KING GEORGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE POLICY, PROCEDURE AND RESOURCE MANUAL 1 OVERVIEW School transportation plays a vital role in today’s school system. This role calls for the transportation of thousands of children in a safe, orderly and efficient manner. As a transportation employee, you are a dominant figure in the life of a student. You are most likely the first school representative a student sees in the morning and the last the student sees in the evening. The purpose of this manual is to inform all staff about the duties, responsibilities, procedures and regulations involved in the operation of King George County School Vehicles. You, as a school employee, are entrusted with an awesome, and often challenging responsibility of transportation students to and from school and extracurricular activities safely. Keep in mind that safety on our highways depends largely on your skill and attitude. Safety is something that we can never take for granted. It must be practiced each and every day. Working with students involves a tremendous amount of responsibility to your passenger’s parents, to your employer, supervisor and fellow employees and to the general public. To increase your effectiveness as a transportation employee, you should display the following characteristics: Being responsible, upstanding, willing to gain knowledge, skills and abilities to safely operate and work on a school bus, you should demonstrate a positive attitude toward driving specifically and pupil transportation; be generally alert and practice good judgment, be even tempered and understanding. Transportation staff are representatives of the school division and should always, be neat, clean and properly dressed while on duty or conducting business on county owned/operated property. Your performance as a transportation employee is a reflection not only on the transportation department, but the entire school division as well. It is expected that these policies, procedures and resources will be followed in your daily duties; therefore, reducing the chance of injury to yourself and/or your very special cargo. This manual is a living document and may have changes made to it at various times during the school year. 2 SECTION 1 KING GEORGE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Listed below are the King George County School Board Policies and Procedures, related to transportation staff for hiring and continuing employment. Click on the link to the right of the policy to be redirected to the KGCS Policy Manual. These are living documents and will be updated as necessary. 1) Application for Employment: a) KGCS Policy GBN 2) Procedures for Hiring: a) KGCS Policy GCD - R 3) Pre-Employment Drug/Alcohol Testing: a) KGCS Policy GDQ 4) New Bus Driver Training: a) KGCS Policy GDQ 5) New Bus Monitor Training: a) Effective July 1, 2012; it will become practice for individuals who complete the bus monitor training course and are hired by the School Division to receive payment for twenty four (24) hours of training at a rate equivalent to the first step on the bus monitor pay scale. This compensation will be included with the pay period succeeding the completion of 20 hours worked without trainer supervision. 6) Training Class Pay and Attendance Requirements: a) All trainees must meet the required number of classroom hours prior to moving forward to the hands on training. b) A trainee, bus driver or monitor, must complete a record of hours worked/trained in conjunction with their regular time sheet to receive compensation for their training hours. c) Training pay will be approved for payment on the coinciding pay period after said trainee has met the following criteria: i) Has School Board approval to begin working, ii) A school bus driver has worked 40 hours without trainer supervision, or iii) A school bus monitor has worked 20 hours without trainer supervision. 7) Drug – Alcohol Free Workplace: a) KGCS Policy GBEC/JFCH 3 8) Harassment: a) KGCS Policy GBA/JFHA 9) Staff Conduct and Dress: a) KGCS Policy GCLA b) In addition to the above noted policy; the school transportation staff are required to follow these additional dress requirements: i) All shoes/boots are to be attached to the foot and ankle securely, have not excessively long lacings i.e. (1) No flip flops, slip-on style shoes, or sandals. (2) No shoe/boot laces should be of length to be under the shoe/boot. (3) All shoes/boots are to have soles that will provide good traction during various types of weather. ii) All shirts need to have a sleeve that extends past the shoulder. (1) Sleeveless shirts, muscle tees, tank tops, spaghetti straps, etc. are not permitted. (2) Shirts are not to show advertisements that are offensive slogans and shirts need to cover the body i.e. shirts with “drug” paraphernalia on them, no midriff shirts, no undergarments showing, etc. iii) All jeans, long pants should not be of a length as to hinder the employee’s ability to move freely in an emergency situation or to cause the loss of traction when walking or maneuvering on/around the vehicle and should fit naturally at the waist line i.e. (1) In a natural standing position, the employee’s undergarments should not be showing. iv) It is recommended that employees not wear jewelry that could become entangled in the controls and/or moving objects/equipment on/around the school vehicle or that could be grabbed by a student. v) Tattoos and body piercings are permitted, so long as they are in good taste, and are not considered to be offensive or come to be a poor image on the school division. vi) Perfumes/colognes should be used with caution. A robust fragrance could become harmful to students or co-workers with asthma or other lung conditions. vii) Employees are not permitted have hairstyles or to wear hoodies, earmuffs, hats or scarves that restrict sight or hearing. 10) Criminal Conviction or Founded Complaint of Child Abuse/Neglect: a) KGCS Policy GCDA 11) Required Reporting of Violence and Substance Abuse: a) KGCS Policy CLA 4 12) Adjusting Grievances for Support Staff: a) KGCS Policy GBMA – R 13) Grievance Filing Forms: a) KGCS Policy GBM – F 14) Support Staff Probation: a) KGCS Policy GDG 15) Support Staff Fringe Benefits: a) KGCS Policy GCBC and GDBC – R 16) Staff Leave Benefits: a) KGCS Policy GCBD – R 17) Family and Medical Leave: a) KGCS Policy GCBE 18) Staff Time Schedules: a) KGCS Policy GAA 19) Evaluation of Support Staff: a) KGCS Policy GDN 20) Suspension of Staff Members: a) KGCS Policy GCPF 21) Resignation of Staff Members: a) KGCS Policy GCPB 22) School Year/School Day: a) KGCS Policy IC/ID 23) Acceptable Use Technology Policy: a) KGCS Policy IIBE/GAB 24) Use of School Vehicles: a) KGCS Policy EEACB 25) Special Use of School Bus: a) KGCS Policy EEAD 26) Student Transportation Services i.e. Student Supervision, Other Bus Riders, Student Suspension of Bus Services: a) KGCS Policy: EEA – R 5 SECTION 2 FEDERAL & STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS/TRANSPORTATION STAFF Listed below are the Virginia Department of Education, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicle and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Regulations and Procedures, related to transportation staff for hiring and to continue employment. Click on the link to the right of the regulation title to be redirected to the appropriate regulation. These are living documents and will be updated as necessary. 