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Terms and Conditions
Match Duration & Match Conditions
Welfare & Education
Bench Locations & Club Operations
Doctors, Ground Managers
Match Review
Registration of Players
Movement, Kicking Tees
Game Data Sheets
Match Results
Team Lists, Rugby League News
Admission Charges
Season Entry Passes Graphic
Grounds, Venue & Facilities
Match Recording Platform Specifications
Outfits & Sponsors
Sponsors Specifications on Playing Gear
Postponed Games & PA Systems
Emergency Procedures
Match Day Times
Match Footage Order Form
Match Footage
Travel & Accommodation
Player Portability
Bleeding Players, Stitching, Contaminated Clothing
Serious Injuries
Trainers Roles & Responsibilities
Accreditation, Apparel
Registration of Coaches & Trainers
Club Official Registration & Accreditation Form
VB NSW Cup Final Series Qualifications
Ron Massey & Sydney Shield Final Series Qualifications
SG Ball & Harold Matthews Final Series Qualifications
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Drawn Matches & Method of Determining Final Series
VB NSW Cup - Open Age unrestricted
Ron Massey Cup / Open Age, restricted by Player Points Index System (PPIS)
Sydney Shield - Open Age, restricted by Player Points Index System (PPIS)restricted by Player Points Index
System (PPIS)
SG Ball - 18 Years and Under
Harold Matthews - 16 Years and Under
* Open Age – Players must have turned sixteen (16) years of age as at December 31, in the calendar year
before the commencement of the relevant NSWRL competition.
* SG Ball – Players must have turned fifteen (15) years of age as at December 31, in the calendar year before
the commencement of the competition.
* Harold Matthews – Players must have turned fourteen (14) years of age as at December 31, in the calendar
year before the commencement of the competition.
, 2012.
Clubs wishing to participate in any of the five (5) NSWRL competitions as listed above must have written
approval from their district club, if applicable.
If written approval is denied for any reason by the district club, then the club who is denied approval may lodge
an appeal to the Board of the NSWRL within twenty one (21) days.
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The authority to grant permission to a club to enter a team in a NSWRL competition lies with the Board of
the NSWRL.
Any club seeking admission to an NSWRL competition shall prepare a business plan for their participation
in the competition which shall include (but not be limited to) the following matters:-
the governance structure of the club
the financial resources of the club
the playing resources of the club
the ground infrastructure of the club
3. In the event that the Board permits a club to participate in a competition, the club shall be required to enter
into a participation agreement which shall set out the terms and conditions of the clubs participation in the
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VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield – 2 x 40 minute halves
SG Ball – 2 x 35 minute halves
Harold Matthews – 2 x 30 minute halves
There must be time off in all grades for; injuries and referee cautions as signalled. Maximum half-time break
of ten (10) minutes or as the NSWRL requires. .
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
At any match during the season, should the Club Doctors agree, the prevailing weather conditions
necessitate some relief from normal playing conditions, the following concessions may apply for that
particular match: a) Referees will call a one ( 1)-minute ‘time-out’ approximately twenty (20) minutes into each half to
allow players to take a fluid break. Players will remain on the field and may only be tended to by the
three trainers listed on the game data sheet. No coaching staff will be permitted on the field. After
the break, play will resume in the normal manner (i.e. play the ball, scrum, penalty, etc.)
b) TrainersTrainer’s’ guidelines will be relaxed so that all three (3) trainers can carry water throughout
the match.
c) Half-time break may be extended to fifteen (15) minutes.
d) Interchange procedures will be extended to provide for three (3) players from each team to
interchange at the same time (instead of only two (2)).
Harold Matthews & SG Ball Cup
At any match during the season, should the Club Doctors agree, the prevailing weather conditions
necessitate some relief from the normal playing conditions, the following concession may apply for that
particular match:
a) All matches played in the month of February and March2 depending on heat conditions on the match
after consultation with team Doctors and managers, will have a compulsory drink breaks as described
clause (A) and if weather conditions are extreme in the following matches.
b) Referees will call one (1)-minutes “time-out” approximately halfway into each half to allow players to
take a
fluid break. Players will remain on the field and may only be tended to by the three trainers
listed. No Coaching Staff will be permitted on the field.
Trainer’s guidelines will be relaxed so that all three (3) trainers can carry water.
Half time break may be extended
e) If in the event of severe heat conditions, in the opinion of a Cclub Ddoctor or NSWRL Academy official
the game may be postponed or delayed to a time or date decided by both teams and NSWRL official.
Competition match balls bearing the NSWRL logo will be supplied to all clubs by the NSWRL. These balls are
for use in competition matches only. It is the home Cclub’s responsibility to provide the match balls on game
Competition Logos
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Competitions with Naming Rights Sponsorship must use footballs with the NSWRL Logo in conjunction with
the Competition Logo bearing the Naming Rights Sponsor (if required under the Sponsorship Agreement).
Anti-Doping Education Policy
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield / SG Ball / Harold Matthews
ASADA provide two (2) types of Educational Programs which are available to all NSWRL Clubs, for their
players and officials. NSWRL will provide;
• Face to Face Presentations - A representative is provided to the club to give a ‘face to face’ power point
presentation to the Players and Coaching Staff.
All NSWRL registered players must receive anti-doping education each season, prior to taking the field to
compete in a NSWRL administered competition.
Anti-doping education will only be accepted via the following two avenues;
NRL Anti-Doping Education Lecture
Absentee Anti-Doping Education Document
For more information, please refer to the Anti-Doping Education Policy, under ‘documents’ on the NSWRL
website – www.nswrl.com.au
All registered players will be subject to the ARL/NRL/NSWRL Anti-Doping Policy and Procedures and will
submit to all testing by ASADA as required. Clubs must ensure that all players are familiar with the Policy
and Procedures and should ensure that a copy of the document is made available to each player.
Each club is to appoint an “Anti-Doping Officer” who is to be available at all times to assist in the coordination of all testing in conjunction with ASADA officials. The name of each club’s nominated “Anti-Doping
Officer” is to be provided to the NSWRL prior to the commencement of the season for record purposes and
also advice to ASADA.
Each home club must have a clearly marked designated area for the bench.
Where team benches are located within the playing area (i.e. inside the fence) the following provisions must
be adhered to:
Under no circumstances will “barracking” or “abuse” from the bench bebe permitted. This not only refers
to abuse, but also what might be described as offering advice or assistance to the match officials in
relation to their performance or how they should be carrying out their duties.
Personnel on the bench may comprise only those people directly related to the conduct of the match
itself (i.e. Coaches, Reserves, Trainers, Team Manager, Doctors etc). There can be no more than twelve
(12) persons on the bench from each team.
Under no circumstances, is a suspended Player permitted on the sideline or bench area.
A player who is temporarily suspended (i.e. Sin Binned) must immediately retire from the playing field to
the dressing room, or an area designated by the Ground Manager, until his period of temporary
suspension has expired.
The Ground Manager may request any person on the bench to leave the bench area and may name that
person in his/her Match Report. Breaches in this area may not only incur a financial penalty on the club
concerned, but may also result in a suspension of playing area access privileges for individual offenders.
Such suspension may not only be for the remainder of that match, but also for a number of future
matches to be determined by the NSWRL.
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Players and officials on the bench must at all times remain at the bench allocated to their team (except
for player warm-ups). Whilst officials are not expected to sit during the entire match, they must not
leave this immediate area or approach the field of play under any circumstances.
When a game is in progress it is important that playing time is kept correctly by the official timekeeper/s.
Time clocks should be visible to officials, players. This should also include spectators where possible.
When a referee starts play he will blow his whistle and indicate with one arm above his head and order
the ball to be kicked off.
If, for any reason, (for example a bad injury), the referee orders time off by indicating with both arms
above his head, vertical to his body, timekeepers will immediately stop their watches and time clocks.
When play is to recommence, the referee will indicate by waving one arm with clenched fist over his
head. Timekeepers will recommence stopwatches immediately. This procedure is to be carried out
throughout the game.
