फोन ‐26511211 , 26868681 फे क्स Fax : 26865206 ई मेल e‐ mail: [email protected] वेबसाईट Website : www.nrpc.gov.in भारत सरकार उ र क्षेतर्ीय िव त ु सिमित 18-ए, श.जीत िसह मागर्, कटवािरया सराय, नई िदल्ली- 110016 Government of India Northern Regional Power Committee 18-A, S. Jeet Singh Marg, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016 No. : उ. क्षे. िव. स./प्रचालन/106/2012/3816-56 िदनांक: 08 .10. 2014 सेवा म : प्रचालन सम वय उपसिमित के सद य । To: Members of OCC िवषय: प्रचालन सम वय उपसिमित की 103वीं बैठक I Subject: Minutes of 103rd OCC Meeting. प्रचालन सम वय उप-सिमित की 103 वीं बैठक 17 िसत बर, 2014 (बध ु वार) व 18 िसत बर, 2014 (बह ृ पितवार) को उ.क्षे.िव.स. सिचवालय, नई िद ली म आयोिजत की गई । उक्त बैठक का कायर्व ृ त उ तर क्षेत्रीय िव यत ु सिमित की वैब साइट http://www.nrpc.gov.in पर उपल ध है । 103rd meeting of the Operation Co-ordination sub-committee was held on 17th September 2014 (Wednesday), and on 18th September, 2014 (Thursday) at NRPC Secretariat, New Delhi. Minutes of this meeting have been up-loaded on the NRPC’s web-site http://www.nrpc.gov.in Sd/- ँ (अजय तलेगॉवकर) अधीक्षण अिभयंता (प्रचालन) (एवं संयोजक सद य, प्रचालन सम वय उपसिमित) List of members of OCC From organizations which have submitted revised nominations Adani PL. APCPL Bajaj EPL BBMB HVPNL NHPC POWERGRID RRVUNL NTPC HPSEBL NRLDC NLDC BYPL Lanco APTL (i) (ii) (i) (ii) Sh. Nirmal Sharma, VP (O&M), Fax- 0141-2292065 Sh. Sameer Ganju, Head-Northern Region, Fax No. 011-24115560 Sh. M.K.S.Kutty, AGM (O&M)-I, IGSTPP, Fax No. 01251-266326 Sh .M.Raghuram, AGM (OS), APCPL, Fax No. 0120-2591906 Sh. Narendra Wadhwa, GM (O&M), 0120-2543949 Director (PR) Fax- 0172-2652820 Chief Engineer (Comm.); SE (SO & SLDC): 0181-2664440 Fax-0172-2560622 (i) Sh. Janardan Choudhary, General Manager (O&M), Faridabad – Fax-0129-2272413 (ii) Sh. S P.Singh, Chief Engineer (O&M), Faridabad – Fax-0129-2272413 (i) Sh. Prabhakar singh, ED(NR-I), Fax No. 011-26853488 (ii) Sh. A.K. Arora, General Manager (O&M), NR-I, (iii) Sh. A.K. Pal General Manager (O&M), Jammu; Fax- 0191-2470293 (iv) Sh.Rajeev Sudan Dy, General Manager (OS), Fax- 0191-2470293 Sh. P.S Arya, Chief Engineer (PPMC & IT), Fax- 0141-2740006 (i) Head of OS/ Head of RCC, Fax No. 0120-2410082 (ii) Sh. H.S.Agarwal, AGM (OS-NR), Lucknow; Fax-0522-2305851/23205846. (i) Sh Suneel Grover, Chief Engineer (SO &P), Fax No. 0177-2653656 (ii) Sh. Deepak Uppal, SE (PR& ALDC) : Fax-0177-2837143 (iii) Sh. Joginder Singh. Power Controller. Fax No. 0177-2837143. General Manager, NRLDC - 26854861, 4051, 26569504 Fax- 26852747 General Manager, NLDC, Fax:011-26853488/26601079 Sh.Sunil Kakkar, AVP, Fax- 011-39992076 Sh Venkata Sudheer Babu, Director, Fax: 0124-2341627/4741024 From organizations which are yet to submit revised nominations CHANDIGARH DTL IPGCL Powerlink NCRPB HPGCL UHBVNL HPPTCL HPLDS J&K (PDD) J&K SPDCL PSTCL PSPCL RRVPNL JVVNL UPPTCL UPRVUNL DVVNL PTCUL/UPCL UJVNL CEA NPCIL SJVNL/NJHPS THDCL JPPVL RPSCL Jhajjar PL SE (Elect. Op.) – Ph. 0172-2741105, Fax-2742733, 2740505 General Manager (O&M); GM (SLDC) Fax-23236462, 23221069 DGM, IPGCL, New Delhi, Fax- 23370884 ED&CEO, Powerlinks Fax: 011-45159555 Rajeev Malhotra, Chief Engineer, Fax- 011-24642163 SE(Tech.)H.Q., HPGCL, Panchkula Fax-0172-5022436/ SE(O&M-VI),Panipat TPS, Fax-01802566768 General Manager, Fax: 0172-3019134 Director (Planning & Contracts), Fax: 0177-2626284 SE, SLDC, Fax: 0177-2837543 Chief Engineer (SO) Fax-0191-2476213 GM, Fax: 0194-2500145 Chief Engineer (SLDC); SE (SLDC Operation) Fax – 0175-2365340 Eingneer-in- Chief (PPRR), Fax- 0175-2308698. Chief Engineer (LD); SE (SO&LD) – Fax- 0141-2740920 Director (Technical), Fax: 0291-2742229 CE (PS); Fax- 0522-2287880, 2288736 DGM (TOM), 0522-2287861 Fax No. 0562-26011827/2605465 DGM (SO) Fax- 0135-2451160, 0135-2763570 General Manager Engineering: 0135-2761485, fax- 0135-2761549 Director, (GM-I) and Director (OPM), SA to Member (GO&D), CEA, Fax-26732337, 26170385, 26108834 (i) Station Director, NAPS; Fax. 05734-222177.(ii) Sr. Manager (Transmission), NPCILFax.-02225563350 Chief Engineer (C&SO), Fax- 0177-2673283 AGM (EMD), Tehri, Fax- 0135-2439401 Sh. Suresh Chandra, Director, Fax- 0120-4516201/4609464/4609496 Sh. Niranjan Jena, AVP/ Sh. Suvendu Dey, GM-O&M, Fax: 05842-300003 Sh. Goutam Biswas, GM (Production), 01251-270155 Summary record of Discussions of the 103rd Operation Coordination Sub-committee meeting. List of participants for 17th & 18th September, 2014 is enclosed at Annexure- IA & IB respectively. A. Confirmation of Minutes. 1. Minutes of the 102nd meeting of the OCC held on 13th & 20th August, 2014 at NRPC Secretariat, issued vide letter No. NRPC/OPR/106/2012/3327-67 dated 08.09.2014 were confirmed by the OCC. B. Review of Grid Operations for last month (August, 2014). 2. Presentation by NRLDC on Grid Operations during August, 2014. A NRLDC reported that peak demand and average demand met for the region during August, 2014 was 47229 MW and 42130 MW respectively. The maximum and minimum frequency was 50.54 Hz and 49.45 Hz respectively. B Frequency Profile. Frequency Profile of past one year: - NRLDC reported following Frequency Profile of past one year:Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 <49.7 Hz -- -- 1.03 1.05 1.91 0.62 0.36 0.25 1.26 1.1 4.86 3.52 3.59 <49.8 Hz -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.19 8.61 6.59 16.83 13.46 15.47 <49.9 Hz -- -- -- -- -- -- 7.22 12.34 31.64 23.87 36.76 35.32 39.48 49.90 – 50.05 Hz (wef: 17th Feb) -- -- -- -- -- -- 39.92 48.51 51.34 52.02 45.37 49.99 48.33 50.05-50.10 Hz -- -- -- -- -- -- 39.92 17.98 10.62 13.11 10.17 9.61 8.37 >50.10 Hz -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 21.17 6.45 10.5 6.23 4.58 3.35 >50.20 Hz 23.61 9.3 9.65 7.93 9.56 9.69 11.66 5.40 0.67 2.55 1.38 0.65 0.50 Av.Freq (Hz) 50.11 50.06 50.03 50.02 50.02 50.03 50.06 50.02 49.95 49.98 49.93 49.93 49.92 Representative of NRLDC stated that the grid operated below 49.9 Hz for 39.48 % of time during August, 2014 and frequency remained above 50.05 Hz for 12% of time. He added that the frequency had remained in the prescribed band for about 48 % of the time C Availability Summary- NRLDC reported following comparison of availability summary of Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear and Inter Regional export/Import for August,2014 vs August, 2013 and in July, 2014 Generation Thermal Hydro Nuclear Inter-Regional Import Regional Availability D Aug, 2013 (A) MU / day 472 298 26 Aug, 2014 (B) MU / day 578 319 22 Addition (C) =(B)-(A) MU / day 106 21 -4 July, 2014 (D) MU / day 597 305 23 72 117 45 121 868 1036 168 1046 Consumption Growth-with respect to same month in previous year: NRLDC reported following consumption growth (%) for last one year on monthly basis compared to same month previous year. PUN HAR RAJ DELHI UP Aug 13 0.07 20.1 12.5 3.2 15.1 Sep 13 13.58 22.81 26.6 9.46 10.58 Oct 13 4.98 2.47 -4.17 10.4 0.91 Nov 13 -0.04 -0.7 7.04 2.52 2.97 Dec 13 3.6 7.43 11.9 2.25 5.93 UTT 13.7 3.75 7.32 4.02 2.36 HP J&K -0.6 -3.1 0.75 0.63 2.13 -1.99 0 0.59 Region 9.6 14.58 1.74 2.76 State Feb 14 8.1 19.17 20.05 4.34 14.73 Mar 14 -1.71 -8.07 2.98 -0.13 8.55 April 14 -3.03 2.54 10.98 -3.09 16.91 May 14 -13.42 -6.45 6.44 -4.65 5.52 June 14 17.52 7.21 21 8.03 19.02 July 14 9.70 4.93 25.19 8.08 4.95 Aug 14 18.45 24.31 21.07 14.16 7.42 14.32 4.95 2.37 -2.41 16.35 4.38 8.57 4.62 6.52 Jan 14 -4.85 5.83 9.24 1.44 7.05 11.2 8 4.79 6.43 3.3 6.76 7.04 -0.5 0..95 6.42 3 -1.56 2.43 -2.1 0.90 1.03 5.99 10.80 4.3 5.39 13.88 2.2 7.06 -0.95 14.69 9.88 15.43 Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and Region as a whole have recorded a consumption growth more than 15 % in Aug., 2014 vis-à-vis July, 2014. The growth is mainly due to 24 hrs. supply initiative of Rajasthan, Generation addition and availability of Thermal power plants. E The maximum daily consumption and maximum demand met as reported by NRLDC in August, 2014. (a) Maximum Demand met (MW). State Maximum Demand met (in MW) Punjab Haryana Rajasthan Delhi 9727 9152 10077 5507 Date / Time in hrs Record Max. Demand met (in MW) Date / Time in hrs 03.08.14 at 18:15 25.08.14 at 21:00 26.08.14 at 11.30 27.08.14 at 22:49 10377 8752 10038 5925 06.07.14 16.07.14 19.02.14 15.07.14 UP Uttrakhand HP J&K 12295 1761 1313 1826 13089 1833 1392 1991 21.08.14 at 05:00 06.08.14 at 20.00 28.08.14 at 07:30 26.08.14 at 21:00 31.07.13 26.06.14 17.01.14 19.01.14 During August, 2014, Punjab and Haryana have crossed their earlier record of Maximum Demand Met in MW (b) Maximum Consumption during August, 2014 and Record Max. consumption so far. Maximum Energy Consumption (in MU) 217.22 196.29 214.18 115.42 271.71 37.42 27.29 35.04 6.61 States Punjab Haryana Rajasthan Delhi UP Uttarakhand HP J&K Chandigarh Date 03 21 24 27 31 21 23 28 26 Record Max. Energy Consumption (in MU) 229.43 191.49 207.42 121.63 290.30 38.54 27.21 43.51 7.31 Date 06.07.2014 16.07.2013 09.07.2014 11.07.2014 01.06.2014 26.06.2014 28.05.2014 28.01.2014 29.07.2013 During August, 2014, Haryana, Rajasthan and HP have crossed their earlier record of Maximum Energy consummation. (c) Peak Import by Constituents from the Grid: State Punjab Haryana Rajasthan Delhi UP Uttrakhand HP J&K Maximum Import On (date) from Grid (in MW) 5440 11 5355 1 4215 24 4138 13 6781 21 1124 1 307 31 1105 27 Record Max. Import from Grid (in MW) 5636 5723 5530 4481 7037 1395 1572 1937 Date 14.06.2014 27.06.2014 11.02.2014 15.08.2014 02.06.2014 22.01.2014 16.12.2013 26.01.2014 F Representatives of NRLDC reported the daily over drawl (+)/ under drawl (-) by various constituents during August 2014 as under:Date Min. freq. <49.70 <49.80 <49.90 Punja b Hary ana Rajsth an Delhi UP Uttara khand HP J&K 01‐08‐2014 50.16 49.36 7.29 20.62 53.11 ‐0.37 ‐1.64 1.03 ‐0.18 5.08 2.22 ‐0.39 02‐08‐2014 50.22 49.64 2.36 22.12 52.16 ‐0.22 ‐0.04 0.64 ‐0.08 5.63 1.65 ‐0.34 03‐08‐2014 50.22 49.64 2.36 22.12 52.11 0.09 ‐0.60 ‐2.46 ‐0.87 4.41 1.03 0.40 04‐08‐2014 50.21 49.53 4.03 10.90 30.23 0.69 ‐1.39 ‐2.78 0.23 2.31 ‐0.22 ‐0.08 05‐08‐2014 50.31 49.61 0.87 4.24 21.44 0.29 ‐0.84 1.58 ‐1.15 2.56 ‐0.44 ‐0.55 06‐08‐2014 50.23 49.59 1.50 9.10 24.40 ‐0.08 0.05 ‐0.92 0.48 3.18 0.31 ‐0.32 07‐08‐2014 50.29 49.66 0.60 4.13 14.27 0.02 ‐1.10 ‐2.39 ‐0.09 3.14 1.23 ‐0.68 08‐08‐2014 50.21 49.54 2.16 11.96 34.94 ‐0.44 ‐0.98 1.44 ‐2.25 1.33 0.46 0.14 09‐08‐2014 50.25 49.59 0.63 4.30 21.92 0.67 ‐0.92 ‐0.11 0.05 6.03 ‐0.14 0.43 10‐08‐2014 50.24 49.61 0.88 6.85 18.97 0.43 ‐1.17 ‐0.20 ‐3.45 3.28 ‐0.83 0.01 11‐08‐2014 50.19 49.57 1.97 16.70 38.05 0.87 ‐2.29 ‐1.42 ‐0.97 4.10 ‐0.46 ‐0.15 12‐08‐2014 50.24 49.57 3.14 15.69 40.97 ‐0.31 ‐1.42 0.63 1.74 1.45 0.98 1.25 13‐08‐2014 50.23 49.57 1.83 15.20 38.94 ‐0.46 ‐1.10 ‐1.60 0.12 3.26 0.17 ‐0.31 14‐08‐2014 50.14 49.60 2.04 10.83 35.03 0.23 ‐0.67 ‐1.38 ‐1.32 2.08 0.15 ‐0.70 15‐08‐2014 50.34 49.60 1.53 9.95 30.06 ‐0.13 ‐1.42 ‐1.48 ‐1.61 0.45 ‐1.10 ‐0.04 16‐08‐2014 50.22 49.49 1.53 6.46 28.40 0.21 ‐0.83 0.03 ‐1.04 2.48 ‐0.07 0.00 17‐08‐2014 50.23 49.53 3.21 10.61 31.92 ‐0.93 ‐1.44 1.64 ‐1.80 3.95 0.00 ‐0.45 18‐08‐2014 50.12 49.52 7.11 26.59 63.91 ‐0.35 0.23 1.16 0.77 2.01 ‐0.04 0.69 19‐08‐2014 50.09 49.46 26.06 60.17 90.82 ‐0.65 ‐0.74 2.76 0.95 2.92 ‐0.52 0.55 20‐08‐2014 50.16 49.49 11.33 35.32 67.40 ‐0.84 ‐0.31 4.22 ‐0.56 3.09 0.27 0.61 21‐08‐2014 50.19 49.56 6.48 26.92 54.99 ‐0.31 1.91 9.07 ‐1.94 3.61 0.40 ‐2.85 22‐08‐2014 50.24 49.50 1.28 10.69 45.34 ‐0.07 ‐1.71 8.23 0.55 4.13 0.79 0.14 23‐08‐2014 50.23 49.52 3.54 14.41 50.86 1.00 ‐0.29 9.23 1.16 5.04 1.14 0.22 24‐08‐2014 50.31 49.61 3.00 17.64 39.80 0.52 ‐2.62 5.35 1.90 5.13 1.07 0.25 25‐08‐2014 50.23 49.60 1.53 8.72 34.44 0.49 ‐1.13 4.66 1.39 6.48 1.95 1.25 26‐08‐2014 50.34 49.61 2.57 26.33 52.36 0.60 ‐0.49 ‐1.54 1.25 3.18 1.94 0.02 27‐08‐2014 50.20 49.57 2.64 13.69 42.77 0.97 1.52 9.17 0.80 3.20 2.49 0.37 28‐08‐2014 50.13 49.46 6.74 27.90 61.10 0.42 ‐1.24 12.16 ‐1.72 ‐0.34 1.41 0.79 29‐08‐2014 50.18 49.62 1.03 7.20 30.97 0.55 2.44 8.40 ‐0.68 2.79 0.96 1.39 30‐08‐2014 50.24 49.74 0.00 2.33 19.80 0.39 ‐0.80 ‐0.05 ‐2.93 1.79 1.39 1.48 31‐08‐2014 50.33 49.79 0.00 0.01 2.30 0.32 ‐2.44 ‐2.75 ‐3.29 ‐0.41 0.14 ‐0.05 Representative of NRLDC informed that there had been continuous over drawl from UP, Rajasthan, Punjab and J&K. RRVPNL informed that O/D was due to outage of Kawai, Kali Sindh and Chhabra Generaring Stations. SE (O), NRPC requested utilities to properly plan for meeting their load requirement. In case of shortages, they can purchase from power exchange or through bilateral contracts. He also requested thermal stations to bring in their machines in case of shortage situation. G. Representative of NRLDC reported addition of following New Generation/Transmission elements in the grid since last meeting:New Generating Units: Nil. New Transmission elements: 1. 220 kV Dausa – Alwar LILOed at Alwar (400 kV). 220 kV Alwar – 400 kV Alwar charged at 19:01 hrs of 20.08.2014 and 400 kV Alwar – 220 kV Dausa at 17:00 hrs of 20.08.2014. 2. 1000 MVA ICT at Anapara ‘D’ ideally charged at 21:19 hrs on 22.08.14. 3. 400 kV Dadri - Harsh Vihar - I line 1st time charged at 17:40 hrs on 26.08.14 from Harsh Vihar end while other end was kept open from Dadri end. 4. 400 kV Dadri - Harsh Vihar - II line 1st time charged at 17:05 on date 06.09.2014. 5. 80 MVAR Bus Reactor 1st time charged at 19:15 hrs on 08.09.2014 at Kotputli. C. Planning of Grid Operation for October, 2014 3.1 Anticipated Demand in Northern Region during October, 2014 is as under: Following was anticipated Power Supply Position in Northern Region during October, 2014 as per original LGBR included in the agenda notes of the meeting:- October, 2014 State CHANDIGARH DELHI HARYANA H.P. J&K PUNJAB RAJASTHAN U.P. UTTARAKHAND REGION Anticipated Peak Demand MW MW MW % Anticipated Energy Requirement MU/day 213 4746 7146 2021 2225 7544 9208 10594 1809 37073 -47 196 646 441 -205 -306 608 -1706 14 -5227 -18.1 4.3 9.9 27.9 -8.4 -3.9 7.1 -13.9 0.8 -12.4 4.04 71.76 117.74 25.16 40.97 120.00 156.45 257.74 33.38 827.24 Expected availability 260 4550 6500 1580 2430 7850 8600 12300 1795 42300 Surplus/Deficit (-) Anticipated Energy Availability MU/day MU/day % 4.73 88.25 133.91 28.79 32.95 120.00 155.26 211.36 37.58 812.81 0.69 16.48 16.17 3.63 -8.02 0.00 -1.19 -46.38 4.20 -14.43 17.01 22.97 13.73 14.41 -19.58 0.00 -0.76 -18.00 12.59 -1.74 Surplus/Deficit () 3.2 Members present in the meeting fine-tuned their Anticipated Power Supply Position during October, 2014 as given below:- 1.Anticipated Requirement 2 Anticipated availability a. Own sources (MU/day) a. CGS (MU/day) b. Import (bilaterals / banking/Power Exchange) c. Export (bilaterals/banking/ Power Exchange d. Power Purchase On day ahead basis Net Availability 3. Anticipated shortage October, 2014 State/UT (All figures in MU/Day) DELHI HARY H.P PUNJAB ANA 72 25.00 133.90 31.80 11.13 56.28 13.38 16.74 0.49 1.08 156.28 137.4 189.50 75.8 136.40 61.5 53.10 - - 3.5 - 0.0 - 133.9 Nil 189.50 33.12 Nil 0.00 103.74 Nil RAJ 25.00 Nil U.P 289 UTTRA KHAND 38.15 230 123 36.00 17.00 101 12.25 6 6.75 - - - 0.00 230 -59 36.00 2.15 / surplus (-) 4. % Shortage / surplus (-) Measures to bridge energy shortage/dispose off energy surplus: Nil Nil $ DELHI October, 2014 State/UT (All figures in MW) HARY H.P PUNJAB ANA 1294 5900 4550 2 Anticipated availability a. Own sources b. CGS 1325 2562 740 472 a. 705 82 3. Anticipated shortage / surplus (-) 4. % Shortage / surplus (-) Measures to bridge peak shortage/dispose off peak surplus: $ 56 -20.4 21.26 @@ 1.Anticipated Requiremen Import (bilaterals /banking/Power Exchange) b. Export (bilaterals/banking/ Power Exchange) c. Power Purchase on day ahead basis Net Availability Nil *** RAJ U.P 7962 6200 3200 7896 5683 3000 2213 0 - 300 - - 14 - 4550 1294 Nil Nil Nil Nil $ 5.63 5900 7896 Nil -66 Nil -0.82 @@ && 13000 UTTRAK HAND 1850 11000 5800 4700 1725 750 675 500 300 - - - - 11000 1725 2000 125 15.4 6.75 *** && Power supply position has been reviewed during the DPPG Meeting wherein distribution companies have assured that surplus power if any with discoms will be disposed off on day ahead basis through power exchanges and through banking with different utilities and shortages would be met through power purchase on day ahead basis. @@ On real time basis load shedding may be imposed. *** Power to be purchased on day ahead basis from energy exchange/ emergency rostering. && PTCUL has plans to purchase short term power from exchange & load shedding in real time condition. 4. Maintenance Program of Generating Units and Transmission Lines. 4.1 Maintenance programme for Generating Units. The maintenance program of generating units for the months of September, 2014 and October, 2014 as approved by OCC has been hosted on NRPC web-site vide our letter of even No. 3649-89 dated 22.09.2014. 4.2 Outage programme for Transmission Elements. 4.2.1 Outage program for Inter-Regional transmission elements proposed by POWERGRID (NR-I & NR-II), RRVPNL and other RPCs & Intra-Regional transmission elements proposed by POWERGRID (NR-I & NR-II), NTPC (NCR & NRHQ), NHPC, IGSTPP (Jhajjar), BBMB, JPPVL, DTL, HVPNL, PSTCL, RRVPNL, UPPTCL and PTCUL for the months of September, 2014 and October, 2014 were considered by OCC and approved subject to system conditions. The Outage program for Inter-Regional and Intra-Regional transmission elements as approved tentatively had already been hosted on NRPC web-site http://www.nrpc.gov.in and intimated vide letter No. NRPC/OPR/106/2012/3649-89 dated 22.09.2014 4.2.2 Representative of NRLDC intimated the following details of planned and forced shut downs availed by the utilities:Break up of Shut downs (Planned & Forced) during August, 2014 Owner Planned S/Ds Forced S/Ds Breakdown Emergency Total Total PGCIL JP POWER GRID 71 37 26 63 134 2 0 0 0 2 RRVPNL 5 7 2 9 14 UPPTCL 14 40 13 53 67 DTL 3 4 3 7 10 HVPNL 3 4 3 7 10 PSEB 1 2 0 2 3 UPCL 1 2 2 4 5 NTPC 2 0 0 0 2 PKTCL 1 5 0 5 6 BBMB 1 5 1 6 7 APL 1 0 0 0 1 APCPL 0 2 1 3 3 POWERLINK 0 2 0 2 2 Total 105* 110 51 161** * Periodicity of Planned shut downs is given in Annexure-II 266 4.3 Detailed Discussion on Practicality and Acceptance of “Draft Procedure for Transmission Elements Outage Planning” submitted by NLDC in earlier OCC meeting . SE (O), NRPC informed that the Draft Procedure for “Transmission Elements Outage Planning” was submitted by NLDC first in the Feb., 2013 for comments. No other utilities submitted the comments except POWERGRID NR-I. The comments submitted by POWERGRID NR-I were enclosed as Annexure-I to the Agenda. He further added that the procedure is still to be approved by OCC. Representative of NLDC informed that they are adhering to the Draft Procedure for “Transmission Elements Outage Planning”. SE (O), NRPC stated that the Draft Procedure for “Transmission Elements Outage Planning” is available on NRPC website whose link is http://www.nrpc.gov.in/Meetings/Other/outage_planning.pdf. He requested utilities to submit their comment within 15 days. Representative of POWERGRID informed that they are facing some difficulties in real time coordination and operation in availing the shutdown. He further added that particularly in the jobs related to relay retrofitting it is very difficult to plan the requirement of the shutdown as the actual date depends on OEM engineer. He added that similar was the case with CSD of breaker. SE (O), NRPC stated that the emergency conditions during which shutdown can be given had already been defined in the 80th OCC meeting held on 19th October, 2012. It was also agreed that for crane movement in the vicinity of any element emergency shutdown of about 30 minutes would be given. It was agreed that utilities would give their list of relay retrofitting jobs as well as that of replacement of CSD of breaker (without specific dates). OCC would approve these shutdowns with the stipulation that utilities would approach NRLDC 3 days in advance to carry out these works. The provisional approval of OCC for these works would remain valid for duration of 3 meetings of OCC including the OCC in which it has been approved. e.g if a work has been approved in 100th OCC meeting then it would not be necessary to bring it for approval in 101st and 102nd OCC meetings for approval. Based on system conditions and approval given in 100th OCC, NRLDC can take a decision for approval. 5. Long outage of generating units and Transmission elements. Generating units which are out for a long period and have not been revived are listed as under:S. No. Gen. Stn./ Unit No. Expected of revival RAPP A unit -1 Date from Reason of Outage which under outage. 09.10.2004 Regulatory clearance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Obra # 7 Obra # 10 Obra # 11 Harduagang # 7 Parichha # 2 Dhauliganga HPS # 1 01.07.2010 22.03.2012 10.07.2011 05.03.2011 07.03.2014 28.06.2014 30.11.2014 31.03.2015 30.06.2015 30.11.2014 30.06.2015 30.11.2014 8 9 10 11 Bhakra (L) # 4 Dehar # 6 Giral # 1 Rihand # 1 22.11.2013 02.03.2014 11.07.2014 15.08.2014 (B) R & M Work R & M Work R & M Work R & M Work & up-rating R & M Work Generator Transformer Problem RM&U works R & M Work Bad Material Leakage Over hauling date Not available 28.02.2015 30.06.2015 30.09.2014 25.09. 2014 System elements that had been out of service for a long time and not revived are as under: 1. 2. 50 MVAR, 400 kV, Bus Reactor at SULTANPUR 50 MVAR, 400 kV, Bus Reactor at SARNATH. 3. FSC of Balia-I at Lucknow 4. FSC of Balia-II at Lucknow 5. 63 MVAR, Bus reactor at Dadri 6. 100 MVA 220/132 kV ICT-III at Obra ‘A’ TPS 7. 95 MVAR TCR of SVC-I at Kanpur 8. FSC at Kishanpur on KishanpurPampore line I & II 9 TCSC-II at Gorakhpur on 400 kV Muzafarpur-Gorakhpur Line. 10 400 kV Parichha-Mainpuri D/C lines** Reactor would be replaced by 80 MVAR reactor. LOI placed with M/s CGL on 27.06.2012. Received at site. Expected commissioning by 31.10.2014. Out Since 16.02.2009 Rector would be replaced by 125 MVAR reactor. Tender opened on 07.06.2013. LoI placed in December, 2013. Expected commissioning by December, 2014 For shifting to Sohawal (PG) Out since 05.06.2013. LoI placed on L & T Expected by January, 2015. For shifting to Sohawal (PG) Out since 05.06.2013. LoI placed on L & T Expected by January, 2015. Reactor burnt. 125 MVAR Reactor is to be installed. Process for procurement of new reactor underway and budget has been approved. Out since 21.07.2013. Action for procurement of new ICT of the same specifications has been initiated. Tender for part-I & part-II have been opened on 11.08.2014 & 02.09.2014 respectively. Placement of Order is in progress. Out since 28.10.2013. Damaged due to fire. Expected by October, 2014 Became redundant (Spare). Due to shortened line length on account of LILO of the line at Mirbazar and Ramban. Out since 25.07.2013. Burnt out. Expected by December, 2014. Out since 31.05.2014 Tower collapse due to storm. ** On a query from the representative of NRLDC regarding restoration of 400 kV Parichha-Mainpuri D/C lines, representative of UPPTCL intimated that revival time cannot be indicated at this stage due to a dispute with the contractor. On the suggestion of the representative of NRLDC for restoring at least one circuit using ERS, representative of UPPTCL assured to explore the availability of ERS. D. 6. 