je l e C d JE a L r E g C i Star LD CASTLE O THE Turistično informacijski center Stari grad Celje / Tourist information Center Old Castle Celje Cesta na grad 78 3000 Celje, Slovenija Tel./Fax: +386 (0)3 5443 690 E-mail: [email protected] stari grad Celje knezi - danes - jutri Izkoristite dan – doživite srednji vek! Enjoy the day - experience the middle Ages! Prepletanje mnogih zgodb in mitov o življenju ene najpomembnejših srednjeveških rodbin v Evropi, vabi obiskovalce k odkrivanju Starega gradu Celje. Ljubezen, tragedije, ljubosumje, poroke in vojne so le nekateri od motivov, ki jih ljudska beseda obuja še danes. Na Starem gradu Celje se ob številnih prireditvah vračamo v obdobje srednjega veka in obujamo spomin na mogočne Celjske. The Old Castle Celje combines many stories and myths about the life of one of the most important medieval families in Europe, which you are invited to explore. Love, tragedy, jealousy, marriage and wars are just some of the motifs, which are still alive within people’s stories. Many events in the castle remind us of these interesting medieval times. Kratek zgodovinski pregled: Stari grad Celje, ki so ga Vovbržani postavili nad starim trškim jedrom v drugi polovici 12. ali v začetku 13. stoletja, je po izumrtju rodbine prešel v roke Žovneške gospode. Ta je po selitvi v mesto na sotočju Savinje in Voglajne spremenila ime v Celjske, grad pa pričela urejati v udobno stanovanjsko rezidenco. Brief historical overview: The Old Castle Celje, built by the Heunburg family above the old market town (in the second half of the 12th or in the early 13th century), fell under the possession of the Lords of Sanneck. After moving to the city at the confluence of the Savinja and Voglajna rivers, they changed their name to Counts of Celje, and began to expand the Old Castle into a comfortable residence. Predvsem v času Hermana II. Celjskega, ko grofje dosežejo vrhunec svoje slave, se uspešno vmešavajo v evropski politični vrh in se povezujejo z najpomembnejšimi plemiškimi rodbinami takratnega časa. Sigismund Luksemburški jih leta 1436 povzdigne v državne kneze. Dvajset let kasneje se s smrtjo zadnjega moškega potomca celjske rodbine, Ulrika II. Celjskega, konča eno najpomembnejših obdobij naše zgodovine. During the reign of Herman II of Celje, when the Counts reached their peak of glory, they successfully integrated into European politics and started interacting with the noblest families of that time. In 1436, Sigismund of Luxembourg promoted them into Princes. Twenty years later, one of the most important periods of our history ended with the death of the family’s last male successor - Ulrich II of Celje. 7 12 6 9 2 12 3 1 8 1 13 4 2 3 4 5 6 10 WC 7 8 11 5 9 10 11 12 13 TOLP OV S K I R ER IDE TOW FR K ’S C I R EDE FR Vhod / Entrance V prvi polovici 14. stoletja so Celjski grofje (1436. povzdignjeni v Celjske kneze) na naravni vzpetini postavili tako imenovani »bergfrid«. Obrambni stolp, s skoraj tri metre debelimi zidovi, je služil kot zadnje zatočišče pred napadalci. V prvem nadstropju 23 m visokega stolpa je bila urejena temnica, nad katero so se nahajali prostori namenjeni skladiščenju orožja in ostale opreme. V izvirni obliki je okoli celotnega vrhnjega nadstropja potekal obrambni hodnik. Legenda pravi, da je zaradi neodobravanja Friderikove poroke z Veroniko Deseniško, oče v obrambnem stolpu držal zaprtega sina, po katerem je stolp dobil tudi ime. In the first half of the 14th century, the Counts of Celje (elevated to Princes in 1436) built the so–called “bergfrid” on the natural rise. It was a defence tower, with almost three metre thick walls, which served as the last refuge from attackers. The tower is 23 metres high. The entrance is, as it once was on the first floor. There was also a dungeon in the tower, and above it rooms intended for storage of