Western 2012 kentucky university fraternity Sorority recruitment book & tableof ofcontents contents table table of – Welcome from the Presidents 2 2–2–Welcome Welcomefrom fromthe thePresidents Presidents – M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan 3 –3 3–M.A.S.T.E.R. M.A.S.T.E.R.Plan Plan – Greek Foundations “Ask me whyi’mi’mGreek” Greek” 4 4–4–Greek GreekFoundations Foundations“Ask “Askme mewhy why i’m Greek” – Interfraternity Council 10 10–10–Interfraternity InterfraternityCouncil Council – National Pan-Hellenic Council 11 11–11–National NationalPan-Hellenic Pan-HellenicCouncil Council 12 – Panhellenic Association 12 12– –Panhellenic PanhellenicAssociation Association 13 – chapter Profiles chapterProfiles Profiles 13 13– –chapter 46 – Recruitment Process RecruitmentProcess Process 4646– –Recruitment 47 – NPHC Intake NPHCIntake Intake 4747–48–NPHC – Fraternity Recruitment FraternityRecruitment Recruitment 4848–50–Fraternity – Sorority Recruitment SororityRecruitment Recruitment 5050–54–Sorority – Fraternity and Sorority Finances 54 – Fraternity and Sorority Finances 54 –57Fraternity - addressesand Sorority Finances addresses 5757-58-addresses - Glossary Glossary 5858-59-Glossary - Alphabet Alphabet 5959- -Alphabet Dear Incoming Student, Welcome to Western Kentucky University! We are excited that you are interested in Greek life! One of the easiest ways to get involved at WKU is to explore our Greek community. WKU is an amazing campus and has so many academic and extracurricular opportunities to offer you. Our experience within the Greek community has helped us to adjust to the University, and we hope it will do the same for you. Your experience as a member of one of our fraternity or sorority chapters will provide a framework for achievement and strong personal development that may be applied to all aspects of your life. WKU’s fraternities and sororities emphasize the personal attributes that will make you a solid,well-roundedstudent.Academicsupport,lifelongfriendships,community service events and campus leadership are just a few of the opportunities available to WKU Greeks. Inside of this Recruitment Book you will find information about all three Greek councils as well as information about fall recruitment. Once again, we welcome you to WKU! We wish you the best of luck, not only through recruitment, but also throughout your time at WKU. We look forward to introducing you to the Greek community! 2 Laura Johnson panhellenic president DeGerald Watson-Morton NPHC PRESIDENT Bryan Hartzell IFC president The Department of Housing and Residence Life would like to welcome you to the WKU family! As a student participating in recruitment, there is information you need, in order to have the most successful week possible. If you are a first year student during recruitment, you are encouraged to participate in M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan (Making Academic and Social Transitions Educationally Rewarding). M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan is designed to help you make a successful transition to university life and enhance your recruitment experience. The program involves a variety of educational workshops, social activities, special events and campus interest sessions to help you become a vital part of the WKU community. Last year, over 1,900 participants attended M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan. The program costs $100 if you pay before August 14 (Panhellenic recruitment fee is separate) and includes six meals, free admittance to all social activities and special events for M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan only, early book pick-up program through The WKU Store and the opportunity to meet other first year students. If you sign up after August 14, the cost is $125. Social activities include, but are not limited to, the use of the Preston Health and Activities Center, a block party, outdoor movies and live concerts. Your participation in M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan will allow you to get a head start on your college experienceand have a great time too! We believe that involvement in M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan helps participants make a successful transition to college. Coupled with your recruitment experience, you are guaranteed to have an exciting and eventful week that you will remember for a lifetime. To register for M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan online, login to TopNet and select “Register for M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan and Pay Fee” from the Main Menu or visit www.wku.edu/housing/masterplan to print and mail in your registration form and payment. For additional information, visit www.wku.edu/masterplan. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan at (270) 745-5863. We look forward to seeing you in the fall! Sincerely, Housing and Residence Life For first year women who are not participating in M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan, but will be living on campus, you can check into your fall housing assignment on Tuesday, August 21, 2012. You will need to contact Greek Affairs at (270) 745-2459 or email [email protected] to ensure that you are on the early check-in list. M.A.S.T.E.R PLAN 3 I wku traditions academic excellence leadership opportunities civic engagement lifelong friendships Over the past 45 years, fraternities and sororities have created traditions that make the Hilltopper experience unique. Homecoming and Greek Week are two of the biggest traditions that showcase Greek life to the WKU and Bowling Green communities. Homecoming is a fall tradition, in which IFC, NPHC and Panhellenic chapters pair up to compete in several events. These include Banner, Float, Homecoming Games and Big Red’s Roar. The day before the Homecoming football game, the Greek community unites to show its school spirit by creating floats centered on WKU’s Homecoming theme and participating in the campus-wide pep rally, known as Big Red’s Roar, at the football stadium. Homecoming day concludes the week of festivities and consists of alumni reunions during the Festival of Friends, the WKU football game and the crowning of the Homecoming Queen. The night ends with the Annual NPHC Step Show, where NPHC fraternities and sororities perform elaborate step routines. Greek Week is the highlight of the spring semester for WKU fraternities and sororities. Each organization participates individually in a series of events throughout the week which include Spring Sing, Banner, the American Red Cross Blood Drive, Philanthropy Day, Faculty Appreciation Dinner, Greek Feud, Events Day and Tug. This past year, WKU donated enough blood to save 4,308 lives through the Greek Week Blood Drive! The week culminates with the Awards Convocation, where the winners of Greek Week and the Annual Chapter Achievement Awards are announced. wku traditions 5 academic excellence The Greek community at WKU recognizes that scholastic achievement is of the utmost importance. In order to participate in Formal Recruitment, WKU requires a minimum 2.5 high school GPA or a 2.25 college GPA with 12 or more earned hours. Additionally, each fraternity and sorority has a minimum grade requirement for joining. Greek organizations were founded on the principal of academic excellence. Thus, the academic performance of each chapter is tabulated every semester to determine overall chapter rankings. The Greek average has been consistently higher than the undergraduate all university average. WKU’s Greek community wants you to excel academically, and there are programs in place to help you accomplish this. Many chapters have study hall hours to assist you in time management, and tutor programs to create an environment in which you can excel. Also, some individual chapters and national organizations offer scholarships for initiated members. During your time at WKU, your fraternity brothers or sorority sisters will help you to succeed scholastically. 