YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual YANG-Based Unified Modular Automation Tools NETCONF Over SSH Client Version 14.08-2 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Table Of Contents 1 Preface............................................................................................................................................7 1.1 Legal Statements......................................................................................................................7 1.2 Additional Resources................................................................................................................7 1.2.1 WEB Sites.................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2.2 Mailing Lists.................................................................................................................................. 8 1.3 Conventions Used in this Document........................................................................................8 2 yangcli-pro User Guide...................................................................................................................9 2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................9 2.1.1 Features....................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.2 Starting yangcli-pro..................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.3 Stopping yangcli-pro................................................................................................................... 13 2.1.4 Statements................................................................................................................................. 13 2.1.5 Commands................................................................................................................................. 14 2.1.6 Variables..................................................................................................................................... 17 2.1.7 Files............................................................................................................................................ 21 2.1.8 Scripts........................................................................................................................................ 21 2.1.9 Configuration Mode Editing.........................................................................................................24 2.1.10 Configuration Parameter List....................................................................................................26 2.2 Invoking Commands...............................................................................................................30 2.2.1 Command Prompt....................................................................................................................... 31 2.2.2 Command Name........................................................................................................................ 34 2.2.3 ncx:default-parm Extension........................................................................................................ 34 2.2.4 Parameter Mode Escape Commands.........................................................................................36 2.2.5 Using XPath Expressions........................................................................................................... 36 2.2.6 Special Parameter Handling.......................................................................................................38 2.2.7 Command Completion................................................................................................................ 39 2.2.8 Command Line Editing............................................................................................................... 40 2.2.9 Command History....................................................................................................................... 41 2.2.10 Command Responses.............................................................................................................. 41 2.3 NETCONF Session Configuration..........................................................................................42 2.3.1 Saving Sessions......................................................................................................................... 43 2.3.2 Multiple Sessions........................................................................................................................ 43 2.3.3 Changing the Active Session......................................................................................................43 2.3.4 Saving the Configured Sessions.................................................................................................44 2.3.5 Loading Additional Configured Sessions.....................................................................................45 2.3.6 Displaying the Configured Sessions...........................................................................................45 2.3.7 Displaying Sessions.................................................................................................................... 45 2.3.8 Terminating a Named Session....................................................................................................46 2.3.9 Saved Session Configuration File Format...................................................................................46 2.3.10 Session Configuration File Example.........................................................................................48 2.4 NETCONF Group Configuration ............................................................................................48 2.4.1 Create group............................................................................................................................... 49 2.4.2 List group.................................................................................................................................... 49 2.4.3 Delete group............................................................................................................................... 49 2.4.4 Add group................................................................................................................................... 50 2.4.5 Remove Group........................................................................................................................... 50 2.4.6 Show Group................................................................................................................................ 50 2.4.7 Connect Group .......................................................................................................................... 50 2.4.8 Help Group................................................................................................................................. 51 2.4.9 Saving Groups ........................................................................................................................... 52 Version 14.08-2 Page 2 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.4.10 Changing the Active group .......................................................................................................53 2.5 Using NETCONF Sessions....................................................................................................53 2.5.1 Connection Startup Screen.........................................................................................................53 2.5.2 Server Tailored Context.............................................................................................................. 55 2.5.3 Retrieving Data........................................................................................................................... 56 2.5.4 Modifying Data............................................................................................................................ 57 2.5.5 Using Notifications...................................................................................................................... 59 2.5.6 Configuration Parameters That Affect Sessions..........................................................................59 2.5.7 Trouble-shooting NETCONF Session Problems.........................................................................60 2.6 Automated Testing..................................................................................................................62 2.6.1 Test Templates............................................................................................................................ 62 2.6.2 YANG File Defining Test Templates............................................................................................63 2.6.3 Example Test File....................................................................................................................... 66 2.7 Command Reference.............................................................................................................71 2.7.1 alias............................................................................................................................................ 71 2.7.2 aliases........................................................................................................................................ 73 2.7.3 auto-test...................................................................................................................................... 74 2.7.4 cache.......................................................................................................................................... 75 2.7.5 cd................................................................................................................................................ 78 2.7.6 close-session.............................................................................................................................. 79 2.7.7 commit........................................................................................................................................ 80 2.7.8 config.......................................................................................................................................... 81 2.7.9 connect....................................................................................................................................... 82 2.7.10 copy-config............................................................................................................................... 85 2.7.11 create........................................................................................................................................ 88 2.7.12 create-subscription................................................................................................................... 90 2.7.13 delete........................................................................................................................................ 92 2.7.14 delete-config............................................................................................................................. 94 2.7.15 discard-changes....................................................................................................................... 96 2.7.16 edit-config................................................................................................................................. 96 2.7.17 elif............................................................................................................................................. 99 2.7.18 else......................................................................................................................................... 101 2.7.19 end......................................................................................................................................... 102 2.7.20 eval......................................................................................................................................... 103 2.7.21 eventlog.................................................................................................................................. 104 2.7.22 exit.......................................................................................................................................... 106 2.7.23 fill............................................................................................................................................ 107 2.7.24 get.......................................................................................................................................... 109 2.7.25 get-config................................................................................................................................ 111 2.7.26 get-locks................................................................................................................................. 113 2.7.27 get-my-session........................................................................................................................ 114 2.7.28 get-schema............................................................................................................................. 115 2.7.29 group....................................................................................................................................... 118 2.7.30 help......................................................................................................................................... 122 2.7.31 history..................................................................................................................................... 125 2.7.32 if.............................................................................................................................................. 128 2.7.33 insert....................................................................................................................................... 129 2.7.34 kill-session.............................................................................................................................. 132 2.7.35 list........................................................................................................................................... 133 2.7.36 load......................................................................................................................................... 136 2.7.37 lock......................................................................................................................................... 138 2.7.38 log-debug................................................................................................................................ 139 Version 14.08-2 Page 3 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.7.39 log-error.................................................................................................................................. 140 2.7.40 log-info.................................................................................................................................... 141 2.7.41 log-warn.................................................................................................................................. 142 2.7.42 merge..................................................................................................................................... 143 2.7.43 mgrload................................................................................................................................... 145 2.7.44 no-op...................................................................................................................................... 146 2.7.45 pwd......................................................................................................................................... 147 2.7.46 quit.......................................................................................................................................... 148 2.7.47 recall....................................................................................................................................... 148 2.7.48 record-test.............................................................................................................................. 149 2.7.49 release-locks.......................................................................................................................... 151 2.7.50 remove.................................................................................................................................... 152 2.7.51 replace.................................................................................................................................... 153 2.7.52 restart..................................................................................................................................... 156 2.7.53 run.......................................................................................................................................... 156 2.7.54 save........................................................................................................................................ 158 2.7.55 session................................................................................................................................... 159 2.7.56 session-cfg............................................................................................................................. 159 2.7.57 sessions-cfg............................................................................................................................ 161 2.7.58 set-log-level............................................................................................................................ 162 2.7.59 set-my-session........................................................................................................................ 163 2.7.60 sget......................................................................................................................................... 164 2.7.61 sget-config.............................................................................................................................. 167 2.7.62 show....................................................................................................................................... 170 2.7.63 shutdown................................................................................................................................ 176 2.7.64 start-rpc-timing........................................................................................................................ 177 2.7.65 start-session........................................................................................................................... 178 2.7.66 start-timer............................................................................................................................... 179 2.7.67 stop-rpc-timing........................................................................................................................ 180 2.7.68 stop-session........................................................................................................................... 181 2.7.69 stop-timer................................................................................................................................ 182 2.7.70 test-suite................................................................................................................................. 183 2.7.71 unlock..................................................................................................................................... 185 2.7.72 unset....................................................................................................................................... 187 2.7.73 uservars.................................................................................................................................. 188 2.7.74 validate................................................................................................................................... 189 2.7.75 while....................................................................................................................................... 190 2.7.76 xget......................................................................................................................................... 192 2.7.77 xget-config.............................................................................................................................. 194 3 CLI Reference.............................................................................................................................198 3.1 --aliases-file..........................................................................................................................198 3.2 --alt-names............................................................................................................................198 3.3 --autoaliases.........................................................................................................................198 3.4 --autocomp............................................................................................................................199 3.5 --autoconfig...........................................................................................................................199 3.6 --autohistory..........................................................................................................................200 3.7 --autoload..............................................................................................................................200 3.8 --autoload-cache...................................................................................................................200 3.9 --autoload-get.......................................................................................................................201 3.10 --autoload-save-cache........................................................................................................201 3.11 --autonotif............................................................................................................................202 Version 14.08-2 Page 4 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.12 --autosessions....................................................................................................................202 3.13 --autotest.............................................................................................................................203 3.14 --autouservars....................................................................................................................203 3.15 --bad-data...........................................................................................................................204 3.16 --batch-mode......................................................................................................................204 3.17 --check-output.....................................................................................................................204 3.18 --check-output-error............................................................................................................205 3.19 --check-replies....................................................................................................................205 3.20 --check-replies-error...........................................................................................................206 3.21 --config................................................................................................................................206 3.22 --config-edit-mode..............................................................................................................207 3.23 --datapath...........................................................................................................................207 3.24 --default-module.................................................................................................................208 3.25 --deviation...........................................................................................................................208 3.26 --display-mode....................................................................................................................209 3.27 --echo-notif-loglevel............................................................................................................210 3.28 --echo-notifs........................................................................................................................210 3.29 --echo-replies......................................................................................................................211 3.30 --feature-disable..................................................................................................................211 3.31 --feature-enable..................................................................................................................212 3.32 --feature-enable-default......................................................................................................212 3.33 --fixorder.............................................................................................................................213 3.34 --force-target.......................................................................................................................213 3.35 --help...................................................................................................................................214 3.36 --help-mode........................................................................................................................214 3.37 --home................................................................................................................................215 3.38 --ignore-missing-vars..........................................................................................................216 3.39 --indent................................................................................................................................216 3.40 --log.....................................................................................................................................216 3.41 --log-append.......................................................................................................................217 3.42 --log-backtrace....................................................................................................................217 3.43 --log-backtrace-detail..........................................................................................................218 3.44 --log-backtrace-level...........................................................................................................218 3.45 --log-backtrace-stream.......................................................................................................219 3.46 --log-console.......................................................................................................................219 3.47 --log-header........................................................................................................................220 3.48 --log-level............................................................................................................................220 3.49 --log-mirroring.....................................................................................................................221 3.50 --log-stderr..........................................................................................................................221 3.51 --log-suppress-ctrl...............................................................................................................222 3.52 --log-syslog.........................................................................................................................222 3.53 --log-syslog-level................................................................................................................222 3.54 --match-names...................................................................................................................223 3.55 --message-indent................................................................................................................224 3.56 --modpath...........................................................................................................................224 3.57 --module..............................................................................................................................225 3.58 --ncport...............................................................................................................................225 3.59 --no-config...........................................................................................................................226 Version 14.08-2 Page 5 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.60 --password..........................................................................................................................226 3.61 --private-key........................................................................................................................227 3.62 --prompt-type......................................................................................................................227 3.63 --protocols...........................................................................................................................228 3.64 --public-key.........................................................................................................................228 3.65 --runpath.............................................................................................................................228 3.66 --run-command...................................................................................................................229 3.67 --run-script..........................................................................................................................229 3.68 --save-session-vars............................................................................................................230 3.69 --server...............................................................................................................................230 3.70 --subdirs..............................................................................................................................230 3.71 --test-suite-file.....................................................................................................................231 3.72 --time-rpcs...........................................................................................................................231 3.73 --time-rpcs-stats..................................................................................................................232 3.74 --time-rpc-stats-file..............................................................................................................232 3.75 --timeout..............................................................................................................................232 3.76 --transport...........................................................................................................................233 3.77 --use-data-templates..........................................................................................................233 3.78 --use-rawxml.......................................................................................................................234 3.79 --use-session-vars..............................................................................................................234 3.80 --use-xmlheader.................................................................................................................235 3.81 --user..................................................................................................................................235 3.82 --uservars-file......................................................................................................................235 3.83 --version..............................................................................................................................236 3.84 --warn-idlen.........................................................................................................................236 3.85 --warn-linelen......................................................................................................................237 3.86 --warn-off............................................................................................................................237 3.87 --yumapro-home.................................................................................................................238 Version 14.08-2 Page 6 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 1 Preface 1.1 Legal Statements Copyright 2009 – 2012, Andy Bierman, All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2012 - 2014, YumaWorks, Inc., All Rights Reserved. 1.2 Additional Resources This document assumes you have successfully set up the software as described in the printed document: YumaPro Installation Guide Other documentation includes: YumaPro Quickstart Guide YumaPro User Manual YumaPro netconfd-pro Manual YumaPro yangdiff-pro Manual YumaPro yangdump-pro Manual YumaPro Developer Manual YumaPro yp-system API Guide To obtain additional support you may contact YumaWorks technical support department: [email protected] 1.2.1 • • WEB Sites YumaWorks ◦ http://www.yumaworks.com ◦ Offers support, training, and consulting for YumaPro. Netconf Central ◦ http://www.netconfcentral.org/ ▪ • • Free information on NETCONF and YANG, tutorials, on-line YANG module validation and documentation database Yang Central ◦ http://www.yang-central.org ◦ Free information and tutorials on YANG, free YANG tools for download NETCONF Working Group Wiki Page ◦ http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/netconf/trac/wiki ◦ Free information on NETCONF standardization activities and NETCONF implementations Version 14.08-2 Page 7 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • • NETCONF WG Status Page ◦ http://tools.ietf.org/wg/netconf/ ◦ IETF Internet draft status for NETCONF documents libsmi Home Page ◦ http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/libsmi/ ◦ Free tools such as smidump, to convert SMIv2 to YANG • 1.2.2 • • Mailing Lists NETCONF Working Group ◦ http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/netconf-charter.html ◦ Technical issues related to the NETCONF protocol are discussed on the NETCONF WG mailing list. Refer to the instructions on the WEB page for joining the mailing list. NETMOD Working Group ◦ http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/netmod-charter.html ◦ Technical issues related to the YANG language and YANG data types are discussed on the NETMOD WG mailing list. Refer to the instructions on the WEB page for joining the mailing list. 1.3 Conventions Used in this Document The following formatting conventions are used throughout this document: Documentation Conventions Convention Version 14.08-2 Description --foo CLI parameter foo <foo> XML parameter foo foo yangcli-pro command or parameter $FOO Environment variable FOO $$foo yangcli-pro global variable foo some text Example command or PDU some text Plain text Page 8 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2 yangcli-pro User Guide Program Components 2.1 Introduction The yangcli-pro program is a NETCONF over SSH client application. It is driven directly by YANG modules, and provides a simple but powerful application interface that can utilize any YANG file to drive the user interface. Full server management features and server testing features are supported. There is no configuration required at all to use any YANG file, since the yangdump-pro YANG compiler is built into the application. 2.1.1 Features The yangcli-pro client has the following features: • Support for multiple sessions to multiple servers at once • Support for configured named sessions saved in a secure configuration file • Easy to use configuration mode for editing; provides an IOS CLI-like user interface to edit server configurations • Automated shadow configuration monitoring for each session; can be referenced in scripts and tab completion • Automated notification monitoring for each session; callback framework for event handling Version 14.08-2 Page 9 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • • • • • Automated regression testing support to verify server operation, including ◦ setup and cleanup sections per test-suite ◦ multiple tests per suite ◦ each test step can check for ok, rpc-error, data responses Automatic recording of test suites ◦ The record-test command used to automatically record commands in a re-usable test script. ◦ The test-suite command is used to run previously recorded tests and verify the same results are obtained as when the test was recorded. Automatic monitoring of server notifications ◦ The <create-subscription> operation is automatically sent if --autonotif=true and the server supports notifications. ◦ Configuration change events are monitored to know when configuration updates are needed for that session Automatic shadowing of the running configuration ◦ The <get-config> operation is automatically sent if --autoconfig=true. A shadow of the running configuration is maintained for the session, and updated automatically if notifications are active. ◦ The config command uses the shadow configuration for tab completion and comparison purposes. Automatic support for all NETCONF protocol operations, including several 'short-hand' commands for the most common operations: ◦ ◦ <edit-config> high level functions: ▪ create ▪ delete ▪ insert ▪ merge ▪ replace ▪ remove <get> and <get-config> high-level functions: ▪ sget ▪ sget-config ▪ xget ▪ xget-config • Automated database locking, unlocking and error cleanup, using the high-level get-locks and release-locks commands. • Automatic, standards-based, server schema synchronization, using the YANG module capability URI information in the <hello> PDU, and the <get-schema> operation: ◦ For each session, the exact view of the server schema definition tree is created, based on the module capability: ▪ module namespace ▪ module name Version 14.08-2 Page 10 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ module revision date ▪ enabled features ▪ names of any modules that contain deviations for this module ◦ The help text and parameter validation for each session will be tailored to the capabilities advertised by the server. ◦ Parses each potential matching YANG file to make sure the module name, revision date, and namespace URI value are all exactly the same as the values in the module capability URI. • Understands all NETCONF protocol capabilities, and complex hard-wired logic simplifies protocol usage, and allows high-level commands to pick appropriate defaults for many RPC operation parameters. • Load any YANG module at boot-time or run-time and start using it immediately. • Full concurrent support for multiple revisions of the same module. • Supports NETCONF notifications, including :interleave capability. • Full XPath 1.0 and subtree filtering support. • Automatic support for all YANG language mechanisms, including extensions. • Any YANG <rpc> operation is automatically available as a yangcli-pro command. • Uses YANG files directly as input, so no pre-processing or configuration needed to use a new module. • Can be called from unix scripts in 'batch-mode' to automatically establish a NETCONF session, issue a command or invoke a yangcli-pro script, close the session, and return the results. • Extensive interactive shell environment, including user variables, file variables, smart parameter set completion, and a simple scripting environment for automatic operation. • Automatic, context-sensitive (tab key) command-line completion. • Full support for XPath, instance-identifier, leafref, and identityref parameters. • Automatic, context-sensitive help system, based completely on YANG files and using the exact modules supported by the current NETCONF session, if connected. • Full, customizable command line editing, using emacs by default, but vi or a custom set of keystroke bindings are also supported. • Command line history and command recall. • Store and recall command line history files for later use. • Automatic NETCONF session management, including support for all YANG extensions to the <capability> element. • Automatic recognition and support for all NETCONF 'capability' related operations. • Automatic support for all YANG additions to the NETCONF protocol, such as the insert operation • Unlimited nested scripts with up to 10 parameters each can automate testing and other management tasks • User configurable command aliases that can be saved and restored. 2.1.2 Starting yangcli-pro The current working directory in use when yangcli-pro is invoked is important. It is most convenient to run yangclipro from a work directory, rather than the installation directory or within the module library. Version 14.08-2 Page 11 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The yangcli-pro program can be invoked several ways: • To get the current version and exit: yangcli-pro --version • To get program help and exit: yangcli-pro --help yangcli-pro --help --brief yangcli-pro --help --full • To start an interactive session with the default parameters: yangcli-pro • To start an interactive session with a new log file: yangcli-pro --log=mylogfile • To start an interactive session and append to an existing log file: yangcli-pro --log=mylogfile --log-append • To get parameters from a configuration file: yangcli-pro --config=~/yangcli-pro.conf • To begin to connect to a server upon startup, provide the --server parameter. The connect command will be started upon startup and the user will be prompted to enter the rest of the mandatory parameters to the connect command. yangcli-pro server=myserver.example.com • To connect to a server and automatically connect without any interactive interruption, enter the --server, --user, and --password parameters. A session startup will be attempted right away, using these parameters. Any optional parameters for the connect command (--port or --timeout) may be entered as well. All parameters can be entered from a config file, and/or the command line. yangcli-pro --server=myserver.example.com \ Version 14.08-2 Page 12 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --user=andy --password=yangrocks • To automatically connect to a server, run a script in non-interactive mode, and then remain connected to the server, add the --run-script parameter to the connection parameters. The --runpath parameter can also be entered, if needed. yangcli-pro --server=myserver.example.com \ --user=andy --password=yangrocks \ --run-script=mytestscript • To automatically connect to a server, run a script in non-interactive mode, and then exit the program, add the --batch-mode and --run-script parameters to the connection parameters. The --runpath parameter can also be entered, if needed. yangcli-pro --server=myserver.example.com \ --user=andy --password=yangrocks \ --run-script=mytestscript --batch-mode • To automatically connect to a server, and run a single command instead of a script, and then exit, use the --run-command parameter instead of the --run-script parameter. The --batch-mode parameter can be left out to remain in the current session (in interactive mode) after the command is invoked. yangcli-pro --server=myserver.example.com \ --user=andy --password=yangrocks \ --batch-mode --run-command=”sget /system” 2.1.3 Stopping yangcli-pro To terminate the yangcli-pro program, use the quit command. The control-C character sequence will also cause the program to be terminated. 