weapons and other equipment. There was a defence passageway surrounding the entire top floor of the tower. According to legend, Frederick’s father disapproved of his son's marriage to Veronica of Desenice so he imprisoned him in the defence tower, which was later named after him, Frederick’s tower. AUDIO TURA AUDIO TURA je namenjena individualnim obiskovalcem, ki si želijo s pomočjo sodobne tehnologije popestriti sprehod po najpomembnejši turistični točki našega mesta. Gostje bodo spoznali skrite kotičke Starega gradu Celje in najpomembnejše mejnike bogate celjske zgodovine. Obiskovalce bodo nagovorili in vodili v slovenskem, angleškem ali nemškem jeziku. Priporočamo predhodno najavo. DI OGLE KI ATS M TE U RS E TO M THE AUDIO TOUR The AUDIO TOUR is intended for individual visitors who would like to make their walk through the most important tourist sport of our town more interesting with the help of earphones and an audio player. It takes our guests to the hidden corners of the Old Castle Celje and presents the milestones of Celje’s rich history. Visitors will be addressed and guided in Slovenian, English or German. We recommend booking in advance. Za zaključene skupine ob predhodni najavi oz. naročilu. GROFOVSKA ZABAVA – animacijski ogled vključuje spoznavanje zgodovine Celjskih grofov, predstavitev kulture oblačenja v srednjem veku, prikaz srednjeveškega plesa z zabavo ob tematski glasbi in pokušino vina. Primerno za zaključene skupine. SREDNJEVEŠKA OBLAČILA – animacijski ogled s predstavitvijo zgodovine Celjskih grofov s poudarkom na pomenu mogočne celjske vojske. Sledi zabavni program »Oblecimo grofiča in spletično« ob kupici dobrega vina. GROFICE CELJSKE – animacijski ogled s predstavitvijo zgodbe o Celjskih, s poudarkom na nesrečni zgodbi Veronike, o vihravi Barbari in nežni Katarini. Skozi zgodbe treh pomembnih Celjank bodo obiskovalci spoznali tudi različne vloge žensk v času poznega srednjega veka, spoznavali srednjeveške recepte in degustirali domače dobrote. OGLED PO VAŠI MERI Želite vodeni ogled po meri vaše skupine? Zaupajte nam vaše želje. Ponudimo vam lahko tudi dodatne storitve: > organizacijo kosila/večerje s pridihom srednjeveške kuhinje, > animacijske aktivnosti. Suitable for closed groups, organized upon prior request or arrangement. The count’s party – a tour featuring a narration about the history of the counts of celje, a presentation of the dressing style in the middle ages, a demonstration of dances in the middle ages, ending with a small party with theme music, dance and a glass of wine. Suitable for closed groups. Fashion of the middle ages – a tour featuring a narration about the history of the counts of celje, a detailed description of the importance of the mighty celje army and a game of “dress the count and the chambermaid”, ending with a glass of wine. The countess of celje – a tour narrating the history of the celje dynasty featuring the unfortunate story of veronica, the tempestuous barbara and the gentle catherine. Through the stories of these three important women of celje, visitors gain an insight into different roles of women in the late middle ages, learn medieval recipes and taste homemade treats. custom–made tour — would you like a tour adapted to the wishes of your group? We can also offer you additional services — organized lunches/suppers with the aroma of the medieval cuisine and entertainment activities. Tell us your wishes. ZA OTROKE Stari grad Celje je idealna destinacija za pouk zunaj klasične učilnice, ki poleg neposrednega spoznavanja zgodovinsko najpomembnejšega gradu v Sloveniji, nudi tudi prijetno okolje – grad s svojo okolico in infrastrukturo ponuja učencem zanimiv prostor za preživljanje učnih ur na prostem in spodbuja njihovo domišljijo. SREDNJEVEŠKA UČILNICA je zasnovana kot AKTIVNA UČNA URA, ki poteka na lokaciji