The 8th Annual Art for Mission Aucon
Sunday, October 19, 9:00am-12:30 pm
If you have an art or cra that you would like to donate it would
be very much appreciated. All proceeds will be donated to
Project Feed as part of our whole church mission on hunger.
Every member and friend of Woodfords is welcome to donate one piece
of their own art or cra to be displayed and sold at our silent auc!on.
Please call Charlo#e Cuzner at 775-1389 if you are willing to share your
ar!s!c talent. It will be a beau!ful show, and it is always fun to see the
results of the amazing talent of the members and friends of Woodfords
that will be on display. To see one of the stunning items for sale and fmi,
go to page 17.
T+, A--./0
W22342536 C+.58+
S a t u r d a y N o v. 8
Hand Knits
Lobster Rolls
Snack Bar
Silent Auction
How will YOU
help make our Fair a
huge success?
The Woodfords Beacon
H a p p y O c t o b e r B i r t h d a y To . . .
Carol Chadbourne .................. 1st
Elizabeth Sprague................... 2nd
Judy Shields ........................... 3rd
Jim Pringle ............................. 5th
Susan Wooten ........................ 5th
Jessica Keast .......................... 6th
Shari Robinson ....................... 6th
Meredith Tierney-Fife ............ 6th
Meghan Graser ...................... 9th
Brad Ronco ............................ 10th
Russell Kenney ....................... 12th
Colleen McKee ....................... 13th
Carolyn Young ........................ 13th
Mary Belanger ....................... 16th
Billie Jo Wooten ..................... 16th
Emma Cook ............................ 17th
Ron Gagnon ........................... 18th
Karin Kurry ............................. 19th
Janet Peterson ....................... 20th
Ronald Kellam ........................ 21st
Leanne Walker……………………..22nd
Charlo#e Merrill .................... 24th
Tyra Pranger .......................... 25th
Avon Oakes ............................ 28th
Jim Fletcher…………………………..30th
Teach Us to Pray
A Workshop on Prayer for
All Lay Ministers and Woodfords Folk
Saturday, October 18, 9am-12pm
2nd Floor Conference Room
What happens when an elderly person in your care asks you to pray with
him/her? Do you no!ce your palms swea!ng? Change the subject?
Rapidly find a ‘formula’ prayer that will serve the purpose? Call Rev.
Carolyn or Rev. Jim? Why is casual, simple, responsive prayer so difficult
for us?
How and why do we develop prayer resources? Using journaling, role
play, art, and scripture, our church’s Spiritual Life Director and Elder
Chaplain have developed a workshop on prayer for all Woodfords folk
who would like to hone their skills and increase their ‘comfort zone’
around praying for one another.
There is no cost for this workshop– just your willingness to surrender your
anxiety about prayer for those around you.
The Woodfords Beacon
Happy October Anniversary To...
Joanne & Gayton Bartle# ..................... 10/02/1976
Priscilla & Tom Hennessey ................... 10/01/1977
Lynn & James Marcro ........................ 10/19/1985
Jennifer Wriggins & Mary Bonauto ...... 10/03/1987
Jane & Glenn Dunne……………………………10/08/1988
Catherine & Ben Walter ....................... 10/26/1991
Leanne Walker & Dave Wasdahl .......... 10/07/1996
Alison Grey & Oliver Murray ................ 10/17/1999
Adrienne-Marie & Jeffrey Wilson ......... 10/18/2003
Stacey & Jim Dand ............................... 10/02/2004
Congratulaons on Your Wedding!
The congrega!on of Woodfords Church sends its blessings
and best wishes to Kelsey Shea and Jannik Nelson on the
occasion of their wedding here at Woodfords Church on
September 6. We wish Kelsey and Jannik all the very best.
Be Sll: Advent Contemplave Prayer
Prior to our worship services in Advent, Mary ZacheryLang will lead a !me for contempla!ve prayer in the
Chapel. Come and be s!ll at this holy !me of Advent,
filled with the an!cipa!on of Emanuel, God-with-us. Prayers begin on
Nov. 30th and con!nue through December 21 from 9:15am to 9:45am.