NOTE If a NSWRL nominee notices that the referee forgets to order time on or time off, then he/she is to bring the
matter to the notice of timekeepers immediately and at an appropriate time to the referee’s notice.
At completion of each half, the referee will indicate a cessation (after the hooter is blown) by blowing his
whistle and waving both his arms across his body.
It is important that timekeepers have at least two stopwatches each when keeping time. On occasions, time
clocks break down and it is essential that timekeepers have the matter under control by the manual use of
their stopwatches.
Time Clocks
Time clocks should be of an approved type showing second hand if analogue or indicating same if digital.
Wherever possible a back-up system should be in place. If a clock is not provided at the ground, then a
portable clock is to be provided by the home team.
Time Keepers
The visiting club may:
Nominate a member of their party to act as a timekeeper OR
Accept the home Club’s official timekeeper(s).
Sin Bin Operators
Visiting Clubs must nominate their personnel for timing of "temporary suspensions" and make themselves
known to the home club nominee and Ground Manager prior to the start of all games. If a visiting club does
not nominate anyone for this purpose they must accept the timing of the home team sin bin operator.
Operators must be provided with time pieces displaying minutes and seconds by their Clubs.
Temporarily Suspended players
A player who is temporarily suspended (i.e. Sin Binned) must immediately retire from the playing field to the
dressing room, or an area designated by the Ground Manager, until his period of temporary suspension has
Time of suspension begins only when the referee restarts play or indicates time on. If more than one player
is temporarily suspended in relation to the same incident, the ten (10) minute periods commence at the
same time and the players will return to the field together.
Players must enter the field of play from an onside position.
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The lapsed playing time for the purposes of temporary suspension does not include time off and half time;
the ten minutes is the actual time that the ball is in play.
Ball Persons
Ball Persons must be at least ten years of age and be attired in a uniform which does not clash with their own
team or opposition colours.
Each club is to supply two Ball Persons for each match of the competition.
Long Distance Travellingtravelling teams – Home teams are to must assist the travelling team and supply
Ball Persons.
Ball persons should be confirmed with the opposition team in the days prior to the match
An interchange is the replacement of one player in a team for another during the match. Only thirteen (13)
players from each team may be on the field of play at any one time. A limited interchange system is used in
all NSWRL Competitions.
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield / SG Ball / Harold Matthews
Each team must list four (4) players as Interchange players on the official team list. Each team may use
up to a maximum of ten (10) interchanges during the match.
In matches that extend into extra time, an additional two (2) interchanges will be permitted for each
team. Any unused interchanges during ordinary time may also be utilised during extra time.
A replaced player must have left the field of play prior to the interchange player taking his place on the
field. If a team elects to interchange a bleeding player who leaves the field, this interchange will be
included for the purposes of calculating the number of interchanges.
If a player is fouled by an opponent and that opponent is dismissed from the field, sin binned, or placed
on report, and the fouled player is injured as a direct result of the tackle causing him to leave the field
immediately, this interchange will not be included for the purposes of calculating the number of
interchanges. However, if the fouled player subsequently returns to the field later in the match this
interchange will not be included for the purposes of calculating the number of interchanges. Also, the
subsequent interchange of the team of the fouled player will not be included for the purposes of
calculating the number of interchanges pursuant to the current maximum of ten (10) interchanges
during the match.
Interchange may only occur during general play (i.e. while the ball is in motion), after any scoring has been
completed, or if play has been temporarily suspended by the Referee (e.g. injury or caution).
Maximum of two (2) interchange players may take place at any one time.
A replaced player MUST CROSS THE TOUCHLINE or DEAD BALL LINE prior to his replacement taking the
The Interchange Officials have no communication with the Referee; they should position themselves near
the team bench for whom they have the responsibility, and they should
be diligent in their duties
throughout the match.
NSWRL to provide interchange cards and book to each club.
Interchange must not be made after the referee has ordered a scrum until the scrum has been completed.
Unless it is to replace a bleeding player and the referee has;
(i) signalled a stoppage in the play
(ii) the trainers have first advised the referee that an interchange is to take place
(iii) the scrum is a result of a touchline stoppage.
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k) The phrase “causing him to leave the field immediately”, means without having taken any further part
in the game after the incident before he leaves the field. If play continues while the player is still out of
play being treated, this does not negate access to a free interchange.
The following procedure will apply in all cases where the player is bleeding or his person, clothing or
equipment has been contaminated by blood;
i) If the referee notices a bleeding or blood contaminated player he will immediately stop play and
call time out and signal to the team trainer to attend to the player.
ii) If the trainer advises that the player can be treated on field, the referee will instruct the player to
drop out behind play for that purpose, and the match will immediately recommence.
iii) If the trainer advises the referee that he will have to treat the player off the field, the match will
not restart until the player has left the field. The player may be interchanged or alternatively the
team can elect to temporarily play on with twelve (12) players.
iv) If the referee stops play twice for the same player and the same wound, the player must be
taken from the field for treatment and either interchanged or the team may elect to play on with
twelve (12) players until the bleeding player returns.
Harold Matthews & SG Ball Cup
Where Districts have a division between players competing in Country Championships and District
Representative Competitions, a player must represent in one only of the aforementioned competitions.
VB NSW Cup /
All clubs must provide a Doctor for each competition match, including the final series.
All matches containing the New Zealand Warriors will require only the home team to provide a single Doctor
for both teams to utilize on match day.
Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
It is the obligation of the home team to supply a doctor for both teams’ at all home games. However, clubs
should be aware that the provision of the home team doctor is to ensure appropriate level of medical
attention is available in the case of all incidences. Should however your club wish to provide a more
personalised service to your players, they will need to provide their own club Doctor.
For all finals matches, both teams are required to supply a Doctor.
SG Ball / Harold Matthews
All clubs must use their best endeavours to supply a Doctor for every match, for both home and away, during
the season. However, as a minimum standard, it is the responsibility of the home team to supply a Doctor for
both the home and away teams to share during every scheduled match during the season.
For all finals matches, both teams are required to supply a Doctor.
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
Each match is required to have a designated Ground Manager to officiate at each fixture. The names of the
nominated Ground Manager(s) must be submitted to the NSWRL prior to the commencement of any new
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season and the nominated individual may be requested to attend a NSWRL Ground Managers Information
meeting before commencing such duties.
The NSWRL may appoint and remunerate designated Ground Managers at its discretion.
Should the Ground Manager find it necessary to submit a report of non-compliance with any NSWRL Rules,
he should verbally notify the relevant club CEO or Football Manager of the detail of the alleged breach and
that the matter will be included in his report to the NSWRL. Such notification should be given as soon as
possible, but at least before leaving the venue.
Harold Matthews & SG Ball Cup
The NSWRL Centre of Excellence will appoint an official to be the Ground Manager at all venues.
The following is the procedure for all match day incidence;
a) All Match Officials must submit incidences reports to the NSWRL (via email) by no later than 9:30am on
the Monday following the match. However, matches played mid-week, incidence reports must be lodged (by
email) by no later than 9:30am on the following day.
b) Clubs must submit all incidences to the NSWRL in writing no later than 12:00pm noon on the first
business day following the match, if they wish the incidence to be reviewed.
c) All charges by the Match Review Committee will be issued in writing to the Club of the offending player by
no later than 5pm on the first business day following the match.
d) Players have until 12:00pm noon on the second business day following the match to lodge their election
to the relevant charge.
For further information please refer to the New South Wales Rugby League Judiciary Code of Procedure
incorporating Match Review under ‘documents’ on the NSWRL Website – www.nswrl.com.au
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
All Players must have a signed and registered contract prior to taking the field in any open age NSWRL
administered competition.
Contracts must be lodged prior to 5:00pm on last business day prior to the match. If unable to lodge a
contract by that time, a registration must be completed before the player participates in the match and sent
to the NSWRL. The contract MUST then be lodged by no later than 5:00pm on the first business day following
the match, otherwise the player will not be able to participate in competition until such time as the contract
has been lodge.
