G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at resppectively. Average 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (For Begusarai district) O – 15th O Oct 2014) (11th Oct 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 33 33 33 32 32 Min ni. T (°C) 26 24 25 24 24 Clooud cover (okta) 5 8 8 4 3 0 0 18 3 10 78 82 93 91 93 43 52 67 72 64 06 09 17 11 11 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 32-33°C and a the minimum around 24-26°C during this peeriod Partially Cloudy sky y Chances of o Light rainffall Easterly G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at resppectively. Average 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Weather W parrameters 11 Oct. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (For Darbhaanga) (11th Oct O – 15th O Oct 2014) 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 34 34 33 33 33 Min ni. T (°C) 26 25 25 26 25 Clooud cover (okta) 4 8 8 4 3 0 0 4 6 15 78 77 92 83 92 44 54 60 74 60 08 09 18 11 12 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 33-34°C and a the minimum around 25-26°C during this peeriod Partially Cloudy sky y Chances of o Light rainffall Easterly G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at resppectively. Average 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (Foor East Cham mparan) th th (11 Oct O – 15 O Oct 2014) Weather W parrameters 11 Oct. 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 34 34 33 33 33 Min ni. T (°C) 26 25 25 26 25 Clooud cover (okta) 4 7 8 4 2 0 0 0 5 5 75 73 87 84 88 39 42 45 69 50 06 08 12 09 09 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Rema arks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between 33-34°C and a the minimum around 25-26°C during this perriod Partially cloudy sky y Chances of o Light rainffall Easterly G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at resppectively. Average 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (For Gopalganjj district) O – 15th O Oct 2014) (11th Oct W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 33 33 33 33 32 Min ni. T (°C) 26 26 25 24 24 5 7 8 5 2 0 0 0 0 5 70 74 83 89 92 36 41 44 71 53 07 09 13 11 10 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Clooud cover (okta) Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 32-33°C and a the minimum around 24-26°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy sky y Chances of o Light rainffall Easterly G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C resppectively. Average A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast For Madhub bani) (11th Oct – 15th Oct O 2014) 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 34 34 33 33 26 25 25 25 25 4 7 8 5 4 0 0 0 3 9 79 80 93 84 88 47 52 56 72 56 07 07 11 07 07 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 34 Min ni. T (°C) Clooud cover ( (okta) Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (k kmph) Wind Diirection 12Oct. Remarrks Maximum temperature will remain beetween 33-34°C an nd the minimum around a 25-26°C during d this perriod Partially Cloudy C sky Chances off Light rainfa all Easterly Easterly E G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at resppectively. Average 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (For Muzaffaarpur) (11th Oct O – 15th O Oct 2014) W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 35 Min ni. T (°C) Clooud cover ( (okta) R Rainfall (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (k kmph) Wind Diirection 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 34 33 33 33 26 25 25 26 25 4 7 8 4 2 P Partially clooudy sky 0 0 0 4 9 Chances off Light rainfa all 78 76 85 88 93 37 45 51 73 58 08 10 17 11 10 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Remarrks Maximum temperature will rremain betw ween 33 - 35°C an nd the minimum around a 25-26°C during d this perriod Easterly Easterly E G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at resppectively. Average 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (For Samastipur S r district) th th (11 Oct O – 15 O Oct 2014) W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 32-33°C and a the minimum around 24-26°C during this peeriod Maax. T (°C) 33 33 33 32 32 Min ni. T (°C) 26 26 25 24 24 Clooud cover (okta) 5 8 8 4 3 cloudyy sky 0 0 16 5 12 Chances of o Light rainffall 77 81 92 89 92 41 50 62 72 62 06 09 17 11 11 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Easterly G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C resppectively. Average A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (Foor Saran diistrict) (11th Oct O – 15th O Oct 2014) W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 33 34 33 32 32 Min ni. T (°C) 26 26 25 24 24 Clooud cover (okta) 4 7 8 4 2 0 0 0 0 4 75 78 82 93 95 34 40 52 72 59 07 10 17 12 09 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 32-34°C and a the minimum around 24-26°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy sky y Chances of o Light rainffall Easterly G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C resppectively. Average A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (For Shivhar) (11th Oct O – 15th O Oct 2014) Weather W parrameters 11 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 34 Min ni. T (°C) Clooud cover ( (okta) Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (k kmph) Wind Diirection 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 34 33 33 33 26 26 25 26 25 4 7 8 4 2 cloudy sky 0 0 0 4 5 Chances off Light rainfa all 77 75 87 85 89 39 44 48 70 52 07 07 13 09 09 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Remarrks Maximum temperature