1) Virginia Department of Education: a) Regulations Governing Pupil Transportation: 8VAC20-70 b) Preventive Maintenance Manual for School Buses: Manual 2) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: a) Driver Inspection: 396.13 b) Equipment, Inspection and Use: 392.7 c) Unsafe Operations Forbidden: 396.7 d) Ill or Fatigued Operator: 392.3 e) Maximum driving time for passenger-carrying vehicles: 395.5 f) Use of Handheld Personal Communication Devices: i) Texting: 392.80 ii) Using a hand-held mobile phone: 392.82 g) Safe Operation of Buses: 392.62 h) Use of Emergency Signals: 392.22 3) Department of Motor Vehicles: a) Virginia Rules of the Road i) Section 2 – Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings: Guide ii) Section 3 – Safe Driving: Guide iii) School Bus Pre-Trip Inspection: Guide b) Commercial Motor Vehicle Guidelines: Complete Manual i) General Knowledge: Section 1 ii) Air Brakes through Tank Vehicles: Sections 2 - 7 iii) Transporting Passengers through Hazardous Materials: Sections 8-9 c) Moving Violations and Point Assessments: DMV Now 6 i) All bus/car drivers, mechanics and office staff are enrolled in the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Monitored Driver List. The DMV will notify the supervisor of transportation when an employee on this list has their suspended, revoked or is convicted of a violation. ii) Transportation driving transcripts are evaluated at least annually for violations. iii) Furthermore, employees will be considered as an unacceptable driver, if they have any of the following violations on their drivers’ transcript in the last five (5) years: (1) DWI – Drugs or Alcohol; (2) Hit and Run (3) Failure to Report an Accident; (4) Negligent Homicide Using a Motor Vehicle; (5) Operating a Motor Vehicle Without the Owners Authority – Grand Theft; (6) Permitting an Unlicensed Person to Drive; (7) Reckless Driving; (8) Speed Contest; (9) Court Ordered Driver Improvement Course or Driver Improvement Clinic; (10) Any Combination of Accidents, Regardless of Fault, and Moving Violations which total four (4); or, (11) Two or More Accidents, Regardless of Fault, in the last three (3) years; (12) Two or More Violations, of any type, in the last three (3) years. 4) Virginia Department of Labor and Industry: a) Reverse Signal Operation 5) Virginia Administrative Code: a) Warning lights on school buses (strobe lights): 46.2-1090.1 b) Flares and Other Signals Relating to Stopped CMV’s: 46.2-111 6) National Safety Council: a) Loading/Unloading Procedures: Setting Parking Brake 7) Proper Installation and Use of Special Restraints/Equipment: NTSHA 7 SECTION 3 KGCS TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT VEHICLE OPERATION PROCEDURES Listed below are the procedures and guidelines, established by the King George County Schools Transportation Department related to safe transportation of all children. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) Complete a thorough Pre-Trip Inspection, in accordance with Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, CDL Guidelines. 2) Procedures for Engine Start Up: a) Once a thorough pre trip inspection has been done, the following procedure(s) should be followed for starting the engine. b) Turn the ignition key to the “ON” position i) Wait for all gauges to “cycle” and if equipped, wait for the “Wait to Start” or "Engine Heater” light to go off. ii) Turn the ignition key to the “Start” position iii) If the engine doesn’t start within a few turns, release the key (1) Wait one (1) minute, repeat step 1.1 and try again (a) Never depress the accelerator (2) During extreme cold, this may need to be repeated again. If the engine doesn’t start after 3 or 4 attempts, contact the garage for assistance. iv) Be sure gauges read properly or shut off engine and contact the garage and follow the directions in Section 4. v) Allow the engine to idle for 3-5 minutes, NEVER REV a COLD ENGINE. vi) During mild temperatures, the vehicle is ready to be driven. vii) During cold temperatures, below 32 degrees, you may need to activate the “fast idle” after the initial 3 – 5 minutes. This will assist in bringing the engine operating temperature up to normal. The “fast idle” should not be set higher than 1200 to 1500 rpms. (1) The “fast idle” on the newer buses is computerized and will accelerate automatically. 3) Procedures for Fueling a Vehicle: a) Drivers need to fuel at nearest safe location to either their base school or their parking location, i.e. do not drive past a fueling location to go to another without “just” cause. b) ALWAYS turn off the engine, 8 c) NEVER fuel with passengers on board or in an enclosed area d) While fueling, to prevent fuel spills or fires, cell phones are not to be used e) Slowly remove the fuel cap f) Be sure you are positioned at the correct fueling pump for the type of fuel your vehicle requires g) Insert the fuel card into the card reader h) Follow the directions as prompted by the reader i) Once approved, you may begin fueling--------Remember to get your fuel card! j) Insert the nozzle into the tank fill neck k) While fueling, be cautious and support the nozzle while fuel is being dispensed. l) One the tank is approx. 95 % filled, the pump will cut off automatically. You should never fuel pasted this point due to overflow. m) Remove the nozzle and place it back on the pump properly n) Place the fuel cap back in place, tighten to a snug fit, close the fuel tank door 4) Procedures for using a fire extinguisher: a) All vehicles are equipped with a dry chemical fire extinguisher. The fire extinguisher must be mounted in full view of the front of the bus. b) When operating a fire extinguisher, you must first c) Remove it from the bracket and turn the nozzle/hose away from you d) Stand up wind from the burning material and avoid breathing the smoke e) Break the seal or pull the pin on the fire extinguisher f) Hold the extinguisher in an upright position and point the nozzle/hose toward the base of the fire g) Squeeze the lever and move the fire extinguisher left to right until the fire is extinguished. h) It is recommended that a fire extinguisher be removed from the bracket and shaken every 30 days so the chemicals don’t settle. 