6 leadership opportunities Membership in a Greek organization provides numerous opportunities for you to take on leadership roles. As a chapter officer, or coordinator of a chapter event or community service project, you can further develop your leadership skills. Every fraternity and sorority has a committee structure that allows you to be involved in all operational aspects of the organization. Additionally, chapters provide educational programming in such areas as time management, personal development and communication. Greeks also participate in campus-wide leadership activities, such as the Dynamic Leadership Institute. You will be encouraged by your chapter to become involved in campus-wide activities and organizations. Greek life is a great springboard to campus involvement, such as the Student Government Association, special-interest clubs and organizations, Spirit Masters, intramural sports and many others. Striking a balance between academics and social activities is an important part of college life. Involvement in both areas provides a well-rounded college experience, which is an appealing asset to potential employers. civic engagement Fraternities and sororities sponsor a multitude of community philanthropic service projects every year. These projects not only impact the Bowling Green community but also raise money for the chapters’ individual philanthropies. Due to the Greek community’s strength in numbers and the organizational qualities found among Greek members, WKU’s chapters achieve great success in aiding the community. 8 lifelong friendships One of the most enjoyable parts of joining a fraternity or sorority involves making new friends and forming bonds that will last long after college. With your fraternity brothers or sorority sisters, you will share your success, happiness and occasional struggles, and they will always be by your side to see you prevail. Brotherhood and sisterhood means more than wearing Greek letters, attending meetings and going to social events. It is making friendships that will last a lifetime. It is the feeling of being apart of something larger than yourself. During your first semester as a fraternity or sorority member, all activities are designed to orient you with your chapter’s history, goals and members, while working toward initiation. Such activities include meetings, retreats, community service projects and study programs. Combined, these will help you build a strong foundation for fraternity and sorority life. infraternity council The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body for WKU’s fourteen North-American Interfraternity Conference fraternities. The purpose of IFC is to foster cooperation among its members, provide services to the chapters, promote the fraternal system, enhance the relationship between its members and the University community, and to act as the judicial body for the actions of its members. WKU’s four National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) fraternities hold dual membership in both IFC and NPHC. Listed below are the national fraternities that have chapters on WKU’s campus: 10 Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Phi Alpha* Alpha Tau Omega Delta Tau Delta FarmHouse Iota Phi Theta* Kappa Alpha Order Kappa Alpha Psi* Kappa Sigma Lambda Chi Alpha Omega Psi Phi** Phi Beta Sigma** Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Delta Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon *These organizations hold dual membership in IFC and NPHC. national pan-hellenic council The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is the governing body for WKU’s nine Historically African American letter sororities and fraternities. It was formed as a permanent organization on May 30, 1930 on the campus of Howard University, in Washington DC, with the following stated purpose and mission: “Unanimity of thought and action as far as possible in the conduct of Greek letter collegiate fraternities and sororities, and to consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations.” The WKU NPHC provides many on-campus activities during the school year such as educational programs, weekend dances, and the Homecoming Step Show and dance. These member organizations include: Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Phi Alpha Delta Sigma Theta Iota Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Psi Omega Psi Phi Phi Beta Sigma Sigma Gamma Rho Zeta Phi Beta 11 panhellenic ASSOCIATION The Panhellenic Association is the governing body for WKU’s eight National Panhellenic Conference sororities. The Panhellenic Association also grants membership to WKU’s four NPHC sororities and two affiliate organizations. The purpose of the Panhellenic Association is to coordinate and administer programs that are for the common good of all member chapters and represent the interest of all member chapters in any other matter of common cause to promote fraternity life and interfraternity relations. Listed below are the national sororities with chapters on WKU’s campus: Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Kappa Alpha** Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Xi Delta Chi Omega Delta Sigma Theta*** 12 Kappa Delta Omega Phi Alpha^ ^ Phi Mu Sigma Alpha^ ^ Sigma Gamma Rho*** Sigma Kappa Zeta Phi Beta*** *These organizations hold dual membership in Panhellenic and NPHC. ^These organizations are affiliate members of Panhellenic Association. pte cha alp rn ha ir c the e ar e am green & 964 Gold 1 s in rs olo chi e tion d philanthropy is ally - wish na f o u nd the wer y e in 1904 Make-A Alpha Gamma Rho a fraternity that shares a common bond within a dynamic global agriculture and is committed to fostering the highest values. Alpha Gamma Rho provides each and every brother with superior lifelong personal development and professional success. sE ta a ’U s c K W n o d ev sh i l b u p m isit th om .c t o www.maalp h a m r hagam e 13 voteless people a voteless voteless people people aa avoteless people people a voteless hopeless people is a isishopeless hopeless people a hopeless people is a hopeless people philanthropies philanthropies Go TO High School philanthropies Go TO GoHigh TO High School Go TO School Gocollege High School go to go to go toTOcollege college go to go to college established on wku’s wku’s campus in established established on wku’s campus campus in in established on in colors established on their colors theirtheir their colors colors & wku’s campus in philanthropies philanthropies 192197722 1 1 9 7 9 7 2 go ld k aretheir colors & & c go go ld ld a k k l are are are a c c & www.alphaphialpha.net k gold cwww.alphaphialpha.net barelbbblwww.alphaphialpha.net www.alphaphialpha.net laawww.alphaphialpha.net visit them at visit them them at at visit them visit at visit them at chapter name name isis chapter chapter name is is chapter name Eta Rho Eta Eta Rho Rho Eta Rho they were founded in were founded in theythey they were founded in in theywere werefounded founded in 14 14 14 1414 1906 1906 1906 1906 The Eta Rho Chapter is a mission driven chapter that The Eta The Rho Eta Chapter Rho Chapter is a mission is is a mission drivendriven chapter chapter that that The Eta Rho Chapter a mission driven chapter that believes in the principle on which Alpha Phi Alpha were The Rho Chapter aAlpha mission driven chapter that believes believes in theEta in principle the principle on which onison which Alpha Phi Alpha PhiPhi Alpha were were believes in the principle which Alpha Alpha were built upon. believes built upon. built upon. built upon.in the principle on which Alpha Phi Alpha were built upon. chapt establ Azure & in ished o old go n WKU’ is arrior the projec www.avisit them at t philan owku.o rg throp wou y Alpha Tau Omega is looking for gentleman like you who want to make their own college experience. Guys who want to develop their leadership skills, make lasting friendships, and help build the tradition