will remain beetween 33-34°C an nd the minimum around a 25-26°C during d this perriod Easterly Easterly E G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C resppectively. Average A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (For Sitamaarhi) (11th Oct O – 15th O Oct 2014) 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 33 33 33 33 26 26 25 25 25 4 7 8 4 3 0 0 0 4 6 77 76 89 85 89 41 46 50 71 53 07 07 13 07 09 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 34 Min ni. T (°C) Clooud cover ( (okta) Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (k kmph) Wind Diirection 12Oct. Remarrks Maximum temperature will remain beetween 33-34°C an nd the minimum around a 25-26°C during d this perriod Partially Cloudy C sky Chances off Light rainfa all Easterly Easterly E G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C resppectively. Average A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (Foor Siwan diistrict) (11th Oct O – 15th O Oct 2014) W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 33 33 33 32 32 Min ni. T (°C) 26 26 25 24 24 Clooud cover (okta) 4 7 8 4 2 0 0 0 0 4 75 78 82 93 95 34 40 52 72 59 07 10 17 12 9 Easterly Westerly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Rema arks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between 32-33°C and a the minimum around 24-26°C during this perriod Partially Cloudy C sky y Chances of o Light rainffall Easterly& westerly G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C resppectively. Average A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. (For Vaishali district) (11th Oct O – 15th O Oct 2014) W Weather parrameters 11 Oct. 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 33 33 33 32 32 Min ni. T (°C) 26 25 25 24 24 Clooud cover (okta) 4 8 8 4 2 0 0 6 3 8 77 79 88 91 94 38 45 57 72 61 07 09 18 11 09 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Rema arks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between 32-33°C and a the minimum around 24-26°C during this perriod Partially Cloudy sky y Chances of o Light rainffall Easterly G Gramin K Krshi Maausam Seewa (GKMS S) AGR RO-METE EOROLO OGY DIVISION Rajendra Agricultura R A al Universitty: P Pusa (Samastipur) Biihar -848 1225 Bullletin No. 777 Ph. & Fax:: 06274-2400266 Datte: Friday, 10th October, 2014 ___________________________________________________________________ _ Weather duringg the previious forecasst period Accordding to meteeorological data recordded at Agroo meteoroloogical Obseervatory, Pusa (Bihar), average maaximum annd minimum m temperatture were 334.1°C and 24.2°C resppectively. Average A relaative humiddity was 922 percent at a 0700 hrs and 61 peercent at 14000 hrs. Soil ttemperaturee at 5 cm deepth was 266.7°C at 07000 hrs and 334.0°C at 14 400 hrs. Aveerage wind speed, dailyy sunshine hours h and aaverage daily evaporation were 1.8 8 km/hr, 8.8 hours and 2.8 2 mm resp pectively. No N rainfall was w recordedd during thiis period. Medium Range R Weaather Foreccast (W West Champ paran) th th (11 Oct O – 15 O Oct 2014) Weather W parrameters 11 Oct. 12Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. Maax. T (°C) 34 34 33 33 33 Min ni. T (°C) 26 25 25 26 25 Clooud cover (okta) 4 6 8 6 2 0 0 0 3 9 69 68 84 86 85 36 39 36 66 47 07 07 10 10 10 Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Easterly Rainfall R (mm) Relaative hum midity (%)) Morrning Afteernoon Wind v velocity (kmph) Wind Diirection Remaarks Maxim mum temperatu ure will remain between b 33-34°C and a the minimum around 25-26°C during this peeriod Partially cloudy sky y Chances of o Light rainffall Easterly Advisory for the farmers Crop Field Preparation: Phenophase -- Pea Sowing Coriander Sowing Yellow Mustard/Rai Sowing Pest Management: -- Precaution: -- Advisory (Based on weather forecast) Field preparation should be continue for rabi crops. Sowing of Malviya mater 15, Harbhajan, Arpana, Rachna and Pusa Prabhat varieties are recommended for North Bihar. Apply 20 kg N and 45 kg phosphorus 20kg Potash and 20kg Sulphur per hectare at the time of sowing. keep distance 30X10 cm. For better yield seed should be treated with Rhizobium 5 packet/ha. Sowing of Rajendra Swati and Pant Haritima varieties are recommended for North Bihar. Apply 30 kg N and 40 kg phosphorus and 30kg Potash per hectare at the time of sowing. keep distance 30X20 cm and seed rate 18-20kg/ha. For better yield seed should be treated with carbendazim 2.5g/Kg . Temperature condition is becoming favorable for sowing of yellow Sarson and Rai. Rajendra Sarson-1 and Swarna varieties for yellow Sarson and Baruna, Pusa bold, kranti for Rai are recommended for North Bihar. Apply 30 kg N, 40 kg phosphorous 40 kg Potassium and 20-30 kg Sulphur per hectare at the time of sowing. Farmers are advised to complete the sowing till 25 October for better yield. 1. In present weather condition, roughing of viral infested crop should be done in tomato & chilli. Infected plant should be uprooted and buried in the soil. If infection is more than spray imidacloprid @0.3ml/l of water for control the vector. 2. In present weather condition, Termite/Cut worm damage the newly transplanted vegetable crop spray clorpyrifos 20EC @ 2-3ml/L of water. 3. Gundhi bug may appear in rice field. Apply Folidol dust@10-15 kg per hectare to control gundhi bug in rice crop in the early mooring. Looking to rainfall forecast during the period of forecast, farmers are advised to take precaution in the harvesting of matured paddy crops and Sowing of Pea,Mustard,Coriander.... and other crops. Nodal Officer Agro-Meteorology
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