Document 321801

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
28º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
12 de octubre de 2014
St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish
Announcements / Anuncios
Letter from Fr. Sergio /Carta de P. Sergio
-pg. 4
70th Anniversay Celebration Activities
-pg. 6
New Mass and Confession Schedule
Nuevo Horario de Misas y confesiones
-pgs. 2 & 3
Join the Choir/Christmas Cantata
-pg. 3
40 Days for Life/ 40 Dias por la Vida
-pg. 8
Sunday, October 12
Rosary Sunday
Ss. Anne & Joachim with the Child Mary
Sta. Ana, San Joaquín y la virgen María
Wednesday October 15
Science Tests Faith - film
-pg. 6
“Then he said to his servants,
'The feast is ready, but those who were invited
were not worthy to come.
Go out, therefore, into the main roads
and invite to the feast whomever you find.’
The servants went out into the streets
and gathered all they found, bad and good alike,
and the hall was filled with guests."
-Matthew: 22:8-10
Thursday, October 16
Parish Holy Hour
-pg. 3
Saturday, October 18
Community Food Drive
-pg. 6
Sunday, October 19
Come and See Sunday/Vengan y Vean
New parishioner registration/
Registración para nuevos miembros
-pg. 7
“Luego dijo a sus servidores:
‘El banquete nupcial está preparado,
pero los invitados no eran dignos de él.
Salgan a los cruces de los caminos
e inviten a todos los que encuentren’.
Los servidores salieron a los caminos y
reunieron a todos los que encontraron, buenos y malos,
y la sala nupcial se llenó de convidados.”
-Mateo 22:8-10
2 Parish Information/ Información parroquial
Address: 440 E. Elliot, Gilbert, AZ 85234-5989
Phone: (480) 507-4400 Fax (480) 507-4800
Web Page:
Email: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina
Monday & Thursday/ Lunes y Jueves: 10:00am-6:00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday / Martes y Miercoles: 8:30am-5:00pm
Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa
Sunday, October 12, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time___
7:00 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
Jerry & Maxine Gomez
Les & Helen Clayton
High Mass - St. Anne Parishioners
Rocky Gonzales
John Daiza
Monday, October 13
(closed daily from 12pm-1pm)
Friday & Saturday / Viernes y Sábados: Closed/Cerrada
Sunday/Domingo: Closed/Cerrada
7:00 am Frank & Marie Lasley
12:00 pm Kristina Gastelum
6:30 pm Javier Moreno
Weekend Mass/Horario de Misas
Tuesday, October 14, St. Callistus___________________
Saturday: 4:30 pm (English Vigil) 6:30 pm (Vigilia español)
Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am High Mass, 5:00 pm
Domingo: 1:00 pm (español)
Weekday Mass/Durante la semana
7am: Monday/lunes– Saturday/sabado—English/inglés
12:00pm: Monday/lunes - Friday/viernes - English/inglés
6:30pm: Monday/lunes - English/inglés
Tues. & Fri./ Martes y viernes - español/Spanish
Wed. & Th. /Miercoles y jueves - Latin
Holy Days of Obligation/Dia de Guardar
Please refer to page 3 - Liturgy & Worship for Holy Days of Obligation Mass times.
Reconciliation/ Horario de Reconciliación
Monday & Thursday/lunes y jueves: 6:25am - 6:25pm
Saturday/sábado: 4pm - 6pm
Sunday/domingo: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: no confessions
Martes, miércoles, viernes: no hay confesiones
Sacramental Anointing of the Sick/
Unción de los Enfermos
For persons who are gravely ill or close to death, phone
480-507-4400 (Option 1). This number is to be used in a
hospital emergency or if someone is in danger of death.
Para personas que están en estado grave ó en peligro de
muerte. Llamar al 480-507-4400.(Opción 1). Este número
debe ser usado cuando hay una emergencia en el hospital
o alguien que está en peligro de muerte.
Ministry of Care Home Visits
For persons who are homebound, hospitalized or in a
care facility desiring Holy Communion or for serious
illness, wanting the Anointing of the Sick, please call
(480) 507-4495 (non-emergency situations only).
St. Anne Gift Shop/Tienda de Articulos Religiosos
Mon & Wed./Lun. & Mie. 8:30am-1:30pm
Tue. & Thurs./Mar. & Jue. 8:30am - 1:30pm; 3pm-6pm
Fri./Vier. - Closed
Sat./Sáb. 3:30pm - 6:30pm
Sun./Dom. 7am - 2:30pm
Have you moved? Please update the parish office with your new
address to keep your envelopes and Catholic Sun coming to your home!