Starega gradu z animatorji – vodniki. Ob predhodnem posvetu z učiteljem program posameznih učnih ur prilagodimo različnim starostnim skupinam. Namig: Izvrstna popestritev šolskih izletov v kombinaciji z izbirnimi vsebinami! Kontakt: [email protected] FOR CHILDREN The Old Castle Celje is an ideal destination for learning outside the traditional classroom, which, in addition to directly allowing you to get to know the most important castle in Slovenia from the historical point of view, offers a pleasant environment — the castle and its surroundings as well as other infrastructure, which offers pupils a pleasant destination for outdoor lessons and encourages their imagination. The MEDIEVAL CLASSROOM Programme is an ACTIVE LESSON which takes place at the site of the Old Castle in Celje and is carried out by animators — guides. Adaptations can be made for various age groups upon previous consultation with the teacher. Hint: a great way to make school trips more interesting, in combination with selective courses! Contact: [email protected] KI GOD O D I STN TS AVNO L VEN S E N I E E STIV ROK D FE N PO A S NG DDI E W NA JEDI O P A EŠK JEV N AST ED L FE SR A V D IE ME Tam, kjer vas zvezde gledajo z neba, je knežje mesto Celje, znano po svoji bogati zgodovini grofov celjskih, ki so življenje zajemali z veliko žlico, doma . Podoživite preteklost s sedanjostjo na Starem gradu Celje skozi grajsko kulinariko. Razvajajte svoje čute s srednjeveškimi recepti v družbi svojih poslovnih partnerjev, prijateljev ... Kontakt: [email protected] Where the stars watch you from the sky, lies a city of Celje, known by its enriched history of counts who also enjoyed in richness of food. Relieve the history with presence of castle cuisine at the Old Castle Celje. Poroka je lep, čaroben, nikoli pozabljen dogodek. Pomeni začetek novega skupnega življenja. Spoil your senses with medieval recipes and enjoy the company of your partners, friends,... Grajska poroka na najlepši točki gradu – razgledni ploščadi, kjer so se prepletenih rok sprehajali mogočni grofje Celjski, že zaradi značilnega prostora mladoporočencema ostane v večno lepem spominu. Contact: [email protected] Pridih srednjega veka je rdeča nit srednjeveške poroke. Zvok fanfar pospremi mladoporočenca in svate do slavnostnega obrednega prostora. Lahkotni koraki grajskih plesalcev pričarajo starodavni "Ples ljubezni" in "Ples neveste". Poleg organizacije in izvedbe poročnega obreda vam nudimo tudi storitve cateringa in izvedbo poročnega slavja. Kontakt: [email protected] A wedding is something beautiful, magical and unforgettable. The beginning of a life together, full of experience of two young lives. A Castle wedding at the most beautiful spot of the castle — at the view platform, where the powerful Counts of Celje once walked with their loved ones. Enter the Middle Ages with a medieval wedding. The sound of fanfare accompanies the newlyweds and witnesses to the celebratory ritual space. The light steps of the castle dancers conjure up the ancient dances “The dance of love” and “The dance of the bride”. In addition to organization and realization of the wedding ceremony, we also offer catering services and realization of the entire wedding reception. Contact: [email protected] I RAM G O S I PR ME ZIV N M U A L GR SK PRO EK E V I LU S EXC Za poslovne partnerje, sodelavce in zaključene skupine Program POVITEZITEV – postanite VITEZ CELJSKI in užijte dobrote pripravljene po srednjeveških receptih Slava, moč in vzvišenost še vedno živijo na Starem gradu Celje. Slavnostni trenutek povitezitve je povezan s Hermanom II. ali njeno visokostjo Barbaro Celjsko, njunimi podložniki, praporščakom in grajskim osebjem. Ob takšni priložnosti slovesnost popestrijo še grajski plesalci. S podelitvijo posebne listine novemu vitezu se obred na gradu konča. Kontakt: [email protected] For business partners or associates, as well as for other (private) closed groups ENTERING THE KNIGHTHOOD Programme — become a Knight of Celje and experience the cuisine of the Middle Ages Glory, power and nobility still reside at the Old Castle Celje. Programme: the ceremony begins to the sound of fanfare, you are welcomed by Herman II and Barbara of Celje and their entourage, a dance performance, speech by the castle notary, the appointment of knights by Herman II or Barbara of Celje, awarding of certificates (knight certificates). The festive moment is presented by Herman II or Her Highness Barbara of Celje, their subordinates, the personnel of the Old Castle Celje. In order to make everything more festive, dances will be performed by the castle dancers. Contact: [email protected] LEDI I OG N E D VO U RS D TO E D I GU Stari grad Celje je turistom prijazna turistična točka – sami odkrivajte pestro zgodovino gradu. Za vse, ki vas zanimajo skrivnosti celjske rodbine, priporočamo ogled s turističnim vodnikom. Po predhodni najavi je ogled gradu z vodnikom možen tudi izven delovnega časa TIC-a Stari grad. Možnost parkiranja avtobusa na parkirišču pred vhodom v grad. Cenik turističnih vodenj Čas trajanja: cca. 45 minut Skupine Slovenski jezik Tuji jeziki od 5 do 30 oseb 40,00 € 50,00 € od 30 do 50 oseb 50,00 € 60,00 € Cene vključujejo DDV. DOPLAČILA Vstopnina 2,00 EUR / osebo. Brezplačno za otroke do 6. leta starosti. (Kupon v vrednosti 1,00 EUR lahko na dan obiska vnovčite v Kavarni Veronika.) Vsaka nadaljna ura (25,00 €), zamuda skupine (15,00 €/ura), vodstvo naročeno na dan vodenja (+25% cene), odpoved vodstva manj kot 24 ur pred dogovorjenim terminom (+50% cene). The Old Castle Celje is a tourist–friendly spot - discover the rich history of the castle yourselves. For those of you who are interested in the mysteries of the Celje dynasty, we recommend a guided tour with our guide. Tours may also be held outside the working hours of the Old Castle Celje tourist information centre upon prior arrangement. Buses may park in the castle car park, in front of the entrance. Tours price list Duration: max. 45 minutes Group size Slovenian Foreign languages from 5 to 30 persons 40,00 € 50,00 € from 30 to 50 persons 50,00 € 60,00 € Prices include VAT. ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS Entrance fee 2,00 EUR / per person. Free entrance for children under 6 years. (Coupon for 1,00 EUR can be cashed in on the day of visit at Cafe Veronica.) Each additional hour (25,00 €), late arrival of the group (15,00 €/hour), guide ordered on the day of the tour (+25% of the price), cancellation of a guide less than 24 hours before the beginning of the tour (+50% of the price). OBRATOVALNI ČAS STAREGA GRADU CELJE IN TIC STARI GRAD PREVERITE NA ali pokličite +386 3 544 36 90 FOR WORKING HOURS OF THE OLD CASTLE CELJE AND TIC OLD CASTLE PLEASE CHECK or call +386 3 544 36 90 TURISTIČNO INFORMACIJSKI CENTER TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER REZERVACIJE: Priporočamo, da izbrani program na Starem gradu Celje pravočasno rezervirate na tel. številki +386 (0)3 5443 690 ali po elektronski pošti [email protected]. Potrditev rezervacij boste prejeli v pisni obliki. PLAČILO IN VSTOPNICE Plačilo storitev v TIC-u na Starem gradu je možno z naročilnico (ob predhodnem dogovoru) ali z gotovino. Vstopnina: 2 EUR / osebo. Brezplačno za otroke do 6. leta starosti. Kupon v vrednosti 1,00 EUR, lahko na dan obiska vnovčite v Kavarni Veronika. Z nakupom vstopnice se obiskovalec strinja s protokolom obnašanja na Starem gradu Celje. V času prireditev in izvedbe ostalih izrednih dogodkov, je potrebno kupiti posebno vstopnico. Pri prenosu slike in zvoka obiskovalec dovoljuje uporabo posnetkov s prireditve in sicer brez odškodnine, časovne ali prostorske omejitve