SRS Enhancing Lifestyles (Sherwood Respite Service Inc) Hello everyone, OCTOBER 2014 —NOVEMBER 2014 Cottage Chatter SPRING Edition Phone: 3379 1051 Since our last Newsletter, we have had our Annual General Meeting. For information on the AGM please refer to the President’s Report on Page 2. So while not updating you on the AGM, I did want to bring your attention our “Unsung Hero” Lorraine Simpson. Lorraine has volunteered at SRS for more than 17 years as well as being an active member of SRS. Two years ago, Lorraine Simpson was inducted as a life member of SRS for her dedication to our organisation. That means, when SRS hold’s the AGM, Lorraine is a special guest. So you think she would be enjoying the limelight at such an event! No! Lorraine is busy welcoming all to the AGM as our “meet and greet” person, ensuring visitors have signed out attendance book and have their name tags so that everyone knows who everyone else is. I don’t know how we would manage without you Lorraine. A huge thank you to Lorraine for all she does for our organisation. Clients enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of Kurilpa Kitchen at West End during Seniors Week. With over 100 people attending the celebration, it was very pleasing to hear that (Continued on Page 4) WHAT’S IN A NAME COMPETITION Want to win a $200 gift voucher ? We are running a competition to name our centre at 23 Thallon Street, Sherwood. Terms and Conditions The competition is open to our clients and their families, carers, staff and volunteers Enter as many times as you like ! Entry is easy. Just email the list of your names to [email protected] OR hand deliver or mail your list with your name, address and telephone number to “What’s In A Name Competition”, Sherwood Respite Service, 23 Thallon Street, Sherwood Qld 4075 by 17 October 2014. The winner, chosen by our independent judge, will be announced on our website in early to mid-November and in our Newsletter “Cottage Chatter” to be issued in November. The gift voucher is a WISH Gift Card redeemable at Woolworths Supermarkets, BIG W, Dick Smith, Dan Murphy’s, BWS, Caltex Woolworths, Cellarmasters and Masters Home Improvement stores. O CT OBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT To All involved with SRS Our 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in late August. The meeting was a great success. I thank all who attended and to Jan, Jo and George for the organisation on the night and the team involved in preparation. I express gratitude to the retiring Management Committee for its efforts and contribution during the past year. In particular, I thank Damian Mohr who has retired from the committee. At that AGM, the following people were elected to the Management Committee for the 2014/2015 year: President: Michael Egert Vice President: Sophie Szylkarski Treasurer: Mary Holland Secretary: Bill Jeffs Committee Members: Laurel Macintosh, John Cridland, Shirley King and Jane Hall. I thank these members for offering themselves and for their continuing contribution. I welcome this new committee and wish it well in its endeavours for the year. The ongoing implementation of the Strategic Plan will be the primary focus for the Management Committee for the coming year. Due to the planned rollout of the Aged Care Reform, in particular in the area of Community Care, the Committee will need to continuously adjust its strategies to ensure the best outcomes for clients and carers. I commend to you the “Name the Centre Competition”, details of which are contained on the front page of this Newsletter. We are keen to hear your suggestions for a name for our Centre. There is a prize for the selected name. Also I commend the new “Carers Corner” column to you. It is worth a regular read. Stay Safe and Well Michael Egert President of the Management Committee Members at the AGM 2014 O CT OBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 3 Sherwood Respite Service Inc. 23 Thallon St Sherwood QLD 4075 P.O. Box 80 Sherwood QLD 4075 Phone: 33791051 Fax: 33791573 Mobile: 0419744681 Email: [email protected] Website: Management Committee President: Michael Egert Vice President: Sophie Szylkarski Treasurer: Mary Holland Secretary: Bill Jeffs Committee Members: Shirley King, John Cridland Laurel Macintosh and Jane Hall Staff and Volunteers Coordinator: Jan Kennedy Admin & Accounts Management Officer: Jo Bedggood Staff: Ray Barnwell, Alison Burley, George Bogoyevitch, Ron Billones, Michael Carroll, John Clark, Camille Cullen, Robyn Gaal, Lenore Gibson, Lisa Gray, Mary-Ellen Haigh, Pat Mathieson, Tony McKeown, Jan Morling, Lyndal Petersen, Lorraine Simpson, Rocky Teoh and Judy Thornton. Together Everyone Achieves More. “” CARERS CORNER --------- DID YOU KNOW? SRS “In Home Respite” costs are as follows: Up to 4 hours Monday to Friday $15 Up to 4 hours Saturday $25 Between 4 – 8 hours Mon – Fri. $30 Between 4 – 8 hours Saturday $50 Payable via electronic funds transfer OR by sending a cheque to SRS office. Dear Carers, Do you have any Fund Raising experience, contacts or ideas? The time has come to think about how SRS can raise funds without relying upon government grants. Your suggestions are encouraged. NATIONAL CARERS WEEK: 12th – 18th OCTOBER 2014. for more information. WELCOME: SRS premises will be open for a free CARERS morning tea on Monday 13th October