Zo n e Z N et wo r k M a n u a l Ta b l e O f Co ntent s Preparation...���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 ZNZ-ZN Overview.. . ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 Installation Notes.. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Retrofitting an Existing System.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Line Voltage Wiring and Connections.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Contact Closure Switch Wiring and Connections (Relays 1-6).. ���������������������������������������������������������7 Contact Closure Switch Wiring and Connections (Grouping).������������������������������������������������������������8 Contact Closure Switch Wiring and Connections (LED).. ��������������������������������������������������������������������9 Programming Interface Explanations.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Programming Group Functions.�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Programming LED Functions.. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Address Dip Switches.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Option Dip Switches.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14 Termination Dip Switches.. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 LED Intensity Dip Switches. . .�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Troubleshooting Guide.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Frequently Asked Questions.����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 1830 Way n e Tra ce l Fo r t Way n e, I ndi ana 46803 l 1.260.426.1565 l w w w.to uc hp late.co m Pre p a rat i o n Unpack the ZNZ-ZN and inspec t the contents for damaged or missing par ts. I f any problems ar ise, please contac t Touch-Plate at 260.426.1 565 for assistance. Pre c a u t i o n s The ZNZ-ZN hardware is designed to be in environments that have a temperature range of 0-60°C (non- condensing atmosphere). I nstalling in an environment outside of these parameters will shor ten the life span of the hardware. Touch-Plate recommends the use of 18 to 22 AWG wire for low voltage wir ing of contac t closure produc ts and 18 AWG wire for all 24V power connec tions. Al l 120VAC wir ing must use wire as specified by National Elec tr ic Code for load size and wire length. Co mp at i b l e Hard ware The ZNZ-ZN produc t can be a par t of a net wor ked, intelligent system with a Time -Keeper. I t can also be a standalone item that can incor porate the following produc ts: Contac t Closure Switches: •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 5000 S er ies G enesis S er ies Classic S er ies Eclipse S er ies I ndustr ial S er ies M ystique S er ies R oyal S er ies Ultra S er ies Wa r ra nt y T ouch-Plate wa r rant s t h is p ro d u c t a ga in st d efec t s i n mate r i a l s o r wo r k ma n s h i p, u n d e r n o r ma l u s e, fo r a pe r i o d of O NE (1) year from date o f sh ip m ent. I f a d efec t a r ises a n d a va l i d c l a i m i s re ce i ve d w i th i n th e Wa r ra nt y Pe r i o d, To u c h - Pl ate wi ll repai r or repla ce the pro d u c t at n o ch a rge. Th is wa r ra nt y does n o t a p p ly to : a . Da ma ge to u n it ( s) ca u sed by a cc id ent, a c ts o f G o d, i n a ppro pr i ate i n s ta l l ati o n , f a u l t y i n s ta l l ati o n , o r any ne g ligent u se; b. Unit(s) wh ic h h ave b een su b j ec t to b e i n g ta k e n a pa r t o r o th e r w i s e mo d i f i e d ; c. Unit no t u sed in a cco rd a n ce wit h in s tr u c ti o n s ; d. The f in ish o n a ny p o r t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t, s u c h a s s u r f a ce a n d /o r we ath e r i n g, a s th i s i s co n s i d e re d nor mal wea r a n d tea r ; e. No n-To u c h - Plate h a rd wa re in st a lled by th e u s e r ; f. Da ma ge c a u sed by No n -To u c h - Plate pro d u c ts ; g. Da ma ge c a u sed by o p erat in g t h e p rod u c t o u ts i d e th e pe r mi tte d o r i nte n d e d u s e s d e s c r i be d by To uch- Plate; h. - o r- S p ecific p la n s o r S p ecific a p p lic ati o n re qu i re me nts, u n l e s s th e pl a n s a n d s pe c i f i c ati o n s h ave be en for ward ed to To u ch - Plate a n d To u c h -Pl ate h a s a pprove d a n d a cce pte d th e pl a n s i n w r i ti n g. Except a s provided in t h is wa r ra nt y, To u ch - Plate is n o t re s po n s i bl e fo r d i re c t, s pe c i a l, i n c i d e nta l, o r co n s e qu e ntial d amag es resulting fro m a ny b rea ch o f wa r ra nt y o r co n d