~a5uguan ng lliHpinas (!fmhass!' of tbe llbilippines ~retorta INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER SERVICE CHARGE The Philippine Embas sy wishes to inform all Filipinos unde r Its jurisdiction in so uthern Africa (i.e. , Angola , S1 Botswana , Lesotho , Moz mbiq ue, Namibia, South Afri ca , Swaziland . Zambi a, Zi mbabwe ) that effective 1 November 2014, the International Passeng er Servic e Charge (IPSC ), comm only known as the airp ort fe m llnaJ fee (P550.00) , shall begin to be incorporate Into th e cost of airl ine ti ck ets at the pom t of sale. The integration of the airport terminal fee 10 the cost of airl ine tickets ai ms to ddress congestion in al l NAIA termin als by reduci ng the processing time of passengers , promoting a smoother, more con veni ent and hassle free travel experience . Th e integ rati on sclleme conforms to Internallol-al sta ndards and practices of airr orts worldwide, and will be Implemented simultaneousl y by all ai Jines , 10 also CDver passengers tran siting Manila to any onward de stina tion I. EX EMPTIONS The IPSC program will co nli nue to 11onor and recognize all termina l fee exe mptions manda ted by law , such as those for 1) 2) 3) 4) Overseas Filipino W orkers (OFWs) with valid Overseas Emp loy me nt Ce rti ficates (O EC s): Muslim pil grims endorsed by th e Nati onal Commission on Musli m Filipinos ; Athle tes endorsed by th e Phi lipp ine Sports Commission , and Others au thorized by th e Office of Ole Presi dent for exe mption However, the airp ort temllll al fee Will collected [rain exempt passengers in th e fo ll owing case s 1) 2) 3) II. If airl ine ticket s are purchased online; If airline tickets were purchased abroad and If no exempti on ce rti ftcate is presented by an eLmpl passenger wh o purchases a ticket over-the counter from an airline office or tra ve l age nt In the Ph il ipp ines. REFU NDS Exempt passengers who have been charged an ainJOl7tem iinaJ following do cuments. 1) re may secure a refund by presen tin g the Fo r OFWs ;- Ai rport cop y of the OEC ,. Any oUhe followi ng wh ich shows payment of the ai/port tennill ai fee · E-tickel llinerary receipt with 0 R. or IIlvoice Boarding pass :.- If airline ticket vila s paid for by any persO l . ot ller than the " FIN (e q . manll ing I recruitm nt agent . principal. employe I ) a duly Clccomph slled IPse Refund ecl ;;ratl()11 (forlll ill/a el lec! al the end of this /l o/ice) 2) For Mus lim pilqrims, atil letes and others ,. MIAA xemptlon Certificate ,. Any of the foll owi ng wh ich shows payment o f the 3l1p o/1 1elminaJ fAe . E-tlcket Itin erary receipt with O.R. or invoi ce ,. Boarding pass Refunds can be secured at NAI te rminals on the day of de parture 24 hours da ily or at the MIAA Administrati on Bldg (Co ll ection Office), Ground Floor, MIA Road, Pa ay City , from 8 00 a.m to 5.00 p m., Mondays thru Frida ys excepl 11olidays . Pretoria , 8 October 20; 4. 54 Nicolson Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria P. 0 , Box 2562, Brooklyn Square 0075, Pretoria, South Africa, Tel. Number (27-12) 346-0451/2 Fax,(27-12) 346-0454 E-mall :[email protected] Official Website: httpllwww.philipPlOeembassy-pretoria.com
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