Dinosaur Genera List Page 1 of 40 You are visitor number— Zales Jewelry —as of November 7, 2008 The Dinosaur Genera List became a standalone website on December 4, 2000 on America Online’s Hometown domain. AOL closed the domain down on Halloween, 2008, so the List was carried over to the www.polychora.com domain in early November, 2008. The final visitor count before AOL Hometown was closed down was 93661, on October 30, 2008. List last updated 10/8/14 Additions and corrections entered since the last update are in green. Genera counts (but not totals) changed since the last update appear in green cells. Download a PDF of this web page here. Unfortunately, as of May 2011, Adobe changed its PDF-creation website and no longer supports making PDFs directly from HTML files. I finally figured out a way around this problem, but the PDF no longer preserves background colors, such as the green backgrounds in the genera counts. Win some, lose some. Return to Dinogeorge’s Home Page. Generic Name Counts Scientifically Valid Names Scientifically Invalid Names NonLetter Well Junior Rejected/ dinosaurian Doubtful Preoccupied Vernacular Totals (click) established synonyms forgotten (valid or invalid) 106 19 8 2 1 7 15 158 A B C D E F 49 4 2 0 0 10 5 70 66 14 5 6 0 10 9 110 51 12 7 2 0 4 6 82 45 4 3 0 0 4 6 62 10 1 2 0 0 4 0 17 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 2 of 40 G H I J K L M 38 3 4 1 0 8 7 61 35 7 5 2 0 7 3 59 14 2 1 2 0 4 0 23 18 3 2 0 0 3 1 27 31 1 1 0 0 5 2 40 54 5 4 2 0 8 7 80 50 10 6 3 0 13 O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 25 8 4 1 0 4 1 43 71 11 9 5 0 5 17 118 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 24 3 1 2 2 2 4 38 90 9 10 3 1 8 10 131 63 8 2 2 2 6 9 92 10 1 3 1 0 1 1 17 14 1 1 0 0 1 1 18 6 2 1 1 0 3 2 15 15 0 0 0 0 2 0 17 17 0 1 0 0 4 1 23 18 965 0 129 1 83 0 38 0 6 0 129 2 111 21 1461 2 84 NonLetter Well Junior Rejected/ dinosaurian Doubtful Preoccupied Vernacular Totals (click) established synonyms forgotten (valid or invalid) 36 1 0 3 0 6 0 46 N Totals HIS ALPHABETIZED LIST comprises all dinosaur generic names based on skeletal material known to have been published anywhere, with or without formal scientific descriptions. Names printed in bold italics are scientifically valid; other names are vernacular, preoccupied, or otherwise scientifically invalid. Occasionally it is found that two different names have been given to the same genus. Such names are known as synonyms, and instances of synonymy are annotated in the List (see Synonymies in List section below). Being a synonym by no means invalidates a generic name, since the junior synonym is usually available in case a synonymy is refuted or the senior synonym is found to be preoccupied. The names appear in this List without regard to their validity or synonymy, but each name is associated in some way, formally or informally, with real fossil material. Names of dinosaur footprint and egg genera, however, or of fictional, fictitious, or fraudulent dinosaurs, are not http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 3 of 40 included. Published Japanese common names, usually ending in “-ryu,” are not included unless they have been Latinized elsewhere in print. Also not included are names that have appeared solely on the Internet, or in e-mails, in advance of publication (there are usually four or five such floating around at any particular time). Author(s) and year of publication are provided for each name, to facilitate locating original references. For more information on any genus, simply enter its name into a Google search, or subscribe to Tracy Ford’s Paleofile website. Different authors with the same surname are distinguished by their initials or by entire first names if initials are not sufficient. Prior to August 2007, the List did this haphazardly, particularly for Oriental authors, but thanks to bibliographic research by Rob Taylor, I was able to make the entries quite consistent throughout, with only a few remaining ambiguities (we are working on them). Also, when an author has used different surnames in different references, I provide a consistent surname throughout but indicate in parentheses the surname as it appears in the description, when it is different. Chinese and Korean authors are standardly listed surname first, regardless of how their names were cited. This should facilitate using the List in computer searches by author. Because there are many, I have not indicated these changes with green text. A few typos may persist in the additions for a while until they are caught and weeded out. For the purposes of this List, a dinosaur is defined as any archosaur more closely related to modern birds than to modern crocodylians that is not itself a true bird. I call the stem-based clade of archosaurs more closely related to modern birds than to modern crocodylians Ornithes, the clade of modern birds Aves (by tradition, the common ancestor of all extant birds together with all its descendants), and the clade of true birds Avialae (by tradition, the common ancestor of modern birds and Archaeopteryx together with all its descendants). If dinosaurs were defined here as a clade instead of as the difference between two clades, then all birds would be dinosaurs, and the Dinosaur Genera List would be obliged to include the names of thousands of fossil and extant bird genera along with the names of the genera that most of us are accustomed to calling dinosaurs: interesting, but probably not what one might be looking for as a list of dinosaur names. So, according to this scheme, dinosaurs become “non-avialan ornithans.” But note that this definition also includes what have been termed “pre-dinosaurs,” or “dinosaur precursors,” that is, archosaurs on the stem that joins the common ancestor of crocodylians and birds to the most basal known dinosaurs. So far, no convincing (to me) dinosaur precursors have been identified in the fossil record, although many consider the lagosuchians from South America, and some others, to be such. The successively more inclusive clades Dinosauriformes Novas, 1992 and Dinosauromorpha Benton, 1985 have been created to include these forms as outgroups to Dinosauria, so those archosaurs become “non-dinosaurian dinosauriforms” and “non-dinosauriform dinosauromorphs.” To me, this is outrageous hairsplitting, particularly since the forms in these groups are few in number and most appear to me to be basal theropods rather than basal dinosaurs. Until more convincing arguments are published on why such forms should not be called dinosaurs, I’ll retain them in the Dinosaur Genera List without further annotation. Perhaps later, when I perform a List overhaul, I may annotate them as “precursor dinosaurs.” This is the Mother of All Internet Dinosaur Lists. It was first posted to the Dinosaur Mailing List (see archive) on October 23, 1995. Thereafter, it was gradually corrected and tuned to weed out misspellings and other inappropriate generic names, eventually evolving into its present form. Before October 1995, there was simply no complete list of dinosaur genera available on the Internet; all the other Internet dinosaur lists, some with much additional information, sprang up after this one became available. The initial Dinosaur Genera List tabulated 770 names, after a few nondinosaurian genera that had crept in were removed. The entire List was published as part of The http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 4 of 40 Dinosaur Folios #1 in May 1996, when it had grown to 787 names long. It was also published in 1997, when the name count stood at 806, at the back of Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs (P. Currie & Padian, eds.). On or about May 24, 1997, the entire List, with the name count at 805, was posted on the Dinogeorge website home page. There it remained until it became the present separate web page on December 3, 2000, with the name count at 895. The Dinosaur Genera List is freely available to anyone who desires to publish it in book or magazine form, to link to it, or to display it at a website, provided only that George Olshevsky be informed of such publication or Internet display, and be properly credited as compiler. Maximize screen for best viewing/reading. What are genera? Genus (plural: genera) is a major category invented in the mid-1750s by the botanist Carolus Linnaeus (or Karl von Linne) for his system of classifying nature. His Systema Naturae is still, more than 250 years later, in use by naturalists and biologists worldwide. The lowest-ranking major category is the species, and the genus is the next lowest-ranking major category. Originally, Linnaeus simply grouped anatomically similar species into genera. Now, however, we understand that organisms are similar because they evolved from an earlier common ancestor most of whose features they retain. So a more modern definition of a genus would be: a group of species having a closer common ancestor than other species in the same family. To designate each species, Linnaeus combined two names into what is known as a species binomen. The first part, or generic name, is the name of the genus to which the species belongs. The second part, known as the species epithet or trivial name, uniquely distinguishes the species within the genus. These names are Latinized, a relic of the days of Linnaeus, when Latin was the language of science. In a species binomen, the generic name is always a Latinized noun, and the species epithet acts as a Latin modifier of that noun. Some genera may include hundreds of species, others may include only one species. Most dinosaur genera, however, include just one species, because of the difficulty of distinguishing species among fossils. The generic name is the more important name, so practically all dinosaurs are popularly known by just their generic names. (The one major exception, of course, is Tyrannosaurus rex, in which Tyrannosaurus is the generic name and rex is the species epithet. Everybody knows this dinosaur by its full species binomen.) Because of their importance in dinosaur science, the Dinosaur Genera List collects in alphabetical order all the generic names ever given to non-avian dinosaurs (that is, dinosaurs that are not also birds, or “non-avialan ornithans”). It is one of biology’s dark secrets that there is no way to decide whether two different species are related closely enough to belong to the same genus. The generic level, and all classification levels in the Linnaean system above the species, are quite arbitrary. Classification of organisms was, and still is, done according to the experience, judgment, and common sense of the classifiers, rather than according to hard and fast rules. A classification is ratified when scientists everywhere use it in their work. Some people are uncomfortable with the lack of objectivity in classification, so a movement exists to abolish Linnaean ranks above the species level. But the convenience and utility of the Linnaean system of ranks and groups, including genera and species, will likely keep it around for quite a while longer. Type specimens and type species: In zoological nomenclature, every named species (except for very common and familiar ones, such as Homo sapiens) has a type specimen: a physical specimen against which other specimens may be http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 5 of 40 compared to determine whether or not they belong to that species. Type specimens are usually kept in museums or similar institutions where scientists can readily access them. Likewise, every genus has a type species, the species against which other species may be compared to determine whether or not they belong to that genus. (In dinosaurs, for example, the type species of the genus Tyrannosaurus is Tyrannosaurus rex, and the type specimen of Tyrannosaurus rex is the mounted skeleton on display at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh. If you want to know whether your dinosaur fossil is a Tyrannosaurus rex, you go to the Carnegie Museum and compare it with that skeleton, or you compare it against the original published description of the Carnegie skeleton.) If, and only if, the type species of a genus is ever placed in another genus, then it carries the name of its genus into synonymy with the other genus, and the older generic name (senior synonym: see Synonymies in List below) becomes the new generic name of the species. In dinosaurs, for example, the type species, Brontosaurus excelsus, of the sauropod genus Brontosaurus