THE WEEK AHEAD Sunday 18th January 6pm GWNN in the Church Hall Monday 19th January 8.45am Morning Prayer in Church 3.30-5.30pm Messy Church in the Church Hall 7.30pm Bell ringing practice in Church 7.30pm Handbells practice in church Tuesday 20th January 8.25am Prayers for Young People in Church 8.45am Morning Prayer in Church 10am Coffee Corner Barleycorn Inn Wednesday 21st January 8.45am Morning Prayer in Church 2pm Mother’s Union AGM in the church hall. Thursday 22nd January 8.45am Morning Prayer in Church 10am BCP Communion with refreshments Friday 23rd January 5.45pm Junior Choir Practice 6.45pm Adult Choir Practice Sunday 25th January 8am BCP Communion in Church 9.15am Morning Worship in Church 9.15am StPeter’s@FreeStreet Church Hall Frogmore House Group Lent Course This Lent the Froggies are using a course called THE GOSPEL IN ACTION. Five studies have been provided by major world church leaders from the Amazon,Sri Lanka, Ghana, Zambia and the Philippines. We would be pleased to welcome anyone who would like to join the group during Lent. 2nd and 4th Thursday 8–9 30pm. Norman Chatfield. First meeting Jan 22nd 8pm at Ellwood Garfield Road. GETTING IN TOUCH... Why not visit our website: The Church Office at The Stables is open Mon-Fri 9-11.30am For any Church matter do drop in or contact Carrie Pither: 01489 892197 [email protected] Please contact the Church Office by Thursday morning for entries in the notice sheet. Rector: Revd James Hunt 01489 892618 [email protected] Day off: Friday Assistant Priest: Revd Jane Beloe 01489 860452 [email protected] Licensed Lay Minister: Judy Benham 02380 600533 All other contact names are on the notice board at the back of the Church. If you know anyone who is ill in hospital, you might like to tell the Rector, in confidence if preferred, so that he is aware of the situation. James can arrange for a pastoral visit to be made, if and as appropriate Refreshments are available after the 9.15am services. Do stay to meet other members of the congregation. The flowers in church have been arranged by Pam Hyter. WEEKLY NOTICES St Peter’s, Bishop’s Waltham 8.00am Led by 9.15am Led by Reader Prayers Organ 9.15am Led by BCP Communion Revd James Hunt Sunday Parish Communion 18th January Revd James Hunt 2015 Joyce Hughes 2nd Sunday Emma Dean of Epiphany Ivan Watling St Peter’s@FreeStreet Readings Liz Webb and Revd John 1: Martin Hughes 35-51 1 Sam 3: Reader Bev Rutter 1-10 Prayers David Williamson Band Jackie Tyldesley Children are very welcome. 3-5 yrs meet in the crêche room in the Hall. Over 5s meet in the library. They start worship with us and return at the end. Prayer Ministry is available at our 9.15 services, in the vestry in Church and in the welcome area in the hall. Communion: Communicant members of other denominations are welcome to receive with us. A collection will be taken during this service. Please use the envelopes for Gift Aid if possible and thank you to those who give through standing order. A Hearing loop is in use at this Church. If you have any other access requirements please do tell us. Welcome to everyone! If you are new to the Church, or have any questions please make yourself known to a member of the welcome teams. FOR YOUR PRAYERS Please remember in your prayers those who are in need: Liz Penn, Marilyn Gamblin, Peter and Steph Kelsey. RIP - Rachel Hayes RIP - Henry Howe To add a name to the prayer list for three weeks, please use a slip from the prayer corner. Anniversaries of Death falling around this time. Mary Jane Clay 19/1/04 John Russell 20/1/07 Edna Elsie Cannings 23/1/03 Ronald Harry Granger 23/1/05 William Frank ‘George’ Dorman 24/1/84 Walter (John) Miles 24/1/96 MEON VALLEY FOOD BANK Thank You for all of your kind donations. The food needed for the coming week is: meat meals, corned beef, soup, tuna and rice. Thank you! BIG CHURCH DAY OUT - 23rd and 24th MAY!!! Last year 40 of us went to the BCDO and it was really fun, with lots of great music and things to do and see. You can come for the day or go for the whole weekend. More details at the website: PILGRIM - A COURSE FOR THE CHRISTIAN JOURNEY. You are warmly invited to join a group of people who want to learn more about the Christian faith. Contact Annie Sexton for more information: Mob: 07973833786 or by email: [email protected]. NOTICES AND FUTURE DATES… ST PETER’S CHOIR’S CONCERT Saturday 28th February at 6pm St Peter’s Church. Do come and join us for this wonderful evening. Our Junior Choir will be telling the story of the Pied Piper. Our Adult Choir will be singing Franz Schubert Mass in G. Tickets £7. Children and students free. MEN BACK@WORK Following on from the very successful Prayer Course we have decided to make use of some excellent material from The Bible Society called the Lyfe Course. Every fortnight through to April we shall be looking at the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Tuesday January 27th at 8 pm please join us at Brian’s house, 14 Crofton Way, Swanmore, as we begin this journey together. Call Brian on 891832 for directions or contact Geoff Pardon (896675), Mike Sarson (895236) or Mike Salter (894003) for more information. SUNDAY 25TH JANUARY – HALL SERVICE Next week our theme will be thinking about the persecuted church. Our service will include elements of what it feel like to be part of a ‘secret church’ in another country, so please come prepared for a few things which might be a bit different! CHRISTMAS 2014 - JAMES AND FAMILY Before we go too far into 2015, I just wanted to say a personal thank you to all of you for making it possible to be away at Christmas. This enabled us to be together with Rebecca’s brother and family whom we had not seen for 5 years. Please do ask if you would like to know about our trip. With prayers for 2015 James DATES FOR THE DIARY FOR 2015! Messy Church - 19th January in the church hall. Wednesday 21st January 2pm Mother’s Union AGM in the church hall. Do come along and find out more about Mother’s Union. Tuesday 27th January 7.30-8pm Quiet Half Hour at Waltham Chase Methodist Church Sunday 8th February 6.30pm Reflective Taize Service with Communion at St Peter’s WANTED(!) Are you thinking that you want to help more with the life of St Peters? Well, one way is to either lead or help with the Lighthouse children’s groups that take place during the services. You just need to have a love of working with children and of course a love of our Lord!! We also would like to restart a creche rota to allow parents to stay in the services. If you feel you can help with these requests please call Carrie or Liz (Tel 892197). THANK YOU to all those at St Peter's Church, Bishops Waltham who took part in carol singing in aid of Countess Mountbatten Hospice.The grand total of your fundraising was £499.65. This is amazing! Thank you very much for fundraising and thinking of the charity. ACORN REFRESHER EVENING ‘Listening a vital gift for a noisy world’ Wednesday 28th January 19.30 to 22.00 at St. Francis Church, Clayhall Road, Gosport PO 12 2 AX RSVP to Diana Dow via email or 02392 528122 by 23rd January. PARISH MAGAZINE The February issue will be available for you to collect on Saturday 24th January For more information about any of these activities please take a leaflet from the back of Church, see the website or Parish News or ask a member of
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