Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies Technical Services Policies Contents 1. Technical Services .......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 TS 1.0 Laneways – Sealing Surfaces ...................................................................... 1 1.2 TS 1.2 Access Culvert Crossings............................................................................. 1 1.3 TS 1.4 Alterations to Council street infrastructure .................................................... 2 1.4 TS 1.5 Driveways..................................................................................................... 2 1.5 TS 1.6 Use of Council Resources for Community Works ......................................... 9 1.6 TS 1.8 Street Lighting .............................................................................................. 9 1.7 TS 1.10 Road Upgrading in CBD to include landscaping ....................................... 10 1.8 TS 1.13 Register of Heavy Haulage Routes........................................................... 10 1.9 TS 1.16 Application for Temporary Road Closure .................................................. 11 1.10 TS 1.17 Road Verge Treatment ............................................................................. 17 1.11 TS1.18 Tree pruning/removal/replacement policy .................................................. 18 1.12 TS 1.20 Verge Deposit .......................................................................................... 19 1.13 TS 4.4 Picking Wildflowers on Road Reserve ........................................................ 22 i Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 1. Technical Services 1.1 TS 1.0 Laneways – Sealing Surfaces PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the driveway access across the road verge is level and free from rock and debris. POLICY That Council seals crossovers for laneways to the property boundary when road or footpath reconstruction is being undertaken. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: APRIL 2013 1.2 TS 1.2 Access Culvert Crossings PURPOSE OF THE POLICY The purpose of this policy is to provide safe access to Rural Properties. POLICY Council provide the necessary culvert piping for access to rural properties with the landowner being responsible for the construction of the crossing. The Executive Manager Technical Services to assess the pipe size required for same. Council will only supply pipes up to a diameter of 375mm and any size bigger will be paid for by the applicant. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: APRIL 2013 1 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 1.3 TS 1.4 Alterations to Council street infrastructure PURPOSE OF POLICY The purpose of this policy is to ensure that council is not faced with expensive costs in service adjustments to the verge. POLICY That the cost of altering existing structures in roads or road reserve, eg sumps, drains, kerbing and crossovers, be carried out at the full cost of the party requesting such change. Crossovers will be provided in the first instance in accordance with Policy 7.6 (Technical Services – Driveways) and any alteration required to council gullies and manholes will be paid for by the applicant. Barrier kerbing will be cut and removed for access free of charge in the first instance, where no other access has been previously provided. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: APRIL 2013 1.4 TS 1.5 Driveways PURPOSE To control the construction of crossovers in the urban and rural areas within the Shire. To ensure that any constructed crossover are built to Council’s standards and to comply to regulations of the Local Government Act 1995 POLICY 1. Crossovers shall be approved by Council staff prior to construction. 2. Staff shall grant approval for construction of a cross-over, only if, all of the following criteria are met:(i) Cross-over to be constructed using a bituminous surfacing, brick pavers, concrete or other material approved by Technical Services. (ii) Cross-over to be constructed from the property boundary to the kerb line; (iii) Width of the cross-over to be 3 - 6m; (iv) A bell shape to be formed at the kerb line with approximately 1.5m radii to give a max width at the kerbline of 6.6m. (v) All engineering aspects of the cross-over be acceptable to Technical Services staff; 3. Collie Shire will contribute to the cost of one (1) cross-over per property. 4. Council will contribute towards the cost of the crossover on a pro-rata basis using the following equation:Council Contribution $ = Length of Cross-over x $33/lineal metre The length of cross-over used in the calculation shall be no greater than the distance between the property and the kerb-line. 5. All repairs to cross-overs will be carried out by the owner at their cost, except where damage has occurred as a result of Council works. 2 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies ATTACHMENTS 3 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 4 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 5 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 6 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 7 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: APRIL 2013 8 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 1.5 TS 1.6 Use of Council Resources for Community Works PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to assist sporting and community bodies. POLICY That Council permit the CEO or Executive Manager Technical Services the discretionary power to carry out any works requested by any sporting body or community based group under the following guidelines:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Works shall not exceed a cumulative total value of $1,500 per sporting body or community group per annum. The value of work will include plant, labour and overhead costs. The proposed works will not impede or affect the progress on the Shire’s works and maintenance programs. Wherever possible, all works are to be carried out during normal office hours. When work is carried out outside normal working hours, labour costs, material and overheads are to be met directly by the group. When works are carried out during normal office hours, only material costs will be met directly by the group. No dry hire. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: April 2013 1.6 TS 1.8 Street Lighting PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that council streets are illuminated to minimize crime and accidents. POLICY That delegated discretionary power be given to the Technical Services Department to assess the necessity of street lighting based on one (1) light every second power pole and that where housing is sparsely situated, lighting be provided to accommodate security requirements. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: April 2013 9 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 1.7 TS 1.10 Road Upgrading in CBD to include landscaping PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to make sure that townscape works are completed when roads are upgraded within the CBD area. POLICY That any planned road upgrading works within the central business district include townscape/streetscape features as part of road works budget estimates. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: April 2013 1.8 TS 1.13 Register of Heavy Haulage Routes PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to endeavour to keep a record of all heavy haulage movements within the Shire of Collie. POLICY That the Executive Manager Technical Services be directed to keep a register of all applications for heavy haulage permits and that upon receipt of all future applications the applicants be requested to complete a Heavy Haulage Application Form providing the following information:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Origin and destination of all heavy haulage movements; Number of prime movers, vehicle combinations and masses to be covered by the application; The number of days operating per week; The frequency of trips per day; Names of all roads to be utilised by vehicles operating under this permit within the Shire of Collie; Any variation to this regime to be reported in writing to the Shire of Collie providing all details; The APPROVAL shall be for a period not exceeding 12 months at which time a fresh application must be made. The Executive Manager Technical Services shall recommend alternate routes to applicants wherever possible; to protect local roads and redirect heavy vehicles onto better suited routes. A request in the interest of Road Safety is that the applicant’s vehicles are to travel at no more than 40km/hr within the Collie townsite. 10 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: April 2013 1.9 TS 1.16 Application for Temporary Road Closure The purpose of this policy is to make the public aware of the requirements when considering events on roads POLICY Requirements of Road Traffic Authority Schedule 1, Road Traffic Act 1974 a) Applications are to be lodged at the police station nearest to where the proposed event will be held. The prescribed application fee is to be paid at the time of lodgement. b) To permit the relevant authorities adequate time to assess applications and organise resources, applications shall be lodged with the authorities within the following prescribed periods:- c) i) Events involving large public participation eg Fun Runs, pageants, not less than six calendar months prior to the proposed event; ii) Events involving the racing of motor vehicles but not large public participation, not less that three calendar months prior to the proposed event; iii) Events involving the racing of non-motorized vehicles, athletic events or other activities of a smaller nature, not less than one calendar month prior to the proposed event; iv) Events involving street or locality events which do not involve large public participation, not less than one calendar month prior to the proposed event. Where local authority/Commissioner of Main Roads approval is required the relevant declarations on the application are to be completed prior to the application being lodged. d) e) It is the applicant’s responsibility to arrange with the local authority for:i) The supply, erection and removal of prescribed road closure barriers and signs; ii) The payment of any associated fees and/or administrative charges. Where an Occupiers Consent From is required, it must indicate that two-thirds of the occupiers affected are in favour of the proposed road closure. Requirements of Council Refer to the attached flow chart (reference Code of Practice – Traffic Management For events July 11 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 2006) Section 3.50, Local Government Act 1995 1. Applications for Temporary Road Closures have to be advertised in the local paper (by Council). 2. Any objections to the closure are to be dealt with by Council. 3. Give written notice to affected residents abutting the closure (by Council). 4. All statutory authorities are to be advised of the proposed closure including Ambulance, Fire Brigade, Police, Water Corporation, Western Power and Telstra. 5. Barricades to be marked and lit. 6. Applicant indemnifies the Local Authority and Statutory Authorities against any claims for damages as a result of the application. The applicant is to submit a copy of their indemnity insurance/public risk policy for a minimum of $5,000,000 (five million dollars). nom ina t 7. Applicant agrees to abide by and respond to requests by the Local Authority’s Supervisor during the road closure. 