Sunday 10/12/14 Monday 28th Sunday Ordinary Time Clergy Appreciation Day Religious Formation Coffee And... 10/13/14 Columbus Day OLMA Closed Tuesday 10/14/14 GOD’S GIFT FOR GIVING October 5th Last Year th SUNDAY, October 12 - 28 Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 A.M. Joseph M. Peterson Mary Guerin Riley (40th Ann) Clelia Lavaroni 9:30 A.M. Cesare Caprio, Jr. Rose & Barbara Cordasco Helen & Stanley Gabryszewski 11:00 A.M. Julia Risman Robert DeGennaro Emogene Albano Michael Sorresse 10/15/14 Arden Courts 10:30AM Care One 11:00 AM Prayer Shawl 12:30 PM Religious Formation Parish Council Mtg 7PM OCTOBER 12, 2014 28th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME th Wednesday $ 7, 274. 00 $ 9, 012. 00 MESSAGE THROUGH THE PASTOR’S DESK... FROM OUR D.I.T. (Deacon in training) THURSDAY, October 16th - St. Teresa of Jesus 9:00 A.M. Margaret DeMattia (10th Ann) In Matthew's Gospel this week, Jesus tells us a parable about a king who was giving a wedding feast for his son. The king told his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but the guests refused to come. A second time the king had his servants summon the guests, but again they ignored the invitation. Then the king sent his servants into the street to gather all the people they could find, good and bad alike, and the king filled his banquet hall with guests. There's a lot of symbolism in this parable, the king is God, his son is Jesus and his bride is the church. The banquet is heaven. The servants are the prophets and the reluctant guests are all the people. There is a lot going on in this parable. The important thing, I think we should take away from this week's gospel, is God invites all people, good and bad. There is no longer an exclusive guest list; the feast is open to all. The king desires that his banquet hall be filled with guests. Guests that actually want to be there. This week let us think about our invitation. God invites us constantly to be part of His banquet, do we readily accept the invitation or sometimes are we too busy with everyday life to hear His invitation and accept it? Just a little something to think about this week. FRIDAY, October 17th 9:00 A.M. Josephine Fazio In the peace of Jesus, and with a servants heart Vincent LoBello MONDAY, October 13th - Columbus Day 9:00 A.M. Catherine & Martin Mc Donnell TUESDAY, October 14th - St. Callistus I 9:00 A.M. Thomas J. Bolcar, Sr. (42nd Ann) WEDNESDAY, October 15th 9:00 A.M. Phyllis & Thomas Ryan SATURDAY, October 18th- St. Luke 9:00 A.M. People of the Parish SATURDAY, October 18th- Vigil 29thSun Ordinary Time 5:30 P.M. Cindy White Joe O’Brien Colim Savage Richard Hayward Michael C. Yavorski (3rd Ann) SUNDAY, October 19th - 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 A.M. Ines Tollot Tim Woytas 9:30 A.M. Dick Hayward Louise Turano Mary D’Ambrosio Wesley Barrett 11:00 A.M. Elsa Salgado Gloria Sposato Dr. Elaine Bandurski OLM ANNIVERSARY KEEPSAKE Last Sunday we celebrated the 160th anniversary of our OLM parish. As part of our celebration a keepsake montage video has been put together and will be available to order/purchase. For more info, please contact Linda Lyon by email at [email protected] or by phone 973-585-6276 between the hours of 9am and 9pm. Thank you to everyone who contributed items and to Linda for coordinating this wonderful keepsake item for OLM. SILVER AND GOLD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Couples, were you married in 1964 or 1989? You are invited to celebrate your 25th/50th Wedding Anniversary with the Paterson Diocese. Bishop Serratelli will celebrat Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Pompton Plains on Sun 11/16 at 4PM. Please contact Lisa in the Ministry Office at: 973-887-0767 or emailing [email protected] by 10/27. Thursday 10/16/14 National Boss’s Day Employment Horizon’s Recognition Dinner Friday 10/17/14 K of C 3rd Degree 7PM Installation in Church For everything there is a Reason and a Time for Every Purpose under Heaven ...A Time to Heal... Pray for the sick Heidi Huston, Margaret McDonough, Isabella Schilare, William Dixon, Natasha Orehek, Susan Nicoll, Raven Dill, Joe Casarrubea, Giuseppa Casarrbea, Pat Fusco, Anne Y., Connor Davey, Addie Cinquino, Connie Delio, Rita Tironi, Marian Marfan, Angela Cassano, Elizabeth Logan, Bob Bark, Daniel Matakitis, Dominic Guida, Florence Albanese, Frank Panian, Giovanna Cinquino, John Jaczyinski, Jacqueline Gorman, Shane Hakes, Larry C., Mike McLaughlin, Colin Kennedy, Carol, Bill Van Hall, Ralph LeFevere, Madeline Guido, Elsa Salgado, Pat Conforti, Agnes Ryan Robert DelPurgatorio, Charles Realmonte, Mary G.McHale, Linda Ann Celeste, Roger, Andy Reyes, John Strumolo Sr., Martin Kellehr, John Stolfi, Gil Longo, Joyce Ann Michaelson, Shirley Smiecinski, Stephen Donnelly, Jon Albanesius, Mark Herkert, Emma Carothers, Lucille Cocca, Cara Couglin, Colton Ford Petronaci, Patrick J. Asay, Jr., Joseph Mascia James Giannetti, William Bulman, Kevin Mulligan, Ted Sieka Bob Roberts, Russell Cassella, Michael Smith, Richard Vallario, Randy Olsen, Marylou