First Baptist Church, 219 Adams Street, P.O. Box 25, Abington, MA 02351-0025 Phone: 781-878-2447 email: [email protected] Volume LV I In This Issue • Important Visitor Notice – Pg. 4 •Prayer Page Info •Youth Group News •Operation Christmas Child •Stewardship •Ingathering •And more! Special Points of Interest •11/8 Deacons Mtg. @7:30pm •11/10 ABW Fall Sale •11/11-11/19 Operation Christmas Child •11/18 Thanksgiving Service •11/19 C.E. Mtg. •11/22 Happy Thanksgiving! Sunday, November 4th Family Worship Services: 9:30 am – Worship & Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship October 23, 2012 Issue 10 The Blessings of a Tithing Church Today You and I have heard repeatedly the idea: “We are a tithing church”, or “We want to be a tithing people”, and it’s true! That is a wonderful goal for this or any Bible centered, Christ honoring congregation. It is central to God’s plan of providing for the needs of missions and ministry and supplying the needs of God’s work. It is true today and in every generation! FBC Abington has been blessed because of tithing people through its history! While we understand the idea that we need (and want) to give (and that churches need money to operate), we sometimes lose sight of the reasons and motivations behind tithing and the blessings associated with it! There are some very practical reasons that God instituted the principle of tithing for his people in the Old Testament and that it was renewed by Jesus teaching and NT giving principles as well. Let’s take a closer look at “why tithe?” Christian Financial Counselor Larry Burkett says this: The word tithe means one-tenth. It’s the minimum portion that a Christian should tithe. The tithe’s purpose is to be a testimony of God’s ownership, and thus it is meant to be individualized. The Jews gave a tithe that was far in excess of one-tenth. In fact, they gave three tithes: one tithe each year to the storehouse; a second tithe for the widows and orphans of the Hebrews; and a third tithe, every third year to the widows and orphans of the Gentiles. So, the Jews tithed an average of 23 ½ percent! Certainly God’s people, living under grace, should be able to out-tithe the Jews who were living under the law. - The Word on Finances, p.238. You may be thinking: “Wow! How is this possible?” Listen to the testimony of Christians through the ages who have personally experienced God’s power and blessing on their lives as they have trusted Him in this area of stewardship. We have heard stewardship testimonies like: • “When I gave to God first, I realized He would also provide for me and my family.” • “Tithing has altered my priorities and the grip that money has on my life”. • “I have taught my children to tithe, even at an early age. It has become a part of our family life!” • “When I give first to God, I don’t miss it, because I know that pleasing Him is my first priority. He helps me to balance my priorities in other areas as well. “ • “When I (and others) tithe, we have the joy and confidence that God will provide for the needs of church missions and ministries! “ Ultimately, as Malachi 3:10 reminds us, the tithe was a test of faith for the people. He challenged them to “Test Him”. God has His ways of providing when we learn to trust Him! This is a great learning process and walk of faith! Tithing, along with biblical principles of saving, spending, borrowing and work will help individuals and families achieve a measure of peace and joy! Before we give to Him, give your heart to Him for your Salvation! Sir John Templeton (Templeton Funds) says: "I have observed 100,000 families over my years of investment counseling. I always saw greater prosperity and happiness among those families who tithed than among those who didn't." May God help us hear His voice as we consider the opportunities we have to further His kingdom among us, and prepare for our (pledges) commitments on Sunday, November 18! Grateful for the God who provides, Rev. Larry Kanter, Pastor Volume LVI October 23, 2012 Issue 10 Prayer Requests Please email or call church office with updates weekly Mary MacKinnon had her car broken into and her laptop and book bag with all of her college papers stolen. Donna Reed (Patty DeStoop’s cousin) has breast cancer for the 3rd time. Prayers for wisdom for the