The NRL contract and registration is applicable also to competitions conducted by the NSWRL ARL or any
other Rrugby Lleague body other than the NRL i.e. the NSWRL. All other players competing in the VB NSW
Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield must be contracted on a NSWRL Playing Contract.
A player cannot participate in either the VB NSW Cup, Ron Massey Cup or Sydney Shield competitions until a
clearance has been approved via the clearance system.
All clearances will only be approved before 5:00pm on the Friday prior to the match.
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Harold Matthews & SG Ball Cup
A player must register with the District Club or Association for whom he represents. An 'On Line Master
Registration Sheet' and National ARL ID Data Base is completed by the Club's Junior Representative
Secretary and verified/signed by the Club's Chief Executive Officer or his nominee. A copy of each team's
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Master Registration Sheet must be provided to the NSWRL fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement
of the District Representative Season.
Birth Certificates / Drivers License and/or Passports and or other approved documents must be sighted by
the Club's Chief Executive or
delegate in order to verify District Junior Representative players' correct
dates of birth.
Master Registration Lists may be updated at any time during the season; however, the NSWRL N.S.W.R.L
must be
advised in writing of any additions within seven (7) days of a new player taking part in any
Master Registration Lists must be in the hands of the NSWRL Convenor by no later than 10:00 am on the
Friday One week prior to the first cCompetition match. If this is not adhered to, a penalty may be imposed.
Each registered player in District Junior Representative Competitions must sign the NSWRL Player
Registration Form and pass on to the Convenor prior to the first competition match in which he
participates. This form also doubles as the NSWRL Random Drug Testing Permission Form.
A “Master Registration Sheet / ARLNational ID Data Base Online Registration” of twenty-five (25) players is
to be completed listing all players in
SG Ball & Harold Matthews Cup, their dates of birth and whether
the player is on contract or not. The master registration sheet must be signed by the club’s Chief Executive
(or his delegate) verifying the correct dates of
birth. Master registration sheets may be updated at any
time during the season however; the NSWRL must
receive such notification, contract and/or
registration prior to a new player taking part in any match.
It is the Club’s responsibility to ensure that every player is registered and for that purpose he must:
Have a clearance if required.
Be registered on the ARL / NSWRL National ID Data Base online rRegistration form.
Be a registered player within the District Junior League Association.
Each team to have a maximum of twenty-five (25) registered players with players able to be
registered or de-registered depending on injuries.
Seventeen (17) player’s maximum per week on team sheet.
Suspended players cannot be deregistered from this list.
It is accepted that there will be the occasion where every effort has been made to secure a clearance by the due
date but it has not been made available. In such cases, NSWRL should be contacted regarding the procedure to
be adopted.
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
Players may move to a higher grade and may move back to their own grade. However, Final Series
qualifications will apply.
Should a player be selected to play in a higher grade game as one of the starting thirteen (13) and a lower
grade plays subsequent to this match, then that player is not eligible to compete in the lower grade on that
same weekend. However, the four interchange players may go back on the same weekend to play in
whichever grade they are eligible.
All players who participate are to be listed on the official match day Ggame Data Ssheet, along with the
additional match data.
Kicking Tees are permitted and have to be approved by the League before they can be used: i.e. Clubs cannot
use cut down road markers or field markers. “Kicking tees may be used provided they are a product which has
been officially licensed by the NRL / NSWRL. Such tees may be used for kicks at goal and starts or restarts of
play from the 50m line”. The Board endorsed the use of approved kicking tees in all NSWRL competitions.
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Note: If a kicking tee is used, after the kick has been taken a trainer must remove it from the field
Game Data Sheets
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
Game Data Sheet must be emailed to NSWRL via [email protected] no later than 10:00am each
Monday following the weekend matches. This will automatically send an email to Rugby League News.
Please Note: This includes public holidays as official match results need to be confirmed and passed onto
media outlets such as Newspapers and Magazines for printing purposes.
SG Ball / Harold Matthews
Game Data Sheet must be emailed to NSWRL via [email protected] no later than 10:00am each
Monday following the weekend matches. This will automatically send an email to Rugby League News and
the NSWRL Centre of Excellence.
Best & Fairest nominations are to be recorded on the bottom of the sheet.
The best & fairest award for SG Ball & Harold Matthews will operate under the following guidelines:
The winning team will nominate a player – he will receive two (2) points
The losing team will nominate a player – he will receive one (1) point
Each team must nominate a player after the game and it must be included on the game data sheet,
e-mail to the [email protected] on the Monday following the game.
The best & fairest award shall only operate for the premiership rounds.
In the event of a draw - two (2) points to be allocated to players from both teams.
Halftime and Fulltime Scores
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield / SG Ball / Harold Matthews
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The Ground Manager has the sole responsibility of accumulating and reporting the scores to NSWRL media
contacts on game day.
The Ground Manager will text message the half time score and the full time match result (no later than 30
minutes after the completion of the match) to either; Brad Preston (0419 463 277) or Jamie Anderson
(0417478820) or Adam Kidd (0424 612 856) EVERY weekend.
The scores should be sent by the Ground Manager in the following format: For the half time result, a simple
text such as: HT -– Balmain Newtown 14 Western Suburbs North Sydney12. For the final match result it is
imperative that NSWRL receives the full scorecard – this should read: Balmain Ryde Eastwood Tigers
Newtown 24 (J Lewis 4, E Vunakece tries; J Lewis 2 goals) (J Carney 2, P Tagive 2 tries; D Mortimer 4 goals
def. North SydneyWestern Suburbs 12 (J Coveney 3 tries). (M Hyland, K Vale tries; J Hawkins 2 goals)
Harold Matthews & SG Ball
Match results are to be phoned through to AAP (02 9322-8000) by the Home Team, ask for Sports Copy by
5:00pm on the day of the fixtures. Results must also be phoned through to the Convenor between 4:30pm and
Telephone: Wayne Portlock: 0413 805 539 or Martin Meredith : 0413 656 769 Lauren Coltman: 0402 576
Program Team Lists
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield / SG Ball / Harold Matthews
All team lists for the upcoming round need to be e-mailed to NSWRL via [email protected] by no later
than 4:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the match being played. This will automatically send an email to Terry
Liberopoulos. Team list booklets will be provided to each club for use on match day by the NSWRL.
Any changes which are to be made to the player jersey numbers listed in the Official NSWRL programme are
to be notified to the competition co-ordinator General Manager, NSWRL (or his nominee) prior to match day.
Clubs are responsible for ensuring that all players take the field with the jersey number recorded on the
team list sheet and as recorded in the Official NSWRL programme.
Under extreme extenuating circumstances only may a player compete in an alternative jersey number to that
which he was nominated in the Official NSWRL programme. If this occurs, the Ground Manager must notify
the following;
Both team officials
Ground Announcer
Media Outlets – i.e. Radio, Television etc
An explanation for the change must be recorded on the Official Team List.
Match Day Team Lists
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield / SG Ball / Harold Matthews
It is a requirement of all NSWRL competitions that the nomination of the four replacements must be done
no later than sixty (60) minutes prior to the commencement of the match. Team Lists recording the starting
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thirteen (13) plus listing all four (4) reserves must be handed to following parties, sixty (60) minutes prior to
the advertised starting time;
Ground Manager
Competing Club Representatives
Notice Board
Ground Announcer
Media Outlets in attendance
Clubs are responsible for ensuring all players take the field with the jersey number recorded in the team list
form and reflected in the Big League / Rugby League News programme.
Team List Booklets will be provided to each club by the NSWRL for use on match day.
Rugby League News
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Rugby League News is the official match day programme for all NSWRL competitions. The amount of
programmes each match is allocated will be at the discretion of the NSWRL prior to the commencement of each
If the allocated programmes do not arrive at the designated destination, set by each club, the magazine coordinator, Terry Liberopoulos and the Competition Manager must be notified no later than Friday 12:00pm prior
to the match.