6.1 Operational Improvements. Recommendation of Enquiry committee for grid disturbances on 30th July, 2012 & 31st July, 2012: Monitoring of implementation of recommendations in prescribed format: Central Electricity Authority had desired that implementation of the recommendations is to be closely monitored and for this purpose they had forwarded 8 Nos. formats. The implementation status in these formats is required to be furnished. This was conveyed to constituents vide our letter No. NRPC/OPR/105/03/2013 dated: 15.05.2013. The letter along with formats is available on NRPC web-site (http://www.nrpc.gov.in/Reports/Other/formats%20for_ATR.pdf ). The information in these formats is not being received in NRPC Secretariat on regular basis. The status as available is given below. S.No. Utility Format required to be submitted Status 1 UPPTCL 1-4 Submitted till 1st F/N of September, 2014 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PSTCL RRVPNL HVPNL PTCUL HPSEB Ltd. DTL PDD, J&K UPRVUNL PSPCL RRVUNL HPGCL UJVNL BBMB POWERGRID (NR-I & NR-II) NTPC NHPC THDC SJVNL NPCIL Lanco Power 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1 1 1 1 1 1-4 1-3 & 6 Submitted till 1st F/N June, 2014 Submitted till 1st F/N of September, 2014 Work completed. Not required. Submitted till 1st F/N of September, 2014 Submitted till 1st F/N of August, 2014 Submitted till 1st F/N of August, 2014. Not submitted after June, 2013 Submitted till 1st F/N of September, 2014 Submitted till 1st F/N of March, 2014 Submitted till 1st F/N of September, 2014 Submitted till 1st F/N of December, 2013. Submitted till 2nd F/N of December, 2013. Submitted till 1st F/N of September, 2014 Submitted till 1st F/N August, 2014 1 1 1 1 1 1 Submitted till 2nd F/N of March 2014. Submitted till 1st F/N of September, 2014 Submitted till 1st F/N of July 2014. Submitted till 1st F/N of September, 2014. Submitted till 1st F/N of July 2014 Not required. (As no deficiency observed during Basic Protection Audit). 16 17 18 19 20 21 It was noted that duly filled in Formats are not being furnished regularly. PDD, J&K has not submitted the information after June 2013. HPGCL has not submitted information after December 2013. PSPCL & NTPC have not submitted information after March, 2014. UJVNL has also not submitted the information in the requisite formats though in the 98th OCC meeting, representative of UJVNL had assured to furnish the updated information within a week’s time but the same has not been received so far. UJVNL was also requested to submit the information in applicable formats regularly. SE (O), NRPC requested Utilities to submit the requisite information in the relevant Formats on regular basis. Members agreed for the same. 6.2 Discussions on implementation of recommendations: Recommendations pertaining to operational aspects made by the Enquiry committee for grid disturbances on 30th July, 2012 & 31st July, 2012 are as under :Recommendation No. “9.1.1” regarding third party protection audit. “There is a need to review protection schemes. This Committee concurs with recommendation of previous enquiry committees that a thorough third party protection audit need to be carried out in time bound manner. This exercise should be repeated periodically and monitored by RPCs.” (i) Progress of rectification of deficiencies observed/improvements suggested in Basic Protection Audit. As regards rectifying deficiencies observed in basic protection audit carried out by POWERGRID & CPRI, Member Secretary, NRPC vide fax dated 09.01.2013 had requested utilities concerned to submit fortnightly reports in the prescribed formats. In the PSC meeting held on 05.04.2013 it was decided that all the utilities would submit latest status as on 1st April 2013 and thereafter the status would be submitted on monthly basis. (a) The status of submission of progress of rectification of deficiencies up to 103rd OCC meeting is given in Annexure-III. However, a brief in regard to expected completion time of rectification of protection related deficiencies by utilities is under: S. No. Utility (s) 1 2 3 UPPTCL UPRVUNL RRVPNL 4 RRVUNL 5 6 7 HVPNL HPGCL PSTCL No. of Sub- Expected time to complete the rectification stns/Switchya (end date) rds covered under BPA 21 March, 2015 4 November, 2014 8 July, 2016 (Due to installation of 220 kV BBP at 400 kV Ratangarh GSS). Representative of RRVPNL was advised to compress this schedule to match with the installation of 400 kV BBP at same S/s so that rectification may be completed in July, 2015. 2 Suratgarh - Completed; Kota -March 2015 1 Completed. 3 March, 2015 3 March, 2015 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PSPCL DTL HPSEB Ltd. PTCUL UJVNL PDD, J&K BBMB POWER GRID 16 17 NTPC NHPC 18 19 20 21 22 SJVNL THDC NPCIL JPVL Lanco Power (b) 1 1 1 2 1 3 7 46 10 8 1 1 1 3 1 Current status not available. December, 2014 November, 2014 November, 2014 Status of progress is not known. Status of progress is not known. March, 2015 POWERGRID (NR-II) by October, 2014. By that time, NJPC PLCC system would be restored as procurement of PLCC cards from BPL is in process. POWERGRID (NR-I) – completed but some PLCC issues are yet to be resolved with other utilities. December, 2014 Uri-I – completed; Chamera-II – Completed. However, providing redundancy of 48 V DC source is pending. Chamera-III – Completed However, Main-I & Main –II DP Relay of different make /characteristic proposed to replace latter is pending. Dhauliganga – September, 2014; Salal – October, 2014; Chamera-I- November,2014 Tanakpur - December, 2014; Dulhasti – August, 2015. December, 2014. Completed. October, 2014. Completed No deficiency observed. The corrective actions for smooth operation of PLCC system are still required to be taken by POWERGRID, UPPTCL and RRVPNL. These defects had been observed during BPA carried out by CPRI with POWERGRID. The status is as below: S. No. Utility SubNature stns/Switchya defects rd where PLCC system is installed. 1 UPPTCL 220 S/s 2 UPPTCL 400 kV PLCC panels for UPPTCL 400 kV Azamgarh Sultanpur S/s kV of Utility Current status informed who is by concerned Utility responsi ble to rectify Panki PLCC with UPPTCL protection coupler for 220 kV Bithoor, 220 kV Chhibramau and 220 kV RPH feeders is not available. New panel for 220 kV Bithoor-Panki, 220 kV Chibramau- Panki and 220 kV RPH- Panki lines are under procurement and are expected by March’15. OCC advised UPPTCL to ensure early PLCC system normalization. 400 kV Azamgarh lne: BPL’s cabinet is expected to be line, 220 kV NTPC Tanda I & II and 220 kV Phoolpur, ETL panel from Sohawal end are not available. 3 UPPTCL 400 kV (i) PLCC cabinet UPPTCL Muradnagar S/s installed on 400 kV Muradnagar- Panki line is not functioning. (ii) PLCC cabinets are not installed on 220 kV SahibabadI & II and Muradnagar – I & II lines. 4 UPPTCL 400 kV & 220 PLCC system on UPPTCL kV Bareilly S/s 220 kV Shahjahanpur, Dohna, C.B. Ganj & Pantnagar lines (ii) PLCC system of PTCUL 220 kV BareillyPantnagar line (pertaining to PTCUL) is defective. 5 UPPTCL 6 UPPTCL 7 UPPTCL 400 kV G. Noida PLCC system on UPPTCL S/s 220 kV Sec-20, Sec-62 & R.C Green is not working. 220 kV PLCC system with UPPTCL Moradabad S/s protection coupler on 220 kV Moradabad - CB Ganj line is not available 400 kV PLCC system of UPPTCL Muzaffarnagar 220 kV Shamli line S/s is not available. received by August, ’14. 220 kV NTPC Tanda I & II lines: New PUNCOM Cabinets are expected to be commissioned within 2 months after receipt but UPPTCL has not indicated expected receipt. 220 kV Phoolpur lines: New panel is expected by March, ‘15 220 kV Sohawal line: Spare cabinet is being arranged to replace defective panel but expected time has not been indicated. OCC advised UPPTCL to ensure restoration of all defective PLCC system as early as possible. (i) The CVT & wave trap require to be repositioned then PLCC system for 400 kV Muradnagar-Panki line will be made functional. UPPTCL may give the expected time frame. (ii) UPPTCL may indicate the expected time frame for restoration of PLCC system for 220 kV Sahibabad-I&II and Muradnagar-I&II lines. PLCC system for 220 kV Shahjahanpur, Dohana & C.B. Ganj by March’15. PLCC system of 220 kV Pantnagar line is defective. Expected restoration by March, 2015. Action: PTCUL to ensure early restoration. (i) R.C. Green is radial and hence it is not required. (ii) For Sec.-62 and Sec.-20 Expected by March,’15. PLCC cabinet with protection coupler is to be arranged by UPPTCL’s HQ, Lko. UPPTCL is advised to expedite early restoration. Expected by Nov. ’14. 8 UPPTCL 9 UPPTCL 10 UPPTCL 11 UPPTCL 12 UPPTCL 220 kV Nara S/s PLCC system of UPPTCL/ 220 kV Nara- PTCUL Roorkee line is not working. LILO of Nara-Rishikesh was done at Roorkee but PTCUL has not installed PLCC system at Roorkee. OCC advised PTCUL to ensure early installation of PLCC system at Roorkee. Action: PTCUL to ensure installation of the same. 400 kV Sarnath PLCC system of POWERG (a) POWERGRID to restore & the PLCC system of 400 kV S/s (a) Sarnath- RID Sarnath-Allahabad –I & II Allahabad PG-I & II UPPTCL lines ; line, (b) POWERGRID to also (b) Sarnathrestore 400 kV Sarnath – Sasaram PG line Sasaram line. and (c) Anpara-Sarnath OCC advised POWERGRID (L-3) & to restore the above at (d) Anpara-Sarnath earliest. (L-5) both (c) & (d) (c) PLCC system for Sarnath lines are of – Anpara (L-3) by Nov.’14; UPPTCL are (d) Panel for Sarnathdefective Anpara (L-5) received, commissioning expected by October, ’14. The PLCC system for 400 kV 400 kV PLCC system on UPPTCL Gorakhpur-Azamgarh line 400 kV GorakhpurGorakhpur/400 and for 220 kV system are kV Azamgarh Azamgarh link and under procurement. 220 kV lines S/ss UPPTCL may indicate the expected completion time in the next OCC meeting. of 400 kV Kasara Defective PLCC POWERG Representative POWERGRID informed in Mau with protection RID 103rd OCC meeting that coupler of (a) Balia - PGI - I and (b) defects were found only in Balia - PGI - II lines Mau - Balia – I , channel-I of needs to be PLCC system which have replaced by been rectified on POWERGRID 10.09.2014. 220 kV Fatehpur PLCC with UPPTCL S/s protection coupler is available but carrier inter-trip is not functional. Panel received, Service Engineer is awaited, commissioning expected by Oct.,’14. 13 UPPTCL 220 kV 1. Commissioning 1. Allahabad S/s of PLCC panels at UPPTCL. both ends of 220 kV Jhusi-Phoolpur line (Panels are available at both ends). 2. Enabling of 2. PLCC system on UPPTCL 220 kV AllahabadRewa Road-I & II, (PLCC equipments commissioned at both ends) 14 UPPTCL 15 UPPTCL 16 UPPTCL 220 kV System is working UPPTCL Harduaganj - but Protection Hatharas line coupler is not provided 220 kV No carrier cabinet UPPTCL Harduaganj – is provided. Khurja line 220 kV System is working UPPTCL Harduaganjbut protection Atrauli line coupler is not provided 220 kV Bithoor – PLCC system on UPPTCL Unnao line 220 kV BithoorUnnao line is not available 220 kV PLCC system on UPPTCL Chhibramau220 kV Mainpuri line ChhibramauMainpuri line is not 1. UPPTCL informed in 103rd OCC meeting that the PLCC system at both ends of 220 kV Phoolpur- Jhusi line is expected to be restored by Oct. ’14. POWERGRID also informed during 103rd OCC meeting that LILO at Jhusi had been done by UPPTCL on 220 kV Allahabad-Phoolpur line. PLCC panel at Phoolpur (earlier) was used at Jhusi end. Action:UPPTCL may ensure providing of PLCC system between 220 kV JhusiPhoolpur line. 2. UPPTCL informed in 103rd OCC meeting has that the PLCC panels are available but Wave Traps are not available. The wave traps are expected to be supplied by March, 2015. POWERGRID informed during the 103rd OCC meeting that UPPTCL have also to provide Wave traps at Rewa-I & II end and DP relays on Rewa-I & II end have also to be retrofitted by UPPTCL for carrier inter trip capability. Action: UPPTCL may ensure the provisions as intimated by POWERGRID. UPPTCL informed that the requirement is included in new tender. Supply expected by March’15 UPPTCL informed that the requirement is included in new tender. Supply expected by March’15. UPPTCL informed that new protection cabinet is required. UPPTCL informed that the requirement is included in new tender. Supply expected by March’15 UPPTCL informed that the requirement is included in new tender. Supply expected by March’15. available PLCC system of UPPTCL lines L-2, L-3 & L-5 of UPPTCL 17 UPRVU NL Anpara TPS 18 UPRVU NL Obra ‘A’ 19 20 UPRVU NL RRVPNL Harduaganj TPS Restoration of UPPTCL PLCC system 400 kV GSS The problem in PGCIL Jodhpur S/s Protection channelI of 400 kV Jodhpur-Kankroli feeder from Kankroli end of PGCIL 21 RRVUNL 400 kV STPS 22 NHPC Tanakpur HPS PLCC problem to UPPTCL be resolved by UPPTCL Kota PLCC system with RRVPNL protection coupler for 220 kV Gulabpura, Sanganer and Morak feeders is not working. PLCC speech POWERG channel of 220 kV RID Bareilly line and 132 kV Mahender Nagar to be restored UPRVUNL in its status report indicated that the action is to be taken up by UPPTCL. UPPTCL informed that that PLCC system of L-5 by Oct.’14 and L-3 by Nov.’14.(Pl. see at S.no.’9’ above. UPPTCL may indicate the status of L-2 and ensure expediting L-3 & L-5. UPRVUNL stated that the completion time shall be given by UPPTCL. Action: UPPTCL may ensure early restoration of PLCC system at Obra ‘A’. Status covered at Sl. No.14 above. POWERGRID informed in 103rd OCC meeting that during testing, line losses were found very high, low SNR problem and maximum AGC was 20. POWERGRID therefore decided to upgrade ETL 41 to ETL 81 pannel. It was further informed that material has been supplied and Service Engineer has reached at site on 17.09.2014 for commissioning of the same. 220 kV KSTPS – Sanganer line:RRVPNL informed that fault in PLCC 2nd Channel is rectified and protection coupler is in working order; 220 kV KSTPS – Morak line:Commissioning work is in progress and is likely to complete by end Aug.’14; 220 kV KSTPS–Silore (Bundi) line & 220 kV Silore (Bundi)–Gulabpura line (Formally 220 kV KSTPSGulabpura line):Commissioning work is in progress and is likely to complete by end Aug.’14. NHPC vide its letter dtd. 11th July,’14 & letter dt.11.08.2014 intimated that the PLCC speech channel of these two lines have not been rectified. 23 24 NHPC SJVNL Dulhasti HPS NJHPS BPL make PLCC POWERG panels of 400 kV RID DulhastiKishenpur line has mal-operated many times. BPL PLCC POWERG Exchange is not RID working due to defective cards from POWERGRID side. Though POWERGRID attended the fault in past but defects still persists. In 103rd OCC meeting POWERGRID informed that speech channel problem on PLCC system between 220 kV Tanakpur-Bareilly line had been rectified on 10.08.2014. As regards of PLCC system between 132 kV TanakpurMahendernagar line, POWERGRID requested NHPC to provide supportive documents for this to be maintained by them. NHPC may look into and provide the same. POWERGRID vide mail dtd. 14th July, ’14 informed that the defects of malfunction of PLCC speech channel had been attended on 31st May, ’14 in association with BPL’s Engineer. However, due to heavy noise in a particular card at Kishenpur, speech communication could not be established. However, the data communication was found working. However, NHPC maintained that problem still persists. In 103rd OCC meeting, POWERGRID informed that defective cards are under procurement from BPL and shall be made operational once cards will be made available. POWERGRID to expedite the replacement. Representative from POWERGRID informed in 103rd OCC meeting that new PLCC panel has been dispatched and expected at site shortly. After receipt at site, BPL Engineer will install the same. The latest status of rectification of PLCC system as above is as per information provided by the utilities. The concerned Utility(s) are requested to ensure rectification of the deficiencies at the earliest. SE (O), NRPC informed that in 28th NRPC meeting, it was decided that all the deficiencies would be rectified by end of March 2014. However utilities have not been able to meet the timeline given by NRPC. SE (O), NRPC requested utilities to expedite the rectification of deficiencies. (ii) SE (O), NRPC stated that the Hon’ble Central Electricity Regulatory Commission’s order dtd. 21.02.2014 in the Petition no. 220/MP/2012 was placed as item 6.2 (ii) in the agenda notes of the 98th OCC meeting held on 22.04.2014 for information and compliance by NRPC members. Members were briefed about the contents of the order and were requested to comply with the same. SE (O), NRPC requested SLDCs and CTU to intimate if any action has been taken by them as empowered under Para no. 27 (d) of CERC’s Order in Petition no. 220/MP/2012. Till 102nd OCC meeting, Action plan for rectification of deficiencies in the protection system observed was submitted by DTL, UPRVUNL, UPPTCL, RRVPNL, RRVUNL (Only in respect of Suratgarh STPS), PTCUL, HPSEB Ltd., HVPNL, PSTCL, BBMB, NHPC, NTPC and HPGCL (PTPS unit# 5 & 6, 7 & 8). Subsequently, RRVUNL (Kota TPS) had also submitted the Action Plan/Action taken under Category ‘A’ and Category ‘B’ on 26.08.2014. NPCIL (for NAPS) have also submitted the latest status on 23.08.14 but not in the said format. As per the directions of Hon’ble Commission in the order dated 21.02.2014 in the Petition no. 220/MP/2012, to submit report within 45 days of the end of every Quarter, Status Report on progress of rectification of deficiencies had been submitted on 22.08.2014. Subsequent to submission of 1st quarterly Status Report on progress of rectification of deficiencies by NRPC Secretariat to Hon’ble Commission, UPPTCL, BBMB, NHPC,SJVNL, UPRVUNL, RRVUNL and HPSEBL have submitted the progress report on their Action plan for rectification of deficiencies in the protection system as at the end of August, 2014. HPGCL (Khedar TPS), UJVNL (Khodri HPS), PSPCL (Ropar TPS), PSTCL and PDD, J&K (Pampore, Gladni & Zainakote HPSs) have not submitted the Action Plan. SE (O), NRPC requested all members to continue submitting Action Plan & ATR in the format prescribed in 99th OCC Agenda notes on monthly basis so that progress can be assessed. (iii) Protection audit of intra-state system / balance system not covered in Basic Protection Audit. SE (O), NRPC stated that in the NRPC meeting held on 30th November, 2012, it was decided that States would initiate process of third party protection audit for their system. Further, it was also decided in the 82nd OCC meeting that by 15th January, 2013, all SLDCs would furnish list of sub-stations and switchyards in their state for which third party protection audit is required to be done. Based on information submitted by representatives of various utilities, latest status in this regard is given in Annexure-IV. It may be seen that: Some of the Utilities like BBMB, RRVPNL, RRVUNL, PSTCL, PSPCL, UPPTCL and UPRVUNL have placed order for third party protection audit to CPRI. The work has been completed for RRVPNL & RRVUNL and is underway for other utilities. These utilities were requested to share draft/final report with Protection sub-committee, as and when available. Protection audit has already been carried out for NHPC (for Baira Siul HEP), APCPL (for Indira Gandhi STPS, Jhajjar) and NPCIL (for RAPP) by the team of protection experts constituted by NRPC. In case of HVPNL and DTL, audit had been carried out at four sub-stations each. Protection audit of one sub-station/switchyard each of PTCUL, HPSEB Ltd and HPGCL (DCRTPP) has also been carried out by teams of protection experts constituted by NRPC Secretariat. Further teams would be constituted based on request received from constituents. PDD (J&K) and Electricity Deptt., UT Chandigarh have so far not submitted any information as to how they plan to get the protection audit done for their system not covered in Basic Protection Audit. These Utilities are requested to plan protection audit for their system at the earliest. Recommendation No. “9.3” regarding healthiness of defense mechanism “All STUs should immediately enable under frequency and df/dt based load shedding schemes. Central Commission should explore ways and means for implementation of various regulations issued under the Electricity Act, 2003. Any violation of these regulations can prove to be costly as has been the case this time. RPCs need to take up the matter for compliance. In case non-compliance persists, POSOCO should approach Central Commission.” SE (O), NRPC drew attention of members towards following decisions taken at NRPC fora: All STUs would ensure load relief as per target and the settings of UFR and df/dt relays would be as agreed in NRPC. Self-certification to this effect was to be done by 31st October, 2012. Mock exercise for healthiness of UFRs was to be carried out by utilities themselves on quarterly basis and report would to be submitted to NRPC Secretariat and NRLDC. This exercise was to be done at the end of March, June, September and December months of every year. All STUs would procure 10% spare UFRs and df/dt relays so as to replace defective ones quickly. It was also decided that if a deficiency is observed in operation of UFR or df/dt relay during inspection, corrective action shall be taken within15 days. Members indicated following status in respect of various issues listed in the agenda notes. (i) Quarterly self- certification The status of Quarterly Self Certification in respect of Mock Testing of UFRs & df/dt Relays by Utilities submitted so far is as under:S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7. UTILITY HPSEB Ltd. DTL RRVPNL UPPTCL PSTCL BBMB PTCUL STATUS Submitted for quarter ending June, 2014 Submitted for quarter ending June, 2014 Submitted for quarter ending June 2014 Submitted for quarter ending June, 2014 Submitted for quarter ending June, 2014 Submitted for quarter ending June, 2014 Submitted for quarter ending June, 2014 UT Chandigarh and PDD, J&K have not complied with the requirement as above and should submit self-certification & report of Mock exercise. No representative from UT Chandigarh and PDD, J&K was present in the meeting. SE (O), NRPC requested all Members to carry out the Mock Testing of UFRs and df/dt relays for the quarter ending September, 2014 in the first week of October, 2014 and submit the Certificate to NRPC Secretariat and NRLDC before the next OCC meeting. (ii) Procurement of 10% spare UFRs and df/dt relays The status as in regard to procurement of 10% spare UFRs and df/dt relays is as under: RVPNL, UPPTCL, DTL, PSTCL, HVPNL, HPSEB Ltd. and PTCUL have confirmed that they have 10% spare relays. No information is available from UT Chandigarh. In the 28th TCC and 31st NRPC meetings held on 23rd and 24th July, 2014, representative of PDD J&K had intimated that funds have been made available by the State Government and procurement action has been initiated. He had indicated the completion target of October, 2014. No representative of PDD, J&K attended this OCC meeting Recommendation No. “9.4” regarding implementation of FGMO/RGMO. “All out efforts should be made to implement provisions of IEGC with regard to governor action. Central Commission needs to look into ways and means to hasten implementation of provisions of IEGC including that on governor action. POSOCO need to take up the matter with Central Commission.” A statement indicating implementation of FGMO/RGMO (as furnished by generating companies) has been compiled and is enclosed as Annex-V. S.E (O), NRPC stated that it may be seen from above mentioned Annex that following units/ generating stations have not implemented RGMO/FGMO: (i) HPGCL 2 x 300 MW at DCRTP, (Yamuna