Marsh, 1879 was referred to the earlier sauropod genus Apatosaurus Marsh, 1877 by Elmer S. Riggs in 1903. It was then renamed Apatosaurus excelsus, and Brontosaurus was “sunk” as a junior synonym of Apatosaurus. (The type species of Apatosaurus is Apatosaurus ajax, which remains distinct from Apatosaurus excelsus.) Some dinosaur species have been renamed this way several times during the course of dinosaur paleontology. The names of the type species of all the dinosaur genera, as well as of all other dinosaur species and all their renamings, are tabulated by continent in my publication Mesozoic Meanderings #3, which can be ordered by following the instructions at Dinogeorge’s Home page. There are lots of species, renamings, and emendations, too many to be tabulated conveniently at this website; but all of my most up-to-date files of dinosaur species names may be downloaded for free from T. Mike Keesey’s Dinosauricon website. The type specimen is usually designated when a species is initially described (in which case it is called a holotype specimen); if not, then it may be designated subsequently, in further work on the species (in which case it is called a lectotype specimen). Once designated, the type specimen may be changed only by a formal petition to and subsequent ruling by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (which doesn’t happen very often!). A species without a type specimen is called a nomen nudum and has no formal standing in zoology. Likewise, the type species of a genus is usually designated when the genus is formally described, but it may be designated subsequently if none was designated in the original description. (This occurred sometimes in the old days; nowadays, no genus can be formally created without a named type species.) A generic name informally published without a type species (this occasionally happens in news stories about forthcoming descriptions, for example), or with a type species that is a nomen nudum, remains a nomen nudum without scientific standing until it is formally described in a scientific paper and acquires a valid type species. For more on naming dinosaurs, see my article “Naming the Dinosaurs,” pp. 128–139 of The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs, edited by Gregory S. Paul (St. Martin’s Press, November 2000). Notes for List: [nomen dubium] = “doubtful name”: generic name the type specimen of whose type species is too incomplete to be distinguished from like material belonging to at least two otherwise distinct species; a nomen dubium genus may be a synonym of another genus, but its known material is not considered complete enough to formalize such synonymy; being a nomen dubium does not invalidate a name but does render equally doubtful any other taxonomic names based on that genus http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 6 of 40 [nomen ex dissertatione –>] = “name from dissertation”: generic name created in a dissertation; a particular kind of nomen nudum (see below) excluded from availability because dissertations are not considered publications by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature; because copies of many dissertations are available by purchase to anyone from University Microfilms International, however, generic names created in them are in fact published in accordance with the criteria of the Dinosaur Genera List, so they are listed here when known, and the publication year is the year the document became available from UMI; a nomen ex dissertatione may change when the author formally describes the genus, in which case the replacement name is indicated [nomen manuscriptum] = “manuscript name”: formally unpublished name that appears in a manuscript in preparation for publication that has been made publicly available, for example via the Internet; such a name is here counted as a vernacular name, dated the year the manuscript was first made available; if the name is later formally described, its nomen manuscriptum listing is converted into a valid-name listing, with new author(s) and/or date if necessary; if the name is changed upon formal publication, the old vernacular name is retained in the list, along with a pointer to its new valid name [nomen nudum –>] = “naked name”: generic name lacking a description and/or a type specimen for its type species; indicated name, when given, is the scientific name subsequently applied to the material; a nomen nudum is treated as a vernacular name and is not valid in scientific nomenclature [nomen oblitum] = “forgotten name”: generic name unused in the scientific literature for at least 50 years after publication and hence at least potentially invalid [nomen rejectum –>] = “rejected name”: generic name rejected by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature in favor of the indicated name; depending on the terms of rejection, a nomen rejectum may or may not be a scientifically valid name vide = “see”: name attributed to the first indicated author(s) in the paper of the second; the author(s) of the genus is(are) taken as the first author(s), while the date of publication of the name is taken as the date associated with the second author(s) / = name preoccupied by the second indicated author(s); indicated name, if given, is replacement name or senior synonym; a preoccupied name is not scientifically valid and must be replaced by a new name when discovered * = genus not presently considered to be dinosaurian [followed in brackets by its current identification] Synonymies in List: [JOS –>] = junior objective synonym of the indicated genus, whose name is to be used in preference; genera are objective synonyms if their type species are based on the same type specimen (this often happens when a replacement name is proposed for a preoccupied name that turns out not to need one); the genus whose name was published first is the senior synonym, the other genus is the junior synonym; the senior synonym becomes the scientific name of the genus unless it has been formally rejected or is otherwise unavailable [JSS –>] = junior subjective synonym of the indicated genus; genera are subjective synonyms if the type species of one genus has been referred to the other genus or synonymized with a species in the other genus http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 7 of 40 [PSS –>] = possible subjective synonym of the indicated genus, either junior or senior; usually used here with nomen dubium designation to indicate a better-established genus to which the doubtful genus might be referred [SSS –>] = suppressed senior synonym: a subjective senior synonym that has been rejected by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature in favor of the indicated junior synonym Note: Different workers have different judgments concerning subjective synonymies and nomina dubia. This List provides the compiler’s present judgment, based on the current literature. Subjective synonymies and nomina dubia designations in this List can and will change from time to time as information from new studies is incorporated. This List is sparing in declaring a name a nomen dubium; others may consider more names to be nomina dubia than this List does. Generic names appearing in bold italics in this List that remain with no annotations (except perhaps a vide or a PSS) are to be considered unequivocally valid dinosaur names. The synonymies were added as of June 9, 2001, and they have been tuned until they are fully consistent with the compiler’s current publications. On October 14, 2003, when the genera total was 1012 and the visitor count stood at 16,944, the Generic Name Counts table was added to the front end of this document. The generic names are sorted into seven different categories of validity and counted, and the counts are totaled by initial letter and by category. Each name is placed into exactly one category. Vernacular names are either nomina nuda or dissertation names. Genera not presently considered to be dinosaurs (that is, those flagged with asterisks in their listings), are sorted into their own category and are not further subdivided. The genera total for the entire Dinosaur Genera List appears in the bottom right cell of the table. A Aachenosaurus Smets, 1888* [nomen dubium; petrified wood] Aardonyx Yates, Bonnan, Neveling, Chinsamy & Blackbeard, 2009 “Abdallahsaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Giraffatitan] Abelisaurus Bonaparte & Novas, 1985 Abrictosaurus Hopson, 1975 Abrosaurus Ouyang, 1989 Abydosaurus Chure, Britt, Whitlock & J. A. Wilson, 2010 Acanthopholis Huxley, 1867 [nomen dubium] Achelousaurus Sampson, 1995 Acheroraptor Evans, D. Larson & P. Currie, 2103 Achillesaurus Martinelli & Vera, 2007 Achillobator Perle, Norell & J. Clark, 1999 Acracanthus Langston, 1947 vide Czaplewski, Cifelli & Langston, 1994 [nomen ex dissertatione –> Acrocanthosaurus] Acristavus Gates, Horner, Hanna & Nelson, 2011 Acrocanthosaurus Stovall & Langston, 1950 Acrotholus Evans, Schott, D. Larson, C. Brown & Ryan, 2013 Actiosaurus Sauvage, 1882* [nomen dubium; probable ichthyosaur] Adamantisaurus Santucci & Bertini, 2006 Adasaurus Barsbold, 1983 Adeopapposaurus R. N. Martinez, 2009 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 8 of 40 Aegyptosaurus Stromer, 1932 Aeolosaurus J. E. Powell, 1987 Aepisaurus Gervais, 1852 [nomen dubium] Aerosteon Sereno, R. N. Martinez, J. A. Wilson, Varricchio, Alcober & Larsson, 2008 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Aetonyx Broom, 1911 [JSS –> Massospondylus] Afrovenator Sereno, J. A. Wilson, Larsson, Dutheil & Sues, 1994 Agathaumas Cope, 1872 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Nedoceratops, Torosaurus, or Triceratops] Aggiosaurus Ambayrac, 1913* [metriorhynchid crocodilian] Agilisaurus Peng G., 1990 Agnosphitys Fraser, Padian, Walkden & Davis, 2002 Agrosaurus Seeley, 1891 [JSS –> Thecodontosaurus] Agujaceratops S. Lucas, R. Sullivan & Hunt, 2006 Agustinia Bonaparte, 1999 Ahshislepelta Burns & R. Sullivan, 2011 Airakoraptor Perle, Norell & J. Clark, 1999 [nomen nudum] Ajancingenia Easter, 2013 Ajkaceratops Ösi, Butler & Weishampel, 2010 Alamosaurus Gilmore, 1922 Alashansaurus Chure, 2001 [nomen ex dissertatione –> Shaochilong] Alaskacephale R. Sullivan, 2006 Albalophosaurus Ohashi & Barrett, 2009 Albertaceratops Ryan, 2007 Albertadromeus C. Brown, Evans, Ryan & A. P. Russell, 2013 Albertonykus Longrich & P. Currie, 2008 (not 2009) Albertosaurus Osborn, 1905 Albinykus Nesbitt, J. A. Clarke, Turner & Norell, 2011 Albisaurus Fritsch, 1905* [nomen dubium; possible marine reptile] Alectrosaurus Gilmore, 1933 Aletopelta Ford & Kirkland, 2001 Algoasaurus Broom, 1904 [nomen dubium] Alioramus Kurzanov, 1976 Aliwalia Galton, 1985 [JSS –> Eucnemesaurus] Allosaurus Marsh, 1877 Alnashetri Makovicky, Apesteguía & Gianechini, 2012 Alocodon Thulborn, 1973 Altirhinus Norman, 1998 Altispinax von Huene, 1923 [nomen dubium] Alvarezsaurus Bonaparte, 1991 Alwalkeria Chatterjee & Creisler, 1994 Alxasaurus D. A. Russell & Dong, 1994 (not 1993) Amargasaurus Salgado & Bonaparte, 1991 Amargatitanis Apesteguía, 2007 Amazonsaurus Carvalho, Avilla & Salgado, 2003 Ammosaurus Marsh, 1891 Ampelosaurus Le Loeuff, 1995 Amphicoelias Cope, 1877 [nomen dubium] Amphicoelicaudia Cheng Z., et al., 1994 vide Li K., 1998 [nomen nudum –> Huabeisaurus] Amphisaurus Marsh, 1877/Barkas, 1870 –> Anchisaurus http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 9 of 40 Amtocephale Watabe, Tsogtbaatar & R. Sullivan, 2011 Amtosaurus Kurzanov & Tumanova, 1978 [nomen dubium] Amurosaurus Bolotsky & Kurzanov, 1991 Amygdalodon Cabrera, 1947 [nomen dubium] Anabisetia Coria & Calvo, 2002 Anasazisaurus Hunt & S. Lucas, 1993 [PSS –> Gryposaurus or Kritosaurus] Anatosaurus Lull & Wright, 1942 [JSS –> Edmontosaurus] Anatotitan Brett-Surman vide R. E. Chapman & Brett-Surman, 1990 Anchiceratops B. Brown, 1914 Anchiornis Xu X., Zhao Q., Norell, C. Sullivan, Hone, Erickson, Wang X. L., Han F. & Guo, 2009 (not 2008) Anchisaurus Marsh, 1885 Andesaurus Calvo & Bonaparte, 1991 Angaturama Kellner & Campos, 1996 [JSS –> Irritator] Angolatitan Mateus, Jacobs, Schulp, Polcyn, Taveres, Neto, Morais & Telles Antunes, 2011 Angulomastacator J. R. Wagner & Lehman, 2009 Aniksosaurus R. D. Martínez & Novas, 2006 Animantarx Carpenter, Kirkland, Burge & Bird, 1999 Ankistrodon Huxley, 1865* [proterosuchian archosaur] Ankylosaurus B. Brown, 1908 Anodontosaurus C. M. Sternberg, 1929 Anoplosaurus Seeley, 1879 [nomen dubium] Anserimimus Barsbold, 1988 Antarctopelta Salgado & Gasparini, 2006 Antarctosaurus von Huene, 