From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1991 77: 2553-2555 Lectin-like cell adhesion molecule 1 mediates leukocyte rolling in mesenteric venules in vivo K Ley, P Gaehtgens, C Fennie, MS Singer, LA Lasky and SD Rosen Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. RAPID COMMUNICATION Lectin-Like Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 Mediates Leukocyte Rolling in Mesenteric Venules In Vivo By Klaus Ley, Peter Gaehtgens, Christopher Fennie, Mark S. Singer, Laurence A. Lasky, and Steven D. Rosen * During the inflammatory response, granulocytes and other leukocytes adhere to and emigrate from small venules. Before firm attachment, leukocytes are observed rolling slowly along the endothelium in venules of most tissues accessible to intravital microscopy. The molecular mechanism underlying this early type of leukocyte-endothelial interaction is unknown. Leukocyte rolling was investigated in venules (diameter, 40 pm) of the,exposed rat mesentery. Micro-infusion of a recombinant soluble chimera (LEC-lgG) of the murine homing receptor lectin-like cell adhesion molecule 1 (LEC-CAM 1; gp90MEL) into individual venules reduced the number of rolling leukocytesby 89% f 2% (mean SEM, n = 20 venules), while a similar CD4 chimera (CD4-lgG) had no effect (inhibition 14% f 7%. n = 25). Rolling was also greatly reduced by a polyclonal serum against LEC-CAM 1 (inhibition 84% f 3%, n = 35); preimmune serum was ineffective (11% -c 13% inhibition, n = 28). These findings indicate that LEC-CAM 1 mediates the adhesive interaction underlying leukocyte rolling and thus may play an important role in inflammation and in pathologic conditions involving leukocytes. o 1991 by The American Society of Hematology. R with warmed (37°C) bicarbonate-buffered physiologic saline solution equilibrated with 5% CO, in N,. Glass micropipettes (tip diameter 7 to 10 pm) were filled through 0.45-pm filters (Millipore HV, Eschborn, Germany) and were introduced into side branches (approximate diameter 20 pm) of the investigated venules using a piezo'-driven micromanipulator (PM 10; Marzhauser, Wetzlar, Germany). The following reagents were miro-infused for 1-minute periods by pressurizing an air-filled chamber connected with the micropipette (applied volume approximately 100 to 200 nL): (1) a recombinant chimera consisting of the extracellular domain of murine LEC-CAM 1linked to human IgG Fc regions (LEC-IgG)23 at 100 pgimL in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS); (2) a similar CD4 chimera (CD4-IgG)24at 100 &mL in PBS; (3) a polyclonal serum against murine LECCAM 1, which cross-reacts with rat homing receptor (data not shown), diluted 1:lO in PBS; and (4) a matching preimmune serum, also diluted 1:10. The polyclonal serum was produced by injecting 10 pg of purified mouse LECCAM 1'' in Freund's complete adjuvant into multiple subcutaneous sites of a rabbit, and obtaining serum after 1 month. Observations were made on a modified Letiz intravital microscope with transillumination, using a 25~10.60N.A. salt water immersion objective, and recorded on video tape (final magnification on monitor approximately 700x). With transillumination microscopy, rolling leukocytes are identified as difiactive, slowly moving objects. The number of rolling leukocytes passing per time (rdling leukocyte flux) was measured from the video recordirrgs for each 2-second interval. Flow velocity was measured on line by temporal cross-correlation (auto tracking correlator 102B; Instrumentation for Physiology and Medicine, San Diego, CA) of signals ECRUITMENT OF granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes is essential for the inflammatory process.'.* Their emigration is preceded by firm attachment to the venular endothelium, which is dependent on p2integrins (leukocyte adhesion molecules [LEUCAMS]).24Leukocyte rolling, on the other hand, is unaffected by-anti+, antibodies that block firm adhesion? Rolling is induced within minutes upon exteriorization of tissues for intravital microscopy5" and persists for hours? Rolling cells are predominantly granulocyte^,^‘^ but mononuclear cells also participate.6 The low rdling velocity relative to blood flow v e l o c i p is caused by an adhesive interaction between leukocytes and the endothelium. Leukocyte rolling is effectively inhibited by dextran sulfate and sulfated glycosaminoglycan~'~'~ as well as by fucoidin, a sulfated fucose polymer (own unpublished observation, 1990). Dextran sulfate also reduces adhesion of isolated polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMNs) to cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells in the presence of shear stress." Earlier in vitro ~ t u d i e s ' ~have ~ ' ~ shown that fucoidin and other sulfated sugars also inhibit the lectin-like cell adhesion molecule 1 (LEC-CAM 1)-mediated adhesion of lymphocytes to high endothelial venules. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether the calcium-dependent lectin-like leukocyte homing receptor LEC-CAM 1'4,'5may be involved in leukocyte rolling. This molecule is known to bind f ~ c o i d i n . ' ~LEC,'~ CAM 1was originally shown to mediate lymphocyte homing to high endothelial venules of lymph n ~ d e s , ' ~ ~ but ' ~ is * 'also ~ expressed on PMNs, where it is rapidly downregulated upon chemotactic ti mu la ti on.'^^^^ LEC-CAM 1 has previously been shown to be critical for recruitment of PMNs to inflammatory sites~1*22 but it is unknown at what stage of PMN-endothelial interaction LEC-CAM 1 is involved. MATERIALS AND METHODS Female Sprague Dawley rats (approximately 300 g body weight) anesthetized with ketamine and pentobarbital were catheterized (carotid artery and iugular vein) and surgically prepared for microscopic observation of mesenteric microvessels. Blood pressure and heart rate remained constant, systemic leukocyte counts increased slightly (from 7,000 to 8,200lpL) during the experimental period of approximately 90 minutes. Animal core temperature was thermostated to 37°C. The mesenteric preparation was superfused Blood, Vol77, No 12 (June 15),1991:pp 2553-2555 From the Department of Physiology, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany; the Department of Immunobiology, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA; and the Department of Anatomy and Program in Immunology, University of Calijomia at San Francisco, San Francisco,,CA. Submitted January 24,1991; accepted March 25,1991. Supported by a grant from the German Research Council (DFG: Le 57313-1) to K L., and by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM23547and P6OAR20684) and from Genentech to S.D.R. Address reprint requests to Klaus Ley, MD, Dept. of Physiology, Freie UniversitatBerlin, Amimallee 22, 0-IO00 Berlin 33, Germany. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 so1ely:toindicatethis fact. 0 I991 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/91/7712-0034$3.00l0 2553 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 2554 LEY ET AL from a photo-transistor pair on which the microscope image was projected. 160 c E x’ 3 RESULTS Leukocyte rolling was investigated in 108venules (diameter 40 f 1 km, mean t SEM) of the exposed rat mesentery, several junctions downstream from the site of microinfusion. Rolling leukocyte flux was reduced significantly from 83 2 11 to 7 f 1 cells/min (mean 5 SEM, n = 20 venules) by micro-infusion of LEC-IgG (100 kg/mL), but was virtually unaffected (74 t 10 during micro-infusion v 64 5 11 cells/min during control, n = 25) by CD4-IgG. Micro-infusion of anti-LEC-CAM 1 antiserum (diluted 1 : l O in PBS) decreased leukocyte rolling from 90 f 9 to 13 f 3 cells/min (n = 35), while infusion of preimmune serum had no effect (69 2 10 and 60 t 12 cells/min, respectively; n = 28) (Fig 1). Micro-infusion of neither of the reagents had any effect on blood pressure, heart rate, or systemic leukocyte counts of the animals. Because the increase of blood flow velocity induced locally by micro-infusion may affect rolling leukocyte velocities were measured in each group and found to be increased during micro-infusion to a similar extent: by 131% f 26% above control velocity in the LEC-IgG group, by 200% f 24% in the CD4-IgG group, by 159% 2 19% in the anti-LEC-CAM 1 group, and by 187% 2 30% in the preimmune serum group. On termination of micro-infusion of both LEC-IgG and anti-LEC-CAM 1, leukocyte rolling reached its original value within about 15 seconds (Fig 2). MICRO-INFUSION 120 LL U 60 80 i: W (7 z 40 i!LL 0‘ 0 _I 0 120 0 - K I LEC-1gG CD4-IgG chimera 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 TIME. s Anti-LEC-CAM 1 and LEC-IgG markedly reduced the number of rolling leukocytes while the respective control reagents did not, with similar hemodynamic conditions prevailing in the investigated venules. LEC-IgG has recently been shown to inhibit PMN recruitment to an inflammatory site.” However, it remained unclear which of the different steps involved in the process (leukocyte E 40 TIME. s 0 DISCUSSION I I 20 PolyMel Preimmune serum Fig. 1. Flux of rolling leukocytes during micro-infusion. The percent