From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1996 87: 2962-2967 Characterization of the gene encoding the human LW blood group protein in LW+ and LW- phenotypes P Hermand, PY Le Pennec, P Rouger, JP Cartron and P Bailly Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. Characterization of the Gene Encoding the Human LW Blood Group Protein in LW+ and LW- Phenotypes ByP. Herrnand, P.Y.Le Pennec, P. Rouger, J.-P. Cartron, and P. Bailly The LW blood group is carried by a 42-kD glycoprotein that belongs to the family of intercellular adhesion molecules. The L Wgene is organized into threeexons spanning an Hindlll fragment of approximately 2.65 kb. The exonlintron architecture correlates to thestructural domains of the protein and resembles that of other lg superfamily members except that the signal peptide and the first Ig-like domain are encoded by thefirst exon. The 5'UT region (nucleotides -289 to +S) includes potential binding sites for various transcription factors (Ets, CACC, SP1, GATA-1, AP2) and exhibited a significant transcriptional activity after transfection in the erythroleukemic K562 cells. No obvious abnormality of the LW gene, including the5'UT region, has been detected by sequencing polymerase chain reaction-amplified genomic DNA fromRhD+ or RhD- donors and from an Rh..,, variant that lacks the Rh and LW proteins on red blood cells. However, a deletion of 10 bp in exon 1 of the LW gene was identified in the genome of an LW (a- b-) individual (Big) deficient for LW antigens but carrying a normal Rh phenotype. The IO-bp deletion generates a premature stop codon and encodes a truncated protein without transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain. No detectable abnormality of the LW gene or transcript could be detected in another LW(ab-) individual (Nic), suggesting the heterogeneity of these phenotypes. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. T phenotype and why Rh,,,,cells also lack LW antigens. As a preliminary step toward understanding theroleandthe expression mechanism of LW antigens, we have isolated and characterized the LW gene from individuals with different LW and Rh phenotypes. HE BLOOD GROUP LW (Lansteiner-Wiener) is phenotypically related to the RH system."3There are more LW antigens on RhD+ than on RhD- erythrocytes, but these antigens are strongly expressed on cord redblood cells (RBCs) regardless of their RhD phenotypes. In addition, Rhdeficient REKs (Rhnul,)also lack LW antigens. However, rare individuals lacking LW antigens have been found among RhD+ individuals. On the basis of these relationships, it has been speculated that Rh might be the precursor of LW,4 but comparative analysis by two-dimensional iodopeptide mapping5 showed that Rh and LW are not related and that there isno precursor relationship between these antigens. Recently, molecular cloning6 indicated that the LW cDNA encoded a mature membrane protein of 241 amino acids (calculated molecular mass 26.5 kD) with a single transmembrane domain whose sequence and structure are similar to the intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs), which are the counter-receptors for the lymphocyte function-related antigen LFA-1. This was further demonstrated by showing that the LW antigen binds to CDlUCD18 leukocyte integrin~.~ These findings provided the definitive proof that Rh and LW are unrelated because there was no sequence homology between these two proteins and, in addition, both structural genes are located on different chromosomes (19pl3 and lp36, respectively)."" Sequence analysis of the LW protein predicted the presence of four N-glycans and it is detected on Western blot as a 42-kD component.'"" It is known also that the LWa/LWb polymorphism is carried by a single base-pair exchange that resulted in a Gln70Arg sub~titution.'~ Despite these findings, it is still unclear how LW expression is affected by the Rh From INSERM U76, Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, France. Submitted August 15, 1995; accepted November 7, 1995. Address reprint requests to J.