Nagar) (ii) JKPDC 3 x 150 MW at Baglihar HEP (iii) UPRVUNL Anpara TPS Obra TPS 3 x 210+1X500 MW 4 x 200 MW Representatives of UPPTCL and HVPNL intimated the latest status of implementation of RGMO/FGMO by UPRVUNL & HPGCL as below: Utility Status of implementation of RGMO/FGMO UPRVUNL Obra TPS Anpara TPS HPGCL DCRTP, Yamuna Nagar Unit nos. 10, 11, 12 & 13 shall be put on RGMO after completion of R&M. # 10 & 11 are presently under R&M up to 03/15 & 06/15 respectively. # 12 & 13 will be taken under R&M after revival of # 10 & 11. Unit no. 4:- it is expected during O/H in October, 2014. Unit nos. 1, 2 & 3:- Offer from M/s Keltron and M/s BHEL is awaited. HPGCL vide its letter dt. 08.08.2014 informed that Load v/s factory curve for RGMO has been configured in the existing software logic of DEH system in Unit- II. RGMO shall be put in service under supervision of OEM after checking & testing of RGMO curve in line with CERC recommendations Off-line and On-line during overhauling of Unit- I & II scheduled in Oct. & Dec. 2014 respectively. The status of Baglihar HEP units could not be updated due to absence of representative from JKPDC attended the meeting. SE (O), NRPC advised SLDCs of U.P. and Haryana to ensure that RGMO/FGMO is made operational in units in their control area. Recommendation No. “9.7” regarding installation of adequate static and dynamic reactive power compensators. “In order to avoid frequent outages/opening of lines under over voltages and also providing voltage support under steady state and dynamic conditions, installation of adequate static and dynamic reactive power compensators should be planned.” (A) SE (O), NRPC informed that DTL had intimated in the 84th OCC meeting that the study for requirement of capacitors and reactors at 220 kV level for NCR was being conducted by CPRI. In the 101st OCC meeting, representative of DTL intimated that CPRI has already finalized draft report wherein it was indicated that in Delhi system the reactive power compensation is more than adequate. A meeting in this regard was held wherein CPRI was advised to look into the high voltage problem for which data has already been submitted and it would take another month to finalize the comprehensive report. In the 102nd meeting, he intimated that final report has been received from CPRI and is being examined. In this meeting, he intimated that final report of CPRI has indicated requirement of some reactors in Delhi system. (B) SE(O), NRPC further intimated that based on the studies carried out by POWERGRID for identifying compensation required in intra-State network at 220 kV level, following reactors at 400 kV were approved in the 29th Meeting of NRPC held on 13.09.2013:S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SUBSTATION HINDAUN PANCHKULA-PG SULTANPUR GORAKHPUR(UP) SONEPAT-PG MANESAR KAITHAL KANPUR JAIPUR(S) BASSI MERTA MVAr 125 125 125 2X125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Implementation by RVPNL POWERGRID UPPTCL UPPTCL POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID RVPNL Representative of POWERGRID had intimated in the 31st NRPC meeting held on 24.07.2014 that LoA for procurement of the above mentioned reactors was expected by October, 2014 and Completion by March, 2016. This is for information of the Members. (C) SE (O), NRPC intimated that in order to resolve the issue of reactors at Sultanpur and Gorakhpur, NRPC in its 30th meeting held on 28.02.2014 had decided that a meeting will be held at NRPC Sectt. wherein POWERGRID will share the results of their study with UPPTCL, NRPC sectt. and NRLDC. Accordingly, the meeting was held on 11.07.2014 wherein POWERGRID agreed with the contention of UPPTCL that reactors at Sultanpur and Gorakhpur substation were not required in view of addition of 427 MVAR reactors in the vicinity of these sub-stations. It was also agreed that POWERGRID will approach Standing Committee for Power System Planning in NR for approval of change in the earlier proposal. Representative of POWERGRID intimated that the status will be informed in the next meeting. (D) SE (O), NRPC intimated that in the 30th NRPC meeting held on 28.02.2014, RRVPNL had intimated that the proposal for procurement of reactors for Hindaun and Merta was under their Board of Director’s approval. In the 100th OCC meeting, representative of RRVPNL had intimated that the proposal has been cleared by their Board of Director’s and procurement action has been initiated. In the 31st NRPC meeting held on 24.07.2014, RRVPNL intimated that the NIT will be issued shortly. In this meeting, representative of RRVPNL intimated that Bid documents were under preparation. (E) Status of earlier approved reactors SE(O), NRPC intimated that the status of 17 reactors at 15 grid sub-stations (Gorakhpur, Allahabad, Mainpuri, Hisar, Jullandhar, Amritsar, Kankroli, Nalagarh, Vindhyachal (NR bus), Nathpa Jhakri, Dehar, Chamera-I, Parbati-II, Parbati-III and Rihand) including 6 reactors at generating stations, approved by NRPC in its 15th meeting held on 24th December, 2009, is as under:S. No. 5 6 7 Name of the substation Gorakhpur Allahabad Mainpuri Vindhyachal (NR bus) Nathpa Jhakri Dehar Chamera-I 1x80 MVAr 2x63 MVAr 1x125 MVAr 8 9 Parbati-II Parbati-III 1x125 MVAr 1x80 MVAr 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rihand Jallundhar Amritsar Nalagarh Hisar Kankroli 1x 80 MVAr 1x125 MVAr 1x80 MVAr 1x125 MVAr 1x125 MVAr 1x125 MVAr 1 2 3 4 Bus reactor approved 1x125 MVAr 1x125 MVAr 1x125 MVAr 2x125 MVAr Status Commissioned in January, 2013 Commissioned in October 2012 Commissioned in December 2012 commissioned Expected in November, 2014 Expected in December, 2015. NIT floated in July, 2014 ans commissioning expected in 18 months from July, 2014 There is no space at Parbati-III and as such reactors will be installed at ParbatiII. Reactors at Parbati-II will be commissioned along with the commissioning of the project in 2017-18. Expected in December, 2014 Commissioned on 31/03/2012 Commissioned on 31/03/2012 Commissioned on 30/04/2012 Commissioned on 30/04/2012 Commissioned on 31/10/2012 Representative of SJVNL intimated that installation of 1x80 MVAr reactor at Nathpa Jhakri planned for November, 2014 will get delayed as the tender for GIS was cancelled due to contractual problems and same has been re-tendered. He added that bids would be opened shortly. He further intimated that completion will take about 12 months after LoA (Commissioning likely by November, 2015). Members noted the same. Recommendation No. “9.9.2” regarding audit of dynamic stabilizing devices. “An audit of devices such as HVDC, TCSC, SVC and PSS should be done immediately to ensure that their stability features are enabled. Further, exercise of PSS tuning should be planned and implemented. Settings of these dynamic stabilizing devices should be reviewed at appropriate intervals.” In the NRPC meeting held on 30th November, 2012, it was decided that (i) All generating companies will tie up with OEM or a technical consultant to carry out PSS tuning (ii) Readiness for PSS tuning along with period in which they intend to carry out this exercise will be intimated to CTU and NRPC within 2 months. (iii) Schedule for PSS tuning will be finalized in the OCC as it involves unit shutdown. (iv) After PSS tuning, generating companies will submit results of step response test to NRLDC, CTU and NRPC. (v) Karcham Wangtoo HPS will share their experience of PSS tuning with NRPC constituents in the OCC meeting (JPVL had made a presentation on the PSS tuning done on their machines at Karcham Wangtoo HPS during 83rd OCC meeting). As decided in the 26th TCC & 29th NRPC meetings, all generating companies were requested to submit the details of PSS tuning/testing last carried out and results thereof in their generating units to NRPC Secretariat by 28th Sept 2013. This information has been received from PSPCL, THDC, APCLP, NTPC, BBMB, NPCIL, HPSEBL, PSPCL, RVUNL, SJVNL, UPRVUNL (Obra-‘A’ & ‘B’) and NHPC. DCRTPP (Yamunanagar) vide letter dt. 08.08.2014 has informed that AVR installed is of “Electrical Equipment Factory” of “Hubei University of technology” supplied by SEC, China. The issue of PSS tuning was pursued with SEC, China who have advised to take up the matter with OEM and then revert back accordingly. Other generating companies viz. HPGCL, THDC and IIPs are requested to submit the information at an early date. Further, based on deliberations in the 27th TCC & 30th NRPC meetings, a group comprising of one member each from NRPC secretariat, CTU, NRLDC, IPGCL, NTPC, NHPC and BHEL had been constituted to analyse the data of PSS tuning received from various generating stations. First meeting of the group was held on 16th July, 2014 in NRPC. TCC/NRPC were briefed about deliberations in the meeting of this group. Views of NTPC have also been received. S E (O), NRPC intimated that second meeting of the group was held on 5th September, 2014 and report of the group would be submitted in due course. Members noted the status. Recommendation No. “9.14” regarding strengthening of Intra-State transmission system. “Intra-State transmission system needs to be planned and strengthened in a better way to avoid problems of frequent congestion.” SE (O), NRPC stated that In the NRPC meeting held on 30th November, 2012, it was decided that SLDCs should give half yearly feedback to STU regarding bottlenecks, constraints and overloading in the State transmission network for proper transmission planning. This exercise was to be completed by 10.10.2012 and thereafter repeated regularly at half yearly intervals i.e. on 1st January and 1st July of every year. In the 82nd OCC meeting, S.E. (O), NRPC had emphasized that this exercise has to be done by SLDCs as they get better visualization in control rooms. All SLDCs were requested to submit copy of SLDC’s advice to their STUs, even if no constraints were observed. Latest Status of identifying bottlenecks in intra-State system is as under:End of 2012/beginning Mid of 2013 of End of 2013/Beginning Mid of 2014 of 2013 2014 Completed by SLDCs of Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan Completed by SLDCs of Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan Completed by SLDCs of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, DTL, HPSEBL, Uttarakhand & U.P. SLDCs of Haryana, Punjab and Uttarakhand. have informed that exercise has been Not done by SLDCs Not done by SLDC Not done by SLDC of completed. However, NRPC of U.P., Haryana, of J&K. J&K. Sectt is yet to J&K, Uttarakhand receive copy of the letter sent by these SLDCs to their STU. This may be sent to NRPC Secretariat. Representatives of Haryana, Punjab and Uttrakhand intimated that they have identified the bottlenecks in their systems as at the end of June, 2014 and have sent to their STUs. Representative of DTL intimated that they will take up the exercise in October, 2014. Representative of UPPTCL intimated that there are no major changes in their system than the exercise done at the beginning of 2014. Representative of HPSEBL intimated that the exercise has been done and their observations are being finalized. S.E (O), NRPC requested all SLDCs to take up/ complete this exercise as at the Mid of 2014 and send a copy of the recommendations made to their STUs to NRPC Secretariat. Members agreed to this. S.E (O), NRPC also requested all STUs for prompt corrective action on the constraints intimated to them by their SLDCs. No representative of SLDC of J&K present. Recommendation No. “9.18” reinforcement of system study groups. “There is need to reinforce system study groups in power sector organizations to analyze the system behavior under different network status/ tripping of lines/outage of generators. Where these do not exist, these should be created.” SE (O), NRPC informed that this recommendation stand implemented except in PDD, J&K. In the 92nd OCC meeting, representative of J&K stated that he would revert back on the issue but since then no information is available from PDD J&K. 7. Recommendation of Enquiry committee for a partial grid disturbance on 2nd January, 2010: SE (O), NRPC stated that from the Action Plan as recommended by Enquiry committee for a partial grid disturbance on 2nd January, 2010, presently the focus is on the Pollution Mapping. List of locations with and very high level of pollution emerging out of First and Second pollution measurements was informed in the 82nd OCC meeting. He added that Eight measurements of pollution were taken at all locations between April, 2012 and d February, 2014. In the 101st OCC meeting, representative of POWERGRID had had made a presentation draft report from CPRI. Highlights of the report were part of the minutes of the 101st OCC meeting. POWERGRID intimated that final report of Pollution Mapping from CPRI is expected by October, 2014. 8.0 Installation of Shunt Capacitors. 8.1 Progress of installing new capacitors and repair of defective capacitors: The updated status of installation of new capacitors and revival of defective capacitor up to 31st August, 2014 by State constituents is enclosed at Annex-VIA and Annex-VIB. 8.2 Target for installation of capacitors during 2014-15 SE (O), NRPC stated that based on studies carried out by NRLDC, the target for installation of shunt capacitors at 11 kV and above, were approved by OCC in its 100th meeting as additional requirement of capacitors during 2014-15. This additional requirement with the modification that Punjab’s requirement will be 356 MVAR against 600 MVAR has been approved by NRPC in its recently concluded 31st meeting held on 24th July, 2014. The additional requirement as approved by NRPC is tabulated below:- State Load Load (MW) MVAR Punjab 9000 Haryana 8019 Uttar Pradesh 12465 Uttarakhand 1675 Delhi 5403 Jammu & Kashmir 2250 Himachal Pradesh 1500 Rajasthan 10500 2349 2691 4097 550 645 740 487 3447 Load P.F.* Capacitor Modelled (At 132kV and above) As Per study capacitor required (At 132kV and above) Total Capacitors installed in the state as on 31.12.2013 (Installation of HT Shunt Capacitors (rated 11 kV and above)) 0.97 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.95 0.95 0.95 3003 227 1367 0 0 0 628 2963 356 2796 2611 600 1290 640 287 422 9586 5141 6932 313 3721 252 838 5150 SE (O), NRPC added that in the 101st OCC meeting, representative of HPSEBL had stated that the target for H.P. was on higher side and the requirement will be assessed in a meeting of their field officers and there after they will discuss the requirement with NRLDC and resolve the issue within two weeks. In 102nd meeting, he stated that since their Planning Wing was being consulted on additional requirement and the same will be finalized shortly and discussed with NRLDC. In this meeting, representative of HPSEBL stated that the requirement is still being sorted out internally. SE (O), NRPC stated that half of the financial year is already over and if the requirement has yet to be finalized then HPSEBL will not be in a position to procure and install the capacitors in time. As such, he advised representative of HPSEBL to take this target as final and proceed with the procurement and installation. Representative of HPSEBL agreed to this. Representative of DTL stated that final report of the study for requirement of capacitors and reactors at 220 kV level for NCR entrusted to CPRI has been received which indicates no additional requirement of shunt capacitors for 2014-15 in Delhi but suggests relocation of existing shunt capacitors as well as requirement of some reactors. Representative of DTL agreed to forward the report to NRPC secretariat within a week. SE (O), NRPC advised the representative of DTL to depute their officers to NRLDC and finalise the issue of requirement/ relocation. SE (O), NRPC stated that there is no substantial improvement in capacitor addition in first 5 months of 2014-15 and requested all members to take action for expeditious procurement/installation of capacitors based on approved targets for 2014-15 as above. He also requested members to intimate the quantum of capacitors likely to be added during current financial year, by the next meeting. 9. Approved System Protection Schemes (SPSs) in Northern Region 9.1 SE (O), NRPC requested members to update the status. A) Mock testing of SPS for Interruption of import by NR at 765 kV Agra (from WR), was done on 03rd April, 2014. Based on the report received from the concerned utilities it was found that scheme is not functional at 09 out of 14 sub-stations. In a separate meeting taken by MS, NRPC on 21st July, 2014 it was decided that POWERGRID would rectify the deficiencies and would report about the functionality of the scheme within a week. As per the information submitted by POWERGRID the scheme has been made functional in 08 sub-stations namely Modipuram, Mainpuri, Nara, Merta, Mohali Jamsher, Panipat and Narwana. In the same letter, POWERGRID had informed that due to non-availability of radial feeder at 220 kV Kota sub-station of RRVPNL, the scheme could not be connected. In the 102nd OCC meeting, representative of RRVPNL had informed that the feeders earmarked for the SPS are normally kept radial and scheme can be wired up to the designated feeders at Kota sub-station. In this meeting, representative of POWERGRID intimated that on contacting Sakatpura sub-station for making the scheme functional, they were informed by the staff there that no radial feeder is available. SE (O), NRPC requested RRVPNL to intimate the exact position. Representative of RRVPNL stated that he will revert back on this by 22.09.2014. However, the same was not received till issuance of these minutes. B) SE (O), NRPC informed that based on the intimation from POWERGRID in the 100th OCC meeting that ICT of 500 MVA capacity to be added at Bassi sub-station has reached at site and was likely to be commissioned by August, 2014, it was decided to keep on hold the installation of SPS at Bassi for the time being. In the 102nd OCC meeting, representative of POWERGRID had intimated that ICT would be commissioned by 31.08.2014. In this meeting, representative of POWERGRID intimated that ICT was expected to be commissioned by the end of September, 2014. C) SE (O), NRPC informed that keeping in view overloading of ICTs at Meerut, OCC had decided in its 90th & 91st meetings, that POWEREGRID would install the SPS at Meerut. Representative of UPPTCL was requested to identify radial feeders at Meerut that can provide relief of 300 MW and intimate the same to POWERGRID. Since some of the feeders identified by UPPTCL and intimated vide CE(SLDC)/SA/SPS dated 15.02.2014 were not connected via fiber optics communication system, OCC in its 98th meeting had requested UPPTCL to submit those feeders where optical fibre communication link is available and which are radial in nature. In the 99th OCC meeting, UPPTCL had intimated that fiber optics communication was not available for all the 07 outgoing feeders at 220 kV level from Meerut and only Gajraula feeder was radial. However, PLCC communication was working satisfactorily for all feeders. It was decided that SPS for ICTs at Meerut be implemented by POWERGRID using PLCC communication and UPPTCL would continuously monitor the loading on ICTs. In the 101st OCC meeting, POWERGRID had intimated had that SPS using PLCC communication will not be reliable. However, POWERGRID was requested to at least implement SPS on 220 kV Gajraula feeder and POWERGRID had agreed for the same. In the 102nd OCC meeting, POWERGRID had intimated that ICT at Meerut would be installed by October, 2014 and after that SPS would not be required. Representative of NRLDC had stated that in view of the loading conditions in Meerut, the requirement of SPS would still be there. SE (O), NRPC had requested POWERGRID to expedite the implementation of the scheme. In this OCC meeting, representative of POWERGRID informed that ICT at Meerut, Bassi and Allahabad would be commissioned by September, 2014 and thereafter SPS would not be required. Representative of NRLDC maintained that in view of the loading conditions in Meerut, the requirement of SPS would still be there. SE (O), NRPC requested POWERGRID to expedite the implementation of the scheme. Representative of POWERGRID intimated that for implementation of SPS on 220 kV Gajraula feeder, quotation has been sought from M/S ABB and on receipt of the same, the work is likely to be awarded. Representative of UPPTCL raised the issue of 4-5 major breakdowns and damage to their equipments in the recent past due to opening of Modipuram feeder by POWERGRID from Meerut on the instruction of NRLDC without informing them. Representative of POWERGRID clarified that their operators at Meerut invariably intimate the UPPTCL’s sub-station staff about the overloading of ICTs and about the opening of Modipuram feeder. However, it was agreed that now onwards prior to the opening of feeder, POWERGRID would also intimate telephonically to Shri Kavindra Singh, Technical advisor, UPPTCL on his mobile No. 09412749803. D) SE (O), NRPC stated that in respect of finalisation of backing down of generation at Dadri TPS and Dadri CCGT for implementation of SPS for tripping of multiple lines from 400 kV Dadri, in the 101st OCC meeting, NTPC had intimated that SPS would be implemented by 31.12.2014. In this OCC meeting, representative of NTPC informed that the implementation of SPS was on schedule. The latest revised target dates as intimated during the 103rd OCC meeting are given in Annexure-VII. 9.2 SE (O), NRPC informed that In the 93rd OCC meeting, UPPTCL had intimated that in respect of SPS at Rosa TPS, that earlier SPS was envisaged for one unit with connectivity at 220 kV level but the scheme was under revision for four units with connectivity at 400 kV level. In the 96th OCC meeting, UPPTCL had intimated that 2 Nos. new 220 kV outlets from Rosa TPS were expected to be commissioned by April, 2014. There after the SPS would be finalised by Rosa TPS authorities. Since, the logic for SPS can be revised any time, OCC had advised that Rosa TPS authorities should finalise the scheme urgently without waiting for new outlets to be commissioned. In the 98th OCC, Rosa TPS informed that signal is being continuously generated showing the availability of transmission lines. Based on the availability of transmission lines, manual action is being taken for backing down or so. OCC was of the view that manual action is slow and it would not suffice in case of tripping of lines. The signal showing the availability of transmission lines could be utilized for implementation of SPS. OCC had requested Rosa TPS to implement the SPS expeditiously. In the 100th OCC meeting, UPPTCL had intimated that SPS at Rosa TPS would be implemented by September, 2014. In the 102nd OCC meeting, UPPTCL had informed that the SPS for Rosa was under implementation and would be completed within a month. In this meeting, representative of UPPTCL intimated that the SPS for Rosa was would be implemented by the end of September, 2014. 