7:00 am Sylvester Family
12:00 pm Sta. Lucia
6:30 pm Arturo A. Mendoza
Wednesday, October 15, St. Teresa of Jesus_____________
7:00 am Lindsay Peralta
12:00 pm Helen Clayton
6:30 pm 74º Aniversario de las Hermanas Carmelitas
Thursday, October 16, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque____
7:00 am Manuel C. Gonzales
12:00 pm Miguelita Almazan
6:30 pm Pablo Anaya Olvera
Friday, October 17, St. Ignatius of Antioch___________
7:00 am Gasper, Bella & Augustine Agate
12:00 pm Gerald Sullivan
6:30 pm Ignacio Carmona
Saturday, October 18, St. Luke the Evangelist__________
7:00 am Esther Stacy
Saturday, October 18, Vigil 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 pm Richard Klepin
6:30 pm Charlie Santa Cruz Sr.
Sunday, October 19, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time___
7:00 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
Peter & Maria Tenaglia
Amelia Greenwald
High Mass - St. Anne Parishioners
Javier Moreno
Rocky Gonzales
Hearing-Impaired Assistance /Worship Aids
If you have a “T” coil in your hearing aid, we have a lanyard that
will plug into a unit and transmit immediately to your hearing
aid. If you do not have the “T” coil, you can sign out a headset at
the sound board.
Bulletin Submissions: Please send bulletin submissions to
[email protected] 7 days prior to the date you would like
them to appear. Space priority is given to St. Anne ministries.
Please be brief. Electronic articles are given priority.
Liturgy & Worship/Liturgia y actos de culto
Readings for the Week + Lecturas de la Semana
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Ps/Sal 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk/Lc 11:29-32
Tu/Mar:Gal 5:1-6; Ps/Sal 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk/Lc 11:37-41
W/Mie: Gal 5:18-25; Ps/Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lk/Lc 11:42-46
Eph/Ef 1:1-10; Ps/Sal 98:1-6; Lk/Lc 11:47-54
Eph/Ef 1:11-14; Ps/Sal 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13;Lk/Lc 12:1-7
Sat/Sab: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps/Sal 145:10-13, 17-18;Lk/Lc 10:1-9
Sun/Dom: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps/Sal 96:1, 3-5, 7-10;1 Thes/Tes 1:1-5b;
Mt 22:15-2
One of our long-time parishioners, Rick Nevins, has
completed the diaconate program and will be ordained a
deacon of the Diocese of Phoenix by Bishop Thomas J.
Olmsted on November 8th. On Sunday, November 9th,
Deacon Rick will serve at the 11am High Mass and be
officially installed as a deacon for our parish. A social in the parish
hall will follow Mass. After ordination, Deacon Rick will continue to
serve here in our St. Anne community.
Rick and his wife, Liliana, have been married for 30 years and are
the proud parents of five children, Paul, Ricky, Sarah, Matthew and
Michael. Rick serves as the MC at the Sunday High Mass and is
involved in the Altar Server ministry. After ordination, Deacon Rick
will also serve in the Maricopa County Hospital Chaplaincy program.
Both he and Liliana have served in RCIA.
Please keep them in your prayers as ordination approaches!
Mass & Confession Schedule - October 1st- May 31st
Horario de misas y confesiones - 1Octubre - 31 Mayo
Saturday Mass times: 7am - English
Vigil Masses: 4:30pm - English & 6:30pm - Spanish
Sabado: 7am - inglés
Misa de Vigilia: 4:30pm—inglés & 6:30pm español
Weekday Mass Schedule/Durante la semana:
7am English Monday through Friday/ingles—lunes a viernes
12pm English Monday through Friday/ingles—lunes a viernes
6:30pm English/ingles - Mon./ lunes
Español/Spanish - Tues. & Fri./ Martes y viernes
Latin - on Wed. & Th. / Miercoles y jueves
Morning Prayer & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30am – Monday – Friday
Oración de la mañana y traslado del Santísimo
7:30am - Lunes a viernes
Parish Holy Hour/Hora Santa parroquial
Thursdays/Jueves – 7pm
Confession Schedule/ Horario de confesiones
Monday & Thursday/lunes y jueves: 6:25am - 6:25pm
Saturday/sábado: 4pm - 6pm
Sunday/domingo: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: no confessions
Martes, miércoles, viernes: no hay confesiones
Liturgical Ministries Ministerios de Liturgia
Interim Music Coordinator
Art & Environment
Eucharistic Ministers
Ministros Eucarísticos
Ministry of Care
Music Ministry
Handmaids of the Lord
Altar Boy Formation/Training
Kevin Solinsky 480-507-4461
John Hernandez 480-495-1100
Scott Puente 602-370-0053
Maria Puente 602-721-7820
Hna. Elisa Monroy 480-507-4443
Contact the Parish Office
Bruce Schacher 480-236-2673
Mary Schultz 480-386-2746
Hna. Balbina Retama 507-4432
Fran August, 480-507-4495
Kevin Solinsky 480-507-4461
Francisco Santos 507-4463
Jim Elia 602-292-8957
Hna. Elisa Monroy 507-4443
Mary Schultz 480-386-2746
Rick Nevins 480-399-8882
Ss. Tarsicius & Dominic
Altar Boy Formation/Training
All formation/training will occur on
Tuesdays from 5-6pm on the following dates:
+ Nov 11th + Dec 9th + Jan 13th +
+ Feb 10th + March 10th + April 14th +
Altar Servers and their families are invited to remain after training
to attend the 6:30pm Mass.
