OUR VISION IS: Nurture – to all by fostering a relaonship with God Outreach – to individuals through service Witness – to others by sharing Jesus The Messenger Main Street United Methodist Church V O L U M E 6 0 - N O . 9 S E P T E M B E R 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION FOR OVER 213 YEARS OF JOYFUL MINISTRY AND 100 YEARS IN THIS SANCTUARY SPECIAL MUSIC DEDICATION OF NEW BANNERS Brass Quartet SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 Song of Praise JOY! Centennial Hymn The Sound of Joy In Memory of ONE SERVICE ONLY 10:30 AM FOLLOWED BY A VERY FESTIVE LUNCH Robert M. Brooks, Jr. PRESENTATION HISTORICAL TIMELINE CELEBRATION of on the of New Time Capsule ATRIUM WALL Holy Communion FALL FESTIVAL IS NEXT SATURDAY! 9:00 am – 2:00 pm October 4, 2014 BRUNSWICK STEW by the quart for $10.00 each. Call Nancy Webb for tickets, 934-2059 Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Crafts, Potted plants, pumpkins and pansies, BOOK FAIR “Fabulous Finds” featuring gently used items with resale value that are not ready for Goodwill, such as: purses, jewelry, working household appliances and equipment, children’s toys with all the parts, gently used, sports equipment, clothes SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014 - 8:00 am – noon GOAL – Package 20,000 meals / 3,300 packages There are three significant ways to support this hands on mission project: 1. Pray for the success of the event 2. Donate money toward the $5000 for supplies. To date, we have $950.00 in donations. 3. Participate at the event For any questions or to volunteer, contact the local coordinator of this event, Mark Popik at 757-537-2842. The meal packaging program was created in 2005 and is a mobile operation that is set up where volunteers are organized to measure and package the prescribed ingredients that will produce a wholesome healthy meal. The use of this packaging method has resulted in an extremely cost-effective operation. All the needed equipment and food supplies are provided by the STOP HUNGER NOW organization, and the process is supervised by a STOP HUNGER NOW employee. The cost of each meal is only 25 cents, and one package will feed 6 people FOR $1.50! Last year we filled 2,500 packages. “It’s Time to Pray”… RECENT PRAYER REQUESTS: Barry Kahn, Ashley Neale, Leverone family, Sheila Raymer, Bow Hedgepeth, Addie Hobson & family, Leslie Seitz, Dolores Farrero, Kevin Sharp, Luellen Estep, Pat Huber, Paula & Melanie Bishop, Ken Taylor, Betty Ellison, Mary Foltz, Cassidy & Lily Blasé, Campbell Rice, Willis “Corky” Davis, Nita Parker, Sarah Catlett, Bob Tompert, George Birdsong, Robin Decker, Betty Backus, Crafton Langston, Harry Watson, Miller family, Christians in Iraq, Hector Aldana, Campbell Rice, Hannah Chase, Jim Haverty, James Butler, Tunisia Matthews, The Wood family, Chrystal Ward, Conner Butler, Donnell Stewart, Gail Williams, Cindy Payne, Gene Cloe, Boo Ballard, Margaret Pruden, James Kilborn, Paul Popik ONGOING: Christine Finner, Pam, Lon Bickham, Sammy Cowan, Dale Kelly, Myrtle Dudley, Pam Nix, Mitchell Webb, Paul Reyman, Jr., The Casey Family, Janet Wunderlich, Anthony & Matthew Agnese, Marie Kennedy, William Ray, Malissa Bradshaw, Ina Turner, Allen French, a friend with serious health issues, Robert Walton, Hope Carr, Jean Cross, Linda Gallant, Shellee Stevens, Barbara Blankenship, Nita Wyatt, Lieu Lewis CANCER: Melissa Bassey, Rebecca Maples, Lynette White, Lillian Vellejo, Anne Harris, Major Irene Clatterbach, Marion Heath, Frank DeJarnette, Sherri Cooper, Lois Maille, Kristi Hall, Jojie Salud, Diane Gwaltney, Ann Eiseman Smith, Lisa Lewis, Todd Walton, Alaina Crowder, Carrie Kitchen, Ana Harper, Janis Greene, Evelyn Terrell, Debbie Twitty, Vickie Price, Phil Beck, Eino Hirv, Braxton Howell, Betty Sowell, Tommy McPhail, Sally Duke, Sylvia Pond, Martha Mead SKILLED CARE: Eunice Hedgepeth, Edna Brown. ASSISTED LIVING: Margaret Pruden, Colette Ballard, Alma Duke, Boo Ballard, Avis & Marilyn Shumaker, Antoinette Williams, Susan Rivenbark HOMEBOUND: Melanie French, Harriett Naylor, John Wimer, Jean Sutphin SYMPATHY: Family of Clyde “Bud” Hill (Ashley Hogg’s father); Family of Jean Reilly (Katie Humphrey’s mother) ALWAYS REMEMBER TO INCLUDE IN YOUR PRAYERS: Main Street United Methodist Church; Our sister churches on the James River District; Pastor Myrtle Frances Hatcher; Church Staff; Lay Leadership (Lay Leaders: Sarah Catlett, Bo Browne; Sunday School Teachers; Bible Studies); United Methodist Church Worldwide (VA Annual Conference, Bishop Young Jin Cho, Superintendent Rob Colwell, District & Conference Staff), Missionaries & Mission Sites, John Elmore (Chile Covenant Mission Project Director); Friends of Barnabas OUR NATION AND WORLD: Military Troops & Families (Chris Smith, Dr. Michael Johnston, Trey Parks, Nate Fisher, Michael Kashner (praise for safe return from Korea), Anthony Hickler, Cedric Dedeaus, Hunter Pietrowski, Adam Salsbury, Adam Waddell, Kent Brooks, Christy Whitten, Brian Mouton, Mike Spangenburg, Anthony Grant, Sr. Sherree & Bryanna Grant; Children in Poverty; Police, Fire & Rescue Workers; CAPS (Coalition Against Poverty in Suffolk); Our Schools (Teachers & Administrators, Staff & Volunteers, Students & their families, College Students, Day Care Centers—especially Main Street Day Care & Preschool); Workplaces & Homes; The Marketplace Dear Friends of Main Street, What a wonderful surprise I received in the mail. Preacher Myrtle was kind enough to send me the cards you wrote to me. I knew Main Street was a special place and now it has been reconfirmed. Many, many thanks to each of you and I pray for you every day. I am somewhat better but have a way to go. I will know in about five weeks if the radiation has worked. Please continue to pray for me. My deepest love to each of you and I will keep you posted. Much love, Betty Ellison Dear Main Street family, I want to thank my wonderful church community for their continued support of my education here at U.VA. I have met lifelong friends and phenomenal teachers, but knowing I have a sanctuary full of family back home in Suffolk is something for which I cannot express enough gratitude. I am continuing my coursework in Media Studies, and was recently chosen as one of 10 students for the Distinguished Major program; I will spend the next two years researching, interviewing, and writing for my Fourth-Year thesis. I am beyond honored, and feel so blessed to have this opportunity. It would not be possible without the love and support of Main Street. I think about everyone at church very often, and I cannot wait to come home and see you all again. No matter where life takes me after U.Va., I know there will always be one place to which I can always return. God bless, Laura Holshouser Page 3 Main Street Happenings... James Buchanan Jones, son of John and Anna Jones, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest achievement in Boy Scouts of America. Jim, a member of Troop 1 is an active member of Main Street where he serves as an acolyte, occasional speaker, usher, and Youth Group participant. Jim is currently an eighth grade student at Nansemond-Suffolk Academy. In September of 2008, Jim joined Cub Scout Pack 1, sponsored by Main Street United Methodist Church and advanced through the ranks. In February of 2012, he earned the Arrow of Light, Cub Scouting’s highest award. He crossed over into Boy Scout Troop 1 and earned the rank of Scout on February 21, 2012. Over the past couple of years, Jim has quickly progressed through the ranks of Boy Scouting. He has served in a number of leadership positions, most notably as an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Troop Guide. To date he has completed 45 merit badges and completed the requirements for his first Eagle Palm. For his Eagle Scout Leadership Project, Jim planned and coordinated renovations of the “Music Room” behind the altar at Main Street United Methodist Church. Supplies for the project were obtained through donations and material contributions. Repairs included: scraping, priming, and painting