9.3 SPS for tripping of transmission lines connecting NAPS. SE (O), NRPC informed that on receipt of comments from UPPTCL in the 74th OCC meeting on two logics proposed by NRLDC in the 69th OCC meeting and subsequent examination, it was decided in the 75th OCC meeting that UPPTCL shall implement the SPS for NAPS as per their comments and also taking care of tripping of Mainpuri- Etah line. Since the decision taken in 75th OCC meeting till the 97th OCC meeting, UPPTCL has maintained all along that that they were not finding the bidders despite tendering and retendering many times. In the 98th OCC meeting, UPPTCL had informed that due to change in network configuration, the conditions for implementation of scheme have changed. It was further informed that scheme would be installed at Etawah and Harduaganj by 15.05.2014. In the 100th OCC meeting, UPPTCL had intimated that SPS scheme has been finalized. In 101st OCC meeting, UPPTCL had intimated that finalized SPS will be implemented within 03 months by the Transmission South wing (Agra wing). In this meeting, representative of UPPTCL intimated that SPS for NAPS is expected to be implemented by 31.12.2014. 9.4 Mock Testing of SPS meant for contingency of Mundra-Mahendergarh HVDC. SE (O), NRPC informed that Mock testing of SPS meant for contingency of MundraMahendergarh HVDC line was carried out on 24.12.2013. The load relief obtained during the Mock Testing was quite low for Punjab and to a lesser extent from Haryana and Delhi than the expected load relief. The issue was discussed in the 98th & 99th OCC meetings and it was decided that: PSTCL would identify and intimate additional feeders to be disconnected through SPS during lean periods in Punjab. APL would be advised to check the scheme at Nuna Majra and Malerkotla. Once APL gives confirmation about activating the scheme at Shamli (U.P.), a comprehensive mock test would again be carried out. DTL would review and revert back on its feeder for SPS, as the existing feeders would get supply from alternate source, once LILO is completed at Mundka. In the 100th OCC meeting, PSTCL had intimated that additional two feeders from Malerkotla sub-station namely (i) 66 kV Malaud with lean period load of 06 MW and peak period load of 20 MW and (ii) 66 kV Siarh with lean period load of 06 MW and peak period load of 20 MW have been identified and intimated to POWERGRID. OCC had advised PSTCL to send these details to Adani Power Ltd. PSTCL and DTL informed that the above details have been sent to Adani Power Ltd. SE (O), NRPC further added that a second Mock Testing of SPS for Mundra-Mahendergarh HVDC was carried out on 08.07.2014 wherein certain deficiencies were observed. A detailed report of the Mock test was enclosed as Annex- VIII of the agenda notes. It could be seen from the Annex-VII that (i) a number of feeders in Haryana & Rajasthan are not radial (ii) number of counters increased are either more or less than envisaged for certain feeders in all States except in Haryana and (iii) the load relief that would have been available if SPS had operated on the day of testing was much lesser than envisaged in Punjab, Rajasthan and UP. In the 102nd OCC meeting (i) Haryana and Rajasthan had informed that the feeders were being normally kept in radial operation (ii) UPPTCL and RRVPNL were requested to check the relays as counter increased were more than the envisaged (iii) APL was requested to check the scheme at 220 kV Shamli s/s of UPPTCL for less increment of the counter than envisaged and (iv) DTL was advised to check the system at their end. If no problem is detected then scheme for this particular sub-station would again be tested. In this meeting, (i) Representative of DTL informed that problem in cable was noticed and the same has been rectified (ii) Representative of RRVPNL stated that the issues with regard to excess counter increment have been referred to the concerned officials in protection wing (iii) Representative of APL stated that he will convey about less increment of the counter than envisaged at 220 kV Shamli s/s of UPPTCL to the concerned officers in APL. 9.5 Implementation of SPS for Rampur HEP. SE (O), NRPC stated that based on the recommendation of the 101st OCC meeting, NRPC in its 31st meeting held on 24.07.2014 had approved the revised SPS for Karcham Wangtoo-Rampur-NJPC complex as under:Case Contingency Action Case1A Load on any of the lines at Jhakri or Rampur towards Nalagarh exceeds 850 MW. Trip 01 Unit of KW HPS, AND {(01 unit at Jhakri and 1 unit at Rampur HEP) OR (4 units HEP)} Case1B Tripping of 400 interconnecting line kV NJHPS-Rampur at Rampur Trip 01 Unit of KW HPS, AND 01 unit at Naptha Jhakri(This will necessarily lead to tripping of one unit of Rampur HEP) Case2 400 kV bus voltage at KWHPS drops below 395 kV Trip 02 Units of KWHPS Case3 Any two lines of NJHPS or Rampur HPS trips Trip 02 Units of NJHPS, 02 Units of Rampur HPS and 02 units of KWHPS Case4 Both 400 kV KWHPS-Abdullapur lines at KWHPS trips Trip 02 Units of KWHPS SE (O) requested SJVNL to intimate status of implementation of the scheme. Representative of SJVNL intimated the SPS has been implemented at KWHPS and NJHPS. He added that the scheme would be implemented at Rampur HPS in the coming lean season. 10. Revised UFR based automatic load shedding scheme. 10.1 Status of implementation. SE (O), NRPC informed that revised UFR based automatic load shedding scheme (as agreed in the 2nd meeting of National Power Committee held on 16th July, 2013) was agreed to be implemented in the 89th OCC meeting. This revised UFR based automatic load shedding scheme was also approved by NRPC in its 29th meeting. As decided in the OCC meeting, loads to be shed by each State/ UT at all the four stages (stage-wise) were worked out by NRPC Secretariat and communicated to heads of STUs and SLDCs vide FAX dated 31.07.2013 as well as to the members of OCC through agenda notes. The details are as under: Peak Met during 2012‐13 (MW) (Source:CEA) S.No. State/UT 1 Chandigarh 2 Delhi 3 Haryana 4 Himachal Pradesh 5 Jammu & Kashmir 6 Punjab 7 Rajasthan 8 Uttar Pradesh 9 Uttarakhand Total Load shedding Target for four stages (MW)‐ Based on maximum load on the feeders 49.2 Hz 340 5642 6725 1672 1817 8751 8515 12048 1674 47184 16 258 308 77 83 400 390 551 77 2160 49.0 Hz 16 259 309 77 84 402 392 554 77 2170 48.8 Hz 16 262 312 78 84 406 395 559 78 2190 48.6 Hz 16 263 314 78 85 408 397 561 78 2200 DTL, PSTCL, HVPNL, HPSEB Ltd, PTCUL, RRVPNL and UPPTCL had informed that the revised scheme has been fully implemented. However, RRVPNL had installed rotational load shedding i.e four feeders in rotation at one sub-station whereas NRPC had already decided that rotational load shedding is not to be installed. Representative of RRVPNL had agreed in the 101st OCC meeting that RLSS will be withdrawn. Recently, RRVPNL has informed that the rotational scheme at all locations has been converted into flat frequency relay based scheme. The Representative from SLDC, Rajasthan confirmed in this meeting that all rotational schemes have been replaced into flat and hence UFRs at all locations are flat type. UT Chandigarh has informed that first two stages (49.2 & 49.0 Hz) have been implemented and remaining scheme would be implemented after delivery of the relays. No further details were available as no representative of UT Chandigarh attended the meeting. There is no scheme of UFR based automatic load shedding scheme in J&K. However, PDD, J&K had intimated in the PSC meeting held on 12.02.2014 that their proposal in this regard has been approved by State Govt. In the recently concluded 31st NRPC meeting held on 24.07.2014, representative of J&K intimated that funds have been made available now by the State Govt. and they have initiated the procurement process. Further, he had also intimated that UFRs are likely to be installed by October, 2014. No further details were available as no representative of PDD J&K attended the meeting. Latest status of implementation of revised UFR based automatic load shedding scheme as intimated in the 103rd OCC meeting is enclosed as Annex-VIII. Since the Revised UFR based automatic load shedding scheme has been fully implemented by major constituents, OCC decided that this item be dropped from the Agenda of the OCC meetings. The matter will be continued to be pursued with Chandigarh and J&K. 10.2 Location of df/dt relays Further to implementation of revised setting of UFRs at frequency stages at 49.2 Hz., 49.0 Hz., 48.8 Hz. and 48.6 Hz. respectively, SE (O), NRPC had requested all STUs in the 102bd OCC meeting to furnish the installation details of df/dt relays with the setting (i.e. rate of change of frequency per second) with peak load relief on the said feeder on which it is installed. He requested that the information should include the (i) Name of Organization (ii) Name of s/s (iii) Name of feeder with voltage level on which df/dt relay is installed (iv) Basic setting (i.e. 49.9 Hz.) (v) Stage of setting (i.e. 0.1Hz./sec or 0.2Hz./sec or 0.3 Hz./sec) (vi) Peak Load Relief (vii) Make & model (viii) Type (static/Numerical) (ix) Scheme (Flat/RLSS) (x) Healthiness and status of df/dt relay whether operative/non-operative (xi) last checked (Name of Officer & Date on which checked). SE (O), NRPC intimated that this information has been furnished by UPPTCL, HPSEBL, RRVPNL, HVPNL, BBMB and DTL. He requested the representative of PSTCL to furnish the above information expeditiously. Representative of PSTCL agreed to send the details. No representative of UT Chandigarh and PDD J&K was present in the meeting. 11. High voltage problem associated with RAPS-5&6 (Agenda by NPCIL). SE(O), NRPC informed that the issue of high voltage prevailing at Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant- C (RAPP-C) was discussed in the 20th TCC/22nd NRPC meetings held on 28th/29th July 2011 and thereafter in the 21st TCC/24th NRPC meetings held on 17th /18th November 2011. In line with aforesaid discussions, it was decided to constitute a committee with members from POWERGRID Corporation of India Ltd (POWERGRID), Northern Regional Load Despatch Centre (NRLDC), Rajastahn Rajya Vidut Prasaran Nigam Ltd (RRVPNL), Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) and Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) to study the problem of high voltage affecting reliability of evacuation at RAPP 5 &6 (RAPP-C) and to suggest remedial measures. The committee submitted its report to NRPC in its 26th meeting held on 13th July, 2014. NRPC approved the recommendations of the committee Status of the recommendations made by the Committee to discuss High voltage problem associated with RAPS-5&6 is as under:S. N. 1 ITEM BRIEF BACKGROUND AND CURRENT STATUS 1x125 MVAR Bus 1 This Reactor was meant for Reactor AT ongoing RAPP-7&8 (2x700MWe). RAPS-5&6 ,400 kV 2. However due to high capacitive Switchyard loading of system, it was decided to advance its commissioning . REMARKS RELEVANT AGENCY NPCIL 3 The P.O. for the Reactor has been placed. Expected to be commissioned by March 2015 2 Commissioning of 400 kV RAPS5&6-Kota S/c Line * Petition filed POWERGRI by D POWERGRI It is to be established through LILO D in CERC of one circuit of 400 kV RAPP-7&8- regarding Jaipur D/c at Kota. signing of Zero Date 2Considering evacuation Agreement constraints being experienced in by NPCIL for power evacuation from RAPS-5&6, ATS of it was decided to advance RAPP-7&8 commissioning of this line to stabilise the power evacuation from RAPS-5&6.(31st Standing Committee of Transmission Planning of Northern Region (dated 19/12/2011) 1This line has been part of ATS of RAPP-7&8. 3 As per available information, this line is expected to be available by March 2015.* 3(a) LILO of both circuits of RAPS5&6-Kanakroli D/c at 400 kV S/s Chittorgarh S/s of RRVPNL 1 Considering high capacitive loading of 400 kV RAPS-Kanakroli D/c line, it was decided to LILO both the circuits at Chittorgarh S/s of RRVPNL.(28th NRPC Meeting dated 26/4/2013).This is to be executed by POWERGRID 2 In the 101th OCCM meeting(June-2014), POWERGRID indicated that LOA has been issued and implementation may take two POWERGRI D years. 3(b) Commissioning of 400 kV Chittorgarh S/s by RRVPNL As discussed above, it is a new scheme of RRVPNL. It has been test charged from 220 kV side on 13/9/2013.$ $. Progress report of CEA for July 2014 RRVPNL 3(c) Anchoring of 400 kV Chittorgarh S/c with down stream 220 kV network. 1 It is proposed to be established through LILO of 220 kV lines at 220 kV bus of the new 400/220 kV Chittorgarh S/s. # Web site of RRVPNL RRVPNL 2This will ensure that 400 kV RAPS-5&6-Chittorgarh D/C line (established through LILO of RAPS-Kanakroli D/c) will be better loaded , which may see stable voltage regime. 3 As per available information, LILO of 220 kV Chittorgarh-Debari line at 220 kV bus of 400/220 kV Chittorgarh is in progress.# 4 Commissioning of PLCC & Communication works on 400 kV RAPS-Kota S/c and other lines i.e. RAPP-Jaipur S/c, RAPP-Shujalpur D/c (NR-WR tie) 1 PLCC & associated communication works in respect of RAPS-5&6 Transmission lines were implemented by POWERGRID on behalf of NPCIL under a MOU POWERGRI D 2 NPCIL has been following up with POWERGRID to take up these works accordingly for lines associated with RAPP-7&8. 3 The response from POWERGRID is awaited. 4.POWERGRID may do the needful. SE (O), NRPC requested POWERGRID and RVPNL to expedite the LILO and associated commissioning work. He requested NPCIL to take up the matter with management of POWERGID. 12. Scheduling of Rampur Hydro Power Station (RHPS) in line with NJHPS Representative of SJVNL stated that they had successfully achieved commercial Operation (COD) of three units (1st, 2nd & 5th) of RHEP on 13.05.2014, 4th unit (Unit No. 4) on 18.06.2014 & 5th Unit (Unit No. 3) on 08.08.02014. After COD of these units, power has been scheduled to the beneficiaries as per the allocation order issued by MOP, GOI. RHEP (6 X68.67MW) is designed in such a way that it is operative only in tandem with the generation flow of upstream project NJHPS and is conceived as a Tail Race development of 1500 MW (6x250 MW) Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station (NJHPS). Water coming out from the tail race of NJHPS is diverted in Rampur Intake through TRT Pond. There is no balancing reservoir in between the two facilities and there is a small storage in the Jhakri tail Race pond, from where the water enters the Head Race Tunnel of Rampur. Due to mismatch in the schedule of NJHPS and RHEP observed during initial days, an agenda item was brought up in 99th and 100th OCC meeting of NRPC, wherein it was apprised that RHEP was designed for tandem operation on 1:1 basis with NJHPS, being a Master station, and RHEP as a slave station. If one unit of NJHPS will run, then RHEP can operate only one unit strictly likewise up to six units. Further, Rampur cannot run without NJHPS in operation. It was further submitted that regulatory type TRT pond gates erected at tail race area of NJHPS have not been operationalised till now. The operation of these gates are part of the Tandem Operation System (TOS) of RHEP and would play an important role in tandem operation. It is expected that these gates will be ready during lean season. In the meantime, following logic is incorporated in the tandem operation of RHEP & NJHPS, which would be required temporarily till operationalization of Regulatory Type pond gates: Case1: No of Synchronised NJHPS units <=3 (say n), then a maximum of n Rampur units can be synchronised with Grid (i.e. on 1:1 basis) as explained in the presentation also. Case 2: No of Synchronised NJHPS units >3 (say n), then a maximum of (n-1) Rampur units can be synchronised with Grid (this would be temporary phase till operationalization of Regulatory type pond gates). He added that this is submitted for kind information and requested that daily scheduling of RHEP may please be fixed by NRLDC as per the aforesaid logics for safe and optimum evacuation of power as well as operation of both the plants. SE (O), NRPC stated that the issue of scheduling of Rampur HEP (RHEP) had been discussed earlier also and requested NRLDC to do the needful so that optimal scheduling of RHEP is done. Representative of NRLDC assured that the above requirement of Rampur HPS will be taken care by them and revision in scheduling for NJHPS and Rampur HPS will be done simultaneously as and when required. E. Other issues. 13. Status of Commissioning of New Generating Units. The status of commissioning of new generating units in 2014-15 and 2015-16 as updated in 103rd OCC meeting held on 17th & 18th September, 2014 is enclosed as Annex-IX. Members may please note that this status is based on information provided by the utilities and for more authentic information may refer to CEA website. 14. Fresh Nominations to Operation Coordination sub-Committee (OCC) S. E (O), NRPC stated that nominations for OCC were received long back and since then many changes would have taken place in the organizational structure of member utilities. He therefore requested Constituents to submit fresh nominations to the Operation Coordination Sub-Committee (OCC). S. E (O), NRPC further stated that as per the Northern Regional Power Committee (Conduct of Business) Rules, 2006 (Sl no. 19.2)- “OCC shall be represented by the representatives of the constituent members of NRPC. Other than members of NRPC constituents, there shall be one representative each of DISCOM, IPPs of less than 1000 MW generation capacity and Electricity Traders in the OCC. The nominated representative shall be at the level of Chief Engineer and equivalent level”. He added that nominations have been received from Adani PL., APCPL, Bajaj EPL, BBMB, HVPNL, NHPC, POWERGRID, RRVUNL, NTPC & HPSEBL and requested other members to send the nominations expeditiously. Members agreed for the same. F. Furnishing of Data 15. Power Supply Position: SE (O), NRPC stated that the monthly data pertaining to Power supply Position has to be furnished in accordance with Formats 28 and 29 of the CEA (Furnishing of Statistics, Returns and Information) Regulations, 2007. The formats are available on the website of CEA and NRPC secretariat (www.cea.nic.in and www.nrpc.gov.in). He added that Format 29 giving revised Power Supply Position for July, 2014 had been submitted by all except Chandigarh. Format 28 giving provisional Power Supply Position for the month of August, 2014 had been submitted by all except Chandigarh. He requested all SLDCs to continue submitting data on Provisional Power Supply in format 28 positively by 02nd of every month and on Revised Power Supply in Format 29 by 15th of every month. 16. Replacement of porcelain insulators. SE (O), NRPC stated that based on the information furnished by the constituents on the progress of installation of polymer insulator and cleaning of porcelain insulators, updated status is enclosed as Annex-X. He requested all transmission utilities to submit the information regarding replacement of porcelain insulators with anti-fog/polymer insulators in the prescribed format (available on the website of NRPC) as at the end of every month. Members agreed for the same. 17. Item no. 17 was inadvertently missing in the Agenda notes. 18. Exception Report in respect of deviation of the actual maintenance of Generating Units from planned maintenance. SE (O), NRPC stated that Exception Report in respect of maintenance of generating units (scheduled v/s actual) has to be furnished to CERC as per Clause 5.7.4 (j) of IEGC by respective RPCs. Utilities have been requested to submit the above mentioned report every month so that quarterly/half yearly report could be submitted to CERC in accordance with IEGC. However, except for NTPC (NCR) & (NRHQ), SJVNL, RRVUNL, Barsingsar TPS, and UPRVUNL, other Utilities have not furnished the report for August, 2014. He requested All Utilities to submit the report in the following format:- Sl. No Name Power Station of Unit No. Planned Maintenance (At the beginning of the year as per LGBR) From To Revised Planned Maintenance Schedule (as per discussion in OCC) From To Actual Maintenance done From Reasons for Deviation To Further, he requested that the above mentioned report is to be sent to NRPC Secretariat every month so that quarterly/half yearly report could be submitted to CERC in accordance with IEGC. Members agreed for the same. 19. Power Supply Position for the Areas of State’s falling Under National Capital Region (NCR). SE (O), NRPC stated that NCR Planning Board (NCRPB) is closely monitoring the power supply position of National Capital Region. A monthly Power supply Position of the Union Territory of Delhi, Haryana Sub-Region, Rajasthan Sub-Region and UP Sub-Region falling under NCR is required to be submitted by Delhi, Haryana, UP and Rajasthan in the following format every month to NRPC secretariat.(Month/Year…………) Sl. No. SubRegion Peak Demand (MW) Peak availability (MW) Shortage (MW) Energy Requirement (MU) Energy Availa bility (MU) Shortage (MU) DTL, HVPN, RRVPNL & UPPTCL have submitted the Power Supply Position for the Areas of State’s falling Under National Capital Region for the month of August, 2014. SE (O), NRPC requested members to continue sending the monthly PSP for the Areas of State’s falling Under National Capital Region regularly. 