List of Papers Scheduled for Presentation in National Seminar on “Social Work Practice: Concerns & Challenges for 21st Century” to be held on October 12-13, 2014 Venue: Conference Hall, Academic Block Social Work, Entrepreneurship and Social Development 1. Field Work Practicum in Social Work Education In India: Emerging Issues and Challenges Dr. Bishnu Mohan Dash 2. Social Work, Entrepreneurship and Social Development Vilma Margaret 3. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Strategy for Social Development Kumari Garima & Dr. Shweta Prasad 4. Scope of Gerontogical Social Work in India: An Overview Dr Tejveer Chowdhary 5. Parent- Child Relationship & Self Esteem Among School Going Adolescents Anshu S., Rajni S, Kaptan Singh S., Manisha K., & Amool Ranjan S 6. A study about marriage system among bhil tribe: Jhabua (M.P) AradhanaGoswami 7. An Analysis of Sex Ratio Disparity in Rajasthan Kirandeep Kaur 8. Social Development and Women Entrepreneur in India Dr. Rajni Sharma 9. Social Work and Rural Development with Special Reference to Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra: An Empirical Study in Jharkhand Raju Das, and Koustab Majumdar 10. Changing Society: A Paradigm Shifting In Life Abhishek, Tauffiqu Ahamad and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Shastri 11. Role of Social Work in Ensuring Gender Equality in Primary Education to Achieve MDGs Alka Singh 12. Social Work Education in Rajasthan: Opportunities and Challenges Mahesh Choudhary 13. Negligence: A Hitch in Social Development in India M.G.K. Srinivas 14. An Overview of Urbanisation and Its Inimical Aftermath in India Nancy Mengi 15. Grand Challenges in Social Work Practice in 21st Century Dr Veena Dwivedi 16. Social Work Perspective of Naxal Conflict – A South Odisha Protracted Conflict Dr K. Anuradha 17. Social Development of Women Entrepreneur to Provide Sustainable Future in Textile Industry Ms. Noopur Sonee1, Dr. Chitra Arora2 18. Status of Below Poverty Line (BPL) Families through Indira Awaas Yojna: A Case Study Bijayalaxmi Panda 19. Social Entrepreneurship and Social Development: Implications and Prospects Abdul Azeez. E.P 20. Building Entrepreneurial Mindset: The Need of Future Development Sector Ajay Kumar Shukla 21. Teaching of Inclusive Education Dr. Manish Bhatnagar 22. It's Criminal!: A Look at Prisons in Indian Cinema Meghna Vesvikar 23. Paradigm Shifts in Corporate Social Responsibility in India: New Opportunities & Challenges for Social Work Practice Asutosh Pradhan 24. Social Transformation of Women: Myth or Reality Dr. Renu Yadav 25. Social Dynamics Vaishali G. Bhagwatkar Domestic Violence and Social Work 26. Domestic Violence: A Symbol of Patriarchal Society in India Bhanu Pratap Singh 27. Addressing Declining Child Sex Ratio Yogesh Jain 28. Working Women Facing Different Violence During Their Professions Anupriya Singh 29. Domestic Violence and Social Service Innovative Program Among Schedule Tribal Women Of Uttar Pradesh Manish Kumar, Sushma Pandey 30. Living Under the Shadow of Gun: A Case of Children Victims Of Arms Conflict In The State Of J&K, India Mohd. Uzair, DigvijoyPhukan 31. Human Rights Violation against Women: Exploring the Ways through Social Work Mr.Shaik Ali 32. The Act of Domestic Violence in Perspective of Social Work Practice Ms. Shashikala 33. The Scenario of Domestic Violence and Its Health Consequences among Women in Lucknow City Shweta Sahu 34. Application Of Social Work To Women In Domestic Violence Yadam Ram Kumar 35. Domestic Violence: The Challenges for Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation Dr Asutosh Pradhan and Dr. Rashmita Ray 36. Role of Domestic Violence Cells in Mitigating Domestic Violence: A Case Study Bhasker Reddy Perumalla 37. Women of Kulal Community: Effect of Domestic Violence on Beedi Rolling Occupation Bhavanishankar. P and Dr. Mohan S. Singhe 38. Social Work Intervention Against Domestic Violence: How Prepared Are We? Dawood Ahmad Khan 