5) Placement of American Flag Decals: a) In Accordance with VA Bus Specifications i) Decals shall be Non-reflective, no larger than 6 inches by 10 inches ii) Shall be placed on the exterior of the bus, on both sides and/or at the rear of the bus. iii) The decals shall be centered between the top two rub rails and mounted so that the right edge of the decal is no closer than 3 inches from the bus number or so that the left edge of the decal is no further than 12 inches from the bus number. iv) A rear decal shall be centered in the rear of the bus. v) Exception: Type A buses shall mount the decals below the second rub rail and centered below the bus number on both sides. 9 6) Use of Headlights and Clearance/Clip Lights: a) In addition to required use of head lights and clearance/clip lights; King George County Schools’ school vehicles are required to use headlights, including clearance/lights at all times. Headlights should be used on low beam during normal daylight hours. 7) Vehicle Housekeeping: a) The exterior of vehicles are required to be washed at least once per month and recommended to be washed prior to any special trip outside of the school division (weather permitting). b) All school buses are to be swept daily and cars to be vacuumed as needed. c) Lost and found items need to be sent to the main office at the appropriate school after 3 days. If you aren’t sure of the appropriate school; bring the items to the transportation department. 8) Parking – Garaging of Vehicles: a) When you vehicle is parked and you are not in a position to be accessible to the vehicle, the ignition keys need to be taken out of the ignition and placed in a safe location. i) During this time, the parking brake needs to be in the “ON” position, a standard transmission placed either in 2nd or reverse gears, and automatic either in park or neutral selections. ii) If you are planning to be away from an air brake equipped vehicle for an extended period of time, the air system needs to be depressurized. b) When parking overnight, the keys need to be removed from the vehicle and the vehicle needs to be secured as mention in 7.a above. i) Exception – During sub-freezing temperatures or after using the service brake coming down a long grade, do not set the parking brake. If available, use wheel chocks to secure the vehicle. c) Parking locations for vehicles are generally decided by the supervisor of transportation and vehicle driver. i) If the driver wishes to alter their parking location for any reason, other than during an emergency situation, they will need to complete an Interdepartmental Communication Form and submit to the supervisor of transportation for approval. ii) The driver will be notified once the request has been approved/denied. 9) Procedures for Use of Two Way Radio: a) The transportation office is referred to as “Base”. b) The maintenance garage is referred to as “Garage”. c) Basic Guidelines: i) Before you pick up the mic, ask yourself ii) “What would I do without a radio?” iii) “Could I call the office via phone and send an email for this when my route is finished?” 10 d) Basic No Nos. i) Drivers need to request permission before talking to another driver. ii) Drivers are not to use the radio to make arrangements for their personal children. iii) Drivers are not to use the radio to notify another driver of student misconduct, they have a light not working (unless it is a traffic control light). iv) Non Transportation school staff are not permitted to use the radio, unless you are incapacitated. e) N A T O Phonic Alphabet: i) The NATO Phonic Alphabet is a great tool to use when spelling children’s names or road names. The NATO Phonic Alphabet is listed below for general use and quick guide should be on the console to each bus/car. A Alpha N November B Bravo O Oscar C Charlie P Papa D Delta Q Quebec E Echo R Romeo F Foxtrot S Sierra G Golf T Tango H Hotel U Uniform I India V Victor J Juliet W Whiskey K Kilo X X – Ray L Lima Y Yankee M Mike Z Zulu 10) Body Fluid and First Aid Kits: a) Transportation staff need to monitor the inventory of the first aid and body fluid spill kits. These kits are checked for out of date items during the summer months, but only the driver/monitor team will know when a product needs to be replaced during the school year. 11) Child Check: a) The school bus driver has the sole responsibility of verifying that no students are left on a school bus at the end of each route. b) All school buses will be checked at the end of each route am/pm for the sleeping children, vandalism or items left behind. 11 c) Staff members found in violation of this procedure, will be suspended in accordance with KGCS Policy GCPF, bulleted section: When the safety or welfare of the school division or the students therein is threatened. d) Should a student be found sleeping, contact “base” immediately so the family and school can be notified and arrangements can be made to transport the student home. e) Should an item be found, in the morning, please take the item to the front office at the school; items found in the afternoons, should be held until the next morning and given to the student or taken to the front office at the school. f) Before leaving the school bus, the driver, must deactivate the Child Remind System. Note: This system is intended as a reminder to the driver to check the school bus for students before leaving the vehicle. 12 SECTION 4 KGCS TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT BREAKDOWNS AND CRASH PROCEDURES Listed below are the procedures and guidelines, established by the King George County Schools Transportation Department related to safe transportation of all children. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) Crash and Incident Definitions: a) Crash: Any motor vehicle that has sustained or caused property damage or which involved a personal injury, or any incident which a passenger or driver receives and injury. b) Incident: Any property damage to the vehicle when it is not classified as a crash i.e. vandalism, fire (not related to a crash), damage from a natural disaster, or unexplainable damage. 