20. Any Other item with the Permission of the Chair. None 21. Date and Time of Next Meeting. SE (O), NRPC stated that the dates of next meeting will be communicated in due course. Additional agenda AA.1 Cyber Security in Power Sector Representative of CEA stated that with the introduction of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in the Power sector, the Power Systems may be exposed to the Cyber space and may become vulnerable to Cyber Attacks. Information Technology Act, 2000 & Amendment Act, 2008 designates Computer emergency Response Team-India (CERT-In) as the National Nodal agency to perform the following functions in the area of cyber security: Collection, analysis and dissemination of information on cyber incidents Forecast and alerts of cyber security incidents Emergency measures for handling cyber security incidents Coordination of cyber incident response activities Issue guidelines, advisories, vulnerability notes and whitepapers relating to information security practices, procedures, prevention, response and reporting of cyber incidents Such other functions relating to cyber security as may be prescribed Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India, has prepared a Crisis Management Plan (CMP) for countering cyber attacks and cyber terrorism for preventing the large scale disruption in the functioning of critical information systems of Government, public and private sector resources and services. He added that Ministry of Power has constituted the following CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams) in December 2010 to take necessary action to prevent cyber attacks on the utilities under respective jurisdiction. CERT- Thermal (Nodal agency: NTPC) CERT- Hydro (Nodal agency: NHPC) CERT- Transmission (Nodal agency: POWERGRID) Further, he added that Cyber security system shall be implemented and monitored in 4 levels as below: Level-1 Ground level- individual Level-2 Elevated level- organization/agency Level-3 Heightened level state/ multiple org Level-4 Nation level In their presentations on cyber security NTPC and NHPC informed the members regarding action plans of CERT-Thermal and CERT- Hydro and their plans to develop critical infrastructure as MOU between MoP and above nodal agencies targets for cyber security to minimize the damage and recovery of system in the event of any cyber attack. Representative of POWERGRID- (the nodal agency CERT- Transmission) informed that they will make their presentation in next OCC meeting. Representative of CEA requested State/Private Power Utilities to take following steps in regard to Cyber security: To nominate a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for the Organization. To create an Incident Response Team identifying Nodal officers to handle Cyber security incidents at each Entity/ Plant level. To draw IT security Policy and Framework for the respective organization. To get vulnerability assessment audit exercise (from CERT-In empanelled auditors, Ministry of Communication & IT) to further implement Information Security Management System (ISMS) in line with ISO 27001 Information security standards. To define Contingency Plan with respect to Business Continuity in order to counteract interruptions. To define Disaster Recovery Plan. Representative of CEA stated that State Utilities have been requested to prepare their own Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and to be in touch with the Nodal Agencies i.e. NTPC, NHPC & POWERGRID and CERT-In for support. SE(O) NRPC requested the members that names of CISOs of respective organisations may be sent to respective nodal CERT of power sector e.g. CERT –Thermal, Hydro or Trans, with a copy to CISO, MoP. The details of contacts of the officers from 3 power sector CERTs and CISO for MoP are given below: 1. CERT-Thermal Shri A. K. Hajela, AGM (IT), NTPC Ltd., Engineering Office Complex, A-8A, Sector-24, Noida – 201301. E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 9650991205 Fax: 0120-2410626 2. CERT-Hydro Smt. Savitri Srivastav, Chief Engineer (IT), NHPC, NHPC Office Complex, Sector-33, Faridabad - 121003 (Haryana) E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 9810617084 Fax: 0129-2277941 3. CERT-Transmission Shri Jagmohan Sharma, COO, NTAMC Projects, C/o Director (Operation), POWERGRID, Saudamini, Plot No. 2, Sector 29, Near IFFCO Chowk, Gurgaon (Haryana) – 122001 E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 8130194460 Fax: 0124-2571760 4. CISO, MoP Shri H. K. Pandey Director (IT), CEA Room No. 326, 3rd Floor, Central Electricity Authority, Sewa Bhawan, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110066. E-mail: [email protected] : [email protected] Mobile: 9868966170 Fax: 011-26732303, 011-26109750 AA.2 Intra-Regional Outage Programmes. SE (O), NRPC stated that in the proposed Intra-Regional Outage Programmes for consideration in 103rd OCC Meeting forwarded vide NRPC letter of even No. 3413-53 dated 09.09.2014, certain programmes proposed by BBMB were inadvertently left out. He informed that the proposed outages by BBMB were considered by the OCC in the meeting held on 17.09.2014 and are covered in item 4.2.1 above. AA.3 Approval for GRID condition requirement to facilitate System test of HVDC Balia-Bhiwadi Representative of POWERGRID stated that M/s SIEMENS have requested for permission to conduct system performance test requiring power flow ramps up and down from 250 MW to 2500 MW, as per programme given in the Agenda notes and requested to provide flexible Grid Conditions for the same. He added that main requirement for the system performance test will be:1. First three days ramp up & down from 250 to 2500 MW for seven hours, 2. Fourth day ramp up & down from 250 to 1250 MW for seven hours & 3. Fifth day Power O/load of 2875 MW for four hours. He requested NRLDC to arrange to facilitate the required grid condition and allow for conducting the system test for HVDC Balia-Bhiwadi as above w.e.f 0900hrs of 18/09/14. Representative of M/s SIEMENS stated that the purpose of the system performance test is to check as to how the system will behave with the changes in the loading. He added that this test is part of testing and commissioning and possibility of pole tripping during ON LINE testing cannot be ruled out. He added that this test has already been done using simulation techniques. Further, he intimated that this test was carried out under “ON LINE” conditions for Talchar-Kolar bipole as well as on M/s Adani Power Ltd.’s Mundra-Mohindergarh HVDC bipole. Representative of NRLDC stated that loading Balia-Bhiwadi up to 2500 MW is difficult as it may lead to increased sensitivity of many lines besides controlling loading on other lines. Representative of POWERGRID stated that this test can be carried out in a minimum period of 12 hours and overloading of up to 2750 MW would be required with ramp up/ ramp down in the range of 50-300 MW/minute. Representative of NTPC suggested carrying out system flow studies by NRLDC/NLDC and sharing of results of the study with constituents so that the impact of testing on their generating stations could be ascertained and due precautions could be taken during the testing. Representative of UPPTCL stated that Singrauli-Anpara and Anpare-Mau lines will get critically loaded while making 2500 MW availability at Balia. SE (O), NRPC suggested that the study results be mailed to NTPC and UPPTCL today itself (18.09.2014) and these entities should furnish their comments to NLDC/NRLDC by Monday (22.09.2014) where after NLDC/NRLDC may finalise the dates of testing and issue advisory to all concerned at least one day before the test. Representative of NLDC made it clear that POWERGRID will ensure uninterrupted transmission of SCADA data during the test failing which the test would be discontinued. Representative of M/s SIEMENS intimated that this test has to be done on working days and a minimum of two days notice will be required as some engineers have to arrive from Germany. Representative of NRLDC assured that all conditions will be laid down while according approval for the proposed test. OCC gave provisional approval for testing subject to above observations. Final decision regarding appropriate date and time of test will be decided by NRLDC based on grid conditions. AA.4. Allocation of surrendered share by Himachal Pradesh in Various hydro Power Projects. SE (O), NRPC stated that Ministry of Power vide their letter No. 3/4/2014-OM/796 dated 04.09.2014 have forwarded letter dated 21.07.2014 from Government of Himachal Pradesh (enclosed as Annexure to the Agenda notes) whereby GoHP has placed HP’s SOR share at the disposal of GoI for allocation amongst the power deficit states initially for five years i.e up to 31.03.2019. He requested all members, if interested, to send their acceptance to MoP stating quantum and period. SE (O), NRPC further stated that it would be better if power surrendered by Himachal Pradesh remains in the northern region for which he requested power deficit states like Uttar Pradesh to consider seeking allocation from power surrendered by H.P. Members agreed to consider this option. AA.5 Change in e-mail ID of SE (O), NRPC. SE (O), NRPC stated that in accordance with GoI guidelines, all correspondence to NRPC Sectt. on operational matters should be sent at our newly created official email ID i.e. [email protected] He requested Members to use this new mail ID for any correspondence. He also requested members to use their official email ID for correspondence. Members noted the same and agreed to use this new ID for correspondence. AA.6 Mock black‐Start Exercises. Representative of NRLDC stated that as per Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) clause 5.8(b) “Mock trial runs of the procedure for different sub-systems shall be carried out by the Users/ CTU/ STU at least once every six months under intimation to the RLDC”. He added that Mock Black-start exercise of power stations are therefore needs to be carried out in-order to ensure healthiness of black start facility. The winter months are off peak hydro period and therefore good time to carry out such exercises. He further, stated that the schedule of mock exercise dates for different hydro & Gas power station is proposed. The power stations may confirm and inform to all the concerned persons of control centre/ substations to facilitate the exercise. The summary of the Mock Black start exercises conducted for the year 2013-14 is given below: S.No. Name of Hydro / Scheduled Gas Station Date Actual Date Remarks 1 Bairasiul HEP 22nd Oct 2013 22nd Oct 2013 Black start exercise done successfully 2 Bhakra HEP 29th Oct 2013 08th Jun 2014 BBMB carried Bhakra(R) 3 Dhauliganga HEP 07th Nov 2013 NA Plant under shutdown from 16th July 2013 to 19th July 2014 4 Koteshwar HEP 18th Nov 2013 18th Nov 2013 Black start exercise done successfully 5 Uri HEP, Lower 21st Nov 2013 Jhelum HEP & Pampore GT’s 27th Nov-2013 Black start exercise done successfully 6 Jhakri HEP 25th Nov-2013 Black start exercise done successfully 26th Nov 2013 out the exercise for 7 AD Hydro HEP 04th Dec 2013 13th Dec 13 Black start exercise done successfully 8 Chamera-3 HEP 16th Dec 2013 16th Dec 2013 Black start exercise done successfully 9 Karcham Wangtoo 19th Dec 2013 HEP 19th Dec 2013 Black start exercise done successfully 10 Malana-2 HEP 23rd Dec 2013 17th Jan-2014 Black start exercise done successfully 11 Salal HEP 02nd Jan 2014 10th Jan-2014 Black start exercise done successfully 12 Pong HEP 08th Jan 2014 08th Jun 2014 Black start exercise done successfully. 13 Tehri HEP 15th Jan 2014 15th Jan 2014 Black start exercise done successfully. 14 Chamera-2 HEP 22nd Jan 2014 NA Not carried out due to non-availability of Black start provision in SCADA system 15 Chamera-1 HEP 30th Jan 2014 30th Jan 2014 Black start exercise done successfully 16 Budhil HEP 05th Feb 2014 NA Was under maintenance up to 15th Feb2014 Representative of NRLDC stated that the proposed schedule for the Mock Black start exercise is as follows: Hydro Power Stations: Date Name of stations th 29 Oct 2014 Bairasiul HEP** # 04th Nov 2014 Dhauliganga HEP th 11 Nov 2014 Koteshwar HEP** 19th Nov 2014 Uri HEP, Lower Jhelum HEP & Pampore GT’s** $ 26th Nov 2014 Uri-II HEP 02nd Dec 2014 Jhakri HEP** 09th Dec 2014 AD Hydro HEP** 17th Dec 2014 Chamera-3 HEP** 24th Dec 2014 Karcham Wangtoo HEP** 30th Dec 2014 Malana-2 HEP** th 07 Jan 2015 Salal HEP** 09th Jan 2015 Rampur HEP 13th Jan 2015 Tehri HEP** # 16th Jan 2015 Chamera-2 HEP th $ 20 Jan 2015 Parbati-III HEP th 23 Jan 2015 Chamera-1 HEP** # 28th Jan 2015 Budhil HEP **For these Hydro power stations, Mock black-Start procedure circulated during last exercise/ previous year may be used. # Mock black-Start exercise not carried out during Year 2013-14. $ Newly commissioned hydro stations. Gas Power Stations: Date 14th Nov 2014 12th Dec 2014 05th Feb 2015 Name of stations Auriaya GPS Dadri GPS Anta GPS Bawana GPS had informed last year they do not have black start capability. The procedure for NTPC’s gas based stations need to be developed. NRLDC had shared with NR-OCC in its 92nd meeting, the exercise carried out at Kawas GPS in Western Region last year. The similar procedure may be developed in NR. He desired that SLDC’s may also carryout mock black-start of station in their respective control area & inform the tentative dates to the OCC as well as outcome of these exercises. The proposed Hydro Power Stations to undergo the exercise are as follows: S.NO. Utility 1 J&K 2 3 4 5 HP 6 7 8 Punjab 9 10 11 12 Rajasthan 13 14 15 16 UP 17 18 19 Uttarakhand 20 21 22 23 Delhi 24 25 26 Haryana Hydro Power Station Baglihar Lower Jhelum Upper Sindh Larji Bhbha Malana -I Baspa Anand Sahib Ranjit Sagar Mahi-I&II Rana Pratap Sagar Jawahar Sagar Gandhi Sagar Dholpur GPS Ramgarh GPS Rihand Obra Ramganga Chibro Khodri Chilla Maneri Bhali-I&II IP Extn GTs Pragati GPS Rithala Faridabad GPS Installed Capacity(MW) 3x150 3x35 2x11+3x35 3x42 3x40 2x43 3x100 4x33.5 4x150 2x25+2x45 4x43 3x33 5x23 3x110 1x35.5+2x37.5+1x110 6x50 3x33 3x66 4x60 4x30 4x36 3x30+4x76 6x30+3x30 2x104.6+1x121.2 3x36 2x137.75+1x156.07 Last year also such request was made by NRLDC, however SLDCs have not informed about carrying out the exercise. The information may please be shared by SLDCs and program for this year’s exercise shall also be shared. He requested SLDCs to submit the reports of black start exercise in their respective control area. SLDCs may also identify further generating stations/unit for black start exercise. Representative of NTPC stated that the issue of carrying out Mock Black Start exercise was discussed in the past in several OCC meetings also but the exercise could not be carried at NTPC NCR Gas Stations due to absence of proper exercise procedure pending from NRLDC end. He further stated that as such, they were starting GTs at each of its gas stations through DG set once a year to check the healthiness of the system. The healthiness of the availability of black start facility is already proven during previous grid failures. Representative of NRLDC stated that NTPC Kawas plant had carried out one such exercise last year and NTPC can share the procedure with NRLDC as this would help in preparing procedure for NCR Gas Stations. Representative of NTPC stated that operational requirements for carrying out this exercise is plant specific as line / load availability conditions are different for different plants. After deliberations, OCC decided that a separate meeting shall be convened by NRLDC with NTPC and NRPC representatives to evolve the procedure for carrying out the mock exercise at NTPC-NCR Gas Stations. Representative of NHPC stated that Mock Black start exercise at URI-I & II shall be carried out after the present crisis (Flood situation) in J&K is over and before the snowfall. Representative of NRLDC stated that Mock Black start exercise at Rana Pratap Sagar was carried out 02 years back and requested RRVPNL to arrange for the exercise this year. Representative of RRVPNL agreed for this. Representative of DTL stated that Mock Black start exercise at their GT stations has been done once and will be repeated this year also. All other members agreed with the dates proposed by NRLDC for Mock Black start exercise and also assured to plan for this exercise at generating stations in their control area and intimate NRLDC. AA.7 Revision of document for System Restoration Procedure (SRP) & Reactive Power Management for Northern Region: Representative of NRLDC stated that the System restoration procedure & Reactive Power Management document for Northern region are due for revision. He added that a letter in this regard has been forwarded to all the utilities. He requested Utilities to give their feedback, suggestion & updated information latest by 31st October 2014 in-order to revise the System restoration procedure. Members noted the above and agreed to send the feedback, if any. AA.8 Winter Preparedness: Representative of NRLDC stated that Winter months are approaching and therefore preparedness on following points needs to be reassessed: Status of transmission system and other resources likely to be available during coming winter months. Review of the status of insulator replacement and pre-winter cleaning of insulators on transmission lines. Complete list/Map of transmission line (s) with polymer insulators. Measures to contain high voltages during night off-peak hours. Readiness for black start by generating stations. Availability of the Real Time data to the control centers. Healthiness of the communication system between control centres and between control centers & substations. Status of pre-winter maintenance by Railways on its lines and updated maps of all railway feed points, nodal officers of utility as well as railways related to each feed points . Deployment of the additional manpower at important substations / control centers. Availability and monitoring of the weather data. Backing down of generation at generating stations to contain voltage and high frequency and reactive power absorption by generators, fully utilizing the capability curve. Monitoring of VAR absorption by generating stations, the format agreed for monitoring is annexed at Annexure-I to the Additional Agenda notes-II. Status of transmission system spares at strategic locations. Availability of tertiary reactors at 33kV voltage level & its utilizations. Monitoring of Generator Reactive Power to control the voltage at generator terminal. Readiness of Synchronous Condenser Mode Operation of Hydro unit. He added that certain points regarding winter preparedness like information on lines with polymer insulator etc were deliberated in last OCC but information is yet to start flowing. He again requested Members to kindly submit the details of status of polymer insulator in the lines, details of synchronous condenser mode operation & status of tertiary reactors. SE (O), NRPC requested all STUs to furnish the updated details of 400kV lines where Polymer Insulator have been replacement (In the proforma given in the additional agenda notes of 102nd OCC meeting) which would help NRLDC in preparation of one consolidated list of lines and redesign the SCADA Map of Northern region with insulator wise lines segregation. He added that this would facilitate the operators of NRLDC in the night hours of winters to decide opening of lines on high voltage. Members agreed for the same. Further, SE (O), NRPC requested the representative of NRLDC to furnish the list of lines that tripped due to fog during last winter. Representative of NRLDC agreed to send the list to NRPC Secretariat. Representative of NRLDC pointed out that Auto-reclose feature on Agra-Muradnagar and Panki-Muradnagar lines does not seem to be functional as it did not operate in the recent trippings and requested the representative of UPPTCL to look into and get it set right. Representative of UPPTCL clarified that Auto-reclose feature on Panki-Muradnagar lines is in healthy condition. However, problem exists in the PLCC for which Wave Trap is to be changed. In respect of Agra-Muradnagar line, he intimated that the Auto-reclose feature is healthy. However, it did not operate in the first instance but operated successfully in the second incident on the same day. Representative of NRLDC desired that trial operation of synchronous condenser mode operation of units at Pong, Largi, RPS, JS, Ranjit Sagar and Tehri hydro stations needs to be carried out to ensure that these units can be operated as synchronous condensers as and when required. OCC requested the concerned SLDCs to arrange the trial operation of synchronous condenser mode operation of units as above within a week and confirm to NRLDC. Members agreed for the same. AA.9 Critical Grid operation during last week of the August 2014. Representative of NRLDC stated that a very high demand in Northern Region was witnessed during the last 10 days of August 2014. During this period, on one side hydro generation was showing sign of reduction and on other side some of the thermal units of Rihand, Singrauli, Dadri, Kawai, Rosa, Jhajjar & Talwandi Sabo generating stations were under outage due to coal shortage. Though, NRLDC was continuously pursuing with state control areas for maintaining the drawl within their drawl schedule. Matter was also taken up with higher official of the state control areas but some of the state control areas were continuously overdrawing. This resulted into sustained low frequency operations and violations of various regulations. Though the matter of over drawl was also discussed in last OCC meeting, but situation was quite critical. Rajasthan, UP, J&K and Uttrakhand were the main defaulting control areas. The statistics in respect of NR states for duration (20-28 Aug 2014) is given below: Rajasthan UP Uttarakhand JK Date Daily Energy (MU) Max MW Daily Energy (MU) Max MW Daily Energy (MU) Max MW* Daily Energy (MU) Max MW * 20-08-2014 21-08-2014 22-08-2014 23-08-2014 24-08-2014 25-08-2014 26-08-2014 27-08-2014 28-08-2014 4.22 9.07 8.23 9.23 5.35 4.66 -1.54 9.17 12.16 814 822 731 672 852 557 495 516 1123 3.09 3.61 4.13 5.04 5.13 6.48 3.18 3.20 -0.34 956 1056 943 959 773 778 828 845 843 0.27 0.40 0.79 1.14 1.07 1.95 1.94 2.49 1.41 144 130 234 154 231 232 173 308 184 3.02 1.49 0.99 2.19 3.63 4.01 3.13 4.04 4.02 329 200 225 282 305 377 341 458 283 *Based on hourly data He requested the state control areas to prepare contingency quick plan during such situations to control the over drawl from the grid for safe and secure operation of the grid. Representative of NTPC stated that during the power shortage crisis in NR during last week of Aug'14, all 13 GTs of NCR Gas Stations were on bar supporting the grid and good quantity of RLNG was consumed during the aforesaid period. He shared that during the aforesaid period, NTPC approached various constituents of NR & requested them to requisition power on liquid fuel available from its Dadri-Gas & Faridabad gas stations as the liquid fuel stock currently available at these stations is from old inventory rate. Accordingly, variable cost on liquid fuel would have been comparatively cheaper than that of RLNG. However, beneficiaries didn’t avail the same. He informed that the old liquid stock is sufficient to supply about 200 MW from each of Dadri-Gas & Faridabad gas stations for about 4-5 days on a continuous basis & beneficiaries can avail the same if the need be. Representative of NRLDC informed that there was continuous O/D by UP of up to 07 MUs to 08 MUs and 1000-1100 MW. Representative of UPPTCL informed that Anpara and Paricha machine were under outage. All state control areas were requested to prepare contingency quick plan during such situations to control the over drawl from the grid for safe and secure operation of the grid. AA.10 Load/Generation management by state Control Areas and information to RLDC. Representative of NRLDC stated that the state Control area’s demand is met from their own intra-state generation, share/allocation/PPA scheduled on long term basis from outside state & purchase/sale through Medium term & Short term transactions. The load demand likely pattern & quantum forecasting is the key to proper planning for meeting of the demand. The planning is important for meeting the load without over drawl from grid. From hourly forecasted pattern of demand, the own generation/Long term/Medium term generation likely to be scheduled needs to be deducted to find out the likely shortfall/excess & its duration. This balance demand needs to be managed through market purchase/sale or load management. The clause 5.3 (e) of the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) says that facilities for estimation of demand for daily operational use for each 15 minute block shall be created at the earliest but later than 01.01.2011. He requested each SLDC to prepare its demand curve and it planning (each 15 minute block wise) to meet it. This information need to be shared with NRLDC on day ahead basis. OCC requested SLDCs to prepare their demand curve and carry out planning (each 15 minute block wise) to meet it. SLDCs were also requested that this information be shared with NRLDC on day-ahead basis. Members agreed for this. AA.11 Pilot Project on Testing of Primary Frequency Response of generating units: Representative of NRLDC stated that a pilot project for testing the generating units under FGMO/RGMO has been awarded by the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) to M/S Solvina International AB. This pilot project is done based on the Terms of Reference (ToR) framed by the multi stake holder committee formed through an