between 10 – 11:30am. Please come along and meet other Carers, enjoy a delicious morning tea and share your experiences. (Feel free to bring your loved one along if they are with you on that day.) RSVP: 3379 1051. Kind regards, from Jane and the SRS team. O CT OBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 4 the clients of SRS set the mood of the occasion with dancing and singing to the entertainment. The food was amazing and the staff of Kurilpa Kitchen are congratulated for the great time shared by all! Clients and staff at the Centre are fortunate to have 3 students from Southbank Institute of TAFE assisting with client activities during Clients enjoying the hospitality at Kurilpa Kitchen September and part of October. Everyone would like to extend a warm welcome to Iqjot, Sabah and Sami who are on work placement towards their Diploma of Community Service Work. We look forward to having your input into our client activities. We have some date claimers for everyone to mark in their diaries with Christmas Activities just round the corner: On Friday 12 December 2014, we have our Night Lights Program. This is a wonderful opportunity for clients to see the decorative Christmas Lights following a delicious dinner. Carers and clients, please note that this activity is an afternoon / evening program in place of the usual daily activity. This activity is OPEN TO ALL dependent on seats available on the bus. If you have your own transport and would like to follow our bus route, you are more than welcome to do so. Sami, Iqjot and Sabah On Friday 19 December 2014, we have our Client Christmas Party at Acacia Ridge Hotel. This activity provides an enjoyable atmosphere for clients, carers, family members, volunteers and staff of SRS to celebrate the festive season. The Client Christmas Party is also OPEN TO ALL and clients are encouraged to bring their carer or family member to assist us with the transport. Unfortunately due to increased prices, the fee for the Client Christmas Party is $25. Raffle tickets will be available prior to the Christmas Party however, they will not be available on the day. Staff have been actively updating their skills during the past month including First Aid, CPR (demonstrated below by Jo and Alison), Client Rights and Responsibilities and Working as an Effective Team. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our wonderful volunteers for their active and spirited involvement in the training they undertook. The participation from staff during the teambuilding exercises is to be commended. Well done staff and volunteers! Keep an eye on the activities calendar for other upcoming events. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you would like a specific activity or outing. We will try to accommodate your suggestions! Kind regards Jan Kennedy—Coordinator O CT OBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 5 MELBOURNE CUP TUESDAY 4th NOVEMBER COST: $15.00 Please let us know if you require transport. FAMILY, FRIENDS AND CARERS ARE WELCOME Melbourne Cup Raffle donations are greatly appreciated and very welcome. RSVP: 27/10/20147 LOTS OF RAFFLES AND SWEEPS FOR MELBOURNE CUP, SO REMEMBER TO BRING SOME MONEY! SRS would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to: Maude R, Rick K, Audrey R, June D, Jean F, Hazel R, Joy S, Hilda M, Norm V, Leo V, Judy D, Lorna G, Inge D, Ray J, Lois C, John McC and Gloria McI. We wish everyone a very special day and look forward to singing Happy Birthday to you and maybe enjoying a slice of cake or two! O CT OBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 6 “Let’s talk about changes to aged care” The “Let’s talk about changes to aged care” campaign is encouraging people to start talking about aged care and the changes that start from 1 July 2014. The changes to aged care will give you more choice, more control, and more of the services you might need to help you stay in your own home for longer and remain independent. These changes mean all Australians will have options for their aged care and we’ll have a sustainable system in the years ahead. The sooner we all start planning for and talking about aged care, the better the outcome for older people, their families and carers. For more information contact MY AGED CARE on 1800 200 422 or email to O CT OBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 7 Consultant Clinical Psychologist Sinnamon Village Therapy Centre is able to provide Clinical Psychologist support to clients 65 years and older in the assessment and treatment of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar and adjustment disorders. The Clinical Psychologist can also screen and assess on dementia and cognition impairment as well as counselling for stress, trauma and grief. Appointments with the Clinical Psychologist are available between 8:00am—12:00pm Monday to Thursday at Sinnamon Village Therapy Centre by contacting them on 3714 5141. Referrals can be made by either your GP or the SRS Coordinator. Initial Consultation is $25 and subsequent consultations are $15. SRS would like to extend an invitation to all Clients, Carers, Friends and Family to join with us on Tuesday 21st October for a FASHION PARADE. Clothing on the day is provided by Sue’s Fashions and is suitable for ladies of all ages. Sue’s Fashions also includes a wide range of costume