Please contact Rick Nevins for more information 480.399.8882
Our Christmas cantata is looking for talented
Instrumentalists - especially for an
accomplished pianist and brass players.
Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 7-8pm. For more
information, contact Kevin at 480.507.4461 or
[email protected].
Our sick and homebound parishioners NEED YOU!
The mission of the Ministry of Care is to bring Jesus in the Holy
Eucharist to our Parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized,
in care facilities or in hospice. We also serve in jails and prisons.
Training sessions will be held on Nov. 22, 29 and Dec. 6 from 8:00
am until noon. You must be 18 years old and a registered parishioner
for one year in order to serve.
We’ll be looking for YOU! God bless you and thanks!
Welcome, Fr. John Ehrich!
¡ Bienvenido, P. John Ehrich!
Fr. John Ehrich, STL, was ordained a priest for the Diocese of
Phoenix in 2000. After 5 years of parish ministry, he studied in Rome where
he earned his Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL). Fr. Ehrich is the Medical Ethics Director for the Diocese of Phoenix, chaplain of the Catholic
Association and chaplain of the Catholic Physician's Guild of Phoenix.
Padre John Ehrich, STL, fue ordenado como sacerdote para la Diócesis de
Phoenix en el año 2000. Después de 5 años de ministerio parroquial, estudió en Roma, donde obtuvo su licenciatura en Sagrada Teología (STL).
El Padre Ehrich es el Director de Ética Médica de la Diócesis de Phoenix,
capellán de la Asociación Médica Católica y capellán de Cofradía del
Dear friends:
I’m sure that you’ve noticed when reading the parish bulletin, that there are many open hours to accompany Jesus in perpetual
adoration. St. Anne’s is blessed to have perpetual exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: I am aware that this is a sacrifice for many,
it means committing to Jesus in a stable manner. However, as a parish we should be able to cover all hours. I consider this our first and most important mission: Never leave Jesus alone.
We want to make the parish a place of prayer, where Jesus feels loved and welcomed. It's beautiful to think that the adorer, for an hour at least, is
representing the entire parish and is praying for all the families, for the children, for the sick, for those who at the time are working, for those who
never visit Jesus in the Adoration Chapel, and for the different activities that make up our community. The adorer is, for an hour at least, another
Moses, who prayed at the top of the mountain while fighting Israel in the plains.
Jesus is alone for 30 hours! This should hurt us all. I invite all of the ministries and groups, young and old; to listen to the voice of the Lord. God is
never outdone in generosity! I especially want to invite the youth: being protagonists of your own life also means giving more time to the Lord in
adoration. It is up to you to start taking responsibility for your Christian life. It shouldn’t be about you coming forward because someone brings you
or your parents want you to, it should be about you coming before Christ and telling him.” Jesus, I want to offer this hour to you and only you. You
are the center of my life.”
While I thank all adorers for their company and love for Christ in the Eucharist, I ask those who can, who have the ability, to take a step forward
and allow yourselves to be filled with the love of the God we await silently in the Sacred Host. If our activities and parish life do not begin with the
love of Christ, then we are simply wasting our time, our efforts, and the fruit is lost forever.
Jesus said, “Without me, you can do NOTHING.” (Jn 15,5)
Fr. Sergio Muñoz Fita
Queridos amigos:
Seguro que, en vuestra lectura del boletín parroquial, habréis advertido que son muchos los turnos libres para acompañar a Jesús en la adoración
perpetua. Santa Ana tiene la suerte de contar con la exposición perpetua del Santísimo Sacramento: soy consciente de que ello supone un sacrificio para muchos, pues significa comprometerse con Jesús de una forma estable. Sin embargo, como parroquia debemos ser capaces de cubrir
todos los turnos. Considero ésta nuestra primera y más importante misión: no dejar sólo a Jesús.
Queremos hacer de la parroquia un lugar de oración, donde Jesús se sienta querido y acogido. Es, además, hermoso pensar que el adorador,
durante una hora al menos, está representando a toda la parroquia: reza por todas las familias, por los niños, por los enfermos, por quienes en
ese momento están trabajando, por quienes nunca visitan a Jesús en el sagrario, por los movimientos que forman nuestra comunidad. El adorador es, durante una hora al menos, otro Moisés, el cual rezaba en lo alto de la Montaña mientras Israel luchaba en la llanura.