of ATO at WKU. The opportunity to become an ATO is unlike any other opportunity on campus. Alpha Tau Omega provides you with the opportunity to be involved and to be part of an organization that can provide the resources and support necessary to help you achieve your goals. ATO is your opportunity to create a lasting footprint on your campus, your community and your life. nally t d natio their c olors are s camp us in 2 ld 010 nded w founde 1865 Zeteraname omeg a 15 ni upsuis ypyrerdecdr acmapm h roroptat c.ocomm k’su’cs n nwkwu anththtehmema letlst.s eodno h hpilialvivsitisit ukuded lhisehd p tbalbis w.w.wk esetsa wwwww ree a s r s ar o l o c olor c & & e 8 t i 5 81185ur8pplleewwhhite ppur ixi x n o n l i o s l eeppsi cnan 67 reicrai ss n196197 amaem ocrsos edd in d n foouunadlelyy in e ftion allnam e a n atiopnterr nam ncha pte cha gogol ld d The Epsilon Xi chapter of Delta Tau Delta fraternity at The Epsilon Xi chapter of Delta Tauorganization. Delta fraternity Western Kentucky is a value driven We at Western Kentucky is a value driven organization. We strive to make all of our decisions based on our misstrive to make all of our decisions based on our mission and values. Our members live by the principles of sion andaccountability, values. Our members live by the principles integrity, truth and courage. Building aof integrity,around accountability, truthsets andforth courage. Building a fraternity these values the expectafraternity around these values sets forth the expectations for how the fraternity will run and the behavtions for how the fraternity will run and the ior in the fraternity. Bringing these values intobehavour ior in the fraternity. Bringing into our acBrotherhood allow for personalthese and values organizational Brotherhood allow for excellence. personal and countability and overall Onorganizational campus, Deltsaccountability and overall excellence. On are recognized as leaders and gentlemen.campus, Delts are recognized as leaders and gentlemen. are colors visit chapter them at name white green, gold and philantropy is national asthma Xi ha Alp www.farmhouse .org established on wku’s campus in foundation 1995 ed nation d n ally fou in 1905 A brotherhood that prides itself in building the whole man. At FarmHouse Fraternity we are proud of our success in past/present Greek Affairs, events, and competitions. Not only is our brotherhood unrivaled on campus throughout our college career, it’s eternalized throughout our future. The Men of FarmHouse would be honored to have you around. 17 e o h R Eta m a n r e chapt & 3 6 9 n i 1 d e d in s n u p u m a o e r a s r o col n w o r b l d a l o o c g r cha gilded f sc ’ u k w d on m at he s i l b a t es g r o . a t e h t i h p ota he visit t www.i 2010nthropy is phila v i h / aids and ss ne r a w a n o i t n preve Iota Phi Theta consists of almost 250 chapters located in 40 States and the District of Columbia. As Iota Phi Theta continues to grow and strengthen, so will its commitment to make meaningful contributions to society in general, with particular emphasis in the African-American community. Throughout America, Iota Phi Theta has come to represent excellence in all areas. The Fraternity is, and shall forever remain dedicated to its founders’ vision of “Building a Tradition, Not Resting Upon One!” me chapter na a t e h t n silo ep1979 pus in 1979 m ca ’s u k w n established o founded in e r a s r o l co /ka .edu visit them at .wku muscular r muscula y dystroph n io associat 1865 www opy r h t n phila is the gold & crimson Throughout recent years, KA has grown to be one of the largest and most prominently known fraternities on campus. Through hard work and dedication, KA has made a significant impact on both Western Kentucky University, as well as the Bowling Green community. For example, in the fall of 2009, KA, along with the sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi, hosted a Montgomery Gentry Concert in Western Kentucky University’s E.A. Diddle Arena. The concert raised roughly $32,000 for KA’s philanthropy, Muscular Dystrophy. KA is not only productive in the community, but in the classroom as well. Boasting a chapter average 2.81 GPA, KA ranks among the top fraternities in grades. 19 1199111 fofuo founudnedd ininndeded in eosetsteastb onnoanwblailbislhi wkkwusk’heeshdecam u’s su’ds cad mcapmpups in us uins in 20 20 20 cocloo cololrosras rsc araere rcrirme l at plita eamt t hpoitsa tal etmh m arhchos ospi istith hesecah h s vit t rear rch yviis isitnresse sea roips s v rse re tohpy y i iledn s hnr op lcdhr ren nilta hr ec’hsi ild ilpah nt u’sd ch ph hilsajtu.dej de’s p u st. st. j a a t eeettrhhaohoo rr 1 9169696 e 1 9 e e m 99 ccrrceremem crimimsosno sonn e amme me n rna na e t r pe er chhaaphtapt c c ww ww ww.wk w. awp.p ka kaaa ppa plppa alp haalp ha shi.ao psi prsgi .or .or g g The Epsilon Rho chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi The The Epsilon Epsilon Rho Rho chapter chapter of Kappa of Alpha Alpha Psi continuously makes strides to Kappa exemplify thePsi continuously continuously makes makes strides strides to exemplify to exemplify the meaning of achievement in every field ofthe meaning meaning of achievement of achievement in every in every fieldfield of human endeavor. We pride ourselves on of human human endeavor. endeavor. We We pride pride ourselves ourselves on enriching the bond of brotherhood.on enriching enriching thethe bond bond of brotherhood. of brotherhood. phi toy lant s f hro or py tot is s founded in 1869 are www.kappasigma.org www.wkukappasigma.com The Theta-Theta Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity was founded in 1965 and over the past 47 years has initiated over 800 brothers .Kappa Sigma was originally founded in 1400 in Bologna, Italy, and later founded in America at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville in 1869. Kappa Sigma, with over 250 active chapters and 245,000 initiates is the oldest and one of the largest collegiate Fraternities in the world. We are founded on our Four Pillars: Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. This fall, Kappa Sigma is concentrating our efforts to find great men who want to be Leaders, Scholars, and Athletes, but most of all want to better their college experience. te visit them at colors theta theta chapter whi 1965 established on wku’s campus in em er sca ald rle t 21 visit them at visit visit them thematat www.wkuchops.com www.wkuchops.com www.wkuchops.com www.lambdachi.org www.lambdachi.org www.lambdachi.org chapter name chapter chaptername name lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda zeta zeta zeta founded founded foundedinin in 1909 1909 philanthropy is philanthropy philanthropyis is hope harbor hope hopeharbor harbor 191966 55 colors colors colors are are are purple purple purple green green green gold gold gold 22 2222 established established establishedonon on wku’s campus wku’s wku’scampus campusinin in Omega Psi Phi fraternity, was the second national African-American fraternity to be founded at a historically black college when it was established on November 17, 1911, at Howard University. Howard University did not initially recognize the fraternity as a national organization and Omega Psi Phi’s leadership refused to only accept local recognition for the organization. So, the fraternity operated without official sanction, until the university withdrew its opposition in 1914. Omega Psi Phi was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia on October 28, 1914. By 1920, the fraternity had 10 chapters. founded in 1911 united negro college fund philanthropy is established on wku’s campus in colors are royal purple & 1969 visit them at www.oppf.org gold chapter name gamma theta 23 philanthropy philanthropyis is philanthropy is american american cancer cancer american cancer society society society march march dimes marchofof ofdimes dimes epsilon epsilon epsilon 1971 theta theta 1971 1971 chapter chapter chapter established