it ion , i n c l u d i n g bu t n o t l i mi te d to, I n s ta l l ati o n o r R e pl a ce me nt l a b or costs. Pa ge 2 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al ZN Z- Z N O ver view The ZNZ-ZN is the effor tless lighting solution that allows for simple group control. The ZNZ-ZN has the following options: B Ter mination DIP Switches A B ALU F RS485 Connec tion to Time -Keeper M aster Controller ALU D A C Programming I nter face D Contac t Closure Switch I nputs E Group I nputs F LED O utputs G Pilot Voltage S ettings H O ther Func tions DIP Switches I Address DIP Switches C D J I E J Pilot I ntensit y DIP Switches H F G Touc h-Pl ate ® Li g hti n g Co ntro l s Zone Z N e t wor k M a n u a l Pa g e 3 w w w.to uc hplate.com I n s t a l l at i o n Notes The ZNZ-ZN has relays which can be removed from the system if they ever need to be replaced. Use the following diagram and instruc tions on how to remove the relay boards from the system. A I nser t flathead screwdr iver into the slot on the din rail clip. B Using the screwdr iver, pr y the clip away from the din rail. C Lif t the relay board up from the din rail and slide the relay board out. A B C Pa ge 4 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al R e t ro f i t t i n g an E xist ing System To cor rec tly update an existing system, be sure that the entire system is being updated. Power from the circuit breaker MUST be tur ned off before removing any existing par ts. M ost systems that have control stations with pilot lights must have those existing control stations replaced before br inging power to the updated system. Use the following instruc tions to cor rec tly label and remove the existing system. A Label all wires before or dur ing removal. Use the following char t to identify the wires that need labeled. Wires to be Labeled Low Voltage Switch Leg Wire D escr iption Low Voltage Switch Leg from the Switch to the R elay Common Common from the Switch to the Transver ter ( TPS/T VR) Common Common from the Switch to the Transfor mer (PL-6) Line Voltage Switch Leg Wire from the Breaker to the Transver ter ( TPS/T VR) Breaker Wire from the Breaker to the Lighting Load B Disconnec t the Transver ter (t ypically a T VR-1 or TPS -0120). C Disconnec t the line voltage from the relay (t wo wires from the base of the relay); many times the Hot wires are jumped together. D Disconnec t the low voltage from the relay (wires from the coil of the relay). E Disconnec t the pilot light transfor mer from the lighting load and control station(s). The line voltage wires connec ted to the pilot light transfor mer are no longer needed. R emove the enclosure with all the relays, transver ter, and pilot light transfor mers F d i s co n n e c te d. I f re u s i n g t h e e n c l o s u re, o n l y re m ove t h e re l ays, t ra n s ve r te r, a n d p i l o t l i g ht transfor mers. A E E C D A A A B A Touc h-Pl ate ® Li g hti n g Co ntro l s Zone Z N e t wor k M a n u a l A Pa g e 5 w w w.to uc hplate.com L in e Vo l t a g e Wiring and Connec tio ns Use the line voltage wir ing connec tions diagram to setup your system. This diagram does not show all possible connec tions and configurations. The Z-6R15, Z-6R20, and Z-6R25L are all available with either a 120V or 277V feed. B e sure to only use one of these t ypes, as the relay boa rd is not capable of handling both t ypes of feeds. The ter minals labeled H-H6 are the hot ter minals. These come from the fac tor y with jumpers to jump the ‘ hots’ together. These jumpers can be removed if each load has its own hot feed. A Connec t Switch Leg 1 from the lighting load to the ter minal labeled SW1. Continue to do the same for switch legs 2-6. B Connec t the neutral wires from each lighting load to the neutral bar. C Br ing a neutral feed from the breaker panel to the neutral bar. Br ing a neutral feed from the neutral bar to the ter minal labeled ‘N’. D Connec t the hot wire from the breaker panel to the ter minal labeled ‘H’. E Connec t the ground wire from the breaker panel to the ground bar or ground lug. A A A B A A A D C Pa ge 6 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al Co nt a c t Cl o sure Switch Wiring and Co nnec tio ns ( Relays 1- 6) Use the Contac t Closure Switch wir ing connec tions diagram to setup your system. This diagram does not show all possible connec tions and configurations. The Contac t Closure Switch I nputs are used when programming is not going to be used. switches will be wired direc tly into the ter minal