Only One Sunday a Year
That’s all that the nursery needs from you. Just
one Sunday a year to play with the community’s
toddlers while you can s!ll hear the service which is
piped in to the nursery from the sanctuary. You do
not have to be a parent or a grandparent. You only need to feel willing
with a sense of responsibility for our youngest members whose parents
would love to have an hour in church to listen and sing and pray. Jo
Wallace is our nursery staff and with our Safe Church Policy, there must
be two people with our children at all !mes. So you won’t be alone. If
this calls to your heart, please call me and pick a Sunday. Blessings to
you. Mary Zachary-Lang, Director of Spiritual Growth 774-8243, mzachary
[email protected], or see me at coffee hour.
The Woodfords Beacon
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GIVE YOUR JEANS A NIGHT OFF and dig out your party clothes! The
Autumn Ball is coming right up. Join your church friends and
those within your circle of friends for a fun night out on November
1st. Tickets are only $50 per person and they won't last long. The last
day of !cket sales is October 22nd! YES! October 22nd. Get your !ckets
early for a night of fantasy, fun, food, and fellowship– brought to you by
the Ball Commi#ee. Tickets are for sale aer church or in the church
office– call 774-8243 or [email protected].
November 1, 2014
6-10pm to include dancing to
the Jim Ciampi Band
Black Tie Optional
Location: Woodfords Church Hall
202 Woodford St, Portland
Menu: Apple-Marinated Turkey
Baked Haddock
Eggplant Rollatini
Roast Potatoes, Salad
Green Beans Amandine
Chocolate Pecan Torte
$50per person ; Cash Bar ; (Age 21 &older)
Altrusa of Portland’s 6th Annual
Saturday, Oct. 11, 4:30pm-8:30pm
Memorial Hall
Guests choose a ceramic bowl to use for their
meal and to keep as a reminder that there
are always EMPTY BOWLS in the world. In exchange for a meal and the
bowl, the guests make a $10 contribu!on.
Meal includes choice of soups, bread, beverages, and dessert.
All monies raised benefit PROJECT FEED.
The Woodfords Beacon
Notes from our Organist and Choir Director
Children's Choir is on the move! The Children's Choir
began their Fall season with an ‘indoor picnic’ on Saturday,
September 13. Parents and children shared their hopes and
vision as we began working together to develop the children's music
program for the coming church year. The choir rehearses every Sunday
aer worship at 11:30 am in the Chapel and will be par!cipa!ng in
worship on the fourth Sunday of each month. Woodfords children are
encouraged to give choir a try. The skills learned and developed through
par!cipa!on in choir are valuable, life long lessons.
The Handbell Choir has openings for more ringers. New ringers are
needed to fill empty posi!ons in our Handbell Choir. There is a one
opening for a regular member so we can cover three octaves of bells.
The church owns a complete four octave set so more posi!ons are
available to expand the current choir membership. People who would
like to learn more about bell ringing are invited to sign-up as subs!tutes
to fill in during rehearsals when a regular member is unable to a#end.
Middle school, and high school students are welcome as well as adults.
Rehearsals are held on Thursdays from 6-7 pm and the choir rings during
worship once a month and on Christmas Eve. Please consider joining
us! Every note is needed!
Chancel Choir! My how !me flies. Advent/Christmas will be here soon!
We welcome singers who would like to join the Chancel Choir for the
Advent/Christmas season even if you may not be able to commit to
singing the rest of the year. This is a great way of enhancing your
prepara!on for the coming of Christ during Advent and celebra!ng the
joy of his birth on Christmas Eve. Rehearsals are held on Thursdays from
7- 8:30 pm in the music room (under the chancel). We will begin
rehearsing Advent and Christmas music in November. We have also
prepared a number of ‘guest’ folders for anyone who is curious about
what singing in the choir is like and would like to visit on a Thursday
evening. You just might have so much fun you'll want to return on a
regular basis. All voices are welcome, but we especially need altos and
Please contact Rebecca or Paul Schnell with any ques!ons or comments
about the music program. You can email them at:
[email protected] or call them 207-727-6562.
The Woodfords Beacon
October Soup and Study:
Hunger and Food Insecurity in Maine
Did you know that 15.5% of all Mainers are food
insecure? That 14.1% of the residents in
Cumberland County are food insecure?