in s kakršnimkoli tehničnim postopkom. KAKO DO NAS AVTO-AVTOBUS V Celje se lahko pripeljete po avtocesti A1. Iz smeri Ljubljana ali Maribor na izvozu Celje - Center zapeljete proti središču mesta in sledite označbam za Stari grad Celje. (GPS Northing (N) : 46,2199, GPS Easting (E) : 15,2712) VLAK Železniška postaja v Celju ima dobre nacionalne in mednarodne povezave. Več na Pred železniško postajo lahko za prevoz na grad najamete tudi taxi (cca 3 €). LETALO Letališče Jožeta Pučnika, , razdalja: 99 km, 1h 10 min Ostale povezave z letališči: Graz (113 km, 1h 20 min), Zagreb (116 km, 1h 37 min), Celovec (145 km, 2h), Trst (202 km, 2h 8 min). How to reach us By car-BUS The town of Celje is easily accessible from the motorway (exit Celje — Centre) in both directions, from either Ljubljana or Maribor. Upon exiting the motorway, follow the brown signs for the old castle Celje, which will lead you directly to the location. (GPS Northing (N) : 46,2199, GPS Easting (E) : 15,2712) By rail The Celje railway station has good local and international connections. More at We recommend taking a taxi (cca 3 €). By plane Slovenia — Jože Pučnik Airport,, distance: 99 km, 1h 10 min Other nearby airports: Graz (113 km, 1h 20 min), Zagreb (116 km, 1h 37 min), Klagenfurt (145 km, 2h), Trieste (202 km, 2h 8 min). RESERVATIONS: We recommend that you book a tour or programme at the Old Castle in advance at our Tourist Information Centre: +386 (0)3 5443 690 E–mail: [email protected] You will receive a written confirmation of your reservations. PAYMENT AND TICKETS Upon arrival (if you have not paid in advance), payments are made in cash at the Old Castle Tourist Information Centre. Payment at tic or at the Old castle celje is possible by order form (upon prior arrangement) form or cash. Entrance fee: 2 EUR / per person. Free entrance for children under 6 years. Coupon for 1,00 EUR you can cash in on the day of the visit at Cafe Veronica. Other services: Souvenir sale — take a look at the wide selection of souvenirs available at the Old Castle Celje Tourist Information Centre, typical of Celje, as well as typical Slovenian artwork and handicraft. Guidebooks are also available in several languages. Hotel accommodations in the town of Celje — extend your visit and spend the night in the town of Celje.Information on available accommodation can be obtained and reservations can be made at the Old Castle Celje TIC. Parking — organized small car park directly in front of the entrance, also for buses. Access for individuals with physical disabilities — the Old Castle Celje has wheelchair access; there are also restrooms with wheelchair access. Avtocesta/Highway Avto/Car Avtobus/Bus MAR MAR IBORSK AC IBOR SKA . STR . By purchasing the ticket the visitor agrees with the protocol at the Old Castle of Celje. At the time of events it is necessary to buy a special ticket. The visitor allows transfering video and audio clips from the events without the compensation, time or place limitation and any technical process. OSTALE STORITVE: Prodaja spominkov v TIC-u Stari grad - pestra izbira celjskih in slovenskih spominkov ter izdelkov domače in umetnostne obrti, kot tudi promocijskih zloženk, turistične literature in knjig v različnih jezikih. Hotelske namestitve v mestu Celje – podaljšajte svoj obisk in prenočite v mestu Celje. Podrobnejše informacije o zasedenosti hotelskih kapacitet in rezervacijo namestitve lahko uredite v TIC-u Stari grad. Parkirišče - pred vhodom na grad je manjše parkirišče (tudi za avtobuse). Dostop za gibalno ovirane osebe – Stari grad Celje je dostopen tudi gibalno oviranim osebam. Zanje so urejene tudi primerne sanitarije. Maribor Ljubljana STARO MESTNO JEDRO OLD CITY CENTRE Krško Laško Zidani most Stari grad Celje THE Old castle Celje
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