mechanical engineering in Beograd, PUC Beogradske Elektrarne, Serbia
• Experience with a micro-heat pump supplied by ultra-low tempera
ture district heating, Marek Brand, Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Jan Eric
Thorsen, Danfoss A/S, District Energy Division, Denmark
• Heat demand mapping and advanced energy planning for the city
of Osijek, T. Novosel, N. Dui}, T. Puk{ec, G. Kraja~i}; Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Department
of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Croatia
• Exergoeconomic analysis of district cooling systems,
T. Duh, A. Kitanovski, A. Poredo{, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of
MEchanical ENgineering, Slovenia, T. Morozyuk, Technical University
of Berlin, Germany
Coffee break
Presentations - parallel sessions
Renewable energy sources I: section includes the workshop of the EU project
on Solar District Heating - SDHplus
Moderator: Andrej Kitanovski, UL, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo
• Solar thermal & seasonal storage smart city heat supply in Austria,
Robert Soell, Sabine Putz, Gernot Prem, S.O.L.I.D. GmbH, Austria
• Economic analysis of integrating solar collector fields into Bled’s dis
trict heating system, B. Vidrih, S. Medved, S. Domjan, A. Kitanovski,
A. Poredo{, UNI LJ, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B. Pospi{ Perpar,
Eltec Petrol, Slovenia
• Seasonal thermal storage, Andrej Kitanovski, Alojz Poredo{, University of
Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia
• Systematic introduction of RES in the energy supply of buildings in
Ivan~na Gorica, Simon Muhi~, Faculty of Technologies and Systems,
SimTec and INOVEKS, Jure Glavi~, SimTec, Simon Strnad, INOVEKS –
Institute for Renewable Use of Energy and Efficient Use of Exergy,
Matja` Jurca and Robert Ostreli~, Eltec Petrol, Slovenia
Gas and other sources, Moderator: Dejan Koletnik, Plinovodi
• Efficient heating systems, Franko Nemac, Energy Restructuring
Agency, Slovenia
• The natural gas market one year after the implementation of
Slovenia’s new Energy act, Mojca [panring, Tina [tok, Slovenian Energy
Agency, Slovenia
• Slovenia’s transmission system development potential, Mitja
Podgorelec, Franc Cimerman, Plinovodi, Slovenia
• PRISMA online reservation platform – a new transmission capacity
allocation method, Jo{t [trukelj in Marko [irovnik, Plinovodi, Slovenia
Gala dinner
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T U E S D AY, 2 4 M a r c h 2 0 1 5
Presentations - parallel sessions
Renewable energy sources II, Moderator: Mitja Dolin{ek, Energetika Maribor
• Wood chip/pellet CHP systems, David [peh, Biomasa, Slovenia
• ElectraTherm improves system efficiency in district heating market,
Antonio Mendes Nazare, Electratherm, SIES, Slovenia
• Use of biomass for the district heating sector in Serbia, Tatjana Nu{i},
Petar Vasiljevi}, Public Utility Company Beogradske elektrane, Milo{
Banjac, Belgrade University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Serbia
• Assessment of alternative efficient heating solutions for the Naklo
biotechnology centre, Drago Papler, Gorenjske Elektrane, Toma` Levstek,
BC Naklo, Slovenia
Management and operation of district energy systems
Moderator: Bla`a Pospi{ Perpar, Petrol
• Short term predictions using neural networks for improving efficiency
of district heating systems, Milo{ Simonovi}, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering University of Nis, Milan Ogrizovi}, Distric heating company
JKP Toplana Nis, Serbia
• The local community as a pillar of developing a sustainable energy
strategy, Amer Karabegovi}, Distric heating company Centralno
grijanje Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Save energy by bringing district heating installations into the Cloud,
Michael Hansen, Danfoss, Denmark
• Energy savings using ICT services and education - Belgrade practical
experience, Radmilo Savi}, Bojan Bogdanovi}, PUC Beogradske elektrane,
Beograd, \or|e Lazi}, Belit Beograd, Serbia
Coffee break
Presentations – single sessions
District heating and cooling II, Moderator: Du{ko Vnu~ec, Danfoss Slovenia
• Denmark is moving from 3G District Heating systems into 4G District
Heating Systems, Lars Gullev, VEKS, Denmark
• dP controllers – A tool for optimizing DH systems, Jan Eric Thorsen,
Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Marek Brand, Danfoss A/S, District Energy
Division, Denmark
• Choosing differential pressure controllers for district heating
substations, Milan Poga~ar, Danfoss Trata, Slovenia
• Identification of heat integration improvements and waste heat
sources for district heating in industrial processes, Lidija ^u~ek,
Zdravko Kravanja, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
University of Maribor, Slovenia
• Water leakage assessment for the Ljubljana District heating pipeline
on the basis of pressure dynamics measurements, Matja` Perpar,
Jurij Gregorc, Matic Coti~, Iztok @un, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of
Mechanical Ingeneering, Primo` [kerl, Energetika Ljubljana, Slovenia
Closing ceremony
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Maja [krjanc, Institut Jo`ef Stefan, Slovenija
MSDA (Multimodal Stream Data Analytics, analitika ve~modalnih podatkovnih tokov)
je okvir inteligentnih sistemov za podporo pri odlo~anju za sisteme upravljanja energije, ki
omogo~a dinami~no napovedovanje povpra{evanja po energiji/odziva ter zaznavanje kompleksnih dogodkov z uporabo sklepanja. Presku{en je bil za razli~ne scenarije: energetsko
upravljanje stavb, sisteme javne razsvetljave in proizvodnjo energije. Re{itev upo{teva
zahteve razli~nih dele`nikov v verigi upravljanja energetske u~inkovitosti. MSDA zagotavlja, povezuje in analizira podatke iz razli~nih delov energetske verige, ki jih nato smiselno
obogati in analizira. Vsebuje ve~modalne podatkovne tokove, kot so razli~ne vrste senzorjev, konvencionalni podatkovni viri, tekstovni podatki. Obogateni podatki predstavljajo
vstopne podatke za tehnike sklepanja in modele strojnega u~enja (NN, HT, SVM, Kmeans,
LR). Rezultati so izbolj{ane storitve za (1) proizvajalce – napovedovanje povpra{evanja za
razli~ne ~asovne intervale in ~asovna obdobja; (2) razli~ne vrste odjemalcev – napovedovanje povpra{evanja za razli~na ~asovna obdobja, vklju~no z vremenskimi; (3) distributerje energije – napovedovanje cen energije na evropskih trgih energije.
Klju~ne besede: MSDA, upravljanje energetske u~inkovitosti
Maja [krjanc, Institut Jo`ef Stefan, Slovenia
MSDA framework (Multimodal Stream Data Analytics) is an IDSS framework for energy management systems for the dynamic prediction of energy demand/response and
detection of complex events through by employing a reasoning approach. It ’has been
tested in for different scenarios: energy management of buildings, public lighting systems and energy production. The solution takes into account requirements of different
stakeholders in an energy efficiency management chain. MSDA provides, integrates and
analyses information from different parts of the energy chain, which are enriched and
analyszed in a sensible way. It includes multimodal data streams like such as various
types of sensors, conventional DB sources, textual information. The Eenriched information represents the input for reasoning techniques and machine learning models (NN,
HT, SVM, Kmeans, LR). The results are include improved services for (1) producers -–
prediction of power demand for different time windows and time frames; (2) different
types of consumers – prediction of consumption for different time frames including
weather; (3) energy distributors – prediction of energy prices in European energy markets.
Key Words: MSDA, energy efficiency management
Poslovni modeli / Buisness models
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mag. Tina [tok, mag. Mojca [panring, Agencija za energijo, Slovenija
Z novim Energetskim zakonom (v nadaljevanju EZ-1) se podro~je daljinskega ogrevanja in hlajenja ter distribucije drugih energetskih plinov iz zaklju~enih omre`ij re{uje
sistemsko. Dejavnost distribucije toplote in drugih energetskih plinov se lahko opravlja
kot tr`na distribucija ali kot izbirna lokalna gospodarska javna slu`ba odvisno od {tevila
oskrbovanih gospodinjskih odjemalcev in zahtev po zagotavljanju javnih potreb.
Regulacija cene toplote za daljinsko ogrevanje se prena{a iz Zakona o kontroli cen v
EZ-1, ki dolo~a obveznost reguliranja cene toplote za daljinsko ogrevanje za distributerja
toplote, ki izvaja gospodarsko javno slu`bo distribucije toplote, in za reguliranega proizvajalca toplote. Naloge s podro~ja reguliranja toplote in drugih energetskih plinov bo izvajala Agencijo za energijo (v nadaljevanju agencija). Agencija namerava v letu 2015 sprejeti
in objavila splo{ni akt o metodologiji za oblikovanje cene toplote za daljinsko ogrevanje,
s katerim se bo dolo~il na~in oblikovanja izhodi{~ne cene kot najvi{je povpre~ne cene, na
podlagi katere distributer toplote in regulirani proizvajalec toplote oblikujeta cene toplote
za daljinsko ogrevanje. V prispevku bodo predstavljeni na~ini oblikovanja izhodi{~ne ce ne, postopek izdaje soglasja k izhodi{~ni ceni in obveznosti distributerjev toplote oziroma
reguliranih proizvajalcev toplote v tej zvezi. Prav tako bodo predstavljene druge obveznosti distributerjev toplote oziroma reguliranih proizvajalcev toplote, ki jih v povezavi z reguliranjem cene toplote za daljinsko ogrevanje dolo~a EZ-1.
Klju~ne besede: distribucija toplote, reguliranje cen toplote
mag. Tina [tok, mag. Mojca [panring, The Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
Slovenia’s new Energy Act (hereinafter EZ-1) has introduced a systemic approach to district heating and cooling, and the distribution of fuel gas from closed networks. The distribution of heat and fuel gas may be a commercial activity or an optional local public utility service, depending on the number of household customers and on public needs.
The regulation of the price of heat for district heating has been transferred from the
Price Control Act to EZ-1, the latter imposing the obligation of heat price regulation for
district heating to the distributor who provides the public utility service of heat distribution, and to the regulated heat producer. The tasks in the field of heat and fuel gas
regulation will be carried out by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter “the agency”). In 2015, the agency aims to adopt and issue a general legal act on
the methodology for heat price setting for district heating, which will lay down the
method of setting the indicative price as the highest average price the distributor and
the regulated producer can use to set the price of heat for district heating. The presentation examines indicative price setting methods, the procedure of approving the indicative price, and the associated obligations of distributors and regulated producers of
heat. The presentation also looks into other obligations of distributors and regulated
producers of heat imposed by EZ-1 in relation to heat price regulation for district heating.
