Kunšperk - Občina Bistrica ob Sotli

naselbinski kulturni spomenik
a cultural monument – settlement
Market town
Kunšperk je nastal kot sejemska vas pod istoimenskim gradom
(Königsberg, kar v nemščini pomeni »kraljevi hrib«), v 16.
stoletju pa se omenja kot naselje s trškimi pravicami. V naselju
so nekoč bili mitnica, obrambni stolp, pokopališče in cerkev Sv.
Kunšperk was established as a market village under an eponymous
castle (Königsberg germ. – Royal Hill), and in the 16th century, it was
mentioned as a settlement with market rights. In the settlement, there
used to stand a toll house, a fortified tower, a cemetery, and the Church
of St. James.
Bitka na Kunšperškem polju
The Battle of the Kunšperk Field
Leta 1573 se je v teh krajih odvijal eden največjih kmečkih uporov, hrvaškoslovenski kmečki upor. Na povratku iz Planine se je na Kunšperškem polju odvijala
bitka med upornimi kmeti, ki jih je vodil Ilija Gregorič, in štajerskim plemstvom, ki so
mu priskočili na pomoč tudi ljudje s kunšperškega gradu. Kmetje so bili po trdem
boju poraženi.
In 1573, one of the largest peasant revolts took place in this area – the
Croatian–Slovene peasant revolt. When the rebellious peasants led by Ilija
Gregorič were coming down from the hill, they were attacked by Styrian nobles and
people from the Kunšperk Castle. After a hard battle, the peasants were defeated.
Kravaričeva domačija
Na vzpetini nad naseljem stoji grad Kunšperk, ki so ga pozidali v
12. st., do konca 14. st. pa so na njem gospodarili gospodje
Kunšperški, ministeriali škofije Krka na Koroškem. Nekaj časa
je bil v lasti grofov Celjskih, grofov Tattenbachov, zadnji lastnik
pa je bila rodbina Windischgrätz. Leta 1515 so grad zavzeli in
poškodovali uporni kmetje. Grad je začel razpadati v 17.
stoletju. Iz trga do gradu vodi pešpot (čas hoje: 45 min) po
gozdu, ki se nadaljuje do gradu Bizeljsko.
Kravaričevo domačijo sestavljajo tri poslopja: s slamo krita
stanovanjska hiša iz 19. st., svinjak in gospodarsko poslopje s
kletjo ter kaščo. V bližini hiše je kapelica, posvečena Mariji
dobrega srca, ki sta jo leta 1909 postavila Neža in Jožef
The Kravarič farm
On a slope above the settlement, there stands the Kunšperk Castle
which was rebuilt in the 12th century. Until the end of the 14th century,
the castle was ruled by the Lords of Königsberg (Kunšperk) who were
also ministerials of the diocese of Gurk in Carinthia (Krka na
Koroškem). For some time, it was owned by the Counts of Celje,
Counts of Tattenbach, and its last owner was the princely
Windischgrätz family. In 1515, the castle was occupied and destroyed
by rebellious peasants. The castle started to decay in the 17th century.
A hiking trail leads from the market town to the castle (estimated
walking time: 45 min) through a forest, and leads on towards the
Bizeljsko Castle.
Lastnik domačije je družina Kravarič, ki stanuje v bližini (Kunšperk 14A)
Marica Kravarič, 00386 3 580 40 88, 00386 31 763 997).
The Kravarič farm consists of three buildings: a 19th century thatched
house, a pigsty, and an agricultural building with a basement and
granary. Near the house, there is a chapel dedicated to Mary of Good
Heart which was built by Neža and Jožef Kravarič in 1909.
The owner of the farm is the Kravarič family who lives nearby (Kunšperk 14A)
Marica Kravarič, +386 (0)3 580 4088, +386 (0)31 763 997).
United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Organizacija Združenih
narodov za izobraževanje,
znanost in kulturo
Slovenian National Committee of
the Man and the Biosphere
Slovenski nacionalni odbor
programa Človek in biosfera