Lutheran Church of the Incarnation THIS WEEK AT LCI Sunday 10/26 Monday 10/27 8:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 4:30 am am am am pm Rite of Confirmation - Reformation Sunday Reformation Sunday worship LCI Sunday school Jr. High Sunday school Reformation Sunday worship Confirmation (DLC) The Reverend Dan Smith, Pastor 1701 Russell Blvd. • Davis, CA 95616 • (530) 756-5500 • [email protected] Welcome to LCI! Pastor Dan’s Sabbath 6:30 pm Women’s evening book group Wednesday 10/29 10:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 am pm pm pm Staff meeting (LCI office closed until 11:30 am) AA (AP) Crossways Bible Study (DLC) NA (AP) Thursday 10/30 7:00 9:00 7:00 7:00 am am pm pm Men’s fellowship breakfast (Caffe Italia) Women’s breakfast out GA (AP) Choir Rehearsal (Sharon’s Cuthbertson’s home) 8:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 12:00 am am am am pm Commitment Sunday All Saints Sunday worship LCI Sunday school Jr. High Sunday school All Saints Sunday worship Executive Committee Meeting Sunday 11/2 A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) We are glad you are worshipping with us this morning. If you are a visitor and have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask one of the ushers or anyone seated near you. Please take a moment to fill in the Friendship Folder when it is passed down the row. Check any boxes that apply and return it to the center aisle. We look forward to getting to know you! We extend a special welcome to families with young children. We hope your worship experience at LCI will be meaningful for all members of your family. There are blue craft bags, filled with activities to keep kids engaged, available in the entry of the sanctuary. Also, children who have been receiving Communion at another church are welcome to do so at LCI. Please have them hold out their hands when it is time to be served. If you would like your children to start receiving Communion, contact Pastor Dan. Finally, nursery care is available for children under the age of 6. The nursery is located in the portable trailer in the parking lot. And a warm welcome to UCD students! We are happy you are worshipping with us today and hope you will make us your church home. Be sure to visit your Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry at UCD. It sponsors a number of events at The Belfry (216 A Street). Assisting with worship this Sunday, October 26, 2014 Assisting with worship next Sunday, November 2, 2014 8:30 am 10:30 am Assisting Minister: Bob Kerr Roger Willmarth Reader: Mick Finn Danielle Schlenker Ushers: Dennis Stewart & Mark Lundgren Paul & Ellen Kolarik Mick & Kay Finn Ed & Bonnie Green NA Tim Paulson Koki Mochizuki Kaitlyn Sedwick Kids’ Talk: NA Marilyn Moyle Closer: NA Roslyn Schlenker Counters: NA Peter Kennedy & Paul Kolarik Greeters: Prayer Minister: Acolyte: 8:30 am 10:30 am Assisting Minister: Beth Tanke Diane Machuga Reader: Tony Tanke Hernes-Klippstein family Ushers: Dick & Judi Berry Alek Hernes & Tommy Slabaugh Emily Rustad Jenny Fortuna NA Roger Willmarth Koki Mochizuki Kylie Seward Kids’ Talk: NA Kristin Heinemeier Closer: NA Debbie Kennedy Counters: NA Peter Kennedy & Paul Kolarik Service Hosts: Richard & Pat Wheeler Ed & Bonnie Green Sunday School Hosts: ** 9:30 am ** Debbie Kennedy Greeters: Prayer Minister: Acolyte: Our Shared Life and Ministry October’s Monthly Ministry Partner (MMP) is Lutheran Social Services Lutheran Social Services of Northern California, responding to the biblical mandates of compassion and justice, affirms the inherent worth of all people and strives to prevent and alleviate human suffering. Our services are provided to the most vulnerable and hardest to serve - the chronically homeless, the disabled, low-income families, people with AIDS, the elderly, former foster youth and other at-risk populations. Supportive services include case management and living skills assistance, mental health and substance abuse recovery services, benefits and money management counseling, employment and educational support, and health access. Our goal is to maintain individuals and families in housing, help them to find employment and become self-sufficient. And we succeed! Many of our programs have a 100% housing retention rate after one year, which is one of our benchmarks. LSS changes lives every day! Next Week is Commitment Sunday This year’s Stewardship theme is “With Joy and Thanksgiving.” In temple talks this month, fellow members of the congregation have discussed what stewardship and LCI mean to them. In prayerful consideration of your stewardship response this