Key Words: distribution of heat, the regulation of the price of heat
Poslovni modeli / Buisness models
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Dejan [o{ter, Borzen, Slovenija
Okoljska problematika predstavlja enega ve~jih izzivov, s katerim se soo~amo zadnja
desetletja. Spremembe zadevajo vse aspekte na{ega `ivljenja in nenazadnje krojijo politi~ne
odlo~itve ter silijo gospodarstvo, da se prilagaja okoljskim zahtevam s prilagoditvijo proizvodnih procesov, investicijami v zmanj{evanje emisij in drugimi ukrepi u~inkovite rabe
energije ter kot take odpirajo nove poslovne prilo`nosti. Pri tem ne gre zanemariti ozave{~anja lai~ne in strokovne javnosti, ki v poplavi informacij o u~inkoviti rabi energije v~asih
te`ko prepozna kakovostne in to~ne informacije. Dru`ba Borzen je vzpostavila spletni portal Trajnostna energija, katerega osrednji cilj je postaviti informacijsko sredi{~e, sti~no to~ko
za dostop do kakovostnih informacij glede URE in OVE v Sloveniji; integrirati vsebine, ki
so glede URE in OVE dostopne na drugih slovenskih in deloma tujih spletnih straneh ter
predstaviti nekatere dodatne informacije o OVE in URE. Namen portala je povezati razli~ne
akterje, informacije in ideje s podro~ja trajnostne energije ter soustvariti dru`beno odgovorno dru`bo.
Klju~ne besede: trajnostna energija, obnovljivi viri energije, u~inkovita raba energije,
portal Trajnostna energija
Dejan [o{ter, Borzen, Slovenia
Environmental issues are one of the biggest challenges of the recent decades. Changes
are impacting all aspects of our lives, including political decisions, forcing the economy to
adapt to environmental requirements by modifying production processes, making investments in cutting emissions, and introducing other energy efficiency measures. As such,
these changes are opening up new business opportunities. One which should not be disregarded is raising awareness of the general public and professionals, who sometimes struggle to identify quality and accurate information in the present energy efficiency information overload. To this end, Borzen has launched a website on Sustainable Energy, the primary aim of which is to become an information hub, a single point of access to quality
information about EE and RES in Slovenia; to integrate the content on EE and RES which
is available on other Slovenian and, to some extent, foreign websites, as well as some additional information on EE and RES. The purpose of the website is to bring together various
players, information and ideas in the field of sustainable energy, and help create a socially
responsible society.
Keywords: Sustainable energy, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, Sustainable
Energy website
Poslovni modeli / Buisness models
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prof. dr. Branislav Ja}imovi}, prof. dr. Srbislav Geni}, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo v
Beogradu, dr. Ljubi{a Vladi}, PUC Beogradske Elektrane, Srbija
Postopek obdelave vstopne vode z razplinjenjem ima v sistemih daljinskega ogrevanja
klju~no vlogo pri za{~iti naprav pred korozijo.
V praksi so najpogosteje uporabljeni na~ini toplotno razplinjenje, membranska in katalitska deoksigenacija. Ena od metod, ki {e ni presku{ena v zadostni meri in doslej v praksi
{e ni bila pogosto uporabljena, je desorpcija plina iz vode pri zmanj{anem tlaku ob prisotnosti inertnega plina – vakuumsko razplinjenje.
Rezultat dolgoletnega raziskovalnega dela avtorjev na tem podro~ju je patentiran. Prispevek predstavlja primerjalno analizo obstoje~ih metod glede na osnovne tehnolo{ke sisteme vakuumskega razplinjena, ter primerjavo osnovnih ekonomskih kazalcev (investicija, obratovalni stro{ki, stro{ki na enoto) vsake metode. Natan~ni matemati~ni postopki in
korelacije med delovnimi parametri vakuumskega razplinjenja v to {tudijo niso vklju~eni.
Klju~ne besede: vakuumsko razplinjenje/deoksigenacija, daljinsko ogrevanje,
ekonomska analiza
prof. dr Branislav Ja}imovi}, prof. dr Srbislav Geni}, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering in Belgrade, dr Ljubi{a Vladi}, PUC Beogradske Elektrane, Serbia
The procedure of processing the feed water by means of degassing has a crucial role in
district heating systems in terms of protection of plants against corrosion.
In practice, the most commonly used methods are thermal degassing, membrane and
catalytic deoxygenation. One of the methods which has not been sufficiently tested or significantly applied in practice is the desorption of gas from the water at reduced pressure in
the presence of an inert gas - vacuum degassing.
The result of many years of research work of the authors in this area has been patened.
This paper presents a comparative analysis of existing methods, given the basic technological vacuum degassing schemes, as well as a comparison of basic economic indicators
(investment, operating and unit costs) of each method. Detailed mathematical procedures
and the correlation between basic operating parameters of vacuum degassing are not
included in this study.
Key Words: vacuum degasification/deoxygenation, district heating, economic analysis
Daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje I/ District heating and cooling I
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Marek Brand, Oddgeir Gudmundsson and Jan Eric Thorsen, District Energy
Application Centre, Danfoss A/S, Nordborg, Danska
Daljinsko ogrevanje je nepogre{ljiv del sistemov prihodnosti, ki bodo temeljili na obnovljivih virih, saj omogo~a tako uravnote`enje kot integracijo spremenljivih obnovljivih
virov ter uporabo toplote nizke kakovosti. A oskrba novih obmo~ij z nizkoenergijskimi
stavbami, ki imajo manj{e toplotne potrebe, vodi v pove~anje relativnih toplotnih izgub v
omre`ju daljinskega ogrevanja, to pa negativno vpliva na rentabilnost sistemov daljinskega
ogrevanja. Ta bi te toplotne izgube ostale na nizki ravni, daljinsko ogrevanje pa z ekonomskega vidika konkuren~no drugim re{itvam, mora biti vstopna temperatura ~im ni`ja. ^eprav je najni`ja temperatura za sisteme ogrevanja zraka v nizkoenergijskih stavbah lahko
tudi 35–40 °C, pa priprava sanitarne tople vode zahteva temperaturo v vi{ini pribli`no 50 °C,
kar velja za spodnjo mejo vstopne temperature. Da bi ta prag zni`ali, smo razvili mikro toplotno ~rpalko z nazivno vstopno temperaturo 40 °C, ki se priklju~i na omre`je daljinskega
Koncept je bil presku{en v {tirih enodru`inskih hi{ah v kraju Birkerød na Danskem. V
prispevku je predstavljeno delovanje enot glede na izku{nje iz poskusnega obdobja.
Klju~ne besede: mikrooja~evalnik, toplotna ~rpalka, nizkotemperaturno daljinsko
ogrevanje, ultranizkotemperaturno daljinsko ogrevanje, toplotna izguba
Marek Brand, Oddgeir Gudmundsson and Jan Eric Thorsen, District Energy
Application Centre, Danfoss A/S, Nordborg, Denmark
District heating is an indispensable part of the future renewable based energy system because it makes possible both to balance and integrate fluctuating renewable energy sources and utilize low quality heat. However, the supply of new areas with reduced
heat demand as areas of low-energy buildings results in an increase in relative heat losses
from the district heating networks, negatively influencing the cost-efficiency of the district heating systems. To keep these heat losses low and district heating cost-competitive
to other solutions, the supply temperature should be as low as possible. Although the
temperature requirements for space heating systems in low-energy buildings could be as
low as 35-40°C, the preparation of domestic hot water requires approx. 50°C, which has
been considered the lower limit for the supply temperature. To move this barrier, a
micro heat pump unit connected to the district heating network with designed supply
temperature of 40°C was developed.
The concept was tested in four single-family houses in Birkerød, Denmark. This presentation documents the performance of the units based on the experience from the testing period.
Key Words: microbooster, heat pump, low-temperature district heating,
ultra-low-temperature district heating, heat loss
Daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje I/ District heating and cooling I
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Tomislav Novosel, Neven Dui}, Tomislav Puk{ec, Goran Kraja~i}, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo in ladjedelni{tvo, Oddelek za energijo, elektroenergetiko in okolje, Univerza
v Zagrebu, Hrva{ka
Visoko u~inkoviti sistemi daljinskega ogrevanja imajo velik, a {e vedno premalo izkori{~en potencial za zmanj{anje porabe primarne energije v EU. Predstavljajo tudi pomemben dejavnik pri pove~evanju pro`nosti prihodnjih energetskih sistemov in tako omogo~ajo ve~ji prodor spremenljivih obnovljivih virov, kot sta vetrna in fotonapetostna energija, ob uporabi tehnologij proizvodnje toplote iz elektri~ne energije. Kartiranje toplotnih
potreb kot tudi potencialnih virov odpadne toplote in drugih virov, kot sta biomasa in geotermalna energija, je odlo~ilnega pomena pri natan~nem na~rtovanju prihodnjih energetskih sistemov, ki bodo temeljili na visoko u~inkovitih sistemih daljinskega ogrevanja. Cilj
tega prispevka je predstaviti in uporabiti metodologijo kartiranja toplotnih potreb na {tudiji primera za mestno ob~ino Osijek na Hrva{kem. S pridobljenimi podatki smo pripravili
scenarije razvoja energetskega sistema v Osijeku, ki bi vklju~eval daljinsko ogrevanje in
obnovljive vire energije. Za analizo energetskega sistema, ki smo jo pripravili za ta prispevek, smo uporabili orodje za modeliranje EnergyPLAN.
Klju~ne besede: daljinsko ogrevanje, kartiranje toplotnih potreb, EnergyPLAN, Osijek,
obnovljivi viri energije
Tomislav Novosel, Neven Dui}, Tomislav Puk{ec, Goran Kraja~i}, Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Department of Energy, Power
Engineering and Environment University of Zagreb, Croatia
Highly efficient district heating systems have a strong but still underutilized potential
for the reduction of the primary energy consumption within the EU. They also represent
an important factor when it comes to the increase of the flexibility of future energy systems
and therefore enable a higher penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources like
wind and photovoltaic with the utilization of power to heat technologies. Mapping of heat
demand as well as potential sources of waste heat and other sources including biomass and
geothermal energy is crucial for the precise planning of future energy systems that will be
based around highly efficient district heating systems. The goal of this work is to present
and utilize a heating demand mapping methodology by means of a case study for the city
of Osijek in Croatia. The obtained data has been used to create scenarios for the development of Osijek’s energy system utilizing district heating and renewable energy sources. The
EnergyPLAN modelling tool has been used to perform the energy system analysis created
for this paper.
