Curriculum Vitae Brian Lee Paavo Center for Excellence in STEM Education / Dept. of Biological Sciences California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA Phone: +01-805-756-2875 Email: [email protected] Education 2007 1997 PhD, University of Otago, Department of Marine Science; Macrofauna and meiofauna of soft-sediments BSc, University of Hawai’i Manoa; Zoology Major (invertebrate ecology focus); Technical Theatre Minor (lighting/scenic design) Wastewater Treatment Program, Northern Michigan University, U.S.A. 1991–93 Work Experience 2014 – Present 2013 – Present 2011 – 2014 2008 – 2010 2004 – 2014 2001 – 2002 1997 – 2001 1993 – 1997 STAR (STEM Teacher and Researcher) Program Director, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA, USA Decision-maker (EEZ and Extended Continental Shelf), New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority, Wellington, NZ Theatre Studies Programme, Department of Music, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ Teaching Fellow, Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ Director, Benthic Science Limited, Dunedin, NZ Marine Environment Researcher, Water Resources Research Center, Honolulu, HI, USA Instructor & Curriculum Developer, Guided Discoveries, Inc., Claremont, CA, USA Research Technician, macrofaunal 'Wormlab' group, University of Hawai'i Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, USA Research Experience 2011 AO Mapping: Benthic observations and environmental assessment including macrofaunal community, sediment texture, sidescan sonar (675kHz), and benthic still and video studies of continental shelf site 'A0' proposed to receive 7.2 million m3 of dredged harbor sediments. Page 1 of 6 2013 GoPro Hack: Design, construction, and online publication of GoPro modifications for real-time underwater monitoring of pole-cam video and audio from small vessels for the purposes of monitoring dolphin populations in Milford Sound, NZ. 2010 Underwater Stereovideography: Design and manufacture of 'Dory,' a moored stereo-video package for unattended monitoring of baitfish aggregations in waters up to 100 m deep off the Akaroa Peninsula, NZ 2009 Rocky Shore Habitats in Lower Otago Harbour: Benthic SCUBA line transect and subtidal photoquadrats of mobile invertebrates and macroalgae adjacent to the primary shipping channel 2008 Triops: Design and manufacture of 'Triops' a towed or drop still-photo survey system with real-time oblique (anaglyphic) benthic videos cameras and lighting for operations in waters up to 50 m deep. 2002–2007 Ph.D. Thesis: Soft-sediment benthos of Aramoana and Blueskin Bay (Otago, New Zealand) and effects of dredge-spoil disposal. PhD thesis, University of Otago Dept. of Marine Science, 498 p. 2006–2008 BioTally: Researched, developed, and produced a novel lab productivity tool, BioTally, used to efficiently enumerate hierarchically categorised lab units (biological, geological, etc.) with direct entry into a postgreSQL database through a JAVA front-end which also served as a reference literature and media browser. Units were sold in three countries for lab and shipboard operations. 2002–2014 SPI-Scan®: Researched, developed, and manufactured a novel, affordable sediment profile imaging system (SPI-Scan). To date, six systems have been sold in three countries. Users include government, private, and academic institutions working on marine environmental monitoring including generating one Ph.D. Thesis (U. Auckland) based, in part, on this instrument for monitoring benthic geochemical processes. The instrumentation specifics have been released into the public domain, but SPI-Scan is a registered trademark I hold. 2009 Chorus Telecommunications Cable: Impacts of heavy-equipment operations on sand-flat communities in Waitati; prediction of impacts and post-activity monitoring of macrofaunal community disturbances with intertidal communications cable burial operations. 2006 New Zeeps: Deep-sea marine expedition (23 days at sea) 'New Zeeps' in coordination with NIWA, WHOI, and SOEST mapping and examining benthic communities and processes adjacent to methane seeps off the east coast of NZ in water depths of 800-1400 m including meiofaunal, macrofaunal, and volatile gas sampling, fixation, and curation. Page 2 of 6 2004–2007 Miscellaneous Undergraduate Research Projects: Supervised and assisted in six international undergraduate research projects generated from my doctoral work. 2005 Benthic structures and associated macrofauna of Lower Otago Harbour, Dunedin, New Zealand: Benthic habitat classification combining image and macrofaunal community analyses. 2003 Bluff Outfall: Nearshore subtidal macrofaunal communities on an exposed coast near the Bluff municipal sewerage outfall (Invercargill City Council) 1997 Historic Dredge Spoil Disposal Site Assessment: Environmental Impacts of Dredge Spoil from Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawai’i. Macrofaunal and sedimentological analyses prepared for the US Army Corps of Engineers 1996 Cage Mariculture: Macrofaunal community impacts of phased offshore mariculture of Polydactylus sexfilis (Hawai’i state government) 2009 Seafood Marine Area Discharge Assessment: Sediment Profile Imagery analysis and reporting for Sitka Sound Seafoods Academic Achievements 2008 Co-developed a new course, MARI 202 – Marine Invertebrates – consisting of 23 lectures and 13 (4 hr) practical lab sessions for 40-60 undergraduates, Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ 2008 Co-developed