-P.Cartron,PhD, INSERM U76, Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine, 6, rue Alexandre Cabanel, 75015 Paris, France. The publication costsof this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with I8 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/96/8707-06$3.00/0 2962 MATERIALS ANDMETHODS Reagents and bloodsamples. Restriction endonucleases, modifying enzymes, and pUC vectors came from New England Biolabs (Hitchin, Hertfordshire, UK). The Thermus aquaticus polymerase (Taq polymerase) was from Perkin Elmer Cetus (Norwalk, CT), the Sequenase kit was from the US Biochemical Corp (Cleveland, OH) and radiolabeled nucleotides were purchased from Amersham (Bucks, UK). Blood samples from common LW and Rh phenotypes came from the Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine (Paris, of the amorph type (D.A.A.) was from France). Samples of Dr C. Perez-Perez (Linares, Spain) and the LW(a- h-) blood sample (Big) was kindly provided by Kathy Burnie (Hematology University Hospital, Ontario, Canada). The second LW(a- b-) sample (Nic) was discovered recently in a 92-year-old male patient who developed a potent anti-LWAhantibody. Isolation of h u m n LW gene. Approximately 2.5 X IOh phages from a human genomic library (Clontech Laboratories, Inc, Pal0 Alto, CA) were plated and hybridized under standard procedures with a "P-labeled full-length LW cDNA probe using a random primed DNA labeling Kit (Boehringer-Mannheim, Mannheim. Germany). One positive clone was isolated and analyzed. LW promoter-chloramphenicolaceiyltrunsferasr (CAT) assavs. The SP-A primer (nucleotides [nt] -289 to -268) and AS-A primer (nt 12 to +9) (see Fig 2) were used to polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplify the 5' flanking region of the LW gene from a LW(a+ b-) sample. The PCR product was controlled by sequencing and inserted into the promoterless plasmid pBLCAT3'' to generate the LW(-289, +9)-CAT construct. The pBLCAT2 plasmid, containing the ubiquitous promoter of the Herpes simplex thymidine kinase gene" and the promoterless plasmid pBLCAT3 were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. In each experiment 10 pg of recombinant CAT construct was cotransfected with 2 pg of the RSVLuc plasmid, carrying the firefly luciferase gene in front of the RSV promoter, into K562 and HeLa cells using electroporation (BioRad Gene Pulser, Hercules, CA) and cationic liposomes ( 1 mg/ mL) according to the guidelines of the manufacturer (GIBCO-BRL, Gaithersburg, MD), respectively. For CAT assays, protein amounts in individual extracts 48 hours after transfection were normalized to luciferase activity and used as described by Gorman et al." Experiments were performed twice with two independent plasmid prepara- Rh.., ~ Blood, Vol 87, No 7 (April l ) , 1996: pp 2962-2967 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. HUMAN LW BLOOD GROUP PROTEIN c ( 2963 0.5 Kb 18 Kb hLW Fig 1. Restriction map and organization of the human LW gene. The organization of the LW gene was determined by analyzing the phage genomic clone shown at the bottom of the diagram (18-kb, XLW). The position of the exons El, E2, E3 is indicated by the filled boxes relative to the restriction sites Sal I (SIand Hindlll (H). lions. After thin-layersilica gel chromatography and autoradiography the spots were excised and counted. PCR crnlplificcrtion of pwomic sequences c111el LW rmnscripts. The LW genewasPCR-amplified from genomicDNAs (200 ng) prepared from LW' (RhD' or RhD-) andLW- (RhD' or Rh,,,,,,) donors, using primers SP-B (S'-CCGGCCCTGGCTCTCTGGCGC3'. nt -39 to -19) and AS-B(S'-GCGTCAGCCACCATGTATGGCC-3'. nt + I I84 to + 1 163). Each cycle consisted of I minute of denaturation at 94°C. I minute annealing at 60°C. and 2.5 minutes extension at 72°C. After 30 cycles, the 1.2-kb amplified product was ligated in pUC vector and sequenced. For reverse transcriptase(RT)PCR analysis of the LW transcripts. total RNAs from whole-blood samples were extracted by the acid-phenol-guanidiummethod" and werereversetranscribedusing the first-strand cDNA synthesis kit (Pharmacia. Uppsala. Sweden). TheLW fragment (0.8 kb) amplified hetween primers SP-D (S'-ATGGGGTCTCTGTTCCCTCTGTCG3'. nt + l 0 to +33) andAS-D(5'-TTACGCCTGGGACTTCATAGCTAG-3'. nt + I IO2 to 1079)was detected on Southern blot with the LW cDNA probe. Wc,.slc,nl hlot donors of known phenotypes were prepared. separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and analyzedbyimmunoblotting with rabbit polyclonalantibodiesraised against synthetic peptides of the NHz-terminal regions of the LW" and Rh proteins (MPC-X). as previously described.lx RESULTS Cl~armteri~atiorl ofthehwncrrt LW gene. Southern blot analysis of human genomic DNAs digested withdifferent restriction endonucleasesand probed with the LW-cDNA showed a single-band pattern." suggesting that the LW gene was present a s a simple copy in the human genome. The LWgene wasfinally isolated from a EMBL3 genomic library and was fully characterized by restriction mapping (Fig 1) and sequence analysis (Fig 2). The coding sequences of the LW gene reside in the 2.65-kb Hindlll fragment and consisted