Page 1 October 12, 2014 WEEKLY CALENDAR SUN. OCTOBER 12, 2014 Belina Van from CCS Volunteer Chore Services to speak at all Masses 8 AM Mass 8:45 First Reconciliation Preparation School Auditorium 9 AM to Noon Hospitality Hour 10 AM Mass with Baptism and CLOW 11:30 Altar Server Meeting Meet Dn. Roy in the Church 7 PM Mass MON. OCTOBER 13, 2014 8:30 AM Rosary 9 AM Communion Service TUES. OCTOBER 14, 2014 9 AM Mass 7 PM Liturgical Minister Meeting Meet Dn. Roy in the Church WED. OCTOBER 15, 2014 9 AM Mass 7 PM Worship and Spiritual Life Commission Parish Center, St. Martha Room THURS. OCTOBER 16, 2014 9 AM Mass School attends with 4th Grade serving 9:30 Peaceful Crafters Parish Center St. Teresa of Calcutta Room 7 PM Choir Rehearsal St. Benedict Church FRI. OCTOBER 17, 2014 9 AM Mass SAT. OCTOBER 18, 2014 10 AM Saturday Morning Prayer Group Parish Center Lower level 5 PM Rite of Reconciliation SUN. OCTOBER 19, 2014 World Mission Sunday 7:30 AM SVdP “Stuff the Truck” Day North side of School 8 AM Mass 9 AM to Noon Hospitality Hour 10 AM Mass 7 PM Mass LITURGIES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 25:6-10a Ps 23:1-6; Phil 4:12-14,19-20 Mt 22:1-14 8 AM Mass (RIP) John Ornes by Rosa Borriello 10 AM Mass (RIP) Mary Willette by Tom & Jan Barrett 7 PM Mass (INT) For the Parishioners of St Benedict MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014 Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1 Ps 113:1b-5a,6-7 Lk 11:29-32 8:30 AM Rosary 9 AM Communion Service TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 St. Callistus I, pope, martyr Gal 5:1-6 Ps 119:41,43-45,47-48 Lk 11:37-41 9 AM Mass (RIP) Lillian Barrett by Tom & Jan Barrett WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014 St. Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor of the Church Gal 5:18-25 Ps 1:1-4,6 Lk 11:42-46 9 AM Mass (RIP) Richard F. Fersch by Family THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 St. Hedwig, religious; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin Eph 1:1-10 Ps 98:1-6 Lk 11:47-54 9 AM Mass (RIP) Nancy Hebestreit FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyr Gal 3:22-29 Ps 105:2-7 Lk 12:1-7 9 AM Mass (RIP) Nancy Hebestreit SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2014 St. LUKE, EVANGELIST 2 Tim 4:10-17b Ps 145:10-13,17-18 Lk 10:1-9 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 45:1,4-6 Ps 96:1,3-5,7-10 1 Thes 1:1-5b Mt 22:15-21 8 AM Mass (INT) For the Parishioners of St Benedict 10 AM Mass (RIP) Rick Willette by Tom & Jan Barrett 7 PM Mass (RIP) Nancy Hebestreit Page 2 October 12, 2014 From deacon Roy’s desk Dear sisters and brothers in Christ: As a father and grandfather now, I have always loved my own children and grandchildren deeply but as your pastoral coordinator the past 3 months, I have come to love and cherish all the children of the parish and the school as well. I have really enjoyed seeing them around the campus, at school, on the playground, at Mass, at assemblies, just everywhere. Many of them recognize me and say hello all the time. It’s just great to be part of your families. In that spirit, I want to share a few thoughts about how we can better care for the children of our parish family. First, you know already I’ve been emphasizing traffic and pedestrian safety around the school and church. I won’t say any more about that here but you will continue to see improvements around the campus that will enhance the kids’ safety. You’ll also see a bright yellow “SAFE PLACE” sign hanging in the window of the parish office. We are now part of the Safe Place program sponsored by Youth Care in the University District and Friends of Youth. Basically, this sign tells young people from age 12 to 17 that during our normal business hours, they can come to our office and find a safe place to wait for a crisis counselor who will come and pick them up to help them in an emergency. The parish staff has been trained and we know who to call for assistance. That person will arrive within 45 minutes of the call. Please pray for all young people, especially those whose families are in crisis and who may be experiencing homelessness or be runaways. Finally, I want to tell you that all families, all children are welcome at our daily and Sunday masses. I know we have a “cry room” located upstairs near in the choir loft but I really encourage those of you with young children not to use it! All your children, including the youngest of toddlers are welcome to be in the church at all times and to experience the liturgy fully. If they want to toddle about a