Altos de la Ciudad Noticias del Director

Altos de la Ciudad
City Heights Academy Friday 10th October 2014.
Issue No. 5 Autumn Term
Noticias del Director
friends and family to come along if
they have children in Year 6 or
Year 5.
Dear Families and
Parent View
Many thanks to the 16 families who
have added their views to this survey.
We now have 31 contributions. We
hope that more of you will take the
time to add your thoughts too. There
is now a Parent View link on our
website which makes it even easier for
you to navigate there.
External Review
As I write we are just putting our final
arrangements in place for our E-ACT
External Review which by the time you
read this will be completed. I have
spoken to all of the students in
assembly and I know that they will
have been ambassadors for the
academy. I hope to share some key
findings with you before half-term.
Open Morning
We had our second open morning on
Wednesday. This was attended by 38
families bringing our total visit
numbers up to 240. I was delighted by
the positive feedback I received from
our visitors and particularly by the very
complimentary comments about our
Year 8 tour guides. They were
wonderful ambassadors for the
academy. We have two final open
events next week so do encourage
Please remember:
If your child is absent for
any reason please leave a
message on each day of
absence by dialling
020 3691 4600 and
selecting option 1.
Meet the Tutors
A reminder that we are holding an
early evening event on Thursday
23rd October for all of you to come
with your children to hear from me,
to meet their tutor for a quick chat
and get a tour of our building. Year 7
families should arrive for a
presentation from me at 5.00pm and
Year 8 families at 5.20pm.
The evening will end at 6.30pm.
I hope that many of you will be able
to come.
INSET Day Friday 24th October
A reminder that the following day
will be an INSET day. Staff will be
discussing the next steps in our
development and reviewing our
successes so far. This will not be a
school day for students.
Please remember to complete the
OFSTED Parent View survey.
There are 12 questions to select a
response to.
This will only take a few minutes.
Please visit
City Heights
E-ACT Academy
and our postcode:
for SEPTEMBER 2015
Open Evenings
Wednesday 15th October 5.30 - 7 pm
Mr Garcia, Director of MFL
Open Mornings
Friday 17th October
Please note that under the Families
Section of our website there is
guidance for how parents can help
children with Spanish homework.
9 - 10.30 am
Dear Parents/Carer,
Please remember to write your
child’s name on all items of
uniform including bags and
outdoor wear.
Lost uniform cannot always be
correctly returned to the rightful
owner if items are not clearly
School closes
at 3.40 pm
School re-opens on
Monday 3rd November
Thank you.
¡Novedades del Mundo!
Harry Potter y el récord mundial de
A 37 year old lawyer who lives in Mexico City has just been
confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records as owning the
largest Harry Potter collection in the world.
It has taken Menahem Asher Silva Vargas 15 years of
collecting to gather together the 3,097 pieces of
paraphernalia that fill two whole rooms of his house. His
Gringotts-sized collection ranges from magic wands and toy
figurines to Gryffindor scarves and replica Quidditch brooms.
While he is delighted by the award, he recognises that it is not without cost. As he says, “mi sueldo, mis primas,
todo terminó aquí” (my salary, my bonuses, it has all ended up here).
Jim Henderson, Principal
On display in
History on Display
our new science
window is a small
piece of space
history. This is
a small piece about 2cm wide of one of the three Apollo 16
parachutes mounted in acrylic.
The parachutes helped get the
astronauts back from space in 1972 after
they had returned from the Moon and
explored the surface, having driven a small
electric car on it!
The display is combined with a
beautiful solar system mobile made last
year by one of our pioneering year 7
Mr. Coltman,
Science Technician
We have already had our first free Spanish
lesson for teachers and City Heights
parents who want to brush up their language
skills in order to go beyond the now perennial
"Hasta la vista baby" and "Dos cervezas por
favor". In a relaxed atmosphere we talked a
little bit about the origins of Spanish language,
its other name: Castilian and how easy it is to
get by with a couple of verbs and expressions
that can help you to ask for, and describe, many
things and sensations.
The lessons are for beginners and are totally
free every Wednesday between 4.30 and
5.30pm. We are operating a first come first
served policy. There are a few places still
available and we hope to see you here from
next week.
Hasta pronto
Señor Toledo, Teacher of Spanish
Year 7 CAT tests: an update…
I can now confirm that these tests will take place next week from
Monday 13th October
The Cognitive Ability Tests are similar to what other schools use as banded
admissions tests. The test assesses a student’s ability to reason with and
manipulate different types of material through a series of Verbal,
Non-Verbal, Quantitative and Spatial Ability tasks. We will use the results to
identify students’ strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences, providing
accurate and reliable information that is essential for personalised learning.
The more we know about a student, the better position we should be in to
offer a learning environment and ways of teaching and learning that allow
students to maximise their potential. We will not be sharing the test results
with students or families.
Students do not need to revise for the test and should not do any
preparation other than to get a good night’s sleep and have a big breakfast.
They will of course need to make maximum effort during the test.
Mr Guerin, Vice Principal
City Heights E-ACT Academy is proud to be part
of the Windmill Cluster of Schools.
For more information about the schools in the
cluster and how we work together, please visit the
About Us section of our school website:
Mr. Henderson, Principal