2) Crash Involvement Procedures: a) Do not move the vehicle unless directed by the police department or the supervisor of transportation. b) Secure the vehicle, by the setting the parking brake and turning off the engine. You may need to leave the ignition key in the accessory position to communicate with “Base”. c) Contact “Base” with d) Exact location i.e. nearest location, house # and street name e) Indicate whether or not there are any injuries and if known at the time, the severity of the injuries. f) Secure the scene in accordance with the Virginia Commercial Driver’s Manual. g) Obtain the name, grade and seat # of all bus riders and whether or not have any injuries, no matter how insignificant. h) Do not make any statements of admittance, etc. to the other parties who may be involved. i) The driver/monitor are responsible for the accountability of the students; therefore, no student may leave the scene unless accompanied by his/her parent/guardian, EMS personnel, or transferred to another bus for transportation to home/school. Should a parent/guardian arrive at the scene requesting to pick up their student; only the supervisor of transportation or the school principal may release the students. i) Should the crash or incident be questionable on liability; the school bus driver will be sent for a Post-Accident Drug Test. This test must be completed within 24 hours of the crash/incident time and the driver will be placed on administrative leave or reassigned to non-driving position until the results are received. 13 3) Post-Accident Report Procedures: a) Once the accident scene is cleared and all parties are release, the bus driver/monitor will need to meet with the supervisor of transportation to complete a Vehicle Crash/Incident Report. b) This report will be used by the transportation department to determine whether or not the crash/incident was preventable or non-preventable. This will have no effect on the legality outcome of the crash. 4) Vehicle Breakdown Procedures: a) When a breakdown occurs, whether during the pre-trip inspection or once you have left your parking location; follow the following procedures: i) If you have not departed your parking location, contact garage by phone or radio. (a) Give the mechanic a brief description of what the vehicle is doing i.e. engine warning light is on, a strong diesel smell, etc. and your location. (b) The mechanic will give you directions or whether to proceed or another bus will be brought to you, etc. (2) If you have departed your parking location, contact the garage by radio. (a) Follow the same directions as in section 4) part i). (b) Should you be instructed to pull over and secure the vehicle, follow the appropriate guidelines listed in Section 1, subpart 3) subpart b) subpart i). b) During the pre-trip inspection, a vehicle may have component that needs to be replaced, but doesn’t actually place the vehicle out of service example: 1 brake light out or 1 clip light out, a torn seat, etc. These minor issues, can be repaired after the completion of the morning route. i) 1st: At any time a vehicle has a repair or needs supplies, a Work Order Request Form needs to be completed. ii) 2nd: Bring the vehicle to the garage, park the vehicle in the repair line, iii) 3rd: Bring the keys to the vehicle inside the garage, and complete the Work Order Request Form, located outside of the garage office. iv) 4th: If a mechanic is available to make the repair, while you wait, you may go inside the transportation multi-purpose room until the repair is complete. v) 5th: If a mechanic is not available, a spare vehicle will be assigned until repairs have been made. 14 SECTION 5 KGCS TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT STUDENT MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES Listed below are the procedures and guidelines, established by the King George County Schools Transportation Department related to the management of student behavior. These guidelines may not work in every situation, but are techniques used to assist with student behaviors. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) Standards of Student Conduct: a) KGCS Policy JFC – R 2) Student Conduct on School Buses: a) KGCS Policy JFCC 3) Student Confidentiality: a) Child and family privacy is a very serious matter. Parents have sued bus drivers and school divisions for unnecessarily revealing information about children. School transportation employees must understand the importance of respecting the privacy of children and their families. b) At all cost; drivers and monitors must avoid the following mistakes: i) Passing along information about a child to any other person except in case of a true emergency (When the information is needed to protect the child). ii) Gossiping about a child to other drivers/monitors in the break room, on the bus ramps, stores, diners, etc. iii) “Bad Mouthing” a child’s parents with other drivers, friends or family. c) Seating Assignments i) Students in all age groups are required to have an assigned seat. ii) Students in kindergarten should sit in the front 1/3 of the bus. 4) Addressing Student Conduct: a) The goal for transportation staff is to provide a safe ride for all students. b) Enforce the Student Code of Conduct to ensure that all students have fair access to an education. c) Emphasis should be placed on demonstrating a cooperative relationship with the parent, school administration and the student. d) Regularly remind students to follow the rules and procedures. e) Follow these simple steps for documenting student misconduct: 15 i) When a student fails to obey the rule(s), the driver or monitor should give the student a verbal warning and document in your daily journal the date, portion of the day and the incident that occurred. ii) When giving verbal warnings; this should be done in privately, not in front of the students’ peers. iii) Be sure to include the rule(s) broken and the behavior expectation with a reminder of the next step in the discipline ladder. Be sure to have the reason to the question “Why” when it is brought up. “Because I said so” is not an answer. f) Should, the behavior not improve or worsens; change the students’ seating arrangement and document in your daily journal the date, portion of the day and the incident that occurred. i) Be sure to include the rule(s) broken and the behavior expectation with a reminder of the next step in the discipline ladder. Be sure to have the reason to the question “Why” when it is brought up. “Because I said so” is not an answer. g) Should, the student’s behavior continue the S.A.F.E.T.Y Violation Report needs to be completed and submitted to the school administration. i) When completing the report; (1) State only the facts, give no opinion. Be sure spelling and the student’s information is correct. (2) If, other students are involved, DO NOT include their names in the report. Use words such as other student, pupil, bus rider, etc. (3) If at all possible, the report should be typed or printed legibly. A copy of this report will be sent home to the parent/guardian of the child and will also become part