¡Jesús está solo durante 30 horas! Eso nos debería doler a todos. Invito a los ministerios y grupos, jóvenes y mayores, a que escuchen la voz del
Señor. ¡Dios nunca se deja ganar en generosidad! Especialmente quiero invitar a los jóvenes: ser protagonistas de vuestra propia vida significa
también darle más tiempo al Señor en el sagrario. Os corresponde comenzar a asumir la responsabilidad de vuestra vida cristiana. No se trata de
que vengáis porque os traen, o porque quieren vuestros padres. Se trata de colocarse ante Cristo y decirle: “Jesús, esta hora te lo quiero dar a ti y
sólo a ti. Tú eres el centro de mi vida”.
Al mismo tiempo que agradezco a todos los adoradores su compañía y su amor a Cristo en la Eucaristía, pido a quienes pueden, a los que tienen
esa posibilidad, a que den un paso al frente y se dejen llenar del amor de ese Dios que nos espera silencioso en la Sagrada Hostia. O nuestras
actividades y nuestra vida parroquial nacen del amor a Cristo, o de lo contrario estamos perdiendo tiempo, esfuerzos y frutos. Ya lo dijo Jesús:
“Sin mí, no podéis hacer NADA” (Jn 15,5)
P. Sergio Muñoz Fita
We still have over 30 hours with no scheduled adorer. Please help us fill these hours! Sign-up sheets are in the Chapel or go to
[email protected]
Todavía tenemos más de 30 horas sin adorador programado. ¡Por favor ayúdenos a llenar estas horas! El libro para inscribirse esta
localizado en el santísimo. También puede inscribirse mandando un correo electrónico a: [email protected]
5-6pm 7-8pm 8-9pm
3-4am, 4-5am, 5-6am, 7-8am, 8-9am, 12-1pm, 1-2pm, 4-5pm, 6-7pm
7-8am, 8-9am, 4-5pm
2-3am, 8-9am, 12-1pm, 4-5pm
8-9am, 9-10am, 12-1pm, 4-5pm, 5-6pm, 8-9pm
10-11am, 11am-12noon, 5-6pm, 6-7pm, 10-11pm
Faith Formation / Formación en la Fe
What a wonderful beginning to the year! We are so glad to be back in the Atrium!
Week of October 13 Sessions resume.
Late Registration Update; There are few openings remaining! If interested, please contact Doris at 480.507.4454.
Sesiones resumen el 16 de Octubre
Le agradecemos mucho su apoyo. Comenzamos un ano maravilloso, con la gracia de Dios !! Dios los bendiga,CBP
Necesitamos adultos que se comprometan a capacitarse para trabajar con niños de 3-5 anos en la Catequesis del Buen Pastor.
Tendremos un curso que comienza el 15 de octubre de 9-1PM en Santa Ana. Para mas información, habla a la oficina administrative al 480507-4454. En la Catequesis del Buen Pastor tenemos un lugar especial llamado atrio, lugar de solemnidad y silencio preparado especialmente
para iluminar y nutrir las necesidades espirituales mas vitales del niño, donde el trabajo y el estudio se convierten en oración. También puedes
escribir a: [email protected] Dios te bendiga, OFICINA DE LA CATEQUESIS DEL BUEN PASTOR
Becoming All That The Lord Expects - serving Junior High Students Grades 5-8
Class Resumes - October 13th - Ultimate Question: Why Am I Here?
October 21st—Service Project—Feed My Starving Children food packing
RSVP on the City in the BATTLE group.
Sacramental Preparation registration is now closed. Contact Norma for information:480.507.4442 or [email protected]
Bienvenidas al curso 2014-2015
“La FAMILIA es la primera educadora de la fe en sus miembros”
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NIGHT All high school youth 14-18 are invited! Sundays after 5pm Mass in
the Hall - Dinner included!
October 12th - Youth Night resumes - How to Pray. Why Pray? Let’s Pray!
October 19 - Full Circle - A Special Speaker
October 18—Service Project—Community Food Drive
RSVP on the City in the High School group.
LOS CRISTEROS – Grupo de Jóvenes de Santa Ana edades 14-25
“Que tu camino no se acabe aquí” ¡Te esperamos!
Todos los miércoles 7:30-9pm en el hall
October 15 - Full Circle - A Special Speaker
October 22 - Intro to the Bible
October 18—Service Project—Community Food Drive
RSVP on the City in the Cristeros group.
RITE OF ACCEPTANCE: Candidates for Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are accepted into the
“ORDER OF CATECHUMENS” (Period of the Catechumenate), as the next phase in their Catholic formation.
RITE OF WELCOMING: The previously baptized (in other faiths) are welcomed into the preparation for “FULL COMMUNION” in the
Catholic Church. The COMBINED CEREMONY is on Saturday, Oct. 11, at the 4:30 Vigil Mass, wherein they will declare their full
intention and commitment to study the faith and practices of the Catholic Church, and we, the universal church – pledge our prayers
and support for them. ALL ADULTS, 18-118, are invited to come learn with them on THURSDAYS, 6:30-8:30PM, IN THE HALL.