Terry Liberopoulos
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Mobile: 0417 414 204
Email: [email protected]
Field Code Changed
Admission charges to be set at the clubs discretion, as per the below guidelines:
Children U16:
To a maximum of $10.00
To a maximum of $5.00
To a maximum of $5.00
Where a District Club / Association choose to play a Competition match(s) with the NRL National Premiership,
admission charges would be at the discretion of the Club.
Final Series Matches:
Admission charges will be set at the discretion of the NSW Rugby LeagueNSWRL.
A. 20
Admission to all NSWRL competitions will only be permitted on the following season entry passes.
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2014 competition season entry passes will be sent to individual clubs.
All of these passes are applicable for all NSWRL competitions.
All competition matches must be played on an approved ground. All grounds must have Ambulance access
in the case of an emergency.
Drug Testing / Medical Room
Each Club must have a Drug Testing/Medical Room at their home ground. This room must be a sanitary, clean
and tidy area where doctors can treat players for injuries and ASADA can carry out drug testing procedures. This
area must contain a regular clean bin with plastic lining; for used gauze pads, tissues, band aids and any other
materials which contain bodily fluid. Also Iit must also contain a sharps bin; used for needles, blades, suturing
utensils and any other material that could be of danger to others. This area must have an accessible clean sink
with running hot and cold water and soap or hand wash readily available.
Venue Facilities
The following must be in operation at each venue at all matches:
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A Clock displaying time remaining in the match visible to players and spectators
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A Scoreboard visible to players and spectators
A Ground Announcer with an appropriate Public Announcement equipment
Appropriate size Dressing Rooms
Sanitary toilets and showers with running hot water
Sanitary Medical Room / Drug Testing Room
If at any time the above stated cannot be provided, the competition co-ordinator must be notified immediately.
Match Recording Platform Specifications:
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Ground Signage
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For each VB NSW Cup match all Clubs are required to have the following ‘Victoria Bitter’ match signage, as
outlined below, or as required by NSWRL;
Four (4) VB NSW Cup Corner Post covers
Four (4) VB NSW Cup Goal Post Pad covers
Six (6) VB NSW Cup Bolsters –one (1) in each goal area and four (4) on a single sideline
Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
Each competing team must make available to the NSWRL the following playing area signage locations;
Four (4) Corner Post covers
Four (4) Goal Post Pad covers
Eight (8) Sideline and in-goal Bolsters –eight (8) foam advertising bolsters
It is the responsibility of participating Clubs / Associations to outfit their teams. Clubs may seek different
sponsors to their NRL National Premiership team sponsors, if so desired, however the NRL Guidelines relating to
the sizes of patched etc are to be used.
New South Wales Rugby League approval for sponsors must be sought.
PLEASE NOTE: No Alcohol or Gambling sponsorship is permitted for teams U/18 years old.
Sponsor requirements
The VB NSW Cup Clubs must strictly adhere to the following sponsorship responsibilities;
The competition must be referred to as the ‘VB NEW SOUTH WALES CUP’ or abbreviated to ‘VB NSW CUP’ in
all publications and promotional material distributed by Clubs
All Clubs are required to refer to the competition as the ‘VB NEW SOUTH WALES CUP’ or ‘VB NSW CUP’
All third party sponsors are required to use the integrated ‘VB NEW SOUTH WALES CUP LOGO’
All Players to have the ‘VB NEW SOUTH WALES CUP LOGO’ on all playing jerseys
All VB NSW Cup Club internet websites are to display the ‘VB NEW SOUTH WALES CUP LOGO’ prominently
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NSWRL matches can only be postponed once approved by the NSWRL Competition Management (unless an
Emergency Procedure occurs – see A.24). The match time, venue and date will be rescheduled at the discretion
of the NSWRL.
In the event of any fixtures being postponed due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, such
games should be played at the first opportunity.
If inclement weather forces postponements or venue changes this information will be relayed over the
NSWRL Website – www.nswrl.com.au
NSWRL Twitter - @NSWRL
ABC Radio2SSS (Canb
2GB Radio and
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No venue should be changed without prior consultation with the Competition Convenor
If a change to the original scheduled venue is required, then the 'Home' Club may nominate another
alternative venue within the District. Should this venue not be deemed appropriate or suitable by the
NSWRL, the 'Away' Club may be given the option to host matches in their District provided this is approved
by the NSWRL. In the case that neither Club can provide a suitable venue, the NSWRL has the right to
reschedule the match to an alternate venue.
A public address system must be provided at all venues.
Any noise that is under Club control must cease when the game is in progress. This includes
cheerleader actions, bands, music, etc.
The PA Announcer must not make comments regarding the game, the player or the official. Any breach
of the above may lead to disciplinary action by the NSWRL.
Emergency circumstance can be considered to be:
A natural disaster (e.g. earthquake, flood, fire etc)
A situation where player’s safety is at risk (e.g. lightning etc), and;
An injured player cannot be moved when spinal injuries are suspected
If any such occurrence arises, the procedure shall be as follows:
The League, in conjunction with the referee and Club Management will make any decision on the
postponing or cancelling of any scheduled game;
If a game is to be delayed due to severe weather conditions, a decision will be made on the length of
delay in consultation with the League representative or his/hers appointee at the ground.
Wherever possible, a game which cannot be played /completed on the same day must be played or
completed within twenty-four (24) hours. If original venue is unplayable, then an alternative venue
must be selected.
Where a game is in progress and is stopped due to an emergency, the following steps must be taken:
a) As the emergency is a ‘time out’, then a direction will be given by the referee on field position,
possession and the number of the tackle, at the time of cessation of play;
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If the game re-commences within a reasonable time, play will continue as with any ‘time out’ – with the
same field position, possession and the next tackle count.
If the game cannot be continued, then the circumstances will be reported to the League Official or
nominee at the ground.
Referees and Touch Judges are appointed by the NSWRL Referees Coaching Development Unit. Each
season2, two (2) 'official trials' will be controlled by the NSWRL Referees Coaching Development Unit in
addition to all competition matches.
Please contact the following for more information:
Tony Danks
Mobile: 0402 917 717
Email - [email protected]
[email protected]
Cathy Crowe
Phone: (02) 8116 9850
E mail - [email protected]
[email protected]
Field Code Changed
Field Code Changed
All Matches will be scheduled at the following days and times (unless approved by the NSWRL);
Saturday –3:00pm or 6:00pm
Sunday - 3:00pm
Double Headers – at a designated time by the NSWRL
Live Television Matches - at a designated time by the NSWRL
Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
All Matches will be scheduled at the following days and times (unless approved by the NSWRL);
If matches are played prior to VB NSW Cup;
Saturday – Times to be advised by NSWRL
Sunday – Times to be advised by NSWRL
If matches are not played before VB NSW Cup;
Saturday – Times to be advised by NSWRL
Sunday – Times to be advised by NSWRL
Harold Matthews & SG Ball
The preferred starting times shall apply or at Clubs discretion with approval from the League:
Harold Matthew Cup SG Ball Cup
12.00pm noon
Note: It is essential that the NSWRL is notified if the regular times are amended. Failure to comply may result in
the Home Club being penalised or fined. It is requested that late / early starts for the month of February and
March due to the possibility of heat. Game times are to be determined by the home venue club and the NSWRL
Centre of Excellence in consultation with the travelling team.
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The NSWRL has an arrangement whereby all matches are recorded for match review purposes. Clubs must
provide a suitable position for the camera operator at their home venues.
Please refer to the specifications provide in section A. 21 GROUNDS
DJT Media Enterprises PTY LTD
David Tapp: 0402 928 700 Ph: (02) 9633 9889
Match footage is available to both Clubs and Referees post game. It is the Club and Referees responsibility
to collect their match footage following the match on game day. Additional copies of the games can be
obtained by ordering through the NSWRL. If you wish to do so, please contact the below:
David Norman
Email - [email protected]
Phone – (02) 9359 8640
Scott Carr
Email - [email protected]
Phone – (02) 9359 8639
Travel arrangements will be confirmed by the NSWRL Logistics Department.
