Lutheran Church of the Incarnation THIS WEEK AT LCI Sunday 10/12 8:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 4:30 Monday 10/13 Wednesday 10/15 Thursday 10/16 Saturday 10/18 Sunday 10/19 am am am am pm Stewardship Program Begins Second Cycle Sunday Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost worship LCI Sunday school Jr. High Sunday school Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost worship Confirmation (DLC) Pastor Dan’s Sabbath 6:30 pm Women’s evening book group 10:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 am pm pm pm Staff meeting (LCI office closed until 11:30 am) AA (AP) Crossways Bible Study (DLC) NA (AP) 7:00 am Men’s fellowship breakfast (Caffe Italia) 10:00 am Women’s group (Lynn Evert’s home) 7:00 pm GA (AP) 8:00 am Property Committee work-day 1:00 pm Youth band rehearsal 8:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 4:30 am am am am pm Youth Service Sunday Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost worship LCI Sunday school Jr. High Sunday school Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost worship Confirmation (DLC) A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) The Reverend Dan Smith, Pastor 1701 Russell Blvd. • Davis, CA 95616 • (530) 756-5500 • [email protected] Welcome to LCI! We are glad you are worshipping with us this morning. If you are a visitor and have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask one of the ushers or anyone seated near you. Please take a moment to fill in the Friendship Folder when it is passed down the row. Check any boxes that apply and return it to the center aisle. We look forward to getting to know you! We extend a special welcome to families with young children. We hope your worship experience at LCI will be meaningful for all members of your family. There are blue craft bags, filled with activities to keep kids engaged, available in the entry of the sanctuary. Also, children who have been receiving Communion at another church are welcome to do so at LCI. Please have them hold out their hands when it is time to be served. If you would like your children to start receiving Communion, contact Pastor Dan. Finally, nursery care is available for children under the age of 6. The nursery is located in the portable trailer in the parking lot. And a warm welcome to UCD students! We are happy you are worshipping with us today and hope you will make us your church home. Be sure to visit your Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry at UCD. It sponsors a number of events at The Belfry (216 A Street). Assisting with worship this Sunday, October 12, 2014 Assisting with worship next Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:30 am 10:30 am Assisting Minister: Chris Bruhn TBA Reader: Chris Bruhn Delaney Seward & Kylie Seward Ushers: Steve & Karen Slinkard Kendal Paulson & Nikki Schlenker Lynn Evert Jakob Smith & Peter Holderbein NA NA Koki Mochizuki Jared Hunt Kids’ Talk: NA TBA Closer: NA Debbie Kennedy Counters: NA Dick Berry & Ellen Kolarik Greeters: Prayer Minister: Acolyte: 8:30 am 10:30 am Assisting Minister: Dick & Judi Berry Mary Stewart Reader: Dick & Judi Berry Marvie Paulson Ushers: Bob & Cathy Kerr Paul & Ellen Kolarik Mark Lundgren Patrick Odland & Caren Livingstone NA Susie Carlson Koki Mochizuki Jakob Smith Kids’ Talk: NA Ellen Kolarik Closer: NA Debbie Kennedy Counters: NA Judi Berry & Autumn Marr Service Hosts: Mick & Kay Finn Roger Willmarth & Lori Martin Sunday School Hosts: ** 9:30 am ** Debbie Kennedy Greeters: Prayer Minister: Acolyte: Our Shared Life and Ministry October’s Monthly Ministry Partner (MMP) is Lutheran Social Services Lutheran Social Services of Northern California, responding to the biblical mandates of compassion and justice, affirms the inherent worth of all people and strives to prevent and alleviate human suffering. Our services are provided to the most vulnerable and hardest to serve - the chronically homeless, the disabled, low-income families, people with AIDS, the elderly, former foster youth and other at-risk populations. Supportive services include case management and living skills assistance, mental health and substance abuse recovery services, benefits and money management counseling, employment and educational