bit, no problem. If they do have a melt down and need a time out, simply take them to the vestibule or outside until they calm down and can return to Mass. They are always welcome! Thanks for bringing your children to the Church for the sacraments and it continues to be my great joy and loving challenge to serve as your deacon. Blessings to you all. Your servant in Christ, Deacon Roy Harrington - Pastoral Coordinator Worship and spiritual life WEEKDAY LITURGIES Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend our weekday liturgies. Normally each week, Masses are scheduled for Tuesdays through Fridays at 9:00 AM, a Rosary with Word and Communion Service is scheduled for Mondays beginning at 8:30 AM. When School is in session, all grades attend Mass on the second through fourth Thursdays. At those Masses, a class is designated to serve as greeters, to server as lectors, to prepare and present the Prayers of the Faithful and to bring forth the offertory gifts. Your attendance at these Masses is a visible sign to all our students of our faith and commitment to actively participate in liturgies. Please plan on attending our weekday liturgies. The 4th Grade Class from St. Benedict School will serve at Mass this Thursday. ST. HEDWIG and ST. MARGARET ALACOQUE St. Hedwig married the Duke of greater Poland, with whom she lived a pious life. Together they founded a Cistercian convent, which Hedwig entered when she was widowed. St. Margaret Mary Alacoque was a French visitation nun and mystic who promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In a series of visions, the form of this devotion was revealed: Holy Communion on the first Friday of each month and the institution of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. Margaret Mary was criticized by the other nuns but had the support of the community’s confessor, Blessed Claude de la Colombiere. (2014 Sourcebook pg.300) ST. IGNATIUS St. Ignatius was born in the year 50 and died somewhere between 98 and 117 in Rome. An Apostolic Father and possible disciple of John the Evangelist, he served the community of Antioch of bishop. Living durng the antiChristian reigh of the Roman emperor Trajan, he was sentenced to be fed to animals in the Roman Colosseum because he refused to engage in idol worship. His ourney to Rome was marked by extensive writing in which he composed seven letters. These letters, directed to various churches, emphasized the humanity and divinity of Christ, the centrality of Eucharist and the importence of Church unity. (2014 Sourcebook pg.301) ST. TERESA OF JESUS (1515-1582) More commonly known as St. Teresa of Avila, St. Teresa joined the Carmelite Convent of the Incarnation at the age of 21. Disheartened by convent life, in particular, its spiritual laxity, opulent nature and overly social atmosphere, she began a reform movement that provided the framework for the Discalced Carmelites. Members of the new branch of Carmelites modeled themselves on the poor and crucified Christ, adopting a life of poverty and abstinence. In collaboration with St. John of the Cross, Teresa helped bring this new way of life to the male Carmelite communities. Their reforms met with great resistance, but they moved forward with faith and persistence. Among her many writings she is well- known for two classics: The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle. (2014 Sourcebook pg.300) Page 3 October 12, 2014 Worship and spiritual life ST. LUKE Tradition tells us that Luke was a physician and artist who lived in Syria and who wrote at the end of the first century, completing Luke and Acts of the Apostles, a two volume work, about 80 or 90 AD. He was highly educated, a gifted writer and a knowledgeable historian as well. He probably knew, and perhaps worked with, St. Paul. Where would we be without St. Luke? Think how the Church’s prayer would be impoverished without Mary’s Magnificat, Simeon’s canticle of praise on holding Jesus in his arms, and Zechariah’s thanksgiving for the birth of John the Baptist. Think how our knowledge and love of the Mother of God would be diminished without Luke’s accounts of the infancy of Christ, the Annunciation, the Visitation, the shepherds in the fields at the birth of the Lord, the Presentation and the Finding in the Temple. (2014 Sourcebook pg. 302) ST. CALLISTUS I (+222) Following a life of slavery and hard labor, St. Callistus I was appointed deacon in charge of the Christian cemetery on the Appian Way, now called the catacomb of San Callisto. Recognized for his abounding wisdom and natural bent for leadership, he