2.1.4 Statements The yangcli-pro script interpreter accepts several types of statements: yangcli-pro Statements type description example command invoke a local command and/or send an <rpc> to the server sget /system variable assignment set a user variable to some value $system = sget /system file assignment set the contents of a file to some value @save.txt = $system Version 14.08-2 Page 13 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual variable deletion delete a user variable or clear a system variable $system = A command can be as simple like 'get' or complex, like 'edit-config'. A variable assignment sets the specified user or system variable to the right hand side of the expression. An expression has many forms, including the result from a local command or a remote NETCONF operation. If a string that matches a command is used as the assignment value, then it must be entered in quotes (single or double). For example, the $$default-operation system configuration variable accepts enumeration values which also match RPC commands: > $$default-operation = 'merge' A file assignment is essentially the same as a variable assignment, except the right hand side of the expression is saved in the specified file, instead of a user variable. To delete a user variable, leave the right hand side of the expression empty (or just whitespace). Note: More statement types will be available in the next release. 2.1.5 Commands The yangcli-pro program has several built-in commands, defined in yangcli-pro.yang, yuma-netconf.yang, and notifications.yang. The YANG rpc statement is used to define the syntax and behavior of each command. There are 2 types of yangcli-pro commands: • local: the command is executed within the yangcli-pro application, and can be invoked at any time. • remote: the command is executed on the remote server, and is only available when a NETCONF session is active. Any YANG rpc statement that yangcli-pro does not recognize as a local command is treated as a remote command available on the server. Local Commands Version 14.08-2 Page 14 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual command description alias Show or set a specific yangcli-pro command alias aliases Manage the yangcli-pro command aliases auto-test Run automatic edit testing on the specified session cache Clear 1 or all entries from the YANG module cache cd Change the current working directory config Enter the configuration mode for the current session connect Connect to a server and start a NETCONF session elif Start an 'else-if' conditional block else Start an 'else' conditional block end End an 'if' or 'while' block eval Evaluate an XPath expression eventlog View or clear the notification event log exit Exit configuration mode for the current session fill Fill a user variable group Manage the session groups. help Get context-sensitive help history Manage the command history buffer if Start an 'if' conditional block list List modules, objects, or other properties of the session log-debug Log a debug message log-error Log an error message log-info Log an info message log-warn Log a warning message mgrload Load a YANG file into the client only pwd Print the current working directory quit Exit the program recall Recall a line from the command history buffer record-test Record commands and responses for a regression test run Run a script session Set the current session session-cfg Access a named session configuration sessions-cfg Access the named session configuration file show Show variables and objects currently available start-rpc-timing Start <rpc> timing mode and save statistics to a file start-session Start a named session from the saved sessions configuration start-timer Start a script timer stop-rpc-timing Stop <rpc> timing mode Version 14.08-2 Page 15 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual stop-session Stop a named session stop-timer Stop a script timer and display the elapsed time test-suite Access a configured unit-test suite for automated testing update-config Update the shadow configuration for the current session< unset Remove a command alias from memory uservars Manage the yangcli-pro user variables while Start a 'while' conditional loop block Table 1 The following table shows the standard NETCONF protocol operations that are directly available for use, depending on the capabilities of the server. Standard NETCONF Commands command description cancel-commit Cancel the current confirmed commit procedure close-session Close the current NETCONF session commit Make the candidate database be the running config copy-config Copy an entire NETCONF database create-subscription Start receiving NETCONF notifications delete-config Delete an entire NETCONF database discard-changes Discard any edits in the candidate database edit-config Alteration of the target database get Filtered retrieval of state data and running config get-config Filtered retrieval of any NETCONF database get-schema Get a data model definition file from the server kill-session Force close another NETCONF session lock Lock a NETCONF database that is currently unlocked unlock Unlock a NETCONF database that is currently locked validate Validate the contents of a NETCONF database The following yangcli-pro commands are available for simplified access to standard NETCONF operations Custom NETCONF Commands command description create Invoke an <edit-config> create operation delete Invoke an <edit-config> delete operation get-locks Lock all the databases with the <lock> operation Version 14.08-2 Page 16 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual insert Invoke an <edit-config> YANG insert operation merge Invoke an <edit-config> merge operation release-locks Unlock all the locked databases with the <unlock> operation remove Invoke an <edit-config> remove operation replace Invoke an <edit-config> replace operation save Save the current edits on the server in NV-storage sget Invoke a <get> operation with a subtree filter sget-config Invoke a <get-config> operation with a subtree filter xget Invoke a <get> operation with an XPath filter xget-config Invoke a <get-config> operation with an XPath filter The following table shows the extended NETCONF protocol operations that are available on the netconfd-pro server only. Extended netconfd-pro Commands command description get-my-session Retrieve session customization parameters load Load a module into the server. no-op No operation. restart Restart the server. set-log-level Set the server logging verbosity level. set-my-session Set session customization parameters. shutdown Shutdown the server. The following table shows the special configuration mode commands and keywords. They are only allowed in configuration mode. Configuration Mode Commands command 2.1.6 description apply Apply any pending edits to the current session do Run a command in configuration mode no Prefix to configuration mode command used to delete a node Variables The yangcli-pro program utilizes several types of user-accessible variables. These variables can be listed with the 'show vars' command and other commands as well. Version 14.08-2 Page 17 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual A variable reference consists of 1 or 2 dollar signs ('$'), followed immediately by a valid identifier string (e.g., $ $global-log or $local-log). Variables can be 1 or more characters in length, and follow the YANG rules for identifier names. The first character must be a letter, 'A' to 'Z', or 'a' to 'z'. The 2nd to last characters can be a letter 'A' to 'Z', or 'a' to 'z', number ('0' to '9'), an underscore ('_'), a dash ('-'), or a period ('.') character. There are 4 categories of parameters supported: 1. Read-only system variables 2. Read-write system variables 3. Read-write global user variables (saved in $HOME/.yuma directory) 4. Read-write local user variables It is an error if a variable is referenced (in the right-hand-side of a statement) that does not exist. The first 3 types are global variables, which means that they are available to all run-levels of all scripts. The last type, called a local variable, is only visible to the current run-level of the current script (or interactive shell). Refer to the following section for more details on run levels. Variable Syntax syntax description example $$<variable-name> Left hand side: set the global variable to some value $$saved_get = get $$<variable-name> Right hand side: access the value of a global variable fill --target=\ $$mytarget $<variable-name> Left hand side: set the local variable to some value $myloglevel = \ $$log-level $<variable-name> Right hand side: access the value of any variable with this name (try local, then global) $myuser = $user The following table shows the unix environment variables that are available as read-only global variables in yangclipro. These variables are set once when the program is started, and cannot be used in the the left hand side of an assignment statement. Read-only system variables variable description $$HOME the HOME environment variable $$HOSTNAME the HOST or HOSTNAME environment variable $$LANG the LANG environment variable $$PWD the PWD environment variable, when yangcli-pro was invoked Version 14.08-2 Page 18 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual $$SHELL the SHELL environment variable $$USER the USER environment variable $$YUMAPRO_DATAPATH the YUMAPRO_DATAPATH environment variable $$YUMAPRO_HOME the YUMAPRO_HOME environment variable $$YUMAPRO_MODPATH the YUMAPRO_MODPATH environment variable $$YUMAPRO_RUNPATH the YUMAPRO_RUNPATH environment variable The following table shows the CLI configuration parameters that can be read or changed (but not deleted). If a particular parameter was not set during program invocation, then the associated variable will contain the empty string. Read-write system variables variable description $$aliases-file the --aliases-file configuration parameter $$alt-names the –alt-names configuration parameter $$autoaliases the --autoaliases configuration parameter $$autocomp the --autocomp configuration parameter $$autoconfig the --autoconfig configuration parameter $$autohistory the --autohistory configuration parameter $$autoload the --autoload configuration parameter $$autoload-cache the --autoload-cache configuration parameter $$autoload-save-cache the –autoload-save-cache configuration parameter $$autoload-get the --autoload-get configuration parameter $$autonotif the --autonotif configuration parameter $$autosessions the --autosessions configuration parameter $$autotest the --autotest configuration parameter $$autouservars the --autouservars configuration parameter $$baddata the --baddata configuration parameter $$check-output the --check-output configuration parameter $$check-output-error the --check-output-error configuration parameter $$check-replies the --check-replies configuration parameter $$check-replies-error the --check-replies-error configuration parameter $$config-edit-mode the --config-edit-mode configuration parameter $$default-module the --default-module configuration parameter $$default-operation the <default-operation> parameter for the <edit-config> operation $$display-mode the --display-mode configuration parameter $$echo-notif-loglevel the --echo-notif-loglevel configuration parameter $$echo-notifs the --echo-notifs configuration parameter Version 14.08-2 Page 19 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual $$echo-replies the --echo-replies configuration parameter $$error-option the default <error-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation $$fixorder the --fixorder configuration parameter $$ignore-missing-vars the –ignore-missing-vars configuration parameter $$indent the –indent configuration parameter $$log-level the --log-level configuration parameter $$match-names the –match-names configuration parameter $$message-indent the --message-indent configuration parameter $$optional the --optional configuration parameter $$prompt-type the --prompt-type configuration parameter $$save-session-vars the --save-session-vars configuration parameter $$script-input the --script-input configuration parameter $$server the --server configuration parameter $$test-option the <test-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation $$test-suite-file the --test-suite-file configuration parameter $$time-rpcs the –time-rpcs configuration parameter $$time-rpcs-stats the --time-rpc-stats configuration parameter $$time-rpcs-stats-file the --time-rpc-stats-file configuration parameter $$timeout the --timeout configuration parameter $$use-data-templates the --use-data-templates configuration parameter $$use-rawxml the --use-rawxml configuration parameter $$use-sessionvars the --use-sessionvars configuration parameter $$use-xmlheader the –use-xmlheader configuration parameter $$user the --user configuration parameter $$uservars-file the --uservars-file configuration parameter $$with-defaults the --with-defaults configuration parameter Read-write global user variables If a unrecognized global variable (e.g., $$foo) is used in the left-hand side of an assignment statement, then a global user variable will be created with that name. If the global user variable already exists, then its value will be overwritten. The uservars command can be used to load or store these variables so they are loaded at boot-time. By default, the XML file used to store these variables is $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli-pro_uservars.xml. Read-write local user variables Version 14.08-2 Page 20 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual If a local variable (e.g., $foo) is used in the left-hand side of an assignment statement, then a local user variable will be created with that name. If the local user variable already exists, then its value will be overwritten. If the variable is created within a script (i.e., run-level greater than zero), then it will be deleted when the script exits. Read-write session user variables If the $$use-sessionvars variable is true, then global variables will be treated as session-specific variables, while the active session is a named session. In this case, if a unrecognized global variable (e.g., $$foo) is used in the left-hand side of an assignment statement, then a session user variable will be created with that name. If the session user variable already exists, then its value will be overwritten. If data templates are used, then the session-specific variables will be used to replace a variable reference within the template, instead of the global variable. 2.1.7 Files File contents can be used in yangcli-pro statements, similar to user variables. A file reference consist of the 'at-sign' character ('@') followed immediately by a valid file specification. session1> @foo.yang = get-schema --identifier=foo --format=YANG session1> mgrload --module=foo If the file extension is “.yang”, “.log”, “.txt”, or “.text”, then the value (or command output) will be saved, and yangclipro will strip off the outermost XML (if needed) to save the requested file as a pure text file. Otherwise, the file will be saved in XML format. The display mode set by the user can affect XML output. If the display mode i s'xml-nons' then XML without namespace (xmlns) attributes will be generated instead of normal XML. Note: The --display-mode configuration parameter, and $$display-mode system variable, only affect the output and display of data in the yangcli-pro program. NETCONF protocol messages are always sent in 'xml' mode. Files may also be used as parameter replacements, within a command. session1> $saved_get = get [email protected] --with-defaults=explicit It is an error if the file referenced does not exist or cannot be read. 2.1.8 Scripts Any command can be entered at the interactive shell, or stored in a script file, and invoked with the 'run' command. Scripts are simply text files, and the extension used does not matter. There are no formal templates for scripts, like there are for RPC operations, at this time. Instead, positional parameters can be passed to any script. The parameters named --P1 to --P9 allow up to 9 parameters to be passed to any script. Within each script, the numbered parameters '$1' to '$9' are available, and contain the value that was passed as the corresponding ---Pn” parameter when calling the script. Version 14.08-2 Page 21 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual If a line contains only optional whitespace, followed by the pound sign character '#', then the line is treated as a comment. These lines will be skipped. If an error occurs during a command within a script, or an <rpc-error> is received from the server during a NETCONF session, then the running script will be canceled, and if this was a nested script, then all parent scripts will also be canceled. Script Example: > run connect --P1=andy --P2==localhost --P3=yangrocks // connect script # start a NETCONF session $user = $1 $server = $2 $password = $3 > connect --user=$user --server=$server --password=$password Run Levels The run command can appear in a script. When yangcli-pro starts up, either in interactive mode or in batch mode, the script interpreter is at run level zero. Each time a run command is invoked, either at the command line or within a script currently being invoked, a new run level with the next higher value is assigned. Local variables are only visible within the current run level. A maximum of 512 run levels are supported in yangcli-pro. Scripts can be called recursively, but a stop condition needs to be used to break the recursion (e.g., call the script from within a conditional code block. Conditional Command Blocks The 'if', 'elif', 'else', and 'end' commands are used to create an 'if command sequence'. Any other commands that appear between these commands are part of a conditional command block. These blocks can be nested. The current conditional state is inherited, so an if command sequence within a false conditional block will not be executed. A block can contain zero or more command lines, These command work exactly like an 'if' expression within a program language such as Python. Note that indentation is not significant, but it may be used to make scripts more readable. The 'if' command starts a new if-command sequence. It is followed by a conditional command block. This block ends when an 'elif', 'else', or 'end' command within the same if command block is encountered. At most, only one conditional code block within the if command sequence will be executed. Once a conditional command block has been exectuted, any remaining blocks will be skipped. All user and system variables that are available to the current script run level can be used within the XPath expressions for determining the conditional block state (true or false). Version 14.08-2 Page 22 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Conditional Command Loop Blocks The 'while' and 'end' commands are used to create an 'while loop sequence'. Any other commands that appear between these commands are part of a conditional command loop block. These blocks can be nested. The current conditional state is inherited, so a while loop sequence within a false conditional block will not be executed. A block can contain zero or more command lines, The loop condition can be a constant expression. The maxloops parameter will prevent infinite looping, and can be utilized to use the while loop sequence as a simple 'for' loop, iterating a specific number of times. All user and system variables that are available to the current script run level can be used within the XPath expressions for determining the conditional block state (continue or terminate loop). Sample Script The following script does not do any useful work. It is provided to demonstrate some simple constructs. $x = 0 while '$x < 2' # this is a comment log-info 'start 1' $x = eval '$x + 1' $y = 0 while '$y < 4' log-info 'start 2' $y = eval '$y + 1' if "module-loaded('test')" log-info 'module test loaded' elif '$x > 1' log-info 'x>1' elif "feature-enabled('test3', 'feature1')" log-info 'feature1' else log-info 'else' end log-info 'end 2' end log-info 'end 1' end if "feature-enabled('test5', 'feature-foo')" log-info 'feature-foo' run add-foo-parms end 2.1.9 Configuration Mode Editing In addition to the normal NETCONF low-level and high-level editing commands, there is also a configuration mode similar to a router CLI. This mode can be used to edit YANG datastore nodes with a simplified interface. Version 14.08-2 Page 23 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Configuration mode can be used if the current session is connected to a server. If not, requests to enter configuration mode will be rejected with an error message. In configuration mode, data node names can be abbreviated just like RPC operation parameter names. Enter Configuration Mode To enter configuration mode, use the 'config' command: mysession> config term mysession# Once configuration mode is active, the prompt will change (notice (c) above), the available top-level configuration data nodes advertised by the server are available as 'commands'. Only a few special commands are available in configuration mode: • apply: Use this command to force all pending edits to be applied to the current session • exit: Use this command to exit the current configuration sub-mode to its parent mode. If already at the top level, then this command will cause configuration mode to be terminated Enter Configuration Sub-Mode The configuration context node can be changed to simplify editing. Conceptually, the context node represents a YANG container or list node within the server database. mysession# interfaces mysession(interfaces)# int eth0 mysession(interface)# Exit Configuration Sub-Mode The exit command is used to exit the current configuration level and return to the parent level. If the config-edit-mode parameter is set to 'level' then any pending edits at the current level will be applied to the server. mysession(interface)# exit mysession(interfaces)# Return from Configuration Editing Mode The return command is used to exit all configuration levels and leave configuration mode. Any pending edits will be abandoned and not applied to the current session. Version 14.08-2 Page 24 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual mysession(interface)# return mysession> Creating or modifying server database parameters mysession(interface)# mtu 9000 mysession(interface)# exit Applying 1 edit to session [mysession] mysession(interfaces)# exit mysession# exit mysession> Since the configuration editing mode is set to 'level' (the default). the 'mtu' edit is not applied until the exit command is given. To force all pending edits to be sent to the current session, the apply command can be used within a given context level. Commands can be entered in a flexible manner. The same command as above could be entered in 1 command line: mysession# int int eth0 mtu 9000 Applying 1 edit to session [mysession] mysession# Deleting server database parameters To delete a database node, or return it to its default value, the 'no' prefix is used: mysession# no int int eth0 mtu Applying 1 edit to session [mysession] mysession# Note that to delete leaf nodes no value is given. A value is only required for YANG list and leaf-list data nodes, to identity the keys for the instance that should be deleted. Version 14.08-2 Page 25 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Escaping configuration mode In order to enter normal yangcli-pro commands while in configuration mode, the 'do' prefix is used. Only a limited set of commands can be accessed from configuration mode in this manner. mysession# do show session [session info shown] mysession# 2.1.10 Configuration Parameter List The following configuration parameters are used by yangcli-pro. Refer to the CLI Reference for more details. yangcli-pro CLI Parameters parameter description --aliases-file Specifies the command aliases file to use. --alt-names Controls whether alternate names will be checked for UrlPath searches. --autoaliases Controls automatic loading and saving of the command aliases --autocomp Controls whether partial commands are allowed or not. --autoconfig Controls whether the running configuration will be retrieved automatically for active sessions. --autohistory Controls whether th command line history buffer will be automatically loaded at startup and saved on exit. --autoload Controls whether modules used by the server will be loaded automatically, as needed. -autoload-cache Controls whether the modules retrieved with the <get-schema> operation are cached for use by the running instance of yangcli-pro. -autoload-get Controls whether the <get> operation will be used to retrieve the /netconf-state/schemas sub-tree. -autoload-save-cache Controls whether the modules held in the YANG module cache (retrieved with the <get-schema> operation) are saved when yangclipro exits. --autonotif Controls whether notifications will automatically be enabled when a session starts. --autosessions Controls whether saved session configurations are loaded at startup and saved upon exit. --autotest Controls whether the saved test suites will be loaded into memory at startup and saved to file at exit. --autouservars Controls automatic loading and saving of the global user variables Version 14.08-2 Page 26 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --bad-data Controls how bad data about to be sent to the server is handled. --batch-mode Indicates the interactive shell should not be used. --check-output Controls whether YANG <rpc> validation is done --check-output-error Controls whether YANG <rpc> validation errors are treated as errors or warnings --check-replies Controls whether YANG <rpc-reply> validation is done --check-replies-error Controls whether YANG <rpc-reply> validation errors are treated as errors or warnings --config Specifies the configuration file to use for parameters. The --no-config option can be used instead to prevent the default config file from being used. --config-edit-mode Controls how edits are applied during configuration mode --datapath Sets the data file search path. --default-module Specifies the default module to use to resolve identifiers. --deviation Species one or more YANG modules to load as deviations.` --display-mode Specifies how values should be displayed. --echo-notif-loglevel Specifies the log-level needed to echo unregistered notifications to the log and/or STDOUT. --echo-notifs Specifies whether unregistered notifications will be output to the log or STDOUT. --echo-replies Controls whether RPC replies will be displayed in the log output, if log-level >= 'info' --feature-disable Leaf list of features to disable --feature-enable Specifies a feature that should be enabled --feature-enable-default Specifies if a feature should be enabled or disabled by default --fixorder Controls whether PDUs are changed to canonical order before sending them to the server. --force-target Controls whether the candidate or running configuration datastore will be used as the default edit target, when both are supported by the server. --help Get program help. --help-mode Adjust the help output (--brief or --full). --home Override the $HOME environment variable. --ignore-missing-vars Specifies whether a missing variable in a data template is an error or the variable expands to an empty string --indent Specifies the indent count to use when writing data. --log Specifies the log file to use instead of STDOUT. See the YumaPro User Manual for a general discussion of logging. --log-append Controls whether a log file will be reused or overwritten. --log-backtrace Append stack trace information to log messages. --log-backtrace-detail Add additional (compiler/OS dependent) detail to stack trace information. Version 14.08-2 Page 27 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --log-backtrace-level Specify message level(s) for which stack trace information will be generated. --log-backtrace-stream Include stack trace information in the specified output stream(s --log-console Specifies that log output will be sent to STDOUT after being sent to log file and/or syslog (assumes –log=file and/or --log-syslog are present). --log-header Include additional information (level/date/time) with log message. --log-level Specifies verbosity level of log message output --log-mirroring Synonym for log-console. --log-stderr Specifies that error level log messages will be sent to STDERR. --log-suppress-ctrl If present, strip certain control characters from output in order to modify log formatting. --log-syslog Send log message output to the syslog daemon. --match-names Match mode to use for UrlPath searches --message-indent The number of spaces to indent for each level of output in a protocol message, e.g. NETCONF request. --modpath Sets the module search path. --module Specifies one or more YANG modules to load upon startup. --ncport Specifies the NETCONF server port number to use in the connect command. --no-config Specifies that the default configuration file should not be loaded if it exists --password Specifies the password to use in the connect command. --private-key Contains the file path specification for the file containing the clientside private key. --protocols Controls which NETCONF protocol versions will be enabled --public-key Contains the file path specification for the file containing the clientside public key. --runpath Sets the executable file search path. --run-command Specifies the command to run at startup time. --run-script Specifies the script to run at startup time. --save-session-vars Specifies if session variables will be saved when the program exits. --script-input Controls whether the program will stop for input when running a script in interactive mode. --server Specifies the server address to use in the connect command. --subdirs Specifies whether child sub-directories should be searched when looking for files. --test-suite-file Specifies the name of the test suite file to load if --autotest=true. The default value is $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_tests.conf --time-rpcs Measure the round-trip time of each <rpc> request and <rpc-reply> at the session level. --time-rpcs-stats Save rpc statistics to the specified or default statistics file if the time- Version 14.08-2 Page 28 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual rpcs variable is also true. --time-rpcs-stats-file Save rpc statistics to the specified file if the --time-rpc-stats and timerpcs variables are true. The default value is $HOME/yangcli_pro_rpc_stats.txt --timeout Specifies the timeout to use in the connect command. --transport Specified the transport protocol to use (ssh, tcp, or tpc-ncx) --use-data-templates Controls whether data templates are enabled --use-rawxml Controls how file result variables will be read. If true then the YANG object template will not be used when parsing the XML file. --use-session-vars Controls how global variables will be handled when set from the context of a named session. If true then session-specific variables will be used. --use-xmlheader Specifies how file result variables will be written for XML files. Controls whether the XML preamble header will be written or not. --user The default user name for NETCONF sessions. --uservars-file Specifies the global user variable files to load. --version Prints the program version and exits. --warn-idlen Controls how identifier lengths are checked. --warn-linelen Controls how line lengths are checked. --warn-off Suppresses the specified warning number. --yumapro-home Specifies the $YUMAPRO_HOME project root to use when searching for files. 2.2 Invoking Commands Commands can be entered with parameters: • in one continuous line session1> merge target=/toaster/toastControl --value=”down” • in several lines (using line continuation) session1> merge target=/toaster/toastControl \ more> --value=”down” • interactively prompted for each parameter Version 14.08-2 Page 29 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual session1> merge (will be prompted for target and value) • a combination of the above session1> merge target=/toaster/toastControl (will be prompted for value) When a command is entered, and the yangcli-pro script interpreter is running in interactive mode (--batch-mode not active), then the user will be prompted for any missing mandatory parameters. If the --optional parameter is present (or the $$optional system variable is set to 'true'), then the user will be prompted for any optional parameters that are missing. A command has the basic form: <name (QName)> <parameter (any YANG type)>* The command name is a qualified name matching the name used in the YANG rpc statement. This is followed by zero or more parameters (in any order). A command parameter has the same syntax as a CLI configuration parameter. The command name syntax is described below. An un-escaped end-of-line character ('enter key') terminates command line input. 2.2.1 Command Prompt The yangcli-pro command prompt changes, depending on the context. Idle Mode: If the script interpreter is idle and there is no NETCONF session active, then the prompt is simply a 'less than' sign: > If the script interpreter is idle and the default NETCONF session active, then the prompt is of the form <user>@<server>', depending on the parameters used in the connect command. andy@myserver> If a named session is active, then the '<user>@<server>' text will not be shown. Instead, the session name will be shown mysession. Version 14.08-2 Page 30 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual mysession> Configuration Mode: If configuration mode is entered, the final prompt character will change from '>' to '#'. Default session: andy@myserver# Named session: mysession# If the configuration mode context node is changed, then the new datastore target object name will be shown as well: mysession# interfaces mysession(interfaces)# interface eth0 mysession(interface)# Continuation Mode: If a backslash, end-of-line sequence ended the previous line, the prompt will simply be the word 'more' indented 3 spaces: andy@myserver> get \ more> The 'more>' prompt will continue if the new line also ends in with an escaped end-of-line. When a new line is finally terminated, all the fragments are spliced together and delivered as one command line. Note: context-sensitive command completion is not available in this mode. Choice mode: Version 14.08-2 Page 31 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual If a partial command has been entered in interactive mode, and the script interpreter needs to prompt for a YANG 'choice' parameter, then a list of numbered cases will be presented, and the prompt will be the same as it was before (depending on whether a NETCONF session is active or not), except a colon character (':'), followed by the command name, will be added at the end. As long as parameters for the same command are being entered (i.e., prompted for child nodes within a selected case, the command name will be appended to the prompt. andy@myserver> sget Enter a number of the selected case statement: 1: case varref: leaf varref 2: case from-cli: leaf target leaf optional anyxml value Enter choice number [1 - 2]: andy@myserver:sget> Parameter mode: If a partial command has been entered in interactive mode, and the script interpreter needs to prompt for a leaf or leaf-list, then the parameter name will appear in angle brackets ('<' and '>'). Filling mandatory case /sget/input/from/from-cli: Enter string value for leaf <target> andy@myserver:sget> If the 'ncx:password' extension is part of the YANG definition for the leaf or leaf-list, then the characters entered at the prompt in this mode will not be echoed, and they will not be saved in the command history buffer. Any default value will not be printed either. Instead, 4 asterisks '****' will be printed, even though the correct value will be used in the command. If a default value is available, it will appear in square brackets ('[' and ']'). In this case, entering 'return' will not be interpreted as an empty string, but rather the default value that was presented. > connect Enter string value for leaf <user> [andy] :connect> Enter string value for leaf <server> [myserver] :connect> Enter string value for leaf <password> [****] :connect> Enter uint16 value for leaf <port> [830] :connect> Version 14.08-2 Page 32 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Enter uint32 value for leaf <timeout> [30] [connect sequence text printed, and then prompt changes...) andy@myserver> Note: After a NETCONF session is terminated for any reason, the connection parameters will be remembered , and presented as defaults the next time the connect command is entered. False Conditional Block Mode If a conditional command (if, elif, else, or while command) is active, but the conditional expression is false, then any commands defined within that conditional block will not be executed. If this occurs in interactive mode instead of a script, the string '[F]' will be added to the command prompt. Note that the 'help' and 'log-info' commands do not get executed in the following example: > if 0 [F]> help [F]> log-info 'this will not get printed' [F]> end > 2.2.2 Command Name The command name can be entered with or without an XML prefix: session1> nc:get session1> get If there is a prefix (e.g., 'nc:get'), then it needs to be one of the XML prefixes in use at the time. Use the 'show modules' command to see the modules and prefixes in use. The YANG prefix will usually be the same as the XML prefix, but not always. XML prefixes are required to be unique, so if any 2 YANG modules pick the same prefix, then 1 of them has to be changed for XML encoding purposes. If the --default-module configuration parameter (or $$default-module system variable) is set, it will be used to resolve a command name without any prefix, if it is not a NETCONF or yangcli-pro command. An error message will be printed if the command entered cannot be found in any YANG module, or if there are multiple commands that match the same string. Version 14.08-2 Page 33 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.2.3 ncx:default-parm Extension Each command may define a default parameter, by placing an 'ncx:default-parm' extension in the rpc input section in the YANG rpc statement. This extension allows less typing in yangcli-pro to accomplish the same thing. If the script interpreter encounters a string in the command line that is not a recognized parameter for that command, and there is a default parameter defined, then the string will be used as a value for the default parameter. For example, the 'show' parameter is the default parameter for the 'history' command, so both of these commands will be interpreted to mean the same thing: > history --show=10 > history 10 Note: the default parameter does not allow the wrong form of a parameter type to be entered, to accept the default for that parameter. For example, the 'show' parameter above has a default value of '25': # this is the same as history show=25 > history # this is an error, not the same as the above > history show The following table shows most of the default parameters that are available. If a command has only 1 parameter then it is made the default parameter automatically. Default Parameters command Version 14.08-2 default parameter alias var aliases show cd dir connect server create target elif expr else expr if expr eventlog show fill target help command history show insert target Page 34 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.2.4 load module log-debug msg log-error msg log-info msg log-warn msg merge target mgrload module recall index replace target run script set-log-level log-level sget target sget-config target xget select xget-config select while expr Parameter Mode Escape Commands There are 4 escape sequence commands that can be used while entering parameters. They all begin with the question mark character ('?'), and end with the 'Enter' key. Control key sequences are not used because that would interfere with command line editing keys. Parameter mode escape sequences escape sequence description ? Print some help text ?? Get all available help text ?s Skip this parameter ?c Cancel this command Note: If the current parameter is considered hidden (ncx:hidden extension used in the YANG definition), then no help will be available for the parameter, even though it is accessible. This also apples to the help command. Any command or parameter designated as ncx:hidden will be treated as an unknown identifier, and no help will be given. Note: Skipping mandatory nodes with the '?s' command is affected by the --bad-data configuration parameter and $ $bad-data system variable. An error, warning, or confirmation check may occur. Refer to the CLI Reference for more details. Note: If there are any YANG defined values (e.g., enumeration, bits, default-stmt) available for the current parameter, then pressing the tab key will list the full or partial completions available. Version 14.08-2 Page 35 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.2.5 Using XPath Expressions There are some command parameters, such as the --target parameter for the create command, that accept XPath absolute path expressions. If prefixes are present, then they must match the set of XML prefixes in use at the time. Use the show modules command to see the current set of prefixes. If prefixes are not used, then the first available matching XML namespace will be used instead. If the starting forward slash character ('/') is missing, then it will be added. # these are all the same value (entered in 'fill' command) :fill> system :fill> /system :fill> /sys:system It is important to remember 2 simple rules to avoid common errors in XPath expressions: 1. String constants must be quoted with single quote characters. The expression [name=fred] is not the same as [foo='fred']. The former compares the 'name' node value to the 'fred' node value. The latter compares the 'name' node value to the string 'fred'. 