Air Travel
All NSWRL flights that the NSWRL are paying for must be arranged and booked through the NSWRL
Logistics Department.
In relation to team aAir tTravel the NSWRL will arrange all departure and return dates and times (unless
there has been a special request, which will be considered)
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All team nName lLists for flights must be provided to the Logistics Department (Bob Saunders
[email protected] and Greg Nichols [email protected] ) by no later than 10:00am on the
Wednesday prior to the weekend of travel.
All team nName lLists must be full names (no nick names nick names) and in relation to all overseas flights,
names must be as per passenger’s passport. Overseas team lLists must include passengerspassenger’s
pPassport nNumbers.
All tTeams traveling to and from Melbourne and Brisbane or other regional areas in New South Wales (other
than when given special dispensation by the NSWRL) will depart and return on the same day.
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey / Sydney Shield
Teams permitted to travel to destinations outside New South Wales are to submit a list of twenty-four (24)
passengers to the NSWRL. All clubs traveling to New South Wales are to submit a list of twenty-four (24)
passengers to the NSWRL. NSWRL will cover the cost of twenty four (24) passengers only.
Note: Any additional passengers over and above the set travel numbers in the above competition categories
will be paid for by the appropriate Club. Also note that for medical emergencies the Competition Manager is
to be notified of any changes that are required.
Harold Matthews and SG Ball
The NSWRL will allow all Clubs in the Harold Matthews and SGB Ball competitions to travel with a total of
twenty-four (24) passengers. The NSWRL at its discretion will determine which travel will be paid for by the
NSWRL and which travel will be paid for by the traveling Club.
Note: Any additional passengers over and above the set travel numbers in the above competition categories
will be paid for by the appropriate Club. Also note that for medical emergencies the Competition Manager is
to be notified of any changes that are required.
Road Travel
All Road Travel will be at the discretion of the NSWRL and must be booked through the NSWRL Logistics
Department, if the NSWRL is covering the associated costs.
All Teams requiring Road Transport from airports, hotels, match venues and other pick up venues will be
required to email all details for the intended journey to Bob Saunders [email protected] and Greg
Nichols [email protected] allowing a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to the travel.
These Travel details include;
Departure Date/s
Pick up Venue
Pick up Time
Return Venue
Team Manager Contact Name and Mobile
The NSWRL will cover the airfare costs for a travel party of 23 (any additional at clubs expenA.30
All Accommodation must be booked and approved through the NSWRL Logistics Department, if the NSWRL
is paying. Accommodation will be required when;
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Teams that are travelling to New Zealand to play the New Zealand Warriors will be permitted to travel with
twenty-four (24) passengers. The accommodation includes dinner, bed and breakfast for one (1) night. (If
there are any further requirements, they need to be approved by the NSWRL)
When the New Zealand Warriors travel to Sydney for matches, tthe NSWRL will be responsible for the
payment for accommodation which includes; bed and breakfast for one (1) night. Any further requirements
will need approval from the Competition Manager.
SG Ball / Harold Matthews
Any teams that require overnight accommodation, due to extended travel, may apply to the NSWRL.
Prior to the commencement of the season for NSWRL Competitions Clubs wishing to have a feeder
arrangement must apply to the Board of the NSWRL outlining their feeder Club arrangements, for approval.
The New South Wales Rugby League and the Country Rugby League of NSW have produced a policy
document to enable players within the State to have portability right throughout a playing season in senior
The document was reviewed by the NSWRL Board and endorsed in November 2008.
The full understanding and co-operation of all Leagues is very important to the success of player portability.
Right across New South Wales, the following senior competitions are now available to provide club’s players
with portability and a designated pathway right throughout a season:District Clubs participating in NRL and the NYC
Clubs participating in the NSWRL open age competitions (VB NSW Cup, Ron Massey Cup and Sydney
Country Rugby League Groups and Divisions
NSWRL District Junior Leagues
Portability is not designed to weaken / strengthen clubs to the detriment of any competition.
Generic Rules
Approval must be obtained from a player’s registered / contracted club to endorse movement.
The VB NSW Cup and the NYC have “equal status”
Players moving up and down through portability must abide by the NSWRL’s portability and permit rules
and failure to adhere to the rules will leave both the Club and the player open to action from the Board
of the NSWRL.Players must be initially cleared to the nominated club and back to his registered /
contracted club on return. The player will then be afforded full portability between those clubs without
further clearance being required.
Player movement is monitored by email notification from the most senior club at eacPlayer portability
will continue beyond 30 June for players moving between higher and lower competitions.
Players utilising portability to a CRL club will abide by the CRL General Competition and Challenge
Trophy Rules for semi-finals, finals, grand finals and play-offs unless amended. NSWRL Rugby League
competition finals qualification rules will apply to all NSWRL competitions.
Insurance to be paid by the player’s Senior Club (NRL / NSWRL)
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Specific Examples of Portability
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All Clubs participating in the VB NSW Cup that are not aligned to an NRL Club directly or through
portability will be given district Club status whilst participating in the VB NSW Cup Competition.
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The unrestricted movement of players to and from the NRL competition.
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Movement of players to and from NYC for players under twenty (20) years of age as at 1st January in the
year of registered contract.
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For the movement of players to and from VB NSW Cup, Ron Massey Cup and Country Rugby League
Group Competitions, a NRL club’s top 25 contracted players for salary cap purposes at the
commencement of a season can only come down as far as VB NSW Cup and NYC in that season.
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Portability destination will be determined by NRL Club in consultation with NSWRL and/or CRL, prior to
the player’s participation in a competition.
A player can only be afforded portability between original nominated teams during any one season
which have been approved by the Board of the NSWRL.
Special circumstances may apply if a player is required to be placed in local District Competitions for a
specific reason. Such application must be made to the NSWRL CEO.
Determination of portability pathway by NRL club in consultation with VB NSW Cup, Ron Massey Cup,
Sydney Shield, CRL and Junior League.
Player can only be afforded portability between original determined teams in any one season.
National Youth Competition (NYC)
Portability allowed between VB NSW Cup
Portability allowed to Ron Massey Cup and Sydney Shield, but restricted by PPIS
Ron Massey Cup
The Ron Massey Cup is quite unique in the fact that not only is it governed by a points system and
salary cap, it is played across boundaries of Country Rugby League and NSWRL’s metropolitan areas
and stands alone from NSWRL District Club Competitions. Ron Massey Cup players can move freely to
and from the NYC, VB NSW Cup competitions, District Junior Leagues and CRL competitions to his predetermined nominated club.
Sydney Shield
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Sydney Shield is a level four (4) NSWRL competition and is administered for the NSWRL by the Ron
Massey and Sydney Shield Management Committee.
This competition invites teams from within the Sydney area to participate in a competition above the
District Club / Junior League Club. It is also governed by a points system and salary cap.
District Clubs
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Player portability back and forth to NSWRL district clubs, their Junior Leagues and CRL must be
acknowledged by all Leagues affiliated with District Clubs and the Country Rugby League.
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The Senior District club must endorse their affiliates as being representative of their District via the
participant club (i.e. Penrith and Windsor).
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The District Club must endorse the competitions as a development pathway within their boundaries.
The Generic Rules of portability as detailed above must apply.
The adoption of these Portability Rules by the NSWRL Board has provided the opportunity for all players
to have an unrestricted Rugby League pathway right across all areas of the State.
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In the event of any alleged non-compliance with any of the competition guidelines or an alleged breach of
the NSWRL Rules and Regulations, the NSWRL may, after appropriate investigation, impose penalties to the
individual and/or club relative to the gravity of the non-compliance or breach. The NSWRL CEO will have
complete and total discretion in all circumstances.