Did you know that one of the fastest growing
at-risk popula!ons in Maine for food insecurity is our senior popula!on?
Did you know that the following 5 factors are the major contributors to
senior food insecurity in Maine: isola!on; physical decline; economic
stress; level of educa!on; embarrassment?
Since we decided as a congrega!on 3 years ago to address the concerns of
hunger and food insecurity as a primary focus for Social Ac!on and
Mission endeavors, we’ve had many opportuni!es to both learn about,
and respond to, the issues of hunger in Maine— but there is s!ll much to
learn and to do.
In October, we’ll once again have the opportunity to engage in !mely
conversa!ons as we host ‘Soup and Study’ gatherings aer worship. On
each of the four Sundays in October (5, 12, 19, 26) we’ll gather in Seeley
Hall to share a light meal of soup and bread and learn more about the
reali!es of hunger and what we can do to address those reali!es.
October 5th: Kathy Helming, a long-!me Woodfords member and
staff person at Good Shepherd Food Bank, will address the causes,
concerns and general needs of the at-risk popula!on in Maine.
October 12: Ted Trainer will speak to us about the specific needs of
the at-risk senior popula!on. Ted has spent his professional life
working in communi!es around the world addressing health needs,
and currently is on staff at SMAA.
October 19: Brian Jones will provide informa!on and opportuni!es
regarding various other aspects of hunger in our state.
October 26: S!ll in the planning stage– watch this space FMI.
It’s our hope that many of you will join us and then find ways to volunteer
in order to address the hunger crisis. Mark your calendars now and look
for a sign-up sheet in the cloister for soup and food contribu!ons!
-Rev. Carolyn
The Woodfords Beacon
Woodfords Church Congratulates
Mary Bonauto
Many of you know Mary Bonauto as a member of
Woodfords Church and now you will know her also
as the honored recipient of a ‘genius’ grant by the
MacArthur Founda!on. Mary, who is a civil rights
lawyer based in Boston, was recently one of 21
people awarded the no-strings-a#ached $625,000 grant. The MacArthur
Founda!on, founded in 1978, annually awards their grants to people for
their contribu!ons in fields ranging from interna!onal peace and human
rights to modern media. Mary Bonauto was awarded for her
extraordinary work with same-sex marriage and gay rights, “breaking
down legal barriers based on sexual orienta!on.”
Woodfords Church to Welcome New Mainers
Woodfords members and friends will welcome New Mainers to
our community with an Open House in Memorial Hall from
4:00pm-7:00pm on Saturday, October 25th, 2014. There will be
African music and African-inspired light snacks. We will be offering
informa!on about loca!ons for immigrant services, free meals,
and clothing, holding out the hand of friendship, and conduc!ng a
raffle for free “door prizes” of toiletries, cleaning supplies, and
personal hygiene products, many of which are not covered by
General Assistance. It is our hope that some of our New Mainer
guests will work with us to help us create programs at Woodfords
for their benefit.
Please plan to a#end this event and meet and greet our neighbors
who are New Mainers. You can also help by dona!ng much
needed toiletries, such as body lo!ons, toothpaste, toothbrushes,
shampoo, deodorant- there is a basket in the Narthex for this
purpose. These will be donated to our New Mainer guests at this
October 25 ‘Welcome New Mainers’ event.
Please contact Ann B. Smith at 699-9649 with any ques!ons or
offers of help you might have. You can also email her at
[email protected].
The Woodfords Beacon
The DownEast Fair
Saturday November 9, 9:00am-2:00pm
The countdown to the DownEast Fair has begun!
Start planning how you will contribute to this major
fund raising and FUN event for your church.
There will be a Deacon’s Cookie Walk, Snack Bar,
A\c An!ques, Books (yes– they’re back!), Jewelry, Cras, Kni\ng,
Sewing, Silent Auc!on, Pantry (baked goods, candy, jams), and SERRV
shop. How can you help?
Look through your jewelry and an!ques– if you aren’t wearing it,
using it, enjoying it, or are just plain !red of dus!ng it, etc.– why not
donate it to the Fair?
♦ Are you making jams, jellies, sauces with the fruits of your harvest?