of three exons separatedby two short stretches of I29 and 147 bp of interveningsequences.Exon 1 encodesthe S' untranslated sequence (9 bp), the signal peptide and the first Ig-like domain. Exon 2 encodes the second [g-like domain and the exon 3 encodes the transmembrane domain, the cytoplasmic tail and the 3' untranslated region. All splice junctions occur after the first nucleotide of an amino acid codon (type 1 ) and were found to contain the S' donor 'gt' and 3' acceptor k g ' consensus sequences. The transcription initiationsite. determined by S'-Amplifinder RACE-PCR (Clontech, Palo Alto. CA) (not shown) usinghuman erythroblasts poly(A)' RNAs was found located 9 nt upstream of the ATG initiating codon (Fig 2). Iderltification of cotz.setl.sus rnotifs,fi)rpotenticrl lhding of tmnscription,fnct[)r.s. Four hundred four nt upstream of the transcriptioninitiation sitehave been sequenced and analyzed to identify putative cis-acting regulatory sequence (Fig 2). There was no typical TATA box in this region, but an inverted CAAT box (ATTG) waspresent at nt -292. Several potential binding sites for transcription factors were identified in the reverse orientation such as an AP-2 motif (G/CG/ CG/CNT/GGGG),'" a GATA-I motif (CiTTATC T/A)."' and the Etsmotif (A/GC T/ATCCT/GC/G)" at nt -22, -S I , and -97, respectively. A reverse CACC motif" that could bind a CACC or an SP-I factor was located at nt -86. In addition, a SP-Ibindingsite(G/TG/AGGCGITG/AG/AG/ T)" was also identified at nt -72. All these motifs are consensus except the Ets element, which differs by the S' first nucleotide. CAT activit? of the 5' flanking seqltence o f the LW gene. The ability of the LW gene region upstream of the first exon to support transcription was tested with the bacterial CAT gene in transient expressionassays. Accordingly. a PCR fragment (nt -289 to +9) amplified between SP-A and ASA primers (see Fig 2) was cloned at the S' side of the CAT gene in the plasmid pBLCAT3.As negative and positive controls, the promoterless pBLCAT3 plasmid and the of pBLCAT2 plasmid containing the ubiquitous promoter the Herpes simplex thymidine kinase gene were used. respectively. After 48 hours, the LW (-289, +9)-CAT construct showed 225% of CAT activity in erythroleukemic cell line K562compared withthepositive control(Fig 3). In the nonhematopoietic cell line Hela, the same construct showed results indicated only S6% of activity (data no shown). These that the -289 LW gene region, upstream of the first exon, is self-sufficient for transcription in erythroid cells. Analysis o f the LW gene ,from indivic1ucd.s with diferent LW and Rh .status. The S' flanking region and the LW gene were PCR-amplified between two sets of primer (SP-A. ASA and SP-B, AS-B, respectively) from donors with the LW' andLW-phenotypesandsequenced. All LW' genomes from RhD'and RhD-donorsexhibitedthesameLW sequence, including in the S' UT region. The Rh,,,,,,individual (DAA) who lacks LW and Rh antigens also carried an LW gene with a nucleotide sequence identical to that of LW' individuals. Differences were observed when the two LW(a- b-) individuals (Big and Nic),typed as RhD', were examined.Samplefrom Big exhibited a IO-bp deletion (ACCTGCGCAG) in the first exon of the LW' allele (see Fig 1 ). which could be easily detected by PCR amplification between SP-C and AS-C primers (Fig 4A). Because only a 140-bp amplified fragment was amplified from Big instead of the IS0-bp fragment seen with the LW' and Rh.,,,, (DAA) donors, it is obvious that the two LW' allelesof Big are affected by the deletion. The IO-bp deletion generated a premature stop codon at the begining of the exon 2 (see Fig 2) and theresulting mRNA is translated into a truncated proteinwithout transmembraneandcytoplasmic domain. However, in the second LW(a- b-) sample (Nic). therewas no deletion and no other abnormality of the two LW' alleles could be found. In all cases examined (LW', LW-, Rh,,,,,), normal LW mRNA was detected following RT-PCR ampli- From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 2964 HERMAND ET AL - -404 SP-A I -317 CtCCCaCttCCtCccccaagaaaacattgtgggttgatggccataccctgaggttctggtccaaatcggactttctatgaccttctg - -230 ggtctctagtgaaaactaaagactcctctccagaaaaaaacatttggtttctaatgaggcctggaatcttattcttgacctggggag CACC SP 1 Lta -143 Cggaatccctttttgcagtactcccgggccctctgttggggcctccccttcctctccagggtggagtcgagffagffcggggctgcggg GATA -1 AS-A AP 2 -56 CTTTTTGCC'ATG GGG TCT CTG CCtCCtfatCtCtagagCCggCCCtggCtCtCtg~CPCpO~~CC~ttagtCCggg +l met gly mer leu phe 25 CCTCTG pro leu RRR RRt ...... ...... 