Key Words: district heating, heat demand mapping, EnergyPLAN, Osijek,
renewable energy sources
Daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje I/ District heating and cooling I
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T. Duh, A. Kitanovski, A. Poredo{, Katedra za toplotno in okoljsko tehniko, Fakulteta
za strojni{tvo, UL, Slovenija, T. Morozyuk, In{titut za energetski in`eniring, Tehni{ka
univerza Berlin, Nem~ija.
Vse ve~ja potreba po zagotavljanju ugodnih `ivljenjskih in delovnih pogojev, klimatske
spremembe, bolj{a kakovost izolacije objektov ter toplotni dobitki v stavbi, ki jih
povzro~ajo {tevilne elektronske naprave in so dandanes nepogre{ljiv del na{ih `ivljenj, so
vzrok za vse ve~jo popularizacijo hlajenja.
Oskrba porabnikov s hladilno energijo iz sistema daljinskega hlajenja bistveno prispeva k racionalni izrabi energije ter varovanju okolja. Samo pravilno termodinamsko ter ekonomsko vrednotenje energetskih proizvodov omogo~a uspe{no tr`enje ter pravilno izrabo
primarne energije. Tak{nemu pristopu pravimo eksergoekonomika. V prispevku bodo prikazani temeljni principi pristopa k eksergoekonomski analizi celotnega sistema daljinskega
hlajenja. Pri tem bomo prikazali metodo eksergijske analize celotnega sistema z ugotavljanjem eksergijskih tokov ter izgube eksergije posameznih komponent. Nadalje bomo
prikazali, kako z ekonomsko analizo dolo~imo stro{ke obratovanja posameznih komponent
sistema daljinskega hlajenja in kako z zdru`itvijo komponent eksergijske in ekonomske
analize izra~unamo eksergoekonomske spremenljivke za vrednotenje komponent. V eksergoekonomsko analizo bo vklju~en celoten sistem daljinskega hlajenja, torej od proizvodnje
hladu s kompresorskim ali absorpcijskim hladilnikom, distribucije hladu do porabnikov in
odjema hladu v interni hladilni postaji. S tem lahko izvedemo eksergoekonomsko optimizacijo, katere glavna ciljna funkcija je minimalna cena kon~nega produkta, torej hladu.
Klju~ne besede: eksergoekonomska analiza, daljinsko hlajenje, proizvodnja hladu,
distribucija hladu, odjem hladu.
Duh, A. Kitanovski, A. Poredo{, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of MEchanical
ENgineering, Slovenia, T. Morozyuk, Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
A growing need for the provision of good living and working conditions, climate change, better quality of building insulation, and the heat gains in buildings from the myriad of electronic
devices which have become an indispensable part of our lives, have resulted in increasing popularity of cooling. The supply of consumers with cooling energy from a district cooling system
can make a significant contribution to energy efficiency and environmental protection. Nothing but accurate thermodynamic and economic assessment of energy products can provide
a solid foundation for successful marketing and rational use of primary energy. This approach
is known as exergo-economics. The presentation looks into the basic principles of the approach
to conducting exergoeconomic analysis of the entire district cooling system. The method of
exergy analysis of the entire system is demonstrated by identifying exergy flows and exergy
losses for each component. Furthermore, the presentation illustrates how an economic analysis can be used to establish the operating cost for each district cooling system component, and
how exergoeconomic variables for component assessment can be calculated by integrating
components of both exergy and economic analyses. The exergoeconomic analysis will cover
the entire district cooling system, from the production of cooling energy by means of compressor or absorption chillers, to the distribution of cooling energy to consumers, and cooling
energy consumption in a cooling substation. This can result in exergoeconomic optimisation,
the main target of which is the lowest possible price of the end product, i.e. cooling energy.
Key Words: exergoeconomic analysis, district cooling, cooling energy production, cooling
energy distribution, cooling energy consumption
Daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje I/ District heating and cooling I
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 26
Robert Soell, Sabine Putz, Gernot Prem, S.O.L.I.D GmbH, Gradec, Avstrija
Povzetek se nana{a na evropsko podprt demonstracijski projekt PITAGORAS ({tevilka
pogodbe ENER/FP7EN/314596/PITAGORAS), evropski raziskovalni in demonstracijski projekt sodelovanja, ki ga je Evropska komisija financirala v okviru programa FP7-ENERGYSMARCITIES-2012. Projekt se je za~el novembra 2013 in bo trajal do oktobra 2017. Usmerjen je v u~inkovito povezovanje mestnih predelov z industrijskimi conami prek pametnih toplotnih omre`ij. Skupni cilj projekta je prikazati lahko ponovljiv, stro{kovno u~inkovit in visoko energetsko u~inkovit sistem obse`ne proizvodnje energije za trajnostno urejanje nizkoenergijskih mestnih predelov. Glavni poudarek demonstracijskega projekta v Avstriji je raba odpadne toplote nizke in srednje temperature, zajete v industrijskih procesih,
v kombinaciji z obnovljivimi viri energije ter njihova uporaba za energetsko oskrbo mest.
Ker mnoge tehnologije in koncepti, ki jih upo{teva projekt PITAGORAS, {e niso {ir{e
priznani kot zanesljivi viri toplote (~etudi gre za dokazane tehnologije), je raba teh virov
pogosto obsojena na propad, {e preden se sploh za~ne razprava o stro{kih. Projekti dobre
prakse so odlo~ilnega pomena pri spreminjanju tega negativnega pogleda. Demonstracijska
obrata, ki bosta zgrajena in spremljana v Italiji in Avstriji, bosta tako vzora za druge projekte. Na konferenci bodo predstavljene podrobnosti o avstrijskem demonstracijskem projektu.
Klju~ne besede: pametna mesta, PITAGORAS
Robert Soell, Sabine Putz, Gernot Prem, S.O.L.I.D GmbH, Graz, Austria
IThe abstract refers to the European funded demonstration project PITAGORAS (grant
agreement nº ENER/FP7EN/314596/PITAGORAS), which is a European, cooperative research and demonstration project, funded by the European Commission through the
program FP7-ENERGY-SMARCITIES-2012. The project started in November 2013 and will
be finished in October 2017. PITAGORAS is focused on efficient integration of city districts with industrial parks through smart thermal grids. The overall objective of the project is to demonstrate a highly replicable, cost-effective and high energy efficient large
scale energy generation system for sustainable urban planning of very low energy city
districts. The main focus of the demonstrated project in Austria is to use low and medium temperature waste heat recovered from industry, combined with renewable energy
sources, and their use for energy supply to cities.
As many of the technologies and concepts considered in the PITAGORAS project are
not yet widely regarded as a reliable heating energy source (even if they are already
proven technologies), the application of these measures often fails even before cost issues
are discussed. To change this negative view best practice projects are essential. In this
context, the two demonstration plants that will be built and monitored in Italy and Austria will be lighthouse projects. Details about the Austrian demo plant will be presented
at the conference.
Key Words: smart cities, PITAGORAS
Obnovljivi viri energije I / Renewable energy sources I
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B. Vidrih, S. Medved, S. Domjan, A. Kitanovski, A. Poredo{, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo,
UL, B. Pospi{ Perpar, Eltec Petrol, Slovenija
V ~lanku je predstavljena ekonomska analiza vklju~evanja solarnih sistemov v novi sistem
daljinskega ogrevanja v mestu Bled. Temperaturni re`im delovanja daljinskega sistema
ogrevanja je 60/100 °C. Za proizvodnjo toplote se uporabljajo trije razli~ni sistemi: dve
enoti SPTE s toplotnima mo~ema 467 in 1015 kW, ena toplotna ~rpalka toplotne mo~i 400
kW ter 2900 kW plinski kotel na zemeljski plin.
Za potrebe analize je bil razvit numeri~ni model, ki je bil integriran v simulacijsko orodje TRNSYS in uspe{no verificiran na `e obstoje~ih sistemih daljinskega ogrevanja. Model omogo~a
povezan (so~asen) dinami~ni toplotni odziv sistema daljinskega omre`ja in polja solarnih spre jemnikov. Pri analizi smo upo{tevali dva tipa solarnih sprejemnikov, plo{~ate s selektivno
absorpcijsko povr{ino in vakuumske. Za ve~jo u~inkovitost solarnega sistema smo predpostavili
tudi vgradnjo hranilnika toplote ve~je kapacitete. Podane so pomembne smernice za prihodnji
razvoj daljinskega ogrevanja z integriranim centraliziranim solarnim sistemom tako za hlajenje
kakor tudi za ogrevanje stavb. Analiza je bila opravljena v okviru evropskega projekta SDHplus.
Klju~ne besede: daljinsko ogrevanje, solarni sistem, ekonomska analiza, TRNSYS
B. Vidrih, S. Medved, S. Domjan, A. Kitanovski, A. Poredo{, University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B. Pospi{ Perpar, Eltec Petrol, Slovenia
The presentation features an economic analysis of integrating solar systems into a
new district heating system in the town of Bled. The district heating system has water
temperatures of 60/100°C. Three different systems are used to produce heat: two CHP
units with thermal power capacities of 467 and 1015kW, a heat pump with thermal po wer capacity of 400kW, and a 2900kW natural gas-fired boiler.
To conduct the analysis, a numerical model was developed to be integrated in the
TRNSYS simulation tool and verified against existing district heating systems. The model
enables a harmonised (simultaneous) dynamic heat response of the district system and the
solar collector field. The analysis included two types of solar collectors, flat plate collectors
with a selective absorbing surface and evacuated tube collectors. For better efficiency of the
solar system, installation of a higher-capacity thermal storage system was envisaged. The
presentation gives vital guidelines for future development of district heating with an integrated centralised solar system both for cooling and heating of buildings. The analysis was
conducted as part of the EU project SDHplus.