Make a few extra jars for the Fair.
♦ Are you a kni#er? Sewer? Make some hats, mi#ens, sweaters for the
Fair. Be#er yet- come to the Woodfords Kni#ers group that meets
twice a month (2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 6:30pm in the Reading Room.)
♦ How about your books, CD’s, DVD’s? (Please– no textbooks,
magazines, or encyclopedias).
Laura Carten will be looking for help, ideas, and items for the Silent
Auc!on. Do you have items that would fill a ’basket’ like a ’spa basket’, an
’Italian dinner’ basket, ’doggie delights’ basket, ‘garden basket’? What’s
your idea?
Do you have a skill to share such as teaching a foreign language, how to
cook, bake or preserve, help with pain!ng, traveling planning, gardening,
simple tax or will prepara!on- your !me could be worth a lot to the
person buying your service and to Woodfords Church. Do you have a
week at your summer co#age you could donate?
Symphony/theatre/movie !ckets? Playing music for
a wedding or birthday? Preparing a meal to share!
What a great way to show off your cooking skills and
make new friends! What are your ideas! FMI contact
Laura Carten at 775-0479 or Pam Barrows at 8381229 about the Downeast Fair or Silent Auc!on.
The Woodfords Beacon
“We are all connected to one another and to the mystery at
the heart of the universe through our strange and marvelous
ability to create words...Wring is talking. It is hunkering
down around the cave fire at night and telling about the
day...Our words, our truth, our imagining, our dreaming may
be the best gi!s we have to give.”
~ Pat Schneider, Wring Alone and With Others
“The Best GiMs We Have To Give” - 7-Week Wring Group
Begins Friday, October 10, 9:30am-11:30am, Lounge
In this 7 week program we will again put pens and pencils to paper and
mine some of the gold of our lives. We will remember and tell some of the
stories of our lives that we can’t and must not forget, our legacy for
ourselves and those we love. What did we see? What did we say or wish
we had said? What s!ll needs saying? What did we hear? What did we
learn? What do we know? What do we s!ll want to create? This is an
invita!on to be ourselves and express ourselves in our own words.
Facilitators Sue Clark and Colleen Myers, both graduates of the Chaplaincy
Ins!tute of Maine, subscribe to the theory that everyone has a strong,
unique voice and everyone is a writer, always crea!ng story. They believe
that wri!ng in groups offers encouragement and support to play with our
imagina!on and memories and to discover new facets of our experience
and wisdom. A crea!ve wri!ng background is not required or expected.
The cost of the 7-week program will be $50. FMI and to register (no later
than October 3), please call Sue at 774-4651 or 653-9227 cell or e-mail
[email protected].
The Portland String Quartet
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Woodfords Church Sanctuary
The PSQ will be performing the first of the “Rasumovsky” quartets,
Beethoven Quartet No. 7 in F major. The PSQ will also perform the Haydn
‘Lark’ String Quartet (1788-1790) and Henry Cowell’s ‘United
Quartet’ (1936). Featuring guest cellist Jing Li originally from Beijing
China. As always, !ckets are free for the asking at the door for
Woodfords Church members and associate members. FMI
The Woodfords Beacon
Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the UCC (one of
the 5 for 5 mission offerings in which Woodfords par!cipates) that
supports ministries of jus!ce and compassion throughout the United
States. The NIN offering will be taken on October 5th.
This year, NIN will use their funds to respond to the
crippling literacy gap in the world with their program
Reading Changes Lives. This gap con!nues to be a
persistent problem in the United States and abroad. As
a complicated and broad social jus!ce issue, literacy is
an issue that touches (and addresses) other issues,
including economic jus!ce, gender inequality, criminal
jus!ce, public educa!on, and racial jus!ce, among others. But it affects
very simple aspects of our lives, from being able to complete a job
applica!on to reading the instruc!ons on a prescrip!on bo#le. In fact,
limited literacy skills are a major contributor to poverty; illiteracy becomes
a barrier for those marginalized by race and economic status. Reading
Changes Lives acknowledges that literacy is essen!al to end the cycle of
poverty, to close the school-to-prison pipeline, and to create inclusive,
healthy communi!es where all can be ac!ve and advocate for themselves.