support, and health access. Our goal is to maintain individuals and families in housing, help them to find employment and become self-sufficient. And we succeed! Many of our programs have a 100% housing retention rate after one year, which is one of our benchmarks. LSS changes lives every day! Facility Hosts Needed If you would like to be a part of the Sunday morning experience and greet members and friends as they come onto the property during construction, we can use your help! To spread the duties out a bit we need a few more volunteers to help in all areas. Before first service (8:10 to 8:30), after second and while Sunday School is beginning (9:20 to 9:40) and before second service (10:10 to 10:30). If you aren’t already helping and are interested in helping, please contact Debbie & Peter Kennedy by email at [email protected] or call them at (530) 756-8812. Stewardship Program This year’s Stewardship program begins today, with the theme “With Joy and Thanksgiving”. Please watch your mail this week for more information. Also, please mark your calendar for Commitment Sunday, November 2. Guest Pastor Ron Zoesch will speak on the topic of stewardship, and Estimate of Giving cards will be gathered at both services. With all of the exciting things going on around us at LCI, this will be a great time to reflect on God’s blessings, with joy and thanksgiving. Belfry Dinners Needed Worship and Service is looking for volunteers to bring dinners to the Belfry on Wednesday, October 15. There are usually 15-20 meals needed, which should include a vegetarian/vegan option. Soup, bread, pizza, spaghetti, lasagna all work. If you are interested in volunteering to bring a meal, contact Craig Lundgren at [email protected], Karen Hamilton at (530) 750-7708 or Lynn Evert at (530) 756-2030. LCI Work Day Do you have two hands and a heart for tending the LCI campus? If so, please join us Saturday, October 18th as we care for our campus grounds and buildings. We will meet at 8:00 am for a light breakfast and devotions. Then, off to work until a brief meeting at 10:30, followed by more jobs at noon. We have plenty of indoor tasks, so we will work rain or shine. For more information, contact Dennis Stewart at (530) 753-0192. Youth Sunday The LCI Youth will be leading the 10:30 worship service on Sunday, October 19. We are still looking for 7-12 grade youth to lead Kids’ Talk and to serve as Assisting Minister. Please contact Pastor Dan if you have not signed up yet. The final music rehearsal will be this coming Saturday, October 18th at 1:00 pm. All are welcome, regardless of talent level! LCI Garbage Grab The next LCI Garbage Grab will be held on Saturday, October 25, from 6:30-9:00 am. We’ll meet at LCI for devotions and coffee, tea, peanut butter and jam on raisin toast. Then we will head out to our stretch of Highway 113 to take care of God’s good creation. For more information, contact John Moren at (530) 758-4700. Ladies Night Out Ladies night out this month will be Monday, October 20 at 6:30 pm Symposium (address). Please contact Lynn Evert with questions at (530) 219-1281. LCI’s New Office Hours LCI’s new office hours are now MWF 8:30 am - 5:00 pm and TTh 8:30 am - 11:30 am. The office will be closed MWF from 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm for lunch. Please keep in mind that Pastor Dan’s office hours are Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Prayers LCI is a community that prays for one another. If you would like a prayer request added to the prayer chain and included here and in the pastoral prayers of intercession, please contact Carole Franti at [email protected] or (530) 756-3601, and also the church office at (530) 756-5500 or [email protected]. General prayer requests remain on the list for 4 weeks; special prayer requests for 2 weeks. We pray this week for. . . Herb Hocking Ruth Martin Ade Franti-Rye Linda Catena Dina Biscotti Michael Peart Andy Lang Chuck Ruthroff Other prayers: We ask God’s special blessing upon those of our faith community celebrating upcoming: Birthdays Kalman Ariola (10/13) Suzanne O’Keefe (10/16) Madeleine Marchand (10/17) Carol Huegli (10/18) Kathy Marr (10/18) Anniversaries James & Diane Machuga (10/12)
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