2. The double quote character ('”') is not allowed in XPath --select parameter expressions because the expression will be sent to the server inside a double-quoted string. If an incomplete XPath absolute path expression is entered, and the script interpreter is in interactive mode, then the user will be prompted to fill in any missing mandatory nodes or key leafs. # complete form of ifMtu leaf :fill> /interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ifMtu # incomplete form of ifMtu leaf :fill> /interfaces/interface/ifMtu Filling key leaf <name>: Enter string value: The --select parameter for the xget and xget-config commands accepts full XPath expressions. The expression must yield a node-set result in order to be used as a filter in NETCONF get and get-config operations. One of the simplest XPath filters to use is the descendant-or-self filter ('//<expr>'). For example, this command will retrieve all instances of the 'ifMtu' leaf: andy@myserver> xget //ifMtu Version 14.08-2 Page 36 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual When interface (or any list) entries are returned by netconfd-pro, they will contain the the entire path back to the root of the YANG module, not just the specified node. Also, any key leafs within a list are added. This is only done if the XPath expression is missing any predicates for key leafs. This is different than XPath 1.0 as used in XSLT. Since NETCONF get and get-config operations return complete XML instance documents, not node-sets, the ancestor nodes and naming nodes need to be added. # reply shown with --display-mode=plain data { interfaces { interface eth0 { name eth0 ifMtu 1500 } interface eth1 { name eth1 ifMtu 1518 } } } 2.2.6 Special Parameter Handling Some special handling of YANG data structures is done by the script interpreter. Containers Some parameters, such as the --source and --target parameters in many commands, are actually represented as a container with a single child -- a choice of several leaf nodes. In this situation, just the name of the desired leaf node can be entered (when in idle mode), as the 'contents' of the container parameter. andy@myserver> sget-config /system source=candidate Choices and Cases If a parameter name exact-match is not found, and a partial match is attempted, then choice and case node names will be ignored, and not cause a match. Since these nodes never appear in the XML PDUs they are treated as transparent nodes (wrt/ parameter searches) unless they are specified with their full name. Parameters that are a choice of several nodes, similar to above, except without a parent container node, (e.g., --helpmode) can be omitted. The accessible child nodes within the case nodes can be entered directly (e.g., sget --target parameter). # this is not allowed because 'help-mode' is not complete > help --command=help --help-mo=brief Version 14.08-2 Page 37 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual # # # > this is allowed because 'help-mode' is complete, even though help-mode is a choice and 'brief' is an empty leaf help help help-mode=brief # # # > choice and case names are transparent when searching for parameter names, so the following command is the same as above help help brief Lists and Leaf-Lists When filling a data structure and a descendant node is entered, which is a YANG list or leaf-list, then multiple entries can be entered. After the node is filled in, there will be a prompt (Y/N, default no) to add more list or leaf-list entries. Binary Data Type The YANG binary data type is supported. Parameters of this type should be entered in plain text and they will be converted to binary format. 2.2.7 Command Completion The 'tab' key is used for context-sensitive command completion: • If no command has been started, a list of available commands is printed • If a partial command is entered, a list of commands which match the characters entered so far is printed • If a command is entered, but no parameters, then a list of available parameters is printed • If a command is entered, and the cursor is within a command name, then a list of parameters which match the characters entered so far is printed • If a command is entered, and the cursor is after a command name, but not within a value string, then a list of available parameters is printed • If a command is entered, and the cursor is within a command value, then a list of possible values which match the characters entered so far is printed. Note that not all data types support value completion at this time. • If no values are available, but a default value is known, that value will be printed • If a session is active, and whitespace followed by the forward slash '/' character is entered, a list of top-level data node names is printed. Once a top-level name and a trailing slash '/' character is entered, pressing the tab key again will print the names of the child nodes of the current data node. Only schema-node strings are supported at this time. Auto-completion will not work if predicates are present in the absolute path expression. Command list example: no NETCONF session is active: > <hit tab key> Version 14.08-2 Page 38 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual cd connect fill help history list mgrload pwd quit recall run show Command list example: NETCONF session is active [email protected]> <hit tab key> cd get-schema close-session help commit history connect insert copy-config kill-session create list create-subscription load delete load-config delete-config lock discard-changes merge edit-config mgrload fill no-op get pwd get-config quit 2.2.8 recall replace restart run save sget sget-config show shutdown unlock validate xget xget-config Command Line Editing The command line parser is based on libtecla, a freely available library. The home page is located here: http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~mcs/tecla/ The complete user guide for configuring libtecla is located here: http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~mcs/tecla/tecla.html If the file $HOME/.teclarc exists, then libtecla will use it to configure the key bindings. By default, libtecla uses emacs key bindings. There is no need for any further libtecla configuration if emacs mode is desired. In order to use the vi editor key bindings, the $HOME/.teclarc file must exist, and it must contain the following line: edit-mode vi Custom key bindings are also available. Refer to the libtecla documentation for more details on command line editing key customization. The control key sequence (^F == control key and f key at the same time). The letter is not case-sensitive, so ^F and ^f are the same command. Version 14.08-2 Page 39 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The alt key sequence (M-f == alt key and f key at the same time). The letter is not case-sensitive, so M-F and M-f are the same command. The following table shows the the most common default key bindings: Common editing key bindings command 2.2.9 description ^F cursor right ^B cursor-left ^A beginning of line ^E end of line ^U delete line M-f forward-word M-b backward word ^P up history ^N down history Command History Each command line is saved in the command history buffer, unless a password is being entered in parameter mode. By default, the previous history line (if any) will be shown if the ^P key is pressed. By default, the next history line (if any) will be shown if the ^N key is pressed. In addition, the history command can be used to control the command line buffer further. This command has 4 submodes: • show: show maximum of N history entries (default is 25) • clear: clear the history buffer • save: save the history buffer to a file • load: load the history buffer from a file By default, the command line history buffer is loaded when the program starts, and saved when the program exits. This behavior can be turned off by setting the --autohistory configuration parameter to 'false'. The '!' character is special when editing commands. If the first character is '!', and it is followed by a number or a non-zero character, the line will be interpreted as a recall request: • > !42 == recall command number 42 (same as recall 42) • > !get == recall the most recent command line starting with 'get' Refer to the Command Reference section for more details on the history command. Version 14.08-2 Page 40 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.2.10 Command Responses The command output and debugging messages within yangcli-pro is controlled by the current log level (error, warn, info, debug, debug2, debug3). If a command is executed by the script interpreter, then a response will be printed, depending on the log level value. If the log level is 'info' or higher, and there were no errors and no response, then the string 'OK' is printed. > $foo = 7 OK > If the log-level is set to 'error' or 'warn', then the 'OK' messages will be suppressed. If the log level is set to 'debug' or higher, then responses from the server will be echoed to the log stream (STDOUT, log file and/or syslog). The current display mode will be used when printing data structures such as <rpc-error> and <notification> element contents. If an error response is received from the server, it will always be printed to the log. andy@myserver> create /system Filling container /system: RPC Error Reply 5 for session 8: rpc-reply { rpc-error { error-type application error-tag access-denied error-severity error error-app-tag limit-reached error-path /nc:rpc/nc:edit-config/nc:config/sys:system error-message 'max-access exceeded' } } andy@myserver> Refer to the --log-level parameter in the CLI Reference for more details. Logging capabilities are also discussed in more detail in the YumaPro User Manual. 2.3 NETCONF Session Configuration The yangcli-pro program can be configured to associate a name with a set of session parameters to start a NETCONF session with a server. These named sessions are saved in a configuration file. Use the --autosessions to suppress automatic loading of this file. The default is to load this file at start-up and save it upon exit. By default, the sessions configuration is saved in $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_sessions.conf. To override this file, set --autosessions=false and use the sessions-cfg command to load a specific sessions configuration file. The start-session command is used to start a named session: Version 14.08-2 Page 41 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual > start-session session-A …. startup screeen …. session-A> 2.3.1 Saving Sessions To save a session, the text configuration file can be edited or the 'session-cfg save' command can be used. > connect user=andy server=myserver password=mypassword …. startup screeen …. andy@myserver> session-cfg save session-A Saved current session as 'session-A' andy@myserver> 2.3.2 Multiple Sessions Multiple sessions can be active at once, however only one command at a time can be sent. This will be improved in a future release. Just use the start-session command to start a different session. Only one instance of each named session can be active at the same time. > start-session session-A …. startup screeen …. session-A> start-session session-B …. startup screeen …. session-B> Note that when a session is started, the active session is set to that session. 2.3.3 Changing the Active Session To change the active session and issue commands to a different server, use the 'session set-current' command. This command will cause all subsequent remote commands to be sent to the server associated with the named session. Version 14.08-2 Page 42 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual session-A> session set-current session-B session-B> Since the “set-current” parameter is the default parameter, this command can be simplified: session-A> session session-B session-B> To switch to the default session, use the session name “default”. If the default session is connected, then the user and host name will be shown. If not, a simple '>' prompt will be shown instead. session-A> session default andy@myserver> 2.3.4 Saving the Configured Sessions The session configuration can be saved or loaded at run-time, even if the --autosessions=true parameter is used (the default). The sessions-cfg command is used to load and save this file. session-A> sessions-cfg save Saved 2 sessions OK to '~/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_sessions.conf' session-A> To save the sessions to a different file, simply provide the filespec in the 'sessions-cfg save' command: session-A> sessions-cfg save mysessions.conf Saved 2 sessions OK to 'mysessions.conf' session-A> Version 14.08-2 Page 43 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.3.5 Loading Additional Configured Sessions Additional sessions canbe added to the configuration in memory with the 'sessions-cfg load' command. The named sessions in the file cannot conflict with names already in use or the duplicate session will be skipped. session-A> sessions-cfg load sessions.conf Loaded 3 sessions OK from 'sessions.conf' session-A> 2.3.6 Displaying the Configured Sessions The sessions that are available can be displayed with the 'sessions-cfg show' command. The --brief and --full extensions are available for this command. session-A> sessions-cfg show Saved sessions source: 'mysessions.conf' Session 'session-A': user: andy server: localhost connected: true Session 'session-B': user: andy server: eval.yumaworks.com connected: false 2.3.7 Displaying Sessions Displaying the Active Session To see information about the active session, use the 'session-cfg' command session-A> session-cfg Session 'session-A': user: andy server: localhost connected: true Session 'session-B': Version 14.08-2 Page 44 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual user: andy server: eval.yumaworks.com connected: false Displaying a Specific Session To see information about a specific session, use the 'session-cfg show' command: session-A> session-cfg show session-B Session 'session-B': user: andy server: eval.yumaworks.com connected: false session-A> 2.3.8 Terminating a Named Session The stop-session command is used to terminate a specific session. The <close-session> command will be sent on the specified session and the connection gracefully terminated. session-A> stop-session session-B session-A> The active session can also be terminated although no new session will be selected automatically: session-A> stop-session session-A > 2.3.9 Saved Session Configuration File Format The saved sessions are stored in a YumaPro configuration file. The file contents must conform to the following YANG container definition: container saved-sessions { description "Represents all the saved sessions in Version 14.08-2 Page 45 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual the ~/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_sessions file. Use the 'sessions' command to access this file. Edit by hand only if you follow this YANG definition."; list session { description "The list of sessions to use during this test-suite."; key name; leaf name { type nt:NcxName; description "The name of the saved session. The 'session save' command will use the string <user>@<server-address> as the default."; } leaf user { type nt:NcxName; mandatory true; description "The use name of the session."; } leaf password { type string; ncx:password; description "User password to use for NETCONF sessions. If none, then user will be prompted before connecting."; } uses SshKeyParms; leaf server { type inet:host; mandatory true; description "IP address or DNS name of the NETCONF server target."; } leaf ncport { type uint16 { range "1..max"; } default 830; description "NETCONF port number to use. If not present, then port 830, followed by port 22, will be tried."; } uses ncxapp:ProtocolsParm; container start-commands { ywx:cli-text-block; description "An optional block of yangcli commands to run after the session is successfully started."; } } } Version 14.08-2 Page 46 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.3.10 Session Configuration File Example The following example file shows a valid session configuration file: saved-sessions { session session-A { user andy password mypassword public-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub private-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa server localhost ncport 830 protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1" } session session-B { user andy password mypassword public-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub private-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa server localhost ncport 830 protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1" } session A { user andy2 password newpassword public-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub private-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa server localhost ncport 830 protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1" } } 2.4 NETCONF Group Configuration The yangcli-pro program can be configured to manage the session groups. It associates a group name with a set of sessions to start NETCONF sessions with servers. A group name is not allowed to have the same name as any session name. This allows the 'session set-current' command to select a group or an individual session. The named groups and their sessions are saved in a configuration file. Use the --autosessions to automatic loading of this file. The default is to load this file at start-up and save it upon exit. suppress By default, the group configuration is saved in $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_sessions.conf. To override this file, set --autosessions=false and use the sessions-cfg command to load a specific sessions configuration file. 2.4.1 Create group The group command is used to create a group. The 'session' parameter must also be present. Version 14.08-2 Page 47 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Example of 'group create': > group create=AB session=session-A session=session-B > > group create=a1a2a3 session=a1 session=a2 session=a3 > 2.4.2 List group The group list command is used to list the names of all the groups > group list Group 'AB' This group is not connected. missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: false lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: 30 reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: 2 Session 'session-A' connected:false Session 'session-B' connected:false Group 'a1a2a3' This group is not connected. missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: false lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: 30 reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: 3 Session 'a1' connected:false Session 'a2' connected:false Session 'a3' connected:false < 2.4.3 Delete group The group delete command is used to delete a group. > group delete=AB > > group delete=a1a2a3 > > group list No groups found > 2.4.4 Add group The group add command is used to add sessions to a named group. The 'session' parameter must also be present. > group add=AB session=session-B > > group list Group 'AB' This group is not connected. Version 14.08-2 Page 48 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: Session 'session-A' Session 'session-B' 2.4.5 false 30 2 connected:false connected:false Remove Group The group remove command is used to remove the sessions from a name group. The 'session' parameer must also be present. > group remove=AB session=session-A > > group list Group 'AB' This group is not connected. missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: false lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: 30 reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: 1 Session 'session-B' connected:false 2.4.6 Show Group The group show command is used to show the name of the group to show. Example of 'group show' > group show=AB Group 'AB' This group is not connected. missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: false lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: 30 reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: 1 Session 'session-B' connected:false > 2.4.7 Connect Group The group connect command is used to start a named group with session group parameters: lost-ok, missingconnect-ok, missing-ok, reconnect-interval, and reconnect-tries. The default parameters value are false. > group connect=AB yangcli-pro: Starting NETCONF session for andy on localhost over ssh on port 830 NETCONF session established for xxxxx on localhost …. startup screeen …. Version 14.08-2 Page 49 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual AB> Client Session Id: 1 Server Session Id: 1 ------------------------NETCONF session established for xxxxx on localhost …. startup screeen …. AB> Client Session Id: 2 Server Session Id: 2 ------------------------AB> group list Group 'AB' This group is fully connected. missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: false lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: 30 reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 2 number_of_sessions: 2 Session 'session-A' connected:true Session 'session-B' connected:true 2.4.8 Help Group Use command of help group to print all the group help text. > help group group Manage the yangcli-pro session groups. A group name is not allowed to have the same name as any ... input default parameter: session choice groupcmd <Mandatory> case connect leaf connect [NcxIdentifier] Connect to all sessions in the specified group. leaf missing-ok [boolean] [d:false] If truew, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or more sessions identified in... leaf missing-connect-ok [boolean] [d:false] If true, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or more sessions identified in ... leaf lost-ok [boolean] [d:false] If true, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or more sessions are lost after... leaf reconnect-tries [uint32] [d:5] Indicates the number of times yangcli will attempt to reconnect to a session if ... leaf reconnect-interval [uint32] [d:10] Version 14.08-2 Page 50 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Indicates the number of seconds yangcli will wait to re-establish a connection i... leaf create [NcxIdentifier] Name of the group to create. The 'session' parameter must also be present leaf delete [NcxIdentifier] Name of the group to delete leaf add [NcxIdentifier] Name of the group to add some sessions. parameter must also be presen... The 'session' leaf remove [NcxIdentifier] Name of the group to remove some sessions. 'session' parameer must also be pres... The leaf show [NcxIdentifier] Name of the group to show leaf list [empty] List the names of all the groups saved-sessions { leaf-list session [NcxIdentifier] <Mandatory> Name of a session that is being added to the group. > 2.4.9 Saving Groups To save a group, the text configuration file can be edited or the 'sessions-cfg save' command can be used. The session configuration can be saved or loaded at run-time, even if the --autosessions=true parameter is used (the default). The sessions-cfg command is used to load and save this file. AB> sessions-cfg save session 'session-A' { user 'andy' password 'xxxxx' public-key '$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' private-key '$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa' server 'localhost' ncport 830 protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1" } session 'session-B' { user 'andy' password 'xxxxx' public-key '$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' private-key '$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa' server 'localhost' ncport 830 protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1" } group 'AB' { missing-connect-ok false missing-ok false lost-ok false reconnect-interval 30 reconnect-tries 5 session 'session-A' session 'session-B' } } Version 14.08-2 Page 51 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.4.10 Changing the Active group To change the active group and issue commands to a different server, use the 'session set-current' command. This command will cause all subsequent remote commands to be sent to the servers associated with the named group. a1a2a3> session set-current AB Group 'AB' is now active AB> 2.5 Using NETCONF Sessions The yangcli-pro program can be connected to up to 1000 NETCONF servers at a time. Use the connect or start-session command to start a NETCONF session. This section explains how to use yangcli-pro to manage a NETCONF server. When a NETCONF session starts up, a <capability> exchange is done, and the server reports exactly what content it supports. This information is used extensively to customize the session, and report errors and warnings for the session. 2.5.1 Connection Startup Screen If the --log-level is set to 'info' or higher, then a startup screen will be displayed when a NETCONF session is started. It contains: • startup banner • client session ID • server session ID • protocol capabilities supported by the server ◦ • Includes revision-date of supported module YANG modules supported by the server ◦ Includes any features and deviations supported in the module • Enterprise specific capabilities supported by the server • Default target database (<candidate> or <running>) • Save operation mapping for the server • with-defaults reporting capability reported by the server The following example shows a typical startup screen connecting to the netconfd-pro server: Version 14.08-2 Page 52 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual NETCONF session established for andy on localhost Client Session Id: 1 Server Session Id: 1 Server Protocol Capabilities base:1.0 candidate:1.0 confirmed-commit:1.0 rollback-on-error:1.0 validate:1.0 url:1.0 xpath:1.0 notification:1.0 interleave:1.0 partial-lock:1.0 with-defaults:1.0 base:1.1 validate:1.1 confirmed-commit:1.1 Server Module Capabilities ietf-netconf@2011-06-01 ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15 ietf-netconf-acm@2012-02-22 ietf-netconf-monitoring@2010-10-04 ietf-netconf-notifications@2012-02-06 ietf-netconf-partial-lock@2009-10-19 ietf-netconf-with-defaults@2011-06-01 ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15 nc-notifications@2008-07-14 notifications@2013-03-15 yang-attributes@2013-02-18 yuma-app-common@2012-08-16 yuma-arp@2012-01-13 yuma-interfaces@2012-01-13 yuma-mysession@2013-10-05 yuma-ncx@2013-09-23 yuma-proc@2013-07-16 yuma-system@2013-07-15 yuma-time-filter@2012-11-15 yuma-types@2012-06-01 yumaworks-event-filter@2014-02-09 yumaworks-extensions@2014-06-05 yumaworks-ids@2014-07-12 yumaworks-sil-sa@2014-05-15 yumaworks-system@2014-05-27 yumaworks-types@2013-02-11 yumaworks-ycontrol@2014-04-08 Server Enterprise Capabilities urn:yumaworks:params:xml:ns:netconf:config-id?id=7865 Protocol version set to: RFC 6241 (base:1.1) Default target set to: <candidate> Save operation mapped to: commit Default with-defaults behavior: explicit Additional with-defaults behavior: trim,report-all,report-all-tagged Version 14.08-2 Page 53 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.5.2 Server Tailored Context While a NETCONF session is active, the set of available YANG modules will be set to the modules that the server is using, if the --autoload configuration parameter is enabled. If the schema-retrieval capability is also available on the server, then the <get-schema> operation will be attempted for any YANG module specified in the <hello> message capabilities, but not available to the yangcli-pro program. When the server module capabilities are analyzed by the yangcli-pro client, the entire YANG module search path is checked for the specific module advertised in the capability. All the modules are partially parsed to check the actual namespace and revision date values. The following fields must exactly match in order for yangcli-pro to use a local YANG module, if --autoload=true. • module name • module revision date (if any) • module namespace If the namespace URI value is different, it indicates that there is either a bug in one of the conflicting YANG modules, or that two different naming authorities picked the same module name. In this case, a warning will be generated during session initialization. Any data returned from the server for YANG modules not currently available will be treated as a YANG 'anyxml' node, instead of the (unknown) YANG data type. If the module contains YANG features that are not advertised in the <capabilities> exchange, then those data definitions will not be available (by default) for use in yangcli-pro commands. Version 14.08-2 Page 54 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual If the module contains an object with a 'when' statement, and the 'when' XPath expression evaluates to 'false', then that data definition will not be available (by default) for use in yangcli-pro commands. The help command will be tailored to the modules, capabilities, features, and module deviations reported by the server in <capability> exchange. If autoload-get is true, the <sget /netconf-state/schemas> operation will retrieve the /netconf-state/schemas sub-tree and the YANG sub-modules not known to yangcli-pro will be loaded correctly. If autoload-get is false, then just the <hello> message module list will be used to retrieve YANG modules. If autoload-cache is true, the YANG modules that are retrieved with the <sget /netconf-state/schemas> operation will be cached. And cached module can be used by yangcli-pro. If autoload-save-cache is true, the modules held in the YANG module cache are saved when yangcli-pro exits. If autoload-save-cache is false, then the YANG modules that are cached will be not saved when yangcli-pro exit. 2.5.3 Retrieving Data There are 6 commands available to retrieve generic data (i.e., an arbitrary subset of an entire NETCONF database): command description get raw NETCONF <get> operation get-config raw NETCONF <get-config> operation sget high-level subtree filter, using the <get> protocol operation sget-config high-level subtree filter, using the <get-config> protocol operation xget high-level XPath filter, using the <get> protocol operation xget-config high-level XPath filter, using the <get-config> protocol operation All the high-level retrieval operations support the $$with-defaults system variable. The <with-defaults> parameter will be added the the NETCONF PDU if this variable is set to a value other than 'none' (the default). This system variable will be used as the default if not entered directly. session1> sget /system --with-defaults=$$with-defaults This parameter can also be specified directly, each time the command is used. session1> xget-config //ifMtu --with-defaults=trim The $$bad-data system variable is used to control how invalid operations and data are sent to the server. The xget and xget-config commands are affected by this parameter. If the :xpath capability was not advertised by the server when the session started, an error or warning may occur if these commands are used. Version 14.08-2 Page 55 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual If any data is received that yangcli-pro does not understand, then a warning message will be printed and the data will be treated as if it was defined with the YANG 'anyxml' data type. 2.5.4 Modifying Data The following commands are available to modify generic data (i.e., an arbitrary subset of an entire NETCONF database): command description commit raw NETCONF <commit> operation create high-level <edit-config> operation, with nc:operation='create' delete high-level <edit-config> operation, with nc:operation='delete' delete-config raw NETCONF <delete-config> operation discard-changes raw NETCONF <discard-changes> operation edit-config raw NETCONF <edit-config> operation fill fill a variable for re-use in other operations insert high-level <edit-config> operation, with YANG insert operation extensions lock lock a NETCONF database merge high-level <edit-config> operation, with nc:operation='merge' replace high-level <edit-config> operation, with nc:operation='replace' save High level save operation, depending on the default target (candidate or running) unlock unlock a NETCONF database All the high-level editing operations use the --target parameter reported by the server when the session started up. If the server did not report the :candidate or :writable-running capabilities, then there will be no writable target, and an error will occur if these commands are entered. All the high-level editing operations support the $$default-operation system variable. The <default-operation> parameter will be added the the NETCONF <edit-config> PDU if this variable is set to a value other than 'not-used'. The default is the enumeration 'none', which means do not use any default operation, and only use the explicit nc:operation attribute. All the high-level editing operations support the $$test-option system variable. The <test-option> parameter will be added the the NETCONF <edit-config> PDU if this variable is set to a value other than 'none' (the default). This system variable will be used as the default if not entered directly. session1> replace /interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ifMtu \ --test-option=$$test-option \ --value=$newvalue Version 14.08-2 Page 56 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual This parameter can also be specified directly, each time the command is used. session1> $newvalue = 1518 session1> replace /interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ifMtu \ --test-option=test-only \ --value=$newvalue All the high-level retrieval operations support the $$error-option system variable. The <error-option> parameter will be added the the NETCONF <edit-config> PDU if this variable is set to a value other than 'none' (the default). This system variable will be used as the default if not entered directly. session1> replace /interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ifMtu \\ --error-option=$$error-option \ --value=1518 This parameter can also be specified directly, each time the command is used. session1> replace /interfaces/interface[name='eth0']/ifMtu \ --error-option=rollback-on-error \ --value=1518 The high level save command is mapped to other commands, depending on the capabilities reported by the server. save command capabilities 2.5.5 real command(s) :candidate commit :writable-running <none> :startup copy-config --source=running \ --target=startup Using Notifications The create-subscription command is used to start receiving notifications. The netconfd-pro server will include a <sequence-id> element in any notification that is saved in the replay buffer. This unsigned integer can be used to help debug notification filters (i.e., if non-consecutive <sequence-id> values are received, then the notification was filtered, or dropped due to access control policy). If any replay notifications are desired, then the --startTime parameter must be included. At the end of the stored notifications, the server will send the <replayComplete> event. This notification type is not saved, and will not be found in the server replay buffer, if replay is supported by the server. The netconfd-pro server will not include a <sequence-id> element in this notification type. Version 14.08-2 Page 57 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual If the notification subscription should stop at a certain time, then the --stopTime parameter must be included. At the end of the stored notifications, the server will send the <replayComplete> event, followed by the <notificationComplete> event. . This notification type is not saved, and will not be found in the server replay buffer, if replay is supported by the server. The netconfd-pro server will not include a <sequence-id> element in this notification type. Notifications are printed to the log, using the current $$display-mode system variable setting, when and if they are received. Notifications are also logged. Use the eventlog command to access the notifications stored in the event log. 2.5.6 Configuration Parameters That Affect Sessions The --server, --user, and --password configuration parameters can be used to start a NETCONF session automatically at startup time. The connect command will only be attempted at startup time if the --server parameter is present. If all 3 of these parameters are present at startup time, then no interactive prompting for additional optional parameters will be done. Instead the connect command will be invoked right away. During normal operation, the --optional configuration parameter, or the $$optional system variable, can be used to control interactive prompting for optional parameters. The --server parameter is saved in the $$server system variable, which can be overwritten at any time. If set, this will be used as the initial default value for the --server parameter in the connect command. The --fixorder configuration parameter can be used to control XML PDU ordering. If set to 'true', then the PDU will be reordered (if needed),to use the canonical order, according to the YANG specification. If 'false', the order parameters are entered at the command line will be their NETCONF PDU order as well. The default is 'true'. To send the server incorrectly ordered data structures on purposes, set this parameter to 'false'. The --user parameter is saved in the $$user system variable, which can be overwritten at any time. If set, this will be used as the initial default value for the --user parameter in the connect command. The --with-defaults configuration parameter, or the $$with-defaults system variable, can be used to set the default value for the 'with-defaults' parameter extension for the NETCONF get, get-config, and copy-config protocol operations. The default is 'none'. The --error-option configuration parameter, or the $$error-option system parameter, can be used to set the default value for the --error-option parameter for the NETCONF edit-config protocol operation. The default is 'none'. The --test-option configuration parameter, or the $$test-option system parameter, can be used to set the default value for the --test-option parameter for the NETCONF edit-config protocol operation. The default is 'none'. The --bad-data configuration parameter, or the $$bad-data system variable, can be used to control how yangcli-pro handles parameter values that are known to be invalid, or usage of optional protocol operations that the current session does not support. The default value is 'check'. To use yangcli-pro in a testing mode to send the server incorrect data on purpose, set this parameter to 'warn' or 'ignore'. 2.5.7 Trouble-shooting NETCONF Session Problems If the NETCONF session does not start for any reason, one or more error messages will be printed, and the prompt will indicate 'idle' mode. This section assumes that the server is netconfd-pro, and these debugging steps may not apply to all NETCONF agents. If the NETCONF session does not start: • make sure the server is reachable Version 14.08-2 Page 58 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ • make sure the SSH server is responding ◦ • try to login in to the server using normal SSH login on port 22 make sure a firewall is not blocking TCP port 830 ◦ • try to 'ping' the server and see if it responds try to connect to the NETCONF server using the --port=22 option make sure the netconf-subsystem is configured correctly in /etc/ssh/sshd_config there should be the proper configuration commands for NETCONF to work. For example, the netconfd-pro server configuration might look like this: • Port 22 Port 830 Subsystem • netconf /usr/sbin/netconf-subsystem make sure the netconfd-pro server is running. Use the unix 'ps' command, or check the netconfd-pro log file, to make sure it is running. ps -alx | grep netconf (look for 1 'netconfd-pro and N 'netconf-subsystem' -- 1 for each active session) • make sure the user name is correct ◦ • This must be a valid user name on the system make sure the password is correct ◦ This must be the valid password (in /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow) for the specified user name If the NETCONF session stops responding: • make sure the server is still reachable ◦ • try to 'ping' the server and see if it responds make sure the SSH server is still responding ◦ try to login in to the server using normal SSH login on port 22 If the NETCONF server is not accepting a certain command: • make sure the command (or parameters used in the command) is actually supported by the server. ◦ • There may be features, when statements, or deviation statements that indicate the server does not support the command or one or more of its parameters. make sure that access control configured on the server is not blocking the command. The error-tag should be 'access-denied' in this case. Version 14.08-2 Page 59 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual If the NETCONF server is not returning the expected data in a <get> or <get-config> protocol operation:: • Make sure all the parameters are supported by the server ◦ the :xpath capability must be advertised by the server to use the 'select' attribute in the <get> or <getconfig> operations ◦ the :with-defaults capability must be advertised by the server to use the <with-defaults> parameter • if using a filter, try to retrieve the data without a filter and see if it is there • make sure that access control configured on the server is not blocking the retrieval. There will not be any error reported in this case. The server will simply skip over any unauthorized data, and leave it out of the <rpcreply>. • set the logging level to debug2 or higher, and look closely at the PDUs being sent to the server. Set the display mode to a value other than 'plain' to make sure the correct namespaces are being used in the request. If an <edit-config> operation is failing unexpectedly: • make sure that access control configured on the server is not blocking the request. The error-tag should be 'access-denied' in this case. • make sure an unsupported parameter or parameter value is not used ◦ <test-option> is not supported unless the :validate capability is advertised by the server ◦ <error-option> = 'rollback-on-error' is not supported unless the :rollback-on-error capability is advertised by the server • if the request contains an edit to a nested data structure, make sure the parent data structure(s) are in place as expected. The <default-operation> parameter is set to 'none' in the high level editing operations, so any data 'above' the edited data must already exist. • set the logging level to debug2 or higher, and look closely at the PDUs being sent to the server. Set the display mode to a value other than 'plain' to make sure the correct namespaces are being used in the request. 2.6 Automated Testing Automated regression testing is provided using test-suite templates to describe actions and expected responses and results. The test-suite command is used to access this feature. Tests rely on named sessions in order to send commands from different sessions. Each test step can be directed at a different session. The “locking” example in a later section shows how test step commands can be either expected to succeed (e.g., first session attempts <lock> command) and fail (e.g., second session attempts <lock> but the datastore is already locked). The start-session command is usually used within the setup section for each session required in all of the tests within the test-suite. The server must already be running. (TBD: start-server and stop-server commands will be available in a future release.) The setup and cleanup sections defined within a test suite are called CLI text blocks. They use a special configuration file syntax which allows maximum flexibility for the test designer. These sections begin and and with square brackets ('[' and ']') instead of angle brackets ('{' and '}'). There are no leafs within these containers. Instead they contain plain command lines exactly like a script, 2.6.1 Test Templates The test suite file structure is shown below: Version 14.08-2 Page 60 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • test-suite-file: collection of test-suites in a single file. Multiple files can be loaded. If the --autotest CLI parameter is 'true' (default) then yangcli-pro will look for the default test file, called $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_tests.conf. • test-suite: collection of tests. Each test-suite has an optional 'setup' section which is executed once before the tests are run, and an optional 'cleanup' section that is run after all the tests have run • test: collection of steps to perform a specific test • step: a command to be executed locally or remotely to a specified session. Each step for a remote command can be configured to check the server response received. 