was eventually elected pope. He had many critics, due to his liberal stance regarding the forgiveness of those who had apostatized during times of persecution. St. Callistus, heeding the commands of Christ, believed the repentant should be forgiven and welcomed back into the Church. Tradition maintains that he began the Ember Days, periods of fasting and abstinence, which are no longer observed among Catholics. He is commemorated as a martyr; he was probably killed during a public disturbance. (2014 Sourcebook pgs. 299-300) ALTAR SERVERS MEETING TODAY All current and prospective altar servers are invited to attend the Altar Server Formation Meeting on today at 11:30 AM. Meet Deacon Roy in the church for a review of the current altar server guidelines and recent changes to altar server duties. Servers should be 5th grade or older and have been baptized in the Catholic church and have made their first Communion. LITURGICAL MINISTER MEETING There will be a Liturgical Minister meeting, Tuesday October 14th at 7 PM in the church. Discussion will cover guidelines and duties for Liturgical Ministers at Mass and to elect the new Coordinator. MARIAN CENACLE MASS – 7:00 PM ON October 24th All are invited to a Marian Cenacle Mass to pray for our Pope, all Priests, Religious & World Peace scheduled for Friday, October 24th. This celebration begins at 7:00 PM with a rosary and continues with Mass. Refreshments will be served after Mass and Our Lady of Fatima Home Prayer Group literature will be available during the reception. MEMORIAL CANDLES FOR ALL SOULS Votive Candles for the All Souls Novena are available for purchase after all Sunday Masses in October at the table in the narthex of the church. Inscribe your candle with the name(s) of a deceased loved one and it will burn in the church for approximately six days during the All Souls Novena. Novena Cards for Mass Intentions are also available and should be returned to the Parish Office by Friday, October 31st so that we can gather them for placement on the altar during the All Souls Novena. stewardship HOSPITALITY HOUR 8 AM: Bob Harthorne 10 AM: Ray & Jenn Mercado and Family Hospitality Hour is provided as a time for parishioners and visitors to gather after Sunday morning Mass to meet, greet and enjoy treats with good company. Hosts are always needed, and the time commitment is minimal for this important ministry to our community. Sign up to host while you are enjoying your cup of coffee and donut in the school cafeteria or call the Parish Office at 206.632.0843. CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION Last week I shared my time by: Helped take out the trash Supported Team Keaton Last week I shared my talents by: Kept Dad company Biking Helped Mom make jam Last week I shared my treasure: $33.65 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL - “STUFF THE TRUCK” Next Sunday, October 19th from 7:30 through 2:00 PM, our St. Vincent de Paul Society group will have a truck accepting donations of gently used clothing, shoes, small household items and sports gear. Help us to “stuff the truck” with items for the SVdP thrift stores. 90 cents out of each dollar raised goes to programs to help those in need. See the bulletin insert for additional information. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE for October 5th Sunday Offerings: $4,789 Budgeted Amount: $5,478 Fiscal Year-to-Date Offerings: $103,090 Fiscal Year-to-Date Budget: $104,963 Shortfall: $1,873 In today’s second reading, St. Paul thanks the Philippians for being willing to share in his hardships and promises that God, in turn, will fully supply all their needs. Our God truly cannot be outdone in generosity! Page 4 October 12, 2014 stewardship CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP ENVELOPES On Thursday, October 2nd, a boxed set of children’s stewardship envelopes were sent to the homes of kindergarten through 8th grade students who attend St. Benedict Catholic School. Each envelope has a place to record their contribution of time, talent and treasure. Children can bring their envelopes to Mass on Sunday and bring them forward during the “Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts” and place them in the children’s offering box (the model of St. Benedict Church) or place them in the offering basket. Please keep in mind that children can also bring forward and place their prayers, notes and even art (page size or smaller) in the children’s collection box. If your student does not attend our School and you would like to receive a boxed set of envelopes, please contact