ACERT 3rd ACI Airport Environmental Seminar Kuala Lumpur 18-19 Feb 2014 Xavier Oh ACI World 1 ACERT Airport Carbon and Emissions Reporting Tool 1. ACI Guidance Manual (2009) 2. ACERT Inputs 3. ACERT Outputs 4. Airport Carbon Accreditation 2 ACI Guidance Manual on Airport Guidance Manual GHG Emissions Management (2009) Definitions incl. Scopes 1, 2, 3 Drivers Inventory Goal Setting Measures to reduce GHG emissions Offsetting and achieving Carbon Neutrality Reviewing, Reporting and Certification World Resources Institute GHG Protocol Scope 1 Emissions From sources owned or controlled by the airport operator Scope 2 Emissions From the off-site generation of electricity (& heat) purchased by the airport operator Scope 3 Emissions From airport-related activities from sources not owned or controlled by the airport operator Scope 1 and 2 ScopeAirport 1 Emissions Inventories Power plant / emergency generators Airport Fleet vehicles Airport maintenance/landscaping Airport-owned Ground Support Equipment Fire training Scope 2 Emissions From the off-site generation of electricity purchased by the airport operator Scope 3A and 3B ScopeAirport 3 Emissions Inventories Aircraft engines (LTO , taxiing and cruise) Aircraft Auxiliary Power Units (APU) Airline/contractor GSE and airside vehicles Ground access vehicles (incl bus and rail) Corporate travel Construction Aircraft maintenance Off-site waste disposal ACERT Input Steps 1. General airport information 2. Fuel for airside vehicles, GSE and glycol 3. Fuel for building heating and electricity generation 4. Electricity purchase 5. Heat purchase 6. Aircraft activity 7. Ground access transportation 7 Step 1. Airport Information 8 1. ACERT 9 1. ACERT 1. Background 10 1. ACERT 1. Background 11 Input Options 1. Enter no aircraft data 2. Enter generic data eg # Single aisle med haul jet mvmts etc 3. Enter detailed data eg # 737-300 mvmts etc 4. Enter total fuel dispensed to aircraft 12 Input Options 1. No ground traffic data 2. Emissions estimated by traffic mix and PAX movements 3. Emissions calculated from detailed traffic study Input Data • Distance airport to city centre • % PAX connecting, % PAX on public transport • City vehicle fleet mix – Cars, vans, motorcycles etc • Vehicle fuel types by % - petrol, diesel, LPG etc • # of bus round trips 13 ACERT Output Report • Output table • Pie chart – Scope 1 and 2 emissions • Pie chart – Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions 14 1. ACERT 1. Background 15 1. ACERT 1. Background 16 1. ACERT 1. Background 17 ACERT v2.0 launched August 2013 [email protected] 18 ACERT and Airport Carbon Accreditation • • • ACERT v2.0 approved for Airport Carbon Accreditation Level 1 (Mapping) and Level 2 (Reduction) ACI Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific Regions Verification still required 19 ACERT – Development and Assistance Transport Canada and CAC ACI and global version… 20 Terima Kasih --- Jangan Takut! Thanks Xavier Oh [email protected] 21
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