2.6.2 YANG File Defining Test Templates module yumaworks-unit-test { namespace "http://yumaworks.com/ns/yumaworks-unit-test"; prefix "ut"; import yuma-types { prefix yt; } import yumaworks-extensions { prefix ywx; } organization "YumaWorks, Inc."; contact "Support <[email protected]>"; description "This module contains data structures representing Version 14.08-2 Page 61 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual server unit tests for specific use cases and YANG modules "; revision 2012-09-03 { description "Initial version"; } typedef response-type { type enumeration { enum none { description "Local command, no <rpc-reply> expected."; } enum ok { description "Expecting the <ok> reply."; } enum data { description "Expecting a data reply."; } enum error { description "Expecting an rpc-error reply."; } } description "The type of response expected from the server for this request."; } container unit-test { presence "If this node is present then the unit-test service is enabled."; list test-suite { description "A list of test-suites all run against a single server."; key name; leaf name { type yt:NcxName; description "The test suite name."; } leaf description { type string; description "Description of this test suite."; } container setup { ywx:cli-text-block; description "Test suite setup commands"; } container cleanup { ywx:cli-text-block; description "Test suite cleanup commands"; } leaf-list run-test { ordered-by user; Version 14.08-2 Page 62 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual type yt:NcxName; min-elements 1; description "The ordered list of test names to run in this test suite. At least 1 test must be specified."; } list test { description "The unit-tests that are configured to be run. At least 1 test must be configured."; ordered-by user; min-elements 1; key name; leaf name { type yt:NcxName; description "The name of this unit test."; } leaf description { type string; description "Description of this unit test."; } leaf-list must-pass { type yt:NcxName; description "The names of the tests that have already been run and pased for this test to be attempted, The test will be skipped if any test in the must-pass list has been attempted and the test failed. If the named test has not been run yet this test will fail and be skipped. If the named test was skipped, then it will not cause this test to be skipped, only if it did not run at all or if it ran and passed."; } list step { description "A list of test steps to be done in order."; ordered-by user; key name; leaf name { type string { length "1 .. 64"; } description "The name of this unit test step."; } leaf description { type string; description "Description of this unit test step."; } leaf session-name { type yt:NcxName; description "The name of the session to use. Version 14.08-2 Page 63 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Empty if the test session should be used"; } leaf result-type { type response-type; description "The expected response type. If this leaf is missing then any response type is acceptable."; } leaf result-error-tag { must "../result-type = 'error'"; type string; description "The error-tag value expected if the result-type is 'error'. If not set, then any error-tag value is acceptable."; } leaf result-error-apptag { must "../result-type = 'error'"; type string; description "The error-app-tag value expected if the result-type is 'error'. If not set, then any error-app-tag value is acceptable."; } leaf-list result-error-info { must "../result-type = 'error'"; type yt:NcxName; description "The error-info element name expected if the result-type is 'error'."; } leaf command { type string; mandatory true; description "The yangcli command line string to use"; } /**** !!!! TBD leave out for now !!!! anyxml rpc-reply-data { must "../result-type = 'data'"; description "The contents of <rpc-reply> element that are expected to be returned in the reply. This element itself represents <rpc-reply> and any child nodes are the nodes returned by the server."; } ****/ } // list step } // list test } // list test-suite } // container unit-test } Version 14.08-2 Page 64 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.6.3 Example Test File unit-test { test-suite first-test { description "A set of tests to validate NETCONF locking is working correctly." setup [ # example variables $$server ="test1" $$admin = "andy" $$user1 = "andy" $$pass1 = "fredlow" $$user2 = "andy2" $$pass2 = "fredlow" $$testlog = "$HOME/tests/first-test.log" $$testmod = "test" # 2 sessions used in this test; server must already be running start-session session-A start-session session-B ] cleanup [ stop-session session-A stop-session session-B ] run-test locks test locks { description "Use 2 sessions to test global locks on the candidate and running datastores. Expects the server to already be started with --module=test and --access-control=off." step 1 { description "session A locks the running config; needs to lock candidate too, but does not!" session-name session-A result-type ok command "lock target=running" } step 2 { description "session B tries to lock the running config" session-name session-B result-type error result-error-tag lock-denied result-error-info session-id command "lock target=running" } step 3 { description "session A tries to write to the target config" session-name session-A result-type ok command "merge /uint8.1 value=10" Version 14.08-2 Page 65 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual } step 4 { description "session B tries to write to the target config candidate is not locked so this should work" session-name session-B result-type ok command "merge /uint8.1 value=12" } step 5 { description "session B tries to commit the candidate to running running is locked so this should fail" session-name session-B result-type error result-error-tag in-use command "commit" } step 6 { description "session A tries to lock the candidate config this should fail since the candidate is dirty" session-name session-A result-type error result-error-tag resource-denied command "lock target=candidate" } step 7 { description "session B tries to lock the candidate config this should fail since the candidate is dirty" session-name session-B result-type error result-error-tag resource-denied command "lock target=candidate" } step 8 { description "session B issues a discard-changes" session-name session-B result-type ok command "discard-changes" } step 9 { description "session A issues a discard-changes" session-name session-A result-type ok command "discard-changes" } step 10 { description "session B locks the candidate config" session-name session-B result-type ok command "lock target=candidate" } step 11 { description "session A tries to lock the candidate config, which should fail because it is already locked" session-name session-A result-type error Version 14.08-2 Page 66 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual result-error-tag lock-denied result-error-info session-id command "lock target=candidate" } step 12 { description "session A tries to write to the target config, which could fail because candidate is locked" session-name session-A result-type error result-error-tag in-use command "merge /uint8.1 value=10" } step 13 { description "session B tries to write to the target config" session-name session-B result-type ok command "merge /uint8.1 value=12" } step 14 { description "session A tries to commit the candidate to running, candidate is locked by B so this should fail" session-name session-A result-type error result-error-tag in-use command "commit" } step 15 { description "session B tries to commit the candidate to running, running is locked by A so this should fail" session-name session-B result-type error result-error-tag in-use command "commit" } step 16 { description "session A tries to discard-changes, candidate is locked by B so this should fail" session-name session-A result-type error result-error-tag in-use command "discard-changes" } step 17 { description "session A tries to unlock candidate, candidate is locked by B so this should fail" session-name session-A result-type error result-error-tag in-use command "unlock target=candidate" } step 18 { description "session B tries to unlock running, which is locked by A so this should fail" session-name session-B result-type error result-error-tag in-use Version 14.08-2 Page 67 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual command "unlock target=running" } step 19 { description "session B unlocks candidate" session-name session-B result-type ok command "unlock target=candidate" } step 20 { description "session A unlocks candidate" session-name session-A result-type ok command "unlock target=running" } step 21 { description "session A commits nothing due to discard-changes from B" session-name session-A result-type ok command "commit" } } } } Version 14.08-2 Page 68 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.7 Command Reference This section describes all the yangcli-pro local and remote commands built-in when using the netconfd-pro server. There may be more or less commands available, depending on the YANG modules actually loaded at the time. The specific NETCONF capabilities needed are listed for each remote command. No capabilities are ever needed for a local command. It is possible that other servers will support protocol operations that netconfd-pro does not support. If yangcli-pro has the YANG file available for the module, then it can be managed with the high level commands. Low-level commands can still be used with external data (e.g., @mydatafile.xml). Any YANG rpc statement can be used as a remote yangcli-pro command. Refer to the server vendor documentation for details on the protocol operations, database contents, and notification definitions that they support. 2.7.1 alias The alias command is used to set or display a specific command alias, or display all command aliases if no parameter is given. It is similar to the 'alias' command in unix shells such as 'bash'. There are 3 forms of the alias command: 1. alias: display all command aliases in memory 2. alias <name>: display the command alias with the specified name 3. alias <name>=<value>: set the command alias with the specified name to the string value Use the unset command to delete an alias. alias command Command type: local Default parameter: var Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • var ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ The 'var' string must contain either a valid alias name or a string setting an alias. There cannot be any whitespace between the '=' and other characters when setting an alias. The alias value must be quoted if it contains whitespace. ▪ Version 14.08-2 A double-quoted string can contain single quotes: Page 69 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual > alias get-eth0=”xget /interfaces/interface[name='eth0']” ▪ A single-quoted string can contain double quotes: > alias get-eth0='xget /interfaces/interface[name=”eth0”]' ▪ An unquoted string can be used if the <value> does not contain any whitespace: > alias gc=get-config Positive Response: • If no parameter given: ◦ • If a <name> parameter given: ◦ • The current list of command aliases is displayed. The specified alias is displayed. If a <name>=<value> parameter is given: ◦ 'Updated alias foo' if alias foo already exists. ◦ 'Added alias foo' if this is a new alias Negative Response: • If no parameter given: ◦ • If a <name> parameter given: ◦ • Not applicable Error: alias 'foo' not found If a <name>=<value> parameter is given: ◦ Error message printed if value is invalid Usage: > alias get-running=”get-config --source=running” Added alias 'get-running' > 2.7.2 aliases Version 14.08-2 Page 70 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The aliases command is used to load, save, or clear the command aliases, or display all command aliases if no parameter is given. There are 4 forms of the aliases command: 1. aliases [show]: display all command aliases in memory 2. aliases clear: clear all command aliases in memory 3. aliases save [alias-filespec]: save the command aliases in memory in an '.aliases' file. 4. aliases load [alias-filespec]: load the command aliases from an '.aliases' file into memory. aliases command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • alias-action ◦ type: choice ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: show ◦ clear ▪ ◦ load [alias-filespec] ▪ ◦ Load an aliases file into memory. If the 'alias-filespec' parameter is not given, then the default aliases file ($HOME/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_aliases) will be used. save [alias-filespec] ▪ ◦ Delete all aliases from memory. This will not affect the aliases file until the 'aliases save' command is used, or the program exits and the –autoaliases parameter is set to 'true'. Save the command aliases into memory to an alias file. If the 'alias-filespec' parameter is not given, then the default aliases file ($HOME/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_aliases) will be used. show ▪ Displays all aliases in memory. Positive Response: • show: ◦ • The current list of command aliases is displayed. clear, load, save: ◦ A status message is displayed. Version 14.08-2 Page 71 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Negative Response: • An error message is printed if any error occurs. Usage: > aliases save Saved aliases OK to '~/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_aliases' > 2.7.3 auto-test The auto-test command is used to test edit operations and performance on a NETCONF server. It can be used to generate pseudo-random <edit-config> operations for a specified data node. All configuration descendant nodes will be created. Each time an edit is done the NETCONF “replace” operation is used. If the :startup capability is not present then the edit will be saved to non-volatile storage by the server after each edit is completed. Otherwise the auto-test command will automatically save all edits at the end of the test. The target parameter is used to specify the database configuration node to use for the test. This is a schema identifier string. No key value predicates are allowed, just object names. The iterations parameter specifies how many edits to complete. If the candidate database is the server target, then an edit is an <edit-config> operation, followed by a <commit> operation. If the running database is the server target, then an edit is simply an <edit-config> operation. If the session-name parameter is present, then that named session will be used, or else the current session will be used. The session must be connected to the server and the session must be active. The user must have read and write access to all the nodes indicated by the target parameter. Access to the <edit-config>, <commit>, and <copyconfig> operations is also required. Note: choice statements are not supported at this time. Only string and numeric simple types are supported at this time. auto-test command Command type: local Default parameter: target Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 3 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • target ◦ type: schema identifier string ◦ usage: mandatory Version 14.08-2 Page 72 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • • ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the data node to test. session-name ◦ type: identifier string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: current session ◦ This parameter specifies the session name to use for the test iterations ◦ type: uint32 ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: 1 ◦ This parameter specifies the number of edits to perform for the test. Positive Response: • show: ◦ • The current list of command aliases is displayed. clear, load, save: ◦ A status message is displayed. Negative Response: • An error message is printed if any error occurs. Usage: andy@myserver> auto-test target=/ptest1 iterations=100 [edits done on current session] andy@myserver> 2.7.4 cache The cache command is used to clear 1 or all entries from the YANG module cache. There are 3 forms of this command: cache clear cache delete foo cache delete=foo revision=2014-05-22 cache command Command type: Version 14.08-2 local Page 73 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: none YANG file: yancli-pro.yang There are 3 forms of the cache command: 1. cache clear: Clear the YANG module cache on disk. 2. cache delete=module-name Delete the specified module name from the YANG module cache. All revisions will be deleted from the cache. 3. cache delete=module-name revision=revision-date Delete the specified module name and revision date from the YANG module cache. Command Parameters: cache-action ◦ type: choice ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ clear ▪ ◦ delete [name of module] ▪ ◦ Clear the YANG module cache on disk. delete the specified YANG modules from YANG module cache. revision [revision-date of module] ▪ deletes the specified YANG modules from YANG module cache. Positive Response: • none. Use 'show cache' to verify the result of the action. Negative Response: • none. Use 'show cache' to verify the result of the action. Usage: > show cache yumaworks-event-filter@2014-02-09 ietf-netconf-notifications@2012-02-06 yuma-ncx@2013-09-23 yuma-types@2012-06-01 yuma-netconf@2013-09-28 t79@2014-06-19 yumaworks-types@2013-02-11 ietf-netconf-partial-lock@2009-10-19 test1a@2011-07-14 ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15 yuma-proc@2013-07-16 yuma-mysession@2013-10-05 Version 14.08-2 Page 74 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual test1c@2008-10-12 yumaworks-system@2014-05-27 yang-attributes@2013-02-18 ietf-netconf-with-defaults@2011-06-01 ietf-netconf-monitoring@2010-10-04 yuma-interfaces@2012-01-13 ietf-netconf-acm@2012-02-22 test1@2008-10-12 yuma-system@2013-07-15 ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15 yuma-app-common@2012-08-16 test1b@2008-10-12 ,<============== test@2009-12-26 yuma-time-filter@2012-11-15 andy@myserver> cache delete=test1b andy@myserver> andy@myserver> show cache yumaworks-event-filter@2014-02-09 ietf-netconf-notifications@2012-02-06 yuma-ncx@2013-09-23 yuma-types@2012-06-01 yuma-netconf@2013-09-28 t79@2014-06-19 yumaworks-types@2013-02-11 ietf-netconf-partial-lock@2009-10-19 test1a@2011-07-14 ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15 yuma-proc@2013-07-16 yuma-mysession@2013-10-05 test1c@2008-10-12 yumaworks-system@2014-05-27 yang-attributes@2013-02-18 ietf-netconf-with-defaults@2011-06-01 ietf-netconf-monitoring@2010-10-04 yuma-interfaces@2012-01-13 ietf-netconf-acm@2012-02-22 test1@2008-10-12 <============== yuma-system@2013-07-15 ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15 yuma-app-common@2012-08-16 andy@myserver> cache delete=test1 revision=2008-10-12 andy@myserver> andy@myserver> show cache yumaworks-event-filter@2014-02-09 ietf-netconf-notifications@2012-02-06 yuma-ncx@2013-09-23 yuma-types@2012-06-01 yuma-netconf@2013-09-28 t79@2014-06-19 yumaworks-types@2013-02-11 ietf-netconf-partial-lock@2009-10-19 test1a@2011-07-14 ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15 yuma-proc@2013-07-16 yuma-mysession@2013-10-05 test1c@2008-10-12 yumaworks-system@2014-05-27 yang-attributes@2013-02-18 Version 14.08-2 Page 75 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ietf-netconf-with-defaults@2011-06-01 ietf-netconf-monitoring@2010-10-04 yuma-interfaces@2012-01-13 ietf-netconf-acm@2012-02-22 test@2009-12-26 yuma-arp@2012-01-13 test@2009-9-26 yuma-system@2013-07-15 ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15 yuma-app-common@2012-08-16 yuma-time-filter@2012-11-15 yuma-arp@2012-01-13 ietf-netconf@2011-06-01 nc-notifications@2008-07-14 notifications@2013-03-15 ietf-netconf@2011-06-01 nc-notifications@2008-07-14 notifications@2013-03-15 yuma-time-filter@2012-11-15 yuma-arp@2012-01-13 ietf-netconf@2011-06-01 nc-notifications@2008-07-14 notifications@2013-03-15 ietf-netconf@2011-06-01 nc-notifications@2008-07-14 notifications@2013-03-15 andy@myserver> andy@myserver> cache clear andy@myserver> andy@myserver> show cache andy@myserver> cache clear empty cache: ./yumapro/.yangcli andy@myserver> Reference: • 2.7.5 yangcli-pro.yang cd The cd command is used to change the current working directory. cd command Version 14.08-2 Command type: local Default parameter: dir Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Page 76 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command Parameters: • dir ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ The 'dir' string must contain a valid directory specification Positive Response: • the new current working directory is printed Negative Response: • an error message will be printed describing the error Usage: > cd ~/modules Current working directory is /home/andy/modules > cd --dir=$YUMAPRO_HOME Current working directory is /home/andy/swdev/yumapro/trunk/netconf > 2.7.6 close-session The close-session command is used to terminate the current NETCONF session. A NETCONF server should always accept this command if it is valid, and not reject it due to access control enforcement or if the server is in notification delivery mode. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. close-session command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Command Parameters: • none Positive Response: • the session is terminated and the command prompt is changed to indicate idle mode Version 14.08-2 Page 77 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Negative Response: • an <rpc-error> message will be printed describing the error Usage: andy@myserver> close-session RPC OK Reply 2 for session 10: > Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.8 2.7.7 commit The commit command is used to save the edits in the <candidate> database into the <running> database. If there are no edits it will have no effect. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. commit command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 2 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Capabilities needed: :candidate Capabilities optional: :confirmed-commit Command Parameters: • • confirmed ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ capabilities needed: :confirmed-commit ◦ This parameter requests a confirmed commit procedure. The server will expect another commit command before the confirm-timeout time period expires. confirm-timeout ◦ type: uint32 (range: 1 .. max) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: 600 seconds Version 14.08-2 Page 78 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • • ◦ capabilities needed: :confirmed-commit ◦ This is the number of seconds to request before the timeout. The 'confirmed' leaf must also be present for this parameter to have any affect. persist ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ persist ID used to start or extend the confirmed commit procedure persist-id ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ persist ID used to conform a previously started the confirmed commit procedure Positive Response: • the session is terminated and the command prompt is changed to indicate idle mode Negative Response: • an <rpc-error> message will be printed describing the error Usage: andy@myserver> commit RPC OK Reply 5 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • 2.7.8 RFC 4741, section 8.3.4 config The config command is used to enter configuration mode. It can only be used if the current session is connected to a NETCONF server. The configuration source is given as the only parameter. The 'terminal' is the only supported configuration source at this time. config command Version 14.08-2 Command type: local Default parameter: term Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: none (enter configuration mode) YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Page 79 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command Parameters: • term ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: present ◦ This parameter specifies that the terminal is the configuration source Positive Response: • the prompt will change indicating configuration mode is active Negative Response: • An error message will be printed Usage: andy@myserver> config term andy@myserver# 2.7.9 connect The connect command is used to start a session with a NETCONF server. This command can be used in 3 forms: 1. Default session: All required connection parameters are specified and the default session is used. The parameters are only saved as defaults for the next connect command. They are not saved in any template. 2. Named Session: Only the --session-name parameter is used. The specified session-cfg template for all connection parameters. 3. Modified Named Session: The --session-name parameter is used and additional parameters can also be specified, which will cause the session-cfg template to be updated if the connection is successful. If there already is a NETCONF session active, then an error message will be printed and the command will not be executed. connect command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: server Page 80 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 10 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • • • • • server ◦ type: inet:ip-address (string containing IP address or DNS name ◦ usage: mandatory unless session-name parameter is used and refers to a previously saved session configuration. ◦ default: previous server used, if any, will be presented as the default, but not used automatically ◦ This parameter specifies the server address for the session. password ◦ type: string (ncx:password) ◦ usage: mandatory unless session-name parameter is used and refers to a previously saved session configuration. ◦ default: previous password used, if any, will be presented as the default, but not used automatically ◦ This parameter specifies the password string to use to establish the session. It will not be echoed in parameter mode or saved in the command history buffer. ncport ◦ type: uint16 ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: 830 ◦ This parameter specifies the TCP port number that should be used for the session. timeout ◦ type: uint32 (0 = no timeout, otherwise the number of seconds to wait) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: set to the $$timeout system variable, default 30 seconds ◦ This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the server before giving up. The session will not be dropped if a remote command times out, but any late response will be dropped. A value of zero means no timeout should be used, and yangcli-pro will wait forever for a response. user ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory unless session-name parameter is used and refers to a previously saved session configuration. ◦ default: previous user name used, if any, will be presented as the default, but not used automatically ◦ This parameter specifies the user name to use for the session. This must be a valid user name on the NETCONF server. protocols Version 14.08-2 Page 81 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • • • • ◦ type: bits (netconf1.0 netconf1.1) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: --protocols configuration parameter setting ◦ Specifies which NETCONF protocol versions to enable. Overrides –protocols configuration parameter. private-key ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: --private-key configuration parameter setting ◦ Specifies the SSH private key file to use. Overrides –private-key configuration parameter. public-key ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: --public-key configuration parameter setting ◦ Specifies the SSH public key file to use. Overrides –public-key configuration parameter. session-name ◦ type: identifier string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ Specifies the named session configuration entry to use for the connection information. Sessions can be saved while active with the session-cfg save command. ▪ If this parameter is used and the named session configuration is found, then that session will be used for connection parameters. Any additional parameters will be used to update the existing named session entry. ▪ If this parameter is used and the named session configuration is not found, then other parameters will be checked, and a connection attempt will be made. If successful, the session parameters will be saved as a new saved session. transport ◦ type: enumeration (ssh, tcp, or tcp-ncx) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: ssh ◦ This parameter specifies the transport protocol to use. ▪ ssh: Selects the standard NETCONF transport (and --ncport specifies the SSH port to use). ▪ tcp: Selects the tail-f NETCONF over TCP protocol. The --ncport value is set to 2023, and the --protocols value is set to netconf1.0. The --password value will be ignored. A direct TCP connection will be used instead of SSH, using the tail-f structured connection string protocol. ▪ tcp-ncx: Selects the YumaWorks NETCONF over TCP protocol. The --ncport value is set to 2023, and the --protocols value is set to netconf1.0 and netconf1.1. The --password value will be ignored. A direct TCP connection will be used instead of SSH, using the YumaWorks <ncx-connect> protocol. Version 14.08-2 Page 82 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Positive Response: • the session is started and the prompt changes to include the 'user@server' string. Negative Response: • One or more error messages will be printed. Refer to the section on trouble-shooting NETCONF Session problems for more details. Usage: > connect myserver user=andy password=yangrocks <startup screen printed> andy@myserver> 2.7.10 copy-config The copy-config command is used to copy one entire NETCONF database to another location. Not all possible parameter combinations will be supported by every server. In fact, the NETCONF protocol does not require any parameters to be supported unless the :startup or :url capabilities is supported by the server. If the server supports the :startup capability, then it must support the following operation: andy@myserver> copy-config source=running target=startup This is the standard way to save a snapshot of the current running configuration in non-volatile storage, if the server has a separate startup database. If not, the server will automatically save any changes to the running configuration to non-volatile storage. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. copy-config command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 2 Max parameters: 3 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: :candidate :startup :url Page 83 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual :with-defaults Command Parameters: • source ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the source database for the copy operation. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ • candidate • type: empty • capabilities needed: :candidate running • type: empty • capabilities needed: none startup • type: empty • capabilities needed: startup config: • type: container (in-line configuration data) • capabilities needed: none url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (source=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. target ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the target database for the copy operation. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ ▪ Version 14.08-2 candidate • type: empty • capabilities needed: :candidate running Page 84 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • type: empty • capabilities needed: :writable-running (still optional to implement) ◦ ▪ ▪ • netconfd-pro does not support this mode startup • type: empty • capabilities needed: startup url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter. • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (target=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (none report-all report-all-tagged trim explicit) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ capabilities needed: with-defaults ◦ This parameter controls how nodes containing only default values are copied to the target database. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> copy-config source=candidate Enter a number of the selected case statement: 1: case candidate: leaf candidate 2: case running: leaf running 3: case startup: leaf startup 4: case url: leaf url Enter choice number [1 - 4]: andy@myserver:copy-config> 4 Filling optional case /copy-config/input/target/config-source/url Enter string value for leaf <url>: Version 14.08-2 Page 85 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual andy@myserver:copy-config> file://configs/myconfig.xml RPC OK Reply 12 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 8.3 2.7.11 create The create command is a high-level <edit-config> operation. It is used to create some new nodes in the default target database. A target node is specified (in 1 of 2 ways), and then the data structure is filled in. Only mandatory nodes will be filled in unless the $$optional system variable is set to 'true'. Refer to the fill command for more details on interactive mode data structure completion. create command Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 5 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: :candidate or :writable-running Command Parameters: • choice 'from' (not entered) ◦ type: choice of case 'varref' or case 'from-cli' ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the where yangcli-pro should get the data from, for the create operation. It is either a user variable or from interactive input at the command line. ▪ ▪ Version 14.08-2 varref • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the user variable to use for the target of the create operation. The parameter must exist (e.g., created with the fill command) or an error message will be printed. case from-cli (not entered) Page 86 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • • • • • target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the create operation. This is an ncx:schema-instance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. urltarget ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the create operation. This is an UrlPath string. optional ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: controlled by $$optional system variable ◦ This parameter controls whether optional nodes within the target will be filled in. It can be used to override the $$optional system variable, when it is set to 'false'. value ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the value that should be used for the contents of the target parameter. If it is entered, then the interactive mode prompting for missing parameters will be skipped, if this parameter is complete (or all mandatory nodes present if the $$optional system variable is 'false'). For example, if the target is a leaf, then specifying this parameter will always cause the interactive prompt mode to be skipped. timeout ◦ type: uint32 (0 = no timeout, otherwise the number of seconds to wait) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: set to the $$timeout system variable, default 30 seconds ◦ This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the server before giving up. The session will not be dropped if a remote command times out, but any late response will be dropped. A value of zero means no timeout should be used, and yangcli-pro will wait forever for a response. System Variables: • $$default-operation ◦ • The <default-operation> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable. $$error-option ◦ The <error-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable Version 14.08-2 Page 87 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • $$test-option ◦ The <test-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> create varref=myvar RPC OK Reply 10 for session 10: andy@myserver> create /nacm/rules/data-rule \ (user will be prompted to fill in the data-rule contents) RPC OK Reply 11 for session 10: andy@myserver> create \ target=/nacm/rules/data-rule[name='test rule']/comment \ value=”this test rule is temporary. Do not remove!” (no user prompting; <edit-config> request sent right away) RPC OK Reply 12 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.2 2.7.12 create-subscription The create-subscription command is used to start receiving notifications from the server. The :notification capability must be supported by the server to use this command. Unless the :interleave capability is also supported by the server, then only the close-session command can be used while notifications are being delivered. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. create-subscription command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 4 Return type: status Page 88 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual YANG file: notifications.yang Capabilities needed: :notification Capabilities optional: :interleave Command Parameters: • • • • stream ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: 'NETCONF' ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the notification stream for this subscription request. Only the 'NETCONF' stream is mandatory to implement. Any other stream contains vendor-specific content, and may not be fully supported, depending on the stream encoding. filter ◦ type: anyxml (same as the <get> or <get-config> filter parameter) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies a boolean filter that should be applied to the stream. This is the same format as the standard <filter> element in RFC 6241, except that instead of creating a subset of the database for an <rpc-reply> PDU, the filter is used as a boolean test to send or drop each notification delivered from the server. ▪ If any nodes are left in the 'test response', the server will send the entire notification. ▪ If the result is empty after the filter is applied to the “test response”, then the server will not send the notification at all. ▪ It is possible that access control will either cause the a notification to be dropped entirely, or may be pruned and still delivered. The standard is not clear on this topic. The netconfd-pro server will prune any unauthorized payload from an eventType, but if the <eventType> itself is unauthorized, the entire notification will be dropped. startTime ◦ type: yang:date-and-time ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter causes any matching replay notifications to be delivered by the server, if notification replay is supported by the server. A notification will match if its <eventTime> value is greater or equal to the value of this parameter. ◦ After all the replay notifications are delivered, the server will send a <replayComplete> eventType, indicating there are no more replay notifications that match the subscription request. stopTime ◦ type: yang:date-and-time ◦ usage: optional (not allowed unless startTime is also present) ◦ default: none Version 14.08-2 Page 89 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ This parameter causes any matching replay notifications to be delivered by the server, if notification replay is supported by the server. A notification will match if its <eventTime> value is less than the value of this parameter. ▪ This parameter must be greater than the startTime parameter, or an error will be returned by the server. ▪ If this parameter is used, then the entire subscription will stop after this specified time, even if it is in the future. The <notificationComplete> eventType will be sent by the server when this event occurs. ▪ If this parameter is not used (but startTime is used), then the server will continue to deliver 'live' notifications after the <replayComplete> eventType is sent by the server. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> create-subscription RPC OK Reply 13 for session 10: OR andy@myserver> create-subscription startTime=2009-01-01T00:00:00Z RPC OK Reply 14 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 5277, section 2.1.1 2.7.13 delete The delete command is a high-level <edit-config> operation. It is used to delete an existing subtree in the default target database. A target node is specified, and then any missing key leafs (if any) within the data structure are filled in. If the target is a leaf-list, then the user will be prompted for the value of the leaf-list node to be deleted. Refer to the fill command for more details on interactive mode data structure completion. delete command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Page 90 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: :candidate or :writable-running Command Parameters: • • target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional (urltarget or target must be present) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the delete operation. This is an ncx:schemainstance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. urltarget ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the delete operation. This is an UrlPath string. System Variables: • $$default-operation ◦ • $$error-option ◦ • The <error-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable $$optional ◦ • The <default-operation> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable. Controls whether optional descendant nodes will be filled into the target parameter contents $$test-option ◦ The <test-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> delete /nacm/rules/data-rule \ (user will be prompted to fill in the data-rule 'name' key leaf) Version 14.08-2 Page 91 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual RPC OK Reply 15 for session 10: andy@myserver> delete \ target=/nacm/rules/data-rule[name='test rule']/comment (no user prompting; <edit-config> request sent right away) RPC OK Reply 16 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.2 2.7.14 delete-config The delete-config command is used to delete an entire NETCONF database. Not all possible target parameter values will be supported by every server. In fact, the NETCONF protocol does not require that any database be supported by this operation. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. If the server supports the :url capability, then it may support deletion of local file databases in this manner.: delete-config command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: :candidate :startup :url Command Parameters: • target ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the target database for the delete operation. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ startup • Version 14.08-2 type: empty Page 92 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ • capabilities needed: startup • a server may support this target url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter. • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (target=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. • a server may support this parameter Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> delete-config target=startup RPC OK Reply 17 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.4 2.7.15 discard-changes The discard-changes command is used to delete any edits that exist in the <candidate> database, on the NETCONF server. The server will only accept this command if the :candidate capability is supported. If the <candidate> database is locked by another session, then this request will fail with an 'in-use' error. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. discard-changes command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status Page 93 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Capabilities needed: :candidate Command Parameters: none Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> discard-changes RPC OK Reply 18 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 2.7.16 edit-config The edit-config command allows a subset of a NETCONF database on the server to be changed. If the server supports the :url capability, then it may support editing of local file databases. If the server supports the :candidate capability, then it will allow edits to the <candidate> database. If the server supports the :writable-running capability, it will support edits to the <running> database. It is not likely that a server will support the <candidate> and <running> database as targets at the same time, since changes to the <running> configuration would not be reflected in the <candidate> database, while it was being edited by a different session. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. edit-config command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 2 Max parameters: 5 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Capabilities needed: :candidate or :writable-running Page 94 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Capabilities optional: :url :rollback-on-error :validate Command Parameters: • • • default-operation ◦ type: enumeration (merge replace none) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: merge ◦ This parameter specifies which edit operation will be in effect at the start of the operation, before any nc:operation attribute is found. ▪ The high-level edit operations provided by yangcli-pro will set this parameter to 'none'. This is the safest value, since only subtrees that have an explicit nc:operation attribute in effect can possibly be altered by the command. ▪ If the value is 'merge', then any missing nodes in the database will be automatically created as needed. ▪ If the value is 'replace', then the target database will be pruned to match the edits, as needed. Only the data from the config parameter will remain if this value is used. (Use with extreme caution). error-option ◦ type: enumeration (stop-on-error continue-on-error rollback-on-error ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: stop-on-error ◦ This parameter specifies what the server should do when an error is encountered. ▪ The rollback-on-error value is only allowed if the :rollback-on-error capability is supported by the server. ▪ The standard is not clear what continue-on-error really means. It is suggested that this value not be used. It is possible that the server will validate all input parameters before making any changes, no matter how this parameter is set. choice edit-content (not entered) ◦ ◦ config ▪ type: anyxml ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies the subset of the database that should be changed. This is the most common way to edit a NETCONF server database, since it is mandatory to support by all agents. url ▪ type: yang:uri ▪ capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter. ▪ To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (target=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. Version 14.08-2 Page 95 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • target ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the target database for the edit operation. ◦ container contents: choice: 1 of N: ▪ ▪ • candidate • type: empty • capabilities needed: :candidate running • type: empty • capabilities needed: :writable-running test-option ◦ type: enumeration (test-then-set set test-only) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: set ◦ This parameter specifies how the server should test the edit-content parameter before using it. ▪ If the value is 'set' (normal case), the server will apply validation tests as needed for the individual data structures being edited ▪ The value 'test-then-set' is only allowed if the :validate capability is supported by the server. The server will test if the entire database will be valid after the edits are made, before making any changes to the candidate configuration. • ▪ This mode is very resource intensive. Set this parameter to 'set' for better performance, and run the validation tests manually with the validate command. The value 'test-only' is not supported by all agents. It will be in the next version of the NETCONF protocol, but is non-standard at this time. • Use this value to check if a specific edit should succeed or not, allowing errors to be corrected before altering the database for real. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> edit-config target=candidate \ default-operation=merge \ test-option=test \ Version 14.08-2 Page 96 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual error-option=stop-on-error \ [email protected] RPC OK Reply 19 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.2 2.7.17 elif The elif command is used to define a conditional command block after an if command. This command must be entered within the same script as the if command, when used within a script. It can be used zero or more times within an if command sequence. The expr parameter is used to specify the XPath expression to test if the elif conditional block is true or false. A false block will be skipped and a true block will be executed. The command prompt will contain the string '[F]' while inside a false conditional block in interactive mode. This expression string should be entered with quotes to avoid misinterpreting any whitespace or special characters. The docroot parameter (if present) specifies the XML document that the 'expr' parameter should be evaluated against. This is optional, since only XPath path expressions need to refer to a document. Even if the 'expr' expression is true, the conditional block will only be executed if no conditional block in the if command sequence has already been executed. if command .... [elif command] .... [elif-command] ... [else command] ... end command elif command Version 14.08-2 Command type: local Default parameter: expr Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Page 97 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command Parameters: • • expr ◦ type: XPath expression string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the XPath expression to determine if the following commands are within a true or false conditional block. docroot ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: optional (typically a variable reference is used) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the XML document that should be used if the expr XPath expression references any path nodes. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. ◦ elif without a previous if command will cause an error ◦ elif following an 'else' command will cause an error ◦ invalid XPath expression or invalid docroot reference will cause an error Usage: andy@myserver> elif expr='$x > 4' andy@myserver> 2.7.18 else The else command is used to define a final conditional command block after an if command. This command must be entered within the same script as the if command, when used within a script. It can be used zero or one time within an if command sequence. The conditional command block following the else command will only be executed if no conditional block has already been executed in the same if command sequence. if command .... [elif command] Version 14.08-2 Page 98 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual .... [elif-command] ... [else command] ... end command else command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: none Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. ◦ else without a previous if command will cause an error Usage: > else > 2.7.19 end The end command is used to terminate a conditional command block after an if command block, or after a 'while' command. This command must be entered within the same script as the if or while command, when used within a script. if command .... [elif command] Version 14.08-2 Page 99 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual .... [elif-command] ... [else command] ... end command while command .... end command end command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: none Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. ◦ else without a previous if command will cause an error Usage: > end > 2.7.20 eval The eval command is used to evaluate an XPath expression.. The expr parameter is used to specify the XPath expression to evaluate. This expression string should be entered with quotes to avoid misinterpreting any whitespace or special characters. The docroot parameter (if present) specifies the XML document that the 'expr' parameter should be evaluated against. This is optional, since only XPath path expressions need to refer to a document. Version 14.08-2 Page 100 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual eval command Command type: local Default parameter: expr Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • expr ◦ type: XPath expression string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the XPath expression to determine if the following commands are within a true or false conditional block. docroot ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: optional (typically a variable reference is used) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the XML document that should be used if the expr XPath expression references any path nodes. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. ◦ elif without a previous if command will cause an error ◦ elif following an 'else' command will cause an error ◦ invalid XPath expression or invalid docroot reference will cause an error Output: • data ◦ type: anyxml ◦ This element will contain the result from the XPath expression. A node-set result will produce a complex element return value, and all other XPath result types will produce a string return value. Usage: session1> $x = eval '$x + 1' Version 14.08-2 Page 101 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual session1> $sysname = eval '//sysName' docroot=$backup 2.7.21 eventlog The eventlog command is used to view or clear all or part of the notification event log. This log will be empty if no well-formed notifications have been received from any server. The eventlog show command is used to display some event log entries. The eventlog clear command is used to delete some event log entries. If no parameters are entered, it is the same as entering 'eventlog show=-1'. The event log is not automatically emptied when a session terminates, in case the session was dropped unexpectedly. New entries will be appended to the event log as new sessions and/or subscriptions are started. eventlog command Command type: local Default parameter: show Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 3 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • choice eventlog-action (not entered): ◦ type: choice of case 'show-case' or leaf 'clear' ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: show=-1 is used as the default if nothing entered ◦ This parameter specifies the event log action that should be performed. ▪ ▪ clear • type: int32 (-1 to clear all entries; 1 to max to delete N entries) • usage: optional • default: -1 • This parameter specifies the maximum number of event log entries to be deleted, starting from the oldest entries in the event log. The value -1 means delete all the entries. Otherwise the value must be greater than zero, and up to that many entries will be deleted. case show-case (not entered) • choice help-mode (not entered) (default choice is 'normal') ◦ Version 14.08-2 brief ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional Page 102 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ ◦ • • ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that brief documentation mode should be used. The event log index, sequence ID, and <eventType> will be displayed in this mode. normal ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that normal documentation mode should be used. The event log index, <eventTime>, sequence ID, and <eventType> will be displayed in this mode. full ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that full documentation mode should be used. The event log index, <eventTime>, sequence ID, and <eventType> will be displayed in this mode. In addition, the entire contents of the notification PDU will be displayed, using the current $ $display-mode setting. show ◦ type: int32 (-1 for all, 1 to max for N entries) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: -1 ◦ This parameter specifies the number of event log entries that should be displayed. The value '-1' indicates all the entries should be displayed. Otherwise, the value must be greater than zero, indicating the number of entries to display. start ◦ type: uint32 ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: 0 ◦ This parameter specifies the start position in the event log to start displaying entries. The first entry is number zero. Each time the event log is cleared, the numbering restarts. System Variables: • $$display-mode ◦ The log entries printed when help-mode='full' are formatted according to the current value of this system variable. Positive Response: • the event log entries are printed or cleared as requested Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: Version 14.08-2 Page 103 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual > eventlog show=5 start=3 [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [2009-07-10T02:21:10Z] [2009-07-10T02:23:14Z] [2009-07-10T02:23:23Z] [2009-07-10T02:24:52Z] [2009-07-10T02:24:57Z] (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) <sysSessionStart> <sysSessionEnd> <sysSessionStart> <sysConfigChange> <sysSessionEnd> > 2.7.22 exit The exit command is used to exit configuration editing mode or exit the current editing sub-mode if the configuration context node is not the root. If the $$config-edit-mode system parameter is set to 'level', then exiting from a sub-mode to the top-level configuration mode will cause any pending edits to be applied to the current session. If the $$config-edit-mode system parameter is set to 'mode', then exiting from the top-level configuration mode will cause any pending edits to be applied to the current session. There are no parameters for this command. exit command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: none (prompt is changed) YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • none System Variables: • none Positive Response: • the prompt is changed to indicate the new level. If edits are applied a message will be displayed indicating edits were applied to the session. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: andy@myserver# exit Version 14.08-2 Page 104 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual andy@myserver> 2.7.23 fill The fill command is used to create a user variable for reuse in other commands. It is used in an assignment statement to create a variable from various sources. If it is not used in an assignment statement, then the result will not be saved, so the command will have no effect in this case. The value contents will mirror the subtree within the NETCONF database indicated by the target parameter. If not completely provided, then missing descendant nodes will be filled in interactively, by prompting for each missing node. fill command Command type: local Default parameter: target Min parameters: 2 Max parameters: 3 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • • optional ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: controlled by $$optional system variable ◦ This parameter controls whether optional nodes within the target will be filled in. It can be used to override the $$optional system variable, when it is set to 'false'. target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the create operation. This is an ncx:schemainstance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. value ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the content to use for the filled variable. Version 14.08-2 Page 105 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ If this parameter is not entered, then the user will be prompted interactively to fill in the target data structure. ▪ If a string is entered, then the target value being filled must be a leaf or leaf-list. ▪ If a variable reference is entered, then it will be used as the content, if the target value being filled is a leaf or a leaf-list. ▪ If the target value is a complex object, then the referenced variable must also be a complex object of the same type. ▪ An error will be reported if the global or local variable does not reference the same object type as the target parameter. System Variables: • $$optional ◦ Controls whether optional descendant nodes will be filled into the target parameter contents Positive Response: • OK Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Output: • data ◦ type: anyxml ◦ The data structure will mirror the requested target object. ◦ The variable (if any) will retain the target object name and namespace so it can be used in other operations more easily. In the example below, the $my_interface local variable will have the module name 'interfaces' and name 'interface', when used in other commands such as create or merge. Usage: > $my-interface = fill \ target=/interfaces/interface optional (user will be prompted to fill in all fields of the <interface> element) OK > 2.7.24 get The get command is used to retrieve data from the server. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. get command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Page 106 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 2 Return type: data YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Command Parameters: • • filter ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies a boolean filter that should be applied to the stream. Any data in the <running> database (or non-config data) that does not match the filter will be left out of the <rpc-reply> response. ▪ If no filter is used, the server will return the entire <running> database and all non-config data as well. This could be a lot of data, depending on the server. ▪ If the result is empty after the filter is applied to the available data, then the server will send an empty <data> element in the <rpc-reply> ▪ It is possible that access control will cause the <rpc-reply> to be pruned. The netconfd-pro server will silently prune any unauthorized payload from the <rpc-reply>. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (none report-all report-all-tagged trim explicit) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ capabilities needed: with-defaults ◦ This parameter controls how nodes containing only default values are returned in the <rpc-reply>. Positive Response: • the server returns <data> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Output: • data ◦ type: anyxml ◦ This element will contain the requested data from the <running> database, or non-config data from the server instrumentation. Usage: session1> get RPC Data Reply 20 for session 10: Version 14.08-2 Page 107 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual rpc-reply { data { …. data returned by the server } } session1> get [email protected] RPC Data Reply 21 for session 10: rpc-reply { data { } } (the previous response will occur if the filter did not match anything or the server access control filtered the entire response) session1> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.7 2.7.25 get-config The get-config command is used to retrieve configuration data from the server. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. get-config command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 3 Return type: data YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Command Parameters: • filter ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies a boolean filter that should be applied to the stream. Any data in the <running> database (or non-config data) that does not match the filter will be left out of the <rpc-reply> response. ▪ Version 14.08-2 If no filter is used, the server will return the entire <running> database and all non-config data as well. This could be a lot of data, depending on the server. Page 108 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • ▪ If the result is empty after the filter is applied to the available data, then the server will send an empty <data> element in the <rpc-reply> ▪ It is possible that access control will cause the <rpc-reply> to be pruned. The netconfd-pro server will silently prune any unauthorized payload from the <rpc-reply>. source ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the source database for the retrieval operation. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ • candidate • type: empty • capabilities needed: :candidate running • type: empty • capabilities needed: none startup • type: empty • capabilities needed: startup url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (source=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (none report-all report-all-tagged trim explicit) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ capabilities needed: with-defaults ◦ This parameter controls how nodes containing only default values are returned in the <rpc-reply>. Positive Response: • the server returns <data> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Output: Version 14.08-2 Page 109 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • data ◦ type: anyxml ◦ This element will contain the requested data from the source database. Usage: session1> $my-config = get-config target=running RPC Data Reply 22 for session 10: rpc-reply { data { …. entire database returned by the server } } yangcli-pro andy@myserver[d]> @saved-config.xml = get-config \ [email protected] \ target=candidate rpc-reply { data { … data requested by the filter } } session1> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.1 2.7.26 get-locks The get-locks command is a high-level wrapper for the <lock> operation. It is used to lock all the databases (<running> plus <candidate> and/or <startup> if they exist). If all the locks cannot be obtained, then release all the locks that were obtained (all-or-nothing). The entire time to wait for a lock in use is set with the lock-timeout parameter. The retry-interval parameter is used when the <lock> operation fails with a 'lock-denied' error-tag, because some other session has the lock. If the <candidate> cannot be locked for another reason, a <discard-changes> operation will be attempted to clear any leftover edits. Normally, the errors received while attempting to acquire locks are not printed to the log, like normal commands. Instead, if $$log-level system parameter is set to 'debug2' or 'debug3', then these messages will be printed. get-locks command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Page 110 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Max parameters: 3 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • • lock-timeout ◦ type: uint32 (seconds) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: 120 seconds (2 minutes) ◦ This parameter specifies how long to wait for a lock that is in use by another session. retry-interval ◦ type: uint32 (seconds) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: 2 seconds ◦ This parameter specifies how long to wait to retry for a lock. cleanup ◦ type:boolean ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: true ◦ This parameter controls whether the 'release-locks' command will be called automatically if the entire set of required locks cannot be granted. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: session1> get-locks lock-timeout=0 Sending <lock> operations for get-locks... RPC OK Reply 6 for session 23: RPC OK Reply 7 for session 23: get-locks finished OK session1> Version 14.08-2 Page 111 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.7.27 get-my-session The get-my-session command is used to retrieve the session customization parameters from the server. It is only supported by the netconfd-pro server. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. The session indent amount, session line size, and default behavior for the with-defaults parameter can be controlled at this time. get-my-session command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: data YANG file: mysession.yang Capabilities needed: none Command Parameters: • none Positive Response: • the server returns <indent>, <linesize>, and <with-defaults> elements Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Output: • indent ◦ type: uint32 (range 0 to 9) ◦ • • linesize ◦ type: uint32 ◦ This parameter specifies the desired line length for the session. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (none report-all trim explicit) ◦ This parameter specifies the desired default with-defaults filtering behavior for the session. ◦ session1> get-my-session RPC Data Reply 25 for session 10: rpc-reply { data { indent 3 Version 14.08-2 Page 112 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual linesize 72 with-defaults report-all } } session1> 2.7.28 get-schema The get-schema command is used to retrieve data model definition files from the server. This is part of the NETCONF monitoring draft. The server must support the :schema-retrieval capability to use this command. If the server reports a module or module version that yangcli-pro cannot find in its local module library, then an error message will be printed. The get-schema command can then be used to retrieve the missing module from the server. The ietf-netconf-monitoring.yang module includes a list of the schema supported by the server, which can be retrieved from a server that supports this module, such as netconfd-pro. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. session1> sget /netconf-state/schemas The preceding command will return a <schemas> container with several <schema> child nodes. One example entry is shown below: schemas { schema system 2009-06-04 YANG { identifier system version 2009-06-04 format YANG namespace http://netconfcentral.org/ns/yuma-system location NETCONF } } The <identifier>, <version> and <format> leafs can be used as the corresponding parameter values for the getschema command. See the example below for more details. get-schema command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 3 Max parameters: 3 Return type: data Page 113 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual YANG file: ietf-netconf-monitoring.yang Capabilities needed: :schema-retrieval Command Parameters: • • • identifier ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the module to retrieve. ▪ Do not use any path specification of file extension; just the module name is entered. ▪ The name is case-sensitive, and must be specified exactly as defined. version ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the version of the module to retrieve. ▪ For YANG modules, this will be the most recent revision date string defined in a module revision statement. ▪ If any version is acceptable, or if the specific version is not known, then use the empty string. format ◦ type: enumeration (XSD YANG YIN RNG) ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the format of the module to be retrieved. ▪ XSD: W3C REC REC-xmlschema-1-20041028 ▪ YANG: RFC 6020 ▪ YIN: RFC 6020 ▪ RNG: ISO/IEC 19757-2 ▪ netconfd-pro only supports the YANG and YIN formats Positive Response: • the server returns <data> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Output: • data ◦ type: anyxml Version 14.08-2 Page 114 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual yangcli-pro will strip off this XML container if the command result is being saved to a text file. Only the YANG contents will be saved instead. ◦ Usage: session1> @notifications.yang = get-schema \ identifier=notifications \ version=2009-06-04 \ format=YANG RPC Data Reply 24 for session 10: rpc-reply { data { …. entire notifications.yang contents } } (after retrieval, the module can be loaded locally with the mgrload command) session1> mgrload notificications.yang OK session1> Reference: • draft-ietf-netconf-monitoring-06.txt 2.7.29 group The group command is used to manage the session groups. Refer to the 'Using Group Configuration' section for details on the format of this file. There are 7 sub-commands: • create • add • delete • remove • list • show • connect Refer to the section on “Netconf Group Configuration” for more details on using group configuration. group command Version 14.08-2 Page 115 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 6 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Command Parameters: • • • • • • • • create ◦ type: group name string ◦ This parameter indicates the name of the group to create. The 'session' parameter must also be present. The session cannot be currently active. add ◦ type: group name string ◦ This parameter indicates the name of the group to add specified sessions. The 'session' parameter must also be present. The session cannot be currently active. delete ◦ type: group name string ◦ An active group cannot be deleted. remove ◦ type: group name string ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the session to delete from the group in memory. An active session cannot be deleted. show ◦ type: group name string ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the group to show. list ◦ type: empty ◦ List the names of all the groups. connect ◦ type: name string ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the group to connect. missing-ok ◦ type: boolean Version 14.08-2 Page 116 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ • • • • If true, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or more sessions identified in the session leaf-list are not found in the session list. The default is to require all session names to exist in the session list for the group to be used. missing-connect-ok ◦ type: boolean ◦ If true, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or more sessions identified in the session leaf-list are not found in the session list. The default is to require all sessions to connect OK for the group to be used. lost-ok ◦ type: boolean ◦ If true, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or more sessions are lost after connection is made. The default is to require all sessions to remain connected for the group to be used. reconnect-tries ◦ type: uint32 ◦ This parameter Indicates the number of times yangcli will attempt to reconnect to a session if the server bomes unreachable. The default is 5 tries. reconnect-interval ◦ type: uint32 ◦ This parameter indicates the number of seconds yangcli will wait to re-establish a connection if a session is dropped and the server becomes unreachable. The default is 10 seconds. units: seconds Positive Response: • An group is started and the prompt changes to '>AB'. Negative Response: • One or more error messages will be printed. > group list No groups found > group create=AB session-A > group list Group 'AB' This group is not connected. missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: false lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: 30 reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: 1 Session 'session-A' connected:false > > group add=AB session-B > group list Group 'AB' This group is not connected. missing-ok: false Version 14.08-2 Page 117 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual missing-connect-ok: lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: Session 'session-A' Session 'session-B' false 30 2 connected:false connected:false > group remove=AB session=session-A > group list Group 'AB' This group is not connected. missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: false lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: 30 reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: 1 Session 'session-B' connected:false > group delete=AB > group list No groups found >group connect=AB Error: group 'AB' not found > group create=AB session=session-A session=session-B > group list Group 'AB' This group is not connected. missing-ok: false missing-connect-ok: false lost-ok: false reconnect-interval: 30 reconnect-tries: 5 connected_cnt: 0 number_of_sessions: 2 Session 'session-A' connected:false Session 'session-B' connected:false > group connect=AB yangcli-pro: Starting NETCONF session for trshue on localhost over ssh on port 830 NETCONF session established for trshue on localhost Client Session Id: 1 Server Session Id: 13 Server Protocol Capabilities base:1.0 candidate:1.0 confirmed-commit:1.0 rollback-on-error:1.0 ------ Version 14.08-2 Page 118 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual -----about to send <get>:on Group of 'AB' Session of 'session-A' yangcli-pro: Starting NETCONF session for trshue on localhost over ssh on port 830 NETCONF session established for trshue on localhost Client Session Id: 2 Server Session Id: 14 Server Protocol Capabilities base:1.0 candidate:1.0 -----AB> get-my-session about to send <get-my-session>:on Group of 'AB' Session of 'session-A' about to send <get-my-session>:on Group of 'AB' Session of 'session-B' RPC Data Reply 3 for session 13 [session-A]: rpc-reply { indent 2 linesize 72 with-defaults explicit message-indent -1 } RPC Data Reply 2 for session 14 [session-B]: rpc-reply { indent 2 linesize 72 with-defaults explicit message-indent -1 } AB> AB> set-my-session indent=8 linesize=68 with-defaults=report-all message-indent=-1 about to send <set-my-session>:on Group of 'AB' Session of 'session-A' about to send <set-my-session>:on Group of 'AB' Session of 'session-B' RPC OK Reply 4 for session 13 [session-A]: RPC OK Reply 5 for session 14 [session-B]: AB> get-my-session about to send <get-my-session>:on Group of 'AB' Session of 'session-A' about to send <get-my-session>:on Group of 'AB' Session of 'session-B' RPC Data Reply 3 for session 13 [session-A]: rpc-reply { indent 8 linesize 68 with-defaults repo message-indent -1 } RPC Data Reply 2 for session 14 [session-B]: rpc-reply { indent 8 linesize 68 with-defaults repo message-indent -1 } AB> 2.7.30 help Version 14.08-2 Page 119 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The help command is used to print documentation to STDOUT. If no session is active, then only help for the local commands and the standard NETCONF commands will be available. If a NETCONF session is active, then the documentation shown will attempt to exactly match the capabilities of the server. If additional (i.e., augment generated) parameters are available, then they will be shown in the command output. If the server does not implement some parameters (e.g., feature not supported) then these parameters will not be shown in the command output. If the server has modified an object with deviation statements, then the altered object will be shown. The ncx:hidden extension suppresses the help command. If this extension is present in the YANG definition associated with the request, then no help will be available for that object or command. help command Command type: local Default parameter: command Min parameters: 3 Max parameters: 3 Return type: data YANG file: ietf-netconf-monitoring.yang Capabilities needed: :schema-retrieval Command Parameters: • choice helptype (not entered) ◦ ◦ ◦ command ▪ type: string ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies the name of the command for which documentation is requested commands ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter will request documentation for all available commands notification ▪ type: string ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies the name of the notification for which documentation is requested Version 14.08-2 Page 120 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ ◦ • object ▪ type: string ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ Only top-level typedefs are supported by this command. Local typedefs within groupings, containers, or lists are not exportable in YANG. ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies the name of the NETCONF database object for which documentation is requested. • Only top level objects are supported by this command. • Documentation for the entire object subtree will be printed, if the object is a container, choice, or list. • Documentation for nested objects is only available in parameter mode, using the escape commands for help ('?') and full help ('??') type ▪ type: string ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies the name of the YANG typedef for which documentation is requested choice help-mode (not entered) (default choice is 'normal') ◦ ◦ ◦ brief ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that brief documentation mode should be used. normal ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that normal documentation mode should be used. full ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that full documentation mode should be used. Positive Response: • the server prints the requested help text Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Version 14.08-2 Page 121 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Usage: > help help full help Print the yangcli-pro help text input default parameter: command choice helptype leaf command [NcxIdentifier] Show help for the specified command, also called an RPC method leaf commands [empty] Show info for all local commands leaf notification [NcxIdentifier] Show help for the specified notification leaf object [NcxIdentifier] Show help for the specified object leaf type [NcxIdentifier] Show help for the specified type choice help-mode leaf brief [empty] Show brief help text leaf normal [empty] Show normal help text leaf full [empty] Show full help text andy@myserver> help notification sysConfigChange notification sysConfigChange Generated when the <running> configuration is changed. leaf userName [string] leaf sessionId [SessionId] range: 1..max leaf remoteHost [ip-address] leaf target [string] leaf operation [EditOperationType] [d:merge] enum values: merge replace create delete andy@svnserver> 2.7.31 history The history command is used to show, clear, load, or save the command line history buffer. Use the recall command to recall a previously executed command line, after getting the line number from the history show command. Version 14.08-2 Page 122 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual All lines entered will be saved in the history buffer except an ncx:password value entered in parameter mode. When yangcli-pro starts, the command line history buffer is empty. If a history file was previously stored with the history save command, then it can be recalled into the buffer with the history load command. The history clear command is used to delete the entire command line history buffer. The numbering sequence for commands, starts from zero and keeps incremented until the program exits. If the history buffer is cleared, then the number sequence will continue, not start over at zero. history command Command type: local Default parameter: show Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 2 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • choice history-action (not entered) ◦ ◦ clear ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that the history buffer should be cleared. Unless the contents have been saved with the history save command, there is no way to recover the cleared buffer contents after this command is executed. load ▪ type: string ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: $HOME/.yangcli-pro_history ▪ This parameter specifies a command history file, and causes the current command line history contents to be loaded from that file. ▪ Special processing for this command allows the history file to be omitted in idle mode, even though the load parameter is not type 'empty'. > history load same as: > history load=$HOME/.yangcli-pro_history ◦ save ▪ Version 14.08-2 type: string Page 123 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: $HOME/.yangcli-pro_history ▪ This parameter specifies a command history file, and causes the current command line history contents to be saved to that file. ▪ Special processing for this command allows the history file to be omitted in idle mode, even though the save parameter is not type 'empty'. > history save same as: > history save=$HOME/.yangcli-pro_history ◦ • show ▪ type: int32 (-1 for all entries; 1..max for N entries) ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: -1 ▪ This parameter specifies the maximum number of history entries to show. • If no case is selected from this choice, then the command 'history show=-1' will be used by default. • The help-mode choice parameter is only used with the history show command. ◦ If the --brief or --normal modes are selected the the format will include the command number and the command line. ◦ If the --full mode is selected, then the command data and time will also be printed. choice help-mode (not entered) This parameter is ignored unless the history show command is entered. ◦ ◦ ◦ brief ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that brief documentation mode should be used. normal ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that normal documentation mode should be used. full ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none Version 14.08-2 Page 124 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ This parameter specifies that full documentation mode should be used. Positive Response: • the requested history entries will be printed for the history show command • all other commands will return OK Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: > history show=3 full [27] 2009-07-04 09:25:34 sget /system --nofill [28] 2009-07-04 09:34:17 @myconfig = get-config source=running [29] 2009-07-04 09:43:54 history show=3 full > history save=~/my-temp-history-file OK > 2.7.32 if The if command is used to start a conditional command block. The expr parameter is used to specify the XPath expression to test if the if conditional block is true or false. A false block will be skipped and a true block will be executed. The command prompt will contain the string '[F]' while inside a false conditional block in interactive mode. This expression string should be entered with quotes to avoid misinterpreting any whitespace or special characters. The docroot parameter (if present) specifies the XML document that the 'expr' parameter should be evaluated against. This is optional, since only XPath path expressions need to refer to a document. If the 'expr' expression is true, the conditional block will be executed, and no further conditional blocks within the same if command sequence will be executed. if command .... [elif command] .... [elif-command] ... [else command] ... end command if command Command type: Version 14.08-2 local Page 125 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Default parameter: expr Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • expr ◦ type: XPath expression string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the XPath expression to determine if the following commands are within a true or false conditional block. docroot ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: optional (typically a variable reference is used) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the XML document that should be used if the expr XPath expression references any path nodes. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. ◦ invalid XPath expression or invalid docroot reference will cause an error Usage: andy@myserver> if "$sysname = 'localhost'" andy@myserver> 2.7.33 insert The insert command is used to insert or move YANG list or leaf-list data into a NETCONF database. It is a high level command with utilizes the YANG 'insert' extensions to the NETCONF <edit-config> operation. insert command Version 14.08-2 Page 126 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 2 Max parameters: 7 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • choice 'from' (not entered) ◦ type: choice of case 'varref' or case 'from-cli' ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the where yangcli-pro should get the data from, for the insert operation. It is either a user variable or from interactive input at the command line. ▪ ▪ varref • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the user variable to use for the target of the insert operation. The parameter must exist (e.g., created with the fill command) or an error message will be printed. case from-cli (not entered) • • • Version 14.08-2 target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the insert operation. This is an ncx:schema-instance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. optional ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: controlled by $$optional system variable ◦ This parameter controls whether optional nodes within the target will be filled in. It can be used to override the $$optional system variable, when it is set to 'false'. value ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none Page 127 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ • • • • This parameter specifies the value that should be used for the contents of the target parameter. If it is entered, then the interactive mode prompting for missing parameters will be skipped, if this parameter is complete (or all mandatory nodes present if the $$optional system variable is 'false'). For example, if the target is a leaf, then specifying this parameter will always cause the interactive prompt mode to be skipped. edit-target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional (must be present if the order parameter is set to 'before' or 'after'). ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the value or key clause that should be used, as the list or leaf-list insertion point. It identifies the existing entry that the new entry will be inserted before or after, depending on the order parameter. ▪ For a leaf-list, the edit-target contains the value of the target leaf-list node within the configuration being edited. E.g., edit-target='fred'. ▪ For a list, the edit-target contains the key values of the target list node within the configuration being edited. E.g., edit-target=[name='fred'][zipcode=90210]. order ◦ type: enumeration (first last before after) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: last ◦ The insert order that should be used. If the value 'before' or 'after' is selected, then the edit-target parameter must also be present. operation ◦ type: enumeration (create merge replace) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: merge ◦ This parameter specifies the nc:operation attribute value for the NETCONF <edit-config> operation. The insert operation is secondary to the NETCONF operation attribute. timeout ◦ type: uint32 (0 = no timeout, otherwise the number of seconds to wait) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: set to the $$timeout system variable, default 30 seconds ◦ This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the server before giving up. The session will not be dropped if a remote command times out, but any late response will be dropped. A value of zero means no timeout should be used, and yangcli-pro will wait forever for a response. System Variables: • $$default-operation ◦ • $$error-option ◦ • The <default-operation> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable. The <error-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable $$test-option Version 14.08-2 Page 128 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ The <test-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> insert varref=myvar order=first RPC OK Reply 25 for session 10: andy@myserver> insert /nacm/rules/data-rule \ order=after \ edit-target=”[name='test-rule']” (user will be prompted to fill in the data-rule contents) RPC OK Reply 26 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • draft-ietf-netmod-yang-13 2.7.34 kill-session The kill-session command is used to terminate a NETCONF session (other than the current session). All NETCONF implementations must support this command. It is needed sometimes to unlock a NETCONF database locked by a session that is idle or stuck. If the lock command returns a 'lock-denied' <error-tag>, it will also include an <error-info> field called <session-id>. This is the session number that currently holds the requested lock. The same value should be used for the sessionid parameter in this command, to terminate the session will the lock. Note: this is an extreme measure, which should be used with caution. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. kill-session command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Page 129 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command Parameters: • session-id ◦ type: uint32 (range: 1.. max) ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the session number of the currently active NETCONF session that should be terminated. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> kill-session session-id=11 RPC OK Reply 27 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.9 2.7.35 list This list command is used to display the commands, objects, and oids (object identifiers) that are available at the time. The list commands command will display the local commands and the remote commands that are available in the current NETCONF session, or which have been loaded with the mgrload command. The list files command will display the data files that are in the current data search path. The module parameter has no affect in this mode. The list modules command will display the YANG files that are in the current YANG module search path. The module parameter has no affect in this mode. The list objects command will display the top-level objects that are currently available in the current NETCONF session, or which have been loaded with the mgrload command. The list oids command will display the object identifiers of the top-level objects that are currently available in the current NETCONF session, or which have been loaded with the mgrload command. The list scripts command will display the script files that are in the current script search path. The module parameter has no affect in this mode. list command Version 14.08-2 Page 130 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 6 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • choice help-mode (not entered) ◦ ◦ ◦ • brief ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that brief documentation mode should be used. normal ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that normal documentation mode should be used. full ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that full documentation mode should be used. choice 'listtype' (not entered) ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the what type of data should be listed. ◦ commands ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that the available commands should be listed. Version 14.08-2 • If the help-mode is set to 'brief', then only the command names will be listed. • If the help-mode is set to 'normal', then the XML prefix and the command name will be listed. • If the help-mode is set to 'full', then the module name and the command name will be listed. Page 131 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ files ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that all the data files in the current data search path should be listed. modules ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that all the YANG files in the current module search path should be listed. objects ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that the available top-level objects should be listed. • If the help-mode is set to 'brief', then only the object names will be listed. • If the help-mode is set to 'normal', then the XML prefix and the object name will be listed. • If the help-mode is set to 'full', then the module name and the object name will be listed. oids ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that the available top-level object identifiers should be listed. • ◦ • The help-mode parameter has no effect scripts ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: mandatory ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that all the script files in the current script search path should be listed. module ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies a module name. If present then only information for the specified YANG module will be displayed. Positive Response: • the requested information will be printed Version 14.08-2 Page 132 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: andy@myserver> list objects full module=test test:instance1 test:instance2 test:leafref1 test:leafref2 test:test1 test:test2 test:test3 test:idtest test:musttest test:anyxml.1 test:binary.1 test:bits.1 test:boolean.1 test:empty.1 test:enumeration.1 test:identityref.1 test:instance-identifier.1 test:instance-identifier.2 test:int8.1 test:int16.1 test:int32.1 test:int64.1 test:leafref.1 test:leafref.2 test:string.1 test:uint8.1 test:uint16.1 test:uint32.1 test:uint64.1 test:dec64.1 test:dec64.2 test:dec64.3 test:union.1 test:container.1 test:container.2 test:list.1 test:choice.1 test:xpath.1 andy@myserver> 2.7.36 load The load command is used to load a YANG module into the server. This command is only supported by the netconfd-pro server. The YANG files must be available in the module search path for the server. Refer to the netconfd-pro configuration section for more details on adding new YANG modules into the server. Version 14.08-2 Page 133 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual After using this command, the mgrload command may also be needed to keep the current session synchronized with the server. Use the revision parameter to load a specific revision of a module. The server will return the revision date of the module that was loaded (or already present). load command Command type: remote Default parameter: module Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 3 Return type: data YANG file: yuma-system.yang Command Parameters: • • • module ◦ type: string (length 1 .. 63) ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the module to load. revision ◦ type: date string (YYYY-MM-DD) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the revision date of the module to load. deviation: ◦ type: leaf-list of deviation module names ◦ usage: optional (0 or more instances) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies a deviation module to load prior to loading the requested module. Positive Response: • the server returns <mod-revision> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: Version 14.08-2 Page 134 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual andy@myserver> load toaster revision=2009-06-23 RPC Data Reply 27 for session 10: rpc-reply { mod-revision 2009-06-23 } andy@myserver> 2.7.37 lock The lock command is used to request a global lock on a NETCONF database. It is used, along with the unlock command, to obtain exclusive write access to the NETCONF server. The scope of a lock command is the lifetime of the session that requested the lock. This means that if the session that owns the lock is dropped for any reason, all the locks it holds will be released immediately by the server. The use of database locks is optional in NETCONF, but it must be implemented by every server. It is strongly suggested that locks be used if multiple managers are likely to log into the particular NETCONF server. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. One or more locks may be needed to execute a transaction safely: • If the :writable-running capability is supported, then a lock on the <running> database is needed. This database can be locked at any time. • If the :startup capability is supported, then a lock on the <startup> database is needed. This database can be locked at any time. • If the :candidate capability is supported, then a lock on the <candidate> database is needed. A lock on the <running> database is also needed. ◦ The <candidate> database can only be locked if there are no active edits in it. ◦ The discard-changes command may be needed to clear a <candidate> database that has been left edited by a session that terminated unexpectedly. ◦ Note: There is no way in NETCONF to tell the difference between an actively edited <candidate> database and an 'abandoned' <candidate> database. The server will almost never clear the <candidate> database. It will only clear any locks held. Use the discard-changes command (for other session's edits) with extreme caution. lock command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: :candidate :startup :url Page 135 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command Parameters: • target ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the target database to be locked. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ candidate • type: empty • capabilities needed: :candidate running • type: empty • capabilities needed: none startup • type: empty • capabilities needed: startup url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter. • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (target=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. ◦ If the <error-tag> is 'lock-denied' then the <error-info> will contain a <session-id> leaf. This identifies the session number of the current lock holder. Usage: andy@myserver> lock target=candidate RPC OK Reply 29 for session 10: andy@myserver> 2.7.38 log-debug Version 14.08-2 Page 136 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The log-debug command prints a message to the program log, if the $$log-level system variable is set to 'debug' or a higher enumeration (e.g., 'debug2'). The msg parameter is used to provide the message string to print. log-debug command Command type: local Default parameter: msg Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • msg ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the string to print to the program log. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if the msg parameter contains errors. Usage: andy@myserver> log-debug 'starting strict foo' Debug: starting script foo andy@myserver> 2.7.39 log-error The log-error command prints a message to the program log, if the $$log-level system variable is set to 'error' or a higher enumeration (e.g., 'info'). The msg parameter is used to provide the message string to print. log-error command Version 14.08-2 Page 137 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Command type: Version 14.08-2 local Page 138 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Default parameter: msg Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • msg ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the string to print to the program log. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if the msg parameter contains errors. Usage: andy@myserver> log-error 'sysName not correct' Error: sysName not correct andy@myserver> 2.7.40 log-info The log-info command prints a message to the program log, if the $$log-level system variable is set to 'info' or a higher enumeration (e.g., 'debug'). The msg parameter is used to provide the message string to print. log-info command Version 14.08-2 Command type: local Default parameter: msg Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status Page 139 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • msg ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the string to print to the program log. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if the msg parameter contains errors. Usage: andy@myserver> log-info 'sysName is correct' Info: sysName is correct andy@myserver> 2.7.41 log-warn The log-warn command prints a message to the program log, if the $$log-level system variable is set to 'warn' or a higher enumeration (e.g., 'debug'). The msg parameter is used to provide the message string to print. log-warn command Command type: local Default parameter: msg Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • msg ◦ type: string Version 14.08-2 Page 140 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the string to print to the program log. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if the msg parameter contains errors. Usage: andy@myserver> log-warn 'sysName object not found' Warning: sysName object not found andy@myserver> 2.7.42 merge The merge command is a high-level <edit-config> operation. It is used to merge some new nodes into the default target database. A target node is specified (in 1 of 2 ways), and then the data structure is filled in. Only mandatory nodes will be filled in unless the $$optional system variable is set to 'true'. Refer to the fill command for more details on interactive mode data structure completion. merge command Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 5 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: :candidate or :writable-running Command Parameters: • choice 'from' (not entered) ◦ type: choice of case 'varref' or case 'from-cli' ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none Version 14.08-2 Page 141 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ This parameter specifies the where yangcli-pro should get the data from, for the merge operation. It is either a user variable or from interactive input at the command line. ▪ ▪ varref • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the user variable to use for the target of the merge operation. The parameter must exist (e.g., created with the fill command) or an error message will be printed. case from-cli (not entered) • • • • • target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional (target or urltarget must be entered) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the merge operation. This is an ncx:schema-instance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. urltarget ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the merge operation. This is an UrlPath string. optional ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: controlled by $$optional system variable ◦ This parameter controls whether optional nodes within the target will be filled in. It can be used to override the $$optional system variable, when it is set to 'false'. value ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the value that should be used for the contents of the target parameter. If it is entered, then the interactive mode prompting for missing parameters will be skipped, if this parameter is complete (or all mandatory nodes present if the $$optional system variable is 'false'). For example, if the target is a leaf, then specifying this parameter will always cause the interactive prompt mode to be skipped. timeout ◦ type: uint32 (0 = no timeout, otherwise the number of seconds to wait) Version 14.08-2 Page 142 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: set to the $$timeout system variable, default 30 seconds ◦ This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the server before giving up. The session will not be dropped if a remote command times out, but any late response will be dropped. A value of zero means no timeout should be used, and yangcli-pro will wait forever for a response. System Variables: • $$default-operation ◦ • $$error-option ◦ • The <default-operation> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable. The <error-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable $$test-option ◦ The <test-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> merge \ target=/nacm/rules/moduleRule[moduleName='netconf']\ [allowed-rights='read write']/allowed-group \ value=ncx:guest (no user prompting; <edit-config> request sent right away) RPC OK Reply 31 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.2 2.7.43 mgrload The mgrload command is used to load a YANG module into yangcli-pro. The YANG files must be available in the module search path for yangcli-pro. mgrload command Version 14.08-2 Command type: local Default parameter: module Page 143 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 3 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • • module ◦ type: string (length 1 .. 63) ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the module to load. revision ◦ type: date string (YYYY-MM-DD) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the revision date of the module to load. deviation: ◦ type: leaf-list of deviation module names ◦ usage: optional (0 or more instances) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies a deviation module to load prior to loading the requested module. Positive Response: • OK Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: > mgrload toaster Load module toaster OK > 2.7.44 no-op The no-op command is used to test server message processing response times, by providing a baseline response time to do nothing except return <ok/>. It can also be used as an application-level keep-alive to prevent proxy idle timeout or server idle timeout problems from occurring. Version 14.08-2 Page 144 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual This command is only supported by the netconfd-pro server. The server will simply respond 'OK', if the request is well-formed. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. no-op command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-system.yang Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> no-op RPC OK Reply 31 for session 10: andy@myserver> 2.7.45 pwd The pwd command is used to print the current working directory. pwd command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Positive Response: Version 14.08-2 Page 145 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • the current working directory is printed to the log or STDOUT Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: > pwd Current working directory is /home/andy > 2.7.46 quit The quit command is used to terminate the yangcli-pro program. If a NETCONF session is in progress, it will be dropped without sending a close-session command first. This should be taken into account if the server reports dropped TCP connections as an error. quit command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: none YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Positive Response: • The program terminates; no response will be printed. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: > quit andy@myworkstation> 2.7.47 recall The recall command is used to recall a previously entered command line from the command line history buffer. Version 14.08-2 Page 146 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual A command is recalled by its command ID number. Use the history show command to see the contents of the command line history buffer. recall command Command type: local Default parameter: index Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Positive Response: • The specified command line is recalled into the current command line. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: > recall 7 > sget /system 2.7.48 record-test The record-test command is used to automatically record commands into a test script that is compatible with the testsuite command. The start sub-command is used to start recording a test. Once recording starts, all the commands entered are recorded for the test. The finish sub-command is used to finish recording a test. The recorded commands will be saved in the default or configured test suite file. The cancel sub-command is used to cancel recording a test. The recorded commands will be discarded. The pause sub-command is used to pause recording a test. The commands entered after this command will not be recorded. The resume sub-command is used to resume recording a paused test. The commands entered after this command will be recorded. record-test command Version 14.08-2 Command type: local Default parameter: suite-name Min parameters: 1 Page 147 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Max parameters: 3 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • choice record-test-action (not entered) ▪ choice usage: mandatory ▪ default: case: none ▪ start-case • • • ▪ ▪ ▪ Version 14.08-2 start ◦ type: empty ◦ Start recording a new test or replace an existing test. Only one test can be recorded at a time. suite-name ◦ type: NcxIdentifier ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the test suite to use. test-name ◦ type: NcxIdentifier ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the test to use. finish • type: empty • default: none • Finish recording of the test in progress cancel • type: empty • default: none • Cancel recording of the test in progress pause • type: empty • default: none • Pause recording of the test in progress Page 148 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ resume • type: empty • default: none • Resume recording of the paused test in progress Positive Response: • The requested action is performed for the specified test-suite and test. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. Usage: andy@myserver> record-test start suite1 test-name=test1 Start recording: suite=suite1 test=test1 andy@myserver> 2.7.49 release-locks The release-locks command is used to release all the locks that were previously granted with the get-locks command. If the get-locks command was not used, then this command will fail with an error message that no locks are active to unlock. release-locks command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Positive Response: • The previously granted locks are released. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: (showing 2 locks being released) Version 14.08-2 Page 149 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual andy@myserver> release-locks RPC OK Reply 8 for session 23: RPC OK Reply 9 for session 23: andy@myserver> 2.7.50 remove The remove command is a high-level <edit-config> operation. It is used to remove an existing subtree in the default target database, using the new “remove” operation, defined in RFC 6241, This command will only work on NETCONF servers that support the RFC 6241 (base:1.1) version of the NETCONF protocol. This command does not generate an error if the entry to delete does not exist. A target node is specified, and then any missing key leafs (if any) within the data structure are filled in. If the target is a leaf-list, then the user will be prompted for the value of the leaf-list node to be removed. Refer to the fill command for more details on interactive mode data structure completion. remove command Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: :base:1.1 :candidate or :writable-running Command Parameters: • target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional (urltarget or target must be present) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the delete operation. This is an ncx:schemainstance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. System Variables: • $$default-operation ◦ • The <default-operation> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable. $$error-option Version 14.08-2 Page 150 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ • $$optional ◦ • The <error-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable Controls whether optional descendant nodes will be filled into the target parameter contents $$test-option ◦ The <test-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> remove /nacm/rules/data-rule \ (user will be prompted to fill in the data-rule 'name' key leaf) RPC OK Reply 15 for session 10: andy@myserver> remove \ target=/nacm/rules/data-rule[name='test rule']/comment (no user prompting; <edit-config> request sent right away) RPC OK Reply 16 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.2 2.7.51 replace The replace command is a high-level <edit-config> operation. It is used to replace an existing subtree with some new nodes, in the default target database. Only the subtree indicated by the target or varref parameter will be replaced. A target node is specified (in 1 of 2 ways), and then the data structure is filled in. Only mandatory nodes will be filled in unless the $$optional system variable is set to 'true'. Refer to the fill command for more details on interactive mode data structure completion. replace command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 1 Page 151 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Max parameters: 5 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: :candidate or :writable-running Command Parameters: • choice 'from' (not entered) ◦ type: choice of case 'varref' or case 'from-cli' ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the where yangcli-pro should get the data from, for the replace operation. It is either a user variable or from interactive input at the command line. ▪ ▪ varref • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the user variable to use for the target of the replace operation. The parameter must exist (e.g., created with the fill command) or an error message will be printed. case from-cli (not entered) • • • Version 14.08-2 target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional (target or urltarget must be present) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the replace operation. This is an ncx:schema-instance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. urltarget ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the replace operation. This is an UrlPath string. optional ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: controlled by $$optional system variable ◦ This parameter controls whether optional nodes within the target will be filled in. It can be used to override the $$optional system variable, when it is set to 'false'. Page 152 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • • value ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the value that should be used for the contents of the target parameter. If it is entered, then the interactive mode prompting for missing parameters will be skipped, if this parameter is complete (or all mandatory nodes present if the $$optional system variable is 'false'). For example, if the target is a leaf, then specifying this parameter will always cause the interactive prompt mode to be skipped. timeout ◦ type: uint32 (0 = no timeout, otherwise the number of seconds to wait) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: set to the $$timeout system variable, default 30 seconds ◦ This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the server before giving up. The session will not be dropped if a remote command times out, but any late response will be dropped. A value of zero means no timeout should be used, and yangcli-pro will wait forever for a response. System Variables: • $$default-operation ◦ • $$error-option ◦ • The <default-operation> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable. The <error-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable $$test-option ◦ The <test-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation will be derived from this variable Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> replace \ target=/nacm/rules/moduleRule[moduleName='yuma-system']\ [allowed-rights='exec'] (user prompted to fill in specified <moduleRule> element) RPC OK Reply 31 for session 10: andy@myserver> Reference: Version 14.08-2 Page 153 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • RFC 6241, section 7.2 2.7.52 restart The restart command is used to restart the NETCONF server. This command is only supported by the netconfd-pro server. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. The default access control configuration for netconfd-pro will not allow any user except the designated 'superuser' account to invoke this command. Refer to the netconfd-pro user manual for details on configuring access control. restart command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-system.yang Positive Response: • the server will drop all sessions and restart Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> restart ses: session 10 shut by remote peer > 2.7.53 run The run command is used to run a yangcli-pro script. Refer to the section on scripts for details on how to write a script. The script name is the only mandatory parameter. There are 9 generic parameters (named P1 to P9) that can be used to pass string parameters to scripts. Within a script, these are referenced with local variables ($1 to $9). The run command can be used within a script. Scripts do not return any status or data at this time. The run command can appear inside a script, starting a new run level. An error will occur if a loop occurs or too many nest levels are used. Up to 64 run levels are supported in yangcli-pro. Version 14.08-2 Page 154 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual run command Command type: local Default parameter: script Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 10 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ These parameters provide a generic string parameter passing mechanism for each script invocation, similar to unix shell scripts. Within the script, the parameters $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 and $9 will be non-NULL only if the corresponding 'Pn' parameter was set in the script invocation. script ◦ type: string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifis the name of the script to be run. If a path specification is included, then it will be used. Otherwise the current script search path will be used to find the script. System Variables: • $$runpath ◦ Controls where yangcli-pro will look for files specified in the script parameter. Positive Response: • the specified script will be executed Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error, if any remote commands are contained in the script. Usage: > run connect P1=yangrocks (commands and responses are printed as if they were typed) Version 14.08-2 Page 155 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual andy@myserver> 2.7.54 save The save command is used to save NETCONF database edits to non-volatile storage, on the server. It is a pseudocommand, mapped to other remote commands depending on which database target is supported by the server (<candidate> or <running>). The save command usually maps to either the commit or the copy-config command. Refer to the section on NETCONF sessions for more details. save command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: none YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Positive Response: • The server returns one or two <ok/> responses. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> save RPC OK Reply 34 on session 10 andy@myserver> 2.7.55 session The session command is used to set the current named session, if named sessions are used. The current session is used by yangcli-pro to decide where to send remote commands. Changing the current session allows commands typed at the CLI to be sent to the desired server session. The only sub-command at this time is 'set-current', and the name of the session to be used as the new current session is the only parameter. Refer to the section on “NETCONF Session Configuration” for more details on using saved sessions. Version 14.08-2 Page 156 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual session command Command type: local Default parameter: set-current Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Command Parameters: • set-default ◦ type: name string ◦ This mandatory parameter specifies the name of the session to set as the current session. The special session name 'default' is reserved for the session that can be activated with the 'connect' command. Positive Response: • The session prompt should change to indicate the new current session. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. andy@myserver> session set-current session-A session-A> 2.7.56 session-cfg The session-cfg command is used to access a named session. There are 3 sub-commands: • delete • save • show (default) Refer to the section on “NETCONF Session Configuration” for more details on using saved sessions. session-cfg command Command type: Version 14.08-2 local Page 157 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Default parameter: show Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Command Parameters: • • • delete ◦ type: name string ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the session to delete from the saved sessions in memory. An active session cannot be deleted. save ◦ type: name string ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the session to save in the saved sessions in memory. show ◦ type: name string; default: empty string == current session ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the session to show. An empty string indicates that the current session should be used. ◦ The --brief, --normal, or --full parameter can be used for this sub-command. Positive Response: • A message indicating the save or delete was done will be printed. The show command will generate some formatted output showing information on the requested session. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. andy@myserver> session-cfg save session-A Saving current session as 'session-A' andy@myserver> 2.7.57 sessions-cfg The sessions-cfg command is used to access the named session files. There are 4 sub-commands: • clear • load • save Version 14.08-2 Page 158 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • show (default) Refer to the section on “NETCONF Session Configuration” for more details on using saved sessions. sessions-cfg command Command type: local Default parameter: show Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Command Parameters: • • • • clear ◦ type: empty ◦ This parameter indicates that all saved sessions in memory be deleted. This cannot be done if any of the sessions are currently active. Use 'session-cfg load' to restore the saved sessions. load ◦ type: string ◦ This parameter identifies the file specification for the saved sessions to load. Any new named sessions will be added to the named sessions in memory. save ◦ type: name string ◦ This parameter identifies the file specification for the saved sessions config file to load. The saved sessions in memory will be saved to this file. show ◦ type: name string; default: empty string == all sessions ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the session to show. ◦ The --brief, --normal, or --full parameter can be used for this sub-command. Positive Response: • A message indicating the load, save or clear was done will be printed. The show command will generate some formatted output showing information on the requested sessions. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. session-A> sessions-cfg load ~/more-sessions.conf Version 14.08-2 Page 159 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Loading saved sessions from '/home/andy/more-sessions.conf' Loaded saved sessions OK from '~/more-sessions.conf' session-A> 2.7.58 set-log-level The set-log-level command is used to configure the server logging verbosity level. It is only supported by the netconfd-pro server. This operation is defined as nacm:secure, so only the system super-user can invoke this command by default. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. set-log-level command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-system.yang Capabilities needed: none Command Parameters: • log-level ◦ type: enumeration (off, error, warn, info, debug, debug2, debug3) ◦ This mandatory parameter specifies the desired server logging verbosity level. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error.] andy@myserver> set-log-level log-level=debug2 RPC OK Reply 29 for session 10: andy@myserver> 2.7.59 set-my-session Version 14.08-2 Page 160 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The set-my-session command is used to configure the session customization parameters on the server. It is only supported by the netconfd-pro server. The session line size and default behavior for the with-defaults parameter can be controlled at this time. Since all parameters are optional, they need to be entered in the same command line as the command name. Otherwise the $$optional system variable needs to be set to 'true'. If not, then no parameters will be sent to the server, and no session parameters will be changed. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. set-my-session command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 4 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-mysession.yang Capabilities needed: none Command Parameters: • • • • indent ◦ type: uint32 (range: 0 .. 9) ◦ This parameter specifies the desired number of spaces to indent for each new XML nest level, for the session logging. If missing, then the indent amount is not changed. linesize ◦ type: uint32 (range: 40 .. 1024) ◦ This parameter specifies the desired line length for the session. If missing, then the current line size is not changed. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (report-all trim explicit) ◦ This parameter specifies the desired default with-defaults filtering behavior for the session. If missing, the current with-defaults behavior is not changed. message-indent ◦ type: int32 (range: -1 .. 9) ◦ This parameter specifies the desired number of spaces to indent for each new XML nest level, for protocol messages sent to the session. If missing, then the message indent amount is not changed. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error.] Version 14.08-2 Page 161 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual andy@myserver> set-my-session --linesize=64 --with-defaults=trim --message-indent=1 RPC OK Reply 25 for session 10: andy@myserver> 2.7.60 sget The sget command is used to invoke a NETCONF <get> operation with a subtree filter. A target node is specified (in 1 of 2 ways), and then the data structure is filled in. Only mandatory nodes will be filled in unless the $$optional system variable is set to 'true'. This step can be skipped completely with the nofill parameter. Refer to the fill command for more details on interactive mode data structure completion. sget command Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 5 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: :with-defaults Command Parameters: • choice 'from' (not entered) ◦ type: choice of case 'varref' or case 'from-cli' ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the where yangcli-pro should get the data from, for the subtree filter target of the <get> operation. It is either a user variable or from interactive input at the command line. ▪ ▪ varref • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the user variable to use for the subtree filter target of the <get> operation. The parameter must exist (e.g., created with the fill command) or an error message will be printed. case from-cli (not entered) • target ◦ Version 14.08-2 type: string Page 162 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • • • • • ◦ usage: optional (target or urltarget must be present) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the <get> operation. This is an ncx:schema-instance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. ▪ The escape command ('?s') can be used in parameter mode to skip a parameter completely. ▪ Entering the empty string for a parameter will cause a subtree selection node to be created instead of a content match node urltarget ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the get operation. This is an UrlPath string. optional ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: controlled by $$optional system variable ◦ This parameter controls whether optional nodes within the target will be filled in. It can be used to override the $$optional system variable, when it is set to 'false'. value ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the value that should be used for the contents of the target parameter. If it is entered, then the interactive mode prompting for missing parameters will be skipped, if this parameter is complete (or all mandatory nodes present if the $$optional system variable is 'false'). For example, if the target is a leaf, then specifying this parameter will always cause the interactive prompt mode to be skipped. nofill ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the that no interactive prompting to fill in the contents of the specified subtree filter target will be done. ▪ This causes the entire selected subtree to be requested in the filter. ▪ yangcli-pro will attempt to figure out if there can be multiple instances of the requested subtree. If not, then nofill will be the default for that target parameter. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (none report-all report-all-tagged trim explicit) Version 14.08-2 Page 163 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ capabilities needed: with-defaults ◦ This parameter controls how nodes containing only default values are returned in the <rpc-reply>. System Variables: • $$timeout ◦ • The response timeout interval will be derived from this system variable. $$with-defaults ◦ The <with-defaults> parameter for the <get> operation will be derived from this system variable. Positive Response: • the server returns <data> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Output: • data ◦ type: anyxml ◦ This element will contain the requested data from the <running> database or non-config data structures. Usage: andy@myserver> sget sytem Filling container /system: RPC Data Reply 32 for session 10: rpc-reply { data { system { sysName myserver.localdomain sysCurrentDateTime 2009-07-06T02:24:19Z sysBootDateTime 2009-07-05T19:22:28Z } } } andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.7 2.7.61 sget-config The sget-config command is used to invoke a NETCONF <get-config> operation with a subtree filter. A target node is specified (in 1 of 2 ways), and then the data structure is filled in. Only mandatory nodes will be filled in unless the $$optional system variable is set to 'true'. This step can be skipped completely with the nofill parameter. Version 14.08-2 Page 164 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Refer to the fill command for more details on interactive mode data structure completion. sget-config command Command type: remote Default parameter: target Min parameters: 2 Max parameters: 6 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: :candidate :startup :url :with-defaults Command Parameters: • choice 'from' (not entered) ◦ type: choice of case 'varref' or case 'from-cli' ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the where yangcli-pro should get the data from, for the subtree filter target of the <get> operation. It is either a user variable or from interactive input at the command line. ▪ ▪ varref • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the user variable to use for the subtree filter target of the <get> operation. The parameter must exist (e.g., created with the fill command) or an error message will be printed. case from-cli (not entered) • target ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional (target or urltarget must be present) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the <get> operation. This is an ncx:schema-instance string, so any instance identifier, or absolute path expression, or something in between, is accepted. ▪ Version 14.08-2 The escape command ('?s') can be used in parameter mode to skip a parameter completely. Page 165 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ • • • • • Entering the empty string for a parameter will cause a subtree selection node to be created instead of a content match node urltarget ◦ type: string ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the database target node of the get-config operation. This is an UrlPath string. optional ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: controlled by $$optional system variable ◦ This parameter controls whether optional nodes within the target will be filled in. It can be used to override the $$optional system variable, when it is set to 'false'. value ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the value that should be used for the contents of the target parameter. If it is entered, then the interactive mode prompting for missing parameters will be skipped, if this parameter is complete (or all mandatory nodes present if the $$optional system variable is 'false'). For example, if the target is a leaf, then specifying this parameter will always cause the interactive prompt mode to be skipped. nofill ◦ type: empty ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the that no interactive prompting to fill in the contents of the specified subtree filter target will be done. ▪ This causes the entire selected subtree to be requested in the filter. ▪ yangcli-pro will attempt to figure out if there can be multiple instances of the requested subtree. If not, then nofill will be the default for that target parameter. source ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the source database for the retrieval operation. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ candidate • Version 14.08-2 type: empty Page 166 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • ▪ ▪ ▪ • capabilities needed: :candidate running • type: empty • capabilities needed: none startup • type: empty • capabilities needed: startup url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (source=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (none report-all report-all-tagged trim explicit) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ capabilities needed: with-defaults ◦ This parameter controls how nodes containing only default values are returned in the <rpc-reply>. System Variables: • $$timeout ◦ • The response timeout interval will be derived from this system variable. $$with-defaults ◦ The <with-defaults> parameter for the <get-config> operation will be derived from this system variable. Positive Response: • the server returns <data> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Output: • data ◦ type: anyxml ◦ This element will contain the requested data from the database indicated by the source parameter. Usage: andy@myserver> sget-config /nacm/rules/data-rule \ source=candidate \ nofill Version 14.08-2 Page 167 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual RPC Data Reply 35 for session 10: rpc-reply { data { nacm { rules { data-rule nacm-tree { name nacm-tree path /nacm:nacm allowed-rights { read write } allowed-group nacm:admin comment 'access to nacm config' } } } } } andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.1 2.7.62 show The show command is used to show program status and YANG details that may be needed during management of a NETCONF server. There are several variants of the show command: • The show cache command prints the yangcli-pro YANG module cache. • The show connected command prints the all connected sessions. • The show cli command prints the contents of the yangcli-pro CLI and config file parameters. • The show diff command prints the differences between current config and the edits that have not been applied yet. • The show edit command prints subtree that is the current node which is from the current edit, not the stored config. • The show connected command prints a summary of the sessions that are currently connected • The show global command prints the contents of one global user variable. • The show globals command prints a summary or the contents of all the global user variables. • The show local command prints the contents of one local user variable. • The show locals command prints a summary or the contents of all the local user variables. • The show module command prints meta information or help text for one YANG module. • The show modules command prints meta information for all the currently available YANG modules. IF a session is active, this will be the list of modules the server reported, plus any modules loaded with the mgrload command. Version 14.08-2 Page 168 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • The show objects command prints the available objects or help text for the available objects. • The show running command prints the entire config for the current session , error if there is no current session. • The show session command prints the session startup screen information for the current session. • The show system command prints the contents of the yangcli-pro system variables. • The show var command prints the contents of the specified variable. • The show vars command prints a summary or the contents of all the program variables. • The show version command prints the yangcli-pro version number show command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • choice help-mode (not entered) (default choice is 'normal') ◦ ◦ ◦ • brief ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that brief documentation mode should be used. normal ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that normal documentation mode should be used. full ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ default: none ▪ This parameter specifies that full documentation mode should be used. choice showtype (not entered) ◦ mandatory 1 of N choice for the sub-command for the show command ▪ Version 14.08-2 cli Page 169 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter selects the yangcli-pro CLI and configuration variables. ◦ ▪ Connected • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter prints a summary of the currently connected sessions. ◦ ▪ • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • The parameter prints the differences between current config and the edits that have not been applied yet. ▪ Version 14.08-2 The help-mode parameter has no affect on this command. edit • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • The parameter prints subtree that is the current node which is from the current edit, not the stored config. ◦ ▪ The help-mode parameter has no affect on this command. diff ◦ ▪ The help-mode parameter has no affect on this command. The help-mode parameter has no affect on this command. global • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the global variable to show information for. ◦ If help-mode is 'brief', then the name, variable object, and type of the global variable object will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'normal' or 'full', then the contents of the specified global variable will be printed. globals • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none Page 170 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Version 14.08-2 This parameter specifies that information for all global variables should be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'brief', then the name, variable object, and type of each global variable object will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'normal' or 'full', then the contents of each global variable will be printed. local • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the local variable to show information for. ◦ If help-mode is 'brief', then the name, variable object, and type of the local variable object will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'normal' or 'full', then the contents of the specified local variable will be printed. locals • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies that information for all local variables should be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'brief', then the name, variable object, and type of each local variable object will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'normal' or 'full', then the contents of each local variable will be printed. module • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the module to show information for. ◦ If help-mode is 'brief' or 'normal', then the name, version, namespace, and source of the module will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'full', then the module level help text for the specified module will be printed. modules • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies that information for all available modules should be printed: ◦ If help-mode is 'brief', then the name of each module will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'normal', then the XML prefix, name, and revision date of each module will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'full', then the name, revision date, prefix, namespace, and source of each module will be printed. Page 171 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ objects • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies that information for all available database objects should be printed: ◦ If help-mode is 'brief', then the module name and name of each object will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'normal', then the YANG object type, object name, and YANG base type will be printed. If help-mode is 'full', then brief help text will be printed for every object. ▪ running • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter prints the entire config for the current session , error if there is no current session. ◦ ▪ system • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies that information for all system variables should be printed. ◦ ▪ ▪ The help-mode parameter has no affect on this command. var • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of any variable to show information for. ◦ If help-mode is 'brief', then the name, variable object, and type of the variable object will be printed. ◦ If help-mode is 'normal' or 'full', then the contents of the specified variable will be printed. vars • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies that information for all variables should be printed. This includes all CLI, read-only system, read-write system, global user, and local user variables. ◦ Version 14.08-2 The help-mode parameter has no affect on this command. If help-mode is 'brief', then the name, variable object, and type of each variable object will be printed. Page 172 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ ▪ If help-mode is 'normal' or 'full', then the contents of each variable will be printed. version • type: empty • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies that the yangcli-pro program version string should be printed. ◦ The help-mode parameter has no affect in this mode. Positive Response: • the server prints the requested information Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected. Usage: andy@myserver> show modules nc:netconf/2009-04-10 inet:ietf-inet-types/2009-05-13 ns:ietf-netconf-monitoring/2009-03-03 wd:ietf-with-defaults/2009-04-10 yang:ietf-yang-types/2009-05-13 nacm:nacm/2009-05-13 manageEvent:nc-notifications/2008-07-14 ncx:ncx/2009-06-12 ncxapp:ncx-app-common/2009-04-10 nt:ncxtypes/2008-07-20 nd:netconfd-pro/2009-05-28 ncEvent:notifications/2008-07-14 sys:system/2009-06-04 t:test/2009-06-10 andy@myserver> 2.7.63 shutdown The shutdown command is used to shut down the NETCONF server. This command is only supported by the netconfd-pro server. The default access control configuration for netconfd-pro will not allow any user except the designated 'superuser' account to invoke this command. Refer to the netconfd-pro user manual for details on configuring access control. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. shutdown command Version 14.08-2 Command type: remote Default parameter: none Page 173 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-system.yang Positive Response: • the server will drop all sessions and terminate. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> shutdown ses: session 10 shut by remote peer > 2.7.64 start-rpc-timing The start-rpc-timing command is used to start remote operation timing mode, except that statistics can be saved to a text file for plotting or for data entry into a database program. It is used to do simple roundtrip performance measurements. This command automatically sets the following variables to temporary values, which are restored when the stop-rpctiming operation is invoked. • $$echo-replies = false • $$rpc-timing = true • $$rpc-timing-stats = true It is used along with the stop-rpc-timing command. start-rpc-timing command Version 14.08-2 Command type: local Default parameter: statfile Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Page 174 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: none Command Parameters: • statfile ◦ type: file specification ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ This parameter specifies the file specification for saving the timing statistics. Positive Response: • the client prints OK Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. Usage: session-B> start-rpc-timing OK session-B> 2.7.65 start-session The start-session command is used to start a session with a NETCONF server. It is similar to the connect command except the parameters are derived from a saved session in memory instead of entered explicitly. start-session command Command type: local Default parameter: name Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • name ◦ type: session name string ◦ usage: mandatory Version 14.08-2 Page 175 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the session to start. Positive Response: • The startup screen for the session should be generated and the prompt should change, indicating the new named session is now the current session. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. Usage: session-A> start-session session-B yangcli: Starting NETCONF session for andy on myserver NETCONF session established for andy on myserver Client Session Id: 2 Server Session Id: 4 Server Protocol Capabilities base:1.0 candidate:1.0 confirmed-commit:1.0 rollback-on-error:1.0 validate:1.0 url:1.0 xpath:1.0 notification:1.0 interleave:1.0 partial-lock:1.0 with-defaults:1.0 base:1.1 validate:1.1 confirmed-commit:1.1 Server Module Capabilities ietf-inet-types@2010-09-24 ietf-netconf-acm@2012-02-22 ietf-netconf-monitoring@2010-10-04 ietf-netconf-partial-lock@2009-10-19 ietf-netconf-with-defaults@2011-06-01 ietf-yang-types@2010-09-24 nc-notifications@2008-07-14 notifications@2008-07-14 yuma-app-common@2012-08-16 yuma-arp@2012-01-13 yuma-interfaces@2012-01-13 yuma-mysession@2010-05-10 yuma-ncx@2012-01-13 yuma-proc@2010-06-01 yuma-system@2012-01-15 yuma-time-filter@2011-08-13 yuma-types@2012-06-01 yumaworks-app-common@2012-08-16 yumaworks-extensions@2012-06-28 Server Enterprise Capabilities Version 14.08-2 Page 176 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual None Protocol version set to: RFC 6241 (base:1.1) Default target set to: <candidate> Save operation mapped to: commit Default with-defaults behavior: explicit Additional with-defaults behavior: trim,report-all,report-all-tagged Checking Server Modules... session-B> 2.7.66 start-timer The start-timer command is used to start a timer to do simple performance measurements. It is used along with the stop-timer command. start-timer command Command type: local Default parameter: id Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: none Command Parameters: • • id ◦ type: number ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: 0 ◦ This parameter specifies the numeric ID of the timer. It is a number in the range 0 to 15. restart-ok ◦ type: boolean ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: true ◦ Indicates whether the timer will be used if it is already running. If 'true', the timer will be restarted if it is already running. If 'false', an error will occur if the timer is already running. ◦ Version 14.08-2 Page 177 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Positive Response: • the client prints OK Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. Usage: andy@myserver> start-timer 1 OK andy@myserver> 2.7.67 stop-rpc-timing The stop-rpc-timing command is used to stop remote operation timing mode. This command automatically sets the following variables to the specified values • $$echo-replies = <previous value before start-rpc-timing> • $$rpc-timing = false • $$rpc-timing-stats = false It is used along with the start-rpc-timing command. stop-rpc-timing command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 0 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: none Positive Response: • the client prints OK Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. Version 14.08-2 Page 178 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Usage: session-B> stop-rpc-timing OK session-B> 2.7.68 stop-session The stop-session command is used to stop a session with a NETCONF server. It will invoke the close-session command for the specified session. It is used with the start-session command. stop-session command Command type: local Default parameter: name Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • name ◦ type: session name string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the session to stop. The string 'default' is used to identify the default session, if that was started with the connect command. Positive Response: • The prompt should change if the current session is stopped Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. Usage: session-B> stop-session session-B RPC OK Reply 4 for session 4 [session-B]: ses: session 2 shut by remote peer > Version 14.08-2 Page 179 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.7.69 stop-timer The stop-timer command is used to stop a timer to do simple performance measurements. It is used along with the start-timer command. stop-timer command Command type: local Default parameter: id Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 2 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: none Command Parameters: • • id ◦ type: number ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: 0 ◦ This parameter specifies the numeric ID of the timer. It is a number in the range 0 to 15. echo ◦ type: boolean ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: true ◦ Indicates whether the delta result should be printed to the log. Positive Response: • data: the elapsed time is returned and can be used in assignment statements Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. Usage: andy@myserver> $time = stop-timer 1 Elapsed time: 2.003345 seconds Version 14.08-2 Page 180 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual andy@myserver> 2.7.70 test-suite The test-suite command is used to access yangcli-pro regression test scripts. Refer to the section on “Automated Testing” for more details. This command has 5 sub-commands: • load • run-all • show (default) • start (--log parameter also allowed in this mode) • save test-suite command Command type: local Default parameter: show Min parameters: 0 Max parameters: 2 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: none Command Parameters: • • • suite-name: ◦ type: identifier string ◦ usage: mandatory if 'delete' or 'delete-test' used. ◦ This parameter identifies the test suite to delete for use with the delete and delete-test sub-commands. test-name: ◦ type: identifier string ◦ usage: mandatory if 'delete-test' used. ◦ This parameter identifies the test to delete for use with the delete-test sub-command. choice test-suite-action (default show) ◦ delete ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional Version 14.08-2 Page 181 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ This parameter is used to delete a test-suite from memory. The 'suite-name' parameter must also be present. delete-test ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ This parameter is used to delete a test-suite from memory. The 'suite-name' and 'test-name' parameters must also be present. load ▪ type: string ▪ usage: optional ▪ This parameter specifies the name of the test-suite configuration file to load. run-all ▪ type: empty ▪ usage: optional ▪ Run all the test-suites defined in the test suite config files. The 'log' parameter may also be present if this parameter is used. save ▪ type: string ▪ usage: optional ▪ This parameter identifies the file specification of the test-suite configuration file where the test-suites in memory should be saved. show ▪ type: string ▪ usage: optional ▪ This parameter specifies the name of the test-suite in memory to show. ▪ The --brief, --normal, or --full parameters can be used with this sub-command. start ▪ type: name string ▪ usage: optional ▪ This parameter specifies the name of the test-suite to start. This sub-command can only be used if a test-suite is not already in progress. ▪ log (available only if 'start' or 'run-all' is present) • type: filespec string • usage: optional • This parameter specifies the name of the log file for the test-suite test run and results. If no parameter is specified, then STDOUT will be used instead. Positive Response: • The appropriate data will be shown for a 'show' sub-command. Version 14.08-2 Page 182 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. Usage: andy@myserver> test-suite start ~/mytests.conf …. commands from test executed andy@myserver> 2.7.71 unlock The unlock command is used to request a global lock on a NETCONF database. It is used, along with the lock command, to obtain exclusive write access to the NETCONF server. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. unlock command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: :candidate :startup :url Command Parameters: • target ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the target database to be locked. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ ▪ Version 14.08-2 candidate • type: empty • capabilities needed: :candidate running Page 183 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ ▪ • type: empty • capabilities needed: none startup • type: empty • capabilities needed: startup url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter. • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (target=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> unlock target=candidate RPC OK Reply 38 for session 10: andy@myserver> 2.7.72 unset The unset command is used to delete a command alias from memory. unset command Command type: local Default parameter: name Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • name ◦ type: string Version 14.08-2 Page 184 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the command alias to delete. Positive Response: • Deleted alias 'foo' is printed, where 'foo' is the name parameter string Negative Response: • An error message will be printed. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: > unset get-running Deleted alias 'get-running' > 2.7.73 uservars The uservars command is used to clear, load, or save the global user variables. uservars command Command type: local Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • uservars-action ◦ type: choice ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ clear: ▪ ◦ Delete all global user variables from memory load [uservars-filespec] Version 14.08-2 Page 185 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ▪ ◦ Load global user variables into memory from an XML file. If the 'uservars-filespec' parameter is missing, then the default file ($HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_uservars.xml) will be used. save [uservars-filespec] ▪ Save the global user variables from memory into an XML file. If the 'uservars-filespec' parameter is missing, then the default file ($HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_uservars.xml) will be used. Positive Response: • A status message is printed. Negative Response: • An error message will be printed. Usage: > uservars clear Deleted all global user variables from memory > 2.7.74 validate The validate command is used to check if a complete NETCONF database is valid or not. This command is provided by the NETCONF server, not yangcli-pro. The :validate capability must be supported by the server to use this command. validate command Command type: remote Default parameter: none Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 1 Return type: status YANG file: yuma-netconf.yang Capabilities needed: :validate Capabilities optional: :candidate :startup :url Command Parameters: Version 14.08-2 Page 186 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • target ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the target database to be validated. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ candidate • type: empty • capabilities needed: :candidate running • type: empty • capabilities needed: none startup • type: empty • capabilities needed: startup url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter. • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (target=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. config • type: anyxml • capabilities • This parameter represents an entire database, using the in-line config form, similar to the editconfig command, except this config parameter contains no nc:operation attributes and must be a complete database, not a subset. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Usage: andy@myserver> validate source=candidate RPC OK Reply 36 for session 10: Version 14.08-2 Page 187 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual andy@myserver> 2.7.75 while The while command is used to start a conditional loop command block. The expr parameter is used to specify the XPath expression to test if the while conditional loop block is true or false. A false block will be skipped and a true block will be executed. The command prompt will contain the string '[F]' while inside a false conditional block in interactive mode. This expression string should be entered with quotes to avoid misinterpreting any whitespace or special characters. The docroot parameter (if present) specifies the XML document that the 'expr' parameter should be evaluated against. This is optional, since only XPath path expressions need to refer to a document. If the 'expr' expression is true, the conditional block will be executed, and no further conditional blocks within the same if command sequence will be executed. The maxloops parameter specifies the maximum number of iterations that should be allowed, even if the expression continues to evaluate to 'true'. This allows constant expressions to be used to construct a simple 'for' loop. while command ... end command while command Command type: local Default parameter: expr Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 3 Return type: status YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Command Parameters: • • expr ◦ type: XPath expression string ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the XPath expression to determine if the following commands are within a true or false conditional block. docroot ◦ type: anyxml ◦ usage: optional (typically a variable reference is used) ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the XML document that should be used if the expr XPath expression references any path nodes. Version 14.08-2 Page 188 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • maxloops ◦ type: uint32 ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: 65535 ◦ Set a maximum number of loops that can be iterated for this while command. The value zero means that no maximum will be enforced. Use this mode with caution. Positive Response: • the server returns <ok/> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. ◦ invalid XPath expression or invalid docroot reference will cause an error Usage: andy@myserver> while 1 --maxloops=10 SAME AS: andy@myserver> while '$x < 10' andy@myserver> 2.7.76 xget The xget command is used to invoke a NETCONF <get> operation with an XPath filter. xget command Command type: remote Default parameter: select Min parameters: 1 Max parameters: 3 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: :with-defaults Command Parameters: • choice 'from' (not entered) Version 14.08-2 Page 189 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ type: choice of case 'varref' or case 'select' ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the where yangcli-pro should get the data from, for the XPath filter target of the <get> operation. It is an XPath expression, either contained in a user variable or directly from the select parameter. ▪ ▪ • • varref • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the user variable the contains the XPath expression for the XPath filter in the <get> operation. The parameter must exist (e.g., created with an assignment statement) or an error message will be printed. select • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the XPath expression to use for the XPath filter in the <get> operation. timeout ◦ type: uint32 (0 = no timeout, otherwise the number of seconds to wait) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: set to the $$timeout system variable, default 30 seconds ◦ This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the server before giving up. The session will not be dropped if a remote command times out, but any late response will be dropped. A value of zero means no timeout should be used, and yangcli-pro will wait forever for a response. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (none report-all report-all-tagged trim explicit) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ capabilities needed: with-defaults ◦ This parameter controls how nodes containing only default values are returned in the <rpc-reply>. System Variables: • $$timeout ◦ • The response timeout interval will be derived from this system variable. $$with-defaults ◦ The <with-defaults> parameter for the <get> operation will be derived from this system variable. Positive Response: • the server returns <data> Negative Response: Version 14.08-2 Page 190 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Output: • data ◦ type: anyxml ◦ This element will contain the requested data from the <running> database or non-config data structures. Usage: andy@myserver> xget //name RPC Data Reply 42 for session 10: rpc-reply { data { nacm { rules { data-rule nacm-tree { name nacm-tree } } } xpath.1 { name barney } netconf-state { datastores { datastore { name { candidate } } } } netconf { streams { stream NETCONF { name NETCONF } } } } } } andy@myserver> Reference: • RFC 6241, section 7.7 Version 14.08-2 Page 191 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 2.7.77 xget-config The xget-config command is used to invoke a NETCONF <get-config> operation with an XPath filter. xget-config command Command type: remote Default parameter: select Min parameters: 2 Max parameters: 4 Return type: data YANG file: yangcli-pro.yang Capabilities needed: none Capabilities optional: :candidate :startup :url :with-defaults Command Parameters: • choice 'from' (not entered) ◦ type: choice of case 'varref' or case 'select' ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the where yangcli-pro should get the data from, for the XPath filter target of the <get-config> operation. It is an XPath expression, either contained in a user variable or directly from the select parameter. ▪ ▪ • varref • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the name of the user variable the contains the XPath expression for the XPath filter in the <get-config> operation. The parameter must exist (e.g., created with an assignment statement) or an error message will be printed. select • type: string • usage: mandatory • default: none • This parameter specifies the XPath expression to use for the XPath filter in the <get-config> operation. source ◦ type: container with 1 of N choice of leafs Version 14.08-2 Page 192 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ usage: mandatory ◦ default: none ◦ This parameter specifies the name of the source database for the retrieval operation. ◦ container contents: 1 of N: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ • • candidate • type: empty • capabilities needed: :candidate running • type: empty • capabilities needed: none startup • type: empty • capabilities needed: startup url • type: yang:uri • capabilities needed: :url, and the scheme used in the URL must be specified in the :url capability 'schemes' parameter • To enter this parameter, the interactive mode must be used. The shorthand mode (source=url) cannot be used, since this parameter contains a string. timeout ◦ type: uint32 (0 = no timeout, otherwise the number of seconds to wait) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: set to the $$timeout system variable, default 30 seconds ◦ This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the server before giving up. The session will not be dropped if a remote command times out, but any late response will be dropped. A value of zero means no timeout should be used, and yangcli-pro will wait forever for a response. with-defaults ◦ type: enumeration (none report-all report-all-tagged trim explicit) ◦ usage: optional ◦ default: none ◦ capabilities needed: with-defaults ◦ This parameter controls how nodes containing only default values are returned in the <rpc-reply>. System Variables: • $$timeout ◦ • The response timeout interval will be derived from this system variable. $$with-defaults ◦ The <with-defaults> parameter for the <get-config> operation will be derived from this system variable. Positive Response: Version 14.08-2 Page 193 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • the server returns <data> Negative Response: • An error message will be printed if errors are detected locally. • An <rpc-error> message will be printed if the server detected an error. Output: • data ◦ type: anyxml ◦ This element will contain the requested data from the source database. Usage: andy@myserver> xget /nacm/groups source=running RPC Data Reply 41 for session 10: rpc-reply { data { nacm { groups { group nacm:admin { groupIdentity nacm:admin userName andy userName fred userName barney } group nacm:guest { groupIdentity nacm:guest userName guest } } } } } andy@myserver> Version 14.08-2 Page 194 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3 CLI Reference The YumaPro programs uses command line interface (CLI) parameters to control program behavior. Many parameters are supported by more than one program, such as --log. The following sections document all the YumaPro CLI parameters, in alphabetical order. 