The Messenger V O L U M E 6 1 - N O . 1 J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 “TAKE A LOOK AT US NOW”… For the past several months we have been working on developing a new website that is easier to navigate and more pleasing to the eye. The above new logo and banner will be at the top of the home page. Megan Taliaferro worked with a designer to come up with a more modern looking logo that sll has elements of our beauful stained glass windows. Many people have contributed to the content of the site. Britney Webb is helping develop the links and Suzanne Prui" is taking pictures that are needed beyond what we already have. Different ministry areas have been asked to provide the informaon that they want on their page. The development of a new website was one of the ideas that has come from our Centennial Celebraon Commi"ee. We appreciate all the hard work that has gone into this project and we thank Ned Friend who has kept the informaon on our old site up to date. FEBRUARY AT MAIN ST STREET REET— REET—SCOUT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 BUY COOKIES & HELP SUPPORT OUR VETERANS Our Girl Scout Troop 5357 is collecng cookie donaons! These cookies will be hand delivered by our troop to local wounded veterans and recovering wounded veterans at Walter Reed Medical Center. A collecon basket is set up in the atrium for monetary donaons. Thank you for supporng our veterans! Look for the poster with hearts! Join Pastor Myrtle for a Lenten Bible Study 5 Wednesdays, February 25—March 25 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, drinks provided. No registra9on required Just show up! Troop 1 had another successful BBQ. Our scouts worked hard selling those ckets. Thank you to everyone that purchased ckets or made donaons. Thank you to the Day Care for sharing the kitchen with us. We had an tremendous turnout of volunteers on Friday; thank you to everyone that worked cooking, serving, and delivering BBQ. We are so very grateful for the support from our Main Street UMC family. Join us for a Bible study for women on the New Testament le"ers of John 1, 2, 3. Kelly Minter, the writer of this Bible study, What Love Is: The Leers of 1, 2, 3 John, will be our guide on the video segments of the study. Mark your calendar for this 7-week study beginning Tuesday, February 10 at 12:30 pm. If you plan to parcipate, please nofy Barbara at [email protected] or call her at 539-8751. Sharon Slate will facilitate the study. PRAYER LIST RECENT PRAYER REQUESTS: Bow Hedgepeth, Addie Hobson & family, Leslie Seitz, Dolores Farrero, Kevin Sharp, Ken Taylor, Mary Foltz, Cassidy & Lily Blasé, Campbell Rice, Willis “Corky” Davis, Nita Parker, Harry Watson, Miller family, Hector Aldana, The Wood family, Chrystal Ward, Conner Butler, Donnell Stewart, Mary, Keller Grant, Kaitlyn Alayan, Harold Thorson, Nancy Wilby, Gary Parker, Caroline Grissette, Jim Wilson, Veronica Moore, Robin & Patrick Krakauer, Ferebee Bowman, Brooke Pruden, Laurin Kozak, Kim Praither, Chris Buck, Addie Hall, Caroline Harrison, Frances Davidson, Connie Burgess, Betty Backus, Arlene Minard, Earl Edmondson, Bobby Harrell ONGOING: Christine Finner, Pam, Lon Bickham, Sammy Cowan, Dale Kelly, Pam Nix, Mitchell Webb, Paul Reyman, Jr., The Casey Family, Janet Wunderlich, Anthony & Matthew Agnese, Marie Kennedy, Malissa Bradshaw, Allen French, Robert Walton, Hope Carr, Linda Gallant, Barbara Blankenship, Nita Wyatt CANCER: Rebecca Maples, Lillian Vellejo, Anne Harris, Marion Heath, Frank DeJarnette, Sherri Cooper, Lois Maille, Kristi Hall, Jojie Salud, Diane Gwaltney, Ann Eiseman Smith, Lisa Lewis, Todd Walton, Alaina Crowder, Carrie Kitchen, Janis Greene, Debbie Twitty, Vickie Price, Eino Hirv, Betty Sowell, Tommy McPhail, Martha Mead, Kate Rhoads, Carrie Kitchen, Jackson Greene, Robin Blanchard, Brenda Atkins, Margaret Heuberger, Ralph Knapp, David Jones, Richard McLean SKILLED CARE: Eunice Hedgepeth, Edna Brown ASSISTED LIVING: Margaret Pruden, Colette Ballard, Alma Duke, Boo Ballard, Avis & Marilyn