Alberta Health Alberta Aids to Daily Living Burn Garments Benefits

Alberta Health
Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Burn Garments Benefits
Policy & Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Revision History
Policy J-8.0: Updated to reflect approved product list
October 1, 2014
Policies J-1.0 - 8.0: Updated format, rearranged to
correspond with policy/procedure format changes.
July 1, 2014
Policies J-1.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 7.0: amalgamated under J-02 July 1, 2014
under eligibility policies and procedures to increase clarity
and improve access.
Policies J-03 and J-04: Qualifications clarified for
authorizers and fitters. Additional requirements for new
authorizers added.
July 1, 2014
Policy J-05: Authorization process includes
policies/procedures previously under J8.0 and J9.0.
Additional information included to clarify authorization
process and promote consistent practice.
July 1, 2014
Policy J-06: Fitting and Providing benefit includes
policies/procedures previously under J10.0, information
on current practice included to clarify process.
July 1, 2014
Policy J-07: Quantity and Frequency Limits
policy/procedure added to address frequent questions
received by AADL.
July 1, 2014
Policy J-08: Added.
July 1, 2014
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Table of Contents
Policy J – 01...................................................................................................................4
Burn Garment Benefits Description ............................................................................................ 4
Policy Statement.................................................................................................................................... 4
Policy J – 02...................................................................................................................5
Eligibility Criteria – Burn Garment Benefits ................................................................................. 5
Policy Statement.................................................................................................................................... 5
Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Policy J – 03...................................................................................................................8
Authorizer Qualifications – Burn Garment Benefits .................................................................... 8
Policy Statement.................................................................................................................................... 8
Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Policy J – 04.................................................................................................................10
Fitter Qualifications – Burn Garment Benefits ........................................................................... 10
Policy Statement...................................................................................................................................10
Procedure .............................................................................................................................................10
Policy J – 05.................................................................................................................11
Authorization Process – Burn Garment Benefits ...................................................................... 11
Policy Statement...................................................................................................................................11
Procedure .............................................................................................................................................11
Policy J – 06.................................................................................................................13
Providing Burn Garment Benefits.............................................................................................. 13
Policy Statement...................................................................................................................................13
Procedure .............................................................................................................................................13
Policy J – 07.................................................................................................................15
Quantity and Frequency Limits for Burn Garment Benefits ...................................................... 15
Policy Statement...................................................................................................................................15
Procedure .............................................................................................................................................15
Policy J – 08.................................................................................................................16
Product Information and Specifications for Base Burn Garments ............................................ 16
Policy Statement...................................................................................................................................16
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Policy J – 01
Burn Garment Benefits Description
Policy Statement
AADL provides funding for burn garment benefits for AADL clients with documented risk
of a post-burn contracture to help these individuals be independent in activities of daily
Best practice supports the application of 25mmHG pressure on active scars as a component
of rehabilitation to achieve optimal functional outcomes.
AADL burn garment benefits include base pressure garments and features. Base pressure
garments are intended to provide pressure on active scars. Features are added to the base
garment to accommodate body contours and ensure the recommended pressure is
maintained on the scar.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Policy J – 02
Eligibility Criteria – Burn Garment Benefits
Policy Statement
The Eligibility Criteria Policy assists clients, guardians, authorizers and vendors in identifying
eligibility to access burn garment benefits.
Clients must meet general eligibility requirements found in AADL General Policies and
Procedures on-line at:
A client’s eligibility for burn garment benefits must be determined by an AADL Authorizer
prior to authorization.
AADL provides funding for burn garment benefits for clients who meet all the following
1. Client has long term active scar processes related to a burn injury;
2. Burn injury is of documented significance to place the client at risk of a post-burn
3. Burn garments are prescribed by the primary care physician and/or treating specialist
(surgeon or physiatrist) unless the authorizer has been provided exempt privileges. See
Policy J-03 Authorizer Qualifications for details on burn scar specialist exemption.