walls, cabinets, and the bookcase, plastering damaged walls, adding new hardware on cabinet doors, scraping and staining the mantel, and installing new carpet. With the help of Troop 1 Scouts, adult leaders, and the generosity of contributors the project was completed. Jim remains committed to Scouting and promises to “give back” to Boy Scout Troop 1 and Main Street United Methodist Church. The Community Garden has been planted in partnership with Main Street UMC, Main Street Day Care Center and Suffolk Partnership for a Healthy Community. This is a cooperative project to help children understand the connection between our actions as good citizens of the earth and God’s abundant love. Jimmy Holland and Tom Argust assisted the children and helped to set up the raised bed. Stop by to see the progress. Pastor Myrtle planted beets to honor the recent baptism of Jack Webb. The garden is located on the North side of the building. Scaffolding has been erected on the east side of the sanctuary building to begin making repairs to the fascia boards along the top of the wall. In addition, we have been plagued by a family of squirrels who like to chew through the wood and make their home in the highest peak of the roof. When the old, rotten boards were pulled away, the nest was found with four babies. Never fear, they were safely relocated to a new home and repairs can now continue. PIE SALE FOR MISSIONS Buy your homemade pies for Thanksgiving this year! Quantities will be limited and must be pre-ordered and paid in advance. All proceeds will go to global missions. Pumpkin Chocolate Chess Sweet Potato Apple Pecan Look for more information soon “It’s Time to Plan”…. October Calendar of Events Wednesday, October 1 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Thursday, October 2 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Den Meeting Friday, October 3 12:00 noon - First Friday Concert and Luncheon 4:00 pm - Community Supper Saturday, October 4 7:00 am - Fall Festival 8:00 pm - AA Sunday, October 5 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Monday, October 6 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts 7:00 pm - Council on Ministries Tuesday, October 7 12:30 pm - Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 Wednesday, October 8 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 1:30 pm - Staff Meeting 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Thursday, October 9 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Den Meeting 7:00 pm - District Finance Training Saturday, October 11 8:00 pm - AA Sunday, October 12 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School & Confirmation 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Tuesday, October 14 10:00 am - United Methodist Women 12:30 pm - Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 Wednesday, October 15 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 7:00 pm - Men’s Bible Study 8:00 pm - AA Thursday, October 16 6:00 pm - Day Care Staff Meeting 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Den Meeting Saturday, October 18 4:00 pm - Green/Mizelle Wedding 8:00 pm - AA Sunday, October 19 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School & Confirmation 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Monday, October 20 5:00 pm - Day Care Board 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts Tuesday, October 21 12:30 pm - Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 Wednesday, October 22 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 7:00 pm - Men’s Bible Study 8:00 pm - AA Thursday, October 23 6:30 pm - Day Care Open House 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Pack Meeting Friday, October 24 4:00 pm - Rose’s Supper Saturday, October 25 11:00 am - Salvation Army Soup Kitchen McLemore Class Serving 8:00 pm - AA Sunday, October 26 Anniversary Celebration 9:45 am - Sunday School & Confirmation 10:30 am - Worship ONE SERVICE 4:30 pm - UMYF Tuesday, October 28 12:30 pm - Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 