Reading Changes Lives has begun with the inspira!onal book: Hotdogs
and Hamburgers: Unlocking Life’s Potenal by Inspiring Literacy at Any
Age, which the Grant Fund has already selected for Book Club.
School Backpack Resupply Mission Project
Many different organiza!ons are working to ensure that every
incoming student in our local schools has his/her own backpack
filled with school supplies. Once again the Sunday School has
begun a mission to restock these school supplies when they run out! Our
Sunday School students will assemble ‘school supplies restock bags’ that
will be distributed as needed by school workers.
We hope the congrega!on will help us out by buying pencils, notebooks, 8
-piece crayon boxes, glue s!cks, scissors, color pencils (12 pencil
box). There will be boxes in the Narthex where school supplies can be
dropped. We thank you in advance for your support! All supplies are due
into church by October 6.
The Woodfords Beacon
Learning About Labyrinths
If you would like to learn about labyrinths, you are
welcome to a#end an informa!onal and prayer-centered
class on the labyrinth: its history, prac!ces, and purpose
led by Mary Zachary-Lang, Director of Spiritual Growth. This class is
in an!cipa!on of and prepara!on for the temporary Trinity Church
Labyrinth installa!on here in the Woodford’s Gym on November 14, 15,
and 16. There will be 3 sessions of learning about labyrinths: Sunday
October 26, November 2, and November 9th from 8:30am to 9:45am in
the 2nd floor Conference Room. You are welcome to come to one session
or all three. On Sunday, November 16th, beginning at 8:30am, we’ll walk
the Labyrinth together before the worship service. Everyone is welcome
to come and learn about this ancient Chris!an prac!ce and experience
walking the Labyrinth for yourself!
We are also looking for volunteers to meet and greet walkers during the
Labyrinth open mes on Friday, November 14, 12:00pm-9:00pm;
Saturday, November 15, 10:00am-9:00pm; and Sunday November 16,
8:00am-5:00pm. If you are interested in volunteering and/or if you
would like to learn more, please contact Mary Zachary-Lang at mzachary
[email protected] or 774-8243 ext 102.
Musica de Filia’s “Anything Goes Day Fall Fes!val”
Musica de Filia (Daughter’s of Music) is a local, unique all-female choir
founded in 1997. The proceeds from the “Anything Goes Fall Fes!val”, to
be held here at Woodfords Church on October 4th, will go to funding the
group’s trip to Carnegie Hall in 2015. From 9am-2pm there will be a tag
sale, games, bounce house, face pain!ng, spa services and much more!
Beginning at 5pm there will be a dinner and a musical show. To buy
!ckets for the dinner: [email protected].
PCM’s Dimensions in Jazz
The David Liebman Quintet, will be performing in the Woodfords Church
Chapel on Friday, October 10, 8:00pm. Featuring NEA Jazz Master Dave
Liebman, tenor sax, soprano sax, and flutes. Tickets at door: $15. Tickets
from Starbirds: Seniors & advance, $10; students $5. FMI call 828-1310.
The Woodfords Beacon
The Grant Fund
Acvies For Woodfords Church Seniors 65+
GRANT FUND YOGA- Thursdays, 10:00am-11:00am, in the
Parlor. $3 a class or $20 for the 10-week session. Please
contact Jennie at 774-8243 to register.
11:30am-12:30 pm, 2nd Floor Conference Rm (formerly
Parents Corner). Bring your own lunch; drinks and dessert will
be provided. PLEASE RSVP to Jennie at 774-8243. People are
asked to bring their own bagged lunches and to RSVP so we
know how many people to expect. There will be !me to ask
ques!ons during or aer each presenta!on. IF not enough people sign up
before, we will have to cancel—so it is important to RSVP.
Fall 2013 Schedule of Topics
• October 3rd- Senior Fire Prevenon with David Petruccelli, Fire
Lieutenant with the Portland Fire Department. October is Fire
Preven!on month and Lt. Petruccelli will discuss kitchen and cooking
safety and fire ex!nguisher safety, including a demonstra!on about
how to safely use a fire ex!nguisher (in the parking lot) as well as
other topics pertaining to Senior Fire Preven!on.