1929 Antetonitrus Yates & Kitching, 2003 Anthodon Owen, 1876* [pareiasaur] Antrodemus Leidy, 1870 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Allosaurus] Anzu Lamanna, Sues, Schachner & Lyson, 2014 Aorun Choiniere, J. Clark, Forster, Norell, Eberth, Erickson, Chu H. & Xu X., 2013 Apatodon Marsh, 1877 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Allosaurus] Apatosaurus Marsh, 1877 Appalachiosaurus Carr, Williamson & Schwimmer, 2005 Aragosaurus Sanz, Buscalioni, Casanovas-Cladellas (as Casanovas) & Santafe, 1987 Aralosaurus Rozhdestvensky, 1968 Araucanoraptor Novas, 1997 [nomen nudum –> Neuquenraptor] Archaeoceratops Dong & Azuma, 1997 Archaeodontosaurus Buffetaut, 2005 Archaeopteryx von Meyer, 1861* [bird] Archaeoraptor Czerkas vide C. P. Sloan, 1999 vide Olson, 2000 [nomen rejectum (pending) –> Microraptor] Archaeornis Petronievics vide Petronievics & Woodward, 1917* [nomen rejectum –> Archaeopteryx; bird] Archaeornithoides Elzanowski & Wellnhofer, 1992 Archaeornithomimus D. A. Russell, 1972 Archaeovolans Czerkas & Xu X., 2002* [bird, previously included in Archaeoraptor; PSS –> Yanornis] Arcovenator Tortosa, Buffetaut, Vialle, Dutour, Turini & Cheylan, 2013 Arctosaurus Adams, 1875* [nomen dubium; non-dinosaurian reptile] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 10 of 40 Arcusaurus Yates, Bonnan & Neveling, 2011 Arenysaurus Pereda-Suberbiola, Canudo, Cruzado-Caballero, Barco, López-Martínez, Oms & RuízOmeñaca, 2009 Argentinosaurus Bonaparte & Coria, 1993 Argyrosaurus Lydekker, 1893 Aristosaurus van Hoepen, 1920 [JSS –> Massospondylus] Aristosuchus Seeley, 1887 [nomen dubium] Arizonasaurus Welles, 1947* [ctenosauriscid rauisuchian] “Arkanosaurus” Sattler, 1983 [nomen nudum] Arkharavia Alifanov & Bolotsky, 2010 Arrhinoceratops Parks, 1925 Arstanosaurus Suslov vide Suslov & Shilin, 1982 [nomen dubium] Asiaceratops Nessov & Kaznyshkina vide Nessov, Kaznyshkina & Cherepanov, 1989 Asiamericana Nessov, 1995 [nomen dubium] Asiatosaurus Osborn, 1924 [nomen dubium] Asilisaurus Nesbitt, Sidor, Irmis, Angielczyk, R. M. H. Smith & Tsuji, 2010 Astrodon Johnston, 1859 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Pleurocoelus] Astrodonius Kuhn, 1961 [JOS –> Astrodon] Astrodontaurus Johnston, 1858 vide Kranz, 2004 [JOS –> Astrodon] Astrophocaudia D’Emic, 2012 Asylosaurus Galton, 2008 (not 2007) Atacamatitan Kellner, Rubilar-Rogers, Vargas & Suárez, 2011 Atlantosaurus Marsh, 1877 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Apatosaurus or Camarasaurus] Atlasaurus Monbaron, D. A. Russell & Taquet, 1999 Atlascopcosaurus T. Rich & Vickers-Rich (as P. Rich), 1989 Atrociraptor P. Currie & Varricchio, 2004 Atsinganosaurus G. Garcia, Amico, Fournier, Thouand & Valentin, 2010 Aublysodon Leidy, 1868 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Albertosaurus or Deinodon] Aucasaurus Coria, Chiappe & Dingus, 2002 Augustia Bonaparte, 1998/Zariquiey, 1927 –> Agustinia Augustynolophus Prieto-Márquez, J. R. Wagner, Bell & Chiappe, 2014 Auroraceratops You, Li D. Q., Ji Q., Lamanna & Dodson, 2005 Aurornis Godefroit, Cau, Hu D., Escuillié, Wu W. H. & Dyke, 2013 [possible bird] Australodocus Remes, 2007 Australovenator Hocknull, White, Tischler, Cook, Calleja, T. Sloan & Elliott, 2009 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Austrocheirus Ezcurra, Agnolín & Novas, 2010 Austroraptor Novas, Pol, Canale, Porfiri & Calvo, 2008 Austrosaurus Longman, 1933 Avaceratops Dodson, 1986 Avalonia Seeley, 1898/Walcott, 1889* –> Avalonianus [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Avalonianus Kuhn, 1961* [nomen dubium; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Aviatyrannis Rauhut, 2003 Avimimus Kurzanov, 1981 Avipes von Huene, 1932 [nomen dubium] Avisaurus Brett-Surman & Paul, 1985* [enantiornithan bird] Azendohsaurus Dutuit, 1972* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Back to top http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 11 of 40 B Bactrosaurus Gilmore, 1933 Bagaceratops Maryanska & Osmólska, 1975 Bagaraatan Osmólska, 1996 Bahariasaurus Stromer, 1934 Bainoceratops Tereschenko & Alifanov, 2003 Bakesaurus Zhou S., 2005 [nomen nudum] Balaur Csiki, Vremir, Brusatte & Norell, 2010 Balochisaurus Malkani, 2006 Bambiraptor Burnham, Derstler, P. Currie, Bakker, Zhou Z. & Ostrom, 2000 Banji Xu X. & Han F., 2010 Baotianmansaurus Zhang X. L., Lü, Xu L., Li J. H., Hu W., Jia S., Ji Q. & Zhang C., 2009 [electronic publication but here considered valid] “Barackosaurus” [Anonymous] 2010 [nomen nudum; in The Dana Quarry Dinosaurs] Barapasaurus Jain, Kutty, Roy-Chowdhury & Chatterjee, 1975 Barilium Norman, 2010 Barosaurus Marsh, 1890 Barrosasaurus Salgado & Coria, 2009 Barsboldia Maryanska & Osmólska, 1981 Baryonyx Charig & A. C. Milner, 1986 Bashunosaurus Li K., 1998 [nomen nudum possibly –> Datousaurus] Basutodon von Huene, 1932* [nomen dubium; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Bathygnathus Leidy, 1854* [nomen dubium; pelycosaur] Batyrosaurus Godefroit, Escuillié, Bolotsky & Lauters, 2012 Baurutitan Kellner, Campos & Trotta, 2005 Bayosaurus Coria, P. Currie & Carabajal, 2006 [nomen nudum] Becklespinax Olshevsky, 1991 “Beelemodon” Bakker, 1997 [nomen nudum] Beipiaosaurus Xu X., Tang Z. & Wang X. L., 1999 Beishanlong Makovicky, Li D. Q., Gao K., Lewin, Erickson & Norell, 2009 Bellusaurus Dong, 1990 Belodon von Meyer, 1842* [phytosaur] Berberosaurus Allain, Tykoski, Aquesbi, Jalil, Monbaron, D. A. Russell & Taquet, 2007 Betasuchus von Huene, 1932 [nomen dubium] Bicentenaria Novas, Ezcurra, Agnolín, Pol & Ortíz, 2012 Bienosaurus Dong, 2001 Bihariosaurus Marinescu, 1989 Bilbeyhallorum Burge, Bird, McClelland & Cicconetti, 1999 [nomen nudum –> Cedarpelta] Bissektipelta Parish & Barrett, 2004 Bistahieversor Carr & Williamson, 2010 “Blancocerosaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Giraffatitan] Blasisaurus Cruzado-Caballero, Pereda-Suberbiola & Ruíz-Omeñaca, 2010 Blikanasaurus Galton & van Heerden, 1985 Bolong Wu W. H., Godefroit & Hu D., 2010 Bonapartenykus Agnolín, J. E. Powell, Novas & Kundrát, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Bonatitan Martinelli & Forasiepi, 2004 Bonitasaura Apesteguía, 2004 Borealosaurus You, Ji Q., Lamanna, Li J. L. & Li Y. X., 2004 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 12 of 40 Borogovia Osmólska, 1987 Bothriospondylus Owen, 1875 Brachiosaurus Riggs, 1903 Brachyceratops Gilmore, 1914 Brachylophosaurus C. M. Sternberg, 1953 Brachypodosaurus Chakravarti, 1934 [nomen dubium] Brachyrophus Cope, 1878 [JSS –> Camptosaurus] Brachytaenius von Meyer, 1842* [nomen dubium; non-dinosaurian reptile] Brachytrachelopan Rauhut, Remes, Fechner, Cladera & Puerta, 2005 Bradycneme Harrison & C. A. Walker, 1975 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Elopteryx] Brasileosaurus von Huene, 1931* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Brasilotitan Machado, Avilla, Nava, Campos & Kellner, 2013 Bravoceratops Wick & Lehman, 2013 Breviceratops Kurzanov, 1990 Brohisaurus Malkani, 2003 “Brontodiplodocus” [Anonymous] 2010 [nomen nudum; in Dana Quarry Report 2010] Brontomerus Taylor, Wedel & Cifelli, 2011 Brontoraptor Redman, 1995 [nomen nudum] Brontosaurus Marsh, 1879 [JSS –> Apatosaurus] Bruhathkayosaurus Yadagiri & Ayyasami, 1987 [nomen dubium] Bugenasaura Galton, 1995 [PSS –> Thescelosaurus] Buitreraptor Makovicky, Apesteguía & Agnolín, 2005 Byranjaffia Novacek, 2002 [nomen nudum –> Byronosaurus] Byronosaurus Norell, Makovicky & J. Clark, 2000 Back to top C Caenagnathasia P. Currie, Godfrey & Nessov, 1994 (not 1993) Caenagnathus R. M. Sternberg, 1940 Calamosaurus Lydekker, 1891 [nomen dubium] Calamospondylus Fox vide [Anonymous] 1866 [nomen dubium] Calamospondylus Lydekker, 1889/Fox vide [Anonymous] 1866 –> Calamosaurus Callovosaurus Galton, 1980 Camarasaurus Cope, 1877 Camarillasaurus Sánchez-Hernández & Benton, 2012 [in manuscript accepted for print publication and freely available online; published in 2014] Camelotia Galton, 1985 Camposaurus Hunt, S. Lucas, Heckert, R. Sullivan, & Lockley, 1998 Camptonotus Marsh, 1879/Uhler, 1864 –> Camptosaurus Camptosaurus Marsh, 1885 Campylodon von Huene, 1929/Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832 –> Campylodoniscus Campylodoniscus Kuhn, 1961 [nomen dubium] Canardia Prieto-Márquez, Dalla Vecchia, Gaete & Galobart, 2013 [electronic publication but here considered valid] “Capitalsaurus” Kranz, 1998 [nomen nudum] Carcharodontosaurus Stromer, 1931 Cardiodon Owen, 1841 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Cetiosaurus] Carnosaurus von Huene, 1929 [nomen nudum] Carnotaurus Bonaparte, 1985 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 13 of 40 Caseosaurus Hunt, S. Lucas, Heckert, R. Sullivan & Lockley, 1998 Cathartesaura Gallina & Apesteguía, 2005 Cathetosaurus Jensen, 1988 [PSS –> Camarasaurus] Caudipteryx Ji Q., P. Currie, Norell & Ji S., 1998 Caudocoelus von Huene, 1932 [JOS –> Teinurosaurus] Caulodon Cope, 1877 [JSS –> Camarasaurus] Cedarosaurus Tidwell, Carpenter & Brooks, 1999 Cedarpelta Carpenter, Kirkland, Burge & Bird, 2001 Cedrorestes Gilpin, DiCroce & Carpenter, 2006 Centemodon Lea, 1856* [nomen dubium; phytosaur] Centrosaurus Lambe, 1904/Fitzinger, 1843 –> Eucentrosaurus (unnecessary) Cerasinops Chinnery & Horner, 2007 Ceratonykus Alifanov & Barsbold, 2009 Ceratops Marsh, 1888/Rafinesque, 1815 –> Proceratops (unnecessary) [nomen dubium] Ceratosaurus Marsh, 1884 Cetiosauriscus von Huene, 1927 Cetiosaurus Owen, 1841 Changchunsaurus Zan, Chen J., Jin L. & Li T., 2005 Changtusaurus Zhao X., 1983 [nomen nudum] Changyuraptor Han G., Chiappe, Ji S., Habib, Turner, Chinsamy, Liu X. & Han L., 2014 Chaoyangsaurus Zhao X., Cheng Z. & Xu X., 1999 Charonosaurus Godefroit, Zan & Jin L., 2000 Chasmosaurus Lambe, 1914 Chassternbergia Bakker, 1988 Chebsaurus Mahammed, Läng, Mami, Mekahli, Benhamou, Bouterfa, Kacemi, Chérief, Chaouati & Taquet, 2005 Cheneosaurus Lambe, 1917 [JSS –> Hypacrosaurus] Chialingosaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1959 Chiayusaurus Bohlin, 1953 [nomen dubium] Chienkosaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1942* [nomen dubium; crocodilian] Chihuahuasaurus Ratkevich vide [Anonymous] 1997 [nomen nudum –> Sonorasaurus] Chilantaisaurus Hu S., 1964 Chindesaurus R. A. Long & Murry, 1995 Chingkankousaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1958 [JSS –> Tarbosaurus] Chinshakiangosaurus Yeh, 1975 vide Dong, 1992 vide Upchurch, Barrett, Zhao X. & Xu X., 2007 Chirostenotes Gilmore, 1924 Chondrosteosaurus Owen, 1876 [nomen dubium] Chromogisaurus Ezcurra, 2010 Chuandongocoelurus He X., 1984 Chuanjiesaurus Fang, Pang, Lu, Zhang Z., Pan, Wang Y., Li X. K. & Cheng Z., 2000 Chuanqilong Han F., Zheng W., Hu D., Xu X. & Barrett, 2014 Chubutisaurus del Corro, 1974 Chungkingosaurus Dong, Zhou S. & Zhang Y. H., 1983 Chuxiongosaurus Lü, Kobayashi, Li T. G. & Zhong, 2010 Cinizasaurus Heckert, 1997 vide Nesbitt, Irmis & Parker, 2007 [nomen ex dissertatione] Cionodon Cope, 1874 [nomen dubium] Citipati J. Clark, Norell & Barsbold, 2001 Cladeiodon Owen, 1841* [nomen dubium; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Claorhynchus Cope, 1892 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Triceratops] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 14 of 40 Claosaurus Marsh, 1890 Clarencea A. S. Brink, 1959* [sphenosuchian archosaur] Clasmodosaurus Ameghino, 1898 [nomen dubium] Clepsysaurus Lea, 1851* [phytosaur] Clevelanotyrannus Bakker, Williams & P. Currie vide P. Currie, 1987 [nomen nudum –> Nanotyrannus] Coahuilaceratops Loewen, Sampson, E. K. Lund, Farke, Aguillón Martínez, de Leon, Rodríguez de la Rosa, Getty & Eberth, 2010 Coelophysis Cope, 1889 Coelosaurus Leidy, 1865/[Anonymous, but known to be Owen] 1854 –> Ornithomimus Coeluroides von Huene & Matley, 1933 [nomen dubium] Coelurosauravus Piveteau, 1926* [gliding prolacertiform reptile] Coelurosaurus von Huene, 1929 [nomen nudum] Coelurus Marsh, 1879 Colepiocephale R. Sullivan, 2003 Colonosaurus Marsh, 1872* [ichthyornithid bird, probably Ichthyornis] Coloradia Bonaparte, 1978/Blake, 1863 –> Coloradisaurus Coloradisaurus Lambert, 1983 Colossosaurus Mantell, 1849 vide Torrens, 1997 [nomen nudum –> Pelorosaurus] Comahuesaurus Carballido, Salgado, Pol, Canudo & Garrido, 2012 Comanchesaurus Hunt, 1994 vide Nesbitt, Irmis & Parker, 2007 [nomen ex dissertatione] Compsognathus J. A. Wagner, 1859 Compsosuchus von Huene & Matley, 1933 Concavenator F. Ortega, Escaso & Sanz, 2010 Conchoraptor Barsbold, 1986 Condorraptor Rauhut, 2005 Coronosaurus Ryan, Evans & Shepherd, 2012 Corythosaurus B. Brown, 1914 Craspedodon Dollo, 1883 Crataeomus Seeley, 1881 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Struthiosaurus] Craterosaurus Seeley, 1874 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Regnosaurus] Creosaurus Marsh, 1878 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Allosaurus] Crichtonsaurus Dong, 2002 Cristatusaurus Taquet & D. A. Russell, 1998 Crosbysaurus Heckert, 2004* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Cruxicheiros Benson & Radley, 2010 Cryolophosaurus Hammer & Hickerson, 1994 Cryptodraco Lydekker, 1889 [JOS –> Cryptosaurus] Cryptoraptor Hunt, 1994 vide Nesbitt, Irmis & Parker, 2007 [nomen ex dissertatione] Cryptosaurus Seeley, 1869 Cryptovolans Czerkas, Zhang D., Li J. L. & Li Y. X., 2002 [PSS –> Microraptor] Cumnoria Seeley, 1888 Cylindricodon Owen vide Ingles & Sawyer, 1979/Jaeger, 1828 –> Hylaeosaurus Cystosaurus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1833* [nomen oblitum; probable teleosaurid crocodyliform] Back to top D Daanosaurus Ye, Gao Y. & Jiang S., 2005 Dacentrurus F. Lucas, 1902 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 15 of 40 Dachungosaurus Zhao X. (as Chao S.), 1985 [nomen nudum] Daemonosaurus Sues, Nesbitt, Berman & Henrici, 2011 Dahalokely Farke & Sertich, 2013 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Dakosaurus Quenstedt, 1856* [crocodilian] Dakotadon Paul, 2008 Dalianraptor Gao C. & Liu J. Y., 2005 [possible bird] Damalasaurus Zhao X., 1983 [nomen nudum] Dandakosaurus Yadagiri, 1982 [nomen dubium] Danubiosaurus Bunzel, 1871 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Struthiosaurus] Daptosaurus B. Brown vide Chure & McIntosh, 1989 [nomen nudum –> Deinonychus] Darwinsaurus Paul, 2012 Dashanpusaurus Peng G., Ye, Gao Y., Shu & Jiang S., 2005 Daspletosaurus D. A. Russell, 1970 [PSS –> Albertosaurus] Dasygnathoides Kuhn, 1961* [ornithosuchid archosaur, JSS –> Ornithosuchus] Dasygnathus Huxley, 1877/MacLeay, 1819* –> Dasygnathoides [ornithosuchid archosaur] Datanglong Mo, Zhou F., Li G., Huang Z. & Cao, 2014 Datousaurus Dong & Tang Z., 1984 Daurosaurus Alifanov & Saveliev, 2014 [PSS –> Kulindadromeus] Daxiatitan You, Li D. Q., Zhou L. & Ji Q., 2008 Deinocheirus Osmólska & Roniewicz, 1970 Deinodon Leidy, 1856 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Albertosaurus] Deinonychus Ostrom, 1969 Delapparentia Ruíz-Omeñaca, 2011 Deltadromeus Sereno, Duthiel, Iarochene, Larsson, Lyon, Magwene, Sidor, Varricchio & J. A. Wilson, 1996 Demandasaurus Fernández-Baldor, Canudo, Huerta, Montero, Pereda-Suberbiola & Salgado, 2010 [electronic prepublication in abstract but here considered valid] Denversaurus Bakker, 1988 Deuterosaurus Eichwald, 1860* [therapsid] Diabloceratops Kirkland & DeBlieux, 2010 Diamantinasaurus Hocknull, White, Tischler, Cook, Calleja, T. Sloan & Elliott, 2009 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Dianchungosaurus Yang Z. J., 1982* [crocodilian] Diceratops Lull vide Hatcher, 1905/Foerster, 1868 –> Diceratus (unnecessary) & Nedoceratops Diceratus Mateus, 2008 [JOS –> Nedoceratops] Diclonius Cope, 1876 [nomen dubium] Dicraeosaurus Janensch, 1914 Didanodon Osborn, 1902 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Lambeosaurus] Dilong Xu X., Norell, Kuang, Wang X. L., Zhao Q. & Jia C., 2004 Dilophosaurus Welles, 1970 Dimodosaurus Pidancet & Chopard, 1862 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Plateosaurus] Dinheirosaurus Bonaparte & Mateus, 1999 Dinodocus Owen, 1884 [nomen dubium] Dinosaurus Rütimeyer, 1856/Fischer von Waldheim, 1847 –> Gresslyosaurus Dinotyrannus Olshevsky vide Olshevsky, Ford & Yamamoto, 1995 [JSS –> Tyrannosaurus] Diodorus Kammerer, Nesbitt & Shubin, 2011 Diplodocus Marsh, 1878 Diplotomodon Leidy, 1868 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Dryptosaurus] Diracodon Marsh, 1881 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Stegosaurus] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 16 of 40 Dolichosuchus von Huene, 1932 [nomen dubium] Dollodon Paul, 2008 [PSS –> Mantellisaurus] Domeykosaurus Rubilar-Rogers (as Rubilar) & Vargas vide [Anonymous] 2003 [nomen nudum; in May 29, 2003 Reuters news reports] Dongbeititan Wang X. R., You, Meng, Gao C., Cheng X. & Liu J. Y., 2007 Dongyangopelta Chen R., Zheng W., Azuma, Shibata, Lou, Jin Q. & Jin X., 2013 [PSS –> Zhejiangosaurus] Dongyangosaurus Lü, Azuma, Chen R., Zheng W. & Jin X., 2008 Doratodon Seeley, 1881* [crocodilian] Doryphorosaurus Nopcsa, 1916 [JOS –> Kentrosaurus] Draconyx Mateus & Telles Antunes, 2001 Dracopelta Galton, 1980 Dracorex Bakker, R. Sullivan, Porter, P. Larson & Saulsbury, 2006 [PSS –> Pachycephalosaurus] Dracovenator Yates, 2006 Dravidosaurus Yadagiri & Ayyasami, 1979 Dreadnoughtus Lacovarra, Lamanna, Ibiricu, Poole, Schroeter, Ullmann, Voegele, Boles, Carter, Fowler, Egerton, Moyer, Coughenour, Schein, Harris, R. D. Martínez & Novas, 2014 Drinker Bakker, Galton, Siegwarth & Filla, 1990 Dromaeosauroides P. Christiansen & Bonde, 2003 Dromaeosaurus Matthew & B. Brown, 1922 Dromiceiomimus D. A. Russell, 1972 Dromicosaurus van Hoepen, 1920 [JSS –> Massospondylus] Dromomeron Irmis, Nesbitt, Padian, N. D. Smith, Turner, Woody & A. Downs, 2007 Drusilasaura Navarrete, Casal & R. D. Martínez (as R. Martínez), 2011 Dryosaurus Marsh, 1894 Dryptosauroides von Huene & Matley, 1933 [nomen dubium] Dryptosaurus Marsh, 1877 Dubreuillosaurus Allain, 2005 Duriatitan Barrett, Benson & Upchurch, 2010 Duriavenator Benson, 2008 Dynamosaurus Osborn, 1905 [JSS –> Tyrannosaurus] Dyoplosaurus Parks, 1924 Dysalotosaurus Virchow, 1919 [JSS –> Dryosaurus] Dysganus Cope, 1876 [nomen dubium] Dyslocosaurus McIntosh, Coombs & D. A. Russell, 1992 Dystrophaeus Cope, 1877 Dystylosaurus Jensen, 1985 [JSS –> Supersaurus] Back to top E Echinodon Owen, 1861 Edmarka Bakker, Kralis, Siegwarth & Filla, 1992 Edmontonia C. M. Sternberg, 1928 Edmontosaurus Lambe, 1917 Efraasia Galton, 1973 Einiosaurus Sampson, 1995 Ekrixinatosaurus Calvo, Rubilar-Rogers & Moreno, 2004 Elachistosuchus Janensch, 1949* [rhynchocephalian] Elaltitan Mannion & Otero, 2012 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 17 of 40 Elaphrosaurus Janensch, 1920 Elmisaurus Osmólska, 1981 Elopteryx Andrews, 1913* [nomen dubium; probable bird, possible troodontid dinosaur] Elosaurus Peterson & Gilmore, 1902 [JSS –> Apatosaurus] Elrhazosaurus Galton, 2009 Elvisaurus Holmes, 1993 [nomen nudum –> Cryolophosaurus] Emausaurus Haubold, 1990 Embasaurus Riabinin, 1931 [nomen dubium] Enigmosaurus Barsbold & Perle vide Barsbold, 1983 [JSS –> Erlikosaurus] Eoabelisaurus Pol & Rauhut, 2012 Eobrontosaurus Bakker, 1998 Eocarcharia Sereno & Brusatte, 2008 Eoceratops Lambe, 1915 [PSS –> Chasmosaurus] Eocursor Butler, R. M. H. Smith & Norman, 2007 Eodromaeus R. N. Martinez, Sereno, Alcober, Colombi, Renne, Montañez & B. Currie, 2011 “Eohadrosaurus” Kirkland, 1997 [nomen nudum –> Eolambia] Eolambia Kirkland, 1998 Eomamenchisaurus Lü, Li T. G., Zhong, Ji Q. & Li S. X., 2008 Eoraptor Sereno, Forster, Rogers & Monetta, 1993 Eosinopteryx Godefroit, Demuynck, Dyke, Hu D., Escuillié & Claeys, 2013 Eotriceratops Wu X., Brinkman, Eberth & Braman, 2007 Eotyrannus Hutt, Naish, Martill, Barker & Newberry, 2001 Eousdryosaurus Escaso, F. Ortega, Dantas, Malafaia, B. Silva, Gasulla, Mocho, Narváez & Sanz, 2014 Epachthosaurus J. E. Powell, 1990 Epanterias Cope, 1878 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Allosaurus or Saurophaganax] Ephoenosaurus [Anonymous] 1839* [nomen nudum; PSS –> Machimosaurus; crocodilian] Epicampodon Lydekker, 1885* [PSS –> Ankistrodon; proterosuchid archosaur] Epichirostenotes R. Sullivan, Jasinski & van Tomme, 2011 Epidendrosaurus Zhang F., Zhou Z., Xu X. & Wang X. L., 2002 Epidexipteryx Zhang F., Zhou Z., Xu X., Wang X. L. & C. Sullivan, 2008 Equijubus You, Luo, Shubin, Witmer, Tang Z. & Tang F., 2003 Erectopus von Huene, 1922 Erketu Ksepka & Norell, 2006 Erliansaurus Xu X., Zhang X. H., Sereno, Zhao X., Kuang, Han J. & Tan L., 2002 Erlikosaurus Perle vide Barsbold & Perle, 1980 Eshanosaurus Xu X., Zhao X. & J. Clark, 2001 Euacanthus Owen vide Tennyson, 1897 [nomen nudum; JOS –> Polacanthus] Eucamerotus Hulke, 1872 [nomen dubium] Eucentrosaurus Chure & McIntosh, 1989 [JOS –> Centrosaurus] Eucercosaurus Seeley, 1879 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Acanthopholis] Eucnemesaurus van Hoepen, 1920 Eucoelophysis R. Sullivan & S. Lucas, 1999 Eugongbusaurus Knoll, 1999 Euhelopus Romer, 1956 Euoplocephalus Lambe, 1910 Eupodosaurus Boulenger, 1891* [nomen dubium; probable marine reptile] Eureodon B. Brown vide Olshevsky, 1991 [nomen nudum –> Tenontosaurus] Eurolimnornis Kessler & Jurcsák, 1986* [probable bird] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 18 of 40 Euronychodon Telles Antunes & Sigogneau-Russell, 1991 Europasaurus Mateus, Laven & Knötschke vide Sander, Mateus, Laven & Knötschke, 2006 Europelta Kirkland, Alcalá, Loewen, Espílez, Mampel & Wiersma, 2013 Euskelosaurus Huxley, 1866 Eustreptospondylus A. D. Walker, 1964 Back to top F Fabrosaurus Ginsburg, 1964 [nomen dubium] Falcarius Kirkland, Zanno, Sampson, J. Clark & DeBlieux, 2005 Fenestrosaurus Osborn, 1924 [nomen nudum –> Oviraptor] Ferganasaurus Alifanov & Averianov, 2003 Ferganocephale Averianov, T. Martin & Bakirov, 2005 Foraminacephale Schott, 2011 [nomen ex dissertatione] Frenguellisaurus Novas, 1986 [JSS –> Herrerasaurus] Fruitadens Butler, Galton, Porro, Chiappe, Henderson & Erickson, 2009 Fukuiraptor Azuma & P. Currie, 2000 Fukuisaurus Kobayashi & Azuma, 2003 Fukuititan Azuma & Shibata, 2010 Fulengia Carroll & Galton, 1977 [JSS –> Lufengosaurus] Fulgurotherium von Huene, 1932 Fusinasus Hutt, 2002 [nomen nudum –> Eotyrannus] Fusuisaurus Mo, Wang W., Huang Z., Huang X. & Xu X., 2006 “Futabasaurus” Lambert, 1990 [nomen nudum; this name now belongs to a plesiosaur (Sato, Hasegawa & Manabe, 2006)] Futalognkosaurus Calvo, Porfiri, González-Riga & Kellner, 2007 Back to top G Gadolosaurus Saito, 1979 [nomen nudum] Galesaurus Owen, 1859* [therapsid] Gallimimus Osmólska, Roniewicz & Barsbold, 1972 Galtonia Huber, S. Lucas & Hunt, 1993* [non-dinosaurian archosaur; PSS –> Revueltosaurus] Galveosaurus Sánchez-Hernández, 2005 Galvesaurus Barco, Canudo, Cuenca-Bescós & Ruíz-Omeñaca, 2005 [JOS –> Galveosaurus] Gannansaurus Lü, Yi, Zhong & Wei, 2013 Gansutitan You, Li D. Q., Zhou L. & Ji Q., 2008 [nomen nudum –> Daxiatitan] Ganzhousaurus Wang S., Sun, C. Sullivan & Xu X., 2013 Gargoyleosaurus Carpenter, C. A. Miles & Cloward, 1998 Garudimimus Barsbold, 1981 Gasosaurus Dong, 1985 Gasparinisaura Coria & Salgado, 1996 Gastonia Kirkland, 1998 Gavinosaurus Kelly, 1998 [nomen nudum –> Eotyrannus] Geminiraptor Senter, Kirkland, Bird & Bartlett, 2010 Genusaurus Accarie, Beaudoin, Dejax, Friès, Michard & Taquet, 1995 Genyodectes Woodward, 1901 Geranosaurus Broom, 1911 Gideonmantellia Ruíz-Omeñaca, Canudo, Cuenca-Bescós, Cruzado-Caballero, Gasca & Moreno- http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 19 of 40 Azanza, 2012 Giganotosaurus Coria & Salgado, 1995 Gigantoraptor Xu X., Tan Q., Wang J., Zhao X. & Tan L., 2007 Gigantosaurus Seeley, 1869 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Pelorosaurus] Gigantosaurus E. Fraas, 1908/Seeley, 1869 –> Tornieria Gigantoscelus van Hoepen, 1916 [JSS –> Euskelosaurus] Gigantspinosaurus Ouyang, 1992 Gilmoreosaurus Brett-Surman, 1979 Ginnareemimus Kaneko, 2000 [nomen nudum –> Kinnareemimus] Giraffatitan Paul, 1988 Glacialisaurus N. D. Smith & Pol, 2007 Glishades Prieto-Márquez, 2010 [nomen dubium; juvenile] Glyptodontopelta Ford, 2000 Gobiceratops Alifanov, 2008 Gobipteryx Elzanowski, 1974* [enantiornithan bird] Gobisaurus Vickaryous, A. P. Russell, P. Currie & Zhao X., 2001 Gobititan You, Tang F. & Luo, 2003 Gobivenator Tsuihiji, Barsbold, Watabe, Tsogtbaatar, Chinzorig, Fujiyama & Suzuki, 2014 Godzillasaurus Ikejiri, 2003 [nomen nudum; JOS –> Gojirasaurus (misspelling)] Gojirasaurus Carpenter, 1997 Gondwanatitan Kellner & Azevedo, 1999 Gongbusaurus Dong, Zhou S. & Zhang Y. H., 1983 Gongxianosaurus He X., Wang C., Liu S., Zhou F., Liu T., Cai & Dai, 1998 Gorgosaurus Lambe, 1914 [PSS –> Albertosaurus] Goyocephale Perle, Maryanska & Osmólska, 1982 Graciliceratops Sereno, 2000 Graciliraptor Xu X. & Wang X. L., 2004 Gracilisuchus Romer, 1972* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Gravisaurus Chabli vide Norman, 1989 [nomen nudum –> Lurdusaurus] Gravitholus Wall & Galton, 1979 [nomen dubium] Gresslyosaurus Rütimeyer, 1856 [PSS –> Plateosaurus] Griphornis Owen vide Woodward, 1862* [nomen rejectum –> Archaeopteryx; bird] Griphosaurus J. A. Wagner, 1861* [nomen rejectum –> Archaeopteryx; bird] “Gripposaurus” Barrett, Upchurch, Zhou X. & Wang X., 2007 [nomen nudum] Gryphoceratops Ryan, Evans, P. Currie, C. Brown & Brinkman, 2012 Gryphognathus Ryan, Evans, P. Currie, C. Brown & Brinkman, 2011 [nomen manuscriptum validly published online, but –> Gryphoceratops; not preoccupied by fish genus Griphognathus Gross, 1956, which has later appeared misspelled Gryphognathus in the literature] Gryponyx Broom, 1911 [JSS –> Massospondylus] Gryposaurus Lambe, 1914 Guaibasaurus Bonaparte, Ferigolo & A. Ribeiro, 1999 Guanlong Xu X., J. Clark, Forster, Norell, Erickson, Eberth, Jia C. & Zhao Q., 2006 Gwyneddosaurus Bock, 1945* [PSS –> Tanytrachelos (prolacertiform)] Gyposaurus Broom, 1911 [JSS –> Massospondylus] Back to top H “Hadrosauravus” Lambert, 1990 [nomen nudum –> Gryposaurus] Hadrosaurus Leidy, 1859 [nomen dubium] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 20 of 40 Hagryphus Zanno & Sampson, 2005 Hallopus Marsh, 1881* [crocodilian] Halticosaurus von Huene, 1908 [nomen dubium] Hanssuesia R. Sullivan, 2003 “Hanwulosaurus” [Anonymous] 2001 [nomen nudum; in Xinhua News Service news articles] Haplocanthosaurus Hatcher, 1903 Haplocanthus Hatcher, 1903/Agassiz, 1845 –> Haplocanthosaurus Haplocheirus Choiniere, Xu X., J. Clark, Forster, Guo & Han F., 2010 Harpymimus Barsbold & Perle, 1984 Haya Makovicky, Kilbourne, Sadleir & Norell, 2011 Hecatasaurus B. Brown, 1910 [JOS –> Telmatosaurus] Heilongjiangosaurus Li W. & Jin J., 2001 [nomen nudum] Heishansaurus Bohlin, 1953 [nomen dubium] Helioceratops Jin L., Chen J., Zan & Godefroit, 2009 Helopus Wiman, 1929/Wagler, 1832 –> Euhelopus Heptasteornis Harrison & C. A. Walker, 1975 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Elopteryx] Herbstosaurus Casamiquela, 1974* [pterosaur] Herrerasaurus Reig, 1963 Hesperonychus Longrich & P. Currie, 2009 Hesperosaurus Carpenter, C. A. Miles & Cloward, 2001 Heterodontosaurus Crompton & Charig, 1962 Heterosaurus Cornuel, 1850 [JSS –> Iguanodon] Hexing Jin L., Chen J. & Godefroit, 2012 Hexinlusaurus Barrett, Butler & Knoll, 2005 Heyuannia Lü, 2003 Hierosaurus Wieland, 1909 Hikanodon Keferstein, 1834 [JOS –> Iguanodon] Hippodraco McDonald, Kirkland, DeBlieux, S. K. Madsen, Cavin, A. R. C. Milner & Panzarin, 2010 “Hironosaurus” Hisa, 1988 [nomen nudum] “Hisanohamasaurus” Lambert, 1990 [nomen nudum] Histriasaurus Dalla Vecchia, 1998 Homalocephale Maryanska & Osmólska, 1974 Honghesaurus [Anonymous] 1981 [nomen nudum –> Yandusaurus] Hongshanosaurus You, Xu X. & Wang X. L., 2003 Hoplitosaurus F. Lucas, 1902 Hoplosaurus Seeley, 1881 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Struthiosaurus] Hortalotarsus Seeley, 1894 [JSS –> Massospondylus] Huabeisaurus Pang & Cheng Z., 2000 Huanghetitan You, Li D. Q., Zhou L. & Ji Q., 2006 Huaxiagnathus Hwang, Norell, Ji Q. & Gao K., 2004 Huaxiaosaurus Zhao X., Wang K. & Li D. J., 2011 [PSS –> Shantungosaurus] “Huaxiasaurus” Rey, 2002 [nomen nudum –> Huaxiagnathus] Huayangosaurus Dong, Tang Z. & Zhou S., 1982 Hudiesaurus Dong, 1997 Huehuecanauhtlus Ramírez-Velasco, Benammi, Prieto-Márquez, J. Ortega & Hernández-Rivera, 2012 Hulsanpes Osmólska, 1982 Hungarosaurus Ösi, 2005 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 21 of 40 Huxleysaurus Paul, 2012 Hylaeosaurus Mantell, 1833 Hylosaurus Fitzinger, 1840 [JOS –> Hylaeosaurus] Hypacrosaurus B. Brown, 1913 Hypselorhachis Charig, 1967 vide Butler, Barrett, Abel & Gower, 2009* [ctenosauriscid archosaur] Hypselosaurus Matheron, 1869 Hypselospinus Norman, 2010 Hypsibema Cope, 1869 [nomen dubium] Hypsilophodon Huxley, 1869 Hypsirophus Cope, 1878 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Stegosaurus] Back to top I “Ichabodcraniosaurus” Novacek, 1996 [nomen nudum] Ichthyovenator Allain, Xaisanavong, Richir & Khentavong, 2012 Ignavusaurus Knoll, 2010 [PSS –> Massospondylus] Ignotosaurus R. N. Martinez, Apaldetti, Alcober, Colombi, Sereno, Fernandez, Santi Malnis, Correa & Abelin, 2013 Iguanacolossus McDonald, Kirkland, DeBlieux, S. K. Madsen, Cavin, A. R. C. Milner & Panzarin, 2010 Iguanodon Mantell, 1825 “Iguanoides” Conybeare vide Cadbury, 2000 [nomen nudum –> Iguanodon] Iguanosaurus [Anonymous] 1824 [nomen nudum –> Iguanodon] Iliosuchus von Huene, 1932 Ilokelesia Coria & Salgado, 2000 (not 1998) Incisivosaurus Xu X., Cheng Y., Wang X. L. & Chang C., 2002 [PSS –> Protarchaeopteryx] Indosaurus von Huene & Matley, 1933 Indosuchus von Huene & Matley, 1933 Ingenia Barsbold, 1981/Gerlach, 1957 –> Ajancingenia Inosaurus de Lapparent, 1960 [nomen dubium] Irritator Martill, Cruickshank, Frey, Small & M. Clarke, 1996 Isanosaurus Buffetaut, V. Suteethorn, Cuny, Tong, Le Loeuff, Khansubha & Jongautchariyakul, 2000 Ischisaurus Reig, 1963 [JSS –> Herrerasaurus] Ischyrosaurus Hulke, 1874 vide Lydekker, 1888/Cope, 1869 Isisaurus J. A. Wilson & Upchurch, 2003 “Issasaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Dicraeosaurus] Itemirus Kurzanov, 1976 Iuticosaurus Le Loeuff, 1993 [nomen dubium] Back to top J Jainosaurus Hunt, Lockley, S. Lucas & C. Meyer, 1995 (not 1994) [nomen dubium; PSS –> Titanosaurus] Jaklapallisaurus Novas, Ezcurra, Chatterjee & Kutty, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Janenschia Wild, 1991 Jaxartosaurus Riabinin, 1937 [nomen dubium] Jeholornis Zhou Z. & Zhang F., 2002 [JSS –> Shenzhouraptor; possible bird] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 22 of 40 Jeholosaurus Xu X., Wang X. L. & You, 2000 Jenghizkhan Olshevsky vide Olshevsky, Ford & Yamamoto, 1995 [JSS –> Tarbosaurus] Jensenosaurus Olshevsky vide B. D. Curtice, Stadtman & L. J. Curtice, 1996 [nomen nudum –> Ultrasauros; JSS –> Supersaurus] Jeyawati McDonald, Wolfe & Kirkland, 2010 Jianchangosaurus Pu, Kobayashi, Lü, Xu L., Wu Y., Chang H., Zhang J. M. & Jia S., 2013 “Jiangjunmiaosaurus” [Anonymous] 1987 [nomen nudum –> Monolophosaurus & Sinraptor] Jiangjunosaurus Jia C., Forster (as Foster [sic]), Xu X. & J. Clark, 2007 Jiangshanosaurus Tang F., Kang, Jin X., Wei & Wu W. T., 2001 Jiangxisaurus Wei, Pu, Xu L., Liu D. & Lü, 2013 Jinfengopteryx Ji Q., Ji S., Lü, You, Chen W., Liu Y. Q. & Liu Y. X., 2005 Jingshanosaurus Zhang Y. H. & Yang Z. L., 1995 Jintasaurus You & Li D. Q., 2009 Jinzhousaurus Wang X. L. & Xu X., 2001 Jiutaisaurus Wu W. H., Dong, Sun, Li C. & Li T., 2006 Jixiangornis Ji Q., Ji S., Zhang H., You, Zhang J. P., Wang L., Yuan & Ji X., 2002 [possible bird] Jobaria Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Larsson, Lyon, Moussa, Sadleir, Sidor, Varricchio, G. P. Wilson & J. A. Wilson, 1999 Jubbulpuria von Huene & Matley, 1933 [nomen dubium] Judiceratops Longrich, 2013 Jurapteryx Howgate, 1985* [PSS –> Archaeopteryx; bird] “Jurassosaurus” Dong vide Holden, 1992 [nomen nudum –> Tianchisaurus] Juratyrant Brusatte & Benson, 2012 Juravenator Göhlich & Chiappe, 2006 Back to top K Kaatedocus Tschopp & Mateus, 2012 “Kagasaurus” Hisa, 1988 [nomen nudum] Kaijiangosaurus He X., 1984 Kakuru Molnar & Pledge, 1980 Kangnasaurus Haughton, 1915 Karongasaurus Gomani, 2005 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Katepensaurus Ibiricu, Casal, R. D. Martínez, Lamanna, Luna & Salgado, 2013 “Katsuyamasaurus” Lambert, 1990 [nomen nudum –> Fukuiraptor (likely)] Kayentavenator Gay, 2010 Kazaklambia Bell & K. S. Brink, 2013 Kelmayisaurus Dong, 1973 Kemkemia Cau & Maganuco, 2009 Kentrosaurus Hennig, 1915/Lambe, 1904 –> Kentrurosaurus & Doryphorosaurus (both unnecessary) Kentrurosaurus Hennig, 1916 [JOS –> Kentrosaurus] Kerberosaurus Bolotsky & Godefroit, 2004 Khaan J. Clark, Norell & Barsbold, 2001 Khetranisaurus Malkani, 2006 Kileskus Averianov, Krasnolutskii & Ivantsov, 2010 Kinnareemimus Buffetaut, V. Suteethorn & Tong, 2009 “Kitadanisaurus” Lambert, 1990 [nomen nudum] Kittysaurus Hargreaves, 2001 [nomen nudum –> Eotyrannus] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 23 of 40 Klamelisaurus Zhao X., 1993 Kol Turner, Nesbitt & Norell, 2009 Koparion Chure, 1994 Koreaceratops Lee Y. N., Ryan & Kobayashi, 2010 Koreanosaurus H. M. Kim, 1979 [nomen nudum] Koreanosaurus Huh, Lee D. G., J. K. Kim, Lim & Godefroit, 2010 Kosmoceratops Sampson, Loewen, Farke, Roberts, Forster, J. A. Smith & Titus, 2010 Kotasaurus Yadagiri, 1988 Koutalisaurus Prieto-Márquez, Gaete, Rivas, Galobart & Boada, 2006 [PSS –> Pararhabdodon] Kritosaurus B. Brown, 1910 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Anasazisaurus, Gryposaurus, and/or Naashoibitosaurus] Kryptops Sereno & Brusatte, 2008 Krzyzanowskisaurus Heckert, 2005* [non-dinosaurian archosaur; PSS –> Revueltosaurus] Kukufeldia McDonald, Barrett & S. D. Chapman, 2010 Kulceratops Nessov, 1995 Kulindadromeus Godefroit, Sinitsa, Dhouailly, Bolotsky, Sizov, McNamara, Benton & Spagna, 2014 [PSS –> Daurosaurus or Kulindapteryx] Kulindapteryx Alifanov & Saveliev, 2014 [PSS –> Kulindadromeus] Kundurosaurus Godefroit, Bolotsky & Lauters, 2012 Kunmingosaurus Zhao X. (as Chao S.), 1985 Kuszholia Nessov, 1992* [bird] Back to top L Labocania Molnar, 1974 Labrosaurus Marsh, 1879 [JSS –> Allosaurus] Laelaps Cope, 1866/Koch, 1836 –> Dryptosaurus Laevisuchus von Huene & Matley, 1933 [nomen dubium] Lagerpeton Romer, 1971 Lagosuchus Romer, 1971 [nomen dubium] Lamaceratops Alifanov, 2003 Lambeosaurus Parks, 1923 Lametasaurus Matley, 1923 [nomen dubium] Lamplughsaura Kutty, Chatterjee, Galton & Upchurch, 2007 Lanasaurus Gow, 1975 Lancangosaurus Zhao X. vide Dong, Zhou S. & Zhang Y. H., 1983 [nomen nudum –> Datousaurus] Lancanjiangosaurus Zhao X., 1983 [nomen nudum] Lanzhousaurus You, Ji Q. & Li D. Q., 2005 Laornis Marsh, 1870* [bird] Laosaurus Marsh, 1878 [nomen dubium] Lapampasaurus Coria, González-Riga (as González Riga) & Casadio, 2012 Laplatasaurus von Huene, 1929 Lapparentosaurus Bonaparte, 1986 Laquintasaura Barrett, Butler, Mundil, Scheyer, Irmis & Sánchez-Villagra, 2014 Latirhinus Prieto-Márquez & Serrano Brañas, 2012 Leaellynasaura T. Rich & Vickers-Rich (as P. Rich), 1989 Leinkupal Gallina, Apesteguía, Haluza & Canale, 2014 Leipsanosaurus Nopcsa, 1918 [PSS –> Struthiosaurus] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 24 of 40 Lengosaurus Kelly, 1998 [nomen nudum –> Eotyrannus] Leonerasaurus Pol, Garrido & Cerda, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Leptoceratops B. Brown, 1914 Leptorhynchos Longrich, Barnes, S. Clark & Millar, 2013 Leptospondylus Owen, 1854 [JSS –> Massospondylus] Leshansaurus Li F., Peng G., Ye, Jiang S. & Huang D., 2009 Lesothosaurus Galton, 1978 [PSS –> Fabrosaurus] Lessemsaurus Bonaparte, 1999 Levnesovia Sues & Averianov, 2009 Lewisuchus Romer, 1972 Lexovisaurus Hoffstetter, 1957 Leyesaurus Apaldetti, R. N. Martinez, Alcober & Pol, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Liaoceratops Xu X., Makovicky, Wang X. L., Norell & You, 2002 Liaoningosaurus Xu X., Wang X. L. & You, 2001 Liassaurus Welles, H. P. Powell & Pickering vide Pickering, 1995 [nomen nudum] Libycosaurus Bonarelli, 1947* [anthracothere mammal] Ligabueino Bonaparte, 1996 Ligabuesaurus Bonaparte, González-Riga (as González Riga) & Apesteguía, 2006 “Ligomasaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Giraffatitan] Likhoelesaurus Ellenberger, 1970* [nomen nudum; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Liliensternus Welles, 1984 Limaysaurus Salgado, Garrido, S. E. Cocca & J. R. Cocca, 2004 Limnornis Kessler & Jurcsák, 1984/Gould, 1839* –> Eurolimnornis & Palaeocursornis [probable bird] Limnosaurus Nopcsa, 1899/Marsh, 1872 –> Telmatosaurus Limusaurus Xu X., J. Clark, Mo, Choiniere, Forster, Erickson, Hone, C. Sullivan, Eberth, Nesbitt, Zhao Q., Hernández-Rivera (as Hernandez), Jia C., Han F. & Guo, 2009 Linhenykus Xu X., C. Sullivan, Pittman, Choiniere, Hone, Upchurch, Tan Q., Xiao, Tan L. & Han F., 2011 Linheraptor Xu X., Choiniere, Pittman, Tan Q., Xiao, Li Z. Q., Tan L., J. Clark, Norell, Hone & C. Sullivan, 2010 Linhevenator Xu X., Tan Q., C. Sullivan, Han F., & Xiao, 2011 Lirainosaurus Sanz, J. E. Powell, Le Loeuff, R. D. Martínez & Pereda-Suberbiola, 1999 Lisboasaurus Seiffert, 1973* [crocodilian] Liubangosaurus Mo, Xu X. & Buffetaut, 2010 Loncosaurus Ameghino, 1898 [nomen dubium] Longisquama Sharov, 1970* [gliding reptile] Longosaurus Welles, 1984 [JSS –> Coelophysis] Lophorhothon Langston, 1960 Lophostropheus Ezcurra & Cuny, 2007 Loricatosaurus Maidment, Norman, Barrett & Upchurch, 2008 Loricosaurus von Huene, 1929 Losillasaurus Casanovas-Cladellas (as Casanovas), Santafe & Sanz, 2001 Lourinhanosaurus Mateus, 1998 Lourinhasaurus Dantas, Sanz, C. M. da Silva, F. Ortega, V. F. Dos Santos & Cachao, 