Gain a deeper perspective of the “WHAT” and “WHY” of the teachings of the Church. 480-507-4433 [email protected]
Parish Life/ Vida parroquial
Celebrating St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish
70th Anniversary - founded October 22, 1943
All are invited to join the celebration
at the following events:
October 18th – Help our parish teens fill the Friends of the Needy
pantries with a Community Food Drive. Non perishable food items will be
collected through out the neighboring communities as well as from our
parish families. All items can be dropped off at the Friends of the Needy
on this special day.
October 25th & 26th – After all weekend Masses- Learn about the
History of St Anne Ministries at our annual Ministry Fair. This is a great
way to support our St Anne family and get to know the many ways we can
serve our community.
November 15th – This special Eucharistic Procession will be a time of
giving prayers and honor to our Lord as we share His precious gift as we
walk through our parish community.
More details to come regarding opportunities to participate and volunteer
in the planning of the St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish 70th Anniversary
Celebration! For additional information visit or email
[email protected]
Help us celebrate the multi-cultural diversity of our St. Anne family!
You are invited to represent your country of origin, ethnic or cultural
background in our 70th anniversary activities, in simple but memorable ways (nothing hard or labor intensive). For details, please contact
ASAP Aurora at 480-507-4433 or (best) [email protected]
Your Marriage Matters
New Speaker Series - November 14th
Married? Engaged? In a relationship?
Hoping to be in a relationship? All are invited!
“Parenting Adult Children”
Is parenting any easier when your children are adults?
Whether you have adult children,
know those days are coming, or are an adult child yourself Come and hear practical advice
on this challenging new time of life!
Fr. Doug Lorig was ordained in 1984 . He served as pastor at St. Anne
for 14 years and is now pastor at St. Maria Goretti Parish in Scottsdale. As the father of four and the grandfather of fifteen, Fr. Doug is
uniquely qualified to speak on this topic!
Here at St. Anne at 7:30pm in the Church.
No Cost - Free Childcare and Hospitality provided
For everyone in active ministry: July 1st requires renewal of status for
everyone! If you have not yet renewed, please do so as soon as possible. If you have already taken the foundational class, you may renew
online at
St. Anne Annual Baby Bottle Drive
to benefit the Aid to Women Center
a pro-life, Catholic based pregnancy
resource center offering compassionate
resources and services for those facing
unplanned pregnancy, began on October 4th. The Baby Bottle Drive
is an easy way to make a difference for mothers, fathers and their
babies! Just take a baby bottle home, fill it with coins or a check payable to Aid to Women Center and return your filled baby bottle on
November 1st & 2nd. Bottles are still available in the narthex.
Campaña de Biberones Patrocinado por la Parroquia Sta. Ana
En beneficio par los centros de crisis en el embarazo. Estos
centros católicos Pro-vida, ofrecen asesoramiento, apoyo, y clases
para padres que están enfrentando un embarazo no planeado.
Esta campaña consiste en llenar las botellas con monedas o cheques
a nombre de “Aid to Women Center”. Regrese la botella cuando el
recipiente este lleno el día 1ero y 2 de Noviembre.
Science Tests Faith- ENCORE presentation!
Follow investigative reports analyzing various
miracles and see amazing scientific results of the
miracles. Join us in the St. John Paul II Conference
Room on Wednesday, October 15th at 2:15pm to
view this documentaryfilm and see how science and
reason will support faith- even giving insight to the
St. Peregrine's Prayer Partners
For intercessory prayer, please call Jane Mintzer
(480) 813-4611 or email [email protected]
Atención: la clase de Llamados a Proteger se llevara a cabo el
miércoles 17 de octubre a las 6:00pm. Esta clase es para los
nuevos voluntarios y para aquel voluntario que no ha renovado
este entrenamiento desde el 2006.
Instrucciones para inscribirse a la clase:
1. Entre en la página web:
2. Busque en esta página la información de la clase para la
fecha:10/17/2014 en sta. Ana.
3. Escoge la opción register here para inscribirse y complete la
Al final usted recibirá un correo electrónico de la diócesis
confirmando que esta registrado.
Favor de traer 3 datos de información de referencias que se
necesita en la solicitud para ser voluntario.
**por favor de llegar antes de las 6:00pm.**
**Ya que empiece la clase, no dejaremos entrar a nadie.**
Parish Life / Vida Parroquial
Membership - Are you interested in becoming a Knight?
Call Sir Knight Ruben Duran (480) 688-4479
Ladies Auxiliary - For more information call
President Cynthia McAdams @ (480) 813-1394
All Knights - We are required to complete the Called to Protect classes and
Annual Recertification.
Assembly Meeting - Wednesday, October 15th, 7:00 PM in Saint John Paul
the Great Meeting Room.