Wednesday, October 29 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 7:00 pm - Men’s Bible Study 8:00 pm - AA Friday, October 31 4:00 pm - Community Supper FIRST FRIDAY CONCERT and LUNCHEON Chris Ward, organ October 3, 2014 Page 4 12 noon Free 30 minute concert at noon followed by a soup and sandwich luncheon. Donations for lunch ($5.00 suggested) benefit the Organ Fund and Friends of Music. Bring a friend! BUDGET TIME It’s that time again!! Preparations are underway for the 2015 Budget. Please submit any funding request changes for your committee or group by October 16th to Mel Holshouser, [email protected], 757-334-4097 or Everett Birdsong, [email protected], 757-630-8645 Hot Meals and Homework The Main Street Missions committee has agreed to provide meals for 10 children who will be eating at Suffolk House (formally the Homeless Shelter) at 6:30 pm before returning home. Meals may consist of casseroles or other homemade meals, or items such as pizza, KFC, etc. Meals still needed for the following Wednesday evenings: December 3,10,17. Families interested in providing a meal are asked to sign the schedule posted on the bulletin board near the kitchen entrance. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Calendar of Centennial Celebration Events October 2014 ~ June 2016 (Subject to Change) DATE EVENT TIME___________ ______ Sunday, October 26, 2014 Centennial Worship Celebration ONE SERVICE 10:30am Sunday, November 2, 2014 All Saints Sunday 8:30 & 11:00am Worship Sunday, November 9, 2014 Veteran’s Sunday 8:30 & 11:00am Worship Sunday, December 14, 2014 Centennial Christmas Candlelight Service 4:00pm Saturday, January 31, 2015 Women’s Day of Spiritual Growth 10:00am to 3:00pm Sunday, February 8, 2015 Scouting Ministries Sunday 11:00am Worship Sunday, April 19, 2015 Homecoming 12 Noon Saturday, October 3, 2015 Peanut Fest Parade Participation 10:00am Sunday, April 17, 2016 Joyful Feast 12 Noon Sunday, June 12, 2016 Centennial Worship & Rededication To be announced **************************************************************************************** Page 5 October 2014 Anniversaries 1 Mr. & Mrs. Everett H. Irby 3 Mr. & Mrs. Justin R. Caron Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Witherspoon 10 Mr. & Mrs. Vernon M. Towler Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Webb 15 Mr. & Mrs. Nofleet Garnett 21 Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Miller 24 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Zydron 29 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Littleton 30 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Kincaid Mr. & Mrs. James F. Stutz Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 (Sara Jane Foreman) (Christopher Mast) (Dana Pruden) (Ashley Short) (Stephanie Swanner) SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES TO THE OCTOBER MEMBERS OF THE 90+ CLUB! Pat Freeman Dot Hill Alice Horst Mrs. Audrey Beck, Maria McLemore, Kevin Spain, Harrison Saunders, Mr. Scott Kilborn Mrs. Elizabeth Helms, Ms. Emily Parks, Mr. Al Bremer Mr. Henry Simpson Mrs. Pattie Conrad Mr. Pat Suttle, Cambridge Hines Mrs. Pat Smith, Mrs. Nan Cullop, Mrs. Susan Towler, Michael Liekefet Mrs. Alice Horst Mrs. Dot Hill, Dixon Mills Mr. David Askew, Mr. Robert Walton, Jr. Mrs. Judy Horton, Mrs. Elizabeth Russell, Mr. Andrew McCauley, Mrs. Betty Totten Mr. Ryan Lambert, Ms. Michele Clark JB Powell Mrs. Julie Irby, Madie Baker, Mr. Vernon Towler, Emily Grass, Lily Pearce Ms. Tracey Sackett, Mr. Jerry Branch Mr. Dale Bradshaw, Campbell Hogg, Dr. Charles O’Dea Mrs. Sherri Cordon Mr. John Borthwick Mr. Jeff Beale, Dr. Bev Cox Mr. Spencer Hart, Mr. Joe Webb, Mrs. Pat Freeman Jedd Askew, Owen Gregory Mrs. Katie Beale, Mrs. Nancy O’Berry, Ashley Butler, Mr. Randy Hicks, Mr. Jim Decker Mr. Walter New Mr. Fletcher Beadles, Mrs. Wendy Barnes Benton Wentz, Jake Redd Mr. Mike Beale, Mr. Dutch Greene, Mr. Zachary Irby Mrs. Scherry Johnson, Emily Plumlee Mrs. Sharyn Flintoff, Mr. P. C. Austin, Mrs. Shirley Baldwin Mrs. Roberta Powell Mr. Ryan