of the student’s cumulative school record. (4) Submit the report as soon as possible, don’t hold it until a later date. h) Don’t ask the student if the administrator talked to them about their behavior. Listen to general conversations and wait for the administrator to come to you. i) A short email to the school administrator as a courtesy notification may help to let them know to be looking the report and they can plan ahead. j) Should a student’s behavior still continue or worsen; continue the above steps and schedule a meeting with the supervisor of transportation to discuss other options. k) REMEMBER! Only the school administrator can administer bus suspension. l) Some incidents do require immediate attention and should receive a S.A.F.E.T.Y Violation report without warning, such as: drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, fighting, sexual harassment, intentionally injuring another student, etc. 16 SECTION 6 STUDENT HEALTH POLICIES & GUIDELINES Listed below are the procedures and guidelines, established by the VA Planning 16 Health Team and King George County School Board related to the management of student health. These guidelines may not work in every situation, but are techniques used to assist with student health concerns. This is living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting: a) KGCS Policy JHG b) All bus driver/monitors are required to complete the online course Child Abuse Recognition within 30 days of hire. 2) Administering Medicines to Students: a) KGS Policy JHCD 3) Allergy Management: a) KGCS Policy JJAD 4) Severe Allergy/Anaphylaxis Action Plan and Treatment Authorization: a) VA Planning 16 5) Virginia Asthma Action Plan: a) Form 6) Virginia School Diabetes Medical Management: a) Form 7) King George County School Seizure Action Plan: a) Plan 17 SECTION 7 SPECIAL – ATHLETIC TRIPS Listed below are the procedures and guidelines, established by the King George County School Board and the King George County Transportation Department related to the assignment of special – athletic trips. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) Field Trips: a) KGCS Policy IICA 2) Field Trips: a) KGCS Policy IICA – R 3) Driver Special Trip Eligibility and Assignment Procedures: a) Eligibility: i) After working 90 days for King George County Schools; interested drivers may “sign up” for special – athletic trips. ii) Days 91 through 180; a driver will be eligible for special trips within the County of King George, to the City of Fredericksburg or the Counties of Caroline, Spotsylvania, Stafford or Westmoreland. These trips destinations are considered local. iii) After completing 180 days for King George County Schools; a driver will be eligible for all trip destinations, with the exception of overnight trips, which require lodging. iv) After completing 1 calendar year (from your hire date) with King George County Schools, a driver may be eligible for overnight trips. 4) Assignment of Special – Athletic Trips: a) Trips are assigned to drivers on a rotating basis through a computer generated list using the specific driver’s availability criteria i.e. Day Trips only (9-2), Evening only (2pm – 12am) or No restrictions. b) Trips are assigned via email on Wednesday mornings, for the upcoming week, unless there is an emergency request needed and a phone call will be made to the driver next in line. c) The driver will need to confirm or deny the trip by Friday morning. If a driver continues to deny trips without notification or updating their request for trips, they will be removed from the roster automatically after 60 days. 5) Special – Athletic Off Duty/Return Time: a) A driver must have at least 6 hours off duty time before returning to duty. 18 b) Drivers returning from a special – athletic trip after midnight on a regular work day; will be unable to drive at least the first assigned route the following morning. i) A driver’s time missed will be recorded as administrative pay for the portion of the morning route missed. c) It is the responsibility of the driver to notify transportation the reason behind your absence. 6) Driver Absences, Following a Special – Athletic trip: a) A driver is prohibited from calling “out” the day following a special – athletic trip, unless it is an emergency. b) A driver who “calls out” after completing a special – athletic trip may receive the following disciplinary action: i) 1st offense: Verbal Warning ii) 2nd Offense: Written Warning iii) 3rd Offense: Removal from the trip roster for a period of 60 calendar days. 19 SECTION 8 BUS ROUTING PROCEDURES Listed below are additional procedures for completing bus routes, established by the King George County Transportation Department. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) Student Courtesy Wait Times: a) All drivers are required to come to a complete stop, to include activating the red traffic control lights, at every scheduled stop whether a student is visible or not. b) If a student is making a good attempt to get to the bus, the driver needs to wait for the student c) Should a student not be visible, the driver needs to continue with the route as scheduled. d) DO NOT blow the horn! e) Drivers transporting students with exceptional needs, not using a wheelchair, are required to give a 1 minute courtesy wait if the student isn’t at the bus stop. There is no need to contact “base” with this information. f) Drivers transporting students with exceptional needs, using a wheelchair, are required to give a 2 minute courtesy wait if the student isn’t at the bus stop. There is no need to contact “Base” with this information. 2) Student Walk Distances: a) Secondary School Students may walk up to .25 miles from their residence to the bus stop b) Elementary School Students may walk up to .10 miles from their residence to the bus stop c) Head Start Students and Students with exceptional needs, unless other determined, may walk up the same distances as their peers. 3) Transportation Service on Private Roads: a) Transportation services are not provided in privately owned subdivisions or on roads without a VA State Route #, unless the property owners submit a request to the school division requesting service. 4) Student Drop Off Procedures: a) The bus driver/monitor must observe the environment at all bus stops to be sure the area(s) are safe for student discharge. b) If transportation staff feel as though the environment is unsafe i.e. strange vehicles/persons in the area; the student(s) need to be kept on the bus and return to the stop at a later time in the route or returned back to school. i) The driver needs to contact “Base” with this information so the proper persons can be notified. 