Fix list Microsoft Dynamics C5 2012 Service pack 1 Hotfix 3 October 2013 Contents Fix list introduction 3 Fixed issues 3 OIOUBL 3 Vendor 3 Customer 4 Sales/Purchase/Project 5 General 5 Kernel 7 Corrected elements 8 2 Fix list Fix list introduction This fix list includes the bugs and suggestions included in version 2012 Service pack 01 Hot fix 003. Further information can be found in the Newsletter. Fixed issues OIOUBL Bug Id 61199 61231 3028 3026 3069 MS solve/Org. bug Id Description Possibility to specify a foreign EAN number in OIOUBL. See Newsletter for more information OIOUBL validation error when invoicing a sales order 113081210657423 when using price group including VAT and discount. Allowance charge (discount) was calculated incorrectly UBL import documents are not mapped for EAN data (e.g. delivery EAN) EndpointIds of GLN type are imported as EAN AccountingCustomerParty/AccountingSupplierParty, BuyerCustomerParty/SellerSupplierParty, Delivery and Delivery party need to be revised See Newsletter for more information Use “Line number” when creating OIOUBL file. See Newsletter for more information Zero lines using discount fail OIOUBL validation If the line has zero price and a discount, the discount will now be ignored when creating OIOUBL file 113051710446455 Vendor Bug Id 3059 61177 61214 61226 MS solve/Org. bug Id Description The ImportVatAmount in VendJournal is updated with a wrong sign (the sign should be the opposite of that of the VAT amount) This is now corrected and a data upgrade script is developed that ensures that all EUVat amounts in the vendor journal have the opposite sign as compared with ordinary VAT amounts. You receive an info message “Missing paymentid” if you 113041110358366 mark a payment with payment id with the mouse. You are not able to get away from the message only by Alt+Q. We would like to have question when you mark a payment with Paym. Spec. and you do not have the 113061410514812 identification number. Correction: The curser is moved to the Identification field When you use payment method BankData a ,00 shows in 113071710594163 bank account number and ÆØÅæøå are not shown correct in the file. 3 Fix list Both errors are corrected for BankData and ÆØÅæøå also corrected for BEC and JyskeBank. Customer Bug Id 3072 3070 3037 3085 MS solve/Org. bug Id Description Action lists created for Simple Invoices may be not used as intended 1) When updating a simple invoice - the action lists for normal invoices were checked for presence of XML actions and not the action lists created for the simple invoice 2) When batch printing invoices, the action lists created for simple invoices were not used (the action lists for normal invoices were used instead) Simple invoice - when using invoice account If a simple invoice is created for a customer who has an invoice account and the user accept to use invoice account, the account in the simple invoice form will change to the invoice account and in the note field the system will set the information about the delivery account. The report and the MS template for Simple invoice are extended with the customers vat number. Vendor/Customer settlement scripts must be corrected as to TTSABORT and error message when exceeding max allowed penny difference When performing a settlement of customer/vendor entries and the calculated penny difference is higher than that set up under G/L - the settlement scripts do not break and abort and no warning/error message is shown. License code “Invoicing” - When creating order from Customer table the voucher series uses the Order voucher series and it uses start phase Created. Changed so it acts as if the order was created from Customer/Daily 4 Fix list Sales/Purchase/Project Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id 60314 61145 113022510240922 3068 61228 61197 113072310610144 113051710446936 61229 113082710693564 61245 113100810845226 Description Parameter - Master data from delivery address See Newsletter for more information Delivery date on purchase orders when creating the purchase order from the sales order module See Newsletter for more information Copying a sales order in C5 light should have the same functionality as if you have license for sales order module. Meaning that you are able to manipulate with orders in any other way e.g. change customer account number. When creating a new order/purchase or project and changing the delivery date you are asked if you want to change the delivery date at the lines as well - but there are not