8. Applicant to submit a copy of the attached Notification of Events 9. Applicant to submit a Traffic Management Plan similar to the attached generic MRWA plan. Information can be obtained on the Main Roads web site at 12 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 13 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 14 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 15 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 16 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: April 2013 1.10 TS 1.17 Road Verge Treatment PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to make council ratepayers aware of the requirements of the treatment of the verge area in front of their residence POLICY Council delegates its authority to the CEO to approve the installation and/or construction of gardens, reticulation, landscaping and other treatments to the verge between the front property line and the kerb, in accordance with Councils Local Law No.6 - Activities on Thoroughfares & Trading on Thoroughfares & Public Places. Guidelines The following principles shall apply to any application: 1. 8. No permanent structure can be permitted in the road reserve except with the written approval of Council. Treatments must not present hazards to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Allowance shall be made for sight distances, infirmities and poor lighting. There shall not be any hazards which could cause injury to persons, i.e. sudden depression, stakes, wires, etc. Plants should not be dangerous, have thorns or branches projecting at eye height. Plants should be maintained so that they do not present a danger to pedestrians. Plants shall not cause damage to public utilities or overhead power lines. Treatments should permit free access to services by the relevant authorities. A 2.5m strip adjacent to the road carriageway should be kept free of any traffic hazards or any object which impede pedestrian movement alongside the road. The strip shall be grassed or brick paved so as to provide a firm surface for pedestrian use. Pertains to all kerbed roads in residential areas. Care should be taken to keep sightlines clean near corners and for vehicles using a driveway. Maintenance should be to a reasonable standard as assessed by Council. 9. Hardstand verge treatments will only be permitted when: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. i) ii) On site drainage is incorporated in the design, i.e. a nature strip planted with appropriate ground covers or other vegetation. The remaining hardstand area is sealed or surfaced in an approved manner and this area shall not exceed 50% of the total area. 17 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies 10. 11. 12. 13. Loose crushed aggregate gravel and pine bark is not permitted as a verge treatment. A proprietary line of mulch is an approved cover material. Any irrigation equipment is installed in the verge at the risk of occupier. Its use must not inconvenience pedestrians or constitute a hazard (i.e. water spraying onto a road which causes motorists to swerve). Reinstatement of verge treatment, after the completion of public works, will be limited to an amount applying to a grassed verge. Any further reinstatement will be the complete responsibility of the occupier. The selection of trees and suitable plants will be subject to approval by the Executive Manager Technical Services. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 604 Date to be reviewed: April 2013 1.11 TS1.18 Tree pruning/removal/replacement policy PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that street trees under COUNCIL CONTROL are maintained and monitored and do not pose any safety problems to the public. POLICY The Shire of Collie recognises the value of trees in the environment and encourages a policy of growing the right tree in the right place. Trees should only be pruned using natural target pruning techniques. Trees should not be lopped. (* Natural Target Pruning Techniques – Pruning to enhance the natural growth habits of the tree.) (* Lopped – non- selective pruning) Reasons for Pruning • • • • • Powerlines - bound by Western Power act to give 2m clearance to powerlines up to 6m in some instances. Height clearance on footpaths - minimum required height above pathways is 2.25m. To allow good visibility at intersections, driveways and off road advisory signs. To remove any limbs that are damaged by storms, diseased or are made unsound by insect attacks. To remove any limbs that are too large and present an unacceptable element of risk for their location. 18 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies Tree Removal Trees to be removed if: 1. They are made dangerous from either storm damage, disease or insect attack. 2. They are too large and present unacceptable element of risk for their location. (If these trees are in a prominent location, then an arboricultural report will be under taken to ascertain the risk factor.) 3. Tree removal also to allow for road construction, drainage works, sand, gravel pits and sporting oval construction. Care will be taken not to remove trees unnecessarily. 4. Where applicable all tree removals to be within accordance with clearing licence as issued by Department of Planning and Infrastructure. 5. Species considered unsuitable – such as “Box Trees” – due to leaf litter and root exposure. Tree Replanting 1. Each years Road Program Budget to include the cost of street tree planting and verge rehabilitation of those roads constructed in the previous years Road Program. 2. Rural road verges are to be rehabilitated with native species indigenous to the area. 3. Street trees in the town area are to be planted once roads have been reconstructed. 4. The species to be planted is to be selected by the Parks Supervisor who will then circulate the information to the streets residents. 5. Council replaces unsuitable trees, a minimum of six annually in the Collie townsite verges, with a more suitable species under its replacement program. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: 579 Date to be reviewed: April 2013 1.12 TS 1.20 Verge Deposit Section 6.16d LOCAL GOV.ACT (fees) PURPOSE During site works and construction of buildings and improvements a wide range of damage and maintenance issues to the road verge can arise. It is therefore necessary that the deposit be available to recoup repair costs on a verge should the property owner or their contractor damage infrastructure and not repair it. This deposit should cover commercial residential and industrial developments (new and significant improvements). To allow Council to recoup costs incurred in repairing damage to road verges caused 19 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies during the construction of buildings and improvements to properties. POLICY The Reason for Verge Deposits Kerb deposits have been collected in the past as a means to protect kerbing from damage during construction of dwellings in residential areas. These deposits are however limited as they pertain to kerbing damage only within residential areas. Also these deposits were only collected for the initial dwelling constructed and not when further significant improvements are made. During site works and construction a wide range of other damage and maintenance issues to the road verge can arise. It is therefore necessary that the deposit be available to recoup repair costs on a verge should the property owner or their contractor damage infrastructure and not repair it. This deposit should cover commercial residential and industrial developments (new and significant improvements). Where Verge Deposits are Applied A verge is defined as the area being the width of a block extending from the edge of the roadway to the property boundary irrespective if there is a kerb (flush, mountable, semi mountable or barrier) or not. Verge deposits are applied to properties falling under the following zones. • Residential • Small Holdings • Light Industry • Commercial • Additional Uses This deposit is applied to new buildings as well as significant improvements over $20,000 (excluding GST) in value and over (considered significant structures under the Builder’s Regulation Act – requiring a registered or owner builder to carry out works). What is Covered Under Verge Deposits During construction (including site works) of a new building or improvement to an existing building a wide range of damage and maintenance issues can arise on the road verge. These are and not limited to: • Materials temporarily stockpiled on verges blowing or being washed onto roadways that require sweeping. • The same materials washing or blowing into the drainage network requiring removal. • Swale drains (generally where no kerbs or flush mount kerbs exist) not being reshaped after stockpiled materials are removed and site works completed that result in ponding of stormwater runoff. • Damage to road vegetation that may have previously existed or was planted by the developer be it grass, shrubs, trees or mulch. • Damage to footpaths and Dual Use Paths. • Damage to services such as scour valve boxes, manhole covers, and side entry pits. • Damage to regulatory and recommendatory signage. Any damage to the verge caused by the property owner or their contractor is covered under the Verge Deposit. 20 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies How Verge Deposits are Collected Under Section 6.16(d) of the Local Government Act 1995, a local government may impose fees and charges in relation to receiving applications, issuing approvals, making inspections and issuing licenses. A Verge deposit is to be payed when a Building License Application is lodged at the Shire of Collie Office. On payment of the fees due (as adopted by the annual budget currently $500 / Application or receipt of a bank guarantee of $5,000 for project home builders) the technical details will be assessed an approval letter will be sent to the applicant and a Building License issued. How Verge Deposits are Reimbursed On completion of the building or improvements a final inspection is conducted by the Building Inspector. A Verge Report/Record Form is processed for an officer from the Technical Services Department to inspect the road verge. Verges are to be left clean, trimmed (if material stockpiles were temporarily stored) and the kerb and gutter or road shoulder and seal swept to remove all such materials. Any washed or blown materials shall also be removed and the road surface swept clean. Any plant such as manhole covers and scour valves, covered by stockpiles, shall be exposed and swept clean. Swale drains are to be trimmed to reinstate the original gradient and shape. Any vegetation damaged is to be reinstated to its original condition. Damaged signage, manhole covers, side entry pits etc is to be reported to the Technical Services Department for replacement items to be ordered at the applicant’s cost. Damage to pathways or Dual Use Paths is to be reported to the Technical Service Department where the necessary advice will be given to affect repairs. If no damage or maintenance issues are observed the said Form is signed off and a refund processed and posted to the applicant. Use of Verge Deposit by Council Should damage or a maintenance issue be observed the deposit will be withheld and contact made with the applicant to rectify the said defect. If the defect is not rectified within twenty-one (21) days of notification the Verge Deposit will be used to fund the repairs. Should the said repairs exceed the Verge Deposit Council may seek the balance of repair costs in terms of the Road Traffic Act 1974 (Section 85) through any court of competent jurisdiction. Works in Road Reserves Carried Out by Contractors Property owners are advised that all contractors must carry the necessary Public Liability Insurance and follow Council’s Work Safety Standards when engaged in works on road verges. 21 Shire of Collie Policy Manual – Technical Services Policies Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: Adopted by Minute No: Date to be reviewed: 1.13 April 2013 TS 4.4 Picking Wildflowers on Road Reserve Purpose To provide a position for Councillors and staff with respect to wildflowers situated on Council Road Reserves. Scope a. Definitions b. Specific Inclusions / Exclusions Policy That Council prohibits the picking of wildflowers upon Road and Reserves under the care and control of Council. Appendix Nil. Policy adoption and review Council meeting held: 13 DECEMBER 2011 Adopted by Minute No: 2948; 5618 Date to be reviewed: DECEMBER 2015 22
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