39. Marital Adjustment and Life Satisfaction Among spouse of Person with Alcohol Dependence Nazish F , Rishi P & Manisha K. 40. Domestic Violence Some Relevance of Nandurbar District, Maharashtra State Mr. Nilesh U Gaikwad 41. Domestic Violence and Social Work Dr. Amita Jain and Pooja Jain 42. Strategies for Curbing the Violence against Women: Examples Setup through Community Intervention Dr.SamapikaMohapatraAparna 43. Sexual Violence and Child Marriage in India: Application of Social Work Intervention Jayakant Singh 44. Challenges to Human Rights: An Insight and Perspectives on Domestic Violence Suresh K. Mugutmal 45. Society without Women-a Real Disaster for Whole Mankind Saurabh Chaudhary & Anupam Kumar Verma 46. Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on The Health Of Women Shalini Yadav & Dr. Manushi Srivastava 47. Domestic Violence: A journey from Private to Public Domain Swati Bist 48. Domestic Violence and Social Work Avantika choudhary 49. Gender Disparities Among the Mental Health of Elders in Sivaganga District at Tamilnadu Dinesh R S & A.Suguna 50. Domestic Violence Against Women: A Social Work Concern PRADEEP K.D.and DIVYA K 51. Domestic Violence and Social Work Dr. Annu Singh 52. Domestic Violence and Social Work Deepshikha Singh 53. Domestic Violence in Ladnun Narendra Singh Conflict Resolution and Social Work 54. Conflicts in Workplace K.PRASHANTH REDDY 55. Conflict Resolution in Consumer Rights Disputes Dr.G.Rajaram 56. Industrial Conflicts SUNIL KUMAR K S 57. Conflict Resolution and Social Work Virochan Raote 58. Conflict and Conflict Management: A Conceptual Exploration Dr Vivek Maheshwari Spirituality and Social Work Practice 59. Spirituality And Social Work Practice: Gender Perspective Abhay M. Jadhav & Sandeep B. Jagdale 60. Integration and Revival of Spirituality in the Realm of Social Work Practices Arun Kumar. J 61. Social Work Practice Concerns And Challenges: Spirituality And Social Work Practice Dr. Prakash K. 62. Role of Religion in Social Work Practice T. Ravindra Lotsch 63. The Role Of Preksha Meditation In De-Alcoholism Dr YUVRAJ SINGH KHANGAROT 64. Infertility: Spiritual Practices Among The Infertile Couples Poornima.P.S 65. & Dr. C. Sheesh Kumar Spirituality and Coping Strategies in Persons with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome: A Comparative Study Raja Upadhyay, N.K. Singh, D. Bhattacharjee and S. Poddar 66. Yoga as a therapeutic tool for health management in social work practice Dr. Pradyumna Singh Shekhawat Health, Disability and Social Work 67. Emerging Health Issues: Implications for Social Work Intervention Dr.Ravindra Singh 68. Maternal Health Culture of Santhal Tribes of Dumka District, Jharkhand Arti Kumari 69. Adolescence Health at Risk: A Social Work Perspective Maheshwari S Kachapur 70. Psycho-Social Perspectives of Disability In Social Work Sujatha Billava 71. Role of Social Work in the Empowerment of Differently Abled Dr. Archana Singh, 72. Gender Disparities Among The Mental Health of Elders in Sivaganga District at Tamil Nadu R.S.Dinesh 73. Need of Health Insurance for Poor Community in India Pratima Yadav 74. Sanitation in Remote Area Nagaraj 75. The Influence of Intensive Motherhood in the Rehabilitation and Integration of Hearing Impaired Children N.S.Ramesh Chandran 76. A Study on the Factors Influencing the Health Seeking Behaviour of transgenders living with HIV/AIDS(special reference to Chennai) Sudha.M 77. The Human Rights Perspective in Social Health Care Vineeta Singh, Dr. Manushi Srivastava 78. Application of Social Work To Women In Domestic Violence Yadam Ram Kumar 79. Interventions in Issues of Disability through Social Work Practice can Lead Inclusive Growth of Disabled Mr.Pankaj Shankar Kumbhar 80. Field Work Practice in Mental Retardation Sector Mr. Ajit Kumar and Ms. M. Amruthamma 81. Children’s Health and Social Work: A Study Based on a Resettlement Colony in Delhi Md. Ali Azam 82. A Study Among SHG Dalit Women With