Boys between the ages of 11 and 17
Have a sense of Honor, Citizenship, and Duty to God?
Looking for an opportunity to go camping and hiking?
Then Boy Scout Troop 312 is looking for you!
Alita Eberlein, Committee Chairperson [email protected] (480) 620-7526
Mike Manning, Advancement Chair [email protected] (480) 529-6969
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday, November 2nd after all morning Masses
Join us in building our community while enjoying
tasty breakfast food with fellow parishioners!
~~~ All are welcome ~~~
Only $6 for Adults & $3 for 12 years and younger!
Clases de Inglés cada martes 6:30 - 8:30pm
Aprendan inglés todos los martes desde las 6:30 - 8:00pm en el centro
comunitario. Favor de ponerse en contacto con Paul Raynoha
480-209-5684 [email protected] or Sr. Balbina Retama
480-507-4432 [email protected].
English Classes Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30pm
Learn English on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:00pm in the hall. Please
contact Paul Raynoha 480-209-5684 [email protected] or
Sr. Balbina Retama 480-507-4432 [email protected].
Grupo PROVIDA Santa Ana
Los invitamos a unirse al Rosario por la vida,
todos los miércoles en la Parroquia a las 7:00 pm.
Los Matachines
Si quieres formar parte del grupo de los “Matachines“ que con su
danza se unen a los festejos religiosos, comunícate con Misael
Estrada al 480 664 9180. Próximos ensayos para la fiesta de
la Virgen de Guadalupe.
Women’s Christian Fellowship of Arizona 2014 Retreat
(Not what you think!)
All Women Welcome! - Register now as the retreat fills quickly!
God is always looking for an ‘encounter’ with us.
“Come and you will see . . .” (John 1:39)
Friday, Oct. 17 - Sunday, Oct. 19
at the Arizona Golf Resort in Mesa
Presenters: Chris Zajdzinski & WCF-AZ Core
More information at
New Parish Logo Did you miss the introduction
of the new parish logo? You can view the video
on our parish website If you
would like a decal they are available in the parish
office during regular office hours. May God
continue to bless us and lead us in our mission to
bring the Joy of the Gospel to the world! St. Anne, Pray for us!
Nuevo Logotipo de la Parroquia Se perdió la introducción del
nuevo logotipo de la parroquia la semana pasada?? Usted puede ver
el video en nuestro sitio web de la parroquia
Si usted desea una calcomanía, están disponibles en la oficina de la
parroquia durante las horas regulares. Que Dios continúe
bendiciéndonos y guiándonos en nuestra misión de llevar la alegría
del Evangelio en el mundo! Santa Ana, ¡Ruega por nosotros!
Are you interested in joining our parish of St. Anne?
We welcome those interested in joining St. Anne Roman Catholic
Parish to attend our monthly “Come and See Sunday” in the Parish
Hall, Sunday, October 19th after the 11:00 am Mass. Please note
that parish registration is required for enrollment in religious education and sacramental preparation programs.
¿Estás interesado en ser miembro de la parroquia?
Invitamos cordialmente a aquellos interesados en registrarse en la
parroquia de Santa Ana a que asistan a la reunión mensual de
orientación “Vengan y Vean.” después de la Misa de 1:00 pm en el
Salón Comunal de la Parroquia 19 de octubre. Tenga en cuenta que
estar registrado como miembro de la parroquia es un requisito para
la inscripción de educación religiosa y programas de preparación
Parish Life / Vida Parroquial
3-Day Retreat for Girls Grades 5-8
What It Takes to Melt a Frozen Heart
at St. Anne’s Parish
on Friday, Oct 24 - 5 to 8:30 pm
Saturday, Oct 25 - 9am to 4:30pm Mass
Sunday, Oct 26 - 9am to 1:30pm closing ceremony
Cost: $100 at the door on Fri. or $85 with registration before Oct. 17
email [email protected] for registration form Meals provided
St. Anne Parish will participate in
40 Days for Life September 24 - November 2,
by praying each Thursday, 6 am - 6 pm, at the
Chandler Planned Parenthood, 610 N. Alma School
Road, Chandler. We are looking for at least 2 people to cover each
hour. Please call Genny Jones, 480-201-7198, to make your
commitment to pray or for more info. If you can't make a commitment,
you are welcome to pray there whenever you can on any day of the
40 Dias por la Vida 24 de Septeimbre - 2 de Noviembre
Se invita a todos los Cristianos de nuestra comunidad a tomar parte
del esfuerzo provida Nacional más grande en la historia: 40 DIAS
POR LA VIDA. Además de los 40 días de ayuno y oración por el fin
del aborto en America, por favor considera participar en la vigilia de
oración afuera de Chandler Parenthood localizado en 610 N. Alma
School Road, Chandler por una o mas horas durante los 40 días y
corre la voz a otras personas sobre este importante esfuerzo por
salvar vidas. Para más información por favor contactar Carmen
Muñoz o Erika teléfono: 480.313.0023 y 480.334.7373
Todos son bienvenidos!