year, please consider what LCI means to you. On November 2, Estimate of Giving cards will be received at both services. The importance of making this commitment is that it puts God first in our plans, which allows our relationship with God to flourish, and gives us perspective on our relationship with money. And, it supports the mission of LCI, to Share Christ's Light Daily. If your stewardship packet, including your estimate of giving card, did not reach you by mail, please see Dave Kukis after church, or contact him at November 2 Commitment Sunday Events: Guest Pastor Ron Zoesch Estimate of Giving cards received at both services Coffee and Cookie Celebration after each service Scrip Cards If you shop at Nugget or Food 4 Less, please consider using a Scrip card, which donates 4% of your purchase amount to a local non-profit organization of your choice. Please see Debbie Kennedy or Elaine Sawyer after service or contact Elaine at (530) 756-5500. Belfry Dinners Needed Witness and Service is looking for volunteers to bring dinners to the Belfry on Wednesday, October 29. There are usually 15-20 meals needed, which should include a vegetarian/vegan option. Soup, bread, pizza, spaghetti, all work. If you are interested in bringing a meal, contact Craig Lundgren or Karen Hamilton at (530) 7507708 or Lynn Evert at (530) 756-2030. Food Around the Altar During the month of November, congregants are encouraged to bring non-perishable food to place around the altar. All donations go to STEAC, H Street Food Shelter, and Yolo Crisis Nursery. We will also have a box for monetary donations. Checks can be made out to LCI with “Food Around the Altar” in the memo line. The junior high kids have made some great signs to hang up as a reminder. Contact Emily Rustad at (248) 408-1251 or [email protected] for more information. Updating Birthdays and Anniversaries We would love to include you on our weekly birthday and anniversary prayer list! If your special day comes and your name isn’t on the prayer list, let Elaine know your birthday or anniversary date so we can share it with the congregation and update our database. You can contact Elaine at [email protected] or (530) 756-5500. Monthly Ministry Partner (MMP) Nominations We invite all in the LCI community to nominate an organization for possible selection as a featured recipient in our MMP program for 2015. Those making nominations should be willing to serve as sponsors of their applications through the selection process, and also should be committed to overseeing the publicity and related activities that will be required if their nominee is selected. Applications will be handed out before and after services today and next Sunday; more are available in the office. For additional information, contact Karen Hamilton at (530) 400-5141 or Lynn Evert at (530) 219-1281. Facility Hosts Needed If you would like to help greet and direct people during our construction, we can use help! To spread the duties out a bit we need a few more volunteers to help before and after first service (8:10-8:30, 9:20-9:40) and before second service (10:10-10:30). If you are interested in helping, contact Debbie & Peter Kennedy by email at [email protected] or call them at (530) 756-8812. 50 Years of Growing in Grace, Serving in Love On November 29, 1964 the original members of the Lutheran Church of the Incarnation celebrated their first worship service on the second floor of the Brinley Building at Second and E Streets in Davis. Pastor Art Henry was the pastor at that time. In the fall of 1966, LCI began worshipping at the Varsity Theater until the new church at 1701 Russell Blvd. was built. Join us for worship as we celebrate our roots on Sunday, November 30, 2014, 9:30 am at the Varsity Theater in downtown Davis. Prayers LCI is a community that prays for one another. If you would like a prayer request added to the prayer chain and included here and in the pastoral prayers of intercession, please contact Carole Franti at [email protected] or (530) 756-3601, and also the church office at (530) 756-5500 or [email protected]. General prayer requests remain on the list for 4 weeks; special prayer requests for 2 weeks. We pray this week for. . . Herb Hocking Ruth Martin Ade Franti-Rye Linda Catena Dina Biscotti Michael Peart John Huegli Andy Lang Chuck Ruthroff Melissa Miller Vance Mingus Other prayers: We ask God’s special blessing upon those of our faith community celebrating upcoming: Birthdays Jacob Genetos – 10/26 Kristin Heinemeier – 10/27 Martha Rehder – 10/28 Kathy McFee – 10/30 Lukas Smith – 11/01
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