Shumaker, Antoinette Williams, Susan Rivenbark HOMEBOUND: Melanie French, Harriett Naylor, John Wimer, Jean Sutphin SYMPATHY: Family of Betty Ellison; Family of Sally Duke; Family of Paul Popik (Mark Popik’s father) ALWAYS REMEMBER TO INCLUDE IN YOUR PRAYERS: Main Street United Methodist Church; Our sister churches on the James River District; Pastor Myrtle Frances Hatcher; Church Staff; Lay Leadership (Lay Leaders: Sarah Catlett, Bo Browne; Sunday School Teachers; Bible Studies); United Methodist Church Worldwide (VA Annual Conference, Bishop Young Jin Cho, Superintendent Rob Colwell, District & Conference Staff), Missionaries & Mission Sites, John Elmore (Chile Covenant Mission Project Director); Friends of Barnabas OUR NATION AND WORLD: Military Troops & Families: Chris Smith, Dr. Michael Johnston, Trey Parks, Nate Fisher, Michael Kashner, Anthony Hickler, Cedric Dedeaus, Hunter Pietrowski, Adam Salsbury, Adam Waddell, Kent Brooks, Christy Whitten, Brian Mouton, Mike Spangenburg, Anthony Grant, Sr. Sherree & Bryanna Grant; Children in Poverty; Police, Fire & Rescue Workers; CAPS (Coalition Against Poverty in Suffolk); Our Schools (Teachers & Administrators, Staff & Volunteers, Students & their families, College Students, Day Care Centers—especially Main Street Day Care & Preschool); Workplaces & Homes; The Marketplace; The Ferguson, MO Community FYI (Forever Young Initiative) Adult Ministry Valentine’s Day Party Wednesday, February 11 11:30 AM Save the date and bring your sweetie or a friend for a delicious lunch and entertainment by “Prime Time Singers.” Don’t miss the fun! Make your reservations now! RSVP to the church office at 757-539-8751 or [email protected] FIRST FRIDAY CONCERT and LUNCHEON Marjorie Setnicky Organist February 6, 2015 12:00 noon Free 30 minute concert at noon followed by a soup and sandwich luncheon. Donations for lunch ($5.00 suggested) benefit the Organ Fund and Friends of Music. Bring a friend! COVENANT RENEWAL TIME IS HERE! Each year at this time we renew our covenant relationship with our missionary, John Elmore, in Chile. We are looking for 100 people who are willing to give $25 each to support the work that John does in Chile. If you are willing to support our missionary, please make your check payable to Main Street and mark it as “Covenant relationship”. In addition, the missions committee will sponsor a Chili for Chile cook-off lunch after church on March 1. Donations will be accepted at that time as well. For more information on this project please contact Phil McPhail @ 676-1131 or [email protected] ...More Main Street Happenings Page 3 W=>?@A= B=C A=AD=EF On Sunday, January 25th, we had the disnct honor of welcoming three generaons of women into our church family. Bitsy Hallman (le@) is grandmother of Lily (center) and mother of Cherish Pearce. Lily was bapzed and is holding the shell that was used to sprinkle her and Bitsy and Cherish became members. Also pictured is Derek Pearce. We welcome this family in Chrisan love and are blessed to have them as a part of our church family. NEWS FROM THE DAY CARE… Since the Christmas break, the baby room has added 4 cribs bringing the total number of babies being cared for to 12. In addi9on, a generous benefactor has provided funds for new cabinets, blinds, paint, cribs, carpet and special play area par99ons. In order to have 4 more babies another staff person was hired. All renova9ons should be completed by mid-March and we invite you to stop by to see the progress that has been made. In addi9on, the menu has been changed to provide healthier op9ons for meals and snacks. In January we began our 27th year of opera9on! What blessing our Day Care is to our church. Mark your calendars for April 17, 2015 Main Street United Methodist Church Annual Golf Tournament Loca9on: Nansemond River Golf Club Address: 1000 Hillpoint Blvd. , Suffolk, VA 23434 Time: 8:00am registra9on 10:00am shotgun start Fee: $100 per person foursomes welcomed Come one, come all and support the Second Annual Golf Tournament to benefit