The Parish Family of St. Catharine and St. Margaret Spring Lake, New Jersey Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 1 513 St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family MONDAY, October 13 Rectory Office Closed TUESDAY, October 14 Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Healthy Bones CCD K-5Th Grade CCD 6th -8th Grade Allaire Brandywine Hall School School 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 4:30 PM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, October 15 Pastoral Care Sunrise Girl Scouts School Lagatus Mass Cath CYO School 10:30 AM 2:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:15 PM THURSDAY, October 16 Pastoral Care Healthy Bones Altar Sewing/Craft Guild Coaches Mtg Classics Mtg Children’s Choir 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Wexford Hall Hall School School Chapel SATURDAY, October 18 Social Concerns will be handing our frozen food containers SUNDAY, October 19 Social Concerns will be handing our frozen food containers The safety and success of our military and government officials serving at home or abroad defending our Country are prayed for daily. Each member of the military should be recognized for their outstanding commitment in risking their lives so we can remain free. Members of our Parish who have family or friends in the service have given us their names which can be found in our Remembrance books in both churches in front of one of the side altars. We encourage you to stop there, say a prayer for those listed and for all our service people. To add a name to our prayer list, please call Barbara 732449-5392 or Karen 732-685-7065 or [email protected]. Please remember our sick: Paul Brady, Aidan O’Brien, Richard Diver, Charles Perkins, Nicholas Georgetti, Charles Williams, David Stevens, John O’Connor, Alida Scheuermann, Fr. John McGovern, Jane Magovern, Tiffany Hanke Benner, Bob Patrignelli** Please pray for the deceased: Ronald F. Hardiman, Thomas Kelsey, Elizabeth Campanile, Mary Dellago, Maura Chawad, Linda Giannicola, Charlotte MadisonMuzyka, Antoinette Pesce, Joseph DiNardo** **Names remain on the sick and deceased at the request of parishioners for one month (4 weeks). If extended prayers are needed, please send a note or call. Thank you. RECTORY OFFICE & SCHOOL CLOSED MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th Journey-A Pathway to Healing Experiencing the loss of a loved one brings changes into our lives on multiple levels. It is with these changes in mind that we invite you to attend a series of unique workshops to aid you as you journey on your path to healing. Area experts will cover topics such as emotional well-being, financial decision making, tips on reducing stress and more. There is no charge for any of the programs and they will be held at the Manasquan Recreation Annex, 67 Atlantic Ave., Manasquan. Programs begin Wednesday, October 15th. Call Linda Conroy at O’Brien Funeral Home at 732-449-6900 for additional information about the programs and registration. ALL ARE WELCOME. 2 513 Our Parish Family of St. Catharine - St. Margaret would like to congratulate Christine Michelle Graves and Joshua Steven Pesciotta And Kevin Francis Clancy and Caitlin Christine Nugent who were married on October 4th, 2014. We wish them continued happiness as they begin their lives together. Engaged Encounter A weekend retreat experience for engaged couples to prepare for a lifelong sacramental marriage, in a beautiful, ocean-front setting. Spiritual reflection and couple dialog are the main highlights of the weekend. The next available weekend is October 31st to November 1, 2014 will be held at Stella Maris Retreat House in Elberon. The fee is $415 per couple, which includes meals and lodging. Reservations are limited. To register online go to or call Jossie Ruiz at 609-403-7151. St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Parish Council Karen Tanzola Finance Council PJ McMenamin Altar Sewing & Crafts Guild Madelyn Curtis Bereavement Group Sr. Margaret Tierney Children’s Liturgy Karen Tanzola CYO Youth Group Mark McNulty Health Ministry Cathi Breslin Marion Mullarkey Holy Innocents Society Tom Dorney Joan McGurty Knights of Columbus Angelo Moliterno Respect Life Committee Barbara Griffin School PTA Janet Schneider Social Concerns Dave Wright The Classics (over age 55) Rectory Third Order of Mt Carmel James Morrissey 732-449-3547 908-230-4085 732-449-0059 732-449-5765 x124 732-449-3547 732-449-5765 x125 732-449-6824 732-449-8406 732-449-9589 732-859-4358 732-974-7258 732-774-0790 732-359-7707 732-282-1998 732-449-5765 x165 732-489-2031 PARISH INFORMATION BAPTISMS: Baptisms are usually on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM. Baptism Preparation Class must be taken before the Baptism. The next class is Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 7:30 PM in the Convent. We urge parents to take the class before the baby’s birth. Please call 732-449-5765, ext 102 to arrange for Baptisms and the Preparation Class. CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD: All children, ages 4 and up are invited to attend the Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 10:00 AM Mass in St. Margaret's Church. There is no fee or registration required. MARRIAGES: Those planning marriage should notify the pastor at least one year in advance. The Church sees marriage in one’s own parish as the most proper arrangement, therefore, people who reside in St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish have a right to be married here. Others should receive the sacrament in their own parishes. The bride, the groom, or their parents must be registered and living in this Parish for at least one year. Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter Weekend is required as is participation in FOCCUS; a self-diagnostic inventory designed to help couples learn more about themselves and their unique relationship. Please call 732-449-5765, ext. 166. CONFESSIONS: St. Margaret Church on Saturdays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM St. Catharine Chapel on Saturdays 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: After the 8:00 AM Mass on Monday. QUEEN OF PEACE ROSARY: Sunday at 3:00 PM, St. Catharine Church. EUCHARISTIC DEVOTION: Weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held EVERY Wednesday after the 8:00 AM Mass in the Chapel, Benediction at 4:00 PM. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage all new families who move into the boundaries of St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the rectory to register in the parish. PARISH WEBSITE: WWW.STCATHARINE-STMARGARET.COM PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL E-MAIL: [email protected] OFFERTORY PARTICIPATION Parishioners are encouraged to bring the Offertory Gifts up to the altar at the masses, especially if mass is in memory of your loved ones. If you would like to do this please ask the ushers before the mass begins. 3 513 St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family ST. CATHARINE CHURCH MONDAY, October 13 8:00 AM Robert Johansen 12:00 PM (Chapel) Steven Krakower TUESDAY, October 14 8:00 AM Richard Heine 12:00 PM (Chapel) Thomas Hourican WEDNESDAY, October 15 8:00 AM (Chapel) Edward Marley Geraldine Malvey Dick Heine Patricia O’Connell Raymond O’Neil John Byrne 12:00 PM (Chapel) Theresa VanGalen THURSDAY, October 16 8:00 AM Richard Heine 12:00 PM (Chapel) Maryon Stiatek FRIDAY, October 17 6:45 AM Owen Charles Lynch 8:00 AM Bridge O’Malley & Gertie Montgomery Nicole Malato Jack Bennett Mai T. Nguyen Grace Thomas Virginia Bruno 12:00 PM (Chapel) Frank Sammartino, 25th Ann SATURDAY, October 18 6:45 AM Peter J. Oliva 8:00 AM George Haag 5:00 PM William Carey SUNDAY, October 19 7:00 AM People of the Parish 9:00 AM Ann & Bill Jarmon 10:30 AM The Garrett Family 12:00 PM (Chapel) Mary & Al Sullivan ST. MARGARET CHURCH SATURDAY, October 18 4:30 PM Ralph & Lucille Jaccodine SUNDAY, October 19 8:30 AM Baby David Joseph Foley, IV 10:00 AM Anne McLaughlin 11:30 AM Kenneth Tanke On October 2, I had the honor to join the Catholic Men’s Group that meets in the basement of Kelly’s Tavern early in the morning every month. There were 50-60 men from many of the parishes in this neighborhood, who meet together monthly before leaving for work, - for prayer, sharing and to listen to a presentation from an invited guest. When the group asked me to address the group, I decided that I would talk to them about a topic that I had written about previously in this bulletin, and which was also the theme of the Diocesan Priests Convocation in Avalon in September. This topic, which is of interest and concern to all Catholics, is the psychological health and well being of Catholic priests. I know from experience that the health of the priests who direct and lead our parishes directly affects many aspects of the spiritual lives of parishioners, individuals, families and children. In a sense, every Catholic who takes his/her faith seriously, has a stake in the health and well being of our priests. Without getting into some of the myths that are prevalent about the priesthood (I have already written about them), suffice it to say that in several well designed and rigorously conducted studies, it emerges that priests score at a slightly more healthy level on various measures of psychopathology than the general population, and specifically than those engaged in comparable social service professions. So, I was interested to read a report in the New York Times last Saturday (October 4) that reported that contrary to expectations, studies are finding that the common conception that stress is usually caused by having too much work, is, in fact, a misconception. Professor Paul E Spector, a professor of Psychology at the University of South Florida, says that too little to do – or “under-load”, as he calls it – can cause many of the physical discomforts we associate with being overloaded, like muscle tension, stomachaches and headaches. Studies now also