S e c o n d g r... 6 Knightbeat December 2012

December 2012
Second grade letters to Santa
Mrs. Kessell’s class
Dear Santa,
How are you? Are you busye
making toys? Do have any
chalk boards? I would like a
chalk board for Christmas and
a small orange car. I like you.
Erron Snapp
Dear Santa,
I love the toys you give me.
How do you go all around in
one night? Do you really love
cookie? I love chocolet chip
cookies! I also like cheese
do you? Christmas is a cool
season! Ann and Catherine
like whinter the most. How
do you make battery toys? Do
you really know who is good
and who is bad because I love
the song! Do you elves work
all 24 hours? Has any boys or
girls ben bad?
Your friend,
Ferris Cutkomp
Dear Santa,
How are your elves? I don’t
want anything for Christmas
this year, but in ten years I
would like an Iphone 5, Ipad,
and college tuition. Hope you
have a Merry Christmas!
Your friend,
Terrah Wallarab
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I will
leave you some cookies and
milk maybe cheese! Yum
yum! I would like a mini bike
plus a Brat doll please. I wonder why some people don’t
believe in you. I believe in
you. Christmas is my favorite Holiday! I cant wiat until
Malerie West
Dear Santa Claus,
How are your reindeers doing? Have you ever had chocolate milk? How do you play
with you reindeer? All I want
for Christmas is clothes.
Your friend,
Sydney Early
Dear Santa Claus,
Merry Christmas!! Where do
you have room for all of your
reindeer? Where do you keep
your food? For Christmas I
would like Krispy Kream donuts, please? For Christmas I
would like a football, please?
For my family can we have a
gameboy, please? In school I
learned two things. I learned
to do good printing and do
good math.
Love, Your Good boy,
Jacob Schulenberg.
Dear Santa Claus,
Merry Christmas! Why do
you wear a red suit? And why
do you say, “Ho Ho Ho?” Can
I have a charm and a Bratt
doll that I do not have. For my
friend Caleb I want to get him
a servant that is 4 feet and 2
inches, and for my teacher’s
grandchildren Raymond and
Kimberly, Can you get Raymond two tractors. Can you
get Kimberly two dolls for
Christmas, Can you get my
teacher a Velveteen Rabbit
book and the Fright Before
Christmas book, Can you get
my friend Jordan a cheerleater
charm. Can you get my friend
Tami a brat doll. You can get
a girl brat doll.
Sophia Maciolek
Dear Santa Clause,
Merry Christmas! How is
Rudolph? How are the Reindeer? What I want for Christmas is a piglet and a Barbie
ATM, please. I would Like a
present for my Mom and like a
gold braclelet and for my Dad
a little tractor. I would like
a present for Mrs. French’s
twins grandchildren. This is
what I Like in school Math
and Reading. Hope you will
have a nice Christmas.
Dear Santa Claus,
Seasons Greetings! How
can you go all over the earth
in just one night? How can
your reindeer fly? I want a dirt
bike. Please and a Game Cube.
I want Jordan to get a golden
ring, Please! I want Laura to
have a brat doll she does not
have and I want my Mom to
have a 3 carrot diamond necklace. Please! At school I like
the best is math.
Your friend,
Caleb DeHamer
P.S. Thank you again.
Dear Santa Claus,
Merry Chistmass! How
many elves do you have? How
many toys do you make every
year? I want a box of cool
things, please. And a book
called The Little Drummer
Boy, please, For Mrs. French
I want to give her some new
books. I learned how to write
good. I can read better.
Madison Gritton
Dear Santa Claus,
Merry Christmas What is
it like in the North Pele? Is
Rudoph pulling that sleigh?
I want a Lego Harry Potter train. I want a Harry Potter Potion maker. I want the
twins to have Krispy Cream
donuts. I like art and the resource room.
Dalton Kay
Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas, is Rudolph
going to guide your sled? Is it
hard to make toys? I want a
Nentendo game cube please
and Super Mario game. I want
to give Austin a pet snake and
for Mrs. French’s grand children Krispy Kreme donuts.
Your friend,
Bryar Crosiar
Dear santa Claus,
Mrry Christmas. Does Rudolph’s nose get tired? Are
the other reindeer jealous? I
want little tractors. And Nintendo games. For Neil some
hunting clothes. I like gym. I
like my friends.
Scott Lidtke
Dear Santa Claus,
Merry Christmas How is
Rudolph? How are you Santa?
Grand theft auto in the Wise
City and a picture of Rudolph
is what I would Like. I want
Aarron my best friend to have
a Bionic. I want my best friend
Tami to have a talking Pooh.