The Legion of Mary meets every Friday at St. Anne
in Conference Room A from 10:30 to 11:30 am.
For more info, call Sally Basiks @ 480 298 6448.
Escuela de Evangelización San Andrés Hacemos una cordial
invitación a todos los participantes que han vivido el retiro de Nueva
Vida a nuestros seguimientos, se estarán llevando acabo cada viernes a las 7:30pm en el Hall. Favor de contactar a: Alondra (602)8326967 o Laura (480)232-7793 “JESUS TE ESPERA NO FALTES”
The St. Anne and St. Mary Magdalene Combined Men’s Fellowship
meets every Saturday morning at St. Mary Magdalene Church in
Gilbert. Our goal is to grow through a deeper understanding of
Scripture. Sessions begin at 6:45am and end by 7:55am, prior to
the 8:00am morning Mass. Great burritos are served!
Worldwide Marriage Encounter can help you make your marriage
Christ-centered. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter
weekend in Phoenix is Nov. 14-16. For more info contact Scott and
Aurora Hicks, at 480-809-2976 or visit
Retrouvaille provides marriage help! Retrouvaille is a Catholic
organization to help struggling couples rediscover hope and purpose
in their marriages. Next weekend: Nov. 7-9 For information, call
(602) 254-6723 (English) or (623) 877-9105 (español) or visit
Tears Speak…But Spirits Soar assists women in healing the loss of a child
to abortion. The next two monthly meetings will be Tues, Oct. 14
& Tues., Nov. 11 at Mt. Claret Retreat Center, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. Please call 480.838.7474, ask for Patty/Tears Speak – for confidential
conversation. No RSVP required for meetings
Singer songwriter Chris Muglia live in concert at All Saints Catholic Church
in Mesa on Wednesday, Oct. 15 at 7:30pm. A free will offering will benefit the
Aid to Women Center and St. Vincent de Paul.
A Rachel's Vineyard weekend retreat for women and men struggling with
the pain of abortion is Oct. 17,18 &19 at Chapel Rock Retreat Center in
Prescott. Cost: $175. For more info, call Nancy at 928-713-9504 or email
[email protected].
St. Mary Magdalene Ladies’ Auxiliary presents Brides from Past
Decades Fashion Show & Dinner Dance at Sunbird Golf Resort in
Chandler on Oct. 18th. $75 per couple. For info call Rita 480-279-0445
Arizona Schoenstatt 100th Jubilee Mass, Oct. 18, 11am, St. Joan of Arc
Chapel. For more information contact 602.867.9171
2nd Annual Craft Fair All Saints Catholic Church in Mesa, Sat.,Oct.18th
8am-2pm. If you are interested in a table for your own craft or product,
contact Ann Palmer by Oct. 10th at 480-985-7655 or [email protected]
St. Peregrine Mass of Anointing on Tuesday, Oct. 21st at 7 pm at Church
of the Holy Spirit, Tempe,. All those afflicted with cancer or other lifethreatening illnesses are invited to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.
More information: (480) 838-7474.
Fr. Leo Patalinghug Food Network Celebrity Chef, Founder of Grace Before
Meals and Catholic Priest is coming to Mesa, AZ on Oct. 24th. For tickets
call 480-775-2650. All proceeds benefit St. Timothy Catholic School.
Benedictine University at Mesa Fall Open House, Sun., Oct. 26, 12:00 3:00 pm. Gillett Hall 225 E Main St, Mesa, For more info: Office of
Admissions at (602) 888-5533 or
Crisjoven - Congreso Católico Juvenil 2014 Vive en Mi
Sábado, 11/8, 7:30am—6pm Phoenix Convención Center
Jóvenes 15-25 años - donación $10 incluya comida
Spiritual Exercises for Women based on the Spiritual Exercises of St.
Ignatius of Loyola. Silent retreat comprised of guided meditations, personal
reflection, and daily Mass, with confession and spiritual direction. Directed by
the Legionaries of Christ; sponsored by Regnum Christi. Feb. 13-15 at Our
Lady of Guadalupe Monastery. For more info: Terri Hofmann 480-247-6961
Catholic Charities counseling staff at the Holy Cross parish in Mesa
provides support to strengthen families and assist those in crisis. Fees are
based on ability to pay. Counseling is available Mondays and Thursdays from
12 to 5pm. To schedule an appointment, call 602.749.4405
1st Way Pregnancy Center is a pro-life pregnancy center. If you are
interested in volunteering or donating any baby supplies, please contact
602-261-7522, or visit online at
Prayer for the Unborn - Join us as we pray every Saturday at Planned
Parenthood, 1250 E. Apache Blvd., Tempe at 9:15am for the unborn and
their mothers. More info: Ray, 480.820.2553 or Dick 480.235.7118
Listen to the Bishop’s Hour each Monday at 11am and Catholic radio
programming 24/7 on Immaculate Heart Radio 1310 AM
Escucha “En Familia Radio” 740 AM para conocer sobre tu fe sobre
Diferentes temas de importancia desde los valores del evangelio.