AADL will consider funding burn garment benefits on a prior approval basis for clients
1. Have necrotizing fasciitis and/or a severe animal bite(s); and
2. Is at risk for contractures(s) due to hypertrophic scarring (HTS); and
3. Meet criterion 3 above.
AADL does NOT provide funding for burn garment benefits for:
Use in acute or sub-acute care facilities except as part of a discharge plan;
Short-term interventions;
Pre- or post-operative use;
Application or intervention in a physician’s office;
Edema management;
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Skin protection;
Itchiness relief;
Cosmetic purposes;
Clients who have lost or damaged their garment;
Clients who are non-compliant;
Clients with the following co-morbidities: severe arterial insufficiency, cutaneous
infection, acute hypodermatitis or wet dermatoses; nor
Features chosen for personal preference or not clinically indicated.
AADL provides an annual limited number of burn garment benefits per eligible client based
on current best practice and expected wear. See the Burn Garment Benefit Approved
Product List (APL) for specific limits.
1. Confirm clients meet AADL eligibility requirements.
2. Confirm clients’ previous benefit consumption:
Refer to the Burn Garment Benefits APL to determine quantity limits for each
garment and feature at:
Refer to the Interactive Voice Response at 780-415-8717 to determine benefits the
client has received. See AADL IVR guide at:
Refer to Policy J-06 Quantity and Frequency Limits for clients who are over
quantity/frequency limit.
3. Inform clients of their eligibility status.
1. Check clients’ previous benefit consumption:
Refer to the Burn Garment Benefits APL to determine quantity limits for each
garment and feature at:
Refer to E-business for client’s benefit consumption history.
Refer to Policy J-07 Quantity and Frequency Limits for clients who are over
quantity/frequency limit.
1. Confirm eligibility with authorizer.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
2. Sign client declaration form.
1. Receives authorizations and ensures clients meet eligibility requirements.
2. Client Services confirms general eligibility.
3. Medical Surgical benefit clerks confirm benefit specific eligibility.
4. Returns authorization forms to authorizers when eligibility cannot be established due to
unclear or incomplete information.
5. Responds to telephone or email requests for information on burn garment benefits
eligibility and provides reference to the AADL website for further information at:
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Policy J – 03
Authorizer Qualifications – Burn Garment Benefits
Policy Statement
The Authorizer Qualification Policy facilitates accountability and transparency.
AADL accepts applications from existing AADL authorizers only. In addition, they must
meet the following criteria:
Applicant has an active AADL authorizer number.
Applicant is an Occupational Therapist (OT) or Physiotherapist (PT) associated with
a Burn Unit/Clinic, Plastics Unit/Clinic or Physiatrist.
Applicant is a Registered Nurse (RNs) working with a Burn Unit/Clinic, Plastics
Unit/Clinic or Physiatrist (doctor specialized in rehabilitation) and has additional
training/education in the area of scar interventions.
Applicant has completed the AADL authorizer training module for burn garments.
AADL will consider providing prescription exemption privileges to authorizers who meet all
the following qualifications:
Providing scar management is a major component of practice.
Ability to determine appropriate burn garment benefit without a physician
prescription is endorsed in writing by physician associated with the burn/plastic
AADL Authorizer Applicants:
1. Confirm eligibility.
2. Complete Burn Garment Product Range Application Form available at:
3. Complete On-line Burn Garment Module on-line at:
4. Forward completed application with supporting documentation to AADL.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
1. Provides authorizer on-line training module.
2. Registers authorizers who have completed all requirements and meet eligibility criteria.
3. Monitors authorizer activities and determine compliance with policies and procedures.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Policy J – 04
Fitter Qualifications – Burn Garment Benefits
Policy Statement
The Fitter Qualification Policy facilitates accountability and transparency.
Burn garment fitters must meet one of the following criteria:
• Is an AADL Burn Garment Benefit Authorizer.
• Is employed by an AADL vendor who has an agreement with AADL to provide
burn garment benefits.