Second grade is Awesome.
Math is Fun and my Friends
are nice and great.
Austin Norton
Dear Santa Claus,
Why do you wear a red suit?
For Christmas I would like
the Barbie Grand Hotel or the
Barbie travel train, My Mom
would like a funnel cake maker. I like math and art.
Melinda Buckrop
Mrs. Clark’s class
Dear Santa:
I have tried to be very good
this year. Would you bring me
a Polly Pocket? I also would
like some new clothes to wear
and some good books (like
Scooby-Doo). How do your
reindeer fly? Do you always
remember their names? What
do they do for fun? I wish you
and Mrs. Claus a very, Merry
your friend,
Morgan Gainey
Dear Santa:
I hope you are sick from the
cold weather. Does Rudolph
really have a red nose? By the
way this is what I want for
Christmas: a real dirt bike that
goes fast! I also want Kindom Heart for Playstation 2,
Jimmy Neutron the Game, a
King Nutcracker, Octoblast
Race Car Track, and the Harry
Potter Magic Set. One more
thing- “Could you take a picture of Rudolph with a camera
for me? Have a “HO,HO,HO,”
Your friend,
Aaron Wikle
YOU dressed in you holiday
suit. I will leave you and your
elves some cookies and milk
when you stop at my house on
Christmas Eve. M-e-r-r-y Ch-r-i-s-t-m-a-s
Alicia Marie Sierer
Dear Santa Claus:
How much do you weigh?
How old is your oldest elf
and oldest reindeer? Does Rudolph still have a red nose?
How many elves help you are
the North Pole? How many
toys do you usually make in
a year? This is my Wish List:
The Harry Potter Castle Lego
Set, The Harry Potter Chamber
of Secrets Lego Set, Dumbledore’s Office Lego Set, Harry
Potter Escapes from Privet
Drive Lego Set, Harry Potter
Chamber of Secrets Computer
Game, a Skateboard, the DVD
of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I hope you have
a Happy Holiday Season!
Your friend,
Adam D. Killion
Dear Santa Claus:
How do your reindeer fly up
in the sky? What is the order
in which they fly? This is my
Wish List: a Gameboy Advance Game, a Power Ranger,
a Playstation 2, a Nintendo 64,
a X box, a stuffed animal Rabbit, a Helmet, a Roadrash, and
a Soccer ball. I will leave you
some cookies and milk. Have
a great Christmas, Santa!!
Your friend,
Kody Grant
Dear Santa,
I will give you cookies, milk
and cheese when you stop at
my house on Christmas Eve.
What I would like for Christmas is a Brat Doll, a Barbie
Doll, Make-Up, Chapstick,
and a Football. How is Mrs.
Claus? Do the Elves have Big
Ears? Where do you get your
red suit you wear all the time?
How many suits do you have?
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year to you and your
Mckenzie Ranson
Dear Santa:
This is my Christmas list: a
Computer, a blow-up Shark
that can float in the water, a
Box with directions that tell
you how to do magic tricks, a
Remote Control Car that can
go in the water and on land
and does a “wheely” on its
side, a calendar, and an alarm
clock. Did the reindeer actually laugh at Rudolph when
his nose was red? Does Rudolph really lead the way on
you sleigh Christmas Eve. I
am going to leave you a nick
snack-a doughnut and a glass
Your friend,
Andrew Bainter
Hi, Santa!!
I was wondering why some
people don’t believe in you
because I DO!!! I would like
in have some music CD’s,
a scooter with awesome
wheels, and a photograph of
Dear Santa:
How is Rudolph? How old
are you? Do you enjoy living and working at the North
Pole? What is the temperature
up there? Do you like to play
in the snow fall on Christmas?
I would like a football and
America Monopoly, I also
would like a big toy Tank and
Army Toys.
Your friend,
Jonathan Schroeder
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Santa
Is Rudolph the Red-Nosed
Reindeer real? How many
miles do you travel on Christmas Eve? How many cookies do you eat and how much
milk do you drink during your
deliveries? How heavy is your
sleigh when you first start out
with all the gifts? Can I please
have a jeep that I can ride in
and a clubhouse with stairs.
How do you squeeze through
the chimneys of the houses
you visit? Have a Happy New
Your friend,
Taylor Rae Stock
Dear Mr. Santa:
I would like a Jet Screen for
Christmas. I would like a Play
station 2 and Tony Hawk Pro
Skater. You are a good guy,
Santa. How many reindeer do
you have besides the ones that
pull your sleigh? I will see
you at Christmas in the Park
on Saturday December 14,
2002 at Central Park.
Matt McVietty