any lines because the order is just created. Settlement on items with decimals shows wrong qty in GUI version but not in Console version. Button Inventory on inventory table and button Marking on Sales order lines does not show decimals either. Correction: Kernel The field Mark in the Marking form was set to two decimals. Corrected so it uses the same number of decimals as the item. When you create a sales order from a purchase order with items with batch numbers you may experience lines added together When you run the report ProjPurchLinesSubtotal under Project/Table/Project/Information/Purchase order it may give you wrong information. It happens if a project with purchase order lines has been deleted and a new project has got the same RecID – the delete trigger in ProjTable did not delete the corresponding records in the Specification table. General Bug Id 61186 61219 MS solve/Org. bug Id Description Control of foreign VAT numbers. 113042310387287 See Newsletter for more information Update of data set from C52010 SP2 to C52012 SP1 HF002. After attempted update, you receive the information “You 113070110554402 may not use the latest version of the Microsoft Dynamics C5 before any updates for the data set is carried out”. However, it does not set any information that it has run the update. This 5 Fix list only applies for updates between these two versions. 6 Fix list Kernel Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id Description 60905 112020328819578 61167 113032610316570 61172 113040410338481 113051310433694 61178 113041210362185 61181 113050810423510 61183 113042310386682 61189 113043010403607 61194 113050310412916 61217 113062610543587 61223 113070410564645 61228 113072310610144 113080110633697 Not possible to enter project and cost type in general journal Correction: Kernel Bug: #Frm_Color with color 0 (kernel bug) Previous correction rolled back to align with existing documentation on "#Frm_COLOR (<feltnavn>,<farvenr>)" Bug: Ctrl+Alt+F6, maximize and resize of form gives a change in inventory status on sales order lines. Unsaved entries in a field cannot be preserved if a field or a form is resized, but fields with initialized default values will be re-initialized following a form resize. Bug: ORDER BY is "forgotten" when using GROUP BY on SQL ORDER BY is now supported when using GROUP BY. Can't open an syp element, when the same element also can be found as usr. (only for Rep.) Correction: Kernel Bug: Upon entering the Euro sign € (AltGr + 5) in notes displays a small black square. Correction: Kernel Bug: #Frm_RUNMODE('MODAL') does not work correctly. Adjustment of MODAL functionality. Bug: Compilation of tables may fail in GUI Alignment between GUI and console functionality Bug: You insert the code line #Frm_FldDec(SalesLine, Price,3) in Post-load trigger on FRM SalesLine. All the prices now show three decimals. When you create a new sales order line, the line below loses the decimals. Correction related to 61167 Bug: When you print the Balance list to the screen and then would like to print it, it gives you a landscape layout on the first print. When you print it again, it gives you a portrait layout. Correction: Kernel Bug: Settlement on items with decimals shows wrong qty in GUI version but not in Console version. In addition, the button Inventory on inventory table does not show decimals either. Correction related to 61167 Error in argument string error when trying to start Sidebar in console from General/Daily/Sidebar Correction: Kernel Reports: If the flag "Invert sign" is set to Yes for a number field in a report and the field's value is zero when printed it is shown as -0 or -0,00 2864 2998 7 Fix list Correction: Kernel 3040 Problem with paper format when printing multiple copies of report from "print to screen"/print preview Correction: Kernel C5ODBC driver not reported correctly in UserStatus.FRM after changes in kernel Correction: Native ODBC driver Kernel does not allow \\ in primary separator of file- of directory paths Correction: Kernel #Frm_CREIDX on table name with max length (16) leads to crash on SQL Correction: Kernel F3 has no effect in Boxes F3 now supported in Boxes Old database versions (TTS) on tables are not cleared by General/Setup/Administration/Database/Check/Cleanup if only 1 old database version exist on a table Correction: Kernel Path for opening files in file fields by clicking on icon are now searched in all -D paths. FRM:XMLDocValue only shows one field in GUI Correction: Kernel Automatic update