established on on wku’s wku’s campus campus ininin established on wku’s campus colors colorsareare colors are &&& royal royal blue blue royal blue pure pure white white pure white visit visitthem thematat visit them at www.pbs1914.org founded foundedininwww.pbs1914.org founded in www.pbs1914.org 1914 1914 Hello, Hello, wewe areare thethe proud proud men men of of thethe Epsilon Epsilon Theta Theta Chapter Chapter of of PhiPhi Beta Beta Sigma Sigma Hello, we themen proud men ofhard the Epsilon Theta Chapter ofof Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Fraternity Inc.Inc. Asare As Sigma Sigma men wewe work work hard to to uphold uphold ourour principle principle of BrothBrothFraternity Inc. As Sigma men weatwork hard totime uphold our principle erhood, erhood, Scholarship, Scholarship, and and Service Service while while at thethe same same time trying trying to to live live byby thetheof Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Service while atdo the same trying to live by the “inclusive “inclusive wewe rather rather than than thethe exclusive exclusive we.we. ”We ”We do our our best best intime in thethe classroom classroom “inclusive we rather than the exclusiveAmerican we. ”We do our best in the classroom and and we we also also work work hard hard with with ourour philanthropies philanthropies American Cancer Cancer Society Society and and and we also work hard with our philanthropies American Cancer Society and March March of of Dimes. Dimes. PhiPhi Beta Beta Sigma Sigma was was founded founded byby three three illustrious illustrious founders founders A. A. March of Dimes. Phi Beta Sigma was founded by three illustrious Langston Langston Taylor, Taylor, Leonard Leonard F. Morse, F. Morse, and and Charles Charles I. Brown. I. Brown. The The Epsilon Epsilon Theta Thetafounders A. Langston Taylor,byLeonard F. Scott Morse, Charles I.Jones. Brown. The Epsilon Chapter Chapter was was founded founded by Dr.Dr. Mingo Mingo Scott Jr.and Jr. and and Dr. Dr. J.E.J.E. Jones. If you If you seesee usus outoutTheta Chapter was founded by Mingo Scott Jr.up and Dr. J.E.and Jones. If will you see us out walking walking around around campus campus don’t don’t beDr. be afraid afraid toto come come up and and speak speak and wewe will dodo walking around campus don’t beBe afraid to come up and speak and we will do ourour best best toto help help you you in in anyway anyway possible. possible. Be Blessed. Blessed. our best to help you in anyway possible. Be Blessed. fo un Phi Delta Theta was founded on December 26th, 1848 at Miami University in Oxford Ohio. Since then, the fraternity has grown into one of the largest in the nation with 160 active chapters across the world. Since its inception, Phi Delta Theta has initiated over 228,000 members, with over 9,000 currently active. The Kentucky Eta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta was founded on May 7th, 1966 and has initiated nearly 700 members since. The mission of Phi Delta Theta is to instill in its members important values which they will take with them throughout the rest of their lives. These include great study habits, great morals, and a set of brothers that will last a lifetime. d 184 ed in 8 y is ion op t thrunda n la o hi p als azu col o estre & arrs are abl ege ish nt e am er n t p a ch ta e tath t l a e d i themu/ph vis.iwt ku.ed www ken k c u t a t e y ed f in 196 6 25 chi eta chapter established on wku’s campus in 2010 royal purple visit them at colors www.wkufiji.com philanthropy american red cross is alzheimer’s association founded water for life in 1848 Phi Gamma Delta exists to promote lifelong friendships, to reaffirm high ethical standards and values, and to foster personal development in the pursuit of excellence. Phi Gamma Delta is committed to providing opportunities to each brother to develop responsibility, leadership, scholarship and social skills to become a fully contributing member of society. Since its establishment at WKU, the chapter has held the highest Fraternity GPA for 7 straight semesters, won 3 homecoming week competitions, and raised thousands of dollars for local, national, and international philanthropies and causes. Finally, the Chi Eta chapter was recently awarded the Cheney Cup, awarded annually to Phi Gamma Delta’s best overall chapter. Despite how great these awards might be, the chapter’s main focus is not on winning awards, but on making a difference in people’s lives. Pi Kappa Alpha consists of Scholars, Leaders, Athletes and Gentlemen. The #1 priority at college is to excel in academics. Leadership is the key to both Pi Kappa Alpha’s success and the success of our individual members. Athletic competition provides valuable benefits to college students because it involves people in challenging each other to perform at their highest levels. Six standout gentlemen started our Fraternity in 1868. Today we continue in their tradition by only recruiting the best men. Pi Kappa Alpha prides itself on the fact that we are composed solely of gentlemen. We are continuously working hard to find men who want to be champions, men who are dedicated to a common vision. zeta epsilon chapter colors are garnet old gold visit them at www.wkupikes.com founded in 1868 philanthropy habitat for 1965 humanity established on wku’s campus in 27 philanthrioy is founded in 1865 kelly autism program colors are royal purple kentucky beta old gold The mission of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is to promote the highest standards of friendship, scholarship, and service for our members based upon the ideals set forth by our Founders and as specifically enunciated in our creed. 28 chapter established on wku’s campus in 1965 visit them at www.wkusae.com col ors are old gold blue 5 196 chapter www. at m them gs.co visit wkusi zeta mu ku’s w n o d e n establish campus i Founded in 1855, the fundamental purpose of Sigma Chi Fraternity is to promote the cultivation, maintenance, and accomplishment of the ideals of friendship, justice, and learning within our membership.We develop valuesbased leaders committed to the betterment of character, campus and community. While friends can have a profound impact on your experience in college, Sigma Chi aspires to develop brotherhood - a deeper and more enduring type of friendship - among its members. ropy philanth is human cancer research institute foun ded in 1855 29 Sigma Nu’s past is a proud and colorful one. Founded by three cadets at the Virginia Military Institute in a period of civil strife known as the Reconstruction, Sigma Nu represented a radical departure from the times. The system of physical abuse and hazing of underclassmen at VMI led to James Frank Hopkins, Greenfield Quarles, and James McIlvaine Riley to form the “Legion of Honor” which soon became Sigma Nu Fraternity. So, amidst a backdrop of turmoil, North America’s first “Honor” fraternity was established. Here at the Eta Rho Chapter of Sigma Nu we are committed to continuing the legacy that our founders set fourth for us and living by the principles of love, honor, and truth. chap ter etaestablishedon wku’s campus rho in 196 fou 1869 in nde d 5 colors white goldblack habitaotr f humanity st. judes children’s research hospital philanthropy 30 visit them at www.wkusigmanu.com kentuhcakpyter delta c We are the Kentucky Delta Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Our mission is to work toward “Building Balanced Men.”With these three words, we capture the essence of SigEp’s value to its members: charting a course for men to live their best lives by embracing our cardinal principles of Virtue, Diligence and Brotherly Love and committing to the practice of Sound Mind and Sound Body. We were recognized as the best fraternity on campus in spring of 2011, winning WKU’s coveted Reed Morgan Award. We strive to make young men the best version of themselves. As our Founding Father, Dr. Carter Ashton Jenkins stated, “This Fraternity will be different.” phil established