Regard to Health Awareness in Guntur District Dr. Allu Gowri Sankar Rao 83. Social work with Differently-abled People in India: A Rights Based Approach Amir Hussain and Dr.Sameena 84. Quality of Life And Burden Among Parents Of Mentally Challenged Children Ashwini J. Dhembare & Shrikant Pawar, Rishi P and Dr. Manisha Kiran 85. Role of NGO’s in Education of Disabled Children Mr. Sunil Kumar and Mr. Satpal Arya 86. Disability and Stigma: Implications for Social Work Practice Vinay Suhalka 87. Health And Burden of Caregivers of Schizophrenic Patients JAGRITI 88. Social Work Intervention Among Female Sex Workers, and Awareness about HIV/AIDS Monika Yadav 89. Role of Social Worker in National Trust Act Mr. P.Clement and Mr. Pankhi Ram Meena 90. The Relationship between Perceived Stress, Self Esteem, Way of Coping and Problem Solving Ability among School Going Adolescents Prashant Srivastava, Manisha Kiran and Monica Juneja 91. Clinical Expressive Symptoms & Socio-Occupational Functioning Among Person With Schizophrenia Rajni S 92. Promoting Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls Monika Gautam and Anita Gautam 93. The Knowledge And Awereness Is Key To Prevent Sickle Cell Anemia Disease Among Tribal People Nitin W.Tayade 94. Psycho Social Experiences of Patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases. Implications for Social Work Prof. K. Anuradha and Ms. D. Sowdamini 95. A Study on The Health And Disability of Kulal Women With Reference Tobeedi Rolling Occupation Sharath kumar. R and Bhavanishankar. P 96. Capacity Building of Rural Adolescent Girls’ Regarding Reproductive Health Rakesh Dwivedi , Mohini Gautam 97. A Study on Utilization of Health Care Services during Pregnancy among Currently Married Women in Andhra Pradesh Dr Kh. Bimolata Devi 98. Psycho-Social Problems of Orphan Male Children in Coimbatore TM. Mirshad Rahman & Dr. A. Shahin Sultana 99. Knowledge and Practice of Reproductive Health Among School Going Adolescent Girls M. Reena & Prof. P. Vinayaka Murthy 100. Family Support and Quality of life in psychiatric Rehospitalization Bhupendra Singh, Satabdi Chakraborty & Priti Singh 101. Article on Care of Neglected Children – Implication of Social Work Practice Dr. Bijendr Pradhan Social Work with Marginalised Groups 102. Social Work Approaches and Strategies Among Marginalised People: A Reflection From India Ms. Bhagyashree.S.Vadageri 103. Psycho-Social Problems of Orphan Male Children in Coimbatore TM. Mirshad Rahman, Dr. A. Shahin Sultana 104. Dopes (Directly Observed Poverty Eradication System) - A New Approach In Poverty Alleviation Baiju.J. 105. Social Work With Marginalised Group And Role Of Teacher Dr. Bhabagrahi Pradhan & Dr. Vishnu Kumar 106. Livelihood Insecurity in Mewat: Implications for Social Work Practice Bindiya Narang 107. Impact of displacement on the Oraons of Rourkela: A Social Work Perspective EshaGhosh 108. Awareness of Dalit Women on Political Participation Dr. G. Samba Siva Rao 109. Caste, Class and Tribe Dynamics: Field Study of Purnia District Rabi Raj 110. A Study on the Achievements of Female Sex Workers’ in possessing Social Entitlements A.S. Kumari 111. Homelessness: A Challenge To Socio Economic Life A case-study of Mumbai city Bijitha Revati & Prerana Banik 112. Literacy Level and Development of Non-Scheduled Tribal Communities in Puducherry: Challenges and Inclusive Strategies Bagavathi Raja. A 113. Neo-libral Reforms and Marginalized Sections in India: Emerging Concern, Challenges and Social Work Practice Dr. Ashvini Kumar Singh & Ms Menika Singh 114. Globalization and Marginalized Groups: Issues, Challenges and Social Work Response Dr. Ashvini Kumar Singh 115. Social Inclusion – A Myth or Reality Aarti yadav 116. Status of Working Rights of Rice Processing Workers in Bangladesh: Problems and Progress S. M. Atiar Rahman 117. Contemporary Situation of De-notified and Nomadic Tribes of Maharashtra Atul Mane 118. Marginalized Groups: Present Scenario In