doctors. Winnie Doherty (Kali Lyons sister) surgery on 10/18 went well. Heard back from the doctor, praise that everything is fine. Rick Milligan (brother-in-law of the Townsends) continuing with cancer treatments. Nancy Murphy scan showed no cancer; recovering from broken ribs at Wingate. Ed Vickers (Karen Seeley’s uncle) is now off of ventilation but still in the hospital. Manassee Ngendahayo prayers for a job and progress with citizenship. Shirley Abreu is asking prayers for her niece who has brain & lung cancer (one tumor just removed, the other to be treated with radiation), sister who just got out of the hospital with pneumonia, and for her father who is home after a fall. Michael (Shirley Abreu’s son) involved in a legal battle involving child support, given extra time to prepare. Nominating Committee prayers for guidance to fill open slots. Church Organist the Lord’s direction to fill this position. Operation Christmas Child their prayer is to reach 1,000,000 boxes this year! Shut Ins: Betty Belyea, June Bauman, Lucille Cullinan, Buddy Harriman, Grace Simmons. Mission: Frontiers – The Shelton’s Local Ministries: Women’s Fellowship Retreat Military: Cliff Rogers & John Costantino Continue to pray for: Phil Piemontere, Jan Cuneo, Ingrid Stoelting, Jason Simons, Susan Williams, Marilyn Schenck, Mark Chirokas, Meredith Baker, Judith Finigan, Lucille Cullinan, Barbara Profit, Kathy Gay, Betty Belyea, Ingrid Stoelting’s parents, Charlie Yetman, Scott McDauley, Nancy Murphy, Ellie Diersch, Grace Simmons, Howard Lawrence, Nick Malfronte, Lorraine McCartin, Josh, Richard Milligan, Joanne Noyes, Mike Weixler, Jim Eldredge, Kathy Ferreira. Please join us in asking the Lord for comfort and peace for the Stones as Barbara’s mother, Ruth Ryerson, passed away on 10/11/12. Church Office Deadlines: The Baptist Visitor: All information needs to be in by the Friday prior to print. Next Visitor print date, Nov. 20th. Sunday Bulletin: All information is due by Thursday each week. Please submit information by email or disc. OFFICE HOURS: 9:15 -12:15 PM PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS: Tue & Wed -9 am–12pm or by appointment, [email protected] Pastor Kanter will be on vacation from: October 25 November 7. For assistance, please contact one of our deacons: Mark Seeley, Denis Childs, Kali Lyons, Ellen Bickford or Lily Holland. Worship & Sunday School Attendance Sept 30: 9:30 Worship - 27 Sunday School: N-HS – 41 Adults – 20 Staff – 17 11:00 Worship – 63 Total – 78 Oct 7: 9:30 Worship - 22 11:00 Worship – 56 Sunday School: N-HS – 31 Adults – 22 Staff – 14 Total – 67 Oct 14: 9:30 Worship – 27 11:00 Worship – 52 Sunday School: N-HS – 35 Adults – 19 Staff – 17 Total – 71 Oct 21: 9:30 Worship – 39 11:00 Worship – 61 Sunday School: N-HS – 41 Adults - 22 Staff – 16 Total – 79 On November 6, the day before my 94th birthday, our nation will hold one of the most critical elections in my lifetime. We are at a crossroads and there are profound moral issues at stake. I strongly urge you to vote for candidates who support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and woman, protect the sanctity of life, and defend our religious freedoms. The Bible speaks clearly on these crucial issues. Please join me in praying for America, that we will turn our hearts back toward God. Billy Graham Montreat, N.C. Volume LVI October 23, 2012 Issue 10 Annual Thanksgiving Ingathering November 18th Our church family has a tradition of bringing gifts of food on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. These gifts are distributed by the Deacons. If you are aware of a need, please contact Mark Seeley, Chairman. Suggested Donations Preschool Bread, cake or pudding mixes Kindergarten Cereal, juice or canned pie filling f Grades 1 & 2 Canned vegetables Grades 3 & 4 Canned vegetables Grades 5 & 6 Sugar, Jiffy mix, canned fruit Grades 7 & 8 Potatoes, fresh vegetables High School Fresh fruit, fresh vegetables Adults Money for turkeys or other items Please bring your donations on Sunday, November 18th. There will be boxes near the Sunday School rooms. Cash donations may be given to Anne Manna or Mark Seeley. Jr. Sr. High Youth Christmas Wreath Fundraiser Orders will be taken Sundays, Nov. 4th, 11th & 18th Please support the youth. Funds Help to support