382 R AAA ACACGCTGGGCC gly lys thr arg trp ala gtgagggacaggggctcggtcccggctggggtgaggggagggggctggaagaggtgg c thr aer arg ile thr ala tyr 1 461 **R ...... TGCCTCGTGACCTGCGCAGGA ...... cya leu Val thr cy8 ala gggaagggtagtttgacagtcgctctatagggagcgcccgcggacctcactcagaggctcccccttgcctta CCGCCCCAC B pro pro his W4 545 AGCGTGATT aer Val Ile 872 959 1494 ... ... ...... CTGATGCTCG m TTC ...... leu met gtgaggcacccctgtaaccctggggactaggagga leu a agggggcagagagagttatgaccccgagagggcgcacagaccaagcgtgagctccacgcgggtcgacagacctccctgtgttccgtt ...... ...... CAG TAA........... GCG ...... ...... gln ala atop I GAATCAATAAAGGCTTCCTTAACCAGC ctctgtcctgtgacctaagggt..... CT AGC cctaattctcgccttctgctcccag TGG la trp aer l Fig 2. Nucleotide sequence of the LW gene. Nucleotide sequence of individual exons are shown in uppercase letters and flanking intron sequences in lowercase letters. Exon sequences areboxed and protein translation under each codonis given. Full exon sequences are given in ref 6. Nucleotide positions (left side) arerelative to the transcription initiation and not to the translation initiation site as in ref 6. In the 5'flanking region, potential binding sites for Ets, CACC, SP-1, GATA-l, and AP-2 factors are shown in boldface characters. The 10-bpdeletion (nt 355 to 364)in exon 1 of the LW(a- b-) sample Big is indicated by asterisks (*l and the premature stop codon generated is shown at the by double horizontal lines. beginning of exon 2. The inverted CAAT box andthe polyadenylationconsensus sequence AATAAA are underlined TheSP-A and AS-A primers used for PCR amplification of the promoter region (see Materials and Methods) are indicated, The genomic sequence has beensubmitted to the EMBL under the accession number X93093. fication and Southern blot analysis (Fig 4B). However, Westem blot analysis (Fig 4C) confirmed that the LW protein was present only in the LW(a+ b-) sample with a common Rh phenotype, but was absent from the LW- donors (Big, Nic, and R h , , I I DAA). As expected, the Rh protein was undetectable only in the I U I n u I I variant (Fig 4C). DISCUSSION The LW gene is a small gene organized into three exons that spans approximately 2.65 kb of DNA. There is a good correlation between the exodintron organization of the LW gene and the LW protein structure; the first exon encodes for the signal peptide and the first Ig-like domain which are normally encoded by separate exons in the Ig superfamily; exon 2 encodes the second Ig-like domain and exon 3 the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. All exons are separated by type 1 intron, like the members of the Ig superfamand this may be important for gene duplication within the gene family; for instance, LW, ICAM-I, and ICAM-3 genes that colocalized on chromosome 19p1314~25~26 may have evolved from a common ancestral gene. Interestingly, the present findings indicate that the 147-nt insertion found in From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. PROTEINHUMAN LW BLOOD GROUP 2965 in close proximity of the GATA-I motif in the LW gene, as found in regulatory regions of erythroid and megakaryocytic However, although the LW gene is expressed in erythroid tissues, there is presently no indication for megakaryocytic expression. Sequence comparison of the LW gene from RhD'and RhD- individuals showed no difference in the region examined (nt -289 to + I , 184), offering no explanation for the higher level of LW expression in D' than D- phenotypes.'' Further studies should clarify if transcription/translation efficiency or mRNA stability are important factors, although another explanation might be that the RhD polypeptides facilitate LW transport to the cell surface, like glycophorin A K562 A 1 I Exon 1 *.*******.l SP-c - 403 l AS-C + 0.8 kb Q' 5 225 LW + + 42 kDa Rh + 4 30 kDa 100 CAT activity (VO) Fig 3. Transient expression of the CAT gene directed by constructs containing the 5' flanking region of the LW gene. K562 and Hela cells were transfectedwith the recombinant Dlasmids LW(-289. +SICAT. PBLCAT~andwiththepromoterlessplasmidPBLCAT~ as Fig 4. Genomic amplification, RT-PCR tranxripts, and protein negative controls. CAT assays were performed 48 hours later, and analysis of LW+ and LW- donors. (A) PCR detection of the 10-bp the products were separated by thin-layer chromatography and autodeletion in the genomicDNA from theLWla- b-) donor Big. Primers radiographed overnight. The CAT activity is given as a percentage of SP-C (5'-CTCCGCACCCCGCTGCGGC&AGGC-3', nt +250 t o +273) and the pBLCAT2-transfected cells. AS-C (5'-GGCGGTGAlTCCGGAGGTGGCCCAGCG-3', nt +399 t o +373) were used in 50-pL reaction mixtures containing 200 ng of leukocyte DNA (denaturation 