Identification Requirements General Principle

Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Identification Requirements
General Principle
Effective: August 1, 2014
To be eligible for income assistance or disability assistance, applicants and recipients
must meet identification requirements. The identity of each member of the family unit
must be established, including verification of the Social Insurance Number (SIN) of each
Effective: August 1, 2014
ID requirements consist of both of the following:
proof of identity for all family members
a social insurance number for all adult family members
To establish proof of identity, the applicant must provide the original documents at the
time of application or there must be copies already on the case file where there is an
existing case file. Where a former client reapplies and staff are able to view previously
copied documents, that in the Band Social Development Worker’s opinion establish the
applicant’s identity, the identification requirements are considered satisfied. [See Policy –
ID on Existing File]
An applicant can meet the requirement to provide a social insurance number by
providing an original document or other information which verifies the SIN provided by
the applicant. [See Policy – Verification of SIN]
In cases where a couple, with or without dependent children, applies for assistance,
only the primary applicant in the family unit must meet the ID requirements to be
considered eligible for income assistance or disability assistance. The other family
members must meet the ID requirements as soon as possible.
Proof of Identity: August 1, 2014
At the time of application for assistance, each applicant must provide two pieces of
identification (ID). One must be a photo ID from the list of primary ID, and the second
may be selected from either the primary or secondary ID list. One piece of ID from
either the primary or secondary ID list is required for each dependent child. [See Policy –
Table: Primary and Secondary ID]
Social Development Policy and Procedures Manual Vol. 1 347057 v7
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Identification Requirements
Photo ID documents are required for all ID in the list of primary ID. Interim documents
(for example, interim driver’s licence) are not to be accepted as primary ID. In cases
where a photo ID has expired, it is acceptable as primary ID as long as the Band Social
Development Worker is satisfied that the photo resembles the applicant and therefore
proves the applicant’s identity.
Table: Primary and Secondary ID
Primary ID (Photo ID)
Secondary ID
BC Driver’s Licence and Services Card
(Combined Card)
BC Services Card (Photo Card)
BC Identification (BCID) card
Canadian driver’s licence
Older versions of the Certificate of
Indian Status (CIS) issued by AANDC
(Laminated Certificate of Indian Status,
Certificate of Indian Status "All-in-One,"
or Certificate of Indian Status "Pilot
Secure Certificate of Indian Status
(SCIS) issued by Aboriginal Affairs and
Northern Development Canada
original citizenship papers or
immigration documents — these
include: Record of Landing (IMM1000),
Sponsorship Undertaking: Confirmation
of Permanent Residence (IMM5292),
Permanent Resident Card, Canadian
Citizenship Certificate (after February
1, 2012), and a refugee protection
claim or Temporary Resident Permit
(IMM1442) (See note below)
Canadian Citizenship Certificate issued
prior to February 1, 2012 (wallet sized
card issued and includes photo)
offender identification card issued by
Correctional Service Canada
Chapter 3, Application and Assessment
BC Services Card (Non-Photo Card)
Birth certificate
Citizenship papers or immigration
documents (without photo)
Credit cards
Other documents that, by themselves
or in conjunction with other documents,
would be considered acceptable
identification for cheque cashing
purposes at banks or other financial
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Identification Requirements
Note: Canadian Citizenship Certificates (issued after February 1, 2012), immigration
documents IMM 1000 and IMM 5292 (all are without photos) must be presented with
another piece of primary ID that contains a recent photo, in addition to a secondary ID.
Applicants holding a Temporary Resident Permit IMM 1442 should obtain a work permit
as soon as possible in order to qualify for a SIN and other primary IDs.
Note: All persons holding the Sponsorship Undertaking: Confirmation of Permanent
Residence (IMM5292) automatically receive the Permanent Resident Card. There is a
$50 fee for the card and the card expires every five years. [See Policy – ID Requirements
not Met]
Note: Children receive their own Permanent Resident Card.
Note: Both the SCIS card and CIS care are acceptable as primary ID. The toll-free
number may be used to verify the validity of the card in questionable circumstances, or
if the photo does not match the applicant. If a call to the automated system indicates
that the card’s serial number is invalid, return the card to the applicant and inform them
to contact AANDC.
Following is an example of the Secure Certificate of Indian Status card.
Verification of Social Insurance Number: August 1, 2014
All applicants and adult dependants are required to have a verified and valid Social
Insurance Number (SIN). Documents that may be used for verification of a SIN consist
• A valid SIN card
• A copy of a valid SIN card on the client’s existing case.
• A receipt issued by Service Canada in place of a SIN Card, until the Card arrives,
if the receipt verifies the applicant’s social insurance number.
• An original Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency containing SIN
and name, or a copy of this document on the client’s existing case.
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Identification Requirements
Other original formal documentation from the Government of Canada that
contains social insurance number and name, or a copy of this documentation on
the client’s existing case.
Note: A valid SIN card refers to a Social Insurance Card issued by Service Canada.
Metal cards that have Government of Canada printed on them are not valid SIN cards.