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The following procedure will apply in all cases where a player is bleeding onor his person, person, clothing or
equipment has been contaminated by blood:
If the referee notices a bleeding or blood contaminated player he will immediately stop play and call
‘time-out’ and signal to the team trainer to attend to the player.
The team trainer will immediately enter the field of play to assess whether the player can be quickly
treated on the field or whether he will require treatment off the field.
If the trainer advises that the player can be treated on the field, the referee will instruct the player to
drop out behind play for that purpose and the match will immediately recommence.
If the trainer advises the referee that he will have to treat the player off the field, the match will not
restart until the player has left the field. The player may be interchanged, or alternatively the team can
elect to temporarily play on with twelve (12) players. (Note: other than for the initial assessment, the
match will not be held up while the bleeding player receives treatment or is interchanged).
If the referee stops play twice for the same player and the same wound, the player must be taken from
the field for treatment and either interchanged or the team may elect to play on with twelve (12)
players until the bleeding player returns.
The referee will hold the game up to replace a bleeding player, but a trainer must first advise the
referee that an interchange is going to take place.
If a bleeding player has left the field for treatment and is not interchanged, he may return to the field of
play at any time provided he does so from an on-side position. If the bleeding player has been
interchanged, he may only return to the field through the interchange official as a normal interchange
A bleeding player returning to the field of play, who has not been interchanged, is not to be regarded as
a replacement/interchange player and therefore may take a kick for goal. Conversely, a bleeding player
returning to the field of play who has been interchanged may not take a kick for goal at that time.
Any player who is bleeding and requires treatment by way of either stitches, stapling or otherwise, must be
taken to the team dressing room or shared medical facility so this procedure can be conducted out of the
view of the general public. After the treatment the wound must be bandaged or covered to protect the injury
and to eliminate the risk of further bleeding and to prevent the potential risk of transmission of blood-borne
infectious diseases.
In any case where a player’s person, clothing or equipment has been contaminated by blood, whether
through a wound to himself or through contact with a wounded player, the referee shall direct the team
trainer to enter the field of play to attend to that player by taking immediate steps to ensure that the player
is free of any blood contamination before that player shall be permitted by the referee to rejoin play. Until
those steps have been taken, the player shall, at the minimum, dropout behind the play. Contaminated
clothing and/ or equipment should be treated with a solution of detergent and bleach.
Only players, match officials and registered trainers are permitted on the field of play while a match is in
progress. Should an injury necessitate a doctor coming onto the field, the Head Trainer who carries out the
Page 24 of 35
initial assessment is to attract the attention of the nearest Touch Judge who can electronically communicate
with the Referee to advise him that the injury is serious. The referee must stop play before a doctor or any
other medical assistance can enter the field of play. Under no circumstances is a trainer to chase the referee
to advise him of an injury whilst play is still underway. Any trainer who attempts to unnecessarily stop play
for tactical reasons will not only be liable to penalty under the provisions of the NSWRL Rules, but may also
be ordered from the playing area for the remainder of the match
Management of Concussion
The on-field and sideline assessment of concussion and the return-to-play decisions are of critical
importance in the welfare of players to the Clubs and the NSWRL.
The NSWRL has recently implemented a policy where all matches under its control have to now have a
Doctor in attendance for each team. And there is a need for a clear policy to be followed by all Team
Coaches, Managers and Trainers in regard to their role in the management of the concussion process.
The following is now the policy of the NSWRL for all matches under its control (VB NSW Cup, Ron Massey
Cup, Sydney Shield, SG Ball and Harold Matthews).
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a disturbance in brain function caused by a direct or indirect force to the head.
An incorrect common assumption is that an athlete must be knocked out to sustain a concussion.
Concussion may be caused by either a direct blow to the head, face and neck or elsewhere on the body with
an impulsive force that is transmitted to the head. Any change in mental status or function associated with
head injury qualifies as a concussion. Unconsciousness is clearly an indicator of a severe concussion. Loss of
memory following head trauma is also a sign of a severe concussion.
Recognition of a Concussion;
Symptoms of concussion may include confusion, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred or double
vision, vacant stare, ringing in the ears, poor coordination, loss of balance, sensitivity to light and noise
flashing lights, emotional instability (anger, crying and anxiety), feeling sluggish, slurred speech and loss of
Concussion and Return-To-Play Decisions;
Recent research on athletes of all ages has shown that even when they say they are normal after showing
signs of an initial concussion, brain functions and reflexes may not return to normal for many weeks in some
Any player with a suspected concussion should immediately be removed from the field of play and should
not be permitted to return to play the same day. Medical evaluation should be promptly sought and the
player should not be left alone but observed for possible delayed problems e.g. vomiting, dizziness,
worsening headaches, double vision or excessive drowsiness.
Return to play after a concussion should only take place after a thorough evaluation process. This should
confirm that the player is free of all signs and symptoms of a concussion and has an unqualified written
clearance by a suitably qualified medical professional. Dependant on the extent and severity of the
concussion, it is most unlikely that any player suffering a concussion would be able to participate in a further
competition match for the remainder of that week. Generally a young athlete whose symptoms clear within
the first 24 hours after injury will take approximately 1 (one) week to complete the full rehabilitation protocol
once they exhibit no symptoms at rest or exercise.
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All Players who are deemed to have been concussed at a match under the control of the NSWRL will
automatically be suspended from playing in a match for a period of ten (10) days from the date of the match
in which he was deemed to have been concussed.
If between the day of first being deemed concussed and the ten (10) day period the club Doctor examines
the said player and has cleared the said player to play the club then must obtain a written clearance from
the Doctor for said player and the club must send that written clearance to the NSWRL competition Manager
for approval before the player can play in that ten (10) day period.
On-field Assessment – Sports Trainers
Identifying a concussion as early as possible is paramount and Trainers should be competent in this very
important aspect of their duties. The assessment by the Trainer should include the use of Maddocks Score
modified questions.
Maddocks Score:
“I am going to ask you a few questions please listen carefully and give me your best answer;
- What ground are we at today?
- Which half is it now?
- Who scored last in this game?
- What team did you play yesterday?
- Did your team win the last game?
Incorrect response indicates that the player should be removed from the field.
In addition, the player should be immediately removed from the field of play if any of the following signs are
present after a direct or indirect blow to the head:
Loss of consciousness (LOC)
Player lying motionless on the ground or slow to get up
Player exhibits balance or motor coordination problems (player stumbles, has slow/laboured
movements or unsteady gate)
Player is disoriented or confused (inability to respond appropriately to questions; not aware of
plays or scores)
Player exhibits a loss of memory
Player has dazed, blank or vacant look on face
Player has visible facial injury in combination with any of the other signs.
Sideline (dressing room) assessment by Doctor.
Post-concussion monitoring
Recovery time is variable across individuals and the player will require careful ongoing monitoring by a
responsible adult.
Any change in behaviour, vomiting, dizziness, worsening headaches, irritableness, double vision, weak or
numb arms or legs, unsteady on their feet, slurred speech or excessive drowsiness, the doctor or the nearest
hospital emergency department should be contacted immediately.
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1. Physical rest – while strict bed rest is not necessary, restrictions on physical activity in the first few
days are recommended.
2. No alcohol
3. No prescription or non-prescription drugs without medical supervision and specifically – no sleeping
tablets no aspirin, anti-inflammatory medication or sedating pain killers
VB NSW Cup and / Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
It is mandatory that all players who are contracted to the NSWRL, through an NRL or NSWRL contract, must
have and maintain private health insurance for the entire duration of the contract.
SG Ball & Harold Matthews
All Clubs are to encourage their players in SG Ball and Harold Matthews to have Private Medical Insurance
Cover for the 2011 Rugby League season. Clubs are further encouraged to assist families who cannot afford
private health insurance.
If private medical insurance is not taken out by the player, the player will be financially responsible for
paying the amount that is not covered by Medicare.
The NSWRL has offered to the Clubs a Personal Accident (PA) cover for all players participating in the Harold
Matthews Cup and SG Ball Cup Competitions. Details of cover and claims process are available by
contacting the NSWRL Centre of Excellence.