jewellery, handbags and scarves. If you would like to come along, please RSVP to SRS by Tuesday 14th October. Tuesday clients will be collected by the buses as usual but all other guests (clients) etc will need to provide their own transport on the day. Morning tea will be provided at a cost of $2 per person. OCT OBER 2014 —NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 8 Rights & Responsibilities of Service Users Service users (clients) are the focus of SRS operations and it is important that their rights are acknowledged and promoted at every opportunity and that they are aware of their responsibilities as service users. Service users have the following rights: General x To be treated and accepted as an individual, and to have their individual preferences respected x To be treated with dignity, with their privacy respected x To receive support without being obliged to feel grateful to those providing their support x To full and effective use of all their human, legal and consumer rights, including the right to freedom of speech regarding their support x To be treated without exploitation, abuse, discrimination, harassment or neglect Participation x To be involved in identifying the support most appropriate for their needs x To choose the support and services that best meet their assessed needs, from the support able to be provided and within the limits of the resources available x To participate in making decisions that affect them x To have their representative participate in decisions relating to their support if they so wish or if they do not have capacity. Support x To receive reliable, coordinated, safe, quality support which is appropriate to their assessed needs x To be given before, or within 14 days after they commence receiving support, a written plan of the support that they expect to receive x To receive support as described in the plan that takes account of their lifestyle, other care arrangements and cultural, linguistic and religious preferences x To ongoing review of the support they receive (both periodic and in response to changes in their personal circumstances), and modification of the support as required Personal Information x To privacy and confidentiality of their personal information x To access their personal information Communication x To be helped to understand any information they are given x To be offered a written agreement that includes all agreed matters x To choose a person to speak on their behalf for any purpose OCTOBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 9 Rights & Responsibilities of Service Users (Cont’d) Comments and Complaints x To be given information on how to make comments and complaints about the support they receive x To complain about the support they receive, without fear of losing the support or being disadvantaged in any other way x To have complaints investigated fairly and confidentially and to have appropriate steps taken to resolve issues of concern Fees x To have their fees determined in a way that is transparent, accessible and fair x To receive invoices that are clear and in a format that is understandable x To have their fees reviewed periodically and on request when there are changes to their financial circumstances x Not to be denied support because of their inability to pay a fee for reasons beyond their control Service User Responsibilities: General x To respect the rights of support workers to their human, legal and industrial rights including the right to work in a safe environment x To treat support workers without exploitation, abuse, discrimination or harassment. Support To abide by the terms of the written agreement x To acknowledge that their needs may change and to negotiate modifications of support when their support needs to change x To accept responsibility for their own actions and choices even though some actions and choices may involve an element of risk. Communication x To give enough information to assist the approved provider to develop, deliver and review a support plan x To tell the approved provider and their staff about any problems with support Access x To allow safe and reasonable access for support workers at the times specified in their support plan or otherwise by agreement x To provide reasonable notice if I do not require a service Fees x To pay any fee as specified in the agreement or negotiate an alternative arrangement with the provider if any changes occur in their financial circumstances x To provide enough information for the approved provider to determine an appropriate level of fee. x OCTOBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 VOLLIE VIBE PAGE 10 ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION Dementia Help Line We give a warm welcome to the newest member of our For information and support on Alzheimer’s Volunteer Team, Rocky who disease and other forms of dementia— has recently joined us here at 1800639331—Free call 24 hours—7 days SRS. Rocky comes to us with Call help line for emotional support and a wealth of talents and we information and contacts on dementia, thank him for his time. Thanks Support Groups, Library, AAQ Respite also to all the volunteers who joined with the staff in attending Services, residential care and Information the recent Training Day. We Useful numbers hope that you all enjoyed the day and found the for