1 minute at 94°C. annealing 40 seconds at 60"C, and extension 30 seconds at 72°C). After 30 cycles, the PCR the LW cDNA clone IV previously identified6 resulted from products were resolved on 12% polyacrylamide gel and visualized the unsplicing of intron 2. under UV light after staining with ethidium bromide. A 140-bp inExamination of the sequence immediately upstream of the stead of a 150-bp expected fragment was amplified from Big. (B) transcription initiation site showed an inverted CAAT box Autoradiogram of the Southernanalysis of cDNA reverse-transcribed at position -292 (normally expected at position -70 to -80) from LW RNAs by RT-PCR and detected with the LW cDNA probe. (C) lmmunostaining of RBC membrane LW and Rh proteins using but failed to reveal a TATA box. Instead, an inverted consenrabbit antibodies directed against the Rh protein (MPC8,1:4.0001 and sus sequence for the binding of the GATA-l transcription the N terminus of the LW protein ~1:1,0001. Bound antibodies were factor was identified close to the transcription start site at detected by an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated substrate kit position -51, as described in several erythroid genes2' In (BioRad). Arrows on the right side indicate the size of Rh and LW addition, binding sites for SP-I, CACC, and Ets are present proteins. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 2966 HERMAND ETAL or glycophorin B enhance the cell-surface expression of the anion transporter band 330or theRh-associated glycoprotein Rt150,~’respectively. The LW gene status wasnext examined in rareindividuals of the LW(a- b-) phenotype that lack LW antigens and LW protein expression on RBCs. Some of these donors express normal Rh antigens but others also lack Rh and Rh-associated antigens and proteins and belong to the group of Rh,,,, individuals.” First, we found that our Rh,,,, donor (DAA) of the amorphic type had no detectable LW gene sequence abnormality (no deletion, mutation, or splice sitealteration). In addition, the LW transcript was indistinguishable from that of LW+ controls. Together with previous RH gene studies,33 these findings support the view that LW and Rh proteins, as well as other Rh-associated membraneproteins, form a noncovalent complex in the cell membrane that is not transported efficiently to the cell surface when Rh proteins are lacking.” At which level and how this complex assembles in the cell ispresently unknown. Next, we examined two unrelated LW(a- b-) individuals (Big and Nic) that had a normal phenotypic expression of Rh antigens, as seen by LW and Rh typing and Western blot analysis (Fig 4). In addition, these cells exhibited anormal phenotypic expression of the Rh50 glycoprotein and CD47 (our unpublishedresults,January 1995), which are majormembrane proteins present in the Rh membrane complex.” We found Big to be homozygous fora 10-bp deleted LW‘ allele encoding a truncatedproteinwithout transmembraneandcytoplasmic domains. Most likely, this truncated protein is either secreted or rapidly degraded, thus explaining the absenceof the LW protein in the RBC membrane (Fig 4). In contrast. there was no detectable alteration in the LW gene and its transcript from the second LW(a- b-) sample (Nic). Because no family study of this patient was available, it cannot be formerly excluded that the loss of LW antigens and antiLW productionistransient, as alreadydescribedin some cases of pregnancies or immunologic disorders.’ However, this is unlikely because Nic suffers no such syndrome and was hospitalized for the removal of a hernia. Therefore, the reason for the absence of LW protein in this patient remains obscure and suggests that the LW(a- b-) condition is heterogeneous. In summary, we have clarified the LW gene structure in individuals that exhibit the LW+ and LW- phenotypes, but major questions concerning the modulation of LW expression and the biosynthesis of the Rh membrane complex” remain unresolved. In addition, future studies should better delineate whether thestructural similarity of LW with intercellular adhesion molecules play any significantbiologic role. ACKNOWLEDGMENT WethankKathy Bumie (Hematology University Hospital, Ontario, Canada) for the gift of the LW(a- b-) blood sample (Big) and Dr C. Perez (Linares, Spain) for the Rh.,,, blood sample (DAA). We thank also Martine Huet and Nicole Lucien (Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, France) for technical assistance. REFERENCES 1. Race RR, Sanger R: Blood Groups in Man (ed 6). London, UK, Blackwell, 1975, p 228 2. 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