on wku’s campus in 1991 foun ded in y p o r h t an 1901 youtihds a let o i v d & em at colors re visit th www.wku. edu/sigep 31 EPSILON DELTA CHAPTER Alpha Delta Pi was the first secret society ever created for college aged women. Founded in 1851 estalished in Macon, Georgia Alpha Delta Pi has taken pride in it’s rich history and legacy of high educational standards for over a 160 years. Established on the ideals of Christian womanhood, Alpha Delta Pi members today strive to live out our open motto “We live for each other.” Here at the Epsilon Delta chapter we truly believe in our Creed when it states “I believe that my sorority is more than a ritual or a symbol, that it is a way of life.”Welcome to Western Kentucky University and especially to the Greek community! Alpha Delta Pi looks forward to meetng you. 1965 on WKU’s campus in colors are AZUre White blue & www.adpiwku.com visit at: philanthropy is the 32 founding date is RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE 1851 founding Date The Theta Iota chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta is one built by and for women striving to “Live with Purpose”, as our motto states, all the while working to “Inspire the Woman, Impact the World”. By making it our goal to live up to the highest ideals found in our Purpose, the Theta Iota chapter promotes academic excellence, philanthropic service and personal growth, all while maintaining a strong sisterhood that will last a lifetime. theta iota chapter 1904 colors are established on WKU’s campus January Red, Buff visit them at a.org elt d a m & Green PHilanthropy am Alpha g a h Gamma Delta w.alp ww foundation is the 1990 foun 1908 epsilon zeta chapter ded i n visit them at www.aka1908.com American hert association established on wku’s campus in colors american cancer society American diabetes association 34 pink & green 1968 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated has been a landmark organization since it’s beginnings in 1908. Being the first black Greek letter sorority nationally, we continued to bring that innovation to WKU becoming the first black Greek letter organization on this campus as well. Epsilon Zeta is responsible for some of the most well recognized programs currently at WKU. These include the Ms. Black Western Gala, the Ivy Book Club, and the Freshman Tea. We also dedicate a full week to community service every Fall in addition to the hours we commit to community service throughout the semester. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated continues to uphold the legacy set forth by our founders; sisterhood, scholarship, and service to all mankind. juvenile ter red om ic tis res pha fo hri ron pi.org ed und in 18 chap ch r a e .al car 1965 97 al i alpha Ch din colors are esta b camp lished o us in n wk u’s art www. Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women’s fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership skills through service to the fraternity and community. Alpha Omicron Pi’s greatest strength is our members; unique as individuals, yet bound together by the common bond of friendship. Since 1897, over 131,000 women have found fun and friendship in the sisterhood of AOII. Our members have a place to call home, a place to find a friend, and a place to be themselves. 35 founded in 1893 epsilon kappa lue ht b es wk tabl u’s ish cam ed o pus n in dar rg .o lta e t xid m a pha he ku.al t it .w vis www 2012 aut th & e col ors golldblukphila ig n ar e rop y ism spe aks chapter Alpha Xi Delta re-established the Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Western Kentucky University in January 2012. In the first semester on campus, Alpha Xi Delta participated in all campus and Greek organization events. Alpha Xi Delta placed 2nd overall in homecoming, and won the spiri stick during Big Red’sRoar! While Sisters enjoy being competitive and involved on campus, they also value the bonds and Sisterhood established. Alpha Xi Delta is a sorority that inspires each member to realize their potential, and to use that potential for the betterment of society. Come continue the legacy of Alpha Xi Delta on campus! colors are straw cardinal Chi Omega was founded on April 5, 1895, at the University of Arkansas. What began as a small band of women has grown to become the largest women’s fraternity in the world with over 300,000 initiated members. Chi Omega strives to provide each Sister with a commitment to personal integrity, academic excellence, community service, leadership, and lifelong friendship. The members of our chapter can be seen in various roles throughout campus because of our wide range of interests and diverse personalities. We are a relatable, passionate group of girls who are proud of our perfectly imperfect sisterhood. “To be womanly always; to be discouraged never.” Chi theta chapter philanthropy is make-a-wish on ished establ s in campu s ’ u k w 1965 fvisitothuemnatdation ta w .com/chithe ww.chiomega founded in 5 9 18 37 foundedinin founded 1913 1913 etlatas s d a t l e e z /eteatazetad u d e . / u k u esablished wwww.w.wku.ed esablished ww on wku’s on wku’s campusinin campus 1970 1970 colorsare are colors crimson crimson cre creme me && eta zeta eta zeta chapter chapter philanthropyisis philanthropy habitat habitat for for humanity humanity The Eta Zeta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta was founded on March The Eta at Zeta Chapter of DeltaUniversity Sigma Theta was founded onwomen. March 14, 1970 Western Kentucky by 14 phenomenal 14, 1970 at Western Kentucky University by 14 phenomenal women. These charter members, also known as the WANDS (WE ALL NEED These charter also known as thesince WANDS (WE ALLto NEED DELTA), hadmembers, been functioning together March 1969 get a DELTA), had been functioning together since March 1969 to a chapter started at Western. These willing young women beganget their chapter started at Western. These willing young women began their journey by approaching the Dean of Student Life with the idea of journey by approaching the Dean of Student Life with thethere ideawas of starting a chapter on campus, but the Dean told these ladies starting a chapter on campus, but the Dean told these ladies there was one sorority already on campus and there was no need for another one sorority on campus and nomade need for one. Thesealready ladies, determined withthere theirwas minds up another for Delta, one. These ladies, determined with their minds made up fought for what they believed in and in 1970, the chapter to for be Delta, known fought what believed in andDelta in 1970, theTheta chapter be knownof as Eta for Zeta wasthey finally established. Sigma is atosisterhood aspredominately Eta Zeta was finally Delta women Sigma Theta is a sisterhood of Black established. college-educated committed to a lifetime predominately Black college-educated women committed to a lifetime of public service. of public service. founded in a m am er Since the Delta Gamma chapter of Kappa Delta was founded on Western Kentucky University’s campus in 1965, Kappa Deltas have continued to uphold our open motto, “Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest.” Being a Kappa Delta dramatically enhances a woman’s college experience through countless philanthropic opportunities, a focus on success in academics, encouragement and occasions for leadership, and most importantly, an amazing lifelong sisterhood. We can’t wait to meet you! a g hapt t c s l rica t e e m u a D sco of girl 1897 prevent child abuse america us at: www.kappadelta.org visit established on www.kdwku.com wku’s campus in olive green 1965 pearl white & esta b camp lished o us in n wk u’s 1993 alpha.org or life f ay rel so gold action eat er 40 mmu nity e t rho chap dark light blu We are Omega Phi Alpha. We are a dedicated to providing service to the university community, to the community at large, to the members of the sorority, and to the nations of the world. We promote friendship, leadership, and service, while creating sister bonds that last a lifetime. baldricks . co st an aphi c they eg blue ww om . w philanthropy is children’s miracle network hospital founded on wku’s campus in 1965 TAU ta Del chapter www.wku.phimu.orgvisit them at rose colors & white www.phimu.org founded in 1852 Founded in 1852, Phi Mu is a women’s organization which provides personal and academic development, service to others, commitment to excellence and lifelong friendship through a shared tradition. Phi Mu promotes vibrant living, encouraging members to achieve their personal best. The Delta Tau chapter of Phi Mu at Western Kentucky University prides itself not only on strong academics and campus involvement, but having a strong, unique, and lifelong sisterhood. A woman isn’t just a Phi Mu during her undergraduate years, she is a Phi Mu for life. 41 founded in 1978 philanthropy ermerald maize agriculture in the classroom 42 colors are m at .org e h t visit maalpha sig www. Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship among its members. The sorority was founded in 1978 at the Ohio State University by five women who wanted an alternative to the social Greek sorority system. Since that time, Sigma Alpha has become a national organization consisting of more than 80 chapters, comprised of undergraduate and alumni members. Today, more than 9,900 members have been initiated into Sigma Alpha Sorority. royal & blugoeld visit at: www.sgrho1922.org operation big book bag 1922 national marrow donor program program symposiumestablishu’sed frtieicMcda anyoialutcanhcer awareness caonmpwkus in ahat eta phi chapter 1978 Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. is Purposed for Service: Reaching Inward, Upward and Outward to provide a continual, yet evolving circle of proactive cutting edge solutions and support in addressing both legacy and emergent challenges facing our membership and our families, our local communities, and the world. And a life long sisterhood. project reassurance founded in 43 1874 1874 1874 founded inin founded founded in at at themthem visit visit www.wkus igmakappa.com www.wkus igmakappa .com visit them at www.sigmaka ppa.org www.sigmaka ppa.org www.wkus igmakappa .com epsilonn zeta zeta epsilo epsilo zetalogy non geronto established don establishe www.sigmakappa.org chapter chapter establishe d ongerontology wku’s campus wku’s campus geronto logy studies inherit studies inherit wku’s campus earth studies theinherit earth the in mmaearth in seseaa the ainmmisse cocomast st issisioanon coast mission chapter 1965 1965 1965 maroon maro on maro lavendar dar &&on laven lavendar colors colors colors Greetings fromGreetings the lovely ladies Sigma from of the lovely ladies of Sigma Kappa sorority! The Epsilon Zeta The chapter is Kappa sorority! Epsilon Zeta chapter is Greetings from lovely ladies of Sigma a family. As sisters, we support each the other a family. As sisters, we support each other Kappa The Epsilon Zeta chapter is through our values of sorority! Personal Growth, through our values of Personal Growth, a family. As sisters, we support each other Service, Friendship, andFriendship, Loyalty. We grow Service, and Loyalty. We grow through our values Personal Growth, together as confident, ambitious wome of together as confident, ambitious wome Service, Friendship, and Loyalty. We grow through the time, accomplishments, and through the time, accomplishments, and together as confident, ambitious wome experiences we share. We look forward experiences we share.toWe look forward to through the time, accomplishments, and introducing you to our sisterhood during introducing you to our sisterhood during experiences we share. We look forward to our twenty sixthour yeartwenty here at WKU! sixth year here at WKU! introducing you to our sisterhood during our twenty sixth year here at WKU! established on wku’s campus in 1972 colors are royal pure white chapter & omega american cancer society delta humane society visit them at Zeta Phi Beta Incorporated upholds the principle of finer womanhood, we are women of service, scholarship and sisterly love. it’s quoted from one of our founders :there’s a zeta in every girl regardless of race, creed or color who has high standards and principles and active interest in all things that she undertakes to accomplish”. - Viola Tyler Goings american red cross www.zphib1920.org founded in 1920 march of toys fortots storks nest 45 Recruitment [process sorority formal recruitment WKU fraternities and sororities recruit new members at different times throughout the school year, through three different processes. These processes are Fraternity Formal Recruitment, Sorority Formal Recruit- Alpha Delta Pi ment and Individual Chapter Recruitment. Listed below is when each Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi organization participates in recruitment: Alpha Xi Delta Chi Omega Kappa Delta Phi Mu Alpha Gamma Rho Sigma Kappa Alpha Tau Omega Delta Tau Delta FarmHouse Kappa Alpha Order Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa Sigma Alpha Phi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Alpha Phi Delta Theta Delta Sigma Theta Phi Gamma Delta Iota Phi Theta Pi Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Omega Phi Alpha Sigma Chi Omega Psi Phi Sigma Nu Phi Beta Sigma Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Gamma Rho Zeta Phi Beta 46 fraternity formal recruitment individual chapter recruitment NPHC intake nphc membership intake process Please note that the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations at WKU do not allow undergraduates to join until they have completed at least one semester of school and have proven themselves academically. Some organizations require that one full year of academics be completed before they can begin to discuss the membership intake process for their organization. The intake process varies between the fall and spring semesters depending on each NPHC organization. For more information on the NPHC “Greek 101” is required for all students interestted in membership in an NPHC Membership Intake Process, please visit organization. “Greek 101 is offered multiple times throughout the semester by the Office of Student Activities. www.wku.edu/wkugreeks or contact the Each NPHC organization has their own requirements for minimum standards for Student Activities Office at academics, community service and leadership. However, each group requires a (270) 745-2459. minimum grade point average and an official transcript. The Granting of Membership also varies among organizations. Each NPHC organization implements the guidelines and details of its own membership intake process, so the lengths of the specific programs vary. 47 fall 2012 fraternity formal recruitment Monday, August 27 Recruitment Orientation,, Rotation Night 1, 6:00-10:30 fraternity Open House, 7:00-10:00 To participate in Formal Recruitment, a man must be a full-time, undergraduate student enrolled at WKU with a minimum 2.5 high school GPA or a 2.25 college GPA with 12 or more earned hours. To sign up, go to www.wku.edu/wkugreeks, select the Recruitment tab on the homepage, then choose Fraternity Recruitment Online Registration and complete the application. Recruitment Orientation will be held in the Garrett Ballroom on Monday, August 27, 2012 at 6:00 pm. This is a mandatory event for all men wanting to go through recruitment. Thursday, August 30 For more information on fraternity recruitment, please email greek. [email protected] or [email protected]. Tuesday, AUgust 28 Rotation Night 2, 7:00-10:30 Wednesday, August 29 Formal Presentation Night, 7:00-10:30 Friday August 31 Bid Day, 5:00 (There will be a $25 fee to join a fraternity on Bid Day.) 48 recruitment For the two rotation nights of fall Formal Recruitment, recruitment groups will be used. Potential new members will be divided up into groups and led to each fraternity chapter house by two members of different fraternities. These fraternity men will be known as Rho Alphas and are there to answer any questions. Between the two nights of rotation parties, groups will visit each fraternity chapter for 25 minutes. The third night is an open house round, in which potential new members can visit the fraternities of their choice. The fourth night is Presentation Night, where potential new members can visit up to three fraternities, and while at each chapter, view a formal presentation about the fraternity. recruitment rules 1. Incoming freshman cannot sign a bid until Bid Day, Friday, August 31, 2012. 