Key Words: district heating, solar system, economic analysis, TRNSYS
Obnovljivi viri energije I / Renewable energy sources I
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Andrej Kitanovski, Alojz Poredo{, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo,
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Nekateri obnovljivi viri energije so mo~no omejeni s ~asovno razpolo`ljivostjo. Zato
njihova izdatnost ne sovpada s potrebami po ogrevanju ali hlajenju objektov. Poleg son~ne
energije predstavljajo take omejitve med obnovljivimi viri tudi nekateri naravni viri hladilne energije. Dnevno ali ve~dnevno premostitev potreb po ogrevanju ali hlajenju obi~ajno zagotavljamo s hranilniki toplote. Tak na~in shranjevanja pa ne zagotavlja premostitve
posameznih letnih ~asov. Za sezonsko shranjevanje toplote ali hladu je zato potreben druga~en pristop, ki zaradi svoje specifi~nosti zahteva razli~ne energetsko u~inkovite re{itve. V
prispevku je narejen pregled sezonskih hranilnikov toplote in hladu. Na podlagi tehni~nih
in ekonomskih karakteristik so ti sistemi med seboj primerjani. Izpostavljene so re{itve, ki
so za sezonsko shranjevanje toplote ali hladilne energije v Sloveniji najprimernej{e.
Klju~ne besede: OVE, hranilniki toplote
Andrej Kitanovski, Alojz Poredo{, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Some renewable energy sources are strongly limited by their time-dependent availability. Therefore, their potential does not match the needs for heating or cooling of
buildings. In addition to solar energy, such limitations are typical for some natural cooling sources. Daily or longer needs for heating and cooling can be covered by thermal
storage systems. However, with such an approach, one cannot bridge the whole season.
To enable the latter, different, energy efficient configurations of thermal storage are
required. The article reviews the available systems for thermal storage of heating and
cooling energy. This is followed by their technical-economic comparison. The solutions
are highlighted which have the highest potential to be implemented for seasonal thermal storage in Slovenia.
Key Words: RES, thermal storage systems
Obnovljivi viri energije I / Renewable energy sources I
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Simon Muhi~, Fakulteta za tehnologije in sisteme, SimTec in INOVEKS, Jure Glavi~,
SimTec, Simon Strnad, INOVEKS - In{titut za obnovljive vire energije in u~inkovito
rabo eksergije, Matja` Jurca in Robert Ostreli~, Eltec Petrol, Slovenija
Pod vodstvom energetskega managerja in v sklopu implementacije lokalnega energetskega
koncepta se je v Ob~ini Ivan~na Gorica, s pomo~jo javno-zasebnih partnerstev, od leta 2010 sistemati~no pristopilo k intenzivni implementaciji obnovljivih virov energije v energijsko oskrbo objektov na obmo~ju Vzgojno-izobra`evalnega centra Ivan~na Gorica. V letih 2010 in 2011
se je na streho O[ Sti~na postavila son~na elektrarna, v letih 2012 in 2013 pa se je zgradil mikro
sistem daljinskega ogrevanja na lesno biomaso DOLB IVC, ki povezuje novo kotlovnico in tri
medsebojno lo~ene objekte – O[ Sti~na, S[ Josipa Jur~i~a in Vrtec Ivan~na Gorica. Pred izvedbo
je imel vsak izmed teh objektov vzpostavljeno lastno kotlovnico na fosilna goriva.
S son~no elektrarno na strehi O[ Sti~na se na zaklju~enem obmo~ju proizvede toliko
elektrike, kot se je rabi. Toplota za ogrevanje objektov se v DOLB IVC pripravlja iz lesne biomase, ki je CO2 nevtralna. V letu 2010 se je za delovanje stavb emitiralo 557 ton CO2 na
leto, od leta 2013 pa je emisija enaka 0, torej je s tem IVC Ivan~na Gorica postal ni~emisijski.
Klju~ne besede: obnovljivi viri energije, daljinsko ogrevanje na lesno biomaso,
son~na elektrarna, oglji~na nevtralnost
Simon Muhi~, Faculty of Technologies and Systems, SimTec and INOVEKS, Jure
Glavi~, SimTec, Simon Strnad, INOVEKS – Institute for Renewable Use of Energy
and Efficient Use of Exergy, Matja` Jurca and Robert Ostreli~, Eltec Petrol, Slovenia
Since 2010, systematic, concerted efforts have been made in the municipality of Nova
Gorica through public-private partnerships as part of the implementation of its local energy
concept, with assistance of an energy manager, to introduce renewable energy sources in the
energy supply of buildings within the Ivan~na Gorica Education Centre. A solar power plant
was installed on the rooftop of the Sti~na Primary School in the years 2010 and 2011, and
wood biomass-based micro district heating system DOLB IVC was built in 2012 and 2013,
connecting the new boiler with three separate buildings: the Sti~na Primary School, the Josip
Jur~i~ Secondary School, and the Ivan~na Gorica Kindergarten. Before this, each of the buildings had had its own boiler, which used fossil fuels.
The solar power plant installed on the rooftop of the Sti~na Primary School generates,
in a closed area, enough electricity to meet the needs. The heat used for the heating of
buildings is produced in DOLB IVC from carbon-neutral wood biomass. If in 2010 the
buildings caused 557 ton CO2 emissions per year, there have been zero emissions since
2013, making the Ivan~na Gorica Education Centre a zero emission system.
Key Words: renewable energy sources, wood biomass district heating, solar power plants,
carbon neutrality
Obnovljivi viri energije I / Renewable energy sources I
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 30
Franko Nemac, ApE Agencija za prestrukturiranje energetike, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Slovenija je bogata z gozdovi in lesom. Sisteme daljinskega ogrevanja ter individualne
kotle na sekance, pelete in polena gradimo le, ~e so na voljo subvencije. Subvencije so bile
potrebne na za~etku, danes so ali bi morali biti nekateri na~ini ogrevanja konkuren~ni `e
sami po sebi. Kupci ve~ine ogrevalnih sistemov so obi~ajni dr`avljani, ne energetiki. Ali jim
znamo pravilno predstaviti prednosti in pomanjkljivosti, da se lahko dobro odlo~ijo?
Pripravili smo ra~unalni{ko aplikacijo, ki vsakemu posamezniku omogo~a pravilno
primerjavo razli~nih mo`nosti na osnovi korektnih ponudb. V primerjavo so ustrezno
vklju~eni vsi stro{ki, tako investicija kot energenti in obratovalni stro{ki. Podan je primer
grafi~ne predstavitve izra~una za ogrevanje povpre~ne individualne hi{e.
Klju~ne besede: ogrevanje, lesna biomasa, primerjava stro{kov
Franko Nemac, ApE Energy Restructuring Agency, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Slovenia is a forest- and wood-rich country. District heating systems and individual
boilers burning wood chips, pellets or logs are only installed when subsidies are available.
Subsidies were essential early on, whereas nowadays some heating systems are or should be
competitive as such. Most of the heating systems are sold not to the energy industry, but
to individual users. Do we know how to provide them with the advantages and drawbacks
so they can make an informed decision?
We have developed an application which enables a true comparison of various possibilities, based on concrete data. The comparison aptly takes into accounts all costs from the
investment to energy sources and operating costs. The presentation includes an example of
graphic representation of heating costs for an average detached house.
Key Words: heating, wood biomass, cost comparison
Plin in ostali viri / Gas and other sources
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 31
mag. Mojca [panring, mag. Tina [tok, Agencija za energijo, Slovenija
Z novim Energetskim zakonom je Agencija za energijo kot regulator trga z zemeljskim
plinom dobila veliko novih pristojnosti pri reguliranju in nadzoru udele`encev trga.
Dosedanje naloge s podro~ja reguliranja omre`nine in potrjevanja sistemskih obratovalnih navodil ter splo{nih pogojev za dobavo in odjem so se raz{irile na podro~ja zanesljive
oskrbe, certificiranje operaterja prenosnega sistema, imenovanje operaterjev distribucijskih sistemov, odlo~anje o razvojnem na~rtu prenosnega sistema, odlo~anje o povezanih
distribucijskih sistemih in zaprtih distribucijskih sistemih ter presojanje in ocenjevanje
nalo`benih na~rtov.
V prispevku bodo predstavljeni novi splo{ni akti agencije s podro~ja reguliranja operaterjev distribucijskih sistemov in potrebne dejavnosti operaterjev v letu 2015. Podrobneje
bosta predstavljeni metodologija za pripravo in ocenitev nalo`benih na~rtov operaterja distribucijskega sistema zemeljskega plina ter metodologija za dolo~itev regulativnega okvira.
Operater distribucijskega sistema mora nalo`beni na~rt pripraviti zaradi dolo~itve regulativnega okvira. V nalo`benem na~rtu, ki mora biti pripravljen pred pri~etkom novega regulativnega obdobja oziroma vsaka tri leta, morajo biti predstavljene nalo`be, ki jih bo operater izvedel v naslednjem regulativnem obdobju.
Klju~ne besede: zemeljski plin, energetski zakon
mag. Mojca [panring, mag. Tina [tok, The Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
Under Slovenia's new Energy Act, the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia as the
natural gas regulator has gained a number of new powers in regulation and monitoring of
market participants. The previous scope of tasks in the fields of network charge regulation,
grid code adoption, and general terms of supply and consumption, has expanded to the
fields of security of supply, certification of the transmission system operator, appointment
of distribution system operators, decisions about transmission system development plan,
decisions concerning integrated distribution systems and closed distribution systems, and
assessment and evaluation of investment plans.
The presentation looks into the new general legal acts of the Agency on the regulation
of distribution system operators and the required activities of the operators in 2015. It
examines in greater detail the methodology for the production and evaluation of natural
gas distribution system operator’s investment plans, and the methodology of the regulatory framework. The distribution system operator has to produce the investment plan in
order for the regulatory framework to be put in place. The investment plan has to be ready
before the start of the new regulatory period every three years, and has to include the
investments planned by the operator for the coming regulatory period.