a new course, MARI 302 – Biology and Behaviour of Marine Vertebrates – consisting of 23 lectures and 13 (4 hr) practical lab sessions for 40-60 undergraduates , Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ 2011 Developed a new 3-week module for THEA 356 – Design for Theatre – consisting of theory lectures and practical exercises in theatrical CAD for lighting and sets. 1999–2001 Developed curriculum at resident science camp facilities serving >25k students annually including marine ecology, island ecology, physical oceanography, sea technology, invertebrate zoology, holography, remote sensing, robotics, light and optics, and microgravity simulations among others. Page 3 of 6 Publications and Abstracts Paavo, BL (in press) Review of the Invasive Polychaete Identifier online tool, in Proceedings of the 11th International Polychaete Conference, Sydney, 2013, eds. Robin Wilson, Pat Hutchings, and Chris Glasby, Memoirs of Museum Victoria. Paavo, BL, Ham D, Gorlitz S, Probert PK (2012) How does tidal submersion time affect macroinvertebrate community patterns on a temperate sheltered sandflat? Marine and Freshwater Research, 63: 68–77. Neuhaus B, Higgins RP, Paavo BL (2011) Chapter 10: Phylum Kinorhyncha (mud dragons). Dennis P. Gordon (ed.) in New Zealand Inventory of BioDiversity Volume 2, Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa, and Ichnofossils, Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand, 544 p. Paavo BL, Jonker R, Probert PK, Thrush S (2011) Macrofaunal community patterns of adjacent coastal sediments with wave-reflecting or wave-dissipating characteristics. Journal of Coastal Research, 27(3): 515–528. Probert PK, Glasby CJ, Grove SL, Paavo BL (2009) Bathyal polychaete assemblages in the region of the Subtropical Front, Chatham Rise, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 43: 1121–1135. Paavo B, Ziegelmeyer A, Lavric E, Probert PK (2008) Morphometric correlations and body mass regressions for Armandia maculata, Aglaophamus macroura (Polychaeta), and Zethalia zelandica (Gastropoda). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 42: 85–91. Paavo B (2007) Soft-sediment benthos of Aramoana and Blueskin Bay (Otago, New Zealand) and effects of dredge-spoil disposal. PhD thesis, University of Otago Dept. of Marine Science, 498 p. Probert PK, Paavo B (2004) Polychaetes. CD-ROM Review. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 38:753–754. Bailey-Brock JH, Paavo B, Barrett BM, Dreyer J (2002) Polychaetes associated with a tropical ocean outfall; synthesis of a biomonitoring program off O'ahu, Hawai'i.Pacific Science, 56(4):459–479. Bailey-Brock JH, Paavo B, Barrett BM, Dreyer J (2001) Changes in pollution indicators at the Sand Island Sewage Outfall. OCEANS 2001 MTS/IEEE Proceedings. Paavo BL, Bailey-Brock JH, Akesson B (2000) Life history and description of a new species of Ophryotrocha (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae) associated with the sewage outfalls of O'ahu, Hawai'i. Sarsia, 85(3):251–264. Page 4 of 6 Paavo BL, (1998) Morphology and life history of an undescribed Ophryotrocha species (Polychaeta: Dorvilleidae) and its possible role as an indicator of organic enrichment.Pacific Science, 52(2):191. Selected Research Presentations Oral: 10th International Polychaete Conference (IPC) Polychaete community patterns of adjacent sediments with wave-reflecting or wave-dissipating characteristics. Lecce, Italy, 2010. Poster: IPC Polychaete distribution patterns in relation to superficial habitat structure. Lecce, Italy, 2010. Oral: New Zealand Marine Sciences Society (NZMSS) Conference. Benthic habitats of Otago Harbour. Christchurch, 2008 Poster: NZMSS BioTally: a biological solution you can count on. Christchurch, 2008. Poster: International Polychaete Conference. SPI-Scan: Affordable Sediment Profile Imagery. U. Maine, Portland, U.S.A., 2007. Oral: Sediment Profile Imagery Conference. Convergent evolution: the NZ SPI-Scan system. Martin Ryan Marine Institute, U. of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 2006 Oral: NZMSS. Dispersive dredge spoil disposal in New Zealand. Nelson 2006. Oral: NZMSS. Effects of dredge spoil disposal on macrofauna of wave-dominated soft-sediments. Wellington 2005. Oral: Albert Tester Memorial Symposium. Morphology and life history of an undescribed species of Ophryotrocha (Polychaeta: Dorvilleidae). U. Hawai’i, Honolulu, Hawai’i, U.S.A., 1996. Grants and Awards Received 2014 Chevron Foundation (Co-PI), $23,942 2014 S.D Bechtel Jr Foundation (Co-PI), $10,261 2014 National Marine Sanctuary Foundation (Co-PI), $5,712 2014 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Co-PI), $1,460 2010 City of Dunedin Marketing Mini-Award, $1000 value (in services) 2007 City of Dunedin Economic Development Unit Award, $13,000 2005 Escalator Product Development Award, $11,000 Page 5 of 6 Service and Professional Memberships • Otago Harbour Dredging Consent Working Group Member (2005-2012) • Expert Witness (NZ RMA & EEZ/ECS Environmental Hearings) • Dunedin Makerspace Board (2010-2014) • New Zealand Skeptical Society (2010–present) • New Zealand Marine Sciences Society (2004–present, Membership Secretary 2004–2007, Web manager 2005–2009) • Coastal Education & Research Foundation (2010–2013) • International Polychaetology Association (2007– present) • Macandrew Bay Yacht Club (2007–2013) • Peninsula Arts Appreciation Council (1989-1992, Interim Director 1993) Page 6 of 6
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