2. Any returning student who has completed at least one semester can sign a bid once school has started. 3. Each prospective new member must register online at www.wku. edu/wkugreeks to go through Fraternity Formal Recruitment. 4. The Recruitment Orientation on Monday, August 27, 2012 is mandatory for those going through Formal Recruitment. 5. Each prospective new member must visit each fraternity house at least once during the party schedule. 6. A prospective new member may receive as many bids as extended to him, but he can only choose one organization in which to affiliate. 7. The dress code for Formal Recruitment is business casual (khakis and polo) for the Rotation Parties and Open Houses. Shirt and tie (blazer optional) is requested for Presentation Night, since this is a more formal evening. 8. Any student that receives an alcohol violation from Housing and Residence Life or Judicial Affairs will forfeit their ability to join a fraternity that semester. Go Greek On this night, you will meet the eight sorority chapters participating in Formal Recruitment for 20 minutes each. The purpose of these parties is to give you a feel for Greek life and the opportunities that sorority membership will present you. This is your chance to see every chapter and let them know who you are. For this night, you will be provided a uniform t-shirt that you can pair with jeans or shorts and sandals or flats. Wednesday, August 22 ORIENTATION 50 At this orientation, you will meet the Recruitment Staff, receive information about recruitment week and meet your recruitment counselor, also known as a Pi Chi! You will not go to any sorority houses, so feel free to wear jeans or shorts.Tuesday, August 21 Sorority Recruitment thursday, august 23 friday, august 24 saturday, august 25 Getting to know you Parties begin at 5:30 pm and end at approximately 11:15 pm. You will receive your Getting to Know You schedule in the morning from your Pi Chi. This day, you could visit a maximum of six chapters, spending 30 minutes with each sorority. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Remember, each sorority wants to get to know you. Just relax, have fun, and above all, be yourself! This is a good night to wear a casual top and capris or a sundress, with sandals or flats. theme Parties begin at 1:00 pm and end at approximately 8:00 pm. You will receive your Theme schedule in the morning from your Pi Chi. This day, you could visit a maximum of four chapters, spending 45 minutes with each sorority. These longer parties give you the opportunity to make friends within the sororities you visit. Begin to pay attention as to where you would feel most comfortable. This is a good day to wear dresses or skirt outfits and sandals or dress shoes. preference Parties begin at 1:00 pm and end at approximately 4:45 pm. You will have from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm to sign your preference cards.You will receive your Preference schedule in the morning from your Pi Chi. This day, you could visit a maximum of two chapters, spending an hour with each sorority. During these parties, think back to previous rounds and recall what you liked best about these sororities and why you would choose to a join a particular group of women. These sororities invited you back because they believe you would fit in as a sister. Remember, this exciting commitment is for a lifetime! This is a good day to wear dressy skirt outfits or dresses and heels or dress shoes. [email protected] @wkusororityhelp Formal Recruitment is the main process that the National Panhellenic Conference sororities at WKU use to recruit new members. Formal Recruitment is conducted before the start of the fall semester, beginning Tuesday, August 21, and concluding with Bid Day on Sunday, August 26, 2012. The week consists of a recruitment orientation and four rounds of parties which allow potential new members the opportunity to learn about each sorority at WKU. During the recruitment parties, women will have time to ask questions about sorority activities, financial obligations, new member programs, scholarship, community service and sorority life in general. It is important to recognize that Formal Recruitment is a mutual selection process. All women will visit each sorority during the first round (Go Greek), but the remaining rounds are by invitation only. Just as sororities are narrowing the number of women attending each round of parties, potential new members may only accept a certain number of invitations to each round. Participation in Formal Recruitment DOES NOT guarantee an invitation to join a sorority, nor does it obligate a woman to join. Sorority 52 [email protected] To participate in Formal Recruitment, a woman must be a full-time, undergraduate student enrolled at WKU, with a minimum 2.5 high school GPA or a 2.25 college GPA with 12 or more earned hours. To sign up, go to www.wku.edu/wkugreeks, select the Sorority Recruitment tab on the homepage, then choose Sorority Recruitment Online Registration Form and complete the application. Recruitment Orientation will be held in DUC Auditorium on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 8:30 pm and is mandatory for all women wishing to participate in recruitment. Before your registration can be processed, you will need to mail a high school and/or college transcript and a check payable to WKU Panhellenic for $45 to: Student Activities Office 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101-1044 (If you wish to pay online, there will be a $2.50 service charge.) Recruitment wku sorority help fall 2012 (facebook) Formal Recruitment can be a stressful week for potential new members. Here are some tips from the Panhellenic Association that can help you during recruitment week: • Be open to all organizations. • Do not skip anything. Attend all recruitment meetings and parties. • Do not wear heavy fragrance. • Do not chew gum during recruitment parties. • Bring an umbrella. • Avoid high heels- You will be doing a lot of walking. • You will not need much cash on hand. The only money you may need would be for a soft drink or bottle of water. • You may want to bring a white dress and white shoes. (Many sororities require these for ceremonies) • Relax, smile and be confident. • Do not worry and have fun! wku panhellenic association (facebook) Recommendations A recommendation serves as a letter of introduction of a woman to a sorority in order to help the sorority members become acquainted with her before recruitment begins. Although a recommendation is not required, sororities appreciate and use this information to assist in their recruitment process. Should alumnae offer to write a recommendation, they may send these letters to the address listed below: Student Activities Office Attn: Sorority Name 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101-1044 53 fraternity & Sorority finances It is important for students and parents to be as informed as possible regarding the financial obligations associated with fraternity and sorority membership. Students interested in joining a Greek organization should be aware of the dues, fees and other expenses involved and should consider these when making financial plans to attend college. During Formal Recruitment, a potential new member should ask chapter members about their chapter’s financial obligations and payment options. Each organization sets its own dues, housing costs and