Agenda Number: HDC 10-20 Meeting Date: February 17, 2011 REPORT TO THE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION SUBJECT: 114 N. Main Street – Request Certificate of Appropriateness for Signage for the Art Vault EXHIBITS 1. Sign #1 rendering (1/19/11) 2. Sign #2 rendering (1/19/11) 3. Storefront with wall sign (1/19/11) INTRODUCTION: Mr. Lecile Harris, with Lecile Harris Enterprises and representing Ms. Lorea Sellers, is requesting Historic District Commission approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness for a wall sign and a hanging sign at 114 N. Main Street. The property is on the east side of Main Street, north of the Town Square, and is surrounded by Rider Performance Cycles to the north and Paisley boutique to the south. The property is within the CB Central Business district and is surrounded by CB zoning. ISSUES: There are no issues associated with this request. The proposed signage meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Historic District Design Guidelines. DISCUSSION: The store frontage is 19 feet – 8 inches, which equates to a maximum of 29.5 square feet of allowable signage. The 27 square feet of proposed signage falls within the allowable square footage. Complete renderings of the proposed signs are attached for the Commission’s review and each is described below. Sign #1 – Wall Sign Materials Copy Letter color Background color Size ½” MDO – Medium Density Overlay Plywood Art Vault Fine Art Antiques Unique Gifts White Sea Serpent Blue (Sherwin Williams SW7615) 3’ x 8’ (24 square feet) Proposed Sign #1 will be centered above the awning on the brick wall of the building. The sign will be made from medium density overlay (MDO) plywood with a “blind” frame painted the same color as the sign background. Sign #2 – Hanging Sign Materials Copy Letter color Background color Size ½” MDO – Medium Density Overlay Plywood Art Vault Fine Art Antiques Unique Gifts White Sea Serpent Blue (Sherwin Williams SW7615) 12” x 36” (3 square feet) 1 Proposed Sign #2 will hang from 1 inch strap metal painted black beneath the fabric awning. It, too, will be constructed of MDO plywood but will not have a frame. There will be 7 feet of clearance from the bottom of the sign to the sidewalk as required by the Sign Ordinance. The Historic District Guidelines recommend that of the two signs for a business, each should be a different type and that a building should have only one wall sign per street frontage. The requested signs meet the Guidelines. In discussing materials, the Historic District Guidelines suggest using “traditional materials such as wood, glass, gold leaf, raised individual metal or painted wood letters, and painted letters on wood, metal, or glass.” PROPOSED MOTION/RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the applicant’s request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for signage at 114 N. Main Street subject to the following conditions. 1. Fittings for any sign attached to the building shall penetrate mortar joints rather than brick. (National Park Service, Preservation Brief #25) 2. Any deviations from the approved Certificate of Appropriateness shall require the approval of the HDC and/or staff prior to beginning work. CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact: Organization: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Property Owner Bill Cox Cox Grandchildren’s Trust & William W. Cox, Sr. 98 Main Street Collierville, TN 38017 853-2264 853-2276 [email protected] Developer Lorea Sellers The Art Vault Design Professional Lecile Harris Lecile Harris Enterprises Project Planner Nancy Boatwright 114 N. Main Collierville, TN 38017 331-6553 662-349-3303 [email protected] P. O. Box 1291 Collierville, TN 38027 277-7863 N/A [email protected] 500 Poplar View Parkway Collierville, TN 38017 457-2363 457-2354 [email protected] Planning Division 2 EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 3
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