Utilization Management
Utilization Management Policy
Policy X
Review Cycle: Annually
Procedure !
Adopted Date:
Author: UM Committee
Version: 2.0
Page: 1 of 2
Related Policies:
UM Access
Service Philosophy
Review Date:
July 1, 2014
Revision Eff. Date:
July 1, 2014
To ensure that Mid-State Health Network (MSHN) and its provider network create and maintain
a comprehensive Utilization Management Plan (UMP) that maximizes the quality of behavioral
health and substance use disorder services while effectively managing the resources of the plan.
Utilization Management:
A. MSHN shall create, implement and maintain a region-wide UMP that complies with
applicable federal and state statutes, laws and regulations. The MSHN UMP shall adhere to
regulations established by governing bodies including the Michigan Department of
Community Health, Medicaid Services Administration, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare,
and relevant accrediting bodies.
B. The MSHN UM Plan shall be implemented in a manner which remains true to MSHN
Service Philosophies, particularly person/family centeredness, self-determination, cultural
sensitivity, trauma informed and trauma sensitivity, and responsiveness to co-occurring
(dual-diagnoses) conditions.
C. All CMHSP Participants/CAs shall create policies and procedures necessary to fulfill all
aspects of the CMHSP UMP that include criteria for evaluating medical necessity and
processes for reviewing and approving the provision of services.
D. All CMHSP Participants/CAs shall establish Utilization Management programs to identify
and rectify under-utilization as well as over-utilization of services.
E. All CMHSP Participants/CAs shall establish procedures for prospective (preauthorization),
concurrent, and retrospective authorizations. Procedures shall ensure that:
1. Review decisions that deny or reduce services are supervised by qualified professionals
who have appropriate clinical expertise.
2. Efforts are engaged to obtain all necessary information, including pertinent clinical data
and consultation with the treating physician or prescriber as appropriate for decision
3. Reasons for decisions are clearly documented and readily available to service recipients.
4. Appeals mechanisms for both providers and service recipients are well-publicized and
readily-available. Notification of denial decisions shall include a description of how to
file an appeal, and shall be provided to both the beneficiary and the provider.
5. Decisions and appeals are conducted in a timely manner as required by the exigencies of
the situation.
6. Mechanisms are implemented to evaluate the effects of the program using data related to
consumer satisfaction, provider satisfaction, or other appropriate measures.
Applies to
All Mid-State Health Network Staff
Selected MSHN Staff, as follows:
MSHN’s Affiliates:
Policy Only
Other: Sub-contract Providers
Policy and Procedure
CA: Coordinating Agency
CMHSP: Community Mental Health Service Plan (inclusive of substance Use Service Provision,
coordination and administrative oversight)
MDCH: Michigan Department of Community Health
MSHN: Mid-State Health Network
PIHP: Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan
Related Materials
MSHN Utilization Management Plan
Monitoring and Review Completed by
This policy shall be reviewed annually by the MSHN Chief Compliance Officer in collaboration
with CMHSP Participants. MHSN shall monitor these functions and activities to ensure that
common practices are being followed and that reporting to governing bodies occurs as required.
Compliance with this policy shall be ensured through the following: minimum of annual
monitoring of CMHSP Participants, review of data and submitted reports, and/or on-site visits.
External monitoring by MDCH and/or accreditation bodies may also occur.
References/Legal Authority
1. MDCH Medicaid Managed Specialty Supports and Services Concurrent 1915(b)/(c) Waiver
Program: Attachment P. The Appeal and Grievance Resolution Processes Technical
Requirement, July 2004.
2. MDCH Medicaid Managed Specialty Supports and Services Concurrent 1915(b)/(c) Waiver
Program: Attachment P.7.1.1: Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Programs
for Specialty Pre-Paid Inpatient Health Plans, Current Year
3. MDCH Medicaid Managed Specialty Supports and Services Concurrent 1915(b)/(c) Waiver
Program: Attachment P. Michigan Mission-Based Performance Indicator System,
Version 6.0 for PIHPs
4. MDCH Medicaid Providers Manual, 4/1/2013 (current edition).
5. 42 CFR 438.404(c)(5)(6)
Change Log:
Date Of Change
Description of Change
New MSHN policy
Alignment with service philosophy and addition of
To reflect input of the Utilization Management and
Substance Use Disorder Committee/Workgroup
Responsible Party
L. Verdeveld
Dr. H. Lenhart
D. McAllister