Competition Manual Stage 2 Bid Doccument ___________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Deposit ............................................................................................................. 3 3.0 Deadline ........................................................................................................... 3 Application Form Information about the proposed Competition Venue ............................................. 4 Dates ..................................................................................................................... 5 Transport ............................................................................................................... 5 Catering ................................................................................................................. 6 Budget ................................................................................................................... 6 Other Supporting Information ................................................................................ 7 Appendix 1: BISFed Stage 2 Main Budget Headings ................................................ 8 REVENUE ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 EXPENDITURE ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 ___________________________________________________________________________ Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 105 St Peter’s Street, St Albans’ Hertfordshire, AL1 3EJ, United Kingdom Page 2 of 8 ___________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Introduction Following receipt of Stage 1 bids to organise and manage the [Year] [Region] [Event] (“the Event”), BISFed now invites [PREFERRED BIDDER NAME] (“the Preferred Bidder”) to complete the ‘Stage 2’ information requested in this document. This information will form the basis for discussion, negotiation and agreement of a contract between BISFed and the Preferred Bidder to host the Event. The Event will be an important competition that will attract World Ranking points for competitors. Please refer to the BISFed Competition System document for details of the format for the event and the BISFed Organisers Handbook for all other information Please complete this application form by answering all the questions and attaching the supporting documents requested. The completed form should be returned by email no later than the deadline to: [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] 2.0 Deposit The Preferred Bidder must pay a NON-‐REFUNDABLE Stage 2 Bid Fee of £1,500 by electronic funds transfer to BISFed’s Bank as follows: Bank: Sort Code: Account No: IBAN: SWIFT/BIC: NatWest 60-‐14-‐55 61178780 GB20NWBK60145561178780 NWBKGB2L The information provided in Stage 2 will form the basis for a contract between BISFed and the Preferred Bidder to organise and run the Event. 3.0 Deadline The deadline for submitting the Stage 2 Bid Document is [DATE]. BISFed stands ready to work with the Preferred Bidder to answer questions and to help ensure a successful basis for concluding a contract. BISFed would like to sign a contract with the successful Bidder no later than [DATE] ___________________________________________________________________________ Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 105 St Peter’s Street, St Albans’ Hertfordshire, AL1 3EJ, United Kingdom Page 3 of 8 ___________________________________________________________________________ Application Form Information about Host Organising Committee (HOC) Name of HOC leader This person must have the authority to negotiate and agree a contract with BISFed Title of HOC Leader Email Address Telephone Number Please list any other key individuals Name Role email Information about the proposed Competition Venue Additional Information to that provided in ‘Stage 1’ Climate control system Does the building have air conditioning? Playing surface Please confirm the specification of the surface which will be used. What additional facilities are available in the venue Exhibition space for suppliers; on-‐site café; rest areas etc ___________________________________________________________________________ Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 105 St Peter’s Street, St Albans’ Hertfordshire, AL1 3EJ, United Kingdom Page 4 of 8 ___________________________________________________________________________ Dates From: To: Opening Ceremony Arrival Registration Classification Training/Practise Competition Closing Ceremony Transport How will athletes be transported from the airport to the accommodation? How will athletes be transported from the accommodation to the Competition Venue? Please describe any public transport facilities e.g. for access into the downtown area Please explain any special regulations for entry into your country Explain how the HOC will assist participants with the requirements Will the Officials have separate transport to the athletes? ___________________________________________________________________________ Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 105 St Peter’s Street, St Albans’ Hertfordshire, AL1 3EJ, United Kingdom Page 5 of 8 ___________________________________________________________________________ Catering Please provide an indication of the meal plan e.g. menus, where the meals will be served etc Budget The Preferred bidder has proposed an entry fee of [£xxx] per participant? This should be inclusive of all transport from and to the airport, hotel and Event venue; accommodation; three meals per day; and all competition related costs; all from the date of arrival to the morning of the departure date. Please attach a detailed budget indicating the major items of income and expenditure, using the budget headings shown in Appendix 1 of this document ___________________________________________________________________________ Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 105 St Peter’s Street, St Albans’ Hertfordshire, AL1 3EJ, United Kingdom Page 6 of 8 ___________________________________________________________________________ Other Supporting Information BISFed requires the following documents and assurances in support of your bid: • • • • • • • • A letter from the Competition Venue Owners indicating that the Event venue is available during the proposed dates of the Event. A letter from the Accommodation Owners/Hotel stating that they will have sufficient capacity for the Event. To the extent that your budget relies on income from sponsors or other supporters, please submit letters of support from the relevant organisations. The HOC will be responsible for economy class air travel for all Event officials (Technical Delegate, Referees, and Classifiers from their local airport to the HOC’s chosen point of entry for the Event and for the accommodation of the Event Officials. Event Officials must be paid a per diem allowance of £25 per working day. The HOC will be responsible for economy class air travel for the BISFed President (or his representative to attend the event and for up to 6 nights hotel accommodation. The President (or his representative) will attend the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. The HOC will be responsible for organising an inspection visit by a nominated BISFed representative during the Bidding Period and for all associated economy class travel and accommodation costs. The bid will not be sanctioned unless a satisfactory Inspection Visit has occurred. The HOC must state that it will be solely responsible for the financial success of the Event (and for any loss should it occur.) In the event that there is a financial surplus (but not in the event of a loss) such surplus will be shared equally between the HOC and BISFed. The draft Contract between the HOC and BISFed will be made available on request. The Preferred Bidder is asked to note the detailed provisions contained in the Contract and to include them in the proposed budget for the Event. If you wish to submit any other information to support your bid, please do so in whatever form is most appropriate. ___________________________________________________________________________ Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 105 St Peter’s Street, St Albans’ Hertfordshire, AL1 3EJ, United Kingdom Page 7 of 8 ___________________________________________________________________________ Appendix 1: BISFed Stage 2 Main Budget Headings Please use sub-‐headings to expand these main headings, as appropriate Revenue R1. Entry Fees R2. Sponsorship & Advertising R3. Merchandising & Licensing R4. Broadcasting and Other Media R5. Public & Partner Funding R6. Other Income Expenditure E1. HOC Costs E2. Event Bid Costs E3. Event Management Costs E4. International Federation Hosting Fees E5. IT & Telecommunications E6. Venue Hire E7. Doping Control E8. Security E9. Medical E10. Games Management System E11. Media & TV E12. Ticketing E13. Marketing, advertising & PR E14. Accommodation (including catering) E15. Transportation E16. Protocol & Ceremonies E17. Sports Presentation (Commentary, PA system etc.) E18. Hospitality E19. Sponsor Servicing E20. Sports Development Programmes E21. Finance, Legal & Insurance E22. Contingency ___________________________________________________________________________ Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 105 St Peter’s Street, St Albans’ Hertfordshire, AL1 3EJ, United Kingdom Page 8 of 8
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