November 7th- Rags to Riches with Jody Bingham. Jody
will share her love of fabric & quil!ng, including the
‘ABC’s’ of how to get started in quil!ng. She will share
with us examples of the different types of quilts. This
will be a great program for people interested in quil!ng
or who appreciate the art of quil!ng.
December 5th- Using Pressure Points to Relieve Pain with Robin Randlook for the detailed descrip!on in a later Beacon. Please inform
Jennie if you have specific areas of pain you would like Robin Rand to
target in her presenta!on.
FLU SHOT CLINIC, Thursday, October 2nd, Memorial Hall
1:00-1:30pm: Open to Woodfords members & staff only 1:302:00pm: Open to everyone This clinic is being offered on a firstcome, first-serve basis so there may be some wai!ng.
Woodfords members should come between 1:00-1:30 for faster
service. Bring your Medicare card, Supplemental Plan card or other
The Woodfords Beacon
insurance card with you. For those without insurance, the cost is $30. You
will be given a receipt that you should be able to send into Medicare for a
Friday, October 10th, 9:15am to approx. 4:30pm
Cost: $20 GF/$30 Non GF member
Please join us for a 1.5 hour bus trip to Strawbery Banke in
Portsmouth, NH. We will meet in the Woodfords parking
lot at 9:15am, the bus will leave at 9:30am. We will arrive
in Portsmouth at 11am and leave at 3:00pm. Jennie will
provide $10 toward lunch which can be eaten at your leisure at The White
Apron Café in the Tyco Visitors Center. People can eat lunch and tour the
grounds in the order they choose. This trip is open to all Woodfords
members. Please RSVP with Jennie by Monday, October 6th at 774-8243
or [email protected]. Please remember to send in
payment within a week of signing up to secure your seat on the bus.
MOVIE SOCIAL– Wednesday, October 15, 1:00pm, 2nd Flr Conf
Room. Join your friends for a spooky good !me while watching
the funny film Adams Family Values (1993 film starring Anjelica
Huston and Raul Julia.) We will have Halloween treats to share!
Please RSVP to Jennie at 774-8243 by Tuesday, October 14th.
SMAA MATTER OF BALANCE CLASS- Wednesday, October 15th thru
December 10th, 10:00am-12:00pm, Seely Hall. Woodfords is hos!ng a
Ma#er of Balance class in Seely Hall from October un!l December. A
Ma#er of Balance (MOB) is a na!onally recognized workshop designed to
help adults 60 and older manage falls and increase ac!vity levels.
Caregivers are invited to a#end. A Ma#er of Balance (MOB) will help you
gain confidence and reduce your risk of falls.
You will learn to:
View falls as controllable; Set goals for increasing ac!vity; Make changes
to reduce fall risks at home; Exercise to increase strength and balance
You should a#end if:
You are concerned about falls; you are interested in
improving balance, flexibility, and strength; you have fallen in
the past; you have restricted ac!vi!es because of worry
about falling; are age 60 and above.
The Woodfords Beacon
This class is actually full. Woodfords is offering a second Ma#er of
Balance class: Wednesday, January 28th thru March 18th 10am-12pm,
Seely Hall. If you are interested in the class, please sign up with Jennie at
774-8243 or [email protected]. If you have specific
ques!ons, please contact SMAA at (800)-427-7411, ext. 583 or (207)-3966583. Woodfords members will have the opportunity to sign up for the
class exclusively un!l November 14th, aer that enrollment will be open
to the Community.
BOOK CLUB, Thursday, October 16, 1:30pm, Parlor. Grant
Fund Book Club will meet to discuss the book, A Certain Slant
of Light by Cynthia Thayer. The books have been purchased
for current members. New members are welcome to get the
book on your own and join us for the discussion. The books
have been purchased for current members. New members
are welcome to get the book on your own and join us for the
discussion. Please call before ge\ng your own book, some!mes Jennie
has extra copies. If you are interested in joining book club, please contact
Jennie at 774-8243.
Saturday, November 8th - Lunch at the Downeast Fair
The Grant Fund sponsors lunch for Woodfords members 65+.
