Document 323229

No. o1 /2gr/2o|z_Mines/
/ 6q
GovernmentofGoa t"'/
Directorate of Mines & Geologr,
Ground Floor;
Inst. Menezes Braganza Hall,
Dated: 2 I/OB/ZOI4
Anqj Juneja,
ITG Telematics pvt. Ltd,
Plot No. 70, put. wo.A-65,
Shrivaji Marg,
Nqjafgarh Road,
New Delhi-11001S.
Sub: Installation of Vehicle Tracking
System on Tippers/
Barges/Machinery operating f* wtirr""
i" A;;.
I am to inform you that the vehicle Tracking
$ystem (vrs) device
submitted by you is compatible with software
being used by the
Department as communicated by M/s
Megasoft Systegn.
You are hereby permitted to install the said
tippers / trucks/ barges hea"uy machinery
mining in Goa.
for the
purpose of
In case of manufacturing defect or marfunctioning
of the unit,
due to problem of the unit (it will not
cover marfunctioning
accident to vehicle, tempering with unit
etc) within I year
of the unit, yoq wil have to replace it
within a period of 4g hours.
due to
You will co-ordinate with M/s Megasoft
systep, 5-6, Sth Floor, L
&C Correia's pride, Near S. Goa Collectorate,
M4rgaq_Go a 4O36Ol,
Mobile No. 9822 t64376, regarding the
monthly charges to be paid by the
o\r/ner of the tipper/ barge/ machinery.
Yours faithfully,
Asst. Directbr of Mines & Geologr.
Copy to:
M/s. Megasoft System, Margao_Goa, for
necesqary actifrn at their end.