the transporta9on needs for the church. Foursome and sponsors are welcomed!! Enjoy a great day of golf, food, beverages, and fellowship as your support this church mission. February Calendar Sunday, February 1 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Wednesday, February 11 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 11:30 am - FYI Valentine’s Lunch/Program 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Monday, February 2 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts 7:00 pm - Council on Ministries Tuesday February 3 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop I Wednesday, February 4 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Thursday February 5 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Den Meeting Friday, February 6 12:00 noon - First Friday Concert & Saturday, February 7 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts Father/Daughter 8:00 pm - AA Sunday, February 8 Scout Sunday 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Monday, February 9 7:00 pm - Crisis Communication Tuesday, February 10 10:00 am - UMW 12:00 noon - CAPS Board Meeting 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 7:00 pm - Welcome & Witness Main Street UMYF will sponsor our annual Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17 5:00-7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall Tickets: $5 per person $20 for family of 4 or more. Children under 5 eat free! Get your tickets from he youth or pay at the door Proceeds will support UMYF Atlanta Mission Trip Page 4 Saturday, February 21 3:00 pm-Blue & Gold Banquet 8:00 pm - AA Thursday, February 12 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Den Meeting 7:00 pm - Christian Women’s Book Club Sunday, February 22 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Saturday, February 14 9:00 am-Pinewood Derby 8:00 pm - AA Monday, February 23 7:00 pm - Day Care Board 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts Sunday, February 15 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Tuesday, February 24 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 Monday, February 16 Presidents Day—OFFICE CLOSED 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts Wednesday, February 25 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 5:30 pm - Lenten Bible study 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Tuesday, February 17 5:00 pm - Pancake Supper 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 Friday, February 27 12:00 pm - 30 Hour Famine Begins 4:00 pm - Rose’s Supper Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Ash Wednesday Service 8:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Saturday, February 28 11:00 am - Salvation Army Soup Kitchen UMYF Serving 6:00 pm - 30 Hour Famine Ends 8:00 pm - AA Thursday, February 19 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Den Meeting Sunday, March 1 - noon Chili cook-off lunch THE 2015 30 HOUR FAMINE THEME IS… “This is the kind o fasng I want . . . Share your food with the hungry.” Isaiah 58:6-7 (NLT) For the eighth consecutive year, Main Street UMYF will participate in the 30 Hour Famine! Fasting for 30 hours we learn for a short time what it’s like to be hungry and better understand world hunger. The Famine is February 27-28 at Main Street UMC. Please support us with your thoughts and prayers. Donations are also accepted that go to World Vision for hunger-fighting campaigns worldwide. To date, Main Street UMYF has raised over $18,000 for the hungry of this world! God bless you, Main Street UMYF Page 5 FEBRUARY 2015 Anniversaries 1 5 8 15 Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. White, III Mr. & Mrs. William B. Cloe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roy V. Brinkley Mr. & Mrs. T. O. Palmer, III Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Michael 25 Mr. & Mrs. W. Nathan Hill, Jr. 26 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Solomon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Branch 27 Mr. & Mrs. Binford Parker, Jr. Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES TO THE FEBRUARY MEMBERS OF THE 90+ CLUB! Bill Cloe Mr. Bill Cloe, Mr. Bob Zedler Mrs. Sandra Birdsong, Mr. Ryan Johnson Mrs. Arlene Palmer, Sarah Saunders Mr. Bob Harrell, Ms. Charlotte Bauer Mr. Pete Wilkins, Ms. Linda McClure Mrs. Betty White Mr. Jamie Brown, John Barnes, Tiffany Ehrenfried, Collin Hoy, Mr. Brian Grass, Ford Totten Mr. Michael Haverty, Mr. Thomas McLemore, Mr. Bruce Hines, Mrs. Ute Borthwick Mr. Kirk Barrett, Mrs. Mary Scott, Benjamin Cutchin Mrs. Karen Graham Mr. Lew Carr, Mrs. Marjorie Wills, Mrs. Kelly Baker Brianna Barnes Mrs. Amy Farley Mr. Danny Andrews Dr. Morgan Wilson Mrs. Barbara Davis, Sydney Wrighte, Mr. Herman Terrell Mr. David Birdsong, Tyler Casey Will Crow, Mr. Bill Gallant, Mrs. Lynn Nelson, Rev. John Shappell Brandi Tyeryar, Mrs. Billye Walton, Kade Gagnon, Shelby Olenjack, Mrs. Irene Fisher Mr. Nathan Hill, Connor King Mrs. Lucy Holland Mrs. Jenny Sarratt, Mrs. Sharon Slate Mrs. Jo Ann Wills, Mrs. Kelly Holland Austin Mills Todd & Blake Barrett Mr. Tom Williams, Mrs. Mary Virginia Fink Matthew Agnese CHURCH STAFF and CONTACT INFORMATION Church Office: 757-539-8751 Fax: 757-539-7566 Pastor’s Home: 757-539-2612 Main Street Day Care and Preschool Main Street Church Web Site: Church’s E-Mail address Pastor’s E-Mail address Pastor Director of Music / Organist UMYF Coordinator Director of Congregational Care Children’s Resource Coordinator Pastor’s Cell Phone: 757-621-5778 THE MAIN STREET MESSENGER Main Street United Methodist Church 202 North Main Street Suffolk, VA 23434 THE MAIN STREET MESSENGER: Published monthly by Main Street United Methodist Church, 202 North Main Street, Suffolk, VA 23434. Entered as periodicals in the Post Office, Suffolk, VA 23434. Publication #589102 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED. 757-539-3431 [email protected] [email protected] Rev. Myrtle Frances Hatcher Chris Ward Mark Popik Barbara McPhail Karen Waddell Day Care/Preschool Director Administrative Assistant Janis Greene Virginia McNeill Custodian Herman Terrell STEWARDSHIP REPORT JANUARY– 2015 Average worship attendance: 199 Average Sunday School attendance: 74 2015 tithes & offerings: $36,267 2015 expenses: $23,927 Weekly services will be held at noon beginning on February 18. Host churches to be announced. . The Main Thing on Main Street at Main Street UMC February 2015 Since the inception of the Christian church, believers have observed practices that rejuvenate our souls. The gift that we are privileged to receive again this year is the holy season of Lent. This 40 day period beginning with Ash Wednesday on February 18th. will be our time to renew our bonds of devotion and adoration to God through the church of Jesus Christ with various activities in which we will participate. Our observance this year will focus around the theme of “From Trash to Ash to New Birth” as a way of ridding ourselves of things in our lives that hinder and diminish our relationship with God. I encourage you to examine your life and habits and decide what trash you are carrying: needless worries, negative attitudes, insecurities, laziness, greed, envy, dishonesty, poor eating habits… all the things that we know about ourselves that are ugly warts that need to be removed. In observance of Lent, a number of activities will be offered here at church: Bible Study, the Ash Wednesday Worship Service (February 18th. – 7 p.m.) and the Maundy Thursday Service (April 2nd. – 7 p.m.) Both of these services will have opportunities for a personal witness to our faith as a way of connecting closely with God. The butterfly will be our symbol for new life and resurrection and will be used in special ways. The Ash Wednesday Service will have a component where we can actually rid ourselves of some of the junk of our lives. All of the activities have been designed to lead us through a faithful Holy Lent. I bid you come share in the blessings. Pastor Myrtle
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