Key Words: natural gas, energy act
Plin in ostali viri / Gas and other sources
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mag. Mitja Podgorelec,`.str., dr. Franc Cimerman,`.str.,
Plinovodi, Slovenija
Dru`ba Plinovodi d.o.o. je operater prenosnega sistema zemeljskega plina, ki je skladno z
energetskim zakonom obvezna dr`avna gospodarska javna slu`ba. Dru`ba upravlja s prenosnim sistemom zemeljskega plina, izvaja prenos plina, omogo~a priklju~itve na prenosni sistem in zagotavlja razvoj ter dolgoro~ne zmogljivosti prenosnega sistema. Prenosno
plinovodno omre`je v dol`ini pribli`no 1.155 km je trenutno prisotno v enajstih od dvanajstih slovenskih statisti~nih regijah. S {iritvijo prenosnega sistema bo omogo~ena priklju ~itev neoskrbovanih obmo~ij, ve~jih industrijskih uporabnikov in ve~jih termoenergetskih
objektov. Operater prenosnega sistema je dol`an vsako leto po posvetovanju z vsemi ustreznimi zainteresiranimi stranmi pripraviti 10-letni razvojni na~rt sistema, ki mora temeljiti
na obstoje~i in predvideni ponudbi oz. povpra{evanju ter vsebovati u~inkovite ukrepe za
zagotovitev ustreznosti sistema in zanesljivosti oskrbe. Pomemben del vsebine je tudi
na~rtovanje prenosnih povezav s sosednjimi prenosnimi sistemi ter vzpostavljanje mednarodnih plinovodnih povezav v regiji.
Klju~ne besede: zemeljski plin, operater prenosnega sistema, razvojni na~rt
mag. Mitja Podgorelec,`.str., dr. Franc Cimerman,`.str.,
Plinovodi, Slovenia
Plinovodi d.o.o. is Slovenia’s gas transmission system operator, an obligatory public utility
service under the Slovenian Energy Act. The company’s activities include management of
the country’s natural gas transmission network, gas transmission, enabling access to the
transmission system, and ensuring the development and long-term capacity of the transmission system. At a length of about 1,155km, the gas transmission network is currently
present in 11 of a total of 12 Slovenian statistical regions. An expansion of the transmission
system will enable access to the unsupplied areas, large industrial consumers, and large
thermal power facilities. The transmission system operator is obliged each year, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, to draw up a 10-year development plan based on the
existing and planned supply and demand, with effective measures for system adequacy and
security of supply. Very importantly, the document should also include plans for transmission interconnections with the neighbouring transmission systems, and for the development of international interconnections in the region.
Key Words: natural gas, transmission system operator, development plan
Plin in ostali viri / Gas and other sources
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Jo{t [trukelj, Marko [irovnik, Plinovodi, Slovenija
Spletna rezervacijska platforma PRISMA ponuja vsem registriranim uporabnikom natan~en pregled razpolo`ljivih prenosnih zmogljivosti na posameznih povezovalnih to~kah,
ki jih je sedaj na platformi PRISMA `e ve~ kot 1500, ter dra`be za zakup letnih, ~etrtletnih
in mese~nih prenosnih zmogljivosti in zmogljivosti za naslednji dan na povezovalnih to~kah sodelujo~ih operaterjev prenosnih zmogljivosti. 1. januarja 2013 je 19 evropskih operaterjev prenosnih sistemov iz Avstrije, Belgije, Danske, Nem~ije, Francije, Italije in Nizozemske ustanovilo dru`bo PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH. Prve zavezujo~e dra`be so bile izvedene `e 1. aprila 2013. Platformo danes uporablja 38 operaterjev prenosnih
sistemov iz 12 dr`av, izvedenih pa je bilo `e prek 130.000 dra`b. Na platformi PRISMA je
trenutno registriranih okoli 410 akterjev na trgu z zemeljskim plinom. Plinovodi d.o.o.
dnevno objavljajo na dra`beni platformi PRISMA razpolo`ljive zmogljivosti za razli~ne produkte skladno z objavljenim koledarjem za izvajanje dra`b. Glede na izvedene zakupe
prenosne zmogljivosti na platformi PRISMA uporabniki sistema operaterju prenosnega sistema dnevno posredujejo napovedi prenosa.
Klju~ne besede: prenosne zmogljivosti, platforma, dra`be, PRISMA
Jo{t [trukelj, Marko [irovnik, Plinovodi, Slovenia
PRISMA, an online booking platform, offers all registered users a detailed list of the
available transmission capacity for each interconnection point, now more than 1,500 in
total, and a chance to participate in auctions of yearly, quarterly and monthly capacity as
well as day-ahead auctions at interconnection points of the participating Transmission
System Operators. On 1 January 2013, 19 European Transmission System Operators from
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands established PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH. The first auctions took place back on 1 April 2013.
Today, the platform is used by 38 TSOs from 12 countries, and more than 130,000 auctions
have so far been held. The PRISMA platform currently has about 410 registered shippers
from the natural gas market. Plinovodi d.o.o. offers its available capacity on the PRISMA
auction platform daily, through various products, in line with the valid auction calendar.
Based on the transmission capacity booked through the PRISMA platform, system users
submit their transport forecasts to the TSO on a daily basis.
Key Words: : transmission capacity, platform, auctions, PRISMA
Plin in ostali viri / Gas and other sources
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David [peh, Biomasa Lu~e, Slovenija
Podjetje Biomasa d.o.o. se ukvarja z razvojem naprav za soproizvodnjo elektri~ne in
toplotne energije iz lesnih sekancev in peletov od leta 2000. V letu 2014 smo zaklju~ili lastno investicijo z desetimi napravami za soproizvodnjo tople in elektrike v skupni mo~i 450
kWel in 1.000 kWth, enaintrideset naprav pa smo vgradili pri na{ih kupcih. V podjetju
nudimo kompletno storitev, to je na~rtovanje, monta`o, vzdr`evanje in servis kogeneracij
ter su{ilnih in transportnih linij za lesne sekance. Enota za soproizvodnjo toplote in elektrike (SPTE) potrebuje za uplinjanje lesnega plina sekance G30 – G40 z vsebnostjo vode do
12 %. V uplinjevalniku se lesni plin uplini. Leni plin ima temperaturo do 800 °C, zato ga je
potrebno ohladiti. Hlajenje plina predstavlja prvi del pridobivanja toplote. Lesni plin s temperaturo do 140 °C se pripelje na prilagojen Ottov motor za lesni plin. V motorju z notranjim izgorevanjem dobimo energijo za pogon generatorja, ki proizvaja elektri~no energijo,
to pa porabljajo priklju~eni porabniki ali pa se z njim napaja javno elektri~no omre`je.
Toplota motorja in generatorja se prena{a prek plo{~nega toplotnega izmenjevalnika do
porabnikov toplote. Doba vra~anja investicije v sistem SPTE je med {tiri in osem let.
Klju~ne besede: lesni sekanci, lesni peleti, SPTE
David [peh, Biomasa d.o.o., Lu~e, Slovenia
Biomasa d.o.o. has been developing combined heat and power systems fuelled by wood
chips and wood pellets since 2000. In 2014, we realised our own investment comprising 10
CHP units with a combined capacity of 450 kWel and 1,000 kWth, and installed a further
31 systems for our customers. The company provides a comprehensive service featuring the
design, installation, maintenance and servicing of CHP units as well as wood chip drying
and transport systems. In wood gasification, the CHP system requires G30 – G40 chips with
a moisture content of up to 12%. In the gasification unit, wood gas is produced. At a temperature of up to 800°C, wood gas has to be cooled down. Gas cooling is the first stage of
heat production. Once at a temperature of up to 140°C, wood gas is channelled towards a
modified Otto engine for wood gas. The internal combustion engine powers the generator
that produces electricity, which is ultimately used by the connected consumers or fed into
the public electricity grid. The heat from the engine and the generator is transferred to consumers by means of a plate heat exchanger. The payback period of investment in the CHP
system is 4 to 8 years.
Key Words: wood chips, wood pellets, CHP
Obnovljivi viri energije II / Renewable energy sources II
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 35
Antonio Mendes Nazare, Electratherm, Sies, Slovenija
Eno glavnih podro~ij rabe postopka zajema odpadne toplote ter tehnologij proizvodnje
toplote iz odpadkov in/ali elektri~ne energije iz toplote je sektor daljinskega ogrevanja. Toplota se pogosto proizvaja v termoelektrarni-toplarni na fosilna goriva, a v zadnjem ~asu
ugotavljamo, da se za proizvodnjo toplote ~edalje pogoste uporabljajo biomasa ali komunalni odpadki. Med drugimi metodami, ki so v uporabi, so {e toplarne, se`igalnice, geotermalno ogrevanje, toplotne ~rpalke, solarne centrale in jedrska energija. Sistemi daljinskega
ogrevanja omogo~ajo ve~jo u~inkovitost in bolj{i nadzor onesna`evanja kot lokalizirane
kotlovnice. Daljinsko ogrevanje s soproizvodnjo toplote in elektri~ne energije je najugodnej{a
metoda zmanj{evanja ogljikovih izpustov ter povzro~a enega najmanj{ih oglji~nih odtisov.
Na tem mestu bomo predstavili mogo~e izbolj{ave u~inkovitosti v obstoje~ih obratih.
Enota Green Machine podjetja ElectraTherm brez uporabe goriva in brez izpustov proizvaja elektri~no energijo iz nizkotemperaturne odpadne toplote. Enota Green Machine zni`a
temperaturo vode ali pare v sistemih daljinskega ogrevanja ter tako omogo~i, da se iz odpadne toplote iz plinskih turbin v kombiniranem kro`nem procesu proizvede dodatna elektri~na
energija. Izpuh iz turbin, ki ga ni mogo~e uporabiti, se porabi za pripravo tople vode, s ~imer
se zadosti toplotnim potrebam v ob~inskem sistemu daljinskega ogrevanja. Preostala toplota
se odvede skozi enoto Green Machine podjetja ElecrtaTherm, ki omogo~a proizvodnjo ~iste
energije in pridobitev privla~nih spodbud v okviru sheme zagotovljenega odkupa.
Klju~ne besede: electratherm, odpadna toplota
Antonio Mendes Nazare, Electratherm, Sies, Slovenia
When it comes to recovering waste heat, or using waste-to-heat and/or waste heat-topower technologies, one of the main applications is the district heating sector. The heat is
often generated by a cogeneration plant burning fossil fuels, however, recently we have
found that biomass or municipal waste are increasingly used in generating heat. Some
other methods that are also used include heat-only boiler stations, incinerators, geothermal
heating, heat pumps, solar centrals and nuclear power. District heating plants can provide
higher efficiencies and better pollution control than localized boilers. District heating with
combined heat and power (CHPDH) is the most inexpensive method for cutting carbon
emissions, and has one of the lowest carbon footprints. Here, we will address possible efficiency improvements in existing plants.
