Response to Jury Summons

Response to Jury Summons
Court Address
Please ensure The address is seen in the envelope window
Jury service is a key part of the New Zealand justice system. By participating you
make an important contribution to your community. Your time and commitment
are greatly appreciated.
Please complete this form to respond to your jury summons and return it to the court by email or
by using the postage paid envelope included in your jury summons pack. Information to help you
complete this form is included in the jury summons pack and on page 4 of this form.
You are required to attend court on the date shown in your jury summons. In some situations you
can apply to defer (put off) your jury service to another time or to be excused from attending
(if excused you may or may not be summoned again in the future).
Your options are described below to help you respond to your jury summons:
I will attend on the date shown in my jury summons
I will attend, but would like to put my jury service off to
a later date (see page 4 section A)
We also need you to tell us a period of time in the next
12 months that you are available to attend for jury service.
Fill out page 2
Fill out pages 2 and 3
I can't attend for jury service because:
• I'm applying to be excused (see page 4 section B)
• I don't have to do jury service e.g. I'm over 65
(see page 4 section C)
Fill out pages 2 and 3
• I'm not eligible to do jury service
(see page 4 section D)
EXCUSED – code
Your contact details
We need your correct contact details to pay your jury fees and reimburse you for travel or childcare costs.
YOUR Current Details
REF Number
(This number is provided in your jury summons)
Sign your response form
I confirm that the information I have entered is correct.
Date D D
(If sending by email you do not need to sign)
/M M/ Y Y Y Y
Claiming travel expenses
If you are attending on the date shown in your summons, please complete the section below to help the court pay
your travel costs:
I will attend by public transport – It will cost $
I will be travelling by private motor vehicle – I will be claiming parking costs of $
My house is approximately
per day (if known)
km from the court
If you cannot get to court by public transport or private motor vehicle please contact the court.
NOTE: The court will not reimburse taxi costs unless you have prior approval to use a taxi from the court.
If you are attending on the date shown in your summons you do not need to provide any more information.
Thank you very much for your response and your commitment to jury service.
Your application
If you want to apply to put off your jury service to another date or to not attend for jury service please tell us why below:
NOTE: The court can only accept reasons that are allowed for in legislation. Your application must refer to one of these
reasons (listed on page 4 of this form) and include supporting information. Examples of supporting information are also
provided on page 4 of this form for your guidance.
Preferred dates
If you are applying to put off your jury service to another time please give us your preferred dates below:
NOTE: You must give this information or your application will not be considered. The dates you give us must be
for a period of time of at least four weeks.
I am available from: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y (no earlier than 8 weeks from the date of your summons)
until: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y (no later than 12 months from the date of your summons)
Thank you very much for your response and your commitment to jury service.
The court will advise you if your application has been granted within five working days of receiving this response form.
Reasons to put off or be excused from jury service
Applying to defer (put off) service
Sometimes you may have a reason for deferring your jury
service. Please read the section Reasons for deferring or being
excused from jury service (below). If one of these reasons applies
and you cannot attend this time, the court may allow you to
defer your jury service to a time in the next 12 months.
The court registrar will consider your application and
decide whether your service can be deferred. The registrar
must be satisfied that attending jury service will cause
undue hardship or serious inconvenience to you, another
person, or the general public.
Other reasons for not serving as a juror
You may not have to serve as a juror if you apply in writing
and confirm that you:
• are a practising member of a religious sect or order that is
opposed to jury service
• are 65 years of age or more
• have attended or carried out jury service in the previous
two years
• have been excused from jury service for a period that has
not yet expired.
Applying to be excused from jury service
Some people cannot do jury service
You cannot serve on a jury if any of the following
circumstances apply to you:
• some people with certain occupations cannot serve on a
jury, e.g. employees of Department of Corrections
(See section 8 of the Juries Act 1981 for a full list)
Sometimes you may need to be excused from jury service.
Please read the section Reasons for deferring or being excused
from jury service (below). If one of these reasons applies to you
and deferring your service is not practical on this occasion,
the court may excuse you from attending.
The court registrar will consider your application and
decide whether you can be excused from jury service on
this occasion.
• people with intellectual disabilities cannot serve on a jury
• people who:
- have been sentenced to imprisonment for life or for a
term of three years or more, or to preventive detention
- have been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of
three months or more, in the last five years.
Reasons for deferring or being excused from jury service
You may be able to defer or be excused from jury service
• your occupation or business may need you to work
because of special commitments
• you have a physical disability
• your health, family commitments, or other personal
circumstances do not allow you to attend.
Examples of useful information to support your application
Occupation or business
• Supporting letter from employer detailing why you can’t be released for jury service
• Business card to confirm your employment type
• Confirmation from employer of your employment type
Health or disability
• Medical certificate
• Support letter from ACC or other agency
• Letter from your caregiver
• Photocopy of hospital or doctor’s appointment
Family commitments
• Letter from doctor advising you are a caregiver for a family member
• Copy of birth certificate(s) of young children in your care
Personal circumstances
• Copy of university exam schedule
• Holiday itinerary
• Copy of birth certificate
• Copy of driver’s licence
• Copy of printed information about your religion, sect or order
Outside jury district
(more than 45 kms)
• A bill or bank statement sent to your current address
(no details are required, feel free to tear away the financial or billing information)