Bassett Medical Center Cooperstown, New York 13326 OCTOBER 20, 2014 – OCTOBER 24, 2014 EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCES FOR PHYSICIANS AND OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS + (1) designates the conference provides category 1 credit; all others provide category 2 credit. Office of Medical Education 607-547-3764 MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2014 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 0730 SURGICAL GRAND ROUNDS + (1) [60 min] Infection-Related Ventilator Associated CLARK EDUCATION AUD Complications Presented by: Dr. Gillian Lavik OBJECTIVES: The learner will be able to list and describe new CDC definitions & guidelines; diagnose “VAC” & “IVAC”; implement new guidelines for treatment of these patients. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Bassett Medical Center relies upon planners and faculty participants in its CME activities to provide educational information that is objective and free of bias. In this spirit and in accordance with the guidelines of MSSNY and the ACCME, all speakers and planners of CME activities must disclose any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests whose products, devices or services may be discussed in the content of a CME activity, that might be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest. Any discussion of investigational or unlabeled uses of a product will be identified. The planners and faculty participants do not have any financial arrangements or affiliations with any commercial entities whose products, research or services may be discussed in these materials 0700 SURGICAL THURSDAY CONFERENCE Skills Lab Sr 0800 OBSTETRICS CONFERENCE OB/GYN GRAND GROUNDS “To Be Announced” Presented by: Kristen Morano, WHNP 0800 TRAUMA CONFERENCE 1215 MEDICAL CORE CURRICULUM CONFERENCE Chronic and Endstage Renal Disease Management Presented by: Dept. of Nephrology 1600 SURG JOURNAL CLUB 0730 ORTHOPEDIC JOURNAL CLUB FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014 0800 OBSTETRICS CONFERENCE To Be Announced 0815 SURGICAL QUALITY CONFERENCE 1215 EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE CONFERENCE Presented by: Dr. Suthanya Sornprom [60 min] FIELDSTONE CONF RM [30 min] CLARK EDUCATION AUD [45 MIN] LIBRRARY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014 0800 PEDIATRIC GRAND ROUNDS (TV) CLARK EDUCATION AUD Clinical Pearls from the 2014 AAP National Conference Presented by: Dr. Linda Lukose 1200 RESEARCH INSTITUTE SEMINAR 1215 ROUNDS WITH DR. BISCHOF OR DR. HYMAN 1700 CARDIOLOGY CATH CONFERENCE CLARK EDUCATION AUD LIBRARY SCU CONF RM SURGICAL CASE PRESENTATION Basic Science Lecture Principles of Wound Healing Presented by: Dr. Thomas Huntsman 1215 MEDICAL CORE CURRICULUM CONFERENCE Hyponatremia Presented by: Dept. of Nephrology 1630 [45 min] CLARK EDUCATION AUD [45 min] LIBRARY TUMOR BOARD + (1) [60 min] CLARK EDUCATION AUD OBJECTIVE: The learner will be able to identify both standard and rare forms of cancer, their management and differentiate between surgical, chemotherapy and radiation plans. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Bassett Medical Center relies upon planners and faculty participants in its CME activities to provide educational information that is objective and free of bias. In this spirit and in accordance with the guidelines of MSSNY and the ACCME, all speakers and planners of CME activities must disclose any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests whose products, devices or services may be discussed in the content of a CME activity, that might be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest. Any discussion of investigational or unlabeled uses of a product will be identified. The planners and faculty participants do not have any financial arrangements or affiliations with any commercial entities whose products, research or services may be discussed in these materials [30 min] [60 min] FIELDSTONE CONF [45 min] LIBRARY [90 min] FIELDSTONE CONF RM 0730 MEDICAL GRAND ROUNDS + (1) (TV) [45 min] The Integration of “Rural” Ethics in Today’s CLARK EDUCATION AUD Health Care Presented by: William Nelson, PhD Associate Professor, Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, N.H OBJECTIVES: The learner will be able to describe how ethics is the foundation and framework for delivery of health care and how rural environment influences ethics issues; list common rural ethics issues; identify the organizational impact of ethics issues; describe approaches for addressing and preventing ethical issues. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Bassett Medical Center relies upon planners and faculty participants in its CME activities to provide educational information that is objective and free of bias. In this spirit and in accordance with the guidelines of MSSNY and the ACCME, all speakers and planners of CME activities must disclose any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests whose products, devices or services may be discussed in the content of a CME activity, that might be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest. Any discussion of investigational or unlabeled uses of a product will be identified. The planners and faculty participants do not have any financial arrangements or affiliations with any commercial entities whose products, research or services may be discussed in these materials 0830 RHEUMATOLOGY JOURNAL CLUB 1200 GOLD ROUNDS PGY 1 AND STUDENT CONFERENCE Presented by: Dr. Du Nguyen 1215 RADIOLOGY ROUNDS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014 0730 [60 MIN] FIELDSTONE CONF RM [60 min] MEDICAL CONF RM [60 min] FIELDSTONE CONF RM [45 MIN] RADIOLOGY CONF RM + (1) CATEGORY I CREDIT OFFERED Bassett Medical Center is accredited by the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Bassett Medical Center designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA/PRA Category 1 Credit(s).™ Physician should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity CONFERENCES LISTED AS "TO BE ANNOUNCED" HAVE NOT SUBMITTED TOPICS IN TIME TO MEET PRINTING DEADLINES. CALL THE PRESENTING DEPARTMENT OR PHYSICIAN FOR INFORMATION. NO CME CATEGORY 1 CREDIT IS AVAILABLE FOR THESE CONFERENCES. CONFERENCES MARKED (TV) ARE INTERACTIVELY TELEVISED TO BASSETT NETWORK SITES. 1. From a Bassett Phone: Dial the 8 digit meeting number (see below) 2. From a cell phone or non-Bassett phone: Dial 866-348-1938 or local # 607-547-5209. The conference code is the last 4 digits of the meeting number 3. From a Ploycom Video Conference endpoint: Enter the 8 digit number in the place call box on the home screen and press the green call button on the remote. MGR: 81995100; SGR: 81995110; PGR: 81995120; IDGR: 81995130; OBGR: 81995140 4. Live Stream From your computer go to Depending on the conference you are viewing use one of the following logins: mgr, sgr, idgr, pgr, obgr, Password for all is : Bassett1234
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