Greek Week 2014 Sunday, March 30th thru April 6th Information Packet To promote camaraderie between fraternities and sororities through unifying events and activities. To celebrate the founding values of all Greek Letter Organizations: leadership, service, scholarship and friendship; to come together as a community and to celebrate being Greek. GREEK WEEK COMMITTEE: Co Chairs: Hannah Cleef [email protected], Matt Kaiser [email protected] Katie Phung, [email protected] Sam Justus, [email protected] Jackie Gioffre, [email protected] Alan Frauendorf, [email protected] Neal Chuenprateep, [email protected] Nicolette Riccio, [email protected] Meg Mullen, [email protected] Dan Congiusta, [email protected] Greek Week Schedule Sunday, March 30th Lip Sync – 7:00 pm in Janikies Letters Monday, March 31st Greek Olympics – 3pm on the FSC Lawn Letters Tuesday, April 1st Spelling Bee – 7pm Janikies Greek Week Shirts Wednesday, April 2nd Volleyball Tourney – 3:30 pm- MAC Letters Thursday April 3th Photo Competition Greek Week Shits/L Friday, April 4th Relay for Life – 4pm on the FSC Lawn Letters Kicking causes Saturday, April 5th Basketball for fraternities/Soccer for sororities MAC Letters Sunday April 6th Business Casual Greek Banquet – 6:30 pm Papitto/Heritage Attendance Policy Attendance will be taken at ALL events. Please find your chapter’s designated committee member to which you are assigned, and check in with them for each event. Each chapter member will be given one point for attendance and one point for wearing the designated shirt for that day. Attendance will be percentage based, and points system for attendance is as follows. Scoring Each chapter will be scored accordingly: 100% of chapter = 20 points 80%-99% = 10 points 50%-79% = 15 points 30%-49%= 5 points IF LESS THAN 30% OF YOUR CHAPTER IS PRESENT YOU WILL RECEIVE NO POINTS FOR ATTENDANCE Attendance Representatives Jackie Gioffre: Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Chi Delta Chi Delta Kapa Epsilon Tau Kapa Epsilon Sam Justus: Phi Kapa Tau Delta Zeta Alpha Omicron Pi Zeta Phi Beta Points Break Down For all events, each Fraternity and Sorority will be scored accordingly: 1st place = 500 points 2nd place = 300 points 3rd place = 200 points Any chapter who scores below 3rd place will receive NO POINTS for that event. In the result of a tie, the points will be averaged and the tying Fraternities/Sororities will receive the same amount of points (i.e. tie between 1st and 2nd 400 points) *SUNDAY AND TUESDAY WILL BE BETWEEN BOTH FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES—THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE SCORING Rules Break Down For the Week: Sunday, March th 30 Lip Sync Number of contestants per chapter – Any Amount, must be over 2 people! (Please keep in mind the amount of space you have for the performance) Our points system for each performance: Sorority/ Fraternity Name: _ 1 terrible 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Criteria: Actual Lip Syncing Creativity/Originality Cohesiveness Audience Participation Choreography Costumes Each performance must be less than five minutes. You will be penalized 2 points per minute you go over. The order of the performance will be chosen at random, out of a hat, the night of the performances. You may use multiple songs, but they must be appropriate. Failure to do so will result in a DQ. All music must be submitted by 4:30 on Sunday on a jump drive in order to be used in the performance. Props are allowed and encouraged, but not required. Props must not exceed the height of 6 feet. There will be a 10 point penalty for jumping off the stage. Make sure to look over the criteria for which we grade performance on. Scores will be totaled; the chapter with the most points will get 1st place, etc. Hannah and Matt can answer any further questions before to the event begins. 10 (awesome) Monday, March 31st Greek Olympics Egg and Spoon Race – 3 participants per chapter Each participant will be given a spoon, and when told, the first of each group will go as fast as they can with the egg on their spoon to the other side of the course, round the cone and go back to the next team member to pass the spoon with the egg on it, the second teammate will do the same and pass it to the final member who will round the cone head back to cross the finish line. 1st – 4th place will be given to sororities and 1st – 5th place will be given to fraternities. If the egg is dropped and broken, the chapter is disqualified and will receive no points for the event. If the egg is dropped but not broken, the participating member may put it back on the spoon and continue the race. If the egg is touched AT ALL, aside from picking it back up after dropping and putting it on the spoon, the chapter will be immediately disqualified and receive no points for the event. Water Balloon Toss – 2 participants per chapter Partners will line up facing each other, both stepping back 2 feet each time a new round starts. If the water balloon drops, but does not break, the participants may pick up the water balloon and continue in the event. Once the water balloon breaks, that chapter has lost and can no longer toss. The last sorority and last fraternity standing will be awarded 1st place for the event, second awarded 2nd place, etc. 1st – 4th place will be given to sororities and 1st to 5th place to fraternities. Tug O War – 5 participants per chapter Event starts with brackets which will be chosen at random. The losing teams will compete against each other in the loser’s bracket, while the winning teams will compete against each other until 1st place is won. The tug o war rope will have a string tied in the middle. Once the string passes the designated line for either team, the competition is over. Any use of chalk, gloves, and cleats is permitted. Brackets will be released on Friday, April 5th. Three Legged Race – 2 participants per chapter All sororities will compete in their won obstacle course made by cones to determine their area, followed by all fraternities. The course will be set up in order to avoid any interference with other teams. 