Jim Martz in the Parish Office at 206.632.0843 or via email at [email protected]. CHILDCARE DURING 10 AM MASS Our program providing childcare during our 10 AM Mass was suspended about two months ago for safety considerations. Since then we have not been able to attract a sufficient number of volunteers to allow us to operate the program within Archdiocesan guidelines. Consequently, we are cancelling the program. Thank you to all those who have supported this program in the past. Contact Jim Martz in the Parish Office at either 206.632.0843 or [email protected] if you have questions regarding this matter. ANNUAL SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM TRAINING REFRESHER Volunteers who work in the School or within the Parish that have ongoing, unsupervised contact with children or vulnerable adults are required to complete Safe Environment Program training each fiscal year beginning July 1st each year. For those who have already taken the “Called to Protect for Ministries” class, training can be taken online by following these steps: Go to Click on my obligations. Enter your first name, last name and street address and click search. The page that is returned to you will indicate the class that you need to take. Click on the class and the next screen will provide you a logon-id, password and link to the class. Write down the logon-id and password. Follow the link to the class and enter the logon-id and password. Take the class. A certificate is automatically sent to the School/ Parish Contact Jim Martz in the Parish Office at 206.832.0843 or via email ([email protected]) regarding any Safe Environment questions that you have. WILLS & ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS OCTOBER 28th Two Wills and Estate Planning Seminars will be conducted in the School Auditorium on Tuesday, October 28th. The seminars will be led by representatives of the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Planned Giving Office and will include a presentation from local estate planning attorney, Henry Grenley. The first session is from 3:00 to 4:30 PM and the second is from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. An invitation from Deacon Roy to attend the seminar and a RSVP form were mailed to the homes of all parishioners on October 1. See this week’s bulletin insert for additional information and a reservation form. RSVP forms can be retuned in the offering baskets, emailed to the Parish Office at [email protected] or by calling the parish Office at 206.632.0843. RESPECT LIFE MONTH October is annually observed as Respect Life Month in Catholic Churches across our nation. Respect of Life is the acknowledgement that all human persons are made in the image of God. As stewards of everything that God has given us, we are called to respect the dignity of human life: from the moment of conception until natural death. John Paul II in his encyclical the Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) tells us that “For the Christian, it is an absolute imperative to respect, love and promote the life of every brother and sister, in accordance with the requirements of God’s bountiful love in Jesus Christ.” n. 77 Please review and reflect upon this year’s Respect Life Month statement from Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Chairman of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities. The statement can also be found at respect-life-program/2014/2014-respect-life-monthstatement.cfm WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – OCTOBER 19th On World Mission Sunday (celebrated in every parish in the world), we are called to be missionary disciples especially to those most in need of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Spiritual and material sharing enables all of us, rich or poor, to be evangelized and to serve. Within our Archdiocese, World Mission Sunday is celebrated as the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity so Christians the world over will recognize their common responsibility with regard to the evangelization of the world, benefiting the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. We combine other U.S. mandated collections with World Mission Sunday, sharing gifts on a percentage basis with: Church in Latin America, Catholic Home Missions, Central and Eastern Europe, Catholic Near East Welfare Association, Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. Additional information can be found in the bulletin insert. Please prayerfully consider how you will support this worthy cause. Page 5 October 12, 2014 