1998 Luanchuanraptor Lü, Xu L., Zhang X. L., Ji Q., Jia S., Hu W., Zhang J. M. & Wu Y., 2007 Luanpingosaurus Cheng Z. vide Chen P., 1996 [nomen nudum –> Psittacosaurus] Lucianosaurus Hunt & S. Lucas, 1994* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 25 of 40 Luckyraptor [Anonymous] 2007 [nomen nudum] Lufengocephalus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1974 [JSS –> Lufengosaurus] Lufengosaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1941 Lukousaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1948 Luoyanggia Lü, Xu L., Jiang X., Jia S., Li M., Yuan, Zhang X. L. & Ji Q., 2009 Luoyangosaurus Lü, 2009 [nomen nudum –> Luoyanggia] Lurdusaurus Taquet & D. A. Russell, 1999 Lusitanosaurus de Lapparent & Zbyszewski, 1957 Lusotitan Telles Antunes & Mateus, 2003 Lutungutali Peecook, Sidor, Nesbitt, R. M. H. Smith, Steyer & Angielczyk, 2013 Lycorhinus Haughton, 1924 Lythronax Loewen, Irmis, Sertich, P. Currie & Sampson, 2013 Back to top M Macelognathus Marsh, 1884* [sphenosuchian crocodilian] Machairasaurus Longrich, P. Currie & Dong, 2010 Macrodontophion Zborzewski, 1834 [nomen dubium] Macrogryphosaurus Calvo, Porfiri & Novas, 2007 Macrophalangia C. M. Sternberg, 1932 [JSS –> Chirostenotes] Macroscelosaurus Muenster vide von Meyer, 1847* [nomen nudum –> Tanystropheus (likely); prolacertiform reptile] Macrurosaurus Seeley, 1876 “Madsenius” Lambert, 1990 [nomen nudum –> Allosaurus] Magnapaulia Prieto-Márquez, Chiappe & Joshi, 2012 Magnirostris You & Dong, 2003 Magnosaurus von Huene, 1932 Magulodon Kranz, 1996 [nomen nudum] Magyarosaurus von Huene, 1932 Mahakala Turner, Pol, J. A. Clarke, Erickson & Norell, 2007 Maiasaura Horner & Makela, 1979 Majungasaurus Lavocat, 1955 Majungatholus Sues & Taquet, 1979 [JSS –> Majungasaurus] Malarguesaurus González-Riga, Previtera & Pirrone, 2008 (not 2009) Malawisaurus Jacobs, Winkler, W. R. Downs & Gomani, 1993 Maleevosaurus Carpenter, 1992 [JSS –> Tarbosaurus] Maleevus Tumanova, 1987 Mamenchisaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1954 Mandschurosaurus Riabinin, 1930 [nomen dubium; PSS –>Amurosaurus or Charonosaurus] Manidens Pol, Rauhut & Becerra, 2011 Manospondylus Cope, 1892 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Tyrannosaurus] Mantellisaurus Paul, 2006 Mantellodon Paul, 2012 Mapusaurus Coria & P. Currie, 2006 Marasuchus Sereno & Arcucci, 1994 Marisaurus Malkani, 2006 Marmarospondylus Owen, 1875 [nomen dubium] Marshosaurus J. H. Madsen, 1976 Martharaptor Senter, Kirkland & DeBlieux, 2012 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 26 of 40 Masiakasaurus Sampson, Carrano & Forster, 2001 Massospondylus Owen, 1854 Maxakalisaurus Kellner, Campos, Azevedo, Trotta, Henriques, Craik & H. Silva, 2006 Medusaceratops Ryan, A. P. Russell & Hartman, 2010 Megacervixosaurus Zhao X., 1983 [nomen nudum] Megadactylus Hitchcock, 1865/Fitzinger, 1843 –> Amphisaurus “Megadontosaurus” B. Brown vide Ostrom, 1970 [nomen nudum –> Deinonychus & Microvenator] Megalosaurus Buckland, 1824 Megapnosaurus Ivie, Slipinski & Wegrzynowicz, 2001 [JSS –> Coelophysis] Megaraptor Novas, 1998 Mei Xu X. & Norell, 2004 Melanorosaurus Haughton, 1924 Mendozasaurus González-Riga (as González Riga), 2003 Mercuriceratops Ryan, Evans, P. Currie & Loewen, 2014 Merosaurus Welles, H. P. Powell & Pickering vide Pickering, 1995 [nomen nudum] Metriacanthosaurus A. D. Walker, 1964 Microcephale Sereno, 1997 [nomen nudum] Microceratops Bohlin, 1953/Seyrig, 1952 –> Microceratus Microceratus Mateus, 2008 [nomen dubium] Microcoelus Lydekker, 1893 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Saltasaurus] Microdontosaurus Zhao X., 1983 [nomen nudum] Microhadrosaurus Dong, 1979 [nomen dubium] Micropachycephalosaurus Dong, 1978 Microraptor Xu X., Zhou Z. & Wang X. L., 2000 Microsaurops Kuhn, 1963 [JOS –> Microcoelus] Microvenator Ostrom, 1970 “Mifunesaurus” Hisa, 1985 [nomen nudum] Minmi Molnar, 1980 Minotaurasaurus C. A. Miles & C. J. Miles, 2009 Miragaia Mateus, Maidment & N. Christiansen, 2009 Mirischia Naish, Martill & Frey, 2004 Moabosaurus Britt vide [Anonymous] 2006 [nomen nudum, in The Gigantic Dinosaur Expo 2006 Official Guidebook] Mochlodon Seeley, 1881 “Mohammadisaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Tornieria] Mojoceratops Longrich, 2010 [PSS –> Eoceratops] Mongolosaurus Gilmore, 1933 [nomen dubium] Monkonosaurus Zhao X. vide Dong, 1990 Monoclonius Cope, 1876 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Centrosaurus or Styracosaurus] Monolophosaurus Zhao X. & P. Currie, 1994 (not 1993) Mononychus Perle, Norell, Chiappe & J. Clark, 1993/Schueppel, 1824 –> Mononykus Mononykus Perle, Norell, Chiappe & J. Clark, 1993 Montanoceratops C. M. Sternberg, 1951 Morinosaurus Sauvage, 1874 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Pelorosaurus] Morosaurus Marsh, 1878 [JSS –> Camarasaurus] “Moshisaurus” Hisa, 1985 [nomen nudum –> Mamenchisaurus] “Mtapaiasaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Giraffatitan] “Mtotosaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Dicraeosaurus] Mussaurus Bonaparte & Vince, 1979 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 27 of 40 Muttaburrasaurus Bartholomai & Molnar, 1981 Muyelensaurus Calvo, González-Riga & Porfiri, 2007 Mymoorapelta Kirkland & Carpenter, 1994 Back to top N Naashoibitosaurus Hunt & S. Lucas, 1993 [PSS –> Gryposaurus or Kritosaurus] Nambalia Novas, Ezcurra, Chatterjee & Kutty, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Nankangia Lü, Yi, Zhong & Wei, 2013 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Nanningosaurus Mo, Zhao Z., Wang W. & Xu X., 2007 Nanosaurus Marsh, 1877 Nanotyrannus Bakker, Williams & P. Currie, 1988 [PSS –> Tyrannosaurus] Nanshiungosaurus Dong, 1979 Nanuqsaurus Fiorillo & Tykoski, 2014 Nanyangosaurus Xu X., Zhao X., Lü, Huang W., Li Z. Y. & Dong, 2000 Narambuenatitan Filippi, R. A. García & Garrido, 2010 [electronic prepublication in abstract but here considered valid] Nasutoceratops Sampson, E. K. Lund, Loewen, Farke & Clayton, 2013 Nasutuceratops E. K. Lund, 2010 [nomen ex dissertatione –> Nasutoceratops] Nebulasaurus Xing, Miyashita, P. Currie, You & Dong, 2013 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Nectosaurus Versluys, 1910/Merriam, 1905 –> Kritosaurus Nedcolbertia Kirkland, Britt, Whittle, S. K. Madsen & Burge, 1998 Nedoceratops Ukrainsky, 2007 [PSS –> Triceratops] Neimongosaurus Zhang X. H., Xu X., Zhao X., Sereno, Kuang & Tan L., 2001 Nemegtia Lü, Tomida, Azuma, Dong & Lee Y. N., 2004/Szczechura, 1978 –> Nemegtomaia Nemegtomaia Lü, Tomida, Azuma, Dong & Lee Y. N., 2005 Nemegtosaurus Nowinski, 1971 Neosaurus Gilmore vide Gilmore & Stewart, 1945/Nopcsa, 1923 –> Parrosaurus Neosodon de la Moussaye, 1885 Neovenator Hutt, Martill & Barker, 1996 Neuquenraptor Novas & Pol, 2005 [PSS –> Unenlagia] Neuquensaurus J. E. Powell, 1992 Newtonsaurus Welles vide Welles & Pickering, 1999 [nomen nudum] Ngexisaurus Zhao X., 1983 [nomen nudum] Nigersaurus Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Larsson, Lyon, Moussa, Sadleir, Sidor, Varricchio, G. P. Wilson & J. A. Wilson, 1999 Ningyuansaurus Ji Q., Lü, Wei & Wang X. R., 2012 Niobrarasaurus Carpenter, Dilkes & Weishampel, 1995 Nipponosaurus Nagao, 1936 Noasaurus Bonaparte & J. E. Powell, 1980 Nodocephalosaurus R. Sullivan, 1999 Nodosaurus Marsh, 1889 Nomingia Barsbold,Osmólska, Watabe, P. Currie & Tsogtbaatar, 2000 Nopcsaspondylus Apesteguía, 2007 Normanniasaurus Le Loeuff, S. Suteethorn & Buffetaut, 2013 Nothronychus Kirkland & Wolfe, 2001 Notoceratops Tapia, 1918 [nomen dubium] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 28 of 40 Notohypsilophodon R. D. Martínez, 1998 Nqwebasaurus de Klerk, Forster, Sampson, Chinsamy & Ross, 2000 “Nteregosaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Janenschia] Nuoersaurus Dong & Li X. M., 1991 [nomen nudum; later spelled Nuoerosaurus and Nurosaurus but as yet neither formally described nor named] Nuthetes Owen, 1854 Nyasasaurus Charig, 1967 vide Nesbitt, Barrett, Werning, Sidor & Charig, 2012 “Nyororosaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Dicraeosaurus] Back to top O Ohmdenosaurus Wild, 1978 Ojoceratops R. Sullivan & S. Lucas, 2010 [PSS –> Triceratops] Ojoraptorsaurus R. Sullivan, Jasinski & van Tomme, 2011 Oligosaurus Seeley, 1881 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Rhabdodon] Olorotitan Godefroit, Bolotsky & Alifanov, 2003 Omeisaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1939 Omnivoropteryx Czerkas & Ji Q., 2002 Omosaurus Owen, 1875/Leidy, 1856 –> Dacentrurus Onychosaurus Nopcsa, 1902 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Rhabdodon] Oohkotokia Penkalski, 2013 [electronic publication but here considered valid; published in 2014] Opisthocoelicaudia Borsuk-Bialynicka, 1977 Oplosaurus Gervais, 1852 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Pelorosaurus] Orcomimus Triebold, 1997 [nomen nudum] Orinosaurus Lydekker, 1889 [JOS –> Orosaurus] Orkoraptor Novas, Ezcurra & Lecuona, 2008 Ornatotholus Galton & Sues, 1983 [JSS –> Stegoceras] Ornithodesmus Seeley, 1887 Ornithoides Osborn, 1924 [nomen nudum –> Saurornithoides] Ornitholestes Osborn, 1903 Ornithomerus Seeley, 1881 [JSS –> Rhabdodon] Ornithomimoides von Huene & Matley, 1933 [nomen dubium] Ornithomimus Marsh, 1890 Ornithopsis Seeley, 1870 [nomen dubium] Ornithosuchus Newton, 1894* [ornithosuchid archosaur] Ornithotarsus Cope, 1869 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Hadrosaurus] Orodromeus Horner & Weishampel, 1988 Orosaurus Huxley, 1867 [JSS –> Euskelosaurus] Orthogoniosaurus Das-Gupta, 1931 [nomen dubium] Orthomerus Seeley, 1883 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Telmatosaurus] Oryctodromeus Varricchio, A. J. Martin & Katsura, 2007 Oshanosaurus Zhao X. (as Chao S.), 1985 [nomen nudum] Osmakasaurus McDonald, 2011 Ostafrikasaurus Buffetaut, 2012 Othnielia Galton, 1977 Othnielosaurus Galton, 2006 Otogosaurus Zhao X. & Tan L., 2004 [citation not yet seen, authors’ names may change] Ouranosaurus Taquet, 1976 Overosaurus Coria, Filippi, Chiappe, R. A. García (as R. García) & Arcucci, 1213 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 29 of 40 Oviraptor Osborn, 1924 Ovoraptor Osborn, 1924 [nomen nudum –> Velociraptor] Owenodon Galton, 2009 Oxalaia Kellner, Azevedo, Machado, de Carvalho & Henriques, 2011 Ozraptor J. A. Long & Molnar, 1998 Back to top P Pachycephalosaurus B. Brown & Schlaikjer, 1943 Pachyrhinosaurus C. M. Sternberg, 1950 Pachysauriscus Kuhn, 1959 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Plateosaurus] Pachysaurops von Huene, 1961 (not 1959) [JOS –> Pachysauriscus] Pachysaurus von Huene, 1908/Fitzinger, 1843 –> Pachysauriscus Pachyspondylus Owen, 1854 [JSS –> Massospondylus] Pakisaurus Malkani, 2006 Palaeoctonus Cope, 1877* [nomen dubium; phytosaur] Palaeocursornis Kessler & Jurcsák, 1986* [probable bird] Palaeolimnornis Jurcsák & Kessler, 1985* [nomen nudum –> Palaeocursornis; probable bird] Palaeopteryx Jensen, 1981 Palaeosauriscus Kuhn, 1959* [JOS –> Paleosaurus; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Palaeosaurus Fitzinger, 1840/Geoffroy Saint-Hilare, 1833* –> Sphenosaurus [procolophonid] Palaeosaurus Riley & Stutchbury, 1836/Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1833* –> Paleosaurus [nondinosaurian archosaur] Palaeoscincus Leidy, 1856 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Edmontonia or Panoplosaurus] Paleosaurus Riley & Stutchbury, 1840* [nomen dubium; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Paludititan Csiki, Codrea, Jipa-Murzea & Godefroit, 2010 Paluxysaurus Rose, 2007 [electronic publication but here considered valid; PSS –> Sauroposeidon] Pampadromaeus Cabreira, Schultz, Bittencourt, Soares, Fortier, L. Silva & Langer, 2011 Pamparaptor Porfiri, Calvo & D. Dos Santos, 2011 Panamericansaurus Calvo & Porfiri, 2010 Panoplosaurus Lambe, 1919 Panphagia R. N. Martinez & Alcober, 2009 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Pantydraco Galton, Yates & Kermack, 2007 Paraiguanodon B. Brown vide Olshevsky, 1991 [nomen nudum –> Bactrosaurus] Paralititan J. B. Smith, Lamanna, Lacovara, Dodson, J. R. Smith, Poole, Giegengack & Attia, 2001 Paranthodon Nopcsa, 1929 Pararhabdodon Casanovas-Cladellas, Santafé-Llopis & Isidro-Llorens, 1993 Parasaurolophus Parks, 1922 Pareiasaurus Owen, 1876* [non-dinosaurian reptile] Parksosaurus C. M. Sternberg, 1937 Paronychodon Cope, 1876 [nomen dubium] Parrosaurus Gilmore, 1945 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Hypsibema] Parvicursor Karhu & Rautian, 1996 Patagonykus Novas, 