20 c) Children in grade kindergarten or younger must be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian 12 years of age or older. d) Students in grades 1 until the age of 10 may have a waiver of supervision signed by the parent releasing the school division from this requirement. 5) Road/Intersection Turning Restrictions: a) Due to safety concerns; the following roads/intersections have restricted access/turns i) St. Pauls’ Road, a left or right onto Dahlgren Rd. ii) Bald Eagle Road, passed house # 16725 iii) Eagles Nest Lane, passed the intersection of Lighthouse Lane iv) Rosedale Drive, from the intersection of Ferry Dock Lane v) LaGrange Lane, from Kings Highway vi) Luther Lane, from Kings Highway vii) Inaugural Drive, no left onto Kings Highway viii) Comorn Road, no left turn onto Kings Highway ix) Chapel Way, no right turn onto Caledon Road x) Dogwood Lane, no left turn onto Caledon Road xi) Valley Hill Loop (East), no right turn onto Caledon Road xii) Valley Hill Loop (West), no left turn onto Caledon Road xiii) Caledon Road (West), no right turn onto Valley Hill Loop xiv)Caledon Road (East), no left turn into the east end of Valley Hill Loop xv) Potomac Drive (North), no left turn onto Bennion Road @ “B Gate” xvi)Bennion Road, no left turn onto Potomac Drive xvii) Potomac Drive, no right turn onto Dahlgren Road xviii) Windsor Drive, no left turn onto Dahlgren Road xix) Owens Drive, no left turn onto Dahlgren Road xx) Windsor Drive, no crossover to Owens Drive xxi)Owens Drive, no crossover to Windsor Drive xxii) Kings Highway, no U-turns between Sealston Deli and the intersection of Caisson Road (Stafford County – 3rd Crossover @ stone house) xxiii) James Madison Parkway, no U-turns between Hillcrest Drive and Washington Mill Road 6) Procedures for Route Modifications: a) Drivers/monitors do not have the authority to alter bus stop locations, times, ordering, etc. All requests for route changes/modifications need to be submitted in writing to the supervisor of transportation on form, Bus Route Modification Request. 21 SECTION 9 REGULATIONS GOVERNING SPECIAL EDUCATION & HEAD START PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN Listed below are the Virginia Administrative Code(s), National Highway Traffic Administration guidelines, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service Guidelines, the Fredericksburg Regional Head Start Program Policy, and King George County Schools Transportation Department procedures related to the transportation of children with disabilities or qualifying for Head Start Services. Click on the link next to regulation title to be redirected to the appropriate regulation. These are living documents and will be updated as necessary. 1) Virginia Administrative Code: a) Definitions: 8VAC20-81-10 b) Responsibilities of the State Department of Education: 8VAC20-81-20 c) Responsibilities of local school divisions and state-operated programs: 8VA20-81-30 d) Free Appropriate Public Education: 8VAC20-81-100 e) Individualized Education Program: 8VAC20-81-110 f) Children who transfer: 8VAC-20-81-120 g) Least restrictive environment and placements: 8VAC20-81-130 h) Disciplinary procedures: 8VAC20-81-160 i) Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: 8VAC20-81-330 2) National Highway Traffic Administration: a) Procedures for selecting an appropriate child restraint: Checklist b) Children at least 1 years of age and at least 20lbs. Link c) Children over 20 lbs. and 1 year of age: Link d) Child safety restraint systems unique to school buses: CE White and Safety Vests e) School bus lap belts: Link f) Securing Wheelchairs g) Dos and Don’ts of Wheelchair Transport Safety: Sure-Lock 3) Head Start Students: a) Head Start Transportation, Part 1310 i) Purpose: 1310.1 ii) Applicability: 1310.2 iii) Definitions: 1310.3 22 iv) General: 1310.10 v) Child Restraint Systems: 1310.11 vi) Required use of school buses or allowable alternative vehicles: 1310.12 vii) Maintenance of vehicles: 1310.13 viii) Inspection of new vehicles at the time of delivery: 1310.14 ix) Operation of Vehicles: 1310.15 x) Driver Qualifications: 1310.16 xi) Driver and Monitor training: 1310.17 xii) Trip Routing: 1310.20 xiii) Safety Education: 1310.21 xiv)Children with disabilities: 1310.22 xv) Coordinated Transportation: 1310.23 4) Additional transportation procedures for King George County Schools’ Head Start site: a) All students will be received by the teaching team once they arrive at school; b) It will be the responsibility of the Head Start team member to board the bus, walking to the interior rear of the bus, to verify that there are no students left behind. c) Head Start Children must be escorted by the bus monitor as they enter/exit the bus. i) AM Procedures (1) The bus monitor will exit the bus and greet the parent/guardian and child (2) The monitor will remove the student’s book bag, guide the student toward the bus steps; (3) The bus monitor, with the student in front of them, will assist them up the steps and to their assigned seat and secure them in an age/size appropriate restraint. ii) PM Procedures (1) The Head Start team will escort the students from the building to the door of the bus, (2) The bus monitor will exit the bus and greet the students, (3) Remove their book bag, guide them up the steps to their assigned seat and secure them in an age/size appropriate restraint. (4) When the bus arrives to the bus stop, the bus monitor will have the student prepared to exit the bus. (5) The bus monitor will exit the bus, greet the parent/guardian and assist the student off of the bus, and handoff the student’s book bag to the parent/guardian. 23 SECTION 10 STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Listed below are the professional development trainings, renewal schedules and related topics for transportation staff, established by the King George County School Board and King George County Schools Transportation Department. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) Successful Completion Upon Hiring: a) Drivers Only i) Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, CDL Training ii) Virginia Department of Education, Train the Trainer Series b) Monitors Only i) Virginia Department of Education, Dealing with Exception Children c) Drivers and Monitors i) Child Abuse Awareness – Online (1) Staff are required to complete course within 30 days of their hire date ii) Autism Training – Online (1) Staff hired prior to January 2014, needed to complete course before October 31, 2014. (2) Staff hired after January 2014, need to complete course within 12 months of their hire date 2) Successful Completion Required Annually: a) All Staff: i) Physical Examination ii) Anaphylaxis Awareness iii) Blood borne Pathogens iv) Diabetic Awareness v) Handling Hazardous Materials 3) Successful Completion Required every 2 Years: a) School Bus Evacuation Drills b) American First Aid/CPR or Equivalent i) Standard First Aid ii) Child and Adult CPR 4) Successful Completion Required every 3 Years: a) Pre-trip Inspection 5) Successful Completion Required every 5 Years: 24 a) Drivers: i) Virginia Department of Education, Train The Trainer Series b) Monitors: i) Virginia Department of Education, Dealing with Exceptional Children 6) Successful Completion Required every 6 Years: a) Drivers: i) Commercial Driver Training Curriculum, Sections 1 through 8 25 SECTION 11 INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES Listed below are the procedures for inclement weather, established by the King George County School Board. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) The decision to close schools for an entire day or to delay school opening will be made as many hours in advance of the schedule starting times as possible. 2) Staff will be notified by School Messenger, an automated phone system. a) To register: b) The following news and radio stations may also notifications referencing closings/delays: i) Radio Stations: 93.3 WFLS 95.9 WGRQ ii) News Stations: 4 – WRCTV 5 – WTTG 101.5 WFVA/WBQB 7 – WEJLA 9 – WUSA 3) Inclement Weather Codes: a) Delayed Openings: i) Bus drivers need to report to their buses 30 minutes earlier than normal to allow for proper warm up and to remove any snow/ice, etc. ii) 12 month staff members report on schedule; iii) Remaining non 12 month staff report according to the delayed opening schedule. b) Code 2: i) Bus driver, monitors and non 12 month employees do not report to work. ii) All vehicles need to be cleared as soon as feasible of snow, ice, etc. in preparation for returning back to work. c) Code 1: i) Essential 12 month staff members report to work on time, within reason. ii) Bus driver, monitors and non 12 month employees do not report to work. iii) All vehicles need to be cleared as soon as feasible of snow, ice, etc. in preparation for returning back to work. d) Code 0: i) No staff members report to work 4) Alternative Bus Routes: 5) The following roads have been established as snow emergency routes. Roads listed in the left column will not be traveled in a snow emergency scenario; these students will need to meet the bus at the stop appropriate in the right column. 26 Rte. # SNOW EMERGENCY ROAD NAME ALTERNATIVE PICK UP / DROP OFF LOCATION Canterbury Subdivision Kent Road @ Canterbury Loop Fitzhugh Lane Eagles Nest Lane @ Caledon Road Presidential Lakes – Back Gate Hoover Drive @ Makenzie Drive Presidential Lakes – Front Gate Madison Drive @ Washington Drive Presidential Lakes – Lake Jefferson Igo Road @ Stevenson Drive or Wheeler Drive Southern Hills Subdivision Magnolia Lane @ Chapel Way The Meadows at Dahlgren Monte Vista Drive @ Dahlgren Road Worman Estates Worman Drive @ Caledon Road 602 Chapel Green Road Chapel Green Road @ Fletcher’s Chapel Road 603 Dogwood Lane Dogwood Lane @ Chapel Way 605 La Grange Lane LaGrange Lane @ Kings Highway 606 Rokeby Drive Rokeby Drive @ Twin Rivers Church 608 Muscoe Place Muscoe Place @ Comorn Road 612 Locust Dale Lane Locust Dale Lane @ Indiantown Road 616 Brickhouse Road Brickhouse Road @ Windsor Drive 618 Pumpkin Neck Road Pumpkin Neck Road @ Tetotum Road 619 Stoney Point Road Stoney Point Road @ Tetotum Road 620 Alden Road Alden Road @ Ridge Road or Round Hill Road 622 Ashland Mill Road Ashland Mill Road @ Canterbury Loop 626 Greenlaw Way Wilmont Road @ Rollins Fork Road 627 Wilmont Road Wilmont Road @ Rollins Fork Road 627 King’s Mill Road Kings Mill Road @ Stoney Knoll Road or Kings Highway 630 Kitchen’s Point Drive Brickhouse Road @ Windsor Drive 635 Gambo Creek Road Gambo Creek Road @ Owens Drive 636 Rosedale Drive Ferry Dock Road @ Potomac Drive 637 Ridgeway Drive Ridgeway Drive @ Kings Highway 641 Chatterton Lane Chatterton Lane @ Caledon Road 642 Eagles Nest Lane Eagles Nest Lane @ Caledon Road 644 Potts Lane Potts Lane @ Allen Avenue 645 Springfield Lane Springfield Lane @ Shiloh Loop 647 Big Timber Road Big Timber Road @ Kings Highway 648 Winston Place Winston Place @ Comorn Road 651 Valley Hill Loop Valley Hill Loop @ Caledon Road 652 Roseland Road Roseland Road @ Virginia Visitors Center 653 Midway Road Midway Road @ Mt. Rose Drive 655 St. Pauls’ Road St. Pauls’ Road @ Berthaville Road 657 Chastine Drive Chastine Drive @ Kings Highway 658 Cedar Ridge Drive Cedar Ridge Drive @ Passapatanzy Drive 659 Hobson Drive Hobson Drive @ Dahlgren Road 662 Oak Tree Drive Oak Tree Drive @ Pullen Loop 27 664 White Hall Road White Hall Road @ Lambs Creek Church Road 667 State Road State Road @ James Madison Parkway 669 Woodland Way Woodland Way @ Millbank Road 672 Austin Drive Fifteenth Street @ Gordon Drive 674 Forrest Drive Fifteenth Street @ Gordon Drive 675 North Williams Creek Drive Fifteenth Street @ Gordon Drive 683 Ferry Dock Road Ferry Dock Road @ Potomac Drive 687 Woodstock Road Woodstock Road @ Mathias Point Road 692 Cleve Drive Cleve Drive @ Port Conway Road 698 Nanzatico Lane Nanzatico Lane @ Salem Church Road 700 St. Stephens Road St. Stephens Road @ Comorn Road 709 Bradley Lane Poplar Road @ Round Hill Road 711 Dixon Lane Dixon Lane @ Owens Drive 711 Dixon Lane Dixon Lane @ Owens Drive 713 Jones Court Jones Court @ Passapatanzy Drive 717 Green Meadow Drive Green Meadow Drive @ Ridge Road 718 Shiloh Drive Shiloh Drive @ Ridge Road 719 Misty Lane Shiloh Drive @ Ridge Road 724 Beaver Drive Beaver Drive @ Round Hill Road 725 Thunder Road Thunder Road @ Round Hill Road 1018 Ormond Way Ormond Way @ Cleydael Boulevard 1027 French Court Passapatanzy Road @ Oakland Drive 1029 Benton Court Culpeper Court @ Cleydael Boulevard 1030 Ward Road Ward Road @ Stuart Road 1033 Peppermill Road Peppermill Road @ Cleydael Boulevard 1035 Richards Ride Peppermill Road @ Cleydael Boulevard 1037 Culpeper Court Culpeper Court @ Cleydael Boulevard 1038 Aidan Way Aidan Way @ Cleydael Boulevard 1039 Meadow Way Meadow Way @ Cleydael Boulevard 1040 Potomac Landing Drive Potomac Landing Drive @ Caledon Road 1050 Turkey Acres Road Turkey Acres Road @ Lambs Creek Church Road 1132 Nancy Lane Nancy Lane @ Green Boulevard 1202 Cedar Lane Cedar Lane @ Shady Lane 1210 Michael Drive Michael Drive @ Indiantown Road 1220 Lee Street Lee Street @ Eden Drive 1223 Clare Street Lee Street @ Eden Drive 1230 Sherwood Forest Drive Sherwood Forest Drive @ Indiantown Road 28 SECTION 12 CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN Listed below are the procedures for inclement weather, established by the King George County Transportation Crisis Team. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 1) Crisis Definitions: a) Crisis Management Plan: A written plan with explicit intent to protect and sustain life, reduce trauma and assist in emotional recovery from trauma, to minimize personal injury and/or damage to a facility. b) Crisis Incident: Shall include but not limited to situations involving the death of a student, staff member or a member of a student’s immediate family by suicide, illness or accident; situations involving threats of harm to students, personnel, or facilities to include, but not limited to natural disasters, fire, use of weapons/explosives, and/or the taking of hostages. 2) Responding to Natural Disasters: a) A natural disaster may qualify for an early dismissal plan to be implemented. Should severe inclement weather become a danger, the following arrangements will implemented. 3) Decision Points: 1 hr. Early Dismissal 11:00 Decision Point School Site Normal Dismissal Time OKGES – ECSE 12:30 11:30 OKGES – Head Start 1:30 12:30 OKGES – VPI 2:30 1:30 King George High School 2:35 1:35 King George Middle School 2:25 1:25 King George Elementary School 3:55 2:55 Alternative Paths Training School 3:20 2:20 Gladys O’Berle (ERI) 2:35 1:35 Gateway – Both Sites 3:00 2:00 Regional Alt Ed 12:15 12:15 2 hr. Early Dismissal 10:00 Decision Point School Site Normal Dismissal Time OKGES – ECSE 12:30 10:30 OKGES – Head Start 1:30 11:30 Modified Dismissal Time Modified Dismissal Time 29 OKGES – VPI 2:30 12:30 King George High School 2:35 12:35 King George Middle School 2:25 12:25 King George Elementary School 3:55 1:55 Alternative Paths Training School 3:20 1:20 Gladys O’Berle (ERI) 2:35 12:35 Gateway – Both Sites 3:00 1:00 Regional Alt Ed 12:15 10:15 3 hr. Early Dismissal 9:00 Decision Point School Site Normal Dismissal Time OKGES – ECSE 12:30 9:30 OKGES – Head Start 1:30 10:30 OKGES – VPI 2:30 11:30 King George High School 2:35 11:35 King George Middle School 2:25 11:25 King George Elementary School 3:55 12:55 Alternative Paths Training School 3:20 12:20 Gladys O’Berle (ERI) 2:35 11:35 Gateway – Both Sites 3:00 12:00 Regional Alt Ed 12:15 9:15 Chesapeake Bay Gov. School 10:30 10:00 Modified Dismissal Time 4) During a crisis incident; school buses may need to be staged at a location other than on the school property. This information, for security purposes, will be provided separately. 30 SECTION 14 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Listed below are miscellaneous topics of interest, related to the King George County Public Schools, Transportation Department. This is a living document and will be updated as necessary. 6) Assignment of New Buses: a) New buses/cars will generally be assigned on a seniority basis, with the following conditions : b) Veteran KGCS drivers with the air brake endorsement, according to the VDMV test date and hire date. c) Veteran KGCS driver with the air brake endorsement, according to hire date. 7) Reassignment of Buss/Cars: a) A vehicle being reassigned due to a co-worker receiving an upgraded vehicle, or who may have retired, resigned, etc. will generally be reassigned by the route length, or by the age/miles of their current vehicle. 8) Sunshine Flower Fund: a) The Sunshine Flower Fund is to express the caring thoughts of your co-workers while you celebrate your birthday or are going through difficult time with the loss of a loved one. This fund by donations from the transportation staff to purchase flowers, cards and providing postage. i) A $12.00 a year donation is given to the coordinator each by those who wish to participate. ii) Participating staff members, or others under certain circumstances, will receive iii) Birthday cards, iv) Get Well cards, if the sickness causes an absence of 3 or more days, v) Flowers and a card for employee who has surgery, vi) Flowers and a card for employee who has a death of an immediate family member i.e. spouse, mother, father, child, or a sibling 9) Transportation Staff Trainers: a) Candidate must be in accordance with 8VAC20-70-411 plus and an additional 3 years of safe driving experience b) Candidate must have a written recommendation by two (2) other KGCS transportation staff drivers c) Candidate should have basic computer skills in Word and Excel d) Candidate(s) need to be able to instruct or co-instruct in 2 of the following areas: e) Virginia Department of Education – Train The Trainer 31 f) Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles – Third Party Tester g) American Red Cross Instructor for Adult and Child CPR and Standard First Aid 32 SECTION 15 FORMS AND DOCUMENTS Below is a listing of the forms/documents used by the King George County Schools, Transportation Department with an explanation and due date. Annual Bus Driver Physical Form: o Required for employment and continued employment as a school bus/car driver. o The supervisor of transportation will provide a due date annually for physicals to be returned to the office. Annual Bus Monitor Physical Form: o Required for employment and continued employment as a school bus monitor. o The supervisor of transportation will provide a due date annually for physicals to be returned to the office. DMV Form CRD 93: o Required by VDMV, as employee authorization to obtain a copy of their driving transcript. o Required upon hire and updated as necessary. Driver’s Request to Alter Route: o Required to be submitted by the bus driver to the supervisor of transportation, when requesting a route/stop to be adjusted. Inter-department Action Form: o Required for completion when an employee makes changes to their name, address, phone #, special trip status, parking location or when the supervisor makes a change to the employee’s bus # or contract status, to include modification of contracted hours. Leave Request Form: o Required to be completed and submitted to the supervisor of transportation for every day absent from duties. o A request for leave should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduling of personal leave and must be submitted within 2 working days following an unscheduled absence. McKinney-Vento Mileage Report: o Report is used for the tracking the mileage and additional time for driver/monitors transporting homeless students outside of the school division. 33 o Report is to be turned in to the transportation office by Tuesday of the week following transportation services are provided. Medicaid-Famis Daily Log: o Used for logging Medical eligible student attendance on bus routes for reimbursement of services. o Medicaid logs are due by Tuesday of the following week transportation services are provided. Pre-Trip Inspection Report: o Required by the VDOE to verify vehicle is safe to operate. o Report is due by the 3 working day of the following month. 34
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