stewardship CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES We welcome Belina Van who will speak to us today about CCS and the need for volunteers to serve seniors and adults with disabilities. Belina will have a table in the vestibule after all Masses to meet and further discuss how you may be able to give some time to help your neighbor. STEWARDSHIP OFFERING UPDATE A statement showing a household’s stewardship offering through September 29th was mailed out on October 1st. Those statements were included in the parish wide mailing. If you did not receive one or if you have questions please contact Jim Martz in the Parish Office, 206.632.0843 or via email [email protected]. Thank you to all for working to fulfill your pledge and making stewardship a way of life at St. Benedict Parish! Human concerns social justice NORTHWEST HARVEST SERVICE PROJECT We are planning a service project at the Northwest Harvest Warehouse in Kent on Saturday, December 20th from 1 to 3 PM. Additional information will be published in midNovember. Interested participants are encouraged to save the date. REQUEST PAPER FOR GIVING TREE ORNAMENTS The Human Concerns/Social Justice Commission is asking for the front part of any used Christmas cards you may have saved to be recycled as Ornaments on this years giving tree. If you have some and wish to donate them, please bring them to church the next two Sundays, there will be a basket in the narthex of the church. FIGHTING HUNGER IN WALLINGFORD As of September 30th, our donations to the FamilyWorks Food Bank total 1,644 pounds and $275. Since the program began in April, 2,000 we have attained a little over 82% of our 1,500 goal to donate 2,000 pounds by the end 1,000 of 2014. Thank you for your generosity 500 and for prayerfully discerning how you can help to feed the hungry in our neighborhood. WESTSIDE BABY (formerly Baby Corner) We will soon be collecting basics for children in need. Look for the drop off station soon in the Narthex. Needed items are: Diapers, Pull-Ups, lightly used infant clothing up to size 12, hygiene items and Car Seats (less than 6 years old). SCHOOL NEWS NOMINATE THE ST. BENEDICT CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2015 DISTINGUISHED GRADUATE Each year St. Benedict Catholic School identifies and honors an alumnus as a Distinguished Graduate. This award is sponsored by the National Catholic Education Association. Please consider nominating a Candidate for this recognition to be honored at Mass on Friday, January 30, 2015 at our Grandparents/Special Friends Celebration as part of the 2015 National Catholic Schools Week. Nominees should have graduated from St. Benedict Catholic School at least 10 years ago and have made notable contributions to their community and church. They should be active Catholics that through their life and achievements exemplify the devotion to faith, family and service that is instilled at St. Benedict Catholic School. Nominations for the 2015 Distinguished Graduate award are being accepted now through December 1, 2014. Nomination forms can be found on the School Bulletin Board in the vestibule of the church, on our website at or by contacting Teresa Gillett, Development Director, at [email protected] or calling the school office at 206-633-3375. ST. BENEDICT SCHOOL DONATION ENVELOPE You may have noticed a new envelope included with your monthly contribution envelopes that is white with an orange border. This envelope has been included for donations to the school. Many of you have already donated – and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity. Each dollar given to help our school helps to continue our mission and makes a difference. If you have any questions, please contact our Development Director, Teresa Gillett at: [email protected]. SCHOOL SAFETY REMINDER We are asking everyone to be more aware and safety conscious when approaching any school area by vehicle. Help keep all students safe by coming to a full stop at all stop signs and by observing and obeying crosswalk laws. Additionally, school curbs have been painted in accordance with City of Seattle DOT regulations. Deacon Roy and the School Staff continue to work to make a safe zone for our children including the presence of law enforcement. Use your best judgment when approaching this and all school zones to avoid being cited. Page 6 October 12, 2014 Faith formation FIRST SACRAMENTS First Reconciliation classes have begun and are scheduled for both parent and child at 8:45 AM on Sundays’ October 12, 26 and November 2 and 16. If you are interested, contact our