them to go on retreat and other events. More events coming up in December Join us for Gift Tree Christmas Card Tree Watch upcoming bulletins and the next Visitor for more details. First Baptist Abington will once again be a Relay center for the Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child- The Shoebox project. The Mission Board invites all who are able to assist in this project. There are sign-up sheets in the Welcome Center, please sign up A.S.A.P. Thanks Needed are workers to help process the shoeboxes during the hours listed to the right; many people to load the truck on Sunday November 18th after second service, and new this year bring a snack for the workers during the week. Thank you in advance to all who will help! Cyndi McNamara, 781-447-7367 f Sunday, Dec. 2nd at 6:00 pm Sunday – Nov 11: 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Monday – Nov 12: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Tuesday – Nov 13: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Wednesday – Nov 14:10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Thursday – Nov 15: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday – Nov 16: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday – Nov 17: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sunday – Nov 18: 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (truck loading after second service) Monday – Nov 19: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Volume LVI October 23, 2012 Issue 10 STEWARDSHIP CORNER UPCOMING EVENTS Oct 28 Oct 30 Nov 4,11,18 Nov 6th Nov 11th Nov 18th Nov 21st Nov 25th Dec 2nd Dec 5th Dec 9th Dec 16th Dec 24th Jr & Sr High Youth Group 2:00pm Outdoor Activity to be determined Youth Discipleship Study 4:15pm Christmas Wreath Fundraiser Youth Discipleship Study @ church 4:15pm Jr & Sr High Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox 6:30pm Community Thanksgiving Service 6:30pm No Kid’s Klub Jr & Sr High Youth Group 6:30pm Hanging of the Greens Service 6:00pm Kid’s Klub grades 2 – 5 6:30pm Jr & Sr High Regressive Dinner 5:00pm Jr & Sr High Caroling 5:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Kristy Engel tries to live by her saying, "Do what you can, with what you've got, in the moment you're given". God has called her to Haiti and the Dominican Republic and now He is leading her to a new work. Come on November 4th to hear more about Kristy and God’s calling on her life as she brings the morning message. A meet and greet Pot Luck Lunch will be held following the second service. Please no Mangos as Kristy is allergic, THANKS. Church Clean-Up Day. Saturday, November 10th 9am – noon Nov. 18th has been chosen as Commitment Sunday. This is the time of year that we ask the members and friends of this church to make a financial commitment through their tithes and offerings to God’s work at First Baptist in 2013. The totals committed will be the basis for setting next year’s budget. A Commitment Form is included in this month’s Visitor. Please prayerfully consider your level of support for next year, fill out this form and prepare to present it on Commitment Sunday. Contact Al Donaghy, Financial Secretary (617 429 6575) with any questions. Further information will be forthcoming. . Al Donaghy, Financial Secretary We are no longer able to receive the bulk mail discount on our monthly newsletter, the Visitor. We are now offering the Visitor via: • email • in print to be picked up at the church • first class postage (response required) If you have not already done so, please contact the church office by • email at [email protected] • phone (781-878-2447) • or you may send a note to let us know which option you would prefer. Thank you! All ages welcome! Please bring rakes and work gloves. To the members of the First Baptist Church, Thank you very much for the beautiful floral arrangement that you sent in memory of our mother, ‘Willie’. We know that you all played an important part in her life, and for that we are grateful. With gratitude, the family of Willie Messier Do you have news about church events, Youth Group activities, Sunday School announcements, etc..? Please make sure you send all updates for the church website directly to Mark Seeley at: [email protected] . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ABINGTON AS A STEWARD OF GOD’S GIFTS and in gratitude for all of his blessings I/we gladly make this commitment for 2013. My commitment with be given periodically, as checked below. Weekly Bi Weekly Undesignated Monthly Other $_______________________ (I have faith that my commitment will be used where it will do the most good within the church and beyond) And/Or Designated as follows Current Expenses $_____________________ Missions $_____________________ Building/Mortgage $_____________________ Other (Specify) $______________________ TOTAL COMMITMENT $_________________________ I cannot make a commitment at this time, but would like envelopes. NAME:_______________________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________________ TOWN: ______________________________________Zip:_____________ E-mail__________________________________Date:________________ (if you would like quarterly giving statements by e-mail) This commitment may be changed at any time by notifying the Financial Secretary. October 23, 2012 Vol. 29 - Issue 10 “My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.” - Psalm 62:7 Needed for Fall Sale Sat Nov 10th 9-2 Men/Women/Teens to setup Fri. night and tear down on Sat. afternoon Women to work tables between 9-2 See signup in Welcome Center We need to stock those tables!!! Please donate: Homemade Soups Homemade Baked Goods Unused like New items for Gift table Jewelry – Vintage - new/old Christmas decorations new and used Any kind of hand crafted items Items (except food) may be left in the designated lower Sunday school room November 7 13 15 16 30 Pearl Averell Marnie Hinckley Laura Nadell Sue Norton Patricia Coyer Lori Collins If you haven’t seen your birthday posted please email Laura the date. [email protected] A Look Ahead 11th Dec. - Annual Christmas Party/Cookie Swap th Jan. 15 - Leadership Team planning meeting Jan . TBD – White Cross Night FBC Abington Women’s Fall Retreat October 26-28 Edwards House, Framingham 16 women are away this weekend to worship God and fellowship with one another. If you could not go with us we hope you will consider attending next year. It is well worth the money and time to get away and refresh your soul. Many ladies were missed at the Fall kick off!!! There were 14 women who stayed for a nice potluck and program on Sunday Oct. 14th. Cyndi led us in a fun game, prizes with scriptures attached. Anne told us about our White Cross projects for this year and also led us in a Love Gift devotional and prayer. Cyndi had us read some scriptures on prayer and then we shared requests and prayed. Thanks to all those who set up and/or cleaned up for this event. The Curtain Project So far we have only received $150 in donations for the curtains to be added to what the womens fellowship is giving to the cause. This makes up about half of what we believe we need. Any amount will help in getting this accomplished. Please give donations to Anne Manna. FBC Abington Women’s Leadership Team Chair: Cyndi McNamara, Treasurer: Anne Manna, Asst. Treasurer: Joy Corcoran, Chatterbox: Laura Nadell, At Large: Sarah McKinnon,& Shirley Hill First Baptist Church Abington Sun NOVEMBER 2012 219 Adams St., PO Box 25, Abington, MA 02351 Phone: 781-878-2447 email: [email protected] Mon Tues Wed Thurs 1 Fri Sat 2 3 9-3pm f/h private rental 4 5 6 7 Election Day Communion 7pm Shapemate Group W-5 Daylight savings 8 9 10 7:30 pm Deacons Mtg. 7pm set up for sale Kristy Engle Christmas Wreath Sale Church Clean Up Day 9 noon 1-6pm f/h rental 11 VETRANS DAY Operation Christmas Child 11 – 12:30pm Christmas Wreath Sale 9-2pm ABW Fall Sale 12 13 OCC 10 noon 14 OCC 10 – 2pm OCC 10 noon 15 16 OCC 9 – noon 12-2 pm Area Pastors’ turnaround mtg. OCC 10 – noon and 7 – 9pm 17 OCC 10 – 2pm Thanksgiving Choir 7pm 18 19 Christmas Wreath Sale Ingathering Commitment Sunday OCC 11–12:30pm 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 24 OCC 10 – 11:30 am 7:30pm C.E. Meeting Thanksgiving Service 6:30pm 25 26 WEEKLY CHURCH EVENTS: Sundays Mondays Wednesdays 9:30 & 11am Worship 9:30am Sunday School 6:30pm Youth Group 7:30pm Al-Anon W-5 7pm Buckaroos 11am Men’s Bible Study 7:30pm Choir Practice (except 1st Mon.) Thursdays Fridays 6:45pm Band Practice 7pm Men’s Homecoming
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