Look for the Grant Fund volunteers near the food table to check in and let
them know what you selected for lunch. As the day gets closer, you will
be sent a meal !cket as a reminder. If you misplace your meal !cket, you
can s!ll get your lunch as your name will be on the Grant Fund list.
SECRET SANTA: Woodfords Sunday School Youth &
Elders. Sunday, November 30th un!l Sunday, December
21st . We welcome the children and elders of Woodfords
to par!cipate in the Secret Santa program. This is an
intergenera!onal ac!vity for the children and elders to
get to know one another be#er. There will be a party
on Sunday, December 21st for those who par!cipate in Secret Santa to
find out who their Secret Santa is. There will be more details to come in
the November Beacon as well as signs posted around the church. If you
are interested in par!cipa!ng, please contact Jennie at 774-8243 or at
[email protected].
The Woodfords Beacon
FALL CLEAN UP DAY, Sunday, October 26th
Start at 11:30am in Memorial Hall
Do you need some help raking leaves/doing fall clean up?
Do you want to spend a few hours helping Woodfords
Elders? We are looking for people (of all ages) to volunteer a few hours
to do fall clean-up for Woodfords elders who are unable to do it
themselves or need some help. We will meet in Memorial Hall at
11:30am to have a quick lunch of pizza and then go help Woodfords
elders. Please contact Jennie at 774-8243 or [email protected] to
volunteer or if you need help at your home.
Southern Maine Agency on Aging
Once again SMAA will offer FREE Medicare/Health Insurance Counseling.
One of the loca!ons where this will take place is in the Reading Room at
Woodfords Church. The sessions begin October 15 and go through
December 3rd from 9am-2pm. Call 396-6500 for an appointment
(no drop- ins).
Woodfords - Wayside Food Program
Monday mornings find 12-15 Woodfords volunteers gathered in the
kitchen preparing a luncheon for 50-80 folks needing a meal. Wayside
provides the food and Woodfords volunteers prepare the meals, serve
the food, and clean the area.
This program has been in existence for years, but many Woodfords
members know li#le if nothing about it. Yet, this is a vital part of our
ministry. Feeding those in need in our community is one of our church’s
major goals adopted a few years ago. A good por!on of our member
volunteers are 80+ years themselves, but they see the needs of the
community about us.
The folks who join us for lunch each week are in need of food assistance.
They represent all walks of life: from children to 90 year olds, from those
who can drive to Woodfords, and who come in wheelchairs with
caregivers in vans. We invite you to come and observe this Monday
morning ministry. You may even want to join our Woodfords volunteers!
The Woodfords Beacon
Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20; Psalm 19; Isaiah 5:1-7;
Psalm 80:7-15; Philippians 3:4b-14; Ma#hew 21:33-46
Exodus 32:1-14; Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23; Isaiah 25:1-9
Psalm 23; Philippians 4:1-9; Ma#hew 22:1-14
Exodus 33:12-23; Psalm 99; Isaiah 45:1-7; Psalm 96:1-9, (10-13)1
Thessalonians 1:1-10; Ma#hew 22:15-22
Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17; Levi!cus 19:1-2, 151 Thessalonians 2:1-8;Ma#hew 22:34-46
18; Psalm 1;
Delicious autumn! My
very soul is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird, I
would fly about the earth
seeking successive
~George Eliot
Elements Team
England / Flaker
Also Serving
Kenney / Campbell
Usher Team
Head Deacons
Hennessey / Stewart
McKee /Nelson
Toner / Keeley
England / Flaker
The Woodfords Beacon
arcles due
October 20
The Woodfords Beacon is published
and edited by Sharon Stephenson,
Office Manager
[email protected]
774-8243 ext 103
8th Annual Art for Mission Show & Sale
This stunning photograph is just one of the many items that will be for
sale by silent auc!on at the 8th Annual Art for Mission Show and Sale. We
need works of art to sell, but
we also need folks to come
and buy! So we hope to see
you at the Show and Sale on
Sunday, October 19th
beginning at 9:00am.
If you’d like to make some bars
or cookies for the show that
would be appreciated also–
please let Pam Barrows know
if you can help.
Presumpscot River Reflecons
by Bob Cuzner