Harrell, Mr. Travis Williford, Michaela Waddell CHURCH STAFF and CONTACT INFORMATION Church Office: 757-539-8751 Fax: 757-539-7566 Pastor’s Home: 757-539-2612 Main Street Day Care and Preschool Main Street Church Web Site: Church’s E-Mail address Pastor’s E-Mail address Pastor Director of Music / Organist UMYF Coordinator Director of Congregational Care Children’s Resource Coordinator Pastor’s Cell Phone: 757-621-5778 757-539-3431 THE MAIN STREET MESSENGER Main Street United Methodist Church 202 North Main Street Suffolk, VA 23434 THE MAIN STREET MESSENGER: Published monthly by Main Street United Methodist Church, 202 North Main Street, Suffolk, VA 23434. Entered as periodicals in the Post Office, Suffolk, VA 23434. Publication #589102 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED. www.mainstumc.org [email protected] [email protected] Rev. Myrtle Frances Hatcher Chris Ward Mark Popik Barbara McPhail Karen Waddell Day Care/Preschool Director Administrative Assistant Janis Greene Virginia McNeill Custodian Herman Terrell STEWARDSHIP REPORT Mark Your Calendars! THE SECOND ANNUAL FRIENDS OF MAIN STREET GOLF TOURNAMENT JANUARY - SEPTEMBER 2014 will be held on April 17, 2015. Average worship attendance: 220 Average Sunday School attendance: 75 2014 tithes & offerings: $357,696 2014 expenses: $361,477 If you are interested in serving on the committee or participating in any way, please see David Askew or Marie Baker. The Main Thing on Main Street at Main Street UMC “If these walls could talk …” Whenever I stand in our sanctuary in the quiet and listen, I believe I can hear murmuring and whispers and sighs. I try hard to discern what the noises are, and that is when I realize, it’s the walls talking about what they have seen happen in that space in the past 100 years. And I am intentional in sitting in that space and listening and imagining what the voices are saying. It reverberates in my spirit over and over what the issues are that these hallowed walls would talk about, and I can imagine how they would rejoice in the number of persons who have been baptized at this altar. And then they would count with joy the number of souls who had given their lives to God as adults right in front of this altar. For a moment the voices would lower to a hush, and the naming would be the saints who have claimed the promise of the resurrection in death; and their final attendance in this church was right here at this altar. The walls then would challenge each other to count the total number of times the bread and the cup have been served at this altar – and the voices are heard more and more and more in a glorious harmony of praise and joy and thanksgiving. October is the month that we formally open our celebration of over 213 years of fruitful, joyful ministry as a congregation committed to Jesus Christ. This congregation has enjoyed three locations in our city; and the last 100 years has found the faithful people of the United Methodist Church of Suffolk rooted in this location, sheltered by these walls that we cherish. God has blessed our congregation to grow and prosper through the faithful members and friends who give vibrancy and joy to our ministries. I believe the history of Main Street United Methodist Church speaks loudly about the dedication and persistence of the founders of the congregation and those persons who have kept the vital spark of spirituality kindled for those who will come in future times. We who enjoy serving within these walls must always be grateful for our founding members and those who have kept the pathway open and accessible for all who will come. My commitment to the celebration of our ministry is to pray in thanksgiving to God for all that we enjoy within these walls because of God’s amazing, abiding grace. On a regular schedule in the coming days, I will walk into our sanctuary, touch the walls and pray, listening for the murmurs of joy; and I invite you to join me in this praying. Ponder it… Pastor Myrtle
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