order of the Central Electricity Authority (CEA). The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) had also ordered such testing through its order in petition 191 of 2011. The plants included in pilot project are Chamera-I of NHPC Limited, Tehri of THDC India Limited, Bawana GPS of PPCL and Dadri stage -1 and stage-2 of NTPC Limited. Dates for site visit, data collection and the tests, related logistics etc. were discussed and finalized. Schedule for the pilot project, finalized in the meeting of 7th Aug 2014 and 20th August 2014, is as follows: Activity Duration Start Date Completion Date Completion Week First Week Kick Start Meeting 20-08-2014 Test Document preparation & Submission to POSOCO Data Collection Preparations 21-08-2014 22-08-2014 Two weeks 23-08-2014 06-09-2014 First Week Third Week Site Visit Two weeks 07-09-2014 20-09-2014 Fifth Week Chamera 07-09-2014 10-09-2014 Bawana 11-09-2014 12-09-2014 Tehri 14-09-2014 16-09-2014 Dadri 17-09-2014 18-09-2014 21-09-2014 11-10-2014 12-10-2014 19-10-2014 18-10-2014 25-10-2014 26-10-2014 15-11-2014 Test preparations-1 Tests at Chamera Tests at Tehri Test Preparations 2 Three weeks One Week One Week Three weeks Eighth Week Ninth Week Tenth Week Thirteenth Week Submission of soft copy of Draft Report of Chamera & Tehri One Day Tests at Dadri Tests at Bawana One Week One Week Presentation of Draft Report Chamera & Tehri at Delhi Final Report Submission for Chamera and Tehri Submission of soft copy of Draft Report of Dadri and Bawana One Day 28-11-2014 One day 19-12-2014 One Day 19-12-2014 Presentation of Draft Report of Dadri & Bawana One Day Mid January Final Report submission & presentation One Day End of January 20-11-2014 - 17-11-2014 23-11-2014 24-11-2014 27-11-2014 Fourteenth Week Fourteenth Week Fifteenth Week Fifteenth Week He added that the site visit at Chamera and Bawana has been completed. Representative of NRLDC stated that this is for the information of the members. Members noted the same. AA.12 Critical power supply situation in J&K due to floods. Representative of NRLDC stated that due to heavy rains in the J&K area, generating stations as well as distribution system was affected there. The generating station of Salal, Uri –I and Uri –II were closed w.e.f. 03rd September and 05th September 2014 respectively due to high silt conditions. The 220 kV substation of Mirbazar was also shut down due to flooding. The voice communication with different generating stations, substations and real-time data availability from these was one of another challenge for the system operation. The non availability of real-time data and even daily reports (at night for preparing daily reports) has been regularly raised by NRLDC in different meetings; still there is a little improvement. Even though Wagoora is connected through Kishenpur through wide band communication but at times it was also out and thus intermittent real-time data was available. Voice communication on this wideband as well as PLCC communication was unavailable. He requested members for recommending strong communication infrastructure for power system and taking up any defects in already provided communication system of wideband and PLCC. He also requested SLDC J&K also to send daily reports to NRLDC during night after the day is over. During outage of the units it was observed that hydro units of Uri-I were revived earlier than Uri-II. Units of Salal HEP went into outage for the period of 3rd Sep 2014 to 8th Sep 2014 while upstream Baglihar HEP was continuously running during the period. He requested NHPC to appraise the house about the hydrology between Salal HEP & Baghlihar HEP and Uri-I & Uri-II HEP. Representative of NHPC stated that Salal power station is ROR scheme. The silt level in Salal Reservoir suddenly increased to 6412 ppm at 11:00 hrs on 03.09.2014 and was rising. Therefore all the units were stopped between 11:15 and 11:50 Hrs. He added that due to heavy rainfall, the silt levels in adjoining nallahs between Baglihar & Salal namely “Rud”, “Ansh” etc reached 16000 ~ 30000 ppm on 05.09.2014 & 06.09.2014. However after inflows receded, and the silt was came down in the recommended range of 3000 ppm, all the units were synchronized one by one on 08.09.2014 between 20:37 and 22:12 hrs. Silt levels of Baglihar are not known to NHPC. He further informed that Uri-I was restored on 06.09.2014. However, Uri-II could be restored only on 08.09.2014 as Uri – II being in downstream of Uri-I was effected by increased trash, silt conditions carried by more nallahs feeding into Jhelum in the downstream of Uri-I namely ‘ Jabla, Bunihar, etc”. AA.13 Information about variable charges of all the generating units in the Region. Representative of NRLDC stated that all regional entities and each SLDC for its all intrastate entities may submit the details about variable charges of generating units to RPC/ RLDC. He added that it is for information compilation and for better dissemination of information among all the NR entities facilitating them in purchase of power from various sources. Representative of NTPC stated that it will not be possible for them to furnish the fixed charges due to uncertain coal supplies. OCC decided that all regional and intrastate entities will furnish the variable charges of their generating units on a quarterly basis beginning September, 2014. OCC also decided that variable charges for September, 2014 will be submitted by all concerned in the next meeting. In this regard, SLDCs will obtain the variable charges from the generating units located in their control area. AA.14 Violation of Deviation Settlement Mechanism regulation: Representative of NRLDC stated that the Deviation settlement mechanism has been implemented in the country w.e.f. 17th February 2014. The data of various drawee regional entities have been analyzed and following violation have been observed. Violation of regulation 7 (1) of CERC (Deviation Settlement and related matters) Regulation 2014: (Limit on volume of deviation) Table-1: Period:-28.07.2014 to 24.08.2014. S.No. State 1 Chandigarh 2 Delhi 3 Himachal Pradesh 4 Haryana 5 Jammu & Kashmir 6 Punjab 7 Rajasthan 8 Uttar Pradesh O/D: Violation in Over drawl U/D: Violation in Under drawl O/D U/D O/D U/D O/D U/D O/D U/D O/D U/D O/D U/D O/D U/D O/D Average No of Blocks per day 62 1 5 19 70 36 11 30 38 16 45 9 26 31 66 U/D 9 O/D 23 9 Uttarakhand U/D 10 Remarks: Violation is considered while Deviation from Schedule of a Utility is 150 MW or 12% of Schedule whichever is lower. (When Freq is 49.7 Hz and Above) Violation of regulation 7 (10) of CERC (Deviation Settlement and related matters) Regulation 2014: (Sustained deviation from schedule in one direction) Period : 23-June2014 to 27-July2014 Chandi garh Total No. of Violation s 191 Delhi Haryan a Himac hal Prades h PDD J&K Punjab Rajast han Uttar Prad esh Utta rakh and 116 64 85 110 96 101 112 116 Representative of NRLDC stated that the above analysis is for the information of the members and requested members to take corrective steps to minimize the violations. SE (O), NRPC also requested for corrective action by all concerned utilities. Members agreed to take corrective action for avoiding non-compliance to regulatory provisions. AA.15 Multiple Tripping in the system since last OCC meeting: Representative of NRLDC stated that following multiple tripping took place in NR since last OCC meeting. The preliminary report of all the events have been issued from NRLDC. He added that the status of receipt of reports and fault clearing time as per PMU data is also given in the table. It could be seen that fault clearing time has been much higher than mandated by CEA (Grid Standard) Regulations. The non receipt of root cause analysis and remedial measures report is also violating various regulations. Outage S.NO. Date Time (in Hrs) 1 10.08.2014 10:02hrs 2 11.08.2014 12:08hrs 3 12.08.2014 16:28hrs 4 20.08.2014 11:10hrs 5 20.08.2014 13:41hrs 6 22.08.2014 10:37hrs Event Multiple element tripping at 400kV Anpara-B TPS due to differential bus bar protection operation Multiple element tripping at 400kV Makhu Station due to differential bus bar protection operation Complete outage of Rampur HEP due to mal-operation of TOS(Tandem Operation) signal Multiple element tripping at 400kV Agra(UP) due to mis-operation of LBB protection Tripping of 400kV KashipurRishikesh & Kashipur-Moradabad line. Phase to phase fault in 400kV Kashipur-Rishikesh line Multiple element tripping at 400kV Panchkula(PG) Category as per CEA Grid Standards Fault Duration Time Status of Report GD-1 80ms Received GI-2 320ms Not Received GD-1 Not Applicable Not Received GD-1 Not Applicable Received(Preliminar y report from UP) GI-2 1000ms Not Received GD-1 80ms Not Received 7 27.08.2014 23:23hrs Multiple element tripping at Samaypur(BBMB) due to bus bar protection operation for Bus 1. GD-1 80ms Received(Preliminar y report from BBMB) 8 28.08.2014 01:37 Tripping of 220kV AuraiyaMalanpur & Auraiya-Mehgaon ckt GI-2 3000ms Not received GD-1 480ms Received GI-2 Not Applicable Not received Complete outage of 400kV Agra(UP) station due to bus fault at 400kV Agra(UP) and unavailability of bus bar protection at 400kV Agra(UP) 400kV Jhajjar-Mundaka D/C tripped due to DC supply failure at 400kV Jhajjar. 9 28.08.2014 13:34hrs 10 29.08.2014 21:01hrs 11 30.08.2014 21:43hrs 400/220kV 315MVA ICT-1&2 tripped due to over load GD-1 Not Applicable Received (Preliminary Report from UP) 12 01.09.2014 14:35hrs Tripping of 400kV KashipurRishikesh & Kashipur-Moradabad line. B-phase to earth fault. GD-1 2160ms Not received SE (O), NRPC requested members to take note of the above multiple trippings and advise their counterparts in their Protection Departments to bring all the relevant details for discussing these in the next PSC meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annnex- IA List of participants in the 103rd OCC meeting held on 17th September, 2014 at NRPC Secretariat, New Delhi BBMB Name Kuldeep Singh Manderna Designation Power Controller Contact No. 09417200352 Email [email protected] Email [email protected] NHPC Name Rajesh Joshi Designation Deputy Manager Contact No. 09810560424 NLDC Name N. Nallarasan Phani B. krishna Sunny choudhary Designation Dy. General Manager Engineer Engineer Contact No. Email 08527077022 [email protected] 08527768282 08802831878 [email protected] NRLDC Name D.K.Jain Surendra Pratap Designation Asstt. General Manager Engineer Contact No. Email 09910344127 [email protected] 09560539555 [email protected] Designation DGM,(OS),NCRHQ AGM,(OS),NRHQ Senior Manager,(OS),NCRHQ Contact No. 09650990166 09415501016 09650991759 PGCIL Name Rajeev Sudan S.C.Sharma Designation DGM,(OS), Chief Manager, CPCC Contact No. Email 09419213490 [email protected] 09873918526 [email protected] SJVNL Name Rajeev Agarwal Designation Dy. Manager Contact No. Email 09418045426 [email protected] DTL Name R.S.Meena Darshan Singh Designation DGM,(T),400 kV Manager (T), SLDC Contact No. Email 09999633665 [email protected] 09999633837 [email protected] NTPC Name Shailesh Dheman Hari Shanker Agarwal P.K.Saini Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HVPNL-HPGCL-HPPC Name Jai Ram Designation-Org. Executive Engineer, SLDC Contact No. 09354194826 Email [email protected] HPSEBL Name Deepak Uppal Designation SE (PR&ALDC) PSTCL Name S.S.Mal Saleem Mohammad Contact No. 09418109169 Designation Dy. CE,SLDC (Op.) ASE, SLDC Email [email protected] Contact No. Email 09646118004 [email protected] 09646118011 [email protected] RVPNL-RRVUNL-RDPPC Name Designation-Org. Contact No. R.K.Jain A.K.Arya 09414063333 [email protected] 09414061066 [email protected] SE (SO&LD) Xen (PC) Email UPPCL-UPPTCL-UPRVUNL Name Designation-Org. A.J.Siddiqui Executive Engineer, SLDC Pankaj saxena Executive Engineer, STU Contact No. Email 09415609363 [email protected] 09415902780 [email protected] PTCUL Name Kartikey Dubey Designation-Org. SE I/C, SLDC Contact No. Email 09411107693 [email protected] APCPL Name Om Prakash Designation-Org. AGM (EEMG) Contact No. Email 09416312479 [email protected] Adani Power Ltd. Name Anand Shankar Designation-Org. DGM (O&M), Kawai (Raj.) Contact No. Email 08875024830 [email protected] NRPC Name P.S.Mhaske Ajay Talegaonkar Naresh Kumar R. C. Gupta K.N.M.Rao Designation Superintending Engineer Superintending Engineer Executive Engineer Consultant Chief Manager Contact No. Email 09968667741 [email protected] 09910728144 08860310642 09213723955 09717296922 Annex- IB List of participants in the 103rd OCC meeting held on 18th September, 2014 at NRPC Secretariat, New Delhi BBMB Name Kuldeep Singh Manderna Designation Power Controller Contact No. 09417200352 Email [email protected] CEA Name H.K.Pandey O.K.Shukla Designation Director Dy. director Contact No. 09868966170 Email [email protected] [email protected] NHPC Name S.P.Singh Anirudh Gupta S.K.Mishra Designation Chief Engineer (O&M) Sr. Manager Manager (E) NLDC Name N. Nallarasan Designation Dy. General Manager NPCIL/NAPS/RAPS Name R.D.Yadav NRLDC Name A.Mani D.K.Jain Rajiv Porwal Ajay Bhatnagar Nitin Yadav NTPC Name Janhvi shanker Contact No. 09971863565 09811868611 09910103478 Contact No. 08527077022 Designation STE (E&C), RAPS-B Designation General Manager Assistant General Manager Chief Manager Manager Senior Engineer Designation General Manager (OS), NCRHQ Manoj Mathur General Manager (Comml.), NRHQ Shailesh Dheman DGM,(OS),NCRHQ Prashant Chaturvedi DGM (Comml), NRHQ Hari Shanker Agarwal AGM,(OS),NRHQ A.K.Patel AGM,(IT), Noida Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email [email protected] Contact No. 09413354527 Contact No. 09873088797 09910344127 09871581133 09910952459 09560050257 Email [email protected] Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contact No. Email 09650993310 [email protected] 08005497474 [email protected] 09650990166 09450916653 09415501016 09650997022 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PGCIL Name A.K.Arora Rajeev Sudan S.C.Sharma N.K.Bhaskar Sandeep Yadav Designation GM (O&M), NR-I DGM (OS), NR-II Chief Manager, CPCC, Chief Manager Engineer SJVNL/NJHPS Name Rajeev Aggarwal Contact No. Email 09419213490 09873918526 08739907151 08744828835 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Designation Dy. Manager (C&SO) Contact No. Email 09418045426 [email protected] DTL-IPGCL-PPGCLName Designation-Org. P.K.Gupta General Manager, SLDC S.K.Sharma Deputy General Manager (Prot.), Darshan Singh Manager (T), SLDC Contact No. Email 09999533626 [email protected] 09999533640 [email protected] 09999533837 [email protected] HVPNL-HPGCL-HPPC Name Designation-Org. Contact No. Rajesh Kr. Goel Superintending Engineer, 09316467253 SLDC Sandeep Khari APC, SLDC 09315016218 HPSEBL Name Deepak Uppal Designation Superintending PR&ALDC PSTCL Name S.S.Mal Saleem Mohammad Harish Bakshi Email [email protected] [email protected] Contact No. Email 09418109169 [email protected] Engineer, Designation Dy. Chief Engineer, SLDC ASE, SLDC Sr.Xen, SLDC, PSPCL Contact No. Email 09646118004 [email protected] 09646118011 [email protected] 09646122263 [email protected] RVPNL-RRVUNL-RDPPC Name Designation-Org. Contact No. R.K.Jain A.K.Arya K.Pandey 09414063333 [email protected] 09414061066 [email protected] 09413391556 [email protected] Superintending Engineer (SO&LD) Executive Engineer AEN (RDPPC) UPPCL-UPPTCL-UPRVUNL Name Designation-Org. Superintending Engineer Shri Krishna (T&C) A.J.Siddiqui Executive Engineer, UPPTCL Pankaj saxena Executive Engineer, STU, UP Kavindra Singh Technical advisor, UPPTCL Email Contact No. Email 09412749817 [email protected] 09415609363 [email protected] 09415902780 [email protected] 09412749803 [email protected] PTCUL Name Kartikey Dubey Designation-Org. Superintending Engineer, SLDC APCPL Name Om Prakash M.Raghu Ram Designation-Org. AGM (EEMG) AGM (OS) Contact No. 09411107693 Email [email protected] Contact No. Email 09416312479 [email protected] 09650992006 [email protected] Adani Power Ltd. Name Anand Shankar Designation-Org. DGM (O&M), Kawai (Raj.) Contact No. Email 08875024830 [email protected] NRPC Name P.S.Mhaske Ajay Talegaonkar Rajiv Kumar Naresh Kumar K.N.M.Rao G.K.Garg R. C. Gupta Vijay Kumar Ratnesh Kumar Gaurav Jasuja Designation Member Secretary I/C Superintending Engineer Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Chief Manager Dy. Manager Consultant Consultant Asst. Ex. Engineer Asst. Ex. Engineer Contact No. Email 09968667741 [email protected] 09910728144 09313772943 08860310642 09717296922 09716014322 09213723955 09873549048 08750628439 08285796082 Annexure-II Periodicity of Planned Shutdowns during august, 2014 Total Planned Shut Downs Element Name Balia-Patna 2 Agra-Ballabgarh Kanpur(PG)-Unchahar(NTPC) 2 Rihand-Dadri Pole 2 Cbganj(UP)-Sitarganj(PG) Rampur(SJVNL) - Nallagarh (PGCIL)-1 Jhakri (SJVNL)-Rampur - 1 Jhakri(SJVNL)-Karchamwangtoo(JP) 1 Cbganj(UP)-Tanakpur(NHPC) Bareilly(PG)-Moradabad(UP) 2 TCSC of MUZPR-I at GRKP Agra-Kanpur Auraiya(NTPC)-Kanpur(PG) 1 Balia-Patna 4 Jodhpur II-Rajwest 1 Lucknow(PG)-Sitapura(UP) Azamgarh-Sultanpur Hamirpur(PG) -Parb-pol 1 Amritsar-Parb-pol 1 Agra(PG)-Auraiya(NTPC) 2 Mandola-Meerut 3 Chittorgarh(RVPNL)-RAPS B(NPC) 1 Agra-Fatehpur 2 Dadri(NTPC)-Malerkotla(PG) Gopalpur(DTL)-Mandola(PG) 2 Chinhat(UP)-Lucknow(PG) Daultabad(HVPNL)-Gurgaon(PG) -2 Dadri(NTPC)-Panipat(BBMB) 2 Moga(PG) -Talwandi Sabo(PSEB) Daultabad 315MVA ICT 3 Chittorgarh(RVPNL)-RAPS B(NPC) 2 Daultabad(HVPNL)-Gurgaon(PG) -1 Abdullapur-Sonepat 1 Agra-Fatehpur Azamgarh 315MVA ICT-1 Bhiwadi(PG)-Bhiwadi(RVPNL) 1 Jodhpur II-Merta 2 Shree Cement(CSL)-Merta(RRVPNL) Jhakri(SJVNL)-Karchamwangtoo(JP) 2 Wagoora 315 MVA ICT 2 Neemrana-Sikar 2 Neemrana-Sikar 1 Lucknow-Rosa Azamgarh-Gorakhpur Moga 500 MVA ICT 1 Bassi 315 MVA ICT 2 Mandola(PG)-Narela(DTL) 1 Kashipur-Rishikesh Bhiwadi-Moga 1 105 Periodicity 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Agra(PG)-Auraiya(NTPC) 1 Bassi 315 MVA ICT 1 Bahadurgarh 500 MVA ICT 2 Akal-Jodhpur II Dadri(NTPC)-Harsh Vihar(DTL) -1 Abdullapur 315 MVA ICT 4 Mau 200 MVA ICT 2 Agra-Sikar 1 Agra-Sikar 2 Koldam(NTPC)-Ludhiana(PG) -1 Bareilly-Unnao 1 Mau 200 MVA ICT 1 Kanpur(PG)-Mainpuri(UP) Mandola(PG)-Narela(DTL) 2 Duni(RVPNL)-Kota(PG) Balia-Bhiwadi Pole 2 Kota(PG)-Shree Cement(CSL) Bassi-Kawai (temp.arrangment ) Agra-Jaipur South-2 Balia-Patna 3 Bhiwani-Dehar Bareilly-Unnao 2 Jodhpur II(RVPNL)-Kankroli(PG) 1 Dhanonda(HVPNL)-Mohindergarh(Adani) ckt-2 Allahabad 315 MVA ICT 2 Debari(RVPNL)-RAPS B(NPC) G.Noida 500 MVA ICT 4 Badarpur(NTPC)-Noida sec 20s(UP) TOTAL 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 105 Annexure-III The status of submission of progress of rectification of deficiencies Utility No. of Sub-stns/Switchyard covered Status submitted on under BPA UPPTCL 19 (400 kV Panki & 220 kV Panki S/s considered as one and 765 kV Unnao & 400 kV Unnao S/s considered as one unit) 1st September, 2014 Current Status: Major rectification is completed. However the balance rectification works are expected to be completed by end of March 2015. For replacement of some of the defective/obsolete equipments, procurement action has been initiated/ is under initiation. Out of those, completion schedule of some equipment has not been indicated though desired action has been indicated but plan has not been indicated. The sub-station wise status of balance rectification of defects is as under: 400 kV Agra: (i) Replacement of static relays to numerical relays for ICT-I & II by October, 2014 (ii) Auto reclose feature on 220 kV feeders by January, 2015 (iii) EL of both 400 kV & 220 kV are under procurement, expected delivery be indicate; 400 kV Panki: (i) 220 kV BBP Scheme is extension of 220 kV Panki S/s, Panel received and installed, commissioning Engineer is awaited for commissioning of BBP Panel, expected by October, 2014 (ii) EL under procurement by Oct.’14; 220 kV Panki: Separate status for this sub-station be given by UPPTCL. 400/220 kV Sarojini Nagar: (i) A/R feature on 220 kV Raibareli (PG) line expected by Nov., 2014 (ii) All EL by March, ‘15 (ii) 2 nos. SF6 Bkrs (one for Bus Coupler & another for TBC) require to be replaced, expected by March, ’15; 400 kV Sultanpur: (i) Replacement of 400 kV BBP expected by March, 2015 (ii) (a) PLCC panels for 400 kV Azamgarh line (for Main-II) by Oct.’14, (b) PLCC for 220 kV NTPC Tanda 1&2 by March, ’15 and (c) PLCC for 220 kV Phoolpur end by March, ’15, (d) PLCC for 220 kV Sohawal line is operative from Sultanpur end but ETL panel is defective from Sohwal end, expected by December, ‘14 (iii) A/R feature of Azamgarh line is not functional, efforts are being taken to enable A/R feature (v) EL by March, ’15; 400 kV Unnao: (i) Replacement of static relays on all 220 kV feeders by way of retrofitting by March, ’15 (ii) EL to be replaced, requirement submitted. Expected time not given by UPPTCL, UPPTCL may indicate the expected time to provide EL (iii) Bareilly-I & Bareilly-II are having REL relays and PGCIL-LKO-I & PGCIL-LKO-II are having Old Micom relays, these relays are not having additional port and are presently not time synchronized. UPPTCL may submit Action taken and expected time of completion; 400 kV Bareilly: (i) Requirement of PLCC equipments on 220 kV lines other than 220 kV Pithoragarh and Dhauliganga lines (i.e. for Shahjahanpur, Dohana, C.B Ganj lines) have been submitted, commissioning expected by March, ’15 (ii) UPPTCL clarified that PLCC for Pantnagar line is to be provided by PTCUL (iii) EL expected by March, ‘15 (iv) Time synchronization of 400 kV PGCIL line (M-II relays) and 220 kV lines of NHPC are required by respective utilities. However, action taken by UPPTCL to ensure installation by POWERGRID and NHPC has not been indicated (iv) Enhancing capacity of battery charger for 48 V (20/50A) & 220 V (20/60A) and providing Testing equipment by March, ‘15. Action: (1) PTCUL to expedite installation of PLCC system on 400 kV Bareilly- Pantnagar line. (2) Action needs to be taken by POWERGRID & NHPC for item appearing at (iv) above for ensuring of time synchronization with GPS Clock. 220 kV Chinhat: No issue is pending. Completed. No further action is required. 220 kV Moradabad: (i) BBP testing completed, commissioning by Oct. ‘14, (ii) PLCC with protection coupler for 220 kV CB Ganj feeder by March, ’15 (iii) LBB commissioning under progress expected commissioning by Oct. 2014 (iv) A/R feature of 220 kV Moradabad-Sambhal line by Oct. ’14 (two cards in PLCC cabinet at Sambhal end are defective, sent to ABB for repair) (v) A/R feature for 220 kV CB Ganj shall be enabled after commissioning of PLCC cabinet by March, ’15 and (vi) A/R feature of 220 kV Moradabad-Nehtaur line at Moradabad end is not available, under procurement, commissioning expected by March,’15 (vii) EL by March, ’15; 400 kV Moradabad: (i) 400 kV DP relay (M2) of Kashipur line by December, 2014 (ii) EL by March, ’15; 400 kV Muradnagar: (i) Retrofitting work of 3 nos. numerical relays on 220 kV lines (Muradnagar-I and Sahibabad - I & II) is in progress and shall be completed by Oct., 2014, (ii) BBP of 220 kV by March, ‘15 (iii) PLCC installation on 400 kV Muradnagar- Panki line shall be commissioned after shifting of Wave Trap and CVTs expected commissioning by Oct. 2014 (iv) Commissioning of PLCC cabinets on 220 kV Sahibabad-I & II and Muradnagar – I & II is expected by March, ’15, (v) After retrofitting of numerical relays, LBB protection of all 220 kV feeders will be put in service by Oct. ’14, (vi) A/R feature of 400 kV Muradnagar – Panki line shall be enabled after shifting of Wave trap & CVTs as there is problem in PLCC signal (vii) A/R features on 220 kV feeders are not available with old relays and will be enabled after retrofitting of numerical DP relays by Oct. ‘14 (viii) EL by March, ‘15 (ix) GPS clock on Agra (M2), Muzaffarnagar (M2) and 220 kV feeders are not time synchronized. For the same retrofitting work of 220 kV relays is under progress and expected by Oct. ’14. 