ElectraTherm’s Green Machine generates fuel-free, emission-free power from low temperature waste heat. For district heating applications, the Green Machines can lower water
or steam temperature, enabling the waste heat from gas turbines to generate additional
power through a combined cycle. Exhaust from the turbines that cannot be utilized produces hot water to meet demand for heating in the municipality’s district heating system.
The remaining heat runs through ElectraTherm’s Green Machine to generate clean energy
and attain attractive feed-in-tariff incentives.
Key Words: electratherm, waste to heat
Obnovljivi viri energije II / Renewable energy sources II
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 36
Tatjana Nu{i}, Petar Vasiljevi}, DH Beogradske elektrane, Milo{ Banjac, Univerza v
Beogradu, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo, Beograd, Srbija
Srbska vlada je v skladu z akcijskim na~rtom pove~anja rabe obnovljivih virov energije
dolo~ila cilj o pove~anju dele`a obnovljive energije v kon~ni porabi energije z 21 na 27 %
do leta 2020. K temu na~rtovanemu pove~anju naj bi sistemi daljinskega ogrevanja prispevali 30 %. Ko govorimo o rabi lesne biomase za gorivo z izjemo kurilnih drv so razmere v
Srbiji povsem nasprotne kot v sosednjih dr`avah (Hrva{ka, Slovenija) in Evropski uniji. Na
lokalni ravni v praksi {e vedno ni sistemov za proizvodnjo toplote na lesne sekance, proizvodnja in raba druge biomase kot vira energije pa sta zelo omejeni. Razlogov za to je mnogo, najpomembnej{i pa je vsekakor nezadostna in zelo omejena ozave{~enost lokalnih
oblasti in kon~nih uporabnikov o zna~ilnostih in u~inkih rabe lesne biomase kot goriva.
Glavni cilj projekta je ustvariti pogoje za zamenjavo premoga in te`kega olja kot fosilnih
goriv z lesno biomaso. Pri kurjenju lesnih sekancev bi se v ozra~je spro{~alo dvanajstkrat
manj izpustov CO2 kot pri kurilnem olju. Omenjeni parametri jasno vodijo k sklepu, da bi
zamenjava te`kega kurilnega olja z lesno biomaso ob~utno prispevala k izbolj{anju kakovosti okolja.
Klju~ne besede: biomasa, daljinsko ogrevanje, SPTE, trajnostni razvoj
Tatjana Nu{i}, Petar Vasiljevi}, DH Beogradske elektrane, Milo{ Banjac,
Belgrade University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
Under the Action Plan to increase the use of renewable energy sources, the Serbian Government has set a target to increase the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption from 21% to 27% by 2020. District heating systems should account for 30% of this
planned increase. When it comes to the use of wood biomass as a fuel, with the exception
of firewood, the situation in Serbia is completely reversed compared to neighbouring countries (Croatia, Slovenia) and the European Union. There are still no practical systems for the
use of wood chips for the production of thermal energy at local level, and the production
and consumption of other energy-based biomass is very limited. The reasons for this are
numerous, and the important one is definitely insufficient and very limited awareness of
local governments and end consumers about the characteristics and effects of the use of
wood biomass as a fuel. The main objective of the project is to create the conditions for the
replacement of coal and heavy oil as fossil fuels with wood biomass. The combustion of
wood chips would emit 12 times less CO2 to the atmosphere compared to fuel oil. The mentioned parameters clearly point to the conclusion that the replacement of heavy fuel oil with
wood biomass would contribute greatly to the improvement of environmental quality.
Key Words: biomass, DH, CHP, sustainable development
Obnovljivi viri energije II / Renewable energy sources II
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 37
Dr. Drago Papler, Gorenjske elektrarne, Toma` Levstek,
Biotehni{ki center Naklo, Slovenija
Biotehni{ki center Naklo je izobra`evalni center, ki ima zaradi celodnevnih aktivnosti,
velikega pretoka ljudi in velikih ogrevalnih povr{in relativno velike potrebe po toplotni
energiji. V okviru dejavnosti ima tudi kmetijsko gospodarstvo z rejo `ivali. Trenutni sistem
ogrevanja temelji na uporabi kurilnega olja, ki okoljsko in ekonomsko ni najbolj{a izbira za
center, ki se vedno trudi biti okolju prijazen in trajnostno naravnan.
V prispevku smo prikazali variante tehnolo{kih re{itev in finan~na vlaganja za posamezno izvedbo: ogrevanje z bioplinom iz doma~ega proizvodnega vira in zemeljskim plinom
iz sistema daljinskega ogrevanja. Zanima nas ekonomska upravi~enost posamezne variante
alternativnih sistemov ogrevanja z izra~uni ekonomskih kazalnikov in analizo ob~utljivosti. Nadaljnje smo prikazali ekonomske u~inke s postavitvijo kogeneracijske enote za soproizvodnjo toplote in elektri~ne energije. Z vrednotenjem okoljskih dejavnikov smo z analizo stro{kov in koristi prikazali u~inke z vidika dru`be.
Klju~ne besede: daljinsko ogrevanje, obnovljivi viri energije, re{itve in energetska
u~inkovitost, ekonomski modeli vrednotenja nalo`b
Dr. Drago Papler, Gorenjske elektrarne, Toma` Levstek, Biotechnology
Centre of Naklo, Slovenia
The Biotechnology Centre of Naklo is an education centre with activities throughout the day, high people traffic, and large heating areas, resulting in relatively high
needs for heat. One of the centre’s activities is an agricultural holding with animal husbandry. The existing heating system is based on heating oil: in environmental and economic terms not the best solution for a centre which invariably strives for environmental friendliness and sustainability.
The presentation presents possible technological solutions and the investment required for each alternative: heating based on domestically produced biogas and natural
gas from a district heating system. We were interested in economic viability of each
alternative heating system, together with economic indicators and sensitivity analysis.
Furthermore, the presentation deals with economic impacts of installing a CHP unit. By
assessing environmental factors, a cost and benefit analysis showed impacts for the society.
Key Words: district heating, renewable energy sources, solutions and energy efficiency,
economic investment assessment models
Obnovljivi viri energije II / Renewable energy sources II
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 38
Milos Simonovi}, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo, Univerza v Ni{u, Milan Ogrizovi},
JKP Toplana Nis, Srbija
Podjetja za daljinsko ogrevanje se soo~ajo z velikim izzivom, kako ohranjati stro{ke
proizvedene in dobavljene toplote na ~im ni`ji ravni. Zato je zelo pomembno, da proizvodnjo toplote optimiziramo z bolj{im napovedovanjem in regulacijo potreb odjemalcev. Eden
od na~inov izbolj{anja karakteristik sistemov daljinskega ogrevanja je uporaba dejanskih
preteklih podatkov toplarn za napovedovanje proizvodnje toplote in elektri~ne energije. V
tem prispevku je predstavljena metoda umetne inteligence, in sicer uporaba umetnih nevronskih mre`. Pri kratkoro~nem napovedovanju nas zanimajo obdobja, ki niso dalj{a od
sedmih dni. Uporabljeni so dejanski pretekli podatki beograjske toplarne Konjarnik iz
zimske sezone 2013/14. Pri izvedbi nevronskih mre` je bila uporabljena usmerjena nevronska mre`a z algoritmom vzvratnega prenosa in rezultati so bili zadovoljivi. Za povpre~no
napako pri napovedovanju je rezultat zelo dober in primerljiv s podatki iz sistema SCADA.
To pomeni, da je lahko uporaba dejanskih preteklih podatkov in umetnih nevronskih mre`
dobra osnova za izbolj{ave kratkoro~nega napovedovanja in regulacije sistema ogrevanja.
Klju~ne besede: daljinsko ogrevanje, kratkoro~no napovedovanje, usmerjena umetna
nevronska mre`a
Milos Simonovic, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nis, Milan
Ogrizovic, District heating company JKP Toplana Nis, Serbia
District heating companies are faced with a big challenge of keeping the cost of the produced and delivered heating energy as low as possible. That is why it is very important to
optimize the production of heating energy by using better prediction and control of customer needs. One of the ways to improve the characteristics of district heating systems is
to use historical real data from heating plants for the prediction of heat production and
power. Here, the artificial intelligence method of using artificial neural networks is presented. The focus of short-term prediction is on a period not longer than 7 days. Real historical data is used from the Belgrade heating plant Konjarnik from the winter period
2013/14. The application of neural networks is realized by using a feedforward neural network with the backpropagation algorithm, and satisfying results are obtained. The average
prediction error is very good and comparable with the data delivered by the SCADA system. This means that using real historical data and applying artificial neural networks can
provide a good base for improving short-term planning and control of a heating system.
Key Words: district heating, short-term prediction, feedforward artificial neural networks
Vodenje in upravljanje daljinskih energetskih sistemov /
Management and operation of district energy systems
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 39
mag. Amer Karabegovi}, dipl. ing. str., Centralno grijanje d.d., Tuzla, Bosna in Hercegovina
Svet je v obdobju nara{~ajo~e energetske negotovosti, zato ob~inski voditelji in gospodarstveniki ~edalje ve~ pozornosti namenjajo izbolj{anju energetske prilagodljivosti svojih mest.
Tuzla je to te`avo prepoznala pred desetimi leti. Pri spro`itvi procesa razvoja nove trajnostne
energetske strategije so odlo~ilno vlogo odigrale lokalne oblasti. Kot klju~ni ukrep za zagotavljanje dolgoro~ne energetske varnosti je bilo prepoznano daljinsko ogrevanje, in sicer zaradi
tehnolo{ke pro`nosti in zmo`nosti omre`ij za prehod na obnovljive in lokalne vire, kot so biomasa, soproizvodnja, son~na in geotermalna energija, toplotne ~rpalke, komunalni odpadki itd.
Infrastruktura za daljinsko ogrevanje ima pomembno vlogo pri pove~evanju energetske u~inkovitosti, s tem pa zagotavljanju, da bodo ti omejeni viri v prihodnosti zadostili potrebam. Zdaj je `e jasno, da je pove~evanje u~inkovitosti proizvodnje, distribucije in rabe energije klju~na metoda bla`itve podnebnih sprememb.