of control flux, mean ? SEM, and number of applications are indicated. LEC-IgG, recombinant chimera of murine LEC-CAM lZ3; CD4-lgG, similar chimera of CD4U, both 100 pg/mL; PolyMel, rabbit antimouse LEC-CAM 1 serum (1:lO); preimmune, matching preimmune serum. Fig. 2. Flux of rolling leukocytes during and following microinfusion. Top, anti-LEC-CAM 1 antiserum (35 applications, solid line) and preimmune serum (28 applications, broken line). Bottom, LEC-lgG (average of 20 applications, solid line) and CD4-lgG (25 applications, broken line). Micro-infusion was terminated at 60 seconds. rolling, firm adhesion, emigration) was blocked by LECIgG. The present intravital microscopic data indicate that LEC-IgG interferes with the earliest form of leukocyteendothelial interaction, ie, leukocyte rolling. A preliminary report suggests that leukocyte rolling is a prerequisite for firm adhesion and emigration.” Hence, it appears likely that LEC-IgG precludes PMN recruitment” by blocking their rolling. On termination of micro-infusion of anti-LEC-CAM 1, leukocyte rolling resumed within about 15 seconds, which is in accordance with earlier observations with application of sulfated glycosaminoglycan^.^ This behavior was to be expected, because leukocytes exposed to micro-infused anti-LEC-CAM 1 were swept away into the systemic circulation and replaced by fresh leukocytes. The similar lag-time seen after infusion of LEC-IgG was surprising, because LEC-IgG interacts with the endothelial ligand of LEC-CAM 1 and, hence, should remain attached to the endothelium of the investigated venule. LEC-IgG has previously been shown to specifically bind to lymph node high endothelial venules and block lymphocyte attachmet~t.’~ The transitory effect of LEC-IgG infusion on From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 2555 LEC-CAM 1 MEDIATES LEUKOCYTE ROLLING leukocyte rolling indicates that LEC-IgG binding to and release from its ligand on extra-lymphoid venular endothelium may have a short time constant of the order of several seconds. This concept is consistent with the nature of the bond established between the rolling leukocyte and the endothelium. In the process of rolling, attachment and detachment of individual bonds probably alternate very frequently. The conclusion that LEC-CAM 1 plays a major role in mediating leukocyte rolling in vivo is supported by several other observations. Both leukocyte rolling’.’’ and LECCAM 1-mediated lymphocyte adhesion to high endothelial venules of lymph n ~ d e ” , ’are ~ , inhibited ~~ by sulfated polysaccharides, among them the sulfated fucose polymer fucoidin. LEC-CAM 1 has been shown to be downregulated upon chemotactic stimulation of PMNs,”,~’which correlates with the inability of stimulated PMNs to “home” to an inflammatory site.” Likewise, leukocyte rolling in venules of the hamster cheek pouch has been reported to be reduced upon chemotactic stimulation.26 It is concluded that the inhibitory effects of LEC-IgG and anti-LEC-CAM 1 antiserum on leukocyte rolling seen in the present study are caused by interference with the interaction between LEC-CAM 1 and its endothelial ligand. The rapid onset (1 to 3 minutes) of leukocyte rolling upon surgical trauma6 suggests that a pre-existing endothelial ligand is exposed at the luminal surface of venules, or modified to allow leukocyte adhesion via LEC-CAM 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dr T.A. Yednock, Department of Anatomy, University of California at San Francisco, and Dr L.M. Stoolman, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, for help in producing and characterizing the antiserum, Dr A.R. Pries, Department of Physiology, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany for revising the manuscript, and M. Ehrlich for technical assistance. REFERE NCES 1. Metchnikoff E: Sur la lutte des cellules de l’organisme contre l’invasion des microbes. Ann Inst Pasteur 1:321,1887 2. Arnaout MA: Structure and function of the leukocyte adhesion molecules CDllICD18. Blood 75:1037,1990 3. Arfors K-E, Lundberg C, Lindbom L, Lundberg K, Beatty PG, Harlan JM: A monoclonal antibody to the membrane glycoprotein complex CD18 inhibits polymorphonuclear leukocyte accumulation and plasma leakage in vivo. Blood 69:338,1987 4. Springer TA, Adhesion receptors of the immune system. Nature 346:425,1990 5. Atherton A, Born GVR: Quantitative investigations of the adhesiveness of circulating polymorphonuclear leukocytes to blood vessels. J Physiol (Lond) 222:447,1972 6. 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