Assuming all other eligibility requirements are met, clients may be eligible for hardship
assistance SIN required, while they await documentation to verify their SIN. [For more
information, see Related Links – Hardship Assistance – SIN Required]
The following applicants and recipients are exempt from meeting the Social Insurance
Number (SIN) requirement when determining eligibility for income assistance or
disability assistance:
Refugee claimants,
Temporary Resident Permit holders,
Those who qualify for an exemption from citizenship requirements,
Those with permanent resident status waiting to receive a Social Insurance
ID on Existing File: August 1, 2014
Where a former client reapplies and staff are able to view previous copies of ID or SIN
documents on the case file and in the Band Social Development Worker’s opinion the
copies establish the applicant’s identity, the identification requirements are considered
Exceptions: August 1, 2014
The following are exceptions to ID requirements:
For newborn infants, a copy of the registration of live birth, application for a birth
certificate or ankle bracelet from the hospital is sufficient for identification
purposes for a three-month period.
For Grandparented Children out of Parental Home (COPH) recipients, one piece
of identification from either the primary or secondary ID list, plus a photograph of
the Grandparented COPH child is sufficient for identification purposes.
Where a client is incapable of managing his or her normal daily responsibilities
due to health issues beyond his/her control and is therefore unable to obtain ID
or a SIN, a third party can assist them in obtaining the documents needed to
meet the ID requirements.
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Identification Requirements
ID Requirements not Met: August 1, 2014
Until the required identification documents are received, the family unit is not eligible for
regular income assistance or disability assistance. Assuming all other eligibility
requirements are met, clients may be eligible for Hardship Assistance while they apply
for replacement ID. [For more information, see Hardship Assistance, Chapter 7.9 Identification
Not Established]
The Band Social Development Worker may issue an ID supplement to assist recipients
in obtaining the required ID, with the exception of immigration documents. [For more
information, see Chapter 9, Special Allowances]
If it is established that the client has been attempting to obtain the documentation but for
reasons outside his/her control has not been successful, an extension may be given
with case notes on file. The Band Social Development Worker should assist the client
in obtaining identification documents and consider eligibility for an ID supplement as
needed. [For more information, see Chapter 9, Special Allowances]
If the client does not produce the required identification documents within six months,
their case file must be reviewed to determine continued Hardship Assistance. The
client must reapply every month for Hardship Assistance and demonstrate monthly
If it has been established that the client has not been pursuing the required identification
documents, the requirements for continued eligibility for income assistance are not
being met and further assistance should be denied.
Chapter 3, Application and Assessment
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Identification Requirements
Documentation and Forms
• Budget and Decision Form (901-25)
• Social Assistance Monthly Renewal Declaration (901-28)
• Copies of required identification
• Income Assistance Report (DCI #455897)
• All other required income assistance documents
• Income Assistance Report (DCI #455897)
• Citizenship and Immigration
• Recipient Reporting Guide
Establishing Proof of Identity: August 1, 2014
To collect identification, follow these steps:
Obtain required ID and SIN documents for each member of the family unit
and copy for client file.
Note: Where a former client reapplies and staff are able to view previous copies
of ID or SIN documents on the case file and in the Band Social Development
Worker’s opinion the copies establish the applicant’s identity, the identification
requirements are considered satisfied.
Where identification is questionable or appears altered, do not accept the
documentation for any member of the family unit that this applies. [For more
information, see Chapter 7.9, Identification Not Established]
Applicants who do not have a verifiable SIN number can be considered for
Identification Supplement. [For more information, see Chapter 9, Special
Assist client in obtaining identification documents and consider eligibility for
an ID supplement, using the office address as the receiver. [For more
information, see Chapter 9, Special Allowances]
Once identification documents are received, copy to client file.
6. If the client does not produce the required identification within six months,
review their Hardship Assistance.
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Identification Requirements
Replacing Immigration ID: August 1, 2014
If a client loses their immigration documents, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
will replace the documents for a fee. The administering authority will not pay to replace
immigration documents even if the documents are required for the purposes of
determining eligibility for assistance.
Budget and Decision Form (901-25)
The Budget and Decision Form (901-25) is to be completed in full and document the
approved Identification Requirement as follows:
1. Comment section - indicate “type of need being provided” and calculate the family
units portion for each eligible item if shared shelter;
2. Under Monthly Requirements section –write the amount and sub-total each column
A, B, C, and D (Special) and;
a. For Hardship or Identification Supplement – no recovery required.
b. Under Resources, enter amount of number 5 in Less Deductions.
c. Indicate start and end date.
3. Signatures of both the recipient and Administering Authority.
Prepare a new Budget and Decision Form (901-25) when number of persons occupying
the home change or there is a change in family unit (see Chapter 4, Eligibility).
All expenditures must have the required documentation attached to the form (See
“Eligibility, Documentation & Forms” table above for examples of documentation).
Chapter 3, Application and Assessment
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Identification Requirements
The Administering Authority is to report all expenditures and caseload information by
1. Pages 1-4, Part A caseload details for applicant/recipient; and
2. Pages 5-6, Part B Financial Management Report sections:
14. Income Assistance Expenditures,
15. Shelter Information,
16. Children Out of Parental Home,
17. National Child Benefit Supplement Tracking, and
18. Declaration.
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