of c5sysali and c5sysalc files c5sysali and c5sysalc files are now automatically updated. During update c5sysali and c5sysalc files will get same time stamps as the new/changed c5sysald file. 3047 3050 3057 3061 3066 3078 3079 3088 Corrected elements Type Name Type Name MAC ApplBuild XAL 4401002Update MAC APPLVERSIONLIST XAL 4401003Update MAC CHECK_DATABASE XAL 4401003UpdateSys MAC CountryPostChange XAL MakeData MAC COUNTRY_GENERAL XAL ProjInvoiceTotals MAC CUSTVEND XAL PurchInvoiceTotals MAC CUSTVEND_FORM XAL SalesInvoiceTotals MAC CUSTVEND_SETTLEMENT XAL Table2Excel MAC GLOBALDATAARRAY_SETUP XAL VendDisk_BankData_DK MAC JOURNAL_UTIL XAL VendDisk_BEC_DK MAC SALESPURCH XAL VendDisk_JyskeBank_DK MAC SALESPURCH_FORM XAL XMLCreateXsdCache MAC SALESPURCH_FORMMENU XAL XMLImportXMLSchema MAC SALESPURCH_POSTUPDATE XAL XMLScanFiles 8 Fix list MAC SALESPURCH_UTIL XAL XMLUBLImportToPurchase MAC XMLF XAL XMLUBLImportToSalesOrder MAC XMLF_APPL QTX CheckProject LST XmlDocValue.Values QTX CheckPurchase FNC .GetApplVersion QTX CheckSales FNC Country.CreateUBLCodes QTX CustReminderUBL FNC Country.GetCountryFromVatCode QTX ProjConfirmationUBL FNC Country.GetVatCountryCode QTX ProjCreditNoteUBL FNC Country.ValidateGLNPrefix QTX ProjDocument FNC CompanyInfo.CountryISDK QTX ProjInvoice FNC CompanyInfo.CountryIsDomestic QTX ProjInvoiceUBL FNC CompanyInfo.GetCompanyCountryVatCode QTX PurchDocument FNC CompanyInfo.XMLGetCompanyVatRegNo QTX PurchInvoice FNC DutyCode.XMLDutyLineGetVatCode QTX PurchRequisitionUBL FNC CustTable.XMLUBLCheckCustomer QTX SalesBatchPrintout FNC CustJournal.OIOUBLCheckSetPartyIds QTX SalesConfirmationUBL FNC CustJournal.OIOXMLCheck QTX SalesCreditNoteUBL FNC CustJournal.XMLDefineDlvAddressType QTX SalesDocument FNC CustJournal.XMLGetBuyerPartySchemeId QTX SalesInvoice FNC CustJournal.XMLGetBuyerSellerAddress QTX SalesInvoiceUBL FNC CustJournal.XMLGetDlvAddressLine FRM Company FNC CustJournal.XMLImportCheckEAN FRM CompanyAddress FNC CustJournal.XMLUBLGetBuyerPartyId FRM Country FNC CustJournal.XMLUBLGetEndpointId FRM CountryUBLCodes FNC CustJournal.XMLUBLImportGetCustomer FRM CustAddress FNC VendJournal.OIOUBLCheckSetPartyIds FRM CustContactSelect FNC VendJournal.XMLGetDlvAddressLine FRM CustEan FNC VendJournal.XMLUBLGetDlvEndPointId FRM CustTable FNC VendJournal.XMLUBLGetSellerPartyId FRM eNewCust FNC VendJournal.XMLUBLImportGetVendor FRM InvenMarkTrans FNC InvenTable.InvenCheckLineNumber FRM Notes FNC SalesTableArch.XMLUBLDeliveryDate FRM ProjLine FNC SalesLineArch.GetLineNo FRM ProjTable FNC SalesLineArch.XMLGetLineValues FRM ProjTableArch FNC ActionGroup.XMLActionExists FRM PurchInvoice FNC Address.VerifyEANNumber FRM PurchLine FNC SalesTable.EarliestLineDelivery FRM PurchLine2Sales FNC SalesTable.XMLImportInitTable FRM PurchTable FNC XMLSchemaMap.XMLCheckConvert FRM PurchTableArch FNC XMLSchemaMap.XMLUBLGetDlvPartyName FRM SalesLine FNC XMLSchemaMap.XMLUBLGetEndPointId FRM SalesLine2Purchase 9 Fix list FNC XMLSchemaMap.XMLUBLGetLegalEntityId FRM SalesTable FNC XMLSchemaMap.XMLUBLGetPartyId FRM SalesTableArch FNC XMLSchemaMap.XMLUBLGetTaxSchemeId FRM ShowErrorLog FNC XMLJournal.ChkMergeZipCityFields FRM SimpleInvoice FNC XMLJournal.XMLConvertLineNo FRM VendAddress TRG Country.DELETE FRM VendContactSelect TRG InvenJour.INSERT FRM VendEan TRG SalesTableArch.DELETE FRM VendPayment TRG PurchTableArch.DELETE FRM VendTable TRG ProjTableArch.DELETE FRM XMLSchema TRG ProjJour.Insert REP ProjPurchLinesSubTotal TRG PurchTable.DELETE REP SimpleInvoice TRG PurchLine.DELETE REP XMLSchemaMap TRG PurchLine.INSERT REP XMLSchemaMapComparison TRG SalesTable.DELETE MNU CountryUBL TRG SalesLine.DELETE TRG SalesLine.INSERT TRG ProjTable.DELETE TRG ProjLine.DELETE TRG ProjLine.INSERT TRG CountryUBLCodes.Insert TRG CountryUBLCodes.Update 10 Fix list Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like and with familiar Microsoft software, automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship, and supply chain processes in a way that helps you drive business success. United States and Canada toll free: (888) 477-7989 Worldwide: (1) (701) 2816500 The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, this document should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This white paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. © 2013 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics and the Microsoft Dynamics logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. 11 Fix list
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