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Each team may use a maximum of three trainers during matches. In no case shall the Coach of a club act as
a trainer in any match.
In all cases when trainers enter the field of play to either; attend to an injured player, carry water, or deliver
individual messages, they must immediately leave the field once their assigned task has been completed
and return to the player’s bench.
At all times Trainers must enter and leave the field as quickly as possible (i.e. running) without interfering
with play.
The specific roles and responsibilities of each trainer are as follows:
Orange Trainer – (Medical Trainer)
a) Is allowed unlimited access to the playing field to attend to injured players. He may also provide
fluids to other players when his team is in possession of the ball.
b) Must not carry messages.
c) Is allowed to be involved in the on-field interchange process.
Yellow Trainer – (Medical Assistant)
a) May sit with the Head Trainer but can only enter the field of play as provided below and in the
following emergencies at the direction of the Head Trainer;
To help the Head Trainer assist an injured player from the field.
To treat an injured player if there is more than one injured player and the Head Trainer is already
occupied. Is not to carry water unless a try (including video referee decisions) has been scored or
the two Club doctors of the participating Clubs agree that the extreme weather conditions
require each team to have an additional water carrier. If competing Clubs cannot agree, the
Ground Manager will make the final decision on whether additional water carriers are permitted.
If agreed, the Yellow Trainer’s duties are limited to carrying water when his team is in
possession. He cannot carry messages under any circumstances.
b) May refill drink containers and offer other assistance off the field of play.
c) Is allowed to be involved in the off-field interchange process (i.e. to assist the Interchange official).
Blue Trainer – (Messages)
a) Is allowed access to the playing field:
when his team is in possession
When a try has been scored
While waiting for a video referee decision in relation to a try.
During a time-out called by the referee for an injury.
b) The Blue Trainer’s (Messages) duties are limited to: I.
interchange of players
provision of water
carrying messages to individual team members.
c) Must enter and leave the playing field without interfering with play.
d) Must not give general messages to the Team or otherwise assist in the task of coaching (save for the
carrying of messages to individual Team members) while play is in progress.
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Trainers must not at any time enter the line of sight of a player when he is attempting a kick for goal, or do
anything which may in any way unnecessarily interfere with or distract an opposition player while he is
participating in the match or constitute some disadvantage to the opposing team.
Orange Trainer must hold a minimum of Level 2 Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) Trainer’s accreditation or
NRL Sports Trainers Level 2 (previously FAO 2).
Yellow Trainer and Blue Trainer must hold a minimum of Level 1 Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) Trainer’s
accreditation or NRL Sports Trainer Level 1 (previously FAO 1).
Any trainer, who holds another qualification claimed to be at least equivalent to the minimum requirements,
must apply to the NSWRL who will have the sole and final discretion to approve or reject any application for
an exception.
Trainers shirts must be fluorescent in colour and comply with the following PMS colour specifications;
PMS 804 2X
PMS 803 2X
PMS 801 2X
Branding and sponsorship of trainers clothing must comply with the dimensions specified in the Leagues
branding guidelines.
In cases where the NSWRL deems that there may be a clash of trainer’s colours with either competing team,
the Competition Manager NSWRL General Manager (or his nominee) may direct trainers of both clubs to
swap colours to reduce the possibility of mistaken identity by players, officials or spectators.
The use of "Walkie-Talkies" or other electronic devices on the field of play is prohibited. Walkie-Talkies (or any
such electronic device) must not be taken from the bench where Reserves are seated during the course of a
match. Offending Clubs will be subject to a NSWRL inquiry and may be fined for each offence.
Trainers must at all times comply with any direction or instruction from Match Officials or Ground Managers.
Trainers must not at any time while carrying out their duties make argumentative, disparaging, derogatory,
or offensive comments to any Match Official or Ground Manager.
Trainers must not become involved in any match, including approaching or having contact with players,
other than in strict compliance with their specific role and responsibilities as detailed in section C of this
Under no circumstances are trainers permitted to approach or become involved in an altercation or
melee involving players from either competing team. This includes not attempting to separate or
players who may be attempting to become involved in the incident
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All team coaches and trainers must register on the 'Master Registration Sheet' as supplied by the NSWRL. Folio
Numbers of accreditation are to be provided on all Registration Sheets.
Coaches must have gained ARLC approved Coaching Certificate “Level 2 - Senior Club Coach” (minimum)
qualification whilst Trainers must be qualified ARL NSWRL First Aid Officers / Sports Medicine Australia.
Copy of trainers’ accreditation to be submitted to the NSWRL prior to the start of the season.
Further to the above requirements and as a fundamental component of knowing the people are that operate in
your club and our sport, we would require all clubs to have the document completed and returned to the NSWRL
by the 1st February each year.
It is important for the integrity of the game that the NSWRL ascertain the credentials of all relevant people.
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There are five (5) Eligibility categories for Final Series qualifications: Level One – NRL Telstra Premiership
Level Two – NYC, VB NSW Cup and QLD Cup
Level Three –Ron Massey Cup
Level Four – Sydney Shield
Level Five – District Club / Junior Leagues
a) A player will be eligible to play in the final series of matches in the competition in which he played the
majority of or equal number of premiership games prior to the final series commencing.
b) The player has participated in a minimum of eight (8) premiership games in that competition prior to the
final series commencing.
c) A player will be eligible to play in the final series providing the higher grade (NRL) is still competing in the
NRL competition.
Note: If the higher grade is eliminated on the same weekend prior to the VB NSW Cup match, players
who do not qualify under any other category apart from clause ‘c)’ will be permitted to play on that
weekend only, e.g. If the NRL Team is eliminated on Friday or Saturday and the VB NSW Cup game is on
Sunday, players who do not qualify otherwise will be permitted to play on that Sunday.
d) A player who has qualified in a lower level or a player who has qualified to play in the NYC Competition Final
Series will still be eligible to play in the VB NSW Cup Final Series.
e) A higher level qualified player who has failed to gain selection in the NRL Final Series and is playing in a
lower level competition Final Series will be required to have participated in two matches throughout the
lower level competitions Final Series to be eligible to continue playing in that Final Series therefore
eliminating any of the previous eligibility rules.
A starting player will not be eligible to play in two levels of the Final Series scheduled on the same weekend,
other than where the lower level team has played earlier than the higher level team on that weekend of the
Final Series and due to extenuating circumstances (last minute player withdrawal), then a lower level player
will be eligible to play in the higher level game.
g) If a player has participated in an equal amount of matches in higher level or lower level Competitions at the
conclusion of the regular season, the player will then qualify for the lower level Final Series and therefore be
eligible to play in the higher level Final Series.
h) Each Club with a team engaged in the Final Series at any level is required to lodge with the NRL, NSWRL and
QRL a list of players whom they consider to be eligible to play in each level by no later than 5.00pm on the
Monday following the conclusion of the last round of the competition.
Ron Massey Cup / Sydney Shield
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There are five (5) Eligibility categories for Final Series qualifications: Level One – NRL Telstra Premiership
Level Two –NYC, VB NSW Cup and QLD Cup
Level Three –Ron Massey Cup
Level Four – Sydney Shield
Level Five – District Club / Junior Leagues
NB. A player can always go up a level for Finals Series Matches
To be considered for the final series qualifications, a player must have competed in a minimum of three
(3) matches in the competition in to which the player is seeking to qualify. In addition;
a) A player will be eligible to play in the final series of matches in the competition in which he played the
majority of or equal number of premiership games prior to the final series commencing.
player must have participated in a
minimum of three (3) competition matches to be considered eligible to
participate in the Bundaberg Red Cup competition final series in any
given year.
c)b) A player is eligible to complete final series in the grade in which he last accumulated five (5)
Competition Games.
d) A player who has qualified in a lower level will still be eligible to play in the higher level Final Series if
e)c) A player will be eligible to play in the final series providing the immediate higher affiliated grade is
still competing in their competition.
d) A player will be entitled to compete in the Grand Final if he has played one (1) game in that grades’
final series.
