Church of The Epiphany "Seeking The Light......Sharing Him" 11th & Jackson Streets • Philadelphia, PA 19148-3028 RECTORY: 215-334-1035 • SCHOOL: 215-467-5385 Fourth Maji: 215-334-1035 • PREP: 215-334-1035 Email: [email protected] Rev. John J. Pidgeon, Pastor Rev. Dennis Witalec, In Residence Sister Alexa Meany, I.H.M., Dir. Liturgy and Music Deacon Fred Druding, Associate in Pastoral Ministry Sr. Francine Campbell, O.S.F., Volunteer in Pastoral Ministry Marge Jarman, Religious Education Director Mass Schedule See inside bulletin for Weekday and Holyday Mass Schedule Sunday Vigil 5:00 P.M., 7:30 A.M. & 9:00 A.M. Lower Church 11:00 A.M. Upper Hearing Impaired Mass on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month OUR LADY OF HOPE REGIONAL CATHOLIC SHCOOL 1248 JACKSON STREET • 215-467-5385 • OURLADYOFHOPEPHILLY.COM Principal: Ms. Patricia Cody Our Lady of Hope Regional Catholic School, a PreK (3) to Grade 8 school, strives to create thoughtful, passionate learners through a well-rounded curriculum set in a safe, caring environment, faithful to the Catholic tradition. By integrating technology into the calssroom, we are able prepare students for sucess in today's global society while maintaining a robust academic foundation. For more informaiton see our website: Rectory Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. • Wednesday 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. • Friday 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. (Sat. 9:30 to 3:00, Sun 9:30 to 1:30) • Evening Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 7:00 P.M. To 8:30 P.M. BAPTISM: is celebrated the first Sunday of every month. Arrangements must be made in advance Call the rectory for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: From 4:10 to 4:45 on Sat. and anytime by appointment in the rectory. MARRIAGE: Couples planning to celebrate this Sacrament call the rectory at least six months in advance. PARISH MINISTRIES Communion to the Homebound: Call rectory to receive a monthly visit. Methodist Hospital: Communion is given on Sundays by request. Monday through Friday, a priest from one of the local parishes visits the hospital. Epiphany’s day is Monday,. Meals for the Homebound: the parish participates in the Aid for Friends program. Call rectory. Food Pantry: Open Friday and Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to noon. Photo ID is required. Fourth Magi Society: Serving parishioners in financial need. Call rectory ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation is a way of introducing and preparing those who wish to be baptized. An additional gathering is availble for those baptized but desire to become Catholic. Sacramental Instruction: is available to all who are baptized but seeking Confirmation & Eucharist Pre-Jordan: For parents and godparents prior to the Baptism PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN PREP: Sunday morning instruction for children in public school beginning with Mass at 9 A.M. Liturgy of the Word: A child friendly gathering with a catechist within the 9 & 11 A.M. Mass OCTOBER 12, 2014 - TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME LETS INCREASE EPIPHANY’S MASS ATTENDANCE Invite a neighbor- family member to join us at Sunday Mass. Share why you come and tell them: “Come and see” ((Jn 1:39) that Jesus is present in Word and really, truly, substantially present in the Eucharist. We become at Mass what we receive, “The Body of Christ”. The parish provides canned food to the hungry, meals for the homebound, financial assistance for those in need, monthly visits to over 100 homebound parishioners bringing them communion, members of the city-wide faith based community group and bi-annual participants in the Vigil for Life. There is even more good this parish is doing that most do not know about! How much more could be done if you came! FROM OUR PASTOR Usually it is not good to be called a lot of names, but not in the case of the Gospel of Luke. This Gospel is often named, “The Gospel of Women” since it speaks of the Annunciation and Visitation of Mary, as well as mentions the women followers of Jesus such as Mary Magdalene and women friends of Jesus, such as Martha and Mary. The Gospel, also credited to Luke, is called the Gospel of Prayer, for it frequently shows us Jesus in prayer. Likewise, this Gospel is often named the Gospel of the Holy Spirit because it stresses the role of the Spirit in the ministry of Jesus. Finally, Luke’s Gospel is often named the Gospel of Mercy because of three parables of mercy in Chapter 15, and Luke is the only gospel to recount the incredible mercy that Jesus showed to the good thief while both were being crucified. Saint Luke whose feast the church