services presentations informative. As you can see from the calendar, Commonwealth Carer we have another big couple of Respite Centre HOME ASSIST months ahead of us and are For one off, short term Provides help within your home very grateful for your help with & emergency respite e.g. changing light bulbs, stop providing our clients with such dripping taps, installing fire Ph: 1800 200422 wonderful activities.. alarms and all sorts of things. Melbourne Cup will soon be Aged Care Some of the services are free upon us so drag out your best Assessment Team Ph: 3379 8000 hat or fascinator and come ACAT along for a great day of fun, MY AGED CARE Provide assessment for raffles and entertainment. Ph: 1800 200 422 eligibility for packages, Also a reminder that residential respite and ADVOCACY Christmas Light nights is permanent residential Know and exercising your rights coming up and that will be an care Ph: 1800 818 338 afternoon / evening session. Ph: 3275 6700 We do hope that you are all DEMENTIA HELP LINE Royal Blind enjoying this pleasant weather For information and support on and we look forward to seeing Foundation Alzheimer’s Disease and other you at the Centre. Info on services and forms of dementia Assessments Ph: 1800 639 331 Ph: 3391 9191 Cheers from Jo & Robyn FREECALL 24 hours—7 days. Volunteer Coordinators 4RPH AM RADIO STATION ELDER ABUSE HELPLINE 129.6 AM For anyone who is being taken For people with vision advantage of emotionally, difficulties, reads physically or financially. newspapers daily. Tune Ph: 1300 651 192 all the way to the right and one turn back. Ph: 3831 1296 O CT OBER 2014—NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE Tai Chi (1 11.30 to 12.00) Jenny our Tai Chi instructor will attend SRS on the following dates in October and November. Wednesday 15th October Friday 24th October Monday 3rd November Wednesday 12th November Tuesday 18th November Thursday 27th November. Podiatry Podiatry is now provided at SRS by Prescare Day Therapy Centre from Monday—Friday, on the day you attend the Centre. Should you be unable to attend the Centre on your Podiatry day, please let us know as soon as possible by calling 3379 1051. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY Please note: Tai Chi is inclusive of CLIENT day respite. REQUIRING PODIATRY JOKE CORNER NEEDS THE An elderly man was stopped by the police PRE-APPROVAL around 2am and was asked where he was OF THE going at that time of night. COORDINATOR The man replied “I’m on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects TO ACCESS it has on the human body as well as THIS smoking and staying out late” SERVICE! The officer then asked “Really? Who’s giving that lecture at this time of night”? The man replied “That would be my wife”! THE NEW POCKETPROFILE ™ IS A CREDIT CARD SIZE THAT CONTAINS A PERSON’S ENTIRE MEDICATION PROFILE. When a pharmacy packs a patient’s or resident’s medication into the well known and loved Webster-pak® solutions, the full medication profile is held in the Webstercare ® Medication Management Software. Through further software development, this data can now be printed on the PocketProfile including colour photos of the patient and pill images. Now when a Specialist or GP asks “Are you taking any medication”, the PocketProfile can be handed over to provide full accurate details of all packed, non-packed and PRN medications. It includes dosage details, administration instructions, indications and allergies. Whenever an update is made to someone’s medications, a new card can be printed at the click of an icon by the pharmacist. For more information, please call Customer Service on 1300 626 739. OCT A PRIL OBER2014 2014—NOVEMBER —MAY 2014 PAGE 2014 12PAGE 12 VOLUNTEER PROFILE The Volunteer Profile for this Newsletter is: Jan Morling. How long have you volunteered at SRS? I started volunteering in February 2009. What made you decide to become a volunteer? I am retired and have the time to help. I really enjoy being part of this organisation. This quote came from a fellow volunteer and I think it’s very true “Helping others helps you see yourself and life in a better perspective”. I am also an inaugural and active member of the SRS Continuous Improvement Committee. Tell us a little about your life. I was born in Brisbane and attended school at Somerville House. I worked in “Accounts” for many years and then took early retirement. I live in the leafy suburb of Brookfield with my husband John. I have no children but I have two (adult) step-children living in Melbourne. What is your greatest talent or other interests? My greatest talent is cooking. I love to cook dishes from all over the world. I also love to bake all kinds of cakes and muffins. Some of my other interests include (native) gardening, photography and travel. Have you travelled and where have you gone? I have travelled to Singapore, Hong Kong, Finland, England, Scotland, The Nederland's, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, The Greek Islands, Hawaii, Vanuatu and Fiji. We have been to Europe and toured beautiful Switzerland. It is now time to see more of Australia. Thank you Jan for Volunteering at SRS. It is much appreciated! Sherwood Respite Service Inc. P.O. Box 80 Sherwood Qld 4075 Telephone: 3379 1051 Email: [email protected] Web:
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