1st to 4th place will be given to sororities and 1st to 5th place will be given to fraternities. Human pyramid – 6 participants per chapter Each fraternity and sorority must choose 6 participants. This will be a timed event. The participating members will line up facing the judge. When the judge yells “go” the fraternity or sorority to create a pyramid first will win. The correct pyramid is 3 members at the bottom, two on the second row and one at the top. The fraternity or sorority must hold their pyramid in correct form for 3 seconds before being declared the winner. The sororities will be ranked 1st-4th and the fraternities will be ranked 1st-5th with the top 3 of both receiving points. Hannah Cleef and Matt Kaiser can answer any further questions before to the Olympics begin. Tuesday, April 1st Spelling Bee There will be 3 participants per chapter. Each contest will be asked to spell a word from the list previously handed out. If the contestant spells it wrong they will be out—if the contest spells the word correctly they will move on. You are allowed to ask for the word in a sentence which will be provided by the proctor, a librarian at Bryant University. Once it is down to the final three all three will be given a different word and the first to spell theirs correctly, while the other two must spell theirs incorrectly, will be the winner. The final two will then compete for second and third. Points will be awarded to the top three. Hannah or Matt can answer any further questions before to the tournament begins. Wednesday, April nd 2 Volleyball Tournament There will be 6 participants per chapter. Fraternities and sororities will compete in six-on-six volleyball. The brackets will be chosen at random and released on April 5th. It will be a double-elimination tournament. We are hiring outside referees so any and all calls must be obeyed. Any display of unsportsmanlike behavior towards the other team or the referees will result in an immediate DQ – no questions asked. The team that first scores 15 points with a minimum two-point advantage (no scoring cap) will win the match. A point will be scored on each rally. If the receiving team wins the rally, they score 1 point and gain the serve. If the serving team wins the rally, they score 1 point and maintain the serve. Hannah and Matt can answer any further questions before to the tournament begins. Thursday, April 3rd PHOTO COMPETITION: OLYMPIC THEME All chapter members can be included: at minimum 70% of your chapter must be in the photo This year will be hosting a photo contest for our creative portion of Greek Week. Each organization will take a funny, dramatic, silly, intense, something that is not the normal cookie cutter group picture. This will be your chapter’s interpretation of Greek Life on Bryant’s campus in a single photo. This year Greek Week’s theme is Olympics so we would like you to incorporate the theme into the photo as well. You may use props of any kind that you feel fit and are appropriate. The picture must be taken on Bryant’s campus Photos will be judged by a panel of staff. Pictures will be judged on: 1.Creativity: 30 Points 2.Use of letters: 20 Points 3.Incorporation of theme: (i.e. Olympics) Is it easy to tell what your theme is? 20 Points 4.Percentage of chapter involved: 20 Points The following are a list of things NOT ALLOWED in the photo: Alcohol or the consumption of it Profanity in any form Drugs in any form or the uses of them Any negative words or actions directed towards another fraternity or sorority Any negative words or actions directed towards Greek Life in general Any negative words or actions directed towards Bryant University Any negative words or actions directed towards specific people or places If any chapter fails to keep the list above out of the photo that will be an automatic DQ. The pictures are due no later than Thursday, April 3rd, at 5pm. Please email the image to Sue Zarnowski [email protected] by the appropriate time. Hannah and Matt can answer any further questions before to the event begins. Friday, April 4th Relay For Life Kicking Causes Relay for life is NOT mandatory. It is highly encouraged and a great way to show greek support. No one will be taking attendance or counting points for being at the event. However, the philanthropy “kicking causes” will be part of points for greek week. The chapter who sells the most boards (percentage wise) will receive 10 extra points to their final score. More information will be provided by the organization. Any questions contact Hannah or Matt Saturday, April 5th Basketball Tournament/ Soccer Tournament Fraternities will compete in a five-on-five basketball tournament. The brackets will be chosen at random. Winner is the first team who scores 10 points (regular baskets are one point, three pointers are two points). We are hiring outside referees so any and all calls must be obeyed. Any display of unsportsmanlike behavior towards the other team or the referees will result in an immediate DQ – no questions asked. Sororities will compete in a five-on-five soccer tournament. The brackets will be chosen at random. The first team to score 4 goals will move on. We are having volunteer referees so any and all calls must be obeyed. Any display of unsportsmanlike behavior towards the other team or referees will result in an immediate DQ- no questions asked. Sunday April 6th Greek Week Banquet We would like to take this time to recognize the winners of Greek Week along with third and second place of both fraternities and sororities. This is not also the Greek Life banquet—that will be at a later date. This will be a short reception at 6:30pm in Papitto/Heritage. Any questions contact Hannah and Matt
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