celebrates this Saturday is also called a lot of names. He is called a doctor, a companion of Saint Paul, and most importantly, an evangelist for he is credited with authoring both the Gospel that bears his name and the Acts of the Apostles. So, perhaps Luke is a name we might want to get to know for he is a connected man. The Gospel that bears his name unites us to Jesus whose name when proclaimed, “saves”. A REFLECTION ON ST. TERESA Have you ever wondered why they called Teresa of Avila, “Teresa of Jesus”? If you read the excerpt of her writing below, you will wonder no more and you will desire to be known as ______________(put your name in the blank) of Jesus. “If Christ Jesus dwells in a person as his friend and noble leader, that person can endure all things, for Jesus helps and strengthens us and never abandons us. Jesus is our true friend... What more do we desire from such a good friend at our side? Unlike our friends of this world, Jesus will never abandon us when we are troubled or distressed. Blessed is the one who truly loves Jesus and always keeps Jesus near. Let us consider the glorious Saint Paul. It seems that no other name fell from his lips than that of Jesus, because the name of Jesus was fixed and embedded in his heart.... Whenever we think of Jesus, we should recall the love that led Jesus to bestow on us so many graces and favors, and also the great love the Father showed in giving us in Jesus a pledge of his love, for love calls for love in return.” We celebrate the memorial of Teresa of Jesus on Wednesday, (October 15th ). May the love of Jesus that was so deep in this Carmelite woman’s heart be deepened in our hearts. May we live the love of Jesus in our hearts and share that love with all whom we meet in such a profound way that we too will truly be mystics of our time, like St. Teresa was in sixteenth-century Spain. INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT Start doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. St. Francis of Assisi OCTOBER 12, 2014 - TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME LITURGICAL CORNER Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Isaiah 25: 6-10 The mountain dearest to the people of Israel was Mount Zion, the place upon which Jerusalem’s temple was built. The prophet Isaiah, preaching during a time of political upheaval, foresees a day when God will gather on Mount Zion all the people of the world for a great banquet. Second Reading: Philippians 4: 12-14, 19-20 On his missionary journeys, Paul took pride in supporting himself as a leatherworker. Now it’s different. Paul is in prison and dependent upon his beloved Philippians. They generously sent him help, the only Christian community known to do so. As he now concludes his letter to them, Paul thanks them for their support and encouragement. EPIPHANY GOLDEN AGE CLUB Our next meeting will be held on October 22nd , 2014 at 1:00 pm in Our Lady of Hope School Hall, 13th and Jackson Street. We heartily invite new members! FALL CLOTHING DRIVE On November 15th, from 9 am to 1 pm, the Salvation Army truck will be at Epiphany’s parking lot to accept furniture, clothing, shoes, bed linens and spreads, and household items that are usable. The Salvation Army does not accept baby toys, car seats, high-chairs, strollers, pack-and-plays, or the old style TV’s. They accept baby furniture, such as dressers, and flat screen TV’s that are working. Thanks for your support for this worthy organization. OPENING OF THE MASS BOOK FOR 2015 The mass Book for 2015 will be open for intentions on Saturday, October 25th from 8:30 am to 12 noon in the gathering room on the parking lot entrance of the lower church. No intentions will be accepted until after October 25th. MEMORIAL FUND CONCERT The Alfonso Cavaliere memorial Fund Concert will be held Sunday, October 19th, 4 p.m. at SS. Neumann-Goretti High School, 10th and Moore Street. Our recipient for the year 2014 is Tenor William Davenport who will sing a tribute to Mario Lanza! Also, enjoy Broadway selections and famous Neapolitan songs. Tickets are $15 general, $12 senior, $5 student. All tickets at the door are $15. Call Giovanna at 215334-0529. N.B. A portion of your ticket will be reimbursed to Epiphany Church. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ.” Pope Francis begins his message for this year’s celebration of World Mission Sunday with these words. And he quickly offers us the way to make a joy-filled, lifegiving difference: “World Mission Sunday is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands.” On October 19th, our Archdiocesan family celebrates this “privileged moment” joining with our brothers and sisters around the world who will gather at the Lord’s Table to celebrate, with great joy, our common vocation as Missionaries. Our prayers and concrete gestures of solidarity will help build local churches, like the church in Mongolia, the worlds’ youngest Catholic Church, and churches across the globe. Through the work of missionaries in these churches, and their witness to Christ, the needy receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Your prayers and material support will help the Pontifical Mission for the Propagation of the Faith, the Holy Father’s chief missionary arm, to provide resources to missionaries who proclaim the Gospel and offer help to our brothers and sisters throughout 1,150 mission dioceses. As I said in the past, We need to bring Jesus Christ to the whole world and the whole world to Jesus Christ. Our mission flows straight from the inner life of the Trinity. God sent his S on. The Son sends his Church. And the Church sends us. We need to be missionaries.” No work of the Church is more central to her reason for being. I thank you in advance for your generous response to the needs of others. Pope Francis encourages us to take joyful part in the church’s mission to all nations, as we live our lives grounded in love for Jesus and concern for the needs of the most disadvantaged. May World Mission Sunday offer each one of us an opportunity to accomplish both, as we share the joy of the Gospel and help all people in need with our fervent prayer and our generous hearts! Sincerely in Christ, +Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Philadelphia The second collection next weekend will be for World Mission Sunday. Thank You! OCTOBER 12, 2014 - TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS LITURGIES AND SERVICES SATURDAY/SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 & 12 5:00 pm (Vigil) 7:30 am (Mass) 9:00 am (Mass) 11:00 am (Mass) Joseph King Bill Mellette Salvatore and Maria Mazzotta Anthony Criniti, Jr. POT OF GOLD Our bulletin was printed too early. Please go to the website for the winning numbers. For more information, go to the school website. OUR LADY OF HOPE REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL NEWS MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 8:00 am (Mass) Johnny Monzo TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 7:00 am (Mass) Angelina Casamento 8:30 am (Mass) Mary Iannece WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:00 am (Mass) People of the Parish 8:00 am (Mass) Vito and Rosa Narda THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 7:00 am (Mass) Marianna Calabretta 8:00 am (Mass) Phyllis Vanore FRIDAY OCTOBER 17 8:00 am (Mass) Marie, Joseph, and Alfonso Cavaliere SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 8:00 am (Mass) Rosa and Antonio Gulla 4:10 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation SATURDAY/SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 & 19 5:00 pm (Vigil) 7:30 am (Mass) 9:00 am (Mass) 11:00 am (Mass) Dino Fattore Paul Stolte, Jr. William and Beatrice Catanzariti Annunzio and Maria Sindoni PLEASE PRAY FOR ....Our Sick, especially....Rita Castagna, Arlene Cody, Terese Roache, Michael Mooney, Anna Marano, Michael Borman, Florence Druding. ...Our homebound, especially, Vincent Taormina, Anthony Peccorara, Rose Morabito, Sue Serra. Our Lady of Hope would like to congratulate the following eighth grade students, Joseph Messina and Ceran Ash, who were selected by SS. Neumann and Goretti High School to receive the Millay Club Scholarship for their freshman year of high school. The students were selected because they earned the highest general average on their final report card of seventh grade. We wish them continued success in all of their endeavors. Our Lady of Hope Home and School Association will be sponsoring a Halloween Party on Friday, October 31st in our school auditorium, more information will follow. On behalf of the entire learning community of Our Lady of Hope School, we would like to thank you for your support of Catholic education. Be assured of our daily prayers for your intentions. Tours of Our Lady of Hope School are available by appointment. Please contact our school office at 215-4675385 to make an appointment. EPIPHANY BAKE SALE Epiphany Bake Sale will be on October 19, 2014 after all Sunday Masses. Proceeds will support Epiphany Church. ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA TELEVISION MASS Watch the Television Mass Sunday mornings at 5:30 am WPVI - Channel 6 The Archdiocese thanks Channel 6 for its generosity in broadcasting the Television Mass. SUNDAY COLLECTION TOTAL Our bulletin was published too early to print the collection total. See next weeks bulletin. Thank you for your generosity 032
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