payment schedules. For men, the cost of fraternity membership varies among chapters. It is important to familiarize yourself with the dues associated with each fraternity, so you can make an educated decision, should you choose to accept a bid. During the first semester of fraternity membership, the groups that participate in Formal Recruitment range from $300 to $600. After the first year, you can expect to pay between $350 and $650. For women, the first year of sorority membership will be the most expensive. There are a variety of one-time expenses and fees that must be paid during the first year. As chapters individually determine their cost to join, you will find during Formal Recruitment that some sorori- 54 ties are more expensive than others. It is important to ask the chapter members what the money pays for. Some chapters include your new member education materials, sorority badge, social functions, t-shirts and bags, composite pictures and much more in their fees. For the first semester of sorority membership, the groups that participate in Formal Recruitment range from $650 to $1050. Each semester after the first, the cost of membership declines. After the first year, you can expect to pay between $350 and $750 per semester. The sororities Omega Phi Alpha and Ceres implement a different dues structure than those organizations participating in Formal Recruitment. The first semester of membership in Omega Phi Alpha is $200, and every semester thereafter, the cost of membership is $180. For Ceres, the first semester of membership is $300, and every semester thereafter, the cost of membership is $275. Information concerning dues for the NPHC organizations will be given during their recruitment events. Potential new members are highly encouraged to discuss the financial responsibility of joining a Greek organization with their parents. Hazing is strictly prohibited by WKU and all fraternities and sororities. Hazing is defined as any action or situation with or without consent that recklessly, intentionally or unintentionally • endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or • creates risk or injury, or • causes discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule, or • that willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a chapter or colony of any sorority or fraternity. Hazing acts include but are not limited to: • Forcing someone to eat or drink against his or her will • Requiring personal servitude • The presence or use of alcohol in any new member activity • Paddling or striking in any manner • Sleep deprivation • Requiring exercise • Forcing someone to publicly wear apparel that is conspicuous and not “normally” in good taste • Yelling at members • Not permitting members to talk for extended periods of time If you witness or have knowledge about improper activities occurring in the Greek community you are encouraged to contact the Student Activities Office/Greek Affairs at (270) 745-5699. hazing policy 55 map of houses 1 Alpha Delta Pi 2 Alpha Gamma Delta 3 Alpha Gamma Rho 4 Alpha Omicron Pi 5 Chi Omega 6 Farm House 7 Kappa Alpha Order 8 Kappa Delta 9 Kappa Sigma 10 Lambda Chi Alpha 11 Phi Delta Theta 12 Phi Gamma Delta 13 Phi Mu 14 Pi Kappa Alpha 15 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 16 Sigma Chi 17 Sigma Kappa 18 Sigma Nu 19 Sigma Phi Epsilon 20 Meredith Hall 56 * The following fraternities will conduct fall recruitment events at these sorority houses: Delta Tau Delta (Phi Mu- #13) Fraternities Alpha Gamma Rho 1436 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Alpha Phi Alpha 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Alpha Tau Omega 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Delta Tau Delta 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 FarmHouse 1544 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Iota Phi Theta 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Kappa Alpha Order 1349 College Street BG, KY 42101 Kappa Alpha Psi 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Kappa Sigma 321 E 13th Street BG, KY 42101 Sigma Chi 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Lambda Chi Alpha 1504 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Sigma Nu 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Omega Psi Phi 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Phi Beta Sigma 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Phi Delta Theta 1260 State Street BG, KY 42101 Sigma Phi Epsilon 1586 Normal Drive BG, KY 42101 sororities Alpha Delta Pi 1633 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Alpha Gamma Delta 1548 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Phi Gamma Delta 1311 College Street BG, KY 42101 Alpha Kappa Alpha 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Pi Kappa Alpha 1430 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Alpha Omicron Pi 1566 Normal Drive BG, KY 42101 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 300 E 14th Street BG, KY 42101 Alpha Xi Delta 1906 College Heights Blvd. BG, KY 42101 Sigma Alpha 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Chi Omega 1580 Normal Drive BG, KY 42101 Delta Sigma Theta 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Kappa Delta 1600 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Omega Phi Alpha 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Phi Mu 1553 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Sigma Gamma Rho 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 Sigma Kappa 1551 Chestnut Street BG, KY 42101 Zeta Phi Beta 1906 College Heights Blvd., #11044 BG, KY 42101 57 greek glossary Active – a fully initiated member of a fraternity or sorority Alumnus/Alumna (singular) – an initiated man/woman who is no longer in college Bid – a formal invitation to join a fraternity or sorority Chapter – the local collegiate group of a national fraternity or sorority Colonization/Recolonization – the process of establishing a new national fraternity or sorority on campus Formal Recruitment – the period set aside for membership recruitment of Interfraternity Council fraternities and Panhellenic Association sororities Initiation – the formal ceremony that brings a new member to full fraternity or sorority membership Intake – the process that National Pan-Hellenic Council fraternities and sororities use to select new members 58 Legacy – a prospective new member whose relative is an alumnus/ alumna or an active member of a particular fraternity or sorority New Member – a member of a fraternity or sorority that has not yet been initiated New Member Education Program – a time during which new members learn about the fraternity or sorority and its members Philanthropy – another term for community service Potential New Member – a person who has interest in fraternity or sorority life and participates in the recruitment process Preferential Bidding – the system used to conclude the Formal Recruitment period, in which sororities indicate their choices for new members Quota – the specified number of new members each sorority can accept during Formal Recruitment Recommendation – a letter signed by an alumnus/alumna recommending a man/woman for membership in a fraternity/sorority greek alphabet A B G D E Z H Q I K L M Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ alpha (al-fah) beta (bay-tah) gamma (gam-ah) delta (del-tah) epsilon (ep-si-lon) zeta (zay-tah) eta (ay-tah) theta (thay-tah) iota (eye-o-tah) kappa (cap-ah) lambda (lamb-dah) mu (mew) N X O P R S T U F C Y W Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω nu (new) xi (zye) omicron (om-e-cron) pi (pie) rho (row) sigma (sig-mah) tau (taw) upsilon (oop-si-lon) phi (fie) chi (kie) psi (sigh) omega (oh-may-gah) 59 wku greek affairs 1906 college heights blvd.#11044 bowling green, ky 42101-1044 wku greek affairs 1906 college heights blvd.#11044 bowling green, ky 42101-1044 book designed by Lauren Woods book designed by Lauren Woods
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