Enneagram Tritype®: Discover your Life Purpose

Enneagram Tritype®: Discover your Life Purpose & Tritype
(For english - see below...)
Gå ikke glip af denne workshop med nogle af enneagramverdenens største nytænkere!
Opdag din Tritype - Workshop 7.-9. maj 2014
• Hvorfor oplever vi ind i mellem, at der er så stor forskel på os – selvom vi er samme enneagramtype?
• Hvorfor er der nogle mennesker, som vi ikke deler enneagramtype med, som vi umiddelbart har mere
tilfælles med, end vores enneagram ”artsfæller”?
David og Kathrine Fauvre fra Enneagram Explorations i USA har på baggrund af 15 års research og
coaching med udgangspunkt i mere end 20.000 enneagramtests og spørgeskemaer udviklet teorien om
På denne 3 dages workshop gennemgås teorien, og du får præsenteret de særlige karakteristika for alle
de 27 tritype arketyper, der findes.
Når du har lært om tritypes vil du:
Mere præcist kunne coache dine klienter vha. enneagrammet.
Være opmærksom på dine og dine klienters blinde punkter, som opstår i samspillet mellem de
tre typer (trityper).
Være opmærksom på hvilke triggere, der vækker dit ego.
På ny begejstres over, hvor dybt og nuanceret et værktøj enneagrammet er.
For at få maksimalt udbytte af workshoppen, anbefaler vi, at du har et vis viden om enneagrammet
svarende til f.eks. et to-dages kursus.
Praktiske detaljer
Workshoppen vil blive afholdt den 7., 8. og 9. maj 2014 i Københavnsområdet.
Frokost og eftermiddagssnack samt kaffe og te vil være inkluderet.
Workshoppen starter alle dage kl. 9.00 og slutter kl.18.00.
Tritype-workshoppen koster 4.900 kr. plus moms og Typebestemmelse-workshoppen koster 3.600
kr. plus moms.
Deltagelse i begge – samlet pris i alt 7.500 kr. + moms.
Tilmeldinger foregår til:
Lisa Bindner på [email protected] / 2728 1230
Henrik Borberg Jensen på [email protected] / 2883 7118
Katherine and David's work on the Tritype is fresh, innovative and illuminating. Even those well
acquainted with the Enneagram will be surprised at the precision of this approach in identifying key
features of the personality. Highly recommended!"—Russ Hudson, Sexual 548, coauthor, The
Wisdom of the Enneagram
Katherine Chernick Fauvre
Katherine Chernick Fauvre, co-founder of Enneagram Explorations and Fauvre Research, is an
internationally recognized researcher, trainer and coach. Her cutting edge research on the Types,
Instinctual Types and Tritypes® have made her a leader in the field.
Katherine is the author of The Instinctual Subtypes and Enneastyle: The 9 Languages of Enneagram
Type and co-author of the Enneacards Testing Instrument, The 27 Tritypes® Revealed, and 14 other
products. She co-created the ‘EPro’ Enneagram Professional Training Certification Intensives,and is the
co-host of the award winning TV series on the Enneagram, Types: Your Personality Revealed.
She is a former member of the board of directors of the International Enneagram Association and is a
certified Enneagram teacher with Palmer-Daniels, Riso-Hudson & Hurley-Donson.
Her innovative approach uses the advanced application of the Enneagram Personality Typing system
masterfully integrated with helpful techniques of many of the pioneers in the field of personal
empowerment. Her “In-Depth Inquiry Process™” enables individuals to more fully understand their
core motivations and develop the critical self-awareness needed to create lasting change.
Katherine works with companies, groups, families, couples and individuals, and teaches the Enneagram
in many diverse fields including: business, psychology, spirituality and healing.
David W. Fauvre, MA
David W. Fauvre, MA, co-founder of Enneagram Explorations and Fauvre Research, is
an internationally recognized Enneagram author, teacher, trainer, coach and researcher. In partnership
with Katherine Chernick Fauvre, he has co-conducted ongoing empirical research in the Enneagram
field since 1997. This research focused on the unique self-image, micro-expressions, language patterns
and behavior of each Enneagram Type, Tritype® and Instinct.
David is the co author of the book The 27 Tritypes® Revealed, the popular DVD set Guiding the 9
Types to Change and co-creator of the Enneagram Enneacards Testing Instrument. In addition, he
co-created the Enneagram Pro Certification Intensives and the award winning television series Types:
Your Personality Revealed which has been viewed by over 140,000 people in over 40 countries.
In 1997, David was graduated with honors from the California Institute of Integral Studies with a
Masters in Transpersonal Psychology. He is a certified Enneagram teacher with Riso-Hudson and has
completed the Enneagram Professional Training Program with Palmer-Daniels. In addition to his work
with the Enneagram, he attended the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and is a certified teacher of
'The Work' with Byron Katie.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/enneagram.explorations
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/davidfauvre
YouTube: www.youtube.com/enneagramvideo
Did you know you have 3 Enneagram Types?
This 3 day course is packed with exclusive life changing Enneagram Tritype research, the Tritype test,
and the 27 Tritype Archetypes.
Over 20 years of ongoing research has revealed we each have 3 Enneagram Types, one in each Center:
Head, Heart & Gut.
Come discover your 3 types and how they come together to create your own unique Tritype Archeype.
Are you The Teacher (127), The Taskmaster (631) or The Messenger (478)?
Or another Tritype Archetype?
Discovering one’s Tritype Archetype reveals how we react to stress, our core triggers and fears, one’s
Life Purpose, Growing Edge and Blind Spot to personal growth.
Using Tritype explains why people of different Enneagram Types can seem so similar, why people are
mistyped often as one of the types in their Tritype, and how the ego uses three Enneagram types in a
preferred order to manage problems.
Course Exclusives:
Advanced Tritype Theory
The 27 Tritype Archetypes
Using the Tritype with friends and clients
The 27 Tritype Archetypes
Tritype® is exclusively taught by it’s originators, internationally renowned Enneagram and personality
typing experts, Katherine and David W. Fauvre, MA. Co-Founders of Enneagram Explorations online at