3.1 --aliases-file The –aliases-file parameter specifies the yangcli-pro command aliases file specification to use. --aliases-file parameter Syntax string Default: $HOME/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_aliases Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro –aliases-file=~/myalaises 3.2 --alt-names The –alt-names parameter controls whether alternative names are searched when processing a UrlPath search. --alt-names parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --alt-names=false 3.3 --autoaliases The --autoaliases parameter controls automatic loading and saving of the command aliases file. If 'true', then aliases will be loaded and saved automatically. If 'false', then aliases must be loaded and saved manually with the 'aliases' command. Version 14.08-2 Page 195 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --autoaliases parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autoaliases=false 3.4 --autocomp The --autocomp parameter controls automatic completion of command and parameter names. If true, then the program will attempt to find a partial match by comparing only the number of characters entered. For example '--log-l=debug' is the same as '--log-level=debug'. If 'false', then command and parameter names must match exactly. --autocomp parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autocomp=false 3.5 --autoconfig The --autoconfig parameter controls whether the running configuration will be retrieved automatically for active sessions. By default, the running config will be retrieved and maintained so it can be compared and used for command tab completion. If true, then the program will attempt to retrieve and maintain a shadow configuration for each session, using the <getconfig> NETCONF operation. If 'false', then automatic shadow configuration handling will not be done. --autoconfig parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: FALSE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autoconfig=true Page 196 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.6 --autohistory The --autohistory parameter controls automatic loading and saving of the command line history buffer in the yangclipro program.. If true, then when the program starts, the default command line history buffer will be loaded, and the previous set of commands will be available with the history and recall commands. If 'false', then the command line history buffer will not be loaded and saved automatically. The default location for this file is ~/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_history. --autohistory parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autohistory=false 3.7 --autoload The --autoload parameter controls automatic loading of YANG modules, as needed. If true, then the program will attempt to find a needed YANG module. If 'false', then YANG modules must be loaded manually. --autoload parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autoload=false 3.8 --autoload-cache The --autoload-cache parameter controls the use of YANG modules retrieved with the <get-schema> operation as needed. If true, then the YANG modules that are retrieved with the <get-schema> operation will be cached. If 'false', then YANG modules that are retrieved with the <get-schema> operation will not be cached. --autoload-cache parameter Version 14.08-2 Page 197 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autoload-cache=false 3.9 --autoload-get The --autoload-get parameter controls automatic loading of YANG modules, as needed. If true, then the program will attempt to find a needed YANG module. If 'false', then YANG modules must be loaded manually. --autoload-get parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autoload=false Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autoload-get=false 3.10 --autoload-save-cache The –autoload-save-cache parameter controls whether the modules held in the YANG module cache, are saved when yangcli-pro exits, as needed. If true, then the YANG modules that are cached will be saved when yangcli-pro exit. If 'false', then the YANG modules that are cached will not be saved when yangcli-pro exit.. --autoload-save-cache parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Page 198 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --autoload-save-cache=false 3.11 --autonotif The --autonotif parameter controls automatic creation of a notification subscription, if the server supports the :notification and :interleave capabilities. If 'true', then the program will attempt to start a notification subscription if the server advertises support, using the <create-subscription> NETCONF operation. If 'false', then notification subscriptions must be started manually. --autonotif parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: FALSE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autonotif=true 3.12 --autosessions The --autosessions parameter controls whether the saved sessions will be loaded into memory at startup and saved to file at exit. If true, the default session-cfg file will be used (~/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_sessions.conf) for loading and saving the configured sessions in memory. If false, the configured sessions will only be stored and loaded manually with the sessions-cfg command. --autosessions parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autosessions=false Page 199 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.13 --autotest The --autotest parameter controls whether the saved test suites will be loaded into memory at startup and saved to file at exit. If true, the default test-suite-cfg file will be used (~/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_tests.conf) for loading and saving the configured test-suites in memory. If false, the configured test-suites will only be stored and loaded manually with the test-suite command. --autotest parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autotest=false 3.14 --autouservars The --autouservars parameter controls automatic loading of global user variables. If 'true', then the global user variables will be automatically loaded and saved. If 'false', then the global user variables must be loaded and saved manually with the 'uservars' command. --autouservars parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --autouservars=false 3.15 --bad-data The --bad-data parameter controls how invalid parameter input is handled by the program. • ignore: Use invalid parameter values. Use with caution. • warn: Issue a warning message, but use the invalid data anyway. • check: Prompt the user interactively, and check if the invalid data should be used, or a new value re-entered. Version 14.08-2 Page 200 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual • error: Do not use invalid parameter values. --bad-data parameter Syntax enumeration: ignore warn check error Default: check Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro ----bad-data=warn 3.16 --batch-mode The --batch-mode parameter specifies that the interactive CLI will not be used. Instead, if a script is provided with the 'run-script' parameter, or a command provided with the 'run-command' parameter, then it will be executed automatically before the program exits. This mode can be used to invoke NETCONF commands from Unix shell scripts. --batch-mode parameter Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --batch-mode \ --run-script=~/run-tests 3.17 --check-output The --check-output parameter specifies whether <rpc> messages about to be sent to a remote server should be validated against the YANG schema for the specific RPC operation. If true, then yangcli-pro will validate remote commands against the YANG definition for the rpc/input node. This checks the operation parameters about to be sent to a server session. Note that validation of the contents of a <config> element is not done. This CLI parameter is also the $$check-output global parameter."; --check-output parameter Version 14.08-2 Page 201 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Syntax boolean Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --check-output=false 3.18 --check-output-error The --check-output-error parameter specifies whether validation errors detected in <rpc> messages about to be sent to a remote server should be treated as warnings or errors. If 'true', then errors found during the check-output validation tests will be treated as errors, causing the <rpc> about to be sent to fail. If 'false', then errors found during the check-output validation tests will be treated as warnings. This CLI parameter is also the $$check-output-error global parameter."; --check-output-error parameter Syntax boolean Default: FALSE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --check-output-error=true 3.19 --check-replies The --check-replies parameter specifies whether <rpc-reply> messages received from a remote server should be validated against the YANG schema for the specific RPC operation. If true, then yangcli-pro will validate remote commands against the YANG definition for the rpc/output node. If the “output” section is missing or empty, then the <rpc-reply> will be checked to make sure it contains either <ok> or 1 or more <rpc-error> elements. This checks the parameters in the <rpc-reply> sent from a server session. Note that validation of the contents of a <config> element is not done. This CLI parameter is also the $$check-replies global parameter. --check-replies parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax boolean Default: TRUE Page 202 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --check-replies=false 3.20 --check-replies-error The --check-replies-error parameter specifies whether validation errors detected in <rpc-reply> messages received from a remote server should be treated as warnings or errors. If 'true', then errors found during the check-replies validation tests will be treated as errors, causing the <rpc-reply> about to be processed to be rejected instead. If 'false', then errors found during the check-replies validation tests will be treated as warnings. This CLI parameter is also the $$check-replies-error global parameter."; --check-replies-error parameter Syntax boolean Default: FALSE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --check-replies-error=true 3.21 --config The --config parameter specifies the name of a YumaPro configuration file that contains more parameters to process, in addition to the CLI parameters. Refer to the 'Configuration Files' section for details on the format of this file. --config parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax string: complete file specification of the text file to parse for more parameters. Default: /etc/yumapro/<program-name>.conf Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Page 203 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Example: yangcli-pro testmod \ --config=~/testconf.conf 3.22 --config-edit-mode The --config-edit-mode parameter controls how edits will be applied in configuration mode. There are 4 possible editing modes: • line: The edit(s) are automatically applied after each line is entered • level: The edits(s) are automatically applied when the current level is exited • mode: The edit(s) are automatically applied when the configuration mode is exited • manual: The edit(s) are only applied manually with the apply command. The default configuration editing mode is 'level'. Note that the 'apply' command can be used even if the value of this parameter is not 'manual'. --config-edit-mode parameter Syntax enum: line level mode manual Default: level Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --config-edit-mode=line 3.23 --datapath The --datapath parameter specifies the directory search path to use while searching for data files. It consists of a colon (':') separated list of path specifications, commonly found in Unix, such as the $PATH environment variable. This parameter overrides the $YUMAPRO_DATAPATH environment variable, if it is present. --datapath parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax string: list of directory specifications Default: $YUMAPRO_DATAPATH environment variable Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro Page 204 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --datapath=”~/work2:~/data” 3.24 --default-module The --default-module parameter specifies the module to search for identifiers, after the netconf and ncx modules have been checked. This allows a specific module to match identifier names first, before all modules are searched at once. This can avoid a collision if the same identifier value is used in more than one module. --default-module parameter Syntax string: module name without any path or file extension included. Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --default-module=testmod 3.25 --deviation The --deviation parameter is a leaf-list of modules that should be loaded automatically when the program starts, as a deviation module. In this mode, only the deviation statements are parsed and then made available later when the module that contains the objects being deviated is parsed. The deviations must be known to the parser before the target module is parsed. This parameter is used to identify any modules that have deviation statements for the set of modules being parsed (e.g., --module and --subtree parameters). A module can be listed with both the --module and --deviation parameters, but that is not needed unless the module contains external deviations. If the module only contains deviations for objects in the same module, then the --deviation parameter does not need to be used. The program will attempt to load each module in deviation parsing mode, in the order the parameters are entered. For the netconfd-pro program, If any modules have fatal errors then the program will terminate. For the yangdump-pro and yangcli-pro programs, each module will be processed as requested. --deviation parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax module name or filespec Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Page 205 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Max Allowed: unlimited Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --module=test1 \ --deviation=test1_deviations 3.26 --display-mode The --display-mode parameter controls how data is displayed in the program. The qualified names (identifiers, idenitityref, XPath) within a text configuration can be generated several ways. This is needed because sibling nodes in different XML namespaces can have the same name. --display-mode values enum value description example plain no prefix, just local-name sysBootError prefix XML prefix and local-name sys:sysBootError module module name and local name system:sysBootError xml XML format <sysBootError xmlns=”foo”> xml-nons XML format without namespace (xmlns) attributes <sysBootError> json JSON format { “sysBootError” : “blah” } When saving configuration files in non-volatile storage, then it is suggested that only 'module' or 'xml' modes be used, since these are the only deterministic modes. The set of XML prefixes in use at any one time is not persistent, and cannot be relied upon, unless the namespace declarations are saved (xml mode) or the module names are saved (module mode). display-mode parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax enumeration: plain prefix module xml xml-nons json Default: plain Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --display-mode=module Page 206 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.27 --echo-notif-loglevel The --echo-notif-loglevel parameter controls how unregistered notifications are echoed when notification messages are received. If the --echo-notifs parameter is true, then this parameter controls the logging debug level needed for notifications to be printed, If --echo-notifs is 'false' then this parameter has no affect. Only notifications other than <sys-config-change> and <sysConfigChange> are echoed. Those notifications are used to maintain shadow configurations. If the --log-level is set to the same value or higher as this parameter, then the full notification message will be echoed. If the --log-level is set to one level lower than this parameter, then a 1 line notification summary message will be echoed. For example, if --log-level=info and --echo-nofits=true and --echo-notif-loglevel=debug, then a one line summary will be printed for received notifications. --echo-notif-loglevel parameter Syntax enum: (same as log-level) Default: debug Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --echo-notif-loglevel=info 3.28 --echo-notifs The --echo-notifs parameter controls whether unregistered notifications are echoed when notification messages are received. Only notifications other than <sys-config-change> and <sysConfigChange> are echoed. Those notifications are used to maintain shadow configurations. --echo-notifs parameter Syntax boolean Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --echo-notifs=false 3.29 --echo-replies Version 14.08-2 Page 207 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The --echo-replies parameter controls whether <rpc-reply> messages are echoed when they are received. If 'true' then replies with data will be displayed. If 'false' then they will not be displayed. Note that this parameter does not affect error replies (messages with <rpc-error> elements in them). --echo-replies parameter Syntax boolean Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --echo-replies=false 3.30 --feature-disable The --feature-disable parameter directs all programs to disable a specific feature. This parameter is a formatted string containing a module name, followed by a colon ':', followed by a feature name, e.g., test:feature1 It is an error if a --feature-enable and --feature-disable parameter specify the same feature. Parameters for unknown features will be ignored. --feature-disable parameter Syntax formatted string (module:feature Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: unlimited Supported by: yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro netconfd-pro Example: yangcli-pro --featuredisable=test:feature1 3.31 --feature-enable The --feature-enable parameter directs all programs to enable a specific feature. Version 14.08-2 Page 208 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual This parameter is a formatted string containing a module name, followed by a colon ':', followed by a feature name, e.g., test:feature1 It is an error if a --feature-disable and --feature-enable parameter specify the same feature. Parameters for unknown features will be ignored. --feature-enable parameter Syntax formatted string (module:feature Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: unlimited Supported by: yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro netconfd-pro Example: yangcli-pro--featureenable=test:feature1 3.32 --feature-enable-default The --feature-enable-default parameter controls how yangdump-pro will generate C code for YANG features by default. If 'true', then by default, features will be enabled. If 'false', then by default, features will be disabled. If a --feature-enable or --feature-disable parameter is present for a specific feature, then this parameter will be ignored for that feature. --feature-enable-default parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro netconfd-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --feature-enable-default=false Page 209 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.33 --fixorder The --fixorder parameter controls whether PDU parameters will be automatically sent in NETCONF PDUs in the correct order. If 'true', the schema-defined, canonical order will be used. If 'false', the specified order that parameters are entered will be used for the PDU order as well. --fixorder parameter Syntax boolean (true or false) Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --fixorder=false 3.34 --force-target The --force-target parameter controls whether the candidate or running configuration datastore will be used as the default edit target, when both are supported by the server. --force-target parameter Syntax enum (candidate or running) Default: candidate Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --force-target=running 3.35 --help The --help parameter causes program help text to be printed, and then the program will exit instead of running as normal. This parameter can be combined with the --help-mode parameter to control the verbosity of the help text. Use --brief for less, and --full for more than the normal verbosity. Version 14.08-2 Page 210 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual This parameter can be combined with the --version parameter in all programs. It can also be combined with the --show-errors parameter in yangdump-pro. The program configuration parameters will be displayed in alphabetical order, not in schema order. --help parameter Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --help 3.36 --help-mode The --help-mode parameter is used to control the amount of detail printed when help text is requested in some command. It is always used with another command, and makes no sense by itself. It is ignored unless used with the --help parameter. --help-mode parameter Syntax choice of 3 empty leafs --brief --normal --full Default: normal Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --help --help-mode=full • default choice: normal • choice help-mode Version 14.08-2 Page 211 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual ◦ ◦ ◦ brief ▪ type: empty ▪ This parameter specifies that brief documentation mode should be used. normal ▪ type: empty ▪ This parameter specifies that normal documentation mode should be used. full ▪ type: empty ▪ This parameter specifies that full documentation mode should be used. 3.37 --home The --home parameter over-rides the $HOME environment variable, if it is set. File searches that use the user's home directory will use this path specification instead. --home parameter Syntax string: pathspec Default: $HOME environment value Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --home=~/testmodules 3.38 --ignore-missing-vars The --ignore-missing-vars parameter specifies how missing variable errors in data templates are handled. This parameter has no affect unless the 'use-data-templates' parameter is 'true'. If 'true', then variable expressions that contain references to missing variables will not cause a parsing error. Instead, an empty string will be used or the value of a missing variable. If 'false', then variable expressions that contain references to missing variables will cause a parsing error. --ignore-missing-vars parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax boolean Default: FALSE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Page 212 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --ignore-missing-vars=true 3.39 --indent The --indent parameter specifies the number of spaces that will be used to add to the indentation level, each time a child node is printed during program operation. --indent parameter Syntax uint32 (0 .. 9) Default: 2 Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --indent=4 3.40 --log The --log parameter specifies a file name to be used for logging program messages, instead of STDOUT. It can be used with the optional parameters below to control how the log file is written. (See also -–log-syslog which directs message output to a syslog daemon, and the –-log-console parameter which duplicates log output via STDOUT. --log parameter Syntax string: log file specification Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log=~/server.log& 3.41 --log-append The --log-append parameter specifies that the existing log file (if any) should be appended , instead of deleted. It is ignored unless the --log parameter is present. Version 14.08-2 Page 213 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --log-append parameter Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log-append \ --log=~/server.log& 3.42 --log-backtrace The --log-backtrace parameter specifies that stack frame trace information be appended to selected log messages. By default, this information will be included in all enabled output streams (STDOUT, STDERR, log file, and/or syslog). Such output may be further restricted by inclusion of any of the log-backtrace-xxx commands below. --log-backtrace parameter Syntax Max frame count: 0..200 Default: 0 means use internal default (20) Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log-backtrace=0 3.43 --log-backtrace-detail The --log-backtrace-detail adds compiler/OS dependent information to the output of –-log-backtrace. --log-backtrace-detail parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log-backtrace=0 \ --log-backtrace-detail Page 214 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.44 --log-backtrace-level The --log-backtrace-level parameter specifies that stack frame trace information be appended only to selected log message levels (see --log-level). --log-backtrace-level parameter Syntax Enumeration: error warn info debug debug2 debug3 debug4 One of more enumeration(s) may be specified by enclosing the string in double quotes ('”') and separating each member with a space. Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: netconfd-pro –log-backtrace=0 \ --log-backtrace-level=”error debug” 3.45 --log-backtrace-stream The --log-backtrace-stream parameter specifies that stack frame trace information will be limited to output streams specified by the argument list. Possible arguments include logfile, stdout, stderr, syslog, and vendor. --log-backtrace-stream parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax Enumeration: logfile stdout stderr syslog vendor One or more enumeration(s) may be specified by enclosing the string in double quotes ('”') and separating each member with a space. Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Page 215 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Example: netconfd-pro --log-syslog \ --log=server.log \ --log-backtrace=0 \ --log-backtrace-stream=”logfile” 3.46 --log-console The –log-console parameter directs that log output will be be sent to STDOUT, after being sent to the log file and/or local syslog daemon. (This assumes that —log and/or –-log-syslog are present). --log-console parameter Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: netconfd-pro –log=file --log-syslog \ --log-console & 3.47 --log-header The --log-header parameter specifies that additional information (level/date/time) will be included in the log stream output. Possible arguments to this command include custom (add date/time/level info) and localtime (express date/time in local terms). --log-header parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax Enumeration: custom localtime One or more enumeration(s) may be specified by enclosing the string in double quotes ('”') and separating each member with a space. Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log-append \ --log=~/server.log \ --log-header=”custom localtime”& Page 216 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.48 --log-level The --log-level parameter controls the verbosity level of messages printed to the log file or STDOUT, if no log file is specified. The log levels are incremental, meaning that each higher level includes everything from the previous level, plus additional messages. There are 7 settings that can be used: • none: All logging is suppressed. Use with extreme caution! • error: Error messages are printed, indicating problems that require attention. • warn: Warning messages are printed, indicating problems that may require attention. • info: Informational messages are printed, that indicate program status changes. • debug: Debugging messages are printed that indicate program activity. • debug2: Protocol debugging and trace messages are enabled. • debug3: Very verbose debugging messages are enabled. This has an impact on resources and performance, and should be used with caution. --log-level parameter Syntax enumeration: off error warn info debug debug2 debug3 debug4 Default: --info (--debug for DEBUG builds) Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log-level=debug \ --log=~/server.log& 3.49 --log-mirroring The --log-mirroring parameter is a synonym for —log-console. 3.50 --log-stderr Version 14.08-2 Page 217 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The --log-stderr parameter directs that error level log output be directed to STDERR rather than STDOUT. (Note however that if –-log is present, all error level messages will be directed to the specified log file … –-log-stderr has no effect in this case.) --log-stderr parameter Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log-stderr > logFile& ! All log messages redirected to logFile except ... ! Error level messages displayed on console 3.51 --log-suppress-ctrl The --log-suppress-ctrl parameter causes certain control parameters to br stripped from log messages. --log-suppress-ctrl parameter Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log-suppress-ctrl 3.52 --log-syslog The --log-syslog parameter directs log output to be sent to the local syslog daemon, rather than to STDOUT. See the –log-console parameter for information on how log output may also be duplicated via STDOUT. --log-syslog parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Page 218 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: netconfd-pro --log-syslog 3.53 --log-syslog-level The --log-syslog-level parameter acts as a filter for the message level sent to the syslog or vendor output stream. The filter level is set by default to “info” if not specified. The log levels are incremental, meaning that each higher level includes everything from the previous level, plus additional messages. There are 7 settings that can be used: • none: All logging is suppressed. Use with extreme caution! • error: Error messages are printed, indicating problems that require attention. • warn: Warning messages are printed, indicating problems that may require attention. • info: Informational messages are printed, that indicate program status changes. • debug: Debugging messages are printed that indicate program activity. • debug2: Protocol debugging and trace messages are enabled. • debug3: Very verbose debugging messages are enabled. This has an impact on resources and performance, and should be used with caution. --log-syslog-level parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax enumeration: off error warn info debug debug2 debug3 debug4 Default: --info (--debug for DEBUG builds) Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: Netconfd-pro –log=logfile \ > --log-level=debug \ > --log-syslog \ > --log-syslog-level=info & Page 219 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual 3.54 --match-names The --match-names parameter specifies how names are matched when performing UrlPath searches. The following values are supported:: • exact The name must exactly match the node name for all characters in both name strings. • exact-nocase The name must match the node name for all characters in both name strings. Strings are not case-sensitive. • one The name must exactly match the first N characters of just one node name, which must be the only partial name match found. • one-nocase The name must exactly match the first N characters of just one node name, which must be the only partial name match found. Strings are not case-sensitive. • first The name must exactly match the first N characters of any node name. The first one found will be used. • first-nocase The name must exactly match the first N characters of any node name. The first one found will be used. Strings are not case-sensitive. --match-names parameter Syntax enum: exact exact-nocase one one-nocase first first-nocase Default: one-nocase Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --match-names=exact 3.55 --message-indent Version 14.08-2 Page 220 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The --message-indent parameter specifies the number of spaces that will be used to add to the indentation level, each time a child node is printed during protocol messages such as NETCONF requests. This does not affect the indentation for logging messages, which is controlled by the --indent parameter. The value -1 requests that no newlines or indentation will be used in protocol messages.. --message-indent parameter Syntax int32 (-1 .. 9) Default: -1 Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --message-indent=2 3.56 --modpath The --modpath parameter specifies the YANG module search path to use while searching for YANG files. It consists of a colon (':') separated list of path specifications, commonly found in Unix, such as the $PATH environment variable. This parameter overrides the $YUMAPRO_MODPATH environment variable, if it is present. --modpath parameter Syntax string: list of directory specifications Default: $YUMAPRO_MODPATH environment variable Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --modpath=”~/testmodules:~/modules:~/ trunk/netconf/modules” 3.57 --module The --module parameter is a leaf-list of modules that should be loaded automatically when the program starts. The program will attempt to load each module in the order the parameters were entered. For the netconfd-pro program, If any modules have fatal errors then the program will terminate. For the yangdump-pro program, each module will be processed as requested. Version 14.08-2 Page 221 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --module parameter Syntax module name or filespec Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: unlimited Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --module=test1 \ --module=test2 3.58 --ncport The --ncport parameter specifies the TCP port number that should be used for NETCONF sessions. This parameter specifies the TCP port number to use when a NETCONF session is created during the startup of the program. The parameter can only be entered once. --ncport parameter Syntax uint32 Default: 830 Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --server=myserver --ncport=22 \ --user=fred --password=mypassword 3.59 --no-config The --no-config parameter specifies that the default configuration file (/etc/yumapro/yangcli_pro.conf) should not be loaded, even if it is present. --no-config parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Page 222 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --no-config 3.60 --password The --password parameter specifies the password string that should be used when a NETCONF session is connected during the startup of the program. --password parameter Syntax string Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --server=myserver \ --password=yangrocks \ --user=andy 3.61 --private-key The --private-key parameter specifies the file path specification for the file containing the client-side private key. If both 'public-key' and 'private-key' files are present, the client will attempt to connect to the server using these keys. If this fails, or not done, then password authentication will be attempted. --private-key parameter Syntax string Default: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro –private-key=~/.ssh/mykey 3.62 --prompt-type The --prompt-type parameter specifies the verbosity of the prompt stroing. The values allowed are 'brief', 'normal' and 'full'. Version 14.08-2 Page 223 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --prompt-type parameter Syntax enum: brief normal full Default: normal Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro –-prompt-type=full 3.63 --protocols The --protocols parameter specifies which protocol versions the program or session will attempt to use. Empty set is not allowed. --protocols parameter Syntax bits Default: “netconf1.0 netconf1.1” Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro –protocols=netconf1.0 3.64 --public-key The --public-key parameter specifies the file path specification for the file containing the client-side public key. If both 'public-key' and 'private-key' files are present, the client will attempt to connect to the server using these keys. If this fails, or not done, then password authentication will be attempted. --public-key parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax string Default: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro –public- Page 224 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual key=~/.ssh/mykey.pub 3.65 --runpath The --runpath parameter specifies the directory search path to use while searching for script files. It consists of a colon (':') separated list of path specifications, commonly found in Unix, such as the $PATH environment variable. This parameter overrides the $YUMAPRO_RUNPATH environment variable, if it is present. --runpath parameter Syntax string: list of directory specifications Default: $YUMAPRO_RUNPATH environment variable Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --runpath=”~/testscripts” 3.66 --run-command The --run-command parameter specifies a command will be invoked upon startup. In the yangcli-pro program, if the auto-connect parameters are provided, then a session will be established before running the command. --run-command parameter Syntax string Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --run-command="history load=~/test3-history" 3.67 --run-script Version 14.08-2 Page 225 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The --run-script parameter specifies a script will be invoked upon startup. In the yangcli-pro program, if the auto-connect parameters are provided, then a session will be established before running the script. --run-script parameter Syntax string (file specification) Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --run-script="test3-start" 3.68 --save-session-vars The --save-session-vars parameter specifies if session variables will be saved when the program exits. If usesession-vars is 'false' then this variable is ignored. If 'true', then session variables will be saved when the program exits, but only if user variables are being saved. If 'false', then session variables will not be saved when the program exits. --save-session-vars parameter Syntax boolean Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --save-session-vars=false 3.69 --server The --server parameter specifies the IP address or DNS name of the NETCONF server that should be connected to automatically, when the program starts. --server parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax string:IP address or DNS name Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Page 226 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --server=myserver 3.70 --subdirs The --subdirs parameter controls whether sub-directories should be searched or not, if they are found during a module search. If false, the file search paths for modules, scripts, and data files will not include sub-directories if they exist in the specified path. --subdirs parameter Syntax boolean Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --subdirs=false 3.71 --test-suite-file The --test-suite-file parameter contains the file specification of the default test suite configuration file to use. --test-suite-file parameter Syntax string:filespec Default: $HOME/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_tests.conf Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ –test-suite-file=~/mytests.conf 3.72 --time-rpcs The --time-rpcs parameter is used to measure the round-trip time of each <rpc> request and <rpc-reply> at the session level. Echo the elapsed time value to screen if in interactive mode, as well as the log if the log is a file instead of stdout. The $$time-rpcs system variable is derived from this parameter."; Version 14.08-2 Page 227 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --time-rpcs parameter Syntax boolean Default: FALSE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --time-rpcs=true 3.73 --time-rpcs-stats The --time-rpcs-stats parameter is used to control whether the timed rpc statistics should be saved if the time-rpcs parameter is set to 'true'. If 'true', then timing statistics will be saved. --time-rpcs-stats parameter Syntax boolean Default: FALSE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --time-rpcs-stats=true 3.74 --time-rpc-stats-file The --time-rpc-stats-file parameter contains the file specification of the default rpc timing data file to use. --time-rpcs-stats-file parameter Syntax string:filespec Default: $HOME/yangcli_pro_rpc_stats.txt Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ –time-rpc-stats-file=~/mystats.txt 3.75 --timeout Version 14.08-2 Page 228 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual The --timeout parameter specifies the number of seconds that should pass before giving up on a response during a NETCONF session. The value zero means wait forever (no timeout). --timeout parameter Syntax uint32 (0 for no timeout; otherwise number of seconds to wait) Default: 30 seconds Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --timeout=0 3.76 --transport The --transport parameter specifies the NETCONF transport protocol to use. This parameter is also supported in the 'connect' command. There are 3 values supported: 1. ssh: standard NETCONF SSH transport (RFC 4742 or RFC 6242) 2. tcp: tail-f NETCONF over TCP transport Note that netconfd-pro does not support this transport protocol! 3. tcp-ncx: YumaWorks NETCONF over TCP transport Note that netconfd-pro does support this transport protocol, if the netconfd-pro --socket-type CLI parameter is set to 'tcp'. I --transport parameter Syntax Enum (ssh, tcp, or tpc-ncx) Default: ssh Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --transport=tcp-ncx 3.77 --use-data-templates The --use-data-templates parameter specifies if variable expressions are enabled for data in XML, JSON or .conf instance documents. If 'true', then text matching the pattern for variable expressions in these instance documents will be processed as variable expressions. Version 14.08-2 Page 229 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual If 'false', then text matching the pattern for variable expressions in these instance documents will be treated as plain strings. --use-data-templates parameter Syntax boolean Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --use-data-templates=false 3.78 --use-rawxml The --use-rawxml parameter specifies how file result variables will be read for XML files. Controls whether the XML will be parsed against the target YANG object (the default) or injected into a variable or request message from the raw XML text in the file. --use-rawxml parameter Syntax boolean Default: FALSE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --use-rawxml=true 3.79 --use-session-vars The --use-session-vars parameter specifies how global variables will be handled when set from the context of a named session. If 'true', then an assignment (e.g., $$foo = 'bar') will only affect the session-specific instance of the variable, and only be visible within the scope of the named session. If 'false', then assignment statements for global variables will affect the global instance of the variable, and be visible to all sessions. If the current session is the default session, and not a named session, then the value of this variable is ignored, and all global variable assignments will affect the global instance of the variable, and be visible to all sessions. --use-session-vars parameter Syntax Version 14.08-2 boolean Page 230 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --use-session-vars=false 3.80 --use-xmlheader The --use-xmlheader parameter specifies how file result variables will be written for XML files. Controls whether the XML preamble header will be written or not. --use-xmlheader parameter Syntax boolean Default: TRUE Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --use-xmlheader=false 3.81 --user The --user parameter specifies the user name string on the NETCONF server that should be used when establishing a NETCONF session. --user parameter Syntax string:user name Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro --user=admin \ --server=myserver 3.82 --uservars-file The --uservars-file parameter contains the file specification of the user global variables XML file to use. Version 14.08-2 Page 231 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual --uservars-file parameter Syntax string:filespec Default: $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_uservars.xml Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: yangcli-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ -–uservars-file=~/myvars.xml 3.83 --version The --version parameter causes the program version string to be printed, and then the program will exit instead of running as normal. All YumaPro version strings use the same format: DEBUG: <major>.<minor>.<svn-build-version> or NON-DEBUG: <major>.<minor>-<release> An example version number that may be printed: yangcli-pro 14.08-2 This parameter can be combined with the --help parameter. --version parameter Syntax empty Default: none Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --version 3.84 --warn-idlen The --warn-idlen parameter controls whether identifier length warnings will be generated. The value zero disables all identifier length checking. If non-zero, then a warning will be generated if an identifier is defined which has a length is greater than this amount. --warn-idlen parameter Version 14.08-2 Page 232 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Syntax uint32: 0 to disable, or 8 .. 1023 Default: 64 Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --warn-idlen=50 3.85 --warn-linelen The --warn-linelen parameter controls whether line length warnings will be generated. The value zero disables all line length checking. If non-zero, then a warning will be generated if a YANG file line is entered which has a length is greater than this amount. Tab characters are counted as 8 spaces. --warn-linelen parameter Syntax uint32: 0 to disable, or 40 .. 4095 Default: 72 Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --warn-linelen=79 3.86 --warn-off The --warn-off parameter suppresses a specific warning number. The error and warning numbers, and the default messages, can be viewed with the yangdump-pro program by using the --show-errors configuration parameter. The specific warning message will be disabled for all modules. No message will be printed and the warning will not count towards the total for that module. --warn-off parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax uint32: 400 .. 899 Default: none Page 233 YumaPro yangcli-pro Manual Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 499 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro --warn-off=435 # revision order not descending 3.87 --yumapro-home The --yumapro-home parameter specifies the project directory root to use when searching for files. If present, this directory location will override the '$YUMAPRO_HOME environment variable, if it is set. If this parameter is set to a zero-length string, then the $YUMAPRO_HOME environment variable will be ignored. The following directories are searched when either the $YUMAPRO_HOME environment variable or this parameter is set: • $YUMAPRO_HOME/modules ◦ • $YUMAPRO_HOME/data ◦ • This sub-tree is searched for YANG files. This directory is searched for data files. $YUMAPRO_HOME/scripts ◦ This directory is searched for yangcli-pro script files. yuma-home parameter Version 14.08-2 Syntax string: directory specification Default: $YUMAPRO_HOME environment variable Min Allowed: 0 Max Allowed: 1 Supported by: netconfd-pro yangcli-pro yangdiff-pro yangdump-pro Example: yangcli-pro \ --yumapro-home=~/sw/netconf \ --log=~/test.log& Page 234
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