The below rule for the Final Series in SG Ball & Harold Matthews will apply.
The eligibility of a player to participate in any match included in the Final Series will be determined on the basis
of his playing record at the conclusion of the rounds of the Competition.
A player must have played the majority of games in the NSWRL SG Ball and Harold Matthews Competitions.
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Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English
A player is eligible to play in the Final Series of matches provided that:a)
Each Club with a team engaged in SG Ball & Harold Matthews in any of the Final Series of matches referred
to in these rules, shall lodge with the League a list of names of players whom it considers eligible to play that
grade by no later than 5.00pm on the Monday following the conclusion of the last Premiership Round.
Formatted: English (Australia),
Condensed by 0.15 pt
For all NSWRL Competitions the following rule applies:
If scores are equal at the conclusion of normal time in any Final Series match, then in such matches,
including the Grand Final, a period of extra time will follow whereby the first scorer of any point or points
(e.g. field goal, penalty goal or try) will immediately be declared the winner. If a try is scored in extra time
the conversion kick will not be permitted.
The commencement of the period of extra time will be determined by the toss of a coin as described
under the Laws of the Game. If no point or points have been scored after a further period of five (5)
minutes, the referee will cease play and teams will immediately change ends. The team that did not
kick-off to commence the initial period of extra time will kick-off to recommence the second period. Play
shall then continue on an unlimited basis until the first point or points have been scored to determine the
winner of the match.
VB NSW Cup / Ron Massey
At the conclusion of matches provided for, in the draw for the competition, the first eight (8) teams will be
ranked in order according to the number of competition points awarded to them and will then take part in
a Finals Series of matches to determine the Premiers.
Sydney Shield
At the conclusion of the matches provided for, in the draw for the competition, the first five (5) teams will
be ranked in order according to the number of competition points awarded to them and will then take
part in a Finals Series of matches to determine the Premiers..
SG Ball / Harold Matthews
The final series will consist of eight top rank teams in each competition after Round 9 and teams will
then playoff in a final series format of four (4) weeks.
Should two or more teams be equal on points after the preliminary rounds of the SG Ball & Harold Matthews
Cup Competition, then the final positions will be determined by percentages.
Formatted: Right: 0.49 cm, Space
After: 6 pt, No widow/orphan control,
Hyphenate, Tab stops: Not at -1.27 cm
+ 0 cm
Percentages are determined by using the formula: Points For x 100 ÷ Points Against.
Should teams equal on points also share the same percentage then final points will be determined by:
1. The result of any head to head clash during the Competition, the winner of which would be positioned
2. The percentages based on common matches played during the Competition; the higher percentage to be
positioned higher on the table.
For & Against Calculations
If, at the conclusion of the matches provided for in the draw for the competition, two (2) or more teams
are equal in competition points, the teams will be ranked in order according to the difference between
the number of points scored by a team and the number of points scored against it during the rounds of
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Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5 cm, First
line: 0 cm, Right: 0 cm, Space After:
6 pt, Numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at:
1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 2.54
cm + Indent at: 3.17 cm,
Widow/Orphan control, Don't
hyphenate, Tab stops: -1.27 cm, Left
+ 0 cm, Left
the Premiership Competition with a team with the greatest positive difference being ranked ahead of a
team with the lesser.
In the event of that difference being equal then the relative ranking's will be determined by ascertaining
the relationship between points scored for and against expressed as a percentage, i.e.: Points scored for
Points scored against
With a team with the higher percentage being ranked ahead of a team with the lower percentage, then if
equal, most tries scored, and then if equal, most goals kicked, and then if equal, most dropped goals kicked,
then if equal, by the toss of a coin.D. 2
Formatted: Widow/Orphan control
The below rule for the Final Series in S G Ball & Harold Matthews will apply.
“A player must have played the majority of games in the grade he is registered in i.e. Harold Matthews / SG
A player is eligible to play in the Final Series of matches provided that:-
Formatted: Hyphenate, Tab stops:
Not at -1.27 cm + 0 cm + 0.5 cm
Formatted: Hyphenate, Tab stops:
Not at -1.27 cm
b) A player who on any day takes part in a match as an interchange player for a higher grade shall for the
purposes of this rule be deemed to have played in both grade matches on that day for qualification purposes.
Formatted: Hyphenate, Tab stops:
Not at -1.27 cm + 0 cm + 0.5 cm
c) Where on any day a player is nominated as an interchange player for any grade and does not take the field
on that day such nomination shall be disregarded for the purposes of this rule.
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5 cm, No
bullets or numbering, Hyphenate, Tab
stops: Not at -1.27 cm
d) Where teams of the same club are competing in the same week of the Final Series, a player will be eligible
to play any grade, subject to age qualifications.
e) Where a team and an immediate subordinate team of the same club i.e. NRL First Grade and NSWRL Cup
teams are competing in the same week of the Final Series, a player will be eligible to play in the grade
immediately subordinate to that in which he would otherwise be eligible to play in accordance with these rules.
f) Where a Series of Finals matches is played on different days a player having played in a higher grade
match in the starting 13 then that player is not eligible to compete in a lower grade in the same Finals Series of
matches. However, an interchange player may play in a lower grade in the same Finals Series of matches.
g) Should a Higher-grade team of a club, which has more than one team, participating in the Final Series be
eliminated from the Final Series, then qualifications will apply for the immediate lower grade team for the
subsequent weeks of the Final Series.
h) No new player registrations for Harold Matthews and SG Ball competitions for 2012 season will be
taken after the 22nd March 2012. (Prior to round 7)
The eligibility of a player to participate in any match included in the Final Series will be determined on the
basis of his playing record at the conclusion of the rounds of the Competition.
Each Club with a team engaged in SG Ball & Harold Matthews in any of the Final Series of matches referred
to in these rules, shall lodge with the League a list of names of players whom it considers eligible to play that
grade by no later than 5.00pm on the Monday following the conclusion of the last Premiership Round.
In the Final Series the provisions of Rule 53 in relation to replacement of players shalF INAL SERIES GAMES
Should two or more teams be equal on points after the preliminary rounds of the SG Ball & Harold Matthews
Cup Competition, then the final positions will be determined by percentages.
Percentages are determined by using the formula: Points For x 100 ÷ Points Against.
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Formatted: Hyphenate, Tab stops:
Not at -1.27 cm
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5 cm, No
bullets or numbering, Hyphenate, Tab
stops: Not at -1.27 cm
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5 cm,
Hyphenate, Tab stops: Not at -1.27 cm
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5 cm, No
bullets or numbering, Hyphenate, Tab
stops: Not at -1.27 cm
Formatted: Hyphenate, Tab stops:
Not at -1.27 cm
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5 cm, No
bullets or numbering, Hyphenate, Tab
stops: Not at -1.27 cm
Formatted: Hyphenate, Tab stops:
Not at -1.27 cm + 0 cm + 0.5 cm
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5 cm, No
bullets or numbering, Hyphenate, Tab
stops: Not at -1.27 cm
Should teams equal on points also share the same percentage then final points will be determined by:
2. The result of any head to head clash during the Competition, the winner of which would be positioned
3. The percentages based on common matches played during the Competition; the higher percentage to be
positioned higher on the table.
The final series will consist of eight top rank teams in each competition after Round 9 and teams will then
playoff in a final series format of four weeks. (See attachDRAWN QUARTER FINALS, SEMI FINAL
If the scores are equal at the conclusion of normal time in any finals matches, then in such matches, including
Grand Final, a period of extra time (10 minutes) shall follow whereby the first scorer of any point will immediately be
declared the winner. If no point or points have been scored after a further ten (10) minutes, the referee shall cease
play and teams shall immediately change ends. The team that did not kick-off to commence the initial period of
extra time, will kick-off to recommence the second period. Play shall continue on an unlimited time basis until the
first or first points have been scored to determine the wi
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