India Prince Jain Environmental Issue and Macro Social Work 119. Ecopsychology, Holistic Health and Social Work Practice Prof. J.P.N. Mishra 120. The Inevitability of People’s Participation of Solid Waste Management B. Suresh Babu 121. Social Work and Environmental Sustainability: An Emerging Dimension Pradipta Banerjee Social Work and Micro Finance 122. A Study On The Impact Of Micro Finance Among The Women Self Help Groups Practising Sericulture In Ramanagaram District Of Karnataka M. Ramesh 123. Women Empowerment and Role of Micro Finance in India Reemi Verma 124. Social Work and Micro Finance in Indin Digvijay Kumar 125. Microfinance Management: An Emerging Avenue in Social Work Mr. Jitendra S. Gandhi 126. Microfinance Activities of An Institutionalised SHG in Public Sector: A Study Based on Kudumbashree Experiences Of Kerala KC SAJU 127. Social Work With Marginalised Group Mohammad Sushil 128. Empowerment of Women through Microcredit: Evidence from Selected NGOs in Bangladesh Md Fazlul Haque 129. Inclusive Growth in Agriculture in Bangladesh: The Role of Microfinance Md Abdul Wadud 130. Impact of Credit and Extension Services on Farms Efficiency and Income in Bangladesh: A Comparison of CRS and VRS Approaches and Tobit Model Md. Nurunnabi Miah Social Work: Interface with Social Science discipline 131. Social Work and Social Sciences: An overview of Meeting and Departure Ravi Ranjan Kumar and Kirti Arya Abstract in Hindi 132. fu%”kDr O;fDr;ksa ds iquokZl esa lekt dk;Z dh Hkwfedk çks0,0,u0flag] csuhek/ko ik.Ms; 133. jk’Vzh; xzkeh.k vkthfodk fe”ku ds ek/;e ls xzkeh.k efgykvksa dk lCkyhdj.k lfpu ?ku”;ke cksjl 134. lkekftd dk;Z{ks= % pqukSfr;ksa ds lek/kku dh tSu n`f"V MkW- efYyizKk 135. i;; eqn~ns rFkk lH; lekt Jh f'kojke flag 136. efgyk vijkf/k;ks dk lq/kkj ,oa iquZokl esa lekt dk;ZdrkZ dh Hkwfedk jkes”oj jSdokj 137. lekt esa ?kjsyw fgalk % dy vkSj vkt Mk0 dkS”ky fd”kksj 138. efgykvksa ij ?kjsyw fgalk ,oa lekt dk;Z gLr{ksi y{e.k dqekj ekyh 139. Jethoh efgyk,¡ ,oa ?kjsyw fgalk jktJh eBiky 140. dq’V jksx ,d leL;k% uanqjck ftyk ds lUnHkZ esa voyksdu jkepanz “kadjflag ijns”kh 141. vk/;kfRed f'k{kk ds ek/;e ls lekt ,oa O;fDr dk vkReijkorZu MkW- ljkst jk; 142. fodykaxksa ds LokLF; lao/kZu esa lekt dk;Z dh Hkwfedk% Mk0 lR; çdk”k oekZ 143. LokLFk {ks= esa fpfdRldh; ,ao lekt dk;ZdrkZ dh Hkwfedk rFkk pqukSfr;k¡ lhrk xqtZj 144. vxfj;k tutkfr ds eq[; O;olk; dk iru o leL;k % ,d fo”ks’k v/;;u “keka ukt+ 145. cky fodkl esa ?kjsyw fgalk dh cafn'ks lq#fp 'kqDyk 146. fd”kksj U;k; iz.kkyh dk lQj Mk foosd dqekj flag 147. i;kZoj.k laj{k.k esa i;kZoj.k f'k{kk ,oa lekt lsoh laxBuks dh Hkwfedk MkW- vkHkk flag 148. LoLF; lekt ds fuekZ.k esa ;e&fu;e dh mikns;rk vkyksd dqekj ik.Ms; 149. cky Je & n”kk ,oa fn”kk vijkftrk ikUMs; 150. la?k’kZ fuokj.k esa lekt dk;Z dh Hkwfedk T;ksfr Lokeh 151. m|ferk% lkekftd fodkl dk u;k vk;ke vuqie dqekj oekZ] “osrk iVsy 152. vk/;kfRed lektdk;Z ,oa lkekftd lEiw.kZrk iq"ik feJk 153. Hkkjrh; lekt eas efgykvksa dh fLFkfr Lusg yrk] vjfoUn dqekj 154. lekt lsok esa v/;kRe dh Hkwfedk MkW- gseyrk tks'kh 155. Ekfgykvksa ds lkFk fglk o muds LokLF; ij vlj! izOks”k dqekj oekZ 156. ?kjsyw fgalk vkSj lkekftd dk;Z ¼jktLFkku ds lanHkZ esa½ MkWa- laxhrk lq.Mk 157. eku gR;k¼bTtr ds fy, gR;k½ [kki ipka;rksa dk fonzwi :i xqjuke flag 158. ?kjsyw fgalk ,oa lekt dk;Z Ekhrk csfuoky 159. lektdk;Z dh Hkwfedk % la?k"kZ fujkdj.k ds ifjizs{; esa** MkW- jfoUnz flag jkBkSM1] Jh fodkl 'kekZ 160. ?kjsyw fgalk ds {ks= esa lekt dk;Z dh HkwfedkÞ Mk- ykyk jke tkV 161. lekt dk;Z esa deZ dh iz/kkurk iq’ik pkS/kjh 162. cq) rÙo Kku vkSj lkekftd dk;Z MkW- ihvkjckscMs 163. fof/kd lgk;rk ds {ks= esa lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ dh c<+rh Hkwfedk MkW- vfuyk 164. Concern and Challenges of Social Work Education and Practice in India: Some Major Highlights Atul Pratap Singh Note: Detailed program schedule with Date and Time of presentation will be given on the arrival of participant
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