Fitters must complete training and be certified by an approved manufacturer of custom burn
garment benefits. Re-certification is required every five years.
1. Confirm eligibility for burn garment fitting.
2. Complete manufacturer training every five years.
3. Submit certificate to AADL.
1. Employ certified burn garment fitter when providing garments to authorizers who are
not fitters.
1. Monitors burn garment fitters to ensure certificates are current and valid.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Policy J – 05
Authorization Process – Burn Garment Benefits
Policy Statement
The authorization process policy promotes effective and efficient authorization of benefits.
Burn garment benefit authorizations are valid when all authorization process steps and
requirements have been met. Invalid or incomplete authorizations are returned to the
Authorizers must adhere to the general policies and procedures for authorizing AADL
Authorizers must follow the AADL procedure for authorizing burn garment benefits.
Assessments for burn garment benefits funded by AADL must be completed and
documented by an OT, PT or RN trained in scar interventions/management.
All Authorization Correction and Change Forms related to burn garment benefits must be
submitted by an approved AADL Burn Garment Benefit Authorizer.
All authorizations for burn garment benefits have a maximum expiry of two years after the
authorization date. Extensions past the two year maximums must be prior approved by the
Manager, Medical Surgical Benefits.
1. Confirm client eligibility for benefit. Refer to Policy J-02 Eligibility Criteria – Burn
Garment Benefits.
2. Assess client or review assessment if assessor is not the authorizer. Document
assessment details and clinical rationale to support the provision of burn garment
benefits. This must be kept in the client’s file and submitted to AADL upon request.
3. Submit prior-approval requests to the Manager, Medical Surgical Benefits by fax.
Include information on met criteria to assist AADL in establishing client’s eligibility for
the benefit(s).
4. Complete Authorization Form or Authorization Correction and Change Form and
submit. Include details specifying which limb the garment is for and/or which garment
the features are for. E.g., two zippers for vest sleeves, silon tex for left arm sleeve.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
AADL Authorization Forms are available on AADL website at:
AADL Authorization Change and Correction forms are available at:
1. Fully participate in assessment.
2. Sign declaration form.
1. Receive vendor copy of authorization form.
2. Confirm authorization is valid (client eligible and not over-quantity) through E-business.
1. Reviews authorizations for compliance and accuracy.
2. Processes valid authorizations.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Policy J – 06
Providing Burn Garment Benefits
Policy Statement
The Providing Clients with Burn Garment Benefits Policy promotes effective and efficient
provision of benefits.
Providing burn garment benefits includes measuring the client, manufacturer order
submission, fitting the garment(s),documenting, client billing and claims.
AADL Vendors must have an agreement with AADL to provide burn garment benefits.
Vendors accept measurements from Burn Garment Benefit Fitters. See Policy J-04 Fitter
AADL Vendors can only charge fitting fees when the garment(s) is measured and fitted by a
fitter employed by the vendor.
Manufacturers listed in the Approved Product List have been reviewed and accepted by
AADL does not pay brokerage fees or costs of “RUSH” deliveries.
1. Complete manufacturer measurement forms:
Measure client in a private location.
Complete forms according to manufacturer instruction.
2. Submit measurements to vendor.
3. Receive manufactured burn garment and confirm garment meets specifications prior to
booking client for fitting.
4. Fit burn garment. Ensure client/caregiver is able to don and doff the burn garment(s)
and are satisfied with fit.
5. Provide verbal and written instructions on burn garment wear and care.
6. Arrange follow-up appointment. Clients must be followed-up on a regular basis to
ensure the burn garment(s) continues to be of benefit to the client.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
7. Complete documentation, including:
Client able to don and doff burn garment(s).
Client provided with and understands instructions on burn garment(s) wear and care.
Client satisfaction with fit.
1. Submit order to manufacturer. Order one burn garment initially; additional garments are
ordered once the first garment is deemed an appropriate fit.