400 kV Gr. Noida: (i) Old & damaged BBP (400 kV) shall be replaced by March, ‘15 & BBP (220 kV) old protection of 10 feeders shall be replaced with 16 feeders protection by March, ’15 (ii) PLCC system on 220 kV Sec20 and Sec-62 shall be installed & commissioned by March, ‘15(iii) LBB protection on 400 kV and 220 kV will be made functional with commissioning of BBP of 400 kV & 220kV by March, ‘15 (iv) A/R feature on 220 kV by December, ‘14 (v) EL by March,’15 (vi) Synchronization of GPS clock with Numerical relays of 400 kV Dadri (M1 & M2) & Navada (M1 &M2), 220 kV Sec-20 & Sec-62, DR & EL by Dec. ’14; 400 kV Muzaffarnagar: (i) BBP on 400 kV & 220 kV are not installed, expected by March, ‘15 (ii) PLCC system of 220 kV Shamli line by Oct. ‘14 (iii) LBB (400 kV & 220 kV) protection shall be made functional with commissioning of 400 kV & 220 kV BBP by March, ‘15 (iv) A/R feature of 220 kV MZN-Shamli and MZN- Nanauta line are not working, as A/R facility is not available at Muzaffarnagar end, under procurement, commissioning expected by by March, ‘15 (v) EL by March,’15; 220 kV Nara: (i) BBP panel commissioning under progress, expected by October, 2014 (ii) PLCC system of 220 kV Nara-Roorkee line at Roorkee is not installed by PTCUL (LILO of Nara-Rishikesh was done at Roorkee) expected by March, ’15 (iii) LBB Protection shall be commissioned with commissioning of BBP by Oct. ’14 (iv) EL by March, ’15. Action: PTCUL may ensure providing of PLCC system at Roorkee. 400 kV Sarnath: (i) Retrofitting of balance 3 nos. DPP of 220 kV and 2 nos. DPP of 132 kV (non-numerical) relays shall be completed by October,’14. (ii) 400 kV & 220 kV BBP are not working and under procurement, expected commissioning by October, ‘14 (iii) PLCC system of (a) Allahabad PG-2 nos. (b) Sasaram PG-1 no. to be made functional by POWERGRID and (c) Anpara L-3 & (d) Anpara L-5 both by UPPTCL. PLCC Panel for item (d) Anpara (L5) has been received, expected commissioning of PLCC of (L-5) by Sept., ’14 and of L-3 at (c) by Oct.’14 (iv) EL- by October, ‘14 (v) Replacement of 7 nos. 400 kV CBs and 5 nos. of 220 kV CBs is expected by October, 2014. Action: POWERGRID to expedite early restoration of PLCC system of Allahabad (2 nos.) and Sasaram (1 no.). 400 kV Gorakhpur: (i) 3 nos. DPP of static relays shall be replaced with numerical relays on 220 kV lines including T/F by October, ‘14. (ii) (a) Replacement of defective & obsolete 220 kV BBP is expected by October, ‘14 , (b) Though 400 kV BBP are functioning but are static (iii) PLCC system on 400 kV GorakhpurAzamgarh link and 220 kV lines shall be expected to be replaced by October, ‘14 (iv) EL by October, ‘14 (vi) Out of 3 nos. SF6 Bkr. 2 nos. have been replaced and third one no. 220 kV SF6 CB is also replaced on 28.08.14. 400 kV Kasara (Mau): (I) 400 kV BBP shall be expected to commission by October, 2014 (ii) Defective PLCC with protection coupler of (a) 400 kV Mau - Balia PGI (M-I) & (M- II) - 2nos. need to be replaced by POWERGRID (iii) EL by October, 2014 (iv) 1 no. of 400 kV CB has been received at S/s and commissioning by Aug. ’14. The requirement of 3 nos. old & Obsolete CBs has been sent, under procurement, expected commissioning by October, ’14. POWERGRID has reported that out of 2 nos. 400 kV Mau-Balia (M-I & M-II) lines, only Mau-I, Channel-I was found defective and same has been rectified on 10.09.2014. UPPTCL to report the status the functionality of PLCC for this sub-stn. 400 kV Azamgarh: (i) 400 kV BBP is under procurement, likely to commission by October,’14 & 220 BBP received at s/s, expected commissioning in Oct. ’14 (ii) LBB Protection (220 kV) shall be made functional by Oct. ’14 with commissioning of 220 kV BBP(iii) (a) Commissioning of PLCC system for 400 kV AzamgarhGorakhpur line ( 2 nos.) and (b) PLCC system for 400 kV Azamgarh - Sultanpur line at Azamgarh end both by Sept, 2014 (iv) EL by October,’14, 2014 (v) Commissioning of remaining 05 nos. 400 kV CBs shall be replaced by October, 2014. 220 kV Fatehpur: (i) (a) 1 no. 220 kV DPP of numerical type has been tested and shall be commissioned in Sept. ’14 (b) 2 nos. DPP of 132 kV is expected to be replaced by Sept. ‘14 (ii) 220 kV BBP panel received expected commissioning in Sept. ’14 (iii) PLCC with protection coupler on 220 kV is available, commissioning expected by Sept. ’14 (iv) LBB protection for 220 kV will be replaced by Sept.’14 (v) A/R feature on 220 kV will be expected to make functional by October,’14 (vi) EL by October, ‘14 (vii) 1 no. of 220 kV and 2 nos. of 132 kV DPP relays are not synchronized with GPS clock because of non numerical. These will be synchronized after replacement with numerical DPP in Sept, ’14 (viii) Distance/Time co-ordination of PGCIL-I/II and Unchahar-I/II & 160 MVA-I expected to be completed by Sept. ’14 (ix) Replacement of 2 nos. 220 kV CBs (old & Obsolete) by October, 2014, (x) Breaker timing measurement of Unchahar-I and 160 MVA T/F by end of Sept. ’14. UPRVUNL 4 19.08.2014 Major rectification works completed. Balance rectification are expected to be completed by September, 2014. The current status is as under: Anpara: (i) PLCC panels in remaining lines L-3 by Oct.’14 & L-5 by Sept.’14 shall be taken up by UPPTCL (AS reported by UPPTCL). Action: UPPTCL to restore the PLCC system at earliest. Obra ‘A’ : - (i)Time synchronization with GPS clock expected to complete by Nov.’14, (ii) BBP panel expected to complete by Nov.’14. (iii) PLCC restoration by UPPTCL. Action: UPPTCL to restore the PLCC system at earliest. Obra‘B’: Observations of deficiencies rectified and Completed. Harduaganj: (i) Rectification of E/F in DC system is expected to complete by Oct.’14, (ii) BBP shall be made functional by Oct.’14, (iii) Restoration of PLCC by UPPTCL. Action: UPPTCL may ensure early restoration of PLCC system. RRVPNL 8 01.08.2014 Major rectification works has been completed. The balance rectification are expected to be completed by July, 2015. The current status is as under: 220 kV GSS Bhilwara: Protection related deficiencies is rectified and no issue is pending. Hence, completed. 220 kV GSS Khetrinagar: Protection related deficiencies are rectified and no issue is pending. Hence, completed. 220 kV GSS Sakatpura (Kota): Defects rectified. No action is required. 400 kV GSS Bhilwara: (i) Presently only one DC source is available for 220 kV & 132 kV system i.e.220 V & 110 V respectively. RRVPNL on this account has stated that no action is required as there is a provision of single source for 220 kV GSS, (ii) For 400 kV & 220 kV CTs, DGA of oil of CTs will be carried out within one month i.e. Sept.’14, (iii) All 390 kV LAs of Line Reactor to be replaced by 336 kV LAs. RRVPNL stated that no action is required in this regard. 400 kV GSS Jodhpur: (i) Merta – I main BHEL breaker (452) having hydraulic system problem shall be rectified within a month i.e. Sept.’14, (iii) The problem in Protection channel-I of 400 kV JodhpurKankroli feeder is from Kankroli end and PGCIL is being pursued for the same POWERGRID informed that the line losses are very high in 400 kV Jodhpur-Kankroli line, low SNR problem, maximum AGC obtained is 20. Hence, POWERGRID has decided to upgrade ETL 41 to ETL-81 panel. Panel received and Service Engineer arrived on 17.09.2014 for commissioning. RRVPNL to report the status the functionality of PLCC for this sub-stn. 400 kV GSS Mertacity: (i) 220 kV Bus-bar protection scheme is under up-gradation for which Panel is available and M/s AREVA & M/s SREX were requested for erection and commissioning, expected commissioning by Feb.’15 (ii) The commissioning of Emulsifire system of ILT-2 shall be completed in six months i.e. Feb. ‘15. 400 kV GSS Ratangarh:. (i) All the relays except Siemens make relays shall be GPS time synchronized within 3 months (i.e. Feb. ’15) (ii) DR facilities in transformer shall be completed within 6 months (i.e. Feb. ’15) (iii) Overhauling of pneumatic drives of all CBs will be done within 3months (i.e. Nov. ’14) and (v) Bus bar protection scheme for 400 kV shall be completed in one year and for 220 kV within 2 years (i.e. by Aug. ’15 & Aug.’16 respectively ). 400 kV GSS Heerapur: Completed. No action is required. RRVUNL 2 Suratgarh- 19.08.14 and Kota- 16.09.2014 Suratgarh STPS: Major rectification works have been completed. However, following are to be completed: (i) In 400 kV Ratangarh- 1 & 2 feeders, A/R facility is not put in services because E/F on these two feeders persists due to defective insulator strings and A/R further stress the equipments. Reason thereby A/R cann’t be put in service until replacement of defective insulator strings, (ii) Norms for 2nd source of DC supply is applicable to new sub-stns and Suratgarh is commissioned way back in 1997 and hence not need to place (iii) DR will be made available by Sept.’14. RRVUNL to update status as DR was expected by Sept.’14. Kota STPS: (i) Replacement of balance static distance protection relays for 220 kV Gulabpura & Beawar by Aug.’14; Heerapur, Sanganer & Sakatpura- I&II feeders by march ’15 (ii) Main-II protection relays of Sakatpura # I & II feeders subsequent to are expected to complete by March,’15, (v) Main-II protection relays of Sakatpura # I, II, III & IV feeders by March,’15, (iii) GPS facility and EL by March,’15 (iv) PLCC system with protection coupler for 220 kV Gulabpura-Beawar line needs to be rectified by RRVPNL, (v) DR for 220 kV sakatpura- I, II ,III & IV line by March, ‘15 Action: RRVPNL may restore PLCC system with protection channel of 220 kV Gulabpura – Beawar line. August, 2013 HVPNL 1 Kirori S/s: Rectification completed. No action is required. 06.08.2014 (for PTPS-I) & 07.08.2014 (PSTP-II # 5 & 6 , 7 & 8) PSTP-I : (i) Main-I & main-II on different DC source by 31.03.2015, (ii) GPS system by 31.03.2015 (iii) Replacement of ABCBs on 220 Sewah 1,2 & 3 and Sonepat 1 & 2 with SF6 CBs by 31.03.2015 (iv) New SF6 CBs will be enabled of A/R features by 31.03.2015. PSTP-II (#5&6, 7&8) : (i) Ensuring of Carrier Protection Coupler on feeders Rohtak 1&2 and Karnal lines in case of feeders are connected with grid, the issue is being pursued with HVPNL(ii) Time synchronization with GPS clock by March,’15, (iii) Numerical DPR relays for retrofitting of Karnal, Nissing -& 2, Safidon-I are completed, balance of Safidon-2 and Rotak –line are with one numerical relay, Main-2 on these will be placed by March, ’15. HVPNL vide Memo no.Ch-63/PC-4/Vol-V/SLDC/OP dt. 17.09.2014 has informed that the carrier protection coupler of 220 kV Rohtak-PTPS Ckts. and 220 kV Karnal-PTPS lines are in working condition. HPGCL, Panipat to confirm that speech channels of both lines is in working order. PSTCL 3 21.08. 2014 The defects fall under category-A have been attended. The defects under Category-B shall be completed by 31.08.2014 except CIT schemes which shall be completed likely by 31.03.2015. HPGCL 3 PSPCL 1 April, 2014 The balance installation/rectification of numerical Distance Protection relays and GPS synchronizing of Main-2, Distance Protection relay expected to complete by May 2014. DTL 1 16.09. 2014 (i) E/F in DC system almost completed (eliminated), (ii) Procurement of Numerical distance protection relays for 400 kV & 220 kV system is under process expected to complete the rectification of related defects in DPP and providing EL and DR by Dec.’14, (iii) Replacement of Battery set by Dec.2014. POWERGRID reported that PLCC system with protection coupler to Mandola sub-stn is not working. Action: DTL may restore the PLCC system. HPSEB Ltd. 1 09.09. 2014 (i) Installation of 220 V DC Battery as second source, (ii) “+ve” terminal of battery terminal earthed still prevalent after availing s/d of 220 kV Kunihar- Bhaba Ckt-I & II. Complete S/D of whole 220/132 kV Yard will be taken to restrict E/F (iii) 220 kV numerical Bus Bar relay (iv) Disturbance Recorder, (v) Event Logger, (vi) GPS system (vii) Protection Coupler. Sl.no. (iii) to (vii) shall be procured. HPSEB Ltd. conveyed earlier that all efforts shall be made for rectification by November, 2014 except defects at sl.no. (ii). PTCUL 2 May,2014 Rectification of balance work is expected to complete by November 2014 UJVNL 1 November, 2012 Latest status not known. Though during 98th OCC meeting UJVNL informed that they would submit the latest status of rectification as well as target completion but no information is received by NRPC Secretariat. During this OCC meeting no Representative from UJVNL attended the meeting. PDD, J&K 3 November, 2012 Latest status not known. No Representative from PDD,J&K attended this OCC meeting. BBMB 7 11.09.2014 Major work is completed. The balance work of rectification of protection related deficiencies is under progress and expected to complete by March, 2015. However observation related to civil work “Water logging in cable trenches at 220 kV Ch. Dadri” and “Service road in switchyard area at Ch. Dadri” will be expected to complete by June, 2015. The balance work (i) replacement of Static to numerical DP relays (ii) Main-I & Main-II DP scheme of different make/characteristic, (i) & (ii) by Sept.’14 (iii) Protection in 220 V DC system at Jamalpur by Oct.’14, (iv) Synchronizing Trolley at 220 kV Jamalpur and MISS Ganguwal and (v) PLCC system for 220 kV Ganguwal, both (iv) & (v) by Nov. ‘14 (vi) A/R feature of SF6 CB at 400/220 kV Dehar by Dec. ’14, (vii) EL by Mar. ’15 POWER 46 18.09. 2014 (NR-I) & GRID 20.08.2014 (NR-II) UPPTCL to coordinate with POWERGRID for commissioning of PLCC panels at both ends of 220 kV Jhusi-Phoolpur line Which are available at both ends. Regarding enabling of PLCC system on 220 kV Allahabad- Rewa Road-I & II, the PLCC equipments commissioned at both ends and UPPTCL to provide Wave traps at Rewa end and Wave trap to be wired with Distance Protection Relay. UPPTCL to expedite the following works to enable PLCC system and A/R feature on 220 kV Allahabad-RewaRoad-I & II 1. Wave trap at 220 kV Allahabad-Rewa road I&II to be provided. Wave trap to be wired with relay. 2. New DP relays to be provided on 220 kV Allahabad-Rewa Road- I&II to enable A/R scheme. DP UPPTCL reported that time synchronization of Main-II relays on 400 kV PGCIL lines to UPPTCL’s lines at Bareilly are not done. Action: POWERGRID need to attend and rectify time synchronization with GPS clock. UPPTCL reported that the PLCC system of 400 kV Allahabad- Sarnath lines (2 nos.) and Sarnath - Sasaram (1 no.) line need to be restored by POWERGRID. Action: POWERGRID need to restore PLCC system as above. UPPTCL reported that POWERGRID’s PLCC system of 400 kV Kasar (Mau) - Balia (M-I) & (M-II) - (2 nos.) need to be restored by POWERGRID. POWERGRID informed that defects have been rectified on 10.09.2014. UPPTCL has reported that Main-II relays of 220 kV lines coming from Tanakpur to UPPTCL’s Bareilly S/s are not time synchronized and need to be rectified. Action: POWERGRID POWERGRID (NR-I) has completed the other rectification of deficiencies work. However, POWERGRID need to resolve the issues of PLCC related deficiencies at other utilities end. POWERGRID (NR-II) has also completed the rectification of protection related deficiencies except issues of PLCC related to SJVNL. 10 19.08.2014 NTPC Majority of rectification works have been completed. However, rectification linked to procurement is expected to complete by December, 2014. A brief of status of balance rectification/replacement is placed below: Auraiya: Anta: Tanda: 1. Main-I & Main-II 1. Protection Coupler on 220 kV MPPTCL 1. BBP and LBB for all feeders DPP of different lines to be provided by MPPTCL. No – Panels received except make/characteristic- response from MPPTCL. Issue needs to be control cable. Panel 31.12.’14. resolved thro’ WRPC forum. commissioning started. By NRPC Secretariat has taken up issue 31.12.’14. through WRPC forum. 2. PLCC with protection coupler of all lines are owned & maintained by UPPTCL. These Action: MPPTCL. are 220 kV Tanda-Sultanpur- I & II. As per UPPTCL, these shall be expected to complete by March ’15. Dadri Gas Thermal: & 1.Electromechanical protection relay for transformer by numerical relay shall be replaced by Dec.’14. Action: UPPTCL may expedite early restoration. Unchahar: 400/220 kV DadriS/s: 1. PLCC on 220 kV Fatehpur-2 line shall be 1. 400 kV Panipat-1 line does commissioned by UPPTCL. not have GPS synchronization facility. New relay shall be 2. Replacement of balance static DP for 220 retrofitted by Dec.’14. kV Kanpur lines -1,2,3 & 4 by Dec. ’14. 2. Panipat –I line one relay 3. A/R feature on Kanpur-1,2,3 & 4 lines by shall be replaced of different Dec.’14. make/characteristic by Aug.’14. Action (Item 1): UPPTCL may commission PLCC system on 220 kV Fatehpur-2 line. Singrauli: Vindhyachal: Rihand: 1. Main-I & Main-II Completed. No further action required. of different Make/characteristic for Allahabad-! & 2, Anpara, Rihand-II and Vindhyachal HVDC-I & II lines – October,’14. 1.Replacement of balance static DP Relays with Numerical relays - Dec.’14. NHPC 10.09. 2014 8 2.DR for 400 kV Singrauli- 1&2 feeders. - Dec.’14 Major rectification works have been completed However, status of balance works expected to complete at different Power House is given below: (i) Redundancy of 48 V DC source need to be ensured. NHPC however stated Chamera-II that it is not required right now. NHPC to comply with the observation in view of redundancy required. Completed. No action is required. Uri-I All distance relays of numerical type and Main-I & II should be of different Chamera-III make/characteristics shall be replaced in future. NHPC to comply the observation. (i) 48 V Battery bank-II expected to complete by November, ‘14 Chamera-I (i) 220 kV CB Ganj Bareilly & Sitarganj lines having Main-I &II Numerical relays Tanakpur of quadrilateral characteristics expected by December, ‘14 (ii) Numerical relays for132 kV Mahender Nagar line and in place of existing electromechanical B/B protection relays of 220 kV Bus with DR & Time synchronization features are expected to complete by Dec. ‘14. (iii) PLCC speech channel of 220 kV Bareilly line and 132 kV Mahender Nagar line to be restored by POWERGRID. Dhauliganga Salal Dulhasti SJVNL E/F in DC System PLCC System POWERGRID informed that the speech channel of Tanakpur-Bareilly line has been rectified on 10.08.2014. Action: Regarding maintaining PLCC communication for 132 kV Tanakpur- Mahendernagar line, POWERGRID requested NHPC to establish with documents that PLCC system of this is to be maintained by POWERGRID. (i) Main-I of DHG-I & II lines shall be time synchronized. NHPC informed that the Issue has been taken up with Alstom. NHPC informed that restoration work of Dhauliganga would be completed by September,’14. New GPS system is under procurement and is expected by October, 2014. (i) Alstom, France make GIS model T-155 is claimed obsolete technology. Accordingly (a) purchase of Surge Arrestor along with accessories is in tendering stage, expected completion by Aug.’15 (b) Purchase of Spare parts of GIS is under process, budgetary offer received from OEM and is under procurement (ii) BPL make PLCC panels of 400 kV Dulhasti- Kishenpur line has mal-operated many times. The issue needs to be resolved with BPL by POWERGRID. This has been taken up with POWERGRID for early resolution. POWERGRID informed that defective cards are under procurement from BPL and shall be made operational once cards are available. 1 12.09.2014 The E/F on DC System shall be rectified during lean season’s starts from October,’14 and likely to complete by December, ’14. BPL PLCC Exchange is not working due to defective cards in said Exchange from POWERGRID side. It plays a communication link between Karcham Dam & NJPC C/R. Further, the Wide Band Phone 500402 which plays a vital communication link between NRLDC & NJHPS, is not working since last many months. THDC Work completed. NPCIL POWERGRID informed vide their mail dt.11.09.14 that their Engineer had visited Bhawana to attend voice communication via PLCC of Jhakri. He found communication to Abdulapur, Panchkula & Bhawana are O.K. The Site Engineer suggested to check at NRLDC Exchange but NRLDC did not allow to check wiring at NRLDC. Since, non-permission by NRLDC, matter is kept pending. POWERGRID (NR-II) requested to do needful in this regard. 07.07. 