postulate that the idea that stress is always bad is another misconception. The classic idea of stress – too much to do, too challenging a task – is common. But even that kind of stress should be rethought. In fact, research has shown that if people learn to view stress with a different mindset – as helpful rather than disabling – they can learn to better handle its effects. Stress – or at least reshaping the perception of it – may actually keep us healthy. Having moved in July from a smaller, and less “stressful” parish (St. Jerome/St Mary) to a very busy, and ostensibly more stressful St. Catharine-St. Margaret Parish, I can personally attest to the fact that the correlation between stress and too much work may be overstated. (Actually, for me the jury is still out – stand by for the verdict). Fr Harry Cullen In essence, we are just about as crazy as the rest of the population (actually, slightly less crazy). Mass Exodus In relation to measures of burnout, a majority of priests report that with the decrease in vocations to the priesthood, they feel that they are overworked. Interestingly, however, and counter-intuitively, this does not translate into symptoms of burnout, and the studies did not find a correlation between the two constructs. Presumably, the reason for this is because, generally, priests like what they do, are enlivened and affirmed by the relationships that we are blessed with in the ministry, and because most priests have a lively prayer life and a healthy relationship with God. Perhaps it is my imagination or just wishful thinking, but it appears to me that parishioners have responded in a very generous way to the challenge to remain in church until the end of Mass. If it is true, and if you have modified your practice, on behalf of the parish, I thank you and I commend you for rising to the challenge. It may seem like a small thing in comparison to the great issues and problems that we face as a church, but small does not mean insignificant. We all want to feel proud of our parish, and to many of us, this is a source of some shame and embarrassment. I am tired of hearing from people who migrate from here to Florida or the southern states in the Fall and Winter, that “this kind of thing never happens in our church”. Well it doesn’t happen here (as much) either. 4 513 St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family St. Catharine School “Building future leaders through a strong educational and spiritual foundation.” October 4-5, 2014 Regular Collection……………………………………….$18,512.50 Second Collection (Catholic University)…………….… $4,510.00 First Collection Summary By Mass St Margaret’s Church Saturday 4.30PM Sunday 8.30AM Sunday 10.00AM Sunday 11.30AM Total St Margaret’s $2,201.00 $1283.00 $1504.00 $1444.00 $6432.00 St Catharine’s Church Please come visit and learn more about our school. Open House Wednesday, October 22 9:00 am — 11:30 am For more information, call 732-449-4424 St. Catharine-St. Margaret Church Youth Choirs St. Catharine-St. Margaret Church invites all students from our parish and our school from Kindergarten to High School to come join in singing in one of our choirs! We sing at Sunday Mass, holy day masses, and special events throughout the church year. If you love to sing, please come to the meeting to find out more! We are already planning a beautiful program for Christmas. All are welcome, please come be a part of the fun! Weekly practices are held on Thursday evenings in the Chapel from 6:30-7:30pm This year we are forming two choirs: Cherubim Choir: Our choir members from K-6. Seraphim Choir: Choir members from 7- to high school If you are unable to attend the meeting, but are interested or would like more information for your child, please contact Caroline Woodrow at [email protected] or 732-280-6682 5 513 St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family Saturday 5.00PM Sunday 7.00AM Sunday 9.00AM Sunday 10.30AM Sunday 12.00PM Total St Catharine’s Church $1953.00 $1947.00 $1764.00 $1956.00 $2166.00 $9786.00 Miscellaneous Contributions that come in the mail Loose Cash Total Miscellaneous $1696.50 $598.00 $2294.50 Doctrinal Wars? This week the Diocesan newspaper, The Monitor, reports on an issue that will be hotly debated at the Synod in Rome this week. This will be the issue of the eligibility of divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion. It would appear that a “doctrinal war” is about to break out between those who are proposing a change that would allow such Catholics to receive Communion and those who are strongly opposed to such a move. The Pope himself has said that the predicament of such Catholics exemplifies a general need for mercy in the Church today, and has indicated that their predicament will be a major topic of discussion in the Synod. Invest Wisely Help St. Catharine students by remembering St. Catharine School in your estate plan. By including St. Catharine Parish and school in your estate plan, you can make a significant impact on future generations. A