2. Receive manufactured garment and confirm garment meets specifications prior to
providing garment to fitter.
3. Submit claim to AADL on E-business once garment is provided to fitter (service date).
1. Co-ordinates vendor agreements.
2. Conducts audits on fitters’ and vendors’ compliance with policy and procedures for
quality assurance and accountability purposes.
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Policy J – 07
Quantity and Frequency Limits for Burn Garment
Policy Statement
The Quantity and Frequency Limits for Burn Garment Benefits Policy ensures transparency,
consistency and accountability.
AADL sets annual limits on the number of burn garment benefits funded per eligible client
based on current best practice and expected wear. See the Approved Product List – Burn
Garment Benefits for specific limits at
AADL Burn Garment Benefit Authorizers must submit a Quantity and Frequency Request
(QFR) for benefit requests over the limit. See the QFR policy and process in the general
AADL Policy and Procedure Manual at:
AADL does not accept QFRs to replace garments due to measurement errors by fitters.
Increased quantity limits approved through a QFR are effective for the period of time the
corresponding authorization is valid.
1. Pursue alternate funding sources prior to requesting additional funds from AADL.
2. Follow the QFR process as outlined in the general AADL Policy and Procedure Manual
3. If QFR is denied, pay the cost of the benefit.
1. Follow the QFR process as outlined in the general AADL Policy and Procedure Manual
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
October 1, 2014
Policy J – 08
Product Information and Specifications for Base Burn
Policy Statement
Product information and specifications provide a consistent description of base burn
garments to inform authorizers, vendors and clients.
Vest – sleeveless
• Includes one zipper
• Hook and Loop tab to attach vest to lower torso garments
optional – no cost added
Vest – with sleeve(s)
• Includes one zipper
• Hook and loop tabs to attach vest to lower torso garments
are optional - no cost added
Face Mask
• Includes posterior hook and loop closure
Chin Strap/Chin Extension Collar
• Includes posterior hook and loop closure
Body Brief – sleeveless
• Includes one zipper
Body Brief – with sleeve(s)
• Includes one zipper
Body Suit – sleeveless
• Includes one zipper
• Legs to above knee
© 2014 Government of Alberta
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
Body suit – with sleeves
• Includes one zipper
• Legs to above knee
• Has thumb and common cover for digits
Interdigital Web Spacer
• Worn on outside of glove
• Has thumb and opening for four digits
Glove to Wrist
• Has at least one finger
Glove to Elbow
• Measurements 4.5 inches past wrist is required
Arm Sleeve – wrist to elbow
Arm Sleeve (half) with Shoulder Flap
• Upper arm sleeve included
Forearm Sleeve with Gauntlet
Arm Sleeve (full) with Shoulder Flap
• Full arm sleeve included
Arm Sleeve – wrist to axilla
Arm Sleeve (full) and Gauntlet
Stump Sock – above knee
Arm Sleeve – gauntlet to shoulder flap
Stocking to knee
• Includes foot
• Open, soft or self-closed toe
Stump Sleeve - to axilla
Stump Sleeve with Shoulder Flap
© 2014 Government of Alberta
October 1, 2014
Alberta Health, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
Program Manual, Manual J, Burn Garments, Policy and Procedures Manual
Stump Sock below knee
Stump Stocking to Waist (2 limbs)
• One stump/one leg or two stumps
Stump Stocking to Waist (1 limb)
Foot Glove
• At least two toes are separately closed
• Extends no more than 4.5 inches above ankle
• With or without enclosed toe
Stocking to thigh
• Includes foot
Panty - girdle style
• Two legs above knee
Panty - brief style
Stockings - waist height pregnancy
• Two legs
• With or without feet
Leg Sleeve - ankle to knee
Leg Sleeve - ankle to thigh
Stocking – one leg with panty
• With or without foot
• Closed or open publis
Stockings - waist brief
• Two legs to below knee
• With or without feet
• Closed, open pubis or chap style
© 2014 Government of Alberta
October 1, 2014