Perrini, Michelle White, Kip Dangler, Luis Ripa, James Rutkowski, Felisa Manlapig, Sean Downey, Angela, JoAnn Calabrese, Chris Surrago, Richard Virgil, Sergio Nepomuceno, June Surrano, Michael, Gary Y, Fr. Charlie Parr, Stanley Safin, Patsy Manna, Lisa Compas, Larry Alfano, Ronnie Noll, Lorraine Azzinnaro, Kaitlyn Okolita, Bob Bartholomew, Neal Spickert-Fulton, Eleanor Shenuski, Paul Comerford, Generoso Giesullo, Angel Lamontagne, Anita & Armando Geroldi and Geraldine Fleming ...A Time to Die... Pray for the dead Please pray for those buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery and for those who have died especially Agnes Alksninus (Aunt of Fr. Jude Salus, pastor of Notre Dame of Mt Carmel) ...A Time for Peace... Pray for peace and our enemies in our world, in our homeland, and in our Church Saturday 10/18/14 Paterson Diocesan Pilgrimage to DC Sunday 10/19/14 29th Sunday Ordinary Time Community Soup Kitchen Hunger Walk WPHS Walks4Kids LITURGY CORNER October is typically dedicated to Mary, so here are some facts about “The Rosary”. The historical origin of the Rosary lies in the Middle Ages. People looked for some kind of psalter for them and found the prayers to Mary with the mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ, strung out like beads on a necklace. They touch you in a meditative way, so that the repetition allows the soul to settle into tranquility and, holding fast to the Word, above all to the figure of Mary and to the images of Christ that pass you by, make your soul calm and free and grant it a vision of God. The Rosary does in fact provide a link for us with this primitive knowledge that repetition is a part of prayer, of meditation, that repetition is a way of settling oneself into the rhythm of tranquility. It’s a matter of allowing myself to be carried away by the calm of repetition and of steady rhythm. So much the more so, since this text does not lack content. It brings great images and visions and above all the figure of Mary - and through her the figure of Jesus - before my eyes. People needed a prayer to bring them calm, to take them out of themselves, away from their troubles, and set before them consolation and healing. This basic experience in the history of religion, of repetition, of rhythm, or words in unison, of singing together, which carries me and soothes me and fills my space, which does not torment me, but lets me be still and comforts me and sets me free, has here become fully Christian. People pray quite simply in the Marian context and in that of the appearance of Christ to all, and yet at the same time let this prayer be internalized in them - where the soul becomes one with the words. Have a blessed week! Lisa FAITH AT HOME Here is the 2nd suggestion from a new article, entitled “Ten Things That Make a Great Catholic Family.” 2. Give Thanks...Celebrate your gifts, no matter how meager they may seem. That means giving thanks even in times of struggle, but especially being mindful (and grateful) when times are good. Faith Builder: Give your dinner prayer a boost by pausing during grace and encouraging everyone to share something they are grateful for today. (Don’t forget to watch for the 3rd suggestion, which will be in next week’s bulletin) Enjoy your week! Lisa K OF C #6904 ANNUAL DINNER DANCE The 38th Annual Dinner Dance hosted by the Knights of Columbus will be held on 11/8 at the Hanover Manor from 6:30-11:30 PM. Everyone is welcome, you don’t need to be a Knight to come and have a great time. Cost is $100 a couple ($50 single) which includes open bar, dinner, music and dancing!Hors D’oeuvres/Cocktail Hour Starting beginning at 6:30 PM. For more info or reservations, please contact Bob Gallo at 973-884-0233 AN INVITATION TO INQUIRE The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) will be starting. If you or someone you know is considering or would like to become Catholic, or would like to complete their initiation through the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation and/or Eucharist, contact our Pastoral Associate, Lisa Dempsey, at 973-887-0767 or email [email protected] The program is for anyone, 16 or older, who has not received their sacraments - Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation. OLM ACADEMY UPCOMING EVENTS OLMA will hold a Halloween Party on Sat 10/25. For more info please contact OLMA Office at 973-887-2611 UPCOMING EVENTS AT OLM Annual Ecumenical Senior Retreat Day 10AM 10/21; Caring & Sharing “Afghan Raffle” 10/25-26; “Annual Mass of Remembrance” 11/2 11AM; Respect Life Raffle 11/8-9; Caring & Sharing “Fall Bake Sale” 11/1516; CYO Blessing 11AM 11/16; CYO Begins 11/16; Retrouvaille Program 11/15,22,29 & 12/6; K of C Annual Christmas Party 12/6; “A Christmas Presence” with the Hanover Wind Symphony 12/7 at 3PM. Please mark your calendars. RELIGIOUS FORMATION OLM RF 2014-2015 has begun, but it is not too late to register your son/daughter but please contact the RF Office as ASAP. Sacramental Preparation is a 2 yr program: First Reconciliation/Eucharist is 1st/2nd Gr; Confirmation is for 9th & 