bequest is one of the most thoughtful ways of providing for St. Catharine students: it is a gift that shows your commitment to the school’s tradition of excellence today, and allows St. Catharine students to thrive academically and spiritually tomorrow . PASTORAL CARE: 732-449-5765 If you are going into the hospital, our priests will be happy to anoint you by appointment before admittance. If you are IN the hospital, please call us to let us know so we can visit you, since hospitals no longer list patients’ parishes. If you wish someone to visit you or your loved one in your home or assisted living, please notify us directly. Sr. Margaret Ext. 124 Bereavement Support Group: The next session is Thursday, October 23rd at 1:30 PM in the convent. If you have lost a loved one do not feel alone in your journey, we are here to support you. Call Sr. Margaret Tierney 732 449-5765, Ext. 124. Annual Catholic Appeal Update As of 9/15/2014 our Parish Family has pledged $169,980 or 97% of our goal of $175,000 to the Annual Catholic Appeal, formerly the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We need a few people to pledge to the appeal before it closes so that the parish will be able to avail of the sizeable rebate offered to parishes who reach or exceed their goal. If you have not yet made a pledge please prayerfully consider making one as your means will allow. Any amount will be gratefully accepted. If you need a pledge card please call 732-449-5765 ext.111 and leave a message and one will be promptly mailed to you. You may also make your pledge online at Thank you for your support. Health Provider Care Renewal Course For nurses, doctors and those in the health care field only. Tuesday October 21st, 2014 from 6-9pm CPR/AED Renewal Course For those in the community who would be willing to respond to cardiac emergencies. Covers CPR, AED use, relief of choking in adults, children & infants. Wednesday October 22, 2014 from 9-12:30pm Parish members $25.00. Non-members 55.00. Must be 14 years of age or older. Course will be held in St. Margaret’s basement. Healthy Bones Participants and all Ushers are invited! Next course dates are June 1st and 3rd, 2015 Contact Donna Falken, RN (201)230-2570 Sr. Margaret Tierney at 732-449-5765 ext. 124 Prayer Shawl Makers: Synod on the Family On Oct 8 2013, Pope Francis announced that in October 2014 there would be an extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on topics related to the family and evangelization. The Synod opened last Sunday October 5 and continues until October 19. Bishop O’Connell has called for prayer on the occasion. A synod is a gathering of bishops from around the world to assist the Holy Father by providing counsel on important questions facing the Church. The theme of this “extraordinary” Synod is the “Pastoral challenges of the Family in the context of evangelization” Pope Francis provided this prayer for the Synod th The next session will be on Wednesday, November 5 at 7:30 PM in the convent. Call Sr. Margaret Tierney 732-449-5765, Ext 124. St. Catharine - St. Margaret Men’s Group nd Meets in St. Margaret Hall at 7:00 PM on the 2 Wednesday of the month for prayer and discussion of the Scripture Readings for the following Sunday Liturgy. All men are welcome. Lay Carmelites Have you ever had the desire to grow deeper in your Faith? We offer you the opportunity to fulfill that desire. This desire is the movement of the Holy Spirit in you to pray. Let us be the instrument to bring this to fulfillment. If interested in discussing or attending one of our meetings, please call Jim Morrissey at 732-489-2031. On the lighter Side “A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. “Oh, we’ll never need that. My husband and I have a great relationship” the wife explained. “He was a communications major in college and I majored in theatre arts. He communicates real well, and I just act like I’m listening.” 6 513 St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph In you we contemplate The splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust Holy Family of Nazareth, Grant that our families too, May be places of communion and prayer; Authentic schools of the Gospel And small domestic churches Holy Family of Nazareth, May families never again Experience violence, rejection and division: May all who have been hurt or scandalized Find ready comfort and healing Holy Family of Nazareth, May the approaching Synod of Bishops Make us once more mindful Of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, And its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Graciously hear our prayer. Amen 25th ANNUAL “CHAMPION FOR LIFE” AWARD DINNER The Monmouth Coastal Respect Life Committee (Representing the parishes of St. Catharine-St. Margaret, St. Denis, St. Elizabeth, Holy Innocents, St. Mark’s and St. Rose) would like to invite you to join us in honoring our CHAMPION FOR LIFE – 2014 Mary Reilly (Daughter of Walter and Margaret MacGowan) Sunday, October 19th Doolan’s Shore Club 700 Highway 71, Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey Reception - 5-6:00 pm (Cash Bar) Adult Dinner - $45 Buffet Dinner – 6:00 pm Buffet Dinner Student Dinner - $35 Children’s meal- $20 Reservations are necessary by October 13 Please make check payable and mail to Monmouth Coastal Respect Life Committee c/o St. Catharine Parish, 215 Essex Ave., Spring Lake, N.J. 07762 For further information please Rachel Hendricks 732-223-1658 ***********************************************Cut Here*********************************************** (Tables of ten are available. Please attach list of dinner guests at your table.) Names: ____________________________________________ Phone number: ________________________ Number of dinners:______________________Email:_____________________________________ Whether you attend the dinner or not, please consider sponsoring one or more of the Youth Group. I wish to sponsor_______member(s) of the Youth Group at $35.00 each. Place an ad in our Program Book to enable us to donate to organizations that help women and children in desperate need! Full Page Ad - $500 Platinum Level - $100 Half Page Ad - $250 Gold Level - $50 Quarter Page - $125 Silver Level - $25 *Greeting/graphics for ads can be emailed to [email protected] or attached to this form. Mail payments to St. Catharine’s address given above. 7 513 St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family SOCIAL CONCERNS CORNER The Center in Asbury Park Get meal containers on Sunday, October 19th and return filled meal containers on Sunday, October 26th. Please, if you don’t want to contribute frozen meals to the Center, remember, we need non-perishable toiletry items as well. The Center provides "Hygiene Bags" for our clients to assist them with their basic needs. Many of these items are things that cannot be gotten with food stamps and yet they are necessary items. If you can help The Center with these items we would be most appreciative. The basic needs items are: Shaving Cream, Deodorant, Hand Lotion, Hypo-Allergenic Body Lotion, Mouth Wash, Body Soap, Band-Aids, Hair Conditioner, Shampoo, Toothpaste, & Toilet Paper. Containers for this collection are given out on the 3 rd weekend of every month. On the 4th weekend frozen meals and the above mentioned articles are returned and delivered to the Center. For more info call 732-774-3416 or visit These people are our brothers and sisters in need. Please help them. St. Catharine Classics Monday, Oct 13 Game Day at the Railroad Station will resume at 1PM. Bridge, mah-jong, scrabble, etc. Bring some friends. Light refreshments served. OCT 16 Italian-Nite Dinner at 6PM in St. Catharine School Cafeteria. Father Michael Heine, OFM, a Spring Lake Native will speak on St. Francis & Pope Francis. Send Your Reservation Requests, with a check for $20 made out to St. Catharine-St. Margaret Church, to Ellen & Bob Lynch At 621 Monmouth Ave., Spring Lake Hts. NJ 07762. Nov 12 A 9/11 Memorial & Museum Bus Trip. Departs Spring Lake Train Station at 9AM, return approx 5:30PM. $98 includes transportation, admission to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, lunch at The Blue Planet Grill, & all gratuities. For further info, call Catherine Branch at Sherry Callahan Travel 732-449-9155 or Margaret O’Regan at 732-4493824. For your convenience, flyers with application forms are in the rear of each church. Please Note: The Nov 12 trip is SOLD OUT. A second trip on Tuesday November 18 has all the same details. To be included on 11/18, send a check, made out to Sherry Callahan Travel, 508 Washington Blvd, Sea Girt 08730. SAVE THE DATE: Dec 14 Christmas Party at Doolan's Shore Club at 5PM. Hors d'Oeuvres, sit-down dinner, cash bar. Details to follow. We would like to thank all our parishioners who supported the recent Catholic Charities 25th Annual Guardian Angel Dinner Dance. It was a very special honor for us to receive the Richard J. Hughes Diocese of Trenton Humanitarian Award. Thank you very much. Bob and Karen Tanzola 8 513 St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family NJ Sister on Road to Sainthood There has been very little publicity about a very important and proud event that happened in Newark last Sunday. A Sister of Charity from Bayonne, NJ who died at the age of 26 in the Convent of the Sisters of Charity in Convent Station was formally beatified at a special Mass in the Cathedral in Newark. This was the first time ever that a beatification ceremony was conducted in the USA. Her name was Sister Miriam Teresa Demjanovich. She was born in Bayonne and her parents were immigrants from present-day Slovakia. During her very short time as a sister, she wrote many devotional writings that have been very popular with many Catholics. For the past 60 years, the Congregation for Causes of Saints has been examining her life and her writings and the medical miracle linked to her intercession, to determine if she was indeed virtuous and holy enough to be honored. Her beatification last Sunday was a resounding “YES” to these questions, and places her on the road of being declared a saint sometime in the future. Here at St Catharine-St Margaret, we have a direct connection to Blessed Sister Miriam, in Sister Margaret, who is a member of the same community of the Sisters of Charity, Convent Station. Harvest Festival Oct 23 The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth annual Harvest Festival at The Madison Hotel, Morristown. Raffle Tickets: $50 for one ticket or $200 for five tickets. 