Non Profit Org US POSTAGE PAID Jefferson, OH 44047 Permit #7 Jefferson United Methodist Church 125 East Jefferson Street Jefferson, OH 44047 440-576-4561 [email protected] ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 200 Years in Ministry and Mission Help us save postage! If you’d like to receive this newsletter via e-mail, Please contact us at [email protected] LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS, SERVE THE WORLD SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 Issue 9 Volume 40 Come To Our Miracle Marketplace Craft Sale and Fair & Soup Luncheon Saturday, October 4 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Crafts, quilted items, handmade cards, homemade jams, jewelry, crocheted & knitted items, baked goods and much, much more!!! Soup Luncheon And come enjoy a delicious Soup & Roll, Pies – ALL HOMEMADE – ALL DELICIOUS !!! Just $5 Carryouts available, too. This is the first event in CHANGE THE WORLD Living and Giving Like Jesus Look inside for more information about this exciting way of looking at Christmas!! Dear Church family, I’m grateful for the summer we’ve had. October, 2014 In June a wonderful team of servants hosted VBS for close to 50 children. In July, 19 adults and youth served on our CHRISTO mission trip to West Virginia. Four of our Church children spent a wonderful week learning about Jesus at one of our two East Ohio Conference Camps. In August, Seats & Feet collected 329 pairs of socks and underwear for Spiderweb. Organ pipes were removed from the pipe chamber for refurbishing, new ranks will be added, and a renovated pipe chamber was completed. Wesley Hall received a new roof. Both the organ pipe and roof project have been fully funded! Throughout the summer many of you practiced the spiritual discipline of public worship as we gathered each Sunday to sing our faith, pray from our faith, and to grow in our faith as we journeyed through God’s 10 Commandments. Meredith One issue of concern as we leave the summer behind is our participation in our United Methodist Shared Ministries. These are also called apportionments. Because of your intentional and generous giving we entered the summer with 100% of our YTD Shared Ministries supported. We expected to fall behind over the summer due to the typical summer slump in attendance and giving. Our hope was to bounce back in September. This has not happen. As of September 1 st we were just over $6,000 behind in our Shared Ministry. Here’s what we can do: If your giving is based upon a pledge, check to see if you are up-to-date If you are…thank you If not…can you catch up? Thank you Peace, Pastor Dan Pastor Dan Beatings, Beheadings, and Jesus September brought an onslaught of stories and videos showing boyfriends, husbands, and parents beating or accused of beating their girlfriends, wives, and children. We were also offered a selection of beheading videos as broken and depraved people murdered reporters and aid workers as an example of their Islamic devotion and determination. Let me say something as clearly as possible. It is never okay, justified, right, or righteous to beat or behead anyone…especially in the name of God. You cannot use scripture to rationalize such behavior. The salvation that Jesus brings, brings the reign of God into and over my life. Theologian Stanley Hauerwas puts it well; Salvation is the reign of God. It is a political alternative to the way the world is constituted. By political Hauerwas means far more than political parties and political systems. Political comes from the Greek word polis which means citizenship or the systems and relationships that order our identity and allegiances and thus how we live our lives. I am a follower of Jesus. My citizenship is in the Kingdom of God i.e. the reign of God. It is this citizenship that shapes and guides my response to anger, insults, enemies, and all of life. Nowhere in this Kingdom is there room for beatings and beheading. Now, before you jump out of your chair and call for the execution of beaters and beheaders, chew on this quote from Miroslave Volf, a follower of Jesus who lived through the hell of the Balkan wars: Forgiveness flounders because I exclude the enemy from the community of humans and myself from the community of sinners. -Peace, Pastor Dan A DIFFERENT KIND OF CHRISTMAS: LIVING AND GIVING LIKE JESUS!! We’ve planned two special events as part of our Change the World offering. All of the proceeds from these events will be given to four special missions* (see below). We want to keep in mind that Christmas is JESUS’ birthday (not our own), and we can best honor His birthday by reaching out to others in real need. Our Miracle Marketplace Craft Sale & Soup Luncheon Ready To Go! Saturday, October 4 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We’re still looking for any kind of craft, home canned goods, fresh homegrown produce, pots of soup or homemade pies to make this successful. If you can help call the office. Any craft donations can be dropped off at the church office anytime from now till our deadline of Friday, October 3. Please feel free to price them, too! Baked