2014 1 1 22nd August, 2014 GPS clock is under procurement. Subsequent to supply and commissioning expected by October, 2014, DR etc shall be time synchronized.. Lanco Power 1 No deficiencies observed. No action is required. JPVL 3 Deficiencies rectified. No action is required. July, 2013 Annexure- IV Third Party Protection Audit Anticipa ted/Targ et completi on of protecti on audit 8 months Substations/ Switchyard s covered in Basic Protection audit 220 kV-4 440 kV-4 Proposed no. of S/s or S/y for Protection Audit Agency carrying out Protection Audit 220 kV-39 400 kV-5 CPRI 220 kV-56 400 kV- 7 220 kV-1 (Kirori) 220 kV-5 (Tepla, Bastara, Masudpur, Sector-72 Gurgaon & A-5 Faridabad) From panel of Protection Experts formed by NRPC - PSTCL 220 kV-71 220 kV-3 (Sarna, Ajitgarh & Govindgarh ) 220 kV-11 From CPRI - DTL 220 kV-30 400 kV-3 400 kV-1 (Bamnauli) 220 kV-25 From panel of Protection Experts formed by NRPC - S. No Constitue nt(s)/ Utility(s) Total no. of Substations and Switchyard s 1 RRVPNL 132 kV-351 220 kV-86 400 kV-9 2 HVPNL 3 4 Status/Remark, if any TPA of KSTPS & SSTPS has been carried out by CPRI and after examination of audit report, RRVPNL is in correspondence with CPRI on the deficiencies pointed out by them. RRVPNL that submitted the Protection Audit report carried out by CPRI TPA of Sector-72, Gurgaon and A-5, Faridabad has been carried out and report submitted. Further, HVPNL proposed TPA of Tepla & Bastara sub-stations. NRPC Secretariat issued order for protection audit of these two nos. Substns. on 25.04.2014. This order had been revised on 08.09.2014 as previous team formed for audit of above s/s could not carry out the Audit In 96th meeting, it was intimated that work including those of PSPCL stations has been awarded to CPRI. In 95th OCC meeting, DTL had submitted list of 25 nos. 220 kV S/s identified for TPA. Out of these TPA of 400 kV Mundka and 220 kV Shalimarbagh has been carried out. Further, DTL proposed TPA of Rohini-I & Mehrauli 5 HPSEB Ltd. 220 kV-8 220 kV-1 (Kunihar) 220 kV-7 From panel of Protection Experts formed by NRPC 6 UPPTCL 132 kV- 276 220 kV-73 400 kV-14 765 kV-1 220 kV-3 400 kV-14 220 kV-41 CPRI - 7 PTCUL 132 kV-26 220 kV-6 400 kV-2 400 kV-2 220 kV- 4 132 kV- 1 From NRPC Team of Protection Experts - (i) 220 kV Roorkee, (ii) 220 kV Hardwar (SIDCUL), (iii) 220 kV Pantnagar (SIDCUL), (iv) 220 kV Kamluaganja & (v) 132 kV Majra. Protectio n audit carried out on 20.05.20 14 sub-stations. NRPC secretariat issued order on 25.045.2014for protection audit of these two nos. Substns.. TPA of Rohini-I and Mehrauli substations has been completed on 13.05.2014 & 15.05.2015 respectively. In 90th OCC meeting, HPSEBL submitted the list of remaining 7 nos. Substation including 220 kV Jassure Substation for TPA. HPSEBL proposed TPA of Jassure & Baddi substations. Protection audit of 220 kV Jassure S/s was carried out by team of Protection Experts nominated by NRPC Sectt. on 20.05.2014. Team has submitted the report. TPA of 41 nos. Substations has been awarded to CPRI on 22.01.2014 with the completion period of one year. PTCUL vide letter no. 78/CE(P)/PTCUL dated 18.01.2014 requested to arrange TPA of 5 sub-stations. In 98th meeting, PTCUL proposed TPA of Roorkee & Haridwar (SIDCUL) sub-stations on priority. NRPC Secretariat issued order for protection audit of Roorkee and Haridwar (SIDCUL) Sub-stns. on 25.04.2014. This order had been revised on 08.09.2014 as previous team formed for audit of above s/s could not carry out the Audit 8 UPRVUNL 9 RRVUNL 10 HPGCL 220 kV-5 400 kV- 2 220 kV-2 (Obra &, Harduaganj ) 400 kV-2 (Anpara, Obra-‘B’) 220 kV-2 (KTPS, STPS) 220 kV-4 (Panipat, Khodri & Yamunanag ar) 220 kV-3 (Panipat & Khodri) 220 kV-3 CPRI Anticipat ed completi on time-6 months Generating Stns-4 CPRI 8 months Yet to be identified No information - Order placed on CPRI for TPA on 17.08.2013 in respect of Parichha TPS and on 07.08.2013 in respect of Panki TPS. S/Y of Parichha TPS audited from 26th -28th November, 2013 and S/Y of Panki TPS audited from 30th November, 2013 – 2nd December, 2013. Reports are awaited from CPRI. In 90th OCC meeting, representative of RRVPNL informed that protection audit of KTPS & STPS & DCCPP has been completed. TPA Reports submitted vide letter dt. 17.12.2013. However, DCCPP vide letter dt. 31.01.2014 has informed that CPRI had collected data of Gen. Trafo., testing of Battery banks and PLCC signals. SE(O), NRPC requested to share the report of PA. The representative of RRVUNL informed that the clarification has been sought for on observation from CPRI. Giral Lignite Power Ltd., Barmer, has submitted a copy of report of TPA done by CPRI of Units # I & II. HPGCL had requested to take action for TPA of balance Gen. Plants. Accordingly, NRPC would form a TPA team to audit the Generating stations of HPGCL. NRPC vide letter dt. 2nd May, ’14 issued authorization to carry out protection audit of DCRTPP, HPGCL SE, DCRTPP, 11 PSPCL 220 kV-3 220 kV-1 (Ropar) 12 UJVNL 132 kV-3 220 kV-3 220 kV-1 (Khodri) 13 PDD, J&K 132 kV-51 220 kV-10 220 kV-3 14 BBMB 17 nos. 220 kV S/s and S/y 3 nos. 400 kV S/ss 400 kV- 3 at Panipat, Bhiwani & Dehar 220 kV- 4 at Jamalpur, Samaypur, Ch. Dadri & Ganguwal Yamunanagar informed that the team constituted by NRPC Secretariat carried out protection audit on 05.05.2014. TPA awarded to CPRI in the order of PSTCL. 03 Generating stations 1. 132 kV Chilla Power House Switchyard CPRI - Proposal for Chilla received from CPRI. - 2. Remaining Switchyard proposed to be carried out by NRPC team of Protection experts. Yet to be identified Balance by NRPC team of Protection Experts. UJVNL had intimated in 94th OCC meeting that the offer from CPRI has been received for Chilla PH. UJVNL was requested to intimate the latest status of TPA regarding award to CPRI. - 17nos.-220 kV, 3 nos.-400 kV CPRI. (Award placed on 20.05.2013) PDD, J&K was requested to intimate as to how they propose for TPA The work of data collection for analysis by CPRI of all the sub-stations/Grid stations of BBMB has been completed. The ETE testing of the four transmission lines is also completed during December 2013. However the work like checking the healthiness of DC Systems, PLCC and FOC is under progress by CPRI team. The work is likely to be completed by end of April 2014. In this meeting, the Representative of BBMB informed that the work has been completed during May, ’14 and the report shall be shared in the next Protection sub-committee. It is also informed that the observation of deficiencies is already underway of rectification. No information 1 year (April, 2014) 15 POWERG RID 220 kV-3 400 kV-43 (incl. of 3 of 765 kV) 765 kV-8 HVDC-5 220 kV-1 400 kV-9 132 kV-1 220 kV-5 400 kV-4 No Proposal - - - 220 kV-1 400 kV-9 220 kV-4 400 kV-4 Not required 1 (220 kV Baira Siul) - - No action required. Team of Protection Experts from POWERGRI D & HPSEB Ltd. nominated by NRPC - CPRI July, 2014 Team nominated by NRPC has carried out TPA at Baira Siul. NHPC informed that TPA was completed on 5th December, 2013. NHPC intimated the nature of deficiencies observed and action plan submitted to rectify the deficiencies. As per action plan deficiencies shall be expected to rectify by May, 2014 December, 2014. The representative of THDCIL informed in this OCC that TPA has been awarded to CPRI with completion schedule of 06 months i.e. by July 2014. No action required. 400 kV-33 765 kV-6 HVDC-5 16 NTPC 17 NHPC 18 THDC 400 kV-2 (Tehri & Koteshwar) 400 kV-1 (Tehri) 400 kVKoteshwar 19 SJVNL 400 kV-1 Not required - - 20 NPCIL 400 kV- 1 (Nathpa Jakri) 220 kV-4 400 kV-1 220 kV-1 (NAPS) From panel of Protection Experts formed by NRPC (proposed) - TPA has been carried out by the team of protection experts and point wise clarification on observations submitted by NPCIL. 21 APPCL 400 kV-1 400 kV-1 RAPS-‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ (1x200 MW generating unit with 1x200 kV switchyard, 2x200 MW generating units with 1x200 kV switchyard & 2x200 MW generating units with 1x200 kV & 1x400 kV Switchyrds) 400 kV - 1 From panel of Protection Experts formed by NRPC (proposed) - TPA has been carried out by the team of protection experts and point wise clarification on observations submitted by APPCL. 22 23 Lanco Power JPVL 765 kV-1 (Anpara’C’) 400 kV-3 765kV-1 24 AD Hydro 220 kV-1 - 25 Rosa Power 400 kV - 1 220 kV-1 400 kV- 1 220 kV- 1 26 JPL Power Ltd. 400 kV CLP Jhajjar Switchyard -1 400 kV-3 400 kV Switchyard -1 Not required Not required Proposed from CPRI Proposed from CPRI Proposed from NRPC team of Protection Experts - - Not required - - Not required - - - Offer from CPRI received. Award under process - Order issued by NRPC Secretariat - The representative of Rosa Power had intimated that they had received offers from CPRI. Work order placed. CPRI visited the power plant and collected all relevant documents on 30.05.2014. Rosa power handed over all requisite information to CPRI. In 28th NRPC meeting held on 26.04.2013, JPL Power had requested that their 400 kV Switchyard, Jhajjar be audited by pool of protection experts formed by NRPC Secretariat. Accordingly, NRPC Secretariat issued order for carrying out protection audit of the above switchyard on 08.09.2014. Annex-V Units required Units Units operating Units operating Units exempted Units applied to to operate operating under FGMO with from RGMO/ CERC for under RGMO/ under RGMO with manual inoperative FGMO by exemption/ FGMO as per control to governor CERC extension IEGC achieve RGMO /locked governor S.No. Power Station 1 1 CENTRAL SECTOR NTPC (Thermal) 1 Badarpur TPS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Singrauli STPS Rihand STPS Dadri NCTPS Unchahar-I TPS Unchahar-II TPS Unchahar-III TPS Tanda TPS Anta GPS Auraiya GPS Dadri GPS Faridabad GPS APCPL 13 Indira Gandhi STPS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 No of units 4 Installed Capacity 3x95 + 2x210 5 5x200 + 2x500 2x500+2x500 4x210+2x490 2x210 2x210 1X210 4x110 3x88.71+1x153.2 4x111.19+2x109.3 4x130.19+2x154.51 2x137.76+1x156.07 7 4 6 2 2 1 4 4 6 6 3 3x500 3 3x60 3x115 + 3x115 3x40 3x180 3x100 3x77 4x120 4x70 3x130 3x40 3 6 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 Unit size 2 NHPC Bairasiul Salal Tanakpur HPS Chamera-I HPS Chamera-II HPS Chamera-III HPS Uri HPS Dhauliganga Dulhasti Sewa-II 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 705.00 2 0 0 2 0 2 2000.00 2000.00 1820.00 420.00 420.00 210.00 440.00 419.33 663.36 829.78 431.59 7 4 6 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 180.00 690.00 120.00 540.00 300.00 231.00 480.00 280.00 390.00 120.00 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500 Reason for seeking exemption/ extension status not available 12 Remarks 13 Mechanical governors Mechanical governors 14 * ROR Scheme NLC 24 Barsingsar (NLC) 2x125 2 250.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 SJVNL Nathpa Jhakri HPS 6x250 6 1500.00 6 0 6 0 0 0 THDC Ltd. 26 27 Tehri HPP Koteshwar HPS 4x250 4x100 4 4 1000.00 400.00 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 29 30 31 NPC RAPS-A RAPS -B RAPS-C NAPS 1x220 2x220 2x220 2x220 1 2 2 2 220.00 440.00 440.00 440.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 19880.06 54 34 13 7 0 7 15 11 3 2 1 JOINTLY OWNED (BBMB) Bhakra (left + right) 2 3 Dehar Pong 4 Total BBMB Delhi Indra Prastha Gas station 5 Pragati GasTurbines 6 Bawana 7 Rajghat TPS Central Sector 8 9 HPGCL Panipat TPS DCRTP(Y'Nagar) 10 RGTPP Hissar Himachal Pradesh 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Giri Bata HEP Larji HEP Bhabha (Sanjay) HEP Bassi HEP J&K Baglihar Lower Jhelum Upper Sindh‐II Punjab Ranjit Sagar HPS Anandpur Sahib HPS Mukerian HP Shanan(Jogindernagar) UBDC GNDTP Bhatinda GGSSTP Ropar GHTP L' Mohabbat Nuclear units -do-do-do- 0 0 2 5x(108+157) 10 1325.00 10 0 10 0 0 0 6 x 165 6x66 6 6 990.00 396.00 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6x30+3x30 9 270.00 0 0 0 0 0 2x104+1x122 3 330.00 0 0 0 0 0 Gas based station 4x216+2x253 6 1370.00 0 0 0 0 0 2x67.5 2 135.00 0 0 0 0 0 Gas based station Coal based < 200 MW 2x210+2x250 4 2 2 920.00 600.00 1200.00 4 2 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2X30 3X42 3x40 4x15 2 3 3 4 60.00 126.00 120.00 60.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3x150 3x35 3x35 3 3 3 450.00 105.00 105.00 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4x150 4x33.5 6x15+6x19.5 4x15+1x50 3x15+3x15.45 4x110 6x210 2x210+2x250 4 4 12 5 6 4 6 4 600.00 134.00 207.00 110.00 91.35 440.00 1260.00 920.00 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2x300 2X600 6 4 Pondage less than 3 hours Gas based station 0 0 0 ROR ROR ROR ROR 0 0 0 ROR ROR ROR ROR ROR ROR Rajasthan 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Kota TPS Suratgarh Chhabra Jawahar Sagar Rana Partap Sagar Giral TPS Rajwest 33 Dhaulpur CCPP 34 Mahi HEP 35 36 37 38 39 UP Anpara TPS Obra TPS Paricha Harduaganj - D Panki thermal 40 41 42 43 Khara HEP Matatila HEP Obra HEP Rihand HEP 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 UJVNL, Dehradun Chibro PS Khodri Chilla Tiloth (MB-I) PS Dharasu (MB_II) PS Ram ganga Dhalipur Dhakrani Kulhal Khatima 2x110+3x210+2x195 2x250+2x250+2x250 2x250 3x33 4x43 1x125+1x125 8x135 7 6 2 3 4 2 8 1240.00 1500.00 500.00 99.00 172.00 250.00 1080.00 3 6 2 3 4 0 0 3 6 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2x110+1x110 3 330.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 2x25+2x45 4 140.00 4 4 1630.00 1550.00 1140.00 500.00 220.00 5 5 4 2 0 1 1 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3x210 + 2x500 5 5x50+3x100+5x200 13 2x110+2x210+2x250 6 2x250 2 2x110 2 3x24 3x10.2 3x33 6x50 3 3 3 6 72.00 30.60 99.00 300.00 0 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4x56.7 4x30 4x36 3x30 4x76 3x66 3x17 3x11 .3x11.25 3x13.8 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 226.80 120.00 144.00 90.00 304.00 198.00 51.00 33.00 33.75 30.00 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 232 24407.5 125 33 80 25 32 4 13 4 0 0 2 x 660 3x100 4x250 2 3 4 1320.00 300.00 1000.00 2 3 4 2 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4x100 2x43 2x96 4x300 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x600 4 2 2 0 2 2 4 0 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 400.00 86.00 192.00 1200.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 1200.00 2 2 33 6148 19 12 7 0 0 0 Total State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Private MG TPS (CLP), Jhajjar Baspa HEP (IPP) Karcham Wangtoo (IPP) Vishnuprayag (IPP) Malana HEP (IPP) Allain Duhangan (Pvt) Rosa Barkhera TPS (IPP) Khambarkhera TPS (IPP) Kundari TPS (IPP) Maqsoodpur TPS (IPP) Utraula TPS (IPP) Anpara -C Total Private 4 2 2 2 2 2 ROR (as informed by UP SLDC) 0 0 Run-of-river scheme 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annexure‐VI A Progresss of Installation of HT Shunt Capacitors (rated 11 kV and above) in Northern Region As on State HT shunt capacitors (rated 11 New capacitors required Capacitors added Capacitor added in Balance capacitors to be for FY 2014‐15 during FY 2014‐15 added during 2014‐15 kV level and above) installed upto 31.03.2014 Aug‐14 A B C D = C+D(Previous) E = B‐D Chandigarh 157.00 0.00 15.20 15.20 0.00 Delhi 3703.00 1286.00 22.00 42.00 1244.00 Aug‐14 Total capacitors installed in the State as on 31.08.2014 F = A+D 172.20 3745.00 Haryana 4890.00 2802.00 98.76 105.96 2676.04 4996.63 Himachal Pradesh 841.91 285.00 0.00 10.00 275.00 851.91 J & K* 252.38 628.00 0.00 0.00 628.00 252.38 Punjab * 9586.00 356.00 0.00 0.00 356.00 9586.00 Rajasthan UP Uttarakhand 5155.33 6402.00 313.20 422.00 2611.00 600.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 160.00 0.00 422.00 2451.00 600.00 5155.33 6562.00 313.20 Total 31300.82 8990.00 155.96 150.96 8652.04 31634.65 Annexure‐VI B Aug‐14 Defective Capacitors revived Net defective capacitors at the end during Aug, 2014 of Aug 2014 Progresss of revival of defective HT Shunt Capacitors (rated 11 kV and above) in Northern Region Constituent Defective capacitors as on 31.07.2014 Defective during Aug 2014 Defective Capacitors as on 31.08.2014 Chandigarh Delhi Haryana Himachal Pradesh A 24.67 187.15 527.08 73.90 B 5.30 145.19 0.00 C= A+B 29.97 332.34 0.00 73.90 D 0.00 109.01 0.00 0.00 E = C‐D 29.97 223.33 527.08 73.90 J & K* Punjab * Rajasthan UP Uttarakhand 40.00 365.00 447.75 2447.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 187.37 65.00 0.00 40.00 365.00 635.12 2294.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 176.72 10.00 0.00 40.00 365.00 458.40 2284.00 40.00 Total *‐Data not available 4152.55 402.86 3810.33 295.73 4041.68 Annexure-VII Target dates for implementation of SPS in Northern Region. Scheme Interruption of import by NR at 765 kV Agra (from WR) Impleme Ntation Agency Target dates as decided in the th th 18 TCC-20 NRPC meetings. (held on 28.02.2011 & 01.03.2011) Revised target Revised target dates dates as intimated as intimated in the in the 23rd NRPC 103rd OCC meeting. meeting.(held on (held on 17 & 18.09.2014) 29.08.2011) Scheme has been implemented for load shedding. CTU August, 2011 December, 2011 to Feburary, 2012 Tripping of multiple lines from 400 kV Dadri (Along with Balia-Bhiwadi HVDC pole-II) NTPC desired that this SPS scheme be coordinated with Islanding scheme being finalised. December,2011to February, 2012 August, 2011 CTU 220 kV SalalJammu circuit carrying more than 150 MW each SPS for Ropar The scheme has been commissioned at Korba STPS, UMPP-Mundra and Vindhyachal STPS. rd Mock testing of this SPS was carried out on 03 April, 2014 with the co-ordination of all concerned. Deficiencies observed during Mock testing are being attended to. PDD, J&K Ropar TPS (Work transferred from PSTCL to Ropar TPS) SPS for Panipat No time frame furnished by PDD, J&K. No information from PDD, J&K April, 2011 No information from PDD, J&K. PDD, J&K to intimate in writing about the status of implementation of this SPS. Also status of underlying transmission met-work from Wampoh and Sambha substations to be intimated. December, 2011 to by HVPNL No commitment from HVPNL (November, 2011 st decided in 21 NRPC meeting held on 02.06.2011) Paricha– by December, 2011. UPPTCL As decided in a meeting held on 28.02.2013, system studied to re-establish the requirement of SPS for tripping of multiple lines from 400 kV Dadri was carried out by NRLDC. It has emerged from the study that implementation of SPS will not affect the islanding scheme of Delhi. SPS is being implemented by NTPC. SPS installed and commissioned on 29.05.2013. HVPNL was revert back 16.03.2011 SPS for Paricha & Rosa NTPC agreed to submit the break-up details of the backing down at Dadri Th. & CCGT. UPPTCL was revert back 16.03.2011 to by SE/O&M-II Panipat TPS vide his letter no. Ch77/SMD-46 Vol.-II dated 01.03.2013 had informed SE (SLDC), HVPNL that SPS for Panipat-I units is not technically feasible as these units have not been provided with ETHC (Electro Hydraulic Turbine Control).This SPS issue already stands referred to CEA. On commissioning of 400 kV Parichha-Mainpuri D/C lines this SPS is not required since generation at Parichha TPS has not exceeded 850 MW so far & N-1 contingency is being fulfilled. Decision to install SPS for Parichha TPS has been kept in abeyance and situation is being monitored by U.P. SLDC and NRLDC for 6 months. OCC agreed to recommend scrapping of the SPS to TCC/NRPC Subsequently NRPC in st th its the 31 meeting held on 24 July, 2014, has approved dropping the above SPS.. Rosa- by Septembe SPS was envisaged for one unit with connectivity 2011 at 220 kV level but now the scheme has been revisied for four units with connectivity at 400 kV level and 2 new upcoming outlets. SPS is likely to be commissioned by September, 2014 ICTs Bawana Bamnauli at & ICTs Muradabad, Muradnagar Agra at May, 2011 November, 2011 Implemented and Operational. DTL UPPTCL was revert back 16.03.2011 & to by December, 2011 UPPTCL Tenders were floated and were to be opened on 18.01.2013.No vendor submitted bids. Date was extended. Retendering for procurement of SPS for ICTs at Muradabad, Muradnagar was done. Tenders were scheduled to be opened on 25.09.2013 but no vendor had submitted the bids. Vendors were contacted by UPPTCL and as a result, order for SPS For ICT’s at Agra has been placed with delivery schedule of 120 days .For Muradabad and Muradnagar, re- tendering has to be done. ICTs at Mandola, Maharanibag, Ballahbgarh, Bhawadi, Bassi, Maharanibag, implemented. August, 2011 December, 2011 Ballahbgarh & Mandola SPS at Bhiwadi dropped as with the commissioning of additional ICT, overloading of ICTs is not being experienced. To February, 2012 SPS at Bassi was dropped keeping in view the expected addition of one more ICT of 500 MVA in about one year’s time when problem of Overloading will not be experienced. However, keeping in view the changed configuration due to commissioning of generating units at Kawai TPS and consequent overloading of ICTs, OCC has th decided in its 97 meeting to revive installation of SPS at Bassi. RRVPNL submitted the list of feeders for disconnection through SPS. CTU With the expected addition of new ICT of 500 MVA capacity by August, 2014, OCC in its 100th meeting has decided to keep on hold the installation of SPS at Bassi for the time being. In 103th OCC meeting, POWERGRID intimated that ICT at Bassi is expected to be commissioned by the end of September, 2014. OCC decided in its 90th meeting to install the SPS at Meerut. To be installed by November, 2013. Loads identified by UPPTCL & POWERGRID has to now implement the SPS. Since Optic Fibre communication is not available at all the 07 outgoing, 220 kV feeders from Meerut, SPS has to be implemented using PLCC communication. However, POWERGRID has concluded that SPS using PLCC communication will not be reliable. Annex‐VIII Revised UFRs based automatic load shedding scheme at frequency statges 49.2 hz, 49.0 hz, 48.8 hz & 48.6 hz. S.No. State/UT Peak Met during 2012‐'13 (MW)( Source: CEA) MW 49.2 Hz. 49 Hz. 48.8 Hz. 48.6 Hz. Target (MW) Implement ed (MW) Target (MW) Implement ed (MW) Target (MW) Implement ed (MW) Target (MW) State wise load relief on implementation of revised frequency setting of UFRs at stages of 49.2 hz, 49.0 hz 48 8 hz & 48 6 hz Implement Implement Targeted ed (MW) ed Load Load Relief Relief (MW) (MW) 0 32 64 Remarks/Status 1 Chandigarh 340 16 16 16 16 16 0 16 UT Chandigarh implemented revised setting at 49.2 Hz. & 49.0 Hz. Other two states shall be implemented after received of UFRs 2 Delhi 5642 258 297 259 353 262 429 263 1049 2127 1042 3 Haryana 6725 308 401 309 612 312 450 314 231 1694 1243 4 Himachal Pradesh 1672 77 83.5 77 94.4 78 80 78 78 335.9 310 5 J&K 1817 83 0 84 0 84 0 85 0 0 336 Not yet implemented 6 Punjab 8751 400 435 402 575 406 807 408 415 2232 1616 Scheme implemented of all four stages 7 Rajasthan 8515 390 575 392 548 395 515.40 397 506.5 2145 1574 Scheme implemented of all four stages 8 UP (Avg.MW Relief) 12048 551 1271 554 1431 559 1338 561 507 4547 2225 Scheme implemented of all four stages 9 Uttarakhand# 1674 77 90 77 100 78 80 78 90 360 310 Scheme implemented of all four stages 10 Total load Relief (MW) by all NR states at each stage of frequency setting at 49.2 hz, 49.0 hz, 48.8 hz & 48.6 hz. 47184 2160 3168 2170 3729 2190 3699 2200 2876 13472 8720 Scheme implemented of all four stages Scheme implemented of all four stages Scheme implemented of all four stages Annexure‐IX 2014‐15 Capacity (in MW) Units HPSEB Ltd. Unit‐II 33.3 Jan., 2015 HPSEB Ltd. Unit‐III 33.3 Feb., 2015 Uhl‐III HEP HPSEB Ltd. Unit‐1 33.3 Mar‐15 Ramgarh ST‐III GT RRVUNL Unit‐1 110 20.03.13 06.02.2013 Ramgarh ST‐III GT KALISINDH TPS KALISINDH TPS CHHABRA II TPS CHHABRA II TPS Talwandi Sabo Talwandi Sabo RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL Sterlite Sterlite Unit‐2 600 600 250 250 3 2 50 1 2 3 4 660 660 05.04.14 17.09.2013 07.06.14 19.12.2013 23.4.14 Sept. 2014 Oct.2014 Talwandi Sabo Sterlite 1 660 GOINDWAL SAHIB GVK POWER 2 Rajpura Rampur Rampur Rampur Rampur Rampur Rampur Baglihar‐II Baglihar‐II Baglihar‐II GVK POWER SJVNL SJVNL SJVNL SJVNL SJVNL SJVNL JK PDC JK PDC JK PDC 2 68 68 68 68 68 68 150 150 150 Name of the plant Agency Uhl‐III HEP Uhl‐III HEP Expected Syn. Actual Syn. Oct‐14 Expected COD Actual COD Oct‐14 09.09.13 Sept.2014 19.12.13 Jun‐14 31.12.2013 17.06.2014 540 Nov., 2013 04.03.14 700 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 May, 2013 Apr-14 Annexure‐IX 2015‐16 Name of the plant Kishenganga Kishenganga Kishenganga KOLDAM KOLDAM KOLDAM KOLDAM ANPARA D BARH‐I Agency NHPC NHPC NHPC NTPC NTPC NTPC NTPC UPRVUNL NTPC Capacity (in MW) 110 110 110 200 200 200 200 2 1,2,3 Units 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 500 1980 Expected Syn. Dec.‐14 Jun‐15 Actual Expected Actual Syn. COD COD Apr‐15 Annexure-X Summary of Replacement of Porcelain Insulators by Polymer / Antifog Insulators Utility Stage-I (Lines identified after grid incidence on 8th March 2008) Lines Progress Identifi of ed Replace (Nos) ment of Insulator String (%) Stage-II (Lines identified after grid incidence on 2nd January 2010) Lines Progress Identifi of ed Replacem (Nos) ent of Insulator String (%) StageIII(Identified critical lines on their own) Lines Progres Identifi s of ed Replac (Nos) ement of Insulat or String (%) Overal Status as l on Progre ss HVPNL 27 89 23 58 Nil - 74 28.02.2014 POWER GRID 49 99.2 39 76 12 64 84 20.01.14 BBMB 30 77.76 5 94 Nil 80.45 31.07.2014 DTL 6 100 18 - Nil - 26 220 kV lines identified. Total insulator strings 7385 (status as on 26.11.13.) UPPTC L 17 100 35 85 59 84 86 01.09.2014 PSTCL 20 100 35 100 22 100 100 26.11.2013 POWER LINK 1 100 - - Nil - 100 Work Completed RVPNL 2 100 - - Nil - 100 North Central Railway s - - - - - - 100 2 100 - - Nil - 100 20.11.2013 - - - - 2 88 88 11.01.2013 Norther n Railway s Adani Power Ltd. Work Completed 1126 Insulator strings replaced 100 %
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