10th gr. We need Catechists for our H.S. program on Sundays. If you are able to help by sharing your faith with the teens of our parish family, please contact the Ministry Office at: 973887-0767 or email at: [email protected] HUNGER WALK 2014 On Sun 10/19 beginning at 1PM, The Community Soup Kitchen will hold their annual Hunger Walk. Our help allows the Soup Kitchen to provide a hot, nutritious noon-time meal for 150-300 homeless and working poor a day, every day of the year. In 29 years, the Soup Kitchen has never missed a day! OLM’s Youth Ministry will once again have a team. Please come out and support by walking the 5K (3.1 mile) or by simply making a donation. Go to, click on register/donate, our team name is OLM Youth Ministry Whippany, click on search, put in your donation amount, click continue and fill in the information. In this economy, every little bit helps! You can also help our Youth Ministry raise the most money. (All children/ teens who participate can use this for their Community Service hours). Please help to raise money for this wonderful and important organization. CLOTHING COLLECTION Morris Catholic H.S., Class of 2015, will be holding a clothing drop on Sat 10/18 from 8:30AM - 1PM. Clothing, shoes, bedding, small appliances, pots and pans will be accepted. Please place ALL items in large bags. A truck will be on site at MCHS, 200 Morris Ave, Denville to collect items and provide a tax receipt for donations. For more info call 973-627-6674 x 134. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Morris County Right to Life will hold a 40 Days for Life: Prayer, Fasting, Peaceful Vigil and Community Outreach at the Planned Parenthood on Speedwell Ave in Morristown. The vigil will go until Sat 11/1 every day from 8AM - 8PM. Register for a time slot that you can attend by calling 973-933-2800, emailing [email protected], or go to the website WOMEN’S CORNERSTONE XV All women 25 and older are invited to attend Notre Dame’s Women’s Cornerstone XV. The retreat will begin on Fri. evening 10/24 and conclude on Sat.evening 10/25 . Anyone who has never attended a Cornerstone retreat is invited to experience this awesome spiritual opportunity. If you have any questions, please go to, click on Ministries and select Women’s Cornerstone. CALENDAR RAFFLE NEWS Calendar raffle winners for October 1st - October 11th 2014 Wednesday K of C #6904 $50 Thursday Marcia Minerowicz $50 Friday Bob Johnson $50 Saturday D. Jansson $50 Sunday Mary Petrocco $100 Monday Robin & Joe Russo $50 Tuesday Linda Larkin $50 Wednesday Dick Larkin $50 Thursday Eleanor Zailo $50 Friday Tim Doyle $50 Saturday Coleen Mills $50 Congratulations to the winners. Remember, you must be in it to win it! Tickets are drawn after the 9:30 AM Liturgy on Sunday Mornings in the Academy Foyer. Extra books are available at the rectory and after Mass on Saturday and Sunday. WPHS WALKS 4KIDS On Sat 10/18 (rain or shine) at WPHS, the Class of 2015, along with Kids4Kids, will be hosting a Walkathon to benefit WPHS’s senior class and the Goryeb Children’s Hospital of Morristown Medical Ctr, which will include a “4" mile walk, food, bake sales, pizza and more! 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Kids4Kids. Pre-registration is $25 by 10/16. Registrations received after that date are $35. Additional donations are accepted and appreciated. For more info or a registration form, please contact Sue Holleran at: [email protected]. HOLY HEALTH NEWS Our eyes are the gateway to the world. As a gift from our Creator, our eyesight can be preserved in a number of ways. We can try to avoid eye diseases, for example cataracts ( clouded lenses), glaucoma ( an increase in pressure which can destroy the optic nerve), and macular degeneration ( a disease which destroys sharp central vision).. Here are some recommendations from your OLM Health Ministry. 1) Have a dilated eye exam every year.. The dilation is important because it allows the physician to look at the back of the eye, the retina, to see if there are any abnormalities. Make sure you tell your doctor if any of your family members have had any eye diseases. 2) Wear sunglasses which protect your eyes from UV light. Look for ones which block out 99-100% of UVA and UVB rays. 3) If you spend a lot of time on the computer, here is a tip: It is called the 20-2020 rule. Every 20 minutes look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. This can help to relieve eyestrain. 4) Include the following foods in your diet for eye health: Carrots and other orange colored fruits and vegetables containing beta carotene. Leafy green vegetables like collard greens and kale lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Eggs – the yolk is the prime source of lutein and other antioxidants. Citrus and berries are a powerhouse of Vitamin C which reduces the risk of eye disease.. Almonds are filled with Vitamin E which slows the progression of macular degeneration. Fatty Fish like salmon, tuna, and anchovies, are rich in DHA which helps dry eye syndrome.
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