Parish Church St John the Baptist, Crowthorne –

Parish Church St John the Baptist, Crowthorne
Sunday October 5th – 16th after Trinity
"We welcome all newcomers - please make yourself known at the welcome table in the hall"
8.00 a.m.
Holy Communion
Reader: Maureen Raybould
10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist
Readers: Tom Burrell, Pauline Williamson
Intercessions: Maggie Wade
Introit: 363 O God beyond all praising
Gradual: 252 Inspired by love and anger
Offertory: 346 My song is love unknown
Comm: Beauty for brokenness
Post Comm: 87 Colours of day
6.00 p.m. No Service
Sick: Joy Howe (Lorraine Muirhead's nan), Leslie Rance,
Phillip Strange (Christine Turner’s father), Joyce Hull, Julia
Smith, Hazel Sinclair, Harry Williams, Keith Willcocks ,
Anne Walt, Philip Muirhead, Eddie Gillam
Praying for Streets: Grant Road, Ambleside
Wednesday 8th October
9.30 a.m. Minus Fives
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion
Thursday 9th October
6.45 p.m. Choir practice
Friday 10th October
6.15 p.m. Prayers for the sick
Next week:
Sunday 12th October
8.00 a.m. Holy Communion
10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist
6.00 p.m. Choral Evensong
Wednesday 15th October
9.30 a.m. Minus Fives
10.00 a.m. MU Corporate Communion in the Lady Chapel
Thursday 16th October
6.45 p.m. Choir practice
Friday 17th October
6.15 p.m. Prayers for the sick
Saturday 18th October at 3pm
A special commemoration event, marking 100 years since
the outbreak of World War One, will be held in St John's on
Saturday, 18th October 3pm. The event will remember and
give thanks for the service men and women who selflessly
gave their lives in the First World War and will celebrate all
that they achieved for us.
The music for the event will come from Sandhurst
Community Brass. The afternoon's programme will also
include singing from the Basingstoke Songsters of the
Salvation Army. We will also be delighted to welcome
members of the Sandhurst Corps of Drums to provide
drummers beatings as well as a musical contribution.
Tickets, priced at £5, are available from Brian Attewell on
01276 31076. There may also be limited numbers of tickets
available on the day at the door. All profits and proceeds
from this event will be donated to the 2014 Poppy Appeal
Sat 11th Oct - Hedge Cutting 2014
Team 1 - Cutting and strimming at 9 am
Team 2 - Sweeping and collecting from 10 am
All welcome, the more hands the better
(reserve day Sat 18th Oct)
Café Eucharist for Half Term
Bible Sunday
Sunday 26th October
The Story of Mary Jones and
her Bible in words and
In the Hall 9.45 for 10am
Collect your coffee and
cake as you arrive
Please come and join us
October is another “Get to know each other
month” Time to wear your name badges and learn
as many names as possible. Sticky labels will be
supplied for those without name badges.
MU Notices Tuesday 7th October 7.30 p.m.
WWDP Ecumenical Meeting - Streams in the Desert
Winter Talk Series at St Michaels
Church Sandhurst - 8.00 P.M.
October 15th Dan Voice will talk about the
Barnabas Fund
November 19th Revd Canon David Holt will speak
on the first 11 chapters of Genesis -making sense of
the mythology.
Hall Re-roofing Works about to start -Following
protracted faculty and planning issues, the hall
roofing works are about to start. Please be patient
with us all over the next few weeks as we tackle
another significant restoration project. We expect the
building will be able to be used as normal, but there
may be dust and noise at times in the hall. Keep
praying for all to go well and for the weather to
remain as dry as possible for a little bit longer!
Thanks from Mike and the WANTED
Fabric Team Volunteers to help with food preparation in COATS
Woodmancote Centre. Well-equipped kitchen
under the supervision of qualified staff.Please contact
Mrs Bernie Dunstone on 01344 773464 or email
[email protected]
NOVEMBER 2nd at 6pm
This is our Annual Service when we remember loved
ones who have died and light a candle in their
memory All are very welcome to come. Please
post names of those you would like remembered into
the Church Office by October 29th (if possible).
There will be refreshments after the service
Vicar: The Revd. Lisa Cornwell ! 01344 772413 Vicarage: 56 Dukes Ride, Crowthorne, RG45 6NY Church Office: 01344 761521
Email: [email protected] Curate: Revd. David Ramsbottom The Rectory, The Village, Finchampstead, Wokingham, RG40 4JX
Tel 0118 973 6374 [email protected] Parish Website: Please let me know if you
have any notices for next week’s newssheet by Wednesday evening ! 01189 735041 Email: [email protected]