of the cor responding relay. The ALU F ALU D For example, if button 1 is to control relay 1, the wire would be brought into the ter minal labeled ‘R elay 1’. A Connec t the button 1 wire to the desired ter minal. Continue to connec t all button wires to the desired ter minals. Ter minals available are R elay 1, R elay 2, R elay 3, R elay 4, R elay 5, and R elay 6. B Connec t the common wires to the ter minal labeled ‘SC ’ (Switch Common). B A Touc h-Pl ate ® Li g hti n g Co ntro l s Zone Z N e t wor k M a n u a l Pa g e 7 w w w.to uc hplate.com Co nt a c t Cl o sure Switch Wiring and Co nnec tio ns (G ro u ping ) Use the Contac t Closure Switch wir ing connec tions diagram to setup your system. This diagram does not show all possible connec tions and configurations. The pur pose of the Group Func tion is to define an ac tion for a group of relays. ALU F ALU D The Contac t Closure Switch Group I nputs are used when programming is going to be used. The switches will be wired direc tly into the ter minal of the cor responding Group. Programming will need to take place before any of the buttons wor k proper ly. For example, if button 1 is to control relays 1-3, the wire would be brought into the ter minal labeled ‘Group 1’. A Connec t the button 1 wire to the desired group ter minal. Continue to connec t all button wires to the desired ter minals. Ter minals available are Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, Group 5, Group 6, Group 7, and Group 8. B Connec t the common wires to the ter minal labeled ‘SC ’ (Switch Common). B A Pa ge 8 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al Co nt a c t Cl o sure Switch Wiring and Co nnec tio ns ( LED) Use the Contac t Closure Switch wir ing connec tions diagram to setup your system. This diagram does not show all possible connec tions and configurations. The LED outputs are used when LEDs are present on the Switches. These can be wired and used whether the Contac t Closure Switch I nputs or Group I nputs are used. The LED outputs cor respond to the LED location on the switch. ALU F ALU D For example, when wir ing LED #4 on the switch, br ing the LED wire to the ter minal labeled ‘LED 4’. A Connec t the LED 1 wire to the desired ter minal. Continue to connec t all LED wires to the desired ter minals. Ter minals available are LED 1, LED 2, LED 3, LED 4, LED 5, LED 6, LED 7, and LED 8. B Connec t the common wires to the ter minal labeled ‘PC ’ (Pilot/LED Common). B A Touc h-Pl ate ® Li g hti n g Co ntro l s Zone Z N e t wor k M a n u a l Pa g e 9 w w w.to uc hplate.com Ti m e -Ke e p er Wiring and Connec tio ns Use the Time -Keeper wir ing connec tions diagram to setup your system. This diagram does not show all possible connec tions and configurations. The Time -Keeper will be wired direc tly into the ter minal labeled ‘RS485’ on the ZNZ-ZN. A Connec t the Ground wire to the ter minal labeled ‘S’ under the RS485 sec tion. Connec t the - wire to the ter minal labeled ‘B ’ under the RS485 sec tion. Connec t the + wire to the ter minal labeled ‘A’ under the RS485 sec tion. A Pa ge 10 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al Ti m e -Ke e p er Notes When a ZNZ-ZN is paired with a Time -Keeper, some of the settings change to ensure that they are compatible with one another. Please re view the following if a Time -Keeper is par t of the system. • A Time -Keeper paired with a ZNZ-ZN is only utilized to program events. • The ZNZ-ZN will not allow LEDs to reac t to events programmed through the Time -Keeper. • The Address and Option DIP Switches are only utilized if a Time -Keeper is par t of the system. Pages 15 and 16 provide fur ther infor mation on the DIP Switches. Touc h-Pl ate ® Li g hti n g Co ntro l s Zone Z N e t wor k M a n u a l Pa g e 1 1 w w w.to uc hplate.com Pro g ra m mi ng I nter face E xp lanatio ns These explanations will help to understand each sec tion of the I nter face and its definition. S ec tion S etup I tem Button D efinition Press 1 time to tur n on programming control Press and hold for 12 secs to clear the programming Group R elay Ac tion 1 Controls Group 1 2 Controls Group 2 3 Controls Group 3 4 Controls Group 4 5 Controls Group 5 6 Controls Group 6 7 Controls Group 7 8 Controls Group 8 1 Cor responds to R elay 1 2 Cor responds to R elay 2 3 Cor responds to R elay 3 4 Cor responds to R elay 4 5 Cor responds to R elay 5 6 Cor responds to R elay 6 Non e No ac tion will occur On The load tur ns on with a button press O ff The load tur ns off with a