1996 Patagosaurus Bonaparte, 1979 Patricosaurus Seeley, 1887* [lepidosaur/archosaur chimera] Pawpawsaurus Lee Y. N., 1996 Pectinodon Carpenter, 1982 Pedopenna Xu X. & Zhang F., 2005 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 30 of 40 Pegomastax Sereno, 2012 Peishansaurus Bohlin, 1953 [nomen dubium] Pekinosaurus Hunt & S. Lucas, 1994* [non-dinosaurian archosaur; PSS –> Revueltosaurus] Pelecanimimus Perez-Moreno, Sanz, Buscalioni, Moratalla, F. Ortega & Rasskin-Gutman, 1994 Pellegrinisaurus Salgado, 1996 Peloroplites Carpenter, Bartlett, Bird & Barrick, 2008 Pelorosaurus Mantell, 1850 Peltosaurus B. Brown vide Chure & McIntosh, 1989 (see also Glut, 1972)/Cope, 1873 –> Sauropelta Penelopognathus Godefroit, Li Hong & Shang, 2005 Pentaceratops Osborn, 1923 Petrobrasaurus Filippi, Canudo, Salgado, Garrido, R. A. García (as R. García), Cerda & Otero, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Phaedrolosaurus Dong, 1973 Philovenator Xu X., Zhao Q., C. Sullivan, Tan Q., Sander & Ma, 2012 Phuwiangosaurus V. Martin, Buffetaut & V. Suteethorn, 1994 Phyllodon Thulborn, 1973 Piatnitzkysaurus Bonaparte, 1979 Picrodon Seeley, 1898* [nomen dubium; PSS –> Avalonianus; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Pinacosaurus Gilmore, 1933 Pisanosaurus Casamiquela, 1967 Pitekunsaurus Filippi & Garrido, 2008 Piveteausaurus Taquet & Welles, 1977 Planicoxa DiCroce & Carpenter, 2001 Plateosauravus von Huene, 1932 [JSS –> Euskelosaurus] Plateosaurus von Meyer, 1837 Platyceratops Alifanov, 2003 Pleurocoelus Marsh, 1888 Pleuropeltus Seeley, 1881 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Struthiosaurus] Pneumatoarthrus Cope, 1870* [nomen dubium; marine turtle] Pneumatoraptor Ösi, Apesteguía & Kowalewski, 2010 Podischion B. Brown & Kaisen, 1911 vide Dingus & Norell, 2010 [nomen nudum –> Hypacrosaurus?] Podokesaurus Talbot, 1911 [JSS –> Coelophysis] Poekilopleuron Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1838 Polacanthoides Nopcsa, 1928 [PSS –> Hylaeosaurus] Polacanthus Owen vide [Anonymous] 1865 Polyodontosaurus Gilmore, 1932 [JSS –> Troodon] Polyonax Cope, 1874 [JSS –> Triceratops] Ponerosteus Olshevsky, 2000 [nomen dubium] Poposaurus Mehl, 1915* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Postosuchus Chatterjee, 1985* [rauisuchian archosaur] Pradhania Kutty, Chatterjee, Galton & Upchurch, 2007 Prenocephale Maryanska & Osmólska, 1974 Prenoceratops Chinnery, 2004 Priconodon Marsh, 1888 [nomen dubium] Priodontognathus Seeley, 1875 [nomen dubium] Proa McDonald, Espílez, Mampel, Kirkland & Alcalá, 2012 Probactrosaurus Rozhdestvensky, 1966 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 31 of 40 “Probarodiplodocus” Fuller, 2009 [nomen nudum] Proceratops Lull, 1906 [JOS –> Ceratops] Proceratosaurus von Huene, 1926 Procerosaurus von Huene, 1902* [prolacertiform reptile; PSS –> Tanystropheus] Procerosaurus Fritsch, 1905/von Huene, 1902 –> Ponerosteus Procheneosaurus Matthew, 1920 [JSS –> Lambeosaurus] Procompsognathus E. Fraas, 1913 Prodeinodon Osborn, 1924 [nomen dubium] Proiguanodon van den Broeck, 1900 [nomen nudum –> Iguanodon] Propanoplosaurus Stanford, Weishampel & Deleon, 2011 Proplanicoxa Carpenter & Ishida, 2010 [PSS –> Mantellisaurus] Prosaurolophus B. Brown, 1916 Protarchaeopteryx Ji Q. & Ji S., 1997 Protecovasaurus Heckert, 2004* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Protiguanodon Osborn, 1923 [JSS –> Psittacosaurus] Protoavis Chatterjee, 1991 Protoceratops Granger & Gregory, 1923 Protognathosaurus Olshevsky, 1991 Protognathus Zhang Y. H., 1988/Basilewsky, 1950 –> Protognathosaurus Protohadros Head, 1998 Protorosaurus von Meyer, 1830* [non-dinosaurian reptile] Protorosaurus Lambe, 1914/von Meyer, 1830 –> Chasmosaurus Protrachodon Nopcsa, 1923 [nomen nudum –> Orthomerus] Proyandusaurus Knoll, 1999 Pseudolagosuchus Arcucci, 1987 Psittacosaurus Osborn, 1923 Pteropelyx Cope, 1889 [nomen dubium] Pterospondylus Jaekel, 1913 [PSS –> Procompsognathus] Puertasaurus Novas, Salgado, Calvo & Agnolín, 2005 Pukyongosaurus Dong, Paik & H. J. Kim, 2001 Pycnonemosaurus Kellner & Campos, 2002 Pyroraptor Allain & Taquet, 2000 Back to top Q Qantassaurus T. Rich & Vickers-Rich, 1999 Qianzhousaurus Lü, Yi, Brusatte, Yang L., Li Hua, & Chen L., 2014 Qiaowanlong You & Li D. Q., 2009 Qingxiusaurus Mo, Huang C., Zhao Z., Wang W. & Xu X., 2008 Qinlingosaurus Xue, Zhang Y. X., Bi, Yue & Chen D., 1996 Qiupalong Xu L., Kobayashi, Lü, Lee Y. N., Liu Y. Q., Tanaka, Zhang X. L., Jia S. & Zhang J. M., 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Quaesitosaurus Bannikov & Kurzanov vide Kurzanov & Bannikov, 1983 Quetecsaurus González-Riga (as González Riga) & David, 2014 Quilmesaurus Coria, 2001 Back to top R Rachitrema Sauvage, 1882* [nomen dubium; probable ichthyosaur] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 32 of 40 Rahiolisaurus Novas, Chatterjee, Rudra & Datta, 2010 Rahona Forster, Sampson, Chiappe & Krause, 1998/Griveaud, 1975 –> Rahonavis Rahonavis Forster, Sampson, Chiappe & Krause, 1998 Rajasaurus J. A. Wilson, Sereno, Srivastava, Bhatt, Khosla & Sahni, 2003 Rapator von Huene, 1932 [nomen dubium] Rapetosaurus Curry Rogers & Forster, 2001 Raptorex Sereno, Tan L., Brusatte, Kriegstein, Zhao X. & Cloward, 2009 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Ratchasimasaurus Shibata, Jintasakul & Azuma, 2011 Rayososaurus Bonaparte, 1996 Razanandrongobe Maganuco, Dal Sasso & Pasini, 2006 [described as possible crocodylomorph or theropod] Rebbachisaurus Lavocat, 1954 Regnosaurus Mantell, 1848 Revueltoraptor Hunt, 1994 vide Nesbitt, Irmis & Parker, 2007 [nomen ex dissertatione –> Gojirasaurus] Revueltosaurus Hunt, 1989* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Rhabdodon Matheron, 1869 Rhadinosaurus Seeley, 1881 [nomen dubium] Rhinorex Gates & Scheetz, 2014 Rhodanosaurus Nopcsa, 1929 [JSS –> Struthiosaurus] Rhoetosaurus Longman, 1926 Rhopalodon Fischer von Waldheim, 1841* [therapsid] Ricardoestesia P. Currie, Rigby & R. E. Sloan, 1990 Rileya von Huene, 1902/Ashmead, 1888 –> Rileyasuchus [nomen dubium] Rileyasuchus Kuhn, 1961 [nomen dubium] Rinchenia Barsbold, 1997 vide Osmólska, P. Currie & Barsbold, 2004 Rinconsaurus Calvo & González-Riga (as González Riga), 2003 Rioarribasaurus Hunt & S. Lucas, 1991 [nomen rejectum –> Coelophysis] Riojasaurus Bonaparte, 1969 Riojasuchus Bonaparte, 1969* [ornithosuchid archosaur] Rocasaurus Salgado & Azpilicueta, 2000 Roccosaurus van Heerden vide Anderson & Cruickshank, 1978 [nomen nudum –> Melanorosaurus] Rubeosaurus McDonald & Horner, 2010 Ruehleia Galton, 2001 Rugocaudia Woodruff, 2012 Rugops Sereno, J. A. Wilson & Conrad, 2004 Rukwatitan Gorscak, O’Connor, Stevens & Roberts, 2014 Rutellum Lhuyd, 1699 [nomen oblitum; pre-Linnaean name: cf. Delair & Sarjeant, 2002] Ruyangosaurus Lü, Xu L., Jia S., Zhang X. L., Zhang J. M., Yang L., You & Ji Q., 2009 Back to top S Sacisaurus Ferigolo & Langer, 2006 Sahaliyania Godefroit, Hai, Yu T. & Lauters, 2008 Saichania Maryanska, 1977 “Salimosaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Giraffatitan] Saltasaurus Bonaparte & J. E. Powell, 1980 Saltopus von Huene, 1910 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 33 of 40 “Saltriosaurus” Dal Sasso, 2000 [nomen nudum] “Sanchusaurus” Hisa, 1985 [nomen nudum –> Gallimimus] Sangonghesaurus Zhao X., 1983 [nomen nudum –> Tianchisaurus] Sanjuansaurus Alcober & R. N. Martinez, 2010 Sanpasaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1944 [nomen dubium] Santanaraptor Kellner, 1999 Sarahsaurus Rowe, Sues & Reisz, 2010 Sarcolestes Lydekker, 1893 Sarcosaurus Andrews, 1921 Saturnalia Langer, Abdala, Richter & Benton, 1999 Sauraechmodon Falconer, 1861 [nomen nudum –> Echinodon] Saurolophus B. Brown, 1912 Sauroniops Cau, Dalla Vecchia & Fabbri, 2012 Sauropelta Ostrom, 1970 Saurophaganax Chure, 1995 Saurophagus Stovall vide Ray, 1941/Swainson 1831 Sauroplites Bohlin, 1953 [nomen dubium] Sauroposeidon Wedel, Cifelli & Sanders, 2000 Saurornithoides Osborn, 1924 Saurornitholestes Sues, 1978 Scansoriopteryx Czerkas & Yuan, 2002 Scaphonyx Woodward, 1908* [rhynchosaur] Scelidosaurus Owen, 1859 Scipionyx Dal Sasso & Signore, 1998 Sciurumimus Rauhut, Foth, Tischlinger & Norell, 2012 Scleromochlus Woodward, 1907* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Scolosaurus Nopcsa, 1928 Scrotum Brookes, 1763 [nomen oblitum; PSS –> Megalosaurus] Scutellosaurus Colbert, 1981 Secernosaurus Brett-Surman, 1979 Segisaurus Camp, 1936 Segnosaurus Perle, 1979 Seismosaurus Gillette, 1991 Seitaad Sertich & Loewen, 2010 [electronic publication but here considered valid] “Selimanosaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Dicraeosaurus] Sellacoxa Carpenter & Ishida, 2010 Sellosaurus von Huene, 1908 Serendipaceratops T. Rich & Vickers-Rich, 2003 Shamosaurus Tumanova, 1983 Shanag Turner, Hwang & Norell, 2007 Shanshanosaurus Dong, 1977 [JSS –> Tarbosaurus] Shantungosaurus Hu C., 1973 Shanxia Barrett, You, Upchurch & Burton, 1998 Shanyangosaurus Xue, Zhang Y. X., Bi, Yue & Chen D., 1996 Shaochilong Brusatte, Benson, Chure, Xu X., C. Sullivan & Hone, 2009 Shenzhouraptor Ji Q., Ji S., You, Zhang J. P., Yuan, Ji X., Li J. L. & Li Y. X., 2002 [possible bird] Shenzhousaurus Ji Q., Norell, Makovicky, Gao K., Ji S. & Yuan, 2003 Shidaisaurus Wu X., P. Currie, Dong, Pan & Wang T., 2009 Shixinggia Lü & Zhang B., 2005 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 34 of 40 Shuangmiaosaurus You, Ji Q., Li J. L. & Li Y. X., 2003 Shunosaurus Dong, Zhou S. & Zhang Y. H., 1983 Shuvosaurus Chatterjee, 1993 [dinosaurian status currently in debate] Shuvuuia Chiappe, Norell & J. Clark, 1998 Siamodon Buffetaut & V. Suteethorn, 2011 Siamosaurus Buffetaut & Ingavat, 1986 Siamotyrannus Buffetaut, V. Suteethorn & Tong, 1996 Siats Zanno & Makovicky, 2013 Sigilmassasaurus D. A. Russell, 1996 Silesaurus Dzik, 2003 Siluosaurus Dong, 1997 [nomen dubium] Silvisaurus Eaton, 1960 Similicaudipteryx He T., Wang X. L. & Zhou Z., 2008 Sinocalliopteryx Ji S., Ji Q., Lü & Yuan, 2007 Sinoceratops Xu X., Wang K., Zhao X. & Li D. J., 2010 Sinocoelurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1942 Sinornithoides D. A. Russell & Dong, 1994 (not 1993) Sinornithomimus Kobayashi & Lü, 2003 Sinornithosaurus Xu X., Wang X. L. & Wu X., 1999 Sinosauropteryx Ji Q. & Ji S., 1996 Sinosaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1948 Sinotyrannus Ji Q., Ji S. & Zhang L., 2009 Sinovenator Xu X., Norell, Wang X. L., Makovicky & Wu X., 2002 Sinraptor P. Currie & Zhao X., 1994 (not 1993) Sinucerasaurus Xu X. & Wang X. L., 2004 vide Xu X. & Norell, 2006 [JOS –> Sinusonasus] Sinusonasus Xu X. & Wang X. L., 2004 Skorpiovenator Canale, Scanferla, Agnolín & Novas, 2008 Smilodon Plieninger, 1846/P. W. Lund, 1842* –> Zanclodon [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Sonidosaurus Xu X., Zhang X. H., Tan Q., Zhao X. & Tan L., 2006 Sonorasaurus Ratkevich, 1998 Sphaerotholus Williamson & Carr, 2003 [PSS –> Prenocephale] Sphenosaurus von Meyer, 1847* [procolophonid] Sphenospondylus Seeley, 1882 [JSS –> Iguanodon] Spinophorosaurus Remes, F. Ortega, Fierro, U. Joger, Kosma, Marín Ferrer, Chiappe, Dantas, Escaso, Gasulla, López, Pomares, B. Ribeiro, Sanz, Tent-Manclús, Faust, H. Joger, J. Joger, Krüger, Mudroch, Rabe, Ritter, Sommer, Ide & Maga, 2009 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Spinops Farke, Ryan, Barrett, Tanke, Braman, Loewen & Graham, 2011 Spinosaurus Stromer, 1915 Spinostropheus Sereno, J. A. Wilson & Conrad, 2004 Spinosuchus von Huene, 1932* [non-dinosaurian reptile] Spondylosoma von Huene, 1942* [rauisuchian] Squalodon Grateloup, 1840* [cetacean] Staurikosaurus Colbert, 1970 Stegoceras Lambe, 1902 Stegopelta Williston, 1905 [PSS –> Nodosaurus] Stegosaurides Bohlin, 1953 [nomen dubium] Stegosaurus Marsh, 1877 Stenonychosaurus C. M. Sternberg, 1932 [JSS –> Troodon] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 35 of 40 Stenopelix von Meyer, 1857 Stenotholus Giffin, Gabriel & Johnson, 1988 [JSS –> Stygimoloch] Stephanosaurus Lambe, 1914 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Lambeosaurus] Stereocephalus Lambe, 1902/Lynch Arribalzaga, 1884 –> Euoplocephalus Stereosaurus Seeley, 1869* [nomen nudum; probable plesiosaur] Sterrholophus Marsh, 1891 [JSS –> Triceratops] Stokesosaurus J. H. Madsen, 1974 Stormbergia Butler, 2005 Strenusaurus Bonaparte, 1969 [JSS –> Riojasaurus] Streptospondylus von Meyer, 1830 [nomen dubium] Struthiomimus Osborn, 1916 Struthiosaurus Bunzel, 1870 Stygimoloch Galton & Sues, 1983 [PSS –> Pachycephalosaurus] Stygivenator Olshevsky vide Olshevsky, Ford & Yamamoto, 1995 [JSS –> Tyrannosaurus] Styracosaurus Lambe, 1913 Succinodon von Huene, 1941* [mollusc borings] Suchomimus Sereno, Beck, Dutheil, Gado, Larsson, Lyon, Marcot, Rauhut, Sadleir, Sidor, Varricchio, G. P. Wilson & J. A. Wilson, 1998 Suchoprion Cope, 1877* [nomen dubium; phytosaur] Suchosaurus Owen, 1841 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Baryonyx] “Sugiyamasaurus” Lambert, 1990 [nomen nudum] Sulaimanisaurus Malkani, 2006 Supersaurus Jensen, 1985 Suuwassea Harris & Dodson, 2004 Suzhousaurus Li D. Q., Peng C., You, Lamanna, Harris, Lacovara & Zhang J. P., 2007 Symphyrophus Cope, 1878 [JSS –> Camptosaurus] Syngonosaurus Seeley, 1879 [nomen dubium] Syntarsus Raath, 1969/Fairmaire, 1869 –> Megapnosaurus Syrmosaurus Maleev, 1952 [JSS –> Pinacosaurus] Szechuanoraptor Chure, 2001 [nomen ex dissertatione] Szechuanosaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1942 [nomen dubium] Back to top T Tachiraptor Langer, Rincón, Ramezani, Solórzano & Rauhut, 2014 Talarurus Maleev, 1952 Talenkauen Novas, Cambiaso & Ambrosio, 2004 Talos Zanno, Varricchio, O’Connor, Titus & Knell, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Tambatitanis Saegusa & Ikeda, 2014 Tangvayosaurus Allain, Taquet, Battail, Dejax, Richir, Véran, Limon-Duparcmeur, Vacant, Mateus, Sayarath, Khenthavong & Phouyavong, 1999 Tanius Wiman, 1929 Tanycolagreus Carpenter, C. A. Miles & Cloward, 2005 Tanystropheus von Meyer, 1855* [prolacertiform reptile] Tanystrosuchus Kuhn, 1963 [nomen dubium; PSS –> Halticosaurus or Liliensternus] Taohelong Yang J. T., You, Li D. Q. & Kong, 2013 Tapinocephalus Owen, 1876* [therapsid] Tapuiasaurus Zaher, Pol, Carvalho, Nascimento, Riccomini, P. Larson, Juarez-Valieri, Pires- http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 36 of 40 Domingues, N. J. da Silva & Campos, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Tarascosaurus Le Loeuff & Buffetaut, 1991 Tarbosaurus Maleev, 1955 Tarchia Maryanska, 1977 Tastavinsaurus Canudo, Royo-Torres & Cuenca-Bescós, 2008 Tatankacephalus W. L. Parsons & K. M. Parsons, 2009 Tatankaceratops Ott & P. Larson, 2010 [PSS –> Triceratops] Tataouinea Fanti, Cau, Hassine & Contessi, 2013 Tatisaurus Simmons, 1965 Taveirosaurus Telles Antunes & Sigogneau-Russell, 1991 Tawa Nesbitt, N. D. Smith, Irmis, Turner, A. Downs & Norell, 2009 Tawasaurus Yang Z. J., 1982 Tazoudasaurus Allain, Aquesbi, Dejax, C. Meyer, Monbaron, Montenat, Richir, Rochdy, D. A. Russell & Taquet, 2004 Technosaurus Chatterjee, 1984 Tecovasaurus Hunt & S. Lucas, 1994* [non-dinosaurian archosaur] Tehuelchesaurus T. Rich, Vickers-Rich, Gimenez, Cúneo, Puerta & Vacca, 1999 Teinurosaurus Nopcsa, 1928 vide Nopcsa, 1929 [nomen dubium] Teleocrater Charig, 1956* [nomen nudum; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Telmatosaurus Nopcsa, 1903 Tenantosaurus B. Brown vide Chure & McIntosh, 1989 [nomen nudum –> Tenontosaurus] Tendaguria Bonaparte, Heinrich & Wild, 2000 Tenontosaurus Ostrom, 1970 Teratophoneus Carr, Williamson, Britt & Stadtman, 2011 Teratosaurus von Meyer, 1861* [teratosaurid archosaur] Termatosaurus von Meyer & Plieninger, 1844* [nomen dubium; phytosaur] Tethyshadros Dalla Vecchia, 2009 Tetragonosaurus Parks, 1931 [nomen rejectum –> Procheneosaurus] Texacephale Longrich, Sankey & Tanke, 2010 Texasetes Coombs, 1995 Teyuwasu Kischlat, 1999 Thecocoelurus von Huene, 1923 [nomen dubium] Thecodontosaurus Riley & Stutchbury, 1836 Thecospondylus Seeley, 1882 [nomen dubium] Theiophytalia Brill & Carpenter, 2006 Therizinosaurus Maleev, 1954 Therosaurus Fitzinger, 1840 [JOS –> Iguanodon] Thescelosaurus Gilmore, 1913 Thespesius Leidy, 1856 [nomen dubium] Thotobolosaurus Ellenberger, 1972 [nomen nudum] Tianchisaurus Dong, 1993 Tianchungosaurus Zhao X., 1983 [nomen nudum] Tianyulong Zheng X., You, Xu X. & Dong, 2009 Tianyuraptor Zheng X., Xu X., You, Zhao Q. & Dong, 2009 Tianzhenosaurus Pang & Cheng Z., 1998 Tichosteus Cope, 1877 [nomen dubium] Tienshanosaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1937 Timimus T. Rich & Vickers-Rich, 1994 Titanoceratops Longrich, 2010 [electronic publication but here considered valid; PSS –> http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 37 of 40 Pentaceratops] Titanosaurus Lydekker, 1877 [nomen dubium] Titanosaurus Marsh, 1877/Lydekker, 1877 –> Atlantosaurus [nomen dubium] Tochisaurus Kurzanov & Osmólska, 1991 Tomodon Leidy, 1865/Dumeril 1853 –> Diplotomodon Tonganosaurus Li K., Yang C., Liu J. & Wang Z., 2010 Tonouchisaurus Barsbold, 1994 [nomen nudum] Torilion Carpenter & Ishida, 2010 [JOS –> Barilium] Tornieria Sternfeld, 1911 Torosaurus Marsh, 1891 [PSS –> Triceratops] Torvosaurus Galton & Jensen, 1979 Trachodon Leidy, 1856 [nomen dubium] Traukutitan Juarez-Valieri (as Juárez Valieri) & Calvo, 2010 [nomen manuscriptum; in accepted manuscript published online] Trialestes Bonaparte, 1982* [crocodilian] Triassolestes Reig, 1963/Tillyard, 1918* –> Trialestes [crocodilian] Tribelesodon Bassani, 1886* [JSS –> Tanystropheus; prolacertiform reptile] Triceratops Marsh, 1889 Trigonosaurus Campos, Kellner, Bertini & Santucci, 2005 Trimucrodon Thulborn, 1973 Trinisaura Coria, Moly, Reguero, Santillana & Marenssi, 2013 Troodon Leidy, 1856 Tsaagan Norell, J. Clark, Turner, Makovicky, Barsbold & Rowe, 2006 Tsagantegia Tumanova, 1993 Tsintaosaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1958 Tugulusaurus Dong, 1973 Tuojiangosaurus Dong, Li X. M., Zhou S. & Zhang Y. H., 1977 Turanoceratops Nessov & Kaznyshkina vide Nessov, Kaznyshkina & Cherepanov, 1989 Turiasaurus Royo-Torres, Cobos & Alcalá, 2006 Tylocephale Maryanska & Osmólska, 1974 Tylosteus Leidy, 1872 [nomen oblitum; SSS –> Pachycephalosaurus] Tyrannosaurus Osborn, 1905 Tyrannotitan Novas, de Valais, Vickers-Rich & T. Rich, 2005 Tyreophorus von Huene, 1929 [nomen nudum] Back to top U Uberabatitan Salgado & Carvalho, 2008 Udanoceratops Kurzanov, 1992 Ugrosaurus Cobabe & Fastovsky, 1987 [JSS –> Triceratops] Uintasaurus Holland, 1919 [JSS –> Camarasaurus] Ultrasauros Jensen vide Olshevsky, 1991 [JSS –> Supersaurus] Ultrasaurus H. M. Kim, 1983 [nomen dubium] Ultrasaurus Jensen, 1985/H. M. Kim , 1983 –> Ultrasauros Umarsaurus Maryanska & Osmólska, 1981 vide Olshevsky, 1992 [nomen nudum –> Barsboldia] Unaysaurus Leal, Azevedo, Kellner & Da Rosa, 2004 Unenlagia Novas & Puerta, 1997 Unescoceratops Ryan, Evans, P. Currie, C. Brown & Brinkman, 2011 [electronic publication but here considered valid] http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 38 of 40 Unicerosaurus Baugh vide Armstrong, 1987* [nomen nudum; fish] Unquillosaurus J. E. Powell, 1979 Urbacodon Averianov & Sues, 2007 Utahceratops Sampson, Loewen, Farke, Roberts, Forster, J. A. Smith & Titus, 2010 Utahraptor Kirkland, Burge & Gaston, 1993 Uteodon McDonald, 2011 Back to top V Vagaceratops Sampson, Loewen, Farke, Roberts, Forster, J. A. Smith & Titus, 2010 Vahiny Curry Rogers & J. A. Wilson, 2014 Valdoraptor Olshevsky, 1991 Valdosaurus Galton, 1977 Variraptor Le Loeuff & Buffetaut, 1998 Vectensia Delair, 1982 [nomen nudum –> Hylaeosaurus] Vectisaurus Hulke, 1879 [JSS –> Iguanodon] Velafrons Gates, Sampson, Delgado de Jesús, Zanno, Eberth, Hernández-Rivera, Aguillón Martínez & Kirkland, 2007 Velocipes von Huene, 1932 [nomen dubium] Velociraptor Osborn, 1924 Velocisaurus Bonaparte, 1991 Venaticosuchus Bonaparte, 1971* [ornithosuchid archosaur] Venenosaurus Tidwell, Carpenter & S. Meyer, 2001 Veterupristisaurus Rauhut, 2011 Vitakridrinda Malkani, 2006 Vitakrisaurus Malkani, 2010 Volkheimeria Bonaparte, 1979 Vulcanodon Raath, 1972 Back to top W Wadhurstia Carpenter & Ishida, 2010 [JOS –> Hypselospinus] Wakinosaurus Okazaki, 1992 [nomen dubium] Walgettosuchus von Huene, 1932 [nomen dubium] Walkeria Chatterjee, 1987/Fleming, 1823 –> Alwalkeria Walkersaurus Welles, H. P. Powell & Pickering vide Pickering, 1995 [nomen nudum –> Duriavenator] “Wangonisaurus” Maier, 2003 [nomen nudum –> Giraffatitan] Wannanosaurus Hou, 1977 Wellnhoferia Elzanowski, 2001* [bird] Willinakaqe Juárez Valieri, Haro, Fiorelli & Calvo, 2011 (not 2010) Wintonotitan Hocknull, White, Tischler, Cook, Calleja, T. Sloan & Elliott, 2009 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Wuerhosaurus Dong, 1973 Wulagasaurus Godefroit, Hai, Yu T. & Lauters, 2008 Wulatelong Xu X., Tan Q., Wang S., C. Sullivan, Hone, Han S., Ma, Tan L. & Xiao, 2013 Wyleyia Harrison & C. A. Walker, 1973* [enantiornithan bird] Wyomingraptor [Anonymous] 1997 [nomen nudum –> Allosaurus] Back to top http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 39 of 40 X Xenoceratops Ryan, Evans & Shepherd, 2012 Xenoposeidon Taylor & Naish, 2007 Xenotarsosaurus R. D. Martínez, Gimenez, Rodriguez & Bochatey, 1986 Xianshanosaurus Lü, Xu L., Jiang X., Jia S., Li M., Yuan, Zhang X. L. & Ji Q., 2009 Xiaosaurus Dong & Tang Z., 1983 Xiaotingia Xu X., You, Du K. & Han F., 2011 Xinghesaurus Hasegawa, Carpenter, Lamanna & Xu X., 2009 [nomen nudum; in Japanese guidebook Dinosaur Expo 2009: The Miracle of Deserts] Xinjiangovenator Rauhut & Xu X., 2005 Xinjiangtitan Wu W. H.. Zhou C., Wings, Sekiya & Dong, 2013 Xiongguanlong Li D. Q., Norell, Gao K., N. D. Smith & Makovicky, 2009 Xixianykus Xu X., Wang D., C. Sullivan, Hone, Han F., Yan & Du F., 2010 Xixiasaurus Lü, Xu L., Liu Y. Q., Zhang X. L., Jia S. & Ji Q., 2010 Xixiposaurus Sekiya, 2010 Xuanhanosaurus Dong, 1984 Xuanhuaceratops Zhao X., Cheng Z., Xu X. & Makovicky, 2006 Xuanhuasaurus Zhao X. (as Chao S.), 1985 [nomen nudum –> Xuanhuaceratops] Xuwulong You, Li D. Q. & Liu W., 2011 Back to top Y Yaleosaurus von Huene, 1932 [JSS –> Anchisaurus] Yamaceratops Makovicky & Norell, 2006 Yandusaurus He X., 1979 Yangchuanosaurus Dong, Zhang Y. H. (as Chang Y.), Li X. M. & Zhou S., 1978 Yaverlandia Galton, 1971 Yezosaurus Obata & Muramoto vide Muramoto, 1977* [nomen nudum; PSS –> Moanasaurus (mosasaur)] Yibinosaurus Ouyang, 2001 Yimenosaurus Bai vide Bai, Yang J. & Wang G. H., 1990 Yingshanosaurus Zhou S., 1984 [nomen nudum] Yinlong Xu X., Forster, J. Clark & Mo, 2006 Yixianosaurus Xu X. & Wang X. L., 2003 Yizhousaurus Chatterjee, Wang T., Pan, Dong, Wu X. & Upchurch, 2010 [nomen nudum; in abstract] Yongjinglong Li L., Li D. Q., You & Dodson, 2014 Yuanmousaurus Lü, Li S., Ji Q., Wang G. F., Zhang J. H. & Dong, 2006 Yubasaurus He X., 1975? [nomen nudum? –> Yandusaurus] Yueosaurus Zheng W., Jin X., Shibata, Azuma & Yu F., 2011 Yulong Lü, P. Currie, Xu L., Zhang X. L., Pu & Jia S., 2013 Yunganglong Wang R., You, Xu S., Wang S. Z., Yi, Xie, Jia L. & Li Y. X., 2013 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Yunmenglong Lü, Xu L., Pu, Zhang X. L., Zhang Y. Y., Jia S., Chang H., Zhang J. M. & Wei, 2013 Yunnanosaurus Yang Z. J. (as Young C. C.), 1942 Yunxiansaurus Zhou S., 2005 [nomen nudum] Yurgovuchia Senter, Kirkland, DeBlieux, S. K. Madsen & Toth, 2012 http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014 Dinosaur Genera List Page 40 of 40 Yutyrannus Xu X., Wang K., Zhang K., Ma, Xing, C. Sullivan, Hu D., Cheng S. & Wang S., 2012 Back to top Z Zalmoxes Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki & Norman, 2003 Zanabazar Norell, Makovicky, Bever, Balanoff, J. Clark, Barsbold & Rowe, 2009 Zanclodon Plieninger, 1846* [nomen dubium; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Zapalasaurus Salgado, Carvalho & Garrido, 2006 Zapsalis Cope, 1876 Zatomus Cope, 1871* [nomen dubium; non-dinosaurian archosaur] Zby Mateus, Mannion & Upchurch, 2014 Zephyrosaurus Sues, 1980 Zhanghenglong Xing, Wang D., Han F., C. Sullivan, Ma, He Y., Hone, Yan, Du F. & Xu X., 2014 [electronic publication but here considered valid] Zhejiangosaurus Lü, Jin X., Sheng, Li Y. H., Wang G. P. & Azuma, 2007 Zhongornis Gao C., Chiappe, Meng, O’Connor, Wang X. R., Cheng X. & Liu J. Y., 2008 Zhongyuansaurus Xu L., Lü, Zhang X. L., Jia S., Hu W., Zhang J. M., Wu Y. & Ji Q., 2007 Zhuchengceratops Xu X., Wang K., Zhao X., C. Sullivan & Chen S., 2010 Zhuchengosaurus Zhao X., Li D. J., Han G., Zhao H., Liu F., Li L. & Fang X., 2007 [PSS –> Shantungosaurus] Zhuchengtyrannus Hone, Wang K., C. Sullivan, Zhao X., Chen S., Li D., Ji S., Ji Q.& Xu X., 2011 Ziapelta Arbour, Burns, R. Sullivan, S. Lucas, Cantrell, Fry & Suazo, 2014 Zigongosaurus Hou, Chao & Chu S., 1976 [JSS –> Mamenchisaurus] Zizhongosaurus Dong, Zhou S. & Zhang Y. H., 1983 Zuniceratops Wolfe & Kirkland, 1998 Zuolong Choiniere, J. Clark, Forster & Xu X., 2010 Zupaysaurus Arcucci & Coria, 2003 Back to top Return to Dinogeorge’s Home Page. http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html 10/8/2014
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