Faith Formation Coordinator Renee Lindstrom at [email protected]. The First Eucharist class will begin on Sunday, January 25, 2015 and run through March 15 with Mass on April 12, 2015. Congratulations and Welcome! Welcome to Emma Watanabe Buckley, daughter of Nicholas Buckley and Yuko Watanabe, and Dylan James Mastrangelo, son of Michael and Sherri Mastrangelo, who are being Baptized today at the 10 AM Mass. May the Lord bless them! SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Classes for adults and teenagers age 16 and older begin on Sunday October 26 at 11:30 AM in the Parish Center St. Mary Room. Classes continue twice a month through March 22nd culminating in your confirmation of Baptish with the seal of Holy Chrism oil. Contact Renee Lindstrom at [email protected] for more information. BAPTISM AND RCIA Parents of children or Adults interested in becoming a Catholic are urged to contact Deacon Roy regarding Classes that will help you grow in your faith. He will skillfully guide parents, god - parents and adults interested in joining the Church. Deacon Roy can be contacted at [email protected]. What else is happening RACHEL’S CORNER HOPE AND HEALING AFTER ABORTION Often people who choose abortion as a solution to situations of very high stress find that the abortion itself becomes a part of a stress that lasts for a very long time. Many women experience that stress through depression, anger, and self-punishing behaviors. We can help. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, November 7th thru 9th. Call 800-822-4673 for more information for a journey of emotional and spiritual healing and an everlasting love! MOTHER & DAUGHTER ADVENT RETREAT Advent is a special time of preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. Journey with Mary as she prepares to give birth to the Light and Hope of the world. For Mothers and teenage daughters 13+ this retreat is scheduled for December 12th thru 14th at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at The Palisades. Information: 206-748-7991. HOLY NAMES ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 19th from Noon to 3 PM join us for campus tours. Meet teachers, students and receive cool prizes! No RSVP necessary, just come by to learn about a wonderful place for your daughter’s education. Located at 19th and Aloha in Seattle (under the dome). SATURDAY NIGHT ALIVE An opportunity for Catholic young adults from the Seattle area to come together in prayer and conversation. We meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month at Blessed Sacrament Church (5050 8th Ave. NE Seattle). The night starts off with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a Holy Hour of prayer, music and silence. Next is a social break for people to interact with other young adult Catholics, which features performance piecemusic, visual art, spoken word - that looks at God’s presence in our modern culture. We end the night in prayer and often go to a local bar or restaurant afterwards. Join us for a spiritually active evening on October 18th. CORNERSTONE CATHOLIC CONFERENCE It will be held Friday evening, Oct. 24th and all day Saturday, Oct. 25th at the Tacoma Convention Center. The event will feature talks by: Immaculee Ilibagiza (Rwandan genocide survivor) Abby Johnson (former Planned Parenthood director) Serrin Foster (President of Feminists for Life) Vicki Thorn (founder of Project Rachel) Bishop Robert McElroy (frequent contributor to Catholic media on caring for the poor) Clare Halpine (World Youth Alliance) There will also be noted speakers on human trafficking, ministry to the poor, beginning and end-of-life decisions, and cooperation within the parish. Spanish translation is available. Partial scholarships are available. To register visit: ROSE OF LIMA HOUSE The 21st Anniversary benefit celebration is to provide permanent supportive housing for former homeless women in need as they become more self -sufficient and make healthier lifestyle choices. The event is on Wednesday, October 22nd at 6 PM at The Summit located at 420 East Pike St. in Seattle, WA. Tickets can be purchased by calling 206-456-3452. ST. MATTHEWS CHURCH HOLIDAY BAZAAR Applications are now available for the St. Matthew Holiday Bazaar. If you are a crafter or make handmade items please come and join us on Saturday, November 15th for our Holiday Bazaar. Vendor Registration forms and information are available in the Parish and School offices located at 1240 NE 127th St. in Seattle or for more information: [email protected]
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