Trajnostni razvoj je edini na~in doseganja nujno potrebnega ravnovesja med gospodarsko rastjo, dru`benim napredkom in varovanjem okolja.
Klju~ne besede: lokalna skupnost, energetski izzivi, trajnostna energija, strategija,
daljinsko ogrevanje
ENERGY STRATEGY Amer Karabegovi},, Centralno grijanje d.d., Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The world is in a period of growing energy insecurity, and municipal and business leaders are focusing attention on improving the energy resiliency of their towns and cities.
The city of Tuzla recognized this issue 10 years ago. The local authorities had an essential role in initiating the new sustainable energy development strategy. District heating has
been recognized as the key measure for ensuring long-term energy security, due its technological flexibility and the capability of networks to be switched to renewable and local resources such as biomass, cogeneration, solar and geothermal, heat pumps, municipal waste, etc.
District heating infrastructures have an important role to play in the task of increasing energy efficiency and thus making these scarce resources meet future demands. It
has already become clear that improving the efficiency of energy production, distribution and consumption is a key method of climate change mitigation.
Sustainable development is the only way to achieve the vitally needed harmony
between economic growth, social progress and environmental protection.
Key Words: local community, energy challenges, sustainable energy, strategy, district
Vodenje in upravljanje daljinskih energetskih sistemov /
Management and operation of district energy systems
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 40
Michael Hansen, Produktni vodja, Sistemi podatkovnih komunikacij in SCADA,
Danfoss A/S Commercial Controls, Nordborg, Danska
Potreba toplarn, upravljavcev stavb in ponudnikov storitev po oddaljenem dostopu do
naprav za daljinsko ogrevanje je ~edalje ve~ja. Oddaljeni dostop omogo~a u~inkovitej{i
na~in od~itavanja porabe energije, prepoznavanja te`av, optimizacijo porabe ter v stavbah
zagotavlja toplotno udobje.
Orodje, s katerim to dose`emo, obi~ajno obsega odjemalcu prilagojen sistem SCADA na
lokalnem stre`niku, elektronske krmilnike v stavbah ter komunikacijsko omre`je, ki omogo~a izmenjavo podatkov. V prispevku so navedeni izzivi, ki spremljajo uvedbo in vzdr`evanje tak{nega odjemalcu prilagojenega sistema SCADA. Nato je predstavljena re{itev, ki
izrablja prednosti programske opreme v oblaku in shranjevanja podatkov kot storitve, s ~imer bi lahko odgovorili na te izzive in pridobili dragoceno prihodnjo generacijo sistema
SCADA v oblaku za naprave za daljinsko ogrevanje. Predstavitev vsebuje tudi nekaj primerov, ki dokazujejo, da sistem SCADA v oblaku prina{a dragocene rezultate brez kakr{ne koli
za~etne investicije. Tema je pomembna za ponudnike sistemov SCADA kot programske
re{itve kot storitve (SaaS), koncepti shranjevanja podatkov v oblaku pa bi lahko omogo~ili
spremembo poslovnega modela, ki ga ponudnik uporablja. Tema je pomembna tudi za
uporabnike sistemov SCADA, saj ta novi koncept prina{a nove koristi pri uvedbi in vsakdanji rabi sistemov SCADA, vendar pa bi morda potreboval nove postopke obdelave podatkov.
Klju~ne besede: oblak, SCADA, programska oprema, optimizacija, portal ECL
Michael Hansen, Product Manager, Data Communication & SCADA Systems,
Danfoss A/S Commercial Controls, Nordborg, Denmark
The need for heating utilities, building administrators and service providers to have remote
access to district energy installations is increasing. Having remote access enables a more time
efficient way of reading energy consumption, diagnosing problems, optimizing energy consumption and ensuring thermal comfort in buildings. The tool to achieve this is typically a customer specific SCADA system on a local server, electronic controllers in the buildings and a communication network enabling the exchange of data. This presentation looks into the challenges
of implementing and maintaining such customer specific SCADA system. A solution will then
be presented which utilizes the benefits of cloud-based software and data storage as a service to
overcome these challenges and obtain a valuable next-generation SCADA system in the cloud
for district energy installations. A few cases will also be presented to demonstrate that a SCADA
system in the cloud brings valuable results at no initial investment. The topic is relevant for pro viders of SCADA systems as the Software As A Service (SaaS) and data storage in the cloud concepts
may allow for a change of the business model used by the provider. The topic is also relevant for
the customers of SCADA systems as this new concept brings new benefits for the implementation
and everyday use of SCADA systems but it may also require new procedures for handling data.
Key Words: cloud, SCADA, software, optimization, ECL portal
Vodenje in upravljanje daljinskih energetskih sistemov /
Management and operation of district energy systems
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 41
dr. Radmilo Savi}, mag. Bojan Bogdanovi}, PUC Beogradske elektrane, \or|e Lazi},
MBA, Belit Beograd, Srbija
Projekt BECA (Balanced European Conservation Approach) je bil izveden v obdobju
2011–2014 s ciljem, da z ob~utnim zmanj{anjem porabe energije v evropskih socialnih stanovanjih prispeva k evropskemu doseganju ciljev na podro~ju izpustov. V projektu, ki temelji
na storitvah in povratnih informacijah uporabnikov socialnih stanovanj o porabi energije, so
bile razvite in ponujene pilotne napredne, na IKT utemeljene storitve ozave{~anja o rabi virov
in upravljanja virov. Finan~no ga je podprla Evropska komisija v okviru programa podpore
politiki informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij (ICT PSP), v njem pa je sodelovalo 18
organizacij (7 dr`av). Ena od pilotnih lokacij je v Beogradu. V prispevku bodo tako predstavljene izku{nje in rezultati beograjske ekipe v ~asu projekta. Lokacijo sestavljajo tri 50-letne
stavbe, od katerih ima vsaka svojo kotlovnico, ki je pred tem delovala na premog. Premog so
uspe{no nadomestili obnovljivi viri – lesni briketi. Uvedeno je bilo centralno merjenje porabe
toplote. V osnovni stavbi je bila kotlovnica posodobljena, name{~eni so bili termostatski ventili za radiatorje in delilniki stro{kov ogrevanja. Podatki o porabi toplote v stanovanjih so bili
lastnikom posredovani skoraj na dnevni ravni. Pilotni projekt je primer dobre prakse za energetske prihranke in pove~evanje energetske u~inkovitosti v obstoje~ih stavbah in ga je mogo~e izvesti tudi v drugih sistemih daljinskega ogrevanja v Srbiji. V ~asu trajanja projekta je
bilo vsem stanovalcem zagotovljeno permanentno izobra`evanje.
Klju~ne besede: IKT, energetska u~inkovitost, izobra`evanje, individualno merjenje
porabe, biomasa
dr Radmilo Savi}, MSc Bojan Bogdanovi}, PUC Beogradske elektrane,
\or|e Lazi}, MBA; Belig Beograd, Serbia
The BECA project (Balanced European Conservation Approach) was realised in period
2011-14 with the goal of helping Europe meet emission targets by achieving a significant
reduction of energy consumption in European social housing. Built on services and feedback
on energy consumption by social housing tenants, BECA developed and provided the pilot
advanced ICT-based RUAS&RMS. Supported financially by the EC under the ICT Policy Su pport Programme, 18 organisations (7 countries) have been cooperating in the project. One
of the Pilot locations is situated in Belgrade. Hence, the paper aims to present experience and
results of the Belgrade team during this Project. The location consists of three 50-year-old
buildings, each with its own boiler station, previously fuelled with coal. Coal was successfully
substituted with RES – wood briquettes. Central heat metering was installed. In the base building, the boiler room was modernised, and thermostatic radiator valves and heat cost allocators
were installed. The data on the heating energy consumption of the apartments was provided
to the owners on almost daily basis. This Pilot Project is an example of a good practice for saving energy and increasing EE in existing buildings, and it can be implemented to other DH systems in Serbia. During the Project, permanent education of the tenants has been provided.
Key Words: ICT, energy efficiency, education, individual heat metering, biomass
Vodenje in upravljanje daljinskih energetskih sistemov /
Management and operation of district energy systems
brosura PRAVILNI VRSTNI RED_brosura 03.2014.qxd 18.3.2015 9:15 Page 42
Lars Gullev CEO, VEKS, Danska
Prehod od sistemov daljinskega ogrevanja tretje generacije na sisteme ~etrte generacije
prina{a mo`nost u~inkovitej{e integracije elektroenergetskih sistemov in sistemov daljinskega ogrevanja. Poleg tega bodo sistemi ~etrte generacije zni`ali izstopno temperaturo v
cevovodu tudi za 15–20 °C, toplotne izgube pa do 45 %.
Izjemno pomembno je, da pozornost usmerimo na pametna mesta, pri ~emer po eni
strani poskrbimo za uporabo vseh virov, po drugi strani pa prenehamo razmi{ljati o lo~enih
sistemih za elektri~no energijo, zemeljski plin, daljinsko ogrevanje in promet. Potrebna je
integracija teh sistemov.
Za pametno mesto z daljinskim ogrevanjem so zna~ilne pametna proizvodnja, pametna poraba in pametne tarife. Pri tem sistem daljinskega ogrevanja sestavljajo enota za SPTE
(plinski motor), solarni sprejemniki, nadzemni zbiralniki toplote (24-urno shranjevanje),
podzemni hranilniki toplote (sezonsko shranjevanje), elektri~ni kotli in toplotne ~rpalke.
Ti sistemi daljinskega ogrevanja so primer povezovanja elektroenergetskega sistema in si stema daljinskega ogrevanja.
Klju~ne besede: daljinsko ogrevanje ~etrte generacije, integracija sistemov, nizkotemperaturno daljinsko ogrevanje, pametna mesta
Lars Gullev CEO, VEKS, Denmark
Moving from 3rd Generation District Heating (3G DH) to 4th Generation District Heating (4G DH) systems mean that we will be able to integrate the power and DH systems in
a more efficient way. Furthermore, the 4G DH systems will reduce the return temperature
in the pipe network with by up to 15-20 °C and the heat losses with by up to 45 %.
It is of utmost importance that we start focusing on the "Smart Cities", where on the
one hand we partly focus on the utilization of all resources; partly and on the other hand
stop thinking in separate systems, such as electricity, natural gas, DH and transport. Instead,
we need to integrate the sys-tems.