1st Prize-$5,000 Travel Voucher. Good for any travel of your choice through Great Experiences Inc. Travel Agency 2nd Prize-Weekend in Manhattan at The Four Seasons Hotel. (includes Saturday night stay & Sunday breakfast) 3rd Prize-Waterford Crystal Vase Proceeds benefit the mission of the Sisters of Charity & the aging & infirm Sisters who reside in Saint Anne Villa. For tickets or more info visit or call 973-2905454/5409 by 10/16. Red Bank Catholic Open House For the Class of 2019 Sunday, October 19 from 2-4:30PM and Monday October 20 from 4:30-7PM. St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family 215 Essex Avenue Spring Lake, New Jersey 07762 Parish Administrative Staff ~MASS SCHEDULES~ Rev. Harold F. Cullen PhD, Pastor, ext 101 Rev. William Dunlap, Associate Pastor, ext 102 Rev. Charles Weiser, Senior Priest, ext 206 Deacon Edward Jennings, ext 188 Deacon John Little, ext 194 St. Catharine Church Marianne Kelly, Parish Administrator, ext 106 Rich Baier, Buildings, ext 104 Marilyn L. Castellano, Ed.D, School Principal, 307 Patricia Rowan, Vice Principal, 302 Tammy Sablom, Religious Education, ext 305 Rev. William Dunlap, Adult Education, ext 102 Sister Margaret Tierney, SC Pastoral Care, ext 124 Lisa DeFillippo Cole, Publicity, ext 169 Mary Lou Oliva, Archives, ext 401 Richard B. Cambron, Special Projects, ext 111 Mark McNulty, Youth Ministry, ext 125 Street and Telephone Numbers Rectory, 215 Essex Avenue 732-449-5765 School, 301 Second Avenue 732-449-4424 Religious Education Office, School 732-449-4424, ext 305, 310 St. Catharine Cemetery, W Chicago Blvd. Sea Girt 732-681-6269 St. Anne Cemetery, Allenwood Road, Wall 732-681-6269 PARISH WEBSITE: WWW.STCATHARINE-STMARGARET.COM PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL E-MAIL: [email protected] SCHOOL WEBSITE: RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 AM -4:00 PM. Evenings and Saturdays by appointment. If you wish an appointment with a priest, please call beforehand. On Holy Days & Holidays, the rectory office is closed. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage all new families who move into the boundaries of St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the rectory to register in the parish. Remember St. Catharine’s in Your Will Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8 AM Friday, Saturday: 6:45 AM St. Catharine Chapel Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 12:00 Noon Wednesday: 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon Sunday: 12:00 Noon St. Margaret Church Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM St. Catharine School Weekday Mass for individual classes: 9:00AM on Wednesdays and Fridays during the school year. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION St. Catharine Chapel Saturday 3:30 – 4:30 PM St. Margaret Church Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM PARISH PROGRAMS RECTORY 732-449-5765 Receptionist Ext 100 Administration Ext 106 Adult Education Ext 102 Baptisms Ext 102 Bookkeeping Ext 107 Buildings & Grounds Ext 104 Bulletin Ext 110 Envelopes, Registration Ext 109 Funerals Ext 102/101 Music Office Ext 103 Operator Ext 0 Pastoral Care Ext 124 Publicity Ext 169 Receptionist Ext 100 Scheduling Ext 173 Weddings Ext 166 Youth Ministry Ext 125 Tax Letters Ext 178 Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the St Catharine School/Parish , Spring Lake, NJ, the sum of $___________or_______ percent of the residue of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable works”. Stock may also be donated to the parish. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We, the Catholic community of St. Catharine - St. Margaret, gather in Christ's name to nurture spiritual growth through the various stages and challenges of life. We are committed through liturgy, sacraments and parish activities - to proclaim the message of the Gospel, to provide a quality Catholic education for children and adults, to continue to build community and to serve those in need. Rich in the traditions established in this community during the last century, we challenge ourselves to live our faith in loving service to the community's residents and its many summer visitors. We affirm our concern for all members of the Mystical Body of Christ everywhere and particularly those who require assistance. And always, we seek to know and love God and to love our neighbor as Jesus taught us.” 9 513 St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
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