button press Cycle Each button press c ycles the load bet ween ON and OFF. M aintain N.O. The load is OFF dur ing a button press M aintain N.C. The load is ON dur ing a button press Auto O ff 30 M ins I f the lights are off, they will tur n on. I n 30 minutes they will tur n off. I f the lights are on, they will stay on. Af ter 30 minutes, the lights will tur n off. Auto O ff 1 Hour Pa ge 12 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m I f the lights are off, they will tur n on. I n 1 hr they will tur n off. I f the lights are on, they will stay on. Af ter 1 hr, the lights will tur n off. To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al Pro g ra m mi ng G roup Func t ions Use the programming diagram to setup your system. Each load needs to have its Ac tion deter mined before programming begins. Each syste m will have different programming charac ter istics and this document does not show all possible programming options. I f using M aintain options in a G roup and multiple inputs are pro grammed to control the same loads, the M aintain options c an make the other pro grammed Ac tions not work . A Press the ‘SE TUP ’ button once to begin the programming. B Press the ‘GR OUP ’ button multiple times until the LED Is lit nex t to the Group Number that is to be programmed. C Press the ‘RELAY ’ button multiple times until the LED is lit nex t to the R elay Number that is to be programmed. D Press the ‘AC TION’ button multip le times until the LED Is lit nex t to the Ac tion that is to be car r ied out by the relay. B Press the ‘GR OUP ’ button to move to the nex t group that is desired to be programmed. A Touc h-Pl ate ® Li g hti n g Co ntro l s Zone Z N e t wor k M a n u a l B C D Pa g e 1 3 w w w.to uc hplate.com Pro g ra m mi ng LE D Func t ions Use the programming diagram to setup your system. These instruc tions are used to program an LED to respond to the Group programming. Each system will have different programming charac ter istics and this document does not show all possible programming options. A Press the ‘SE TUP ’ button t wice to begin the programming. B Press the ‘GR OUP ’ button multiple times until the LED Is lit nex t to the Group Number that is to have a cor responding LED tur ned On. C Press the ‘GR OUP ’ button to move to the nex t LED that is desired to be programmed. Pa ge 14 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al Ad d re s s D i p Switches The Address Dip Switches are used to set the DMX Address only if a Time -Keeper is present. Nor mally, these Dip Switches come from the fac tor y pre -programmed. I f they do not, make sure you do not duplicate addresses, as each ZNZ-ZN must have its own unique address. Note that each ZNZ-ZN utilizes 6 addresses. For example, if on one Time -Keeper net wor k there were t wo (2) ZNZ-ZN’s, the first would be set to Address 73 and the second would be set to Address 79. Do not change values unless direc ted by Touch-Plate!!! Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 73 ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF 79 ON ON ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF OF F 85 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF 91 ON ON OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF OF F 97 ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OF F 103 ON ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF 109 ON OFF ON ON OFF ON ON OFF OF F 115 ON ON OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF 121 ON OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF OF F 127 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF 133 ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF 139 ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF 145 ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF 151 ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF 157 ON OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF 163 ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF 169 ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF 175 ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF 181 ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF 187 ON ON OFF ON ON ON OFF ON OFF Va lid Ad d re s s e s a re th ro u g h Ad d re s s 1 9 3 Valid addresses are from 73 to 193. Addresses are set using the nine Address Dip Switches, which each have a va lue noted in the char t be low. Address Dip Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 The values of all switches in the ON position are added together and the total is equ al to the address. S ee the examples below : DMX Address 1: Tur n on switch 1 only, and leave all other Address switches off. DMX Address 13: Tur n on switches 1, 3 and 4. The values of those switches is 1 + 4 + 8 = 13. Touc h-Pl ate ® Li g hti n g Co ntro l s Zone Z N e t wor k M a n u a l Pa g e 1 5 w w w.to uc hplate.com O p t i o n D i p Switches The Option Dip Switches are used to set different func tions. Option ON/OFF D efinition 1 ON DMX func tionalit y is ON. This has to be on when a Time -Keeper is a par t of the system. 