A "Smart DH City" is characterized by "smart production", "smart consumption" and
"smart tariffs". and hHere, you will finda DH system consistsing of a CHP plant (gas engi ne), solar collectors, above-ground heat accumulators (24-hour storage), thermal underground storage (seasonal storage), electrical boilers and heat pumps. These DH systems are
an exponent for of the interaction between the electricity and the DH systems.
Key Words: 4G DH, system integration, low temperature district heating (LTDH), smart
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Jan Eric Thorsen, Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Marek Brand, Danfoss A/S, District
Energy Division, Application Center, Nordborg, Danska
Pri delovanju sistemov daljinskega ogrevanja je nihanje tlaka v distribucijskem sistemu
nekaj obi~ajnega. Temelj vseh sodobnih sistemov daljinskega ogrevanja je, da spremenljiv
tok v omre`ju odra`a dejansko povpra{evanje v dolo~enem ~asu, posledica ~esar je spremenljiv tlak. Ta nihanja so ve~inoma posledica nihanja porabe toplote na strani porabnika. U~inek spremenljivega omre`nega tlaka je, da se lahko razpolo`ljivi diferen~ni tlak na
lokaciji individualne postaje v kratkem ~asu mo~no spremeni in tako spremeni pogoje, v
katerih deluje kontrolna oprema. Tak{no nihanje tlaka ima lahko negativen u~inek na mo`nost regulacije postaje, kar denimo zmanj{a udobje za odjemalce.
V prispevku so predstavljeni tehni~ni vidiki regulatorja diferen~nega tlaka, med drugim
koeficient u~inkovite regulacije, minimalni tok, ki {e omogo~a regulacijo, in avtoriteta ventila.
Glavni zaklju~ek je, da regulator diferen~nega tlaka zagotavlja dobro prilagoditev in dobro delovanje, s tem pa u~inkovitost sistemov, ki zadostijo potrebam po sodobnem energijsko u~inkovitem sistemu daljinskega ogrevanja.
Klju~ne besede: daljinsko ogrevanje, hidroni~no ravnovesje, hidravli~no ravnovesje, regulator
diferen~nega tlaka, udobje
Jan Eric Thorsen, Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Marek Brand, Danfoss A/S, District
Energy Division, Application Center, Nordborg, Denmark
When operating district heating (DH) systems it is natural that there will be pressure
variation in the distribution system. All modern district heating systems are based on variable flow in the network reflecting the actual demand at a certain point of time, resulting
in variable pressures. These variations are mainly due to varying heat consumption by the
consumer. The effect of the varying network pressure is that the available differential pressure over the consumer substation can vary significantly over a short period of time and
hence alter the conditions that the control equipment is operating in. These pressure variations can have negative impact on the controllability of the substation, leading to e.g.
comfort losses for the consumers.
The presentation describes the technical aspects related to the dP controller including the
technical aspects of effective control ratio, minimum controllable flow and valve authority.
The main conclusion is that the dP controller ensures a well-adjusted and well-functioning system and thus an efficient system fulfilling the demands for a modern energy efficient district heating system.
Key Words: district heating, hydronic balance, hydraulic balance, dP controller, comfort
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Milan Poga~ar, Tehni~na podpora prodaji, Danfoss Trata, Slovenija
Regulatorji diferen~nega tlaka opravljajo v podpostajah daljinskega ogrevanja in hlajenja ve~ nalog:
- odpravljajo nihanja diferen~nega tlaka, ki so posledica zunanjih motenj, kot so spremembe obremenitve mre`e daljinskega ogrevanja. Spremembe so po~asne, npr. sezonskega
zna~aja, {e bolj mote~e pa so spremembe zaradi hitrih sprememb odjema pri ostalih porabnikih, ki so priklju~eni na isto mre`o,
- omogo~ajo visoko avtoriteto regulacijskim ventilom in tako natan~no vodenje ogrevanja/hlajenja posameznih porabnikov,
- omogo~ajo omejevanje pretoka posameznih porabnikov in s tem dinami~no hidravli~no uravnote`enje celotne mre`e.
Regulatorji diferen~nega tlaka so lahko samostojni regulatorji diferen~nega tlaka z ali
brez omejevanja pretoka ter kombinirani ventili. Pri izbiri samostojnega regulatorja diferen~nega tlaka je potrebno biti izjemno pozoren na zagotavljanje avtoritete, saj tudi stabilen
diferen~ni tlak pri neustrezni avtoriteti vodi v te`ave pri regulaciji pretokov.
Izbira regulatorja je pogojena z zahtevami distributerja toplote, pri tem pa je nujno
pravilno dimenzioniranje, saj le pravilno dimenzioniran in izbran regulaltor diferen~nega
tlaka zagotavlja ustrezno delovanje.
Klju~ne besede: regulator diferen~nega tlaka, izbor, avtoriteta
Milan Poga~ar, Tehni~na podpora prodaji, Danfoss Trata, Slovenia
In district heating and cooling substations, differential pressure controllers perform multiple functions:
- they eliminate differential pressure variation which results from external disruptions such as
district heating network load variations. Variations can be slow, e.g. seasonal, or, even more
challenging, it can result from sudden demand variation at other consumers accessing the
same network,
- they allow for high control valve authority and therefore precise heating/cooling control for
- they enable flow limitations with individual consumers for dynamic hydraulic balancing of
the entire network.
Differential pressure controllers can be self-acting differential pressure controllers with or without flow limitation, or controllers with integrated control valve. When opting for a self-acting
differential pressure controller, special attention should be paid to ensuring authority, as stable
differential pressure at insufficient valve authority can hinder flow control.
While the choice of a controller depends on the terms of the heat distributor, its dimensions
also play a vital role: only a properly-sized and well-chosen differential pressure controller can
enable smooth operation.
Key Words: differential pressure controller, choice, authority
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Lidija ^u~ek, Zdravko Kravanja, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo,
Univerza v Mariboru
Predstavljamo identifikacijo mo`nih virov nizkotemperaturne toplote, primernih za
daljinsko ogrevanje, in mo`nih modifikacij za izbolj{anje toplotne integracije znotraj procesnih obratov in celotnih obmo~ij. Identifikacija upo{teva tako investicijo kot prihranke
pri obratovalnih stro{kih ter prihodke od prodaje toplote. Investicija vklju~uje dodatno
plo{~ino toplotnega prenosa in cevno omre`je, prihranki pri obratovalnih stro{kih so zaradi zmanj{ane porabe energije in prihodki predstavljajo prodajo tople vode in pare. V ta
namen smo razvili ra~unalni{ko orodje TransGen, s katerim je mogo~e i) oceniti minimalno porabo energije znotraj obratov in celotnih obmo~ij ter ii) identificirati optimalne modifikacije za rekonstrukcijo omre`ij toplotnih prenosnikov v obstoje~ih obratih ali mre`i
obratov. Orodje je primerno za razli~ne vrste industrij, ki obratujejo pod fiksnimi ali spremenljivimi obratovalnimi pogoji. Identifikacijo mo`nih modifikacij lahko izvedemo pri
razli~nem povpra{evanju po energiji za daljinsko ogrevanje. Na ve~ primerih demonstriramo u~inkovitost razvite metode.
Klju~ne besede: toplotna integracija, identifikacija virov toplote, rekonstrukcija,
orodje TransGen
Lidija ^u~ek, Zdravko Kravanja, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
University of Maribor
The presentation identifies possible low-temperature heat sources that can be used in district heating, and possible modifications for improved heat integration in industrial processes and areas. The identification takes into consideration the investment as well as the savings in operating costs and revenues from heat sales. The investment comprises the additional heat transfer area and the pipe-work; the savings in operating costs are a consequence
of reduced energy consumption; and the revenue in made from the sale of hot water and
steam. For the purpose of identification, an application called TransGen was developed,
which enables i) assessment of minimal energy consumption in industrial processes and
areas, and ii) identification of optimal modification for the refurbishment of heat transfer
networks in existing processes or process networks. The application can be used in various
industries that operate under fixed or variable operating conditions. The identification of
possible modifications can be conducted for various rates of demand for district heating
energy. Multiple examples demonstrate the efficiency of the developed method.
Key Words: heat integration, identification of heat sources, reconstruction,
TransGen application
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Matja` Perpar, Jurij Gregorc, Matic Coti~, Primo` [kerl*, Iztok @un, Univerza
v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo in *Energetika Ljubljana, Slovenija
Prispevek se nana{a na ugotavljanje pu{~anja vode zaradi po{kodb vro~evoda daljinskega
ogrevanja. S pu{~anjem povzro~ene dodatne toplotne izgube so bile ocenjene na 5,5 %
dovedene toplote, ki obsegajo 1,5 % zaradi odtekanja vode in 4 % zaradi pove~anja toplot ne prevodnosti mokre izolacije. Pri nadzorovanem pu{~anju v posameznih odsekih vro~evoda je bila dinamika tlaka eksperimentalno preverjena. Meritve so bile izvedene na dovodni in povratni cevi pri obratovalnih tlakih med 1,9 bara in 6,2 bara. Na osnovi izmerjenih
karakteristik odjema tlaka je bilo mogo~e oceniti koli~ino pu{~anja ranga 4 m3/h z
zanesljivostjo ±10 %. Omenjena analiza daje mo`nost dolo~itve lokacij pu{~anja, ~e so
zagotovljene ustaljene hidravli~ne razmere v omre`ju.
Klju~ne besede: daljinsko ogrevanje, pu{~anje vode, dinamika tlaka
Matja` Perpar, Jurij Gregorc, Matic Coti~, Primo` [kerl*, Iztok @un, University of
Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and *Energetika Ljubljana, Slovenia
The paper refers to the assessment of water leakage due to district heating pipeline damage. Estimated additional heat loss caused by the leakage was 5.5% of the heat input, of
which 1.5% was due to water drainage and 4% due to the increase in thermal conductivity of the wet insulation. An experiment to check the pressure dynamics in individual
pipeline sections with controlled leaks was conducted. Measurements were performed on
the supply and return pipes at operating pressures between 1.9 bar and 6.2 bar. On the basis
of measured pressure withdrawal characteristics it was possible to estimate the leakage
amount at a range of 4 m3/h, at a reliability of ±10%. The above analysis enables the identification of leak locations if stable hydraulic conditions in the network are assured.
Key Words: district heating, water leakage, pressure dynamics
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