Vocation Moment .“Many are called, but few are chosen.” Consider
following Christ more closely as a priest, deacon or in consecrated
life. Call Father Paul Sullivan at (602) 354-2004 or
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A man wakes up after sleeping
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Walt-Colleen • Parishioner
3100 N. San Marcos
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Marsha Livingston, CPA
Tax and Accounting Services
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Come Sail Away on a 7-night
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Thanks and God Bless,
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967397 St Anne Church (B)
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For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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Catholic Psychotherapist
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Individual and group counseling for adolescents and adults
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Phone: 480-668-8301
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6402 E. Superstition Springs Blvd., Ste. 208, Mesa, AZ 85206
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Jesús V. Ortiz, DDS
Ana T. Ortiz, DDS, MDS
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Clergy and Staff/ Clero y personal de la parroquia
Fr. Sergio M. Fita
Phone: 480-507-4410
Email: [email protected]
Parochial VIcar:
Fr. David Kofi Anatu Mbimadong
Email: [email protected]
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. John Ehrich
Email:[email protected]
Deacon: Dcn Bob Carey
Phone: 480-507-4400
Deacon: Dcn Keith Boswell
Phone: 480-507-4400
Email: [email protected]
Deacon: Dcn Joe Spadafino
Phone: 480-507-4400
Email: [email protected]
Email:[email protected]
Director: Andrew Gilliland
Phone: 480-507-4420
Email: [email protected]
Director of Parish Administration
Please support the businesses
advertising in our parish bulletin.
They make the bulletin possible
for all of us!
Liturgy & Music
Priests' Secretary: Margarita Molina
Phone: 480-507-4422
Email: [email protected]
Music Coordinator:
Parish Receptionist: Marina Gutierrez
Phone: 480-507-4401
Email: [email protected]
Director: Francisco Santos
Phone: 480-507-4463
Email: [email protected]
Kevin Solinsky
Phone: 480-507-4461
Email: [email protected]
Pastoral Council: Adelaida Severson, Claudia Lopez, Ivan Rojas, Manuel Trujillo, Gayle Ware, Katrina Winn, Fr. Sergio M. Fita [email protected]
Finance Council: Mark Belanger, Scott McCamman, Bill Scalzo, Frank Vaughan, Fr. Sergio M. Fita
Stewardship & Development Committee: Jim Montgomery, Ronda Berkey, Earl Brockert, Judy Gaitan, Theresa Keel, Mike McAdams, Julio & Nora Mercado,
[email protected]
Aurora Sarmiento, Jennifer Seaberg, Sergio Velarde, Fr. Sergio M. Fita
Faith Formation
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Director: Donna Kano
Phone: 480-507-4430
Email: [email protected]
Director of Faith Formation
Marlene Norwood
Phone: 480-507-4457
Email: [email protected]
CGS Coordinator
Infant Baptism: Jim Colasanti
Phone: 480-507-4435
Email: [email protected]
English Baptism Coordinator
Assistant: Norma Guzman
Phone: 480-507-4442
Email: [email protected]
Admin Assistant to Youth Ministry
Micheal McConnell
Phone: 480-507-4451
Email:[email protected]
Childrens’ Sacraments Coordinator
Bautismos: Hna. Elisa Monroy
Phone: 480-507-4443
Email: [email protected]
Coordinadora de Bautismos
Español: Hna. Balbina Retama
Phone: 480-507-4432
Email: [email protected]
Coordinadora de Catequesis Familiar
Lourdes Santiago
Phone: 480-507-4455
Email: [email protected]
Coordinadora de CBP
Marriage: Jean Estes-Gonzales
Phone: 480-507-4439
Email: [email protected]
English Marriage Coordinator
RCIA/Returning Catholics
Aurora Sarmiento
Phone: 480-507-4433
Email: [email protected]
Doris Gastelum
Phone: 480-507-4454
Email: [email protected]
CGS Office Assistant
Matrimonios - Elsa Rodriguez
Muchísimas gracias por su cariño
y servicio por muchos anos.
Que Dios la bendiga en su
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Claudia Lopez
Phone: 480-507-4441
Email: [email protected]
Merci Hernandez
Phone: 480-507-4466
Email: [email protected]
Director—Friends of The Needy
IT Director: Mike Zazick
Phone: 480-507-4477
Email: [email protected]
Information Technology
Maintenance - for assistance on campus please call 480-507-4472
Maintenance: Joe Reed
Phone: 480-507-4470
Email: [email protected]
Maintenance Supervisor
Mark Jasken
Nathan Cushman