1 OFF DMX func tionalit y is OFF. 2 ON N/A 2 OFF N/A 3 ON N/A 3 OFF N/A 4 ON N/A 4 OFF N/A 5 ON N/A 5 OFF N/A 6 ON N/A 6 OFF N/A 7 ON N/A 7 OFF N/A Ter m i n at i o n D ip Switches The Ter mination Dip Switches are used to set the Ter minations. Ter minations D efinition A Pull Up B Pull D own AB Ter mination L E D I nte n s i t y D ip Switches The Pilot I ntensit y Dip Switches are used to set the LED I ntensit y. This option is only used when the fac tor y has been contac ted. I ntensit y D efinition 1 ON = Low I ntensit y 2 ON = M edium I ntensit y 1 & 2 Pa ge 16 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m ON = H igh I ntensit y To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al Tro u b l e s h o oting G uid e I f no response occurs when the system is powered up, use the following steps to identify the problem. 1. R emove the Diecut from the ZNZ-ZN. 2. Look for the LED indicator to be blink ing on the ZNZ-ZN. a. b. c. For the indicator to be blink ing, power has to be cor rec tly brought to the system. I f the LED indicator is not blink ing, confir m power connec tions and then contac t the fac tor y for assistance. I f the LED indicator is blink ing, move on to the nex t step. 3. Ver ify that the line voltage has been fed to all the necessar y relays. 4. Ver ify that each light fix ture is connec ted to the ‘Switched Leg’. 5. Ver ify that 120 VAC has been connec ted to the transfor mer on the R elay B oard. 6. Take a shor t piece of thin wire (both ends need to be str ipped) and hold one end to the conduc tive metal of the ‘Switch Common’. 7. Take the other end of the shor t wire and tap it to the conduc tive metal of each of the R elay ter minals, on the ZoneZ-N, one at a time. a. Each touch should energize the relay and change its state. The lights in the respec tive rooms should go ON and OFF when the ter minal is touched. 8. I f the lights do not respond, use a meter on the line voltage relay outputs to see if the voltage switches from 0 to 120 VAC. 9. I f these steps do not solve the problem, please contac t the fac tor y for assistance. Touc h-Pl ate ® Li g hti n g Co ntro l s Zone Z N e t wor k M a n u a l Pa g e 1 7 w w w.to uc hplate.com Fre q u e nt l y Asked Q uest ions 1. What are Groups? a. b. Groups allow for a single button to control multiple relays. For example: I n most bathrooms there are lights above the sink and above the shower. I f both lights are desired to be tur ned on at the same time with the push of a single button, Grouping makes this possible. 2. What are the ‘Option’ Func tions? a. Option Func tions are to be used when a Time -Keeper is connec ted to the ZNZ-ZN. 3. What is the ‘DMX Address’? a. b. The DMX Address is a number in a line of specific addresses. This has to be done because ever ything has a unique address and has to be programmed to do so. 4. What is the ‘Pilot Voltage’? a. b. Pilot Voltage is set to 24V from the fac tor y so it can send the cor rec t voltage to the switches. When using the Pilot Voltage set at 6.3V, this can only be used when existing lit switches are not updated at the same time. 5. What are the ‘ Ter minations’? a. These are DMX line ter minations. This is only used if a DMX controller is connec ted to the ZNZ-ZN. 6. Why are there so many ‘HOTs’ and what are ‘Jumpers’? a. b. The ‘HOTs’ are so power can be fed to all six relays without using wire nuts. This will help make the installation as neat and order ly as possible. The way that the power is fed to all six relays is by using the ‘Jumpers’. These are metal inser ts that “jump” the previous ‘HOT ’ to the nex t ‘HOT ’. 7. How do you save the programming? a. The programming is saved once the Group, R elay, or Ac tion is entered and the button press is released. Pa ge 18 w w w. touc hp l ate. co m To uc h- Plate® L ight ing Controls Zo neZ Net wor k M a nu al Touch-Plate ZoneZ Net wor k M anual R evision: 1.0a
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