-/- I No. 18014171201O-LRD Government of India Ministry of Rural Development Department of Land Resources NBO Building, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. Dated 22d April,z}ll To The Revenue Secretaries of StatesAlTs (29 Nos.) to whom funds were released during 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 20ll-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15. Subject: The National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) Permission for utilization of unspent balances - reg. Sir The StatesAlTs have been requesting this Ministry for permission to utilize the unspent balances as on 31.03.2015 against the funds released to them during 2008-09, 2009-10,2010-11 ,2011-12,2012-13,2013-14 and 2014-15 under the National Land Records Modernization Progralnme (NLRMP), during the current financial year, i.e., 2015-16. The tnatter has, accordingly, been examined, and the undersigned is directed to convey this Ministry's 'No Objection' to the utilization of unspent balances available with the State Government/UTs as on 31.3.2015 under the scheme of NLRMP during the current financial year, i.e., 2015-16. 2. It is requested that necessary action may be taken to utilize the unspent funds expeditiously and for submission of financial and physical progress report including Utilization Certificate in the prescribed proforma as on 31.03.2015 to this Department at the earliest. The physical and financial progress report must give the following information as on 31.03.2015 iv) Utilization Certificate indicating utilization of funds as on 31.3.2015 in the revised proforma (Copy enclosed). v) Unspent balance with the State Govt./U.T. Administration as on 31.03.2015. vi) Item-wise physical achievements as on 31.03.2015. 3. In addition, submission of the proposals for release of funds under the NLRMP during the current financial year may be expedited. 4 The updated physical and financial progress including utilization certificate and the proposals for release of funds may be sent to this Department at the earliest and latest by 15.05.2015. Encl: as above. Yours faithfully, ,"\N$o?fl* Director (LR) Jt Letter No. and Date 1' certified that a sum of Rs' only was received by (as the case may be) as Grants-in-aio ourrng from Gov"inrEnt of lndia as per details given in the margin. A ium of-Es. was received from the State _ Government during - of Rr. frrf'rr,'a ---- sumbalanceoftheorw@wasallowedtobebroughtfon,rrardfor , , , onry being unspent utilizationduringtheyearGermiscettaneouSreceiptsasgiveninthe y*^ras Rs. - attached annexure during th" 2' lt is also certified that out of the above mentioned total funds of Rs. only a sum of Rrr_____-___-____ only has_been utilizlo.Lr-___ w.e.f. for the purpose tor wrricrr sanctioned. rt 'isJurtner that the unspent balance of Rs' only was remaining at the end of the year ---=has been allowed to be utilized for tneFrogr";'r;;;,,t y"rr. it;;; ce;;il : 3' certified that I have satisfied myself that the condition on which the grants-in-aid was sanctioned have been duly fulfilleblrp o"NIirtrill"o and that i nrr" exercised the tnai irie monev has be6n actuarv utirized toi tre purpose ror fl,:H'll[::"."f"1ff"T Kinds of checks exercised: (i) (ii) (i ii) (iv) It has been that physical and financiat performance to the requirements -errsured as pt""Jiolo in tne Grioliine" issued has been accordino by Government oi Government' rhe utilization o] th"-;foresaid runo-iesurteo [ilflf,ft: into the 4 (a) Outcomes a(b) Physicar outputs (to be raid down in brief in verifiabre term) Date: Place: Designation- secretary,i:flil,xt"
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