goods can be dropped off Friday, October 3 or even that morning. FLIERS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE FRONT AND BACK OF THE CHURCH – PLEASE TAKE SOME TO GIVE TO YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS – WE HOPE TO MAKE THIS A BIG EVENT!!! Change The World Silent Auction is Just Around the Corner!! Friday, November 7 at 7 p.m. Tickets are just $5 We’re asking for gift baskets or other quality items that will be auctioned off. Do you have a skill, such as doing oil changes, snow removal, house cleaning, rototilling a garden next spring, cooking for a dinner party, or other service that you could offer for auction ?? Let your imagination run, and see what you come up with!! At the auction we’ll have heavy hors d’oeuvres and desserts served, as people bid on items. Maybe you could help with that! We’d love to have lots of involvement! Check out Sunday’s Church Life Servant Sheet to see how you can plug in!! Tickets will be available September 29. We’d like to remind everyone that we still plan to wholeheartedly support our Living Gift Market for Heifer Project, November and Project HALO, our county-wide assistance program for children and families in need at Christmas. We have faith in the generosity of our church family. We’re being challenged to, yes, step out of our comfort zone, and turn our attention more towards Jesus. A smaller, more simple Christmas for our families and friends means more for others who are truly in need. * Miracle Christmas offering recipients will be Spiderweb, which offers a free clothes closet and free tutoring for elementary schoolers, Student athletes at the University of Pittsburgh (through CCO, Coalition for Christian Outreach, the organization Kelly Cooke works with for students at the University of Pittsburgh), children in Liberia (through Orphan Relief and Rescue, the organization Matthew Cramer works with) and H2O, our County’s repair ministry. DATES, TIMES, OPPORTUNITIES WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY is October 5, 2014 Around the globe, countless gifted and qualified people face financial obstacles that hinder them from preparing for the vocation God has given them, especially youth and young adults. For ethnic students who will be the first generation in their families to attend college, or for those people of color who haven’t historically had access to resources that make higher education possible, the road toward education has often been unwieldy. Will You Equip World-Changers? Will you give generously on World Communion Sunday to make education and vocational impact possible for more students, like Mary Grace? Will you equip gifted and qualified students from around the globe to become the world-changers God created them to be? Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” And because the People of the United Methodist Church believe that all of God’s children have been created and gifted to build the kingdom Jesus ushered in, we’re resourcing them to do just that. Because of your giving on World Communion Sunday, the most powerful tool to change the world is in more hands. COME ENJOY A MEAL AT OUR SECOND SUNDAY LUNCHEON! October 12 at 12:15 in Wesley Hall EVERYONE in our church family is invited to enjoy a potluck luncheon right after ENCOUNTER and SPARK. Just bring a dish to pass – Martha Lamson will be cooking up meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and even apple cider – so bring a side dish or dessert to go with it! Table service and drinks will also be provided. This is a chance to sit down, visit and enjoy a meal together!! JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CANTATA CHOIR! Ruth Rea will be directing a Christmas Cantata to be performed this year on Sunday morning, December 21. The Chancel Choir will be participating, but they WELCOME others who might like to join them just for this special season. Rehearsals will be Wednesday nights from 8 to 8:30 p.m. Check in the Sunday bulletin for the beginning date. YOU CAN STILL SIGN UP FOR ADVENTURE CLUB! Our beautiful after-school ministry for kids in Kindergarten through Grade 6 is off to a fantastic start! There is a lot of laughing, learning, singing, snacking and friendship-building each Wednesday from 3:40 to 5:15 right here at our church. Get a registration & Activity Participation form from the back of the sanctuary or outside the church office. These forms must be filled out before your child can participate. ACOLYTE TRAINING If you're in third, fourth, fifth or sixth grade and would like to be an acolyte, come to our acolyte training Sunday, October 12, during Sunday School time at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. We will help you learn everything you need to know about being an acolyte. (If you've already been at a training session other years, you don't have to come to this one.) Following the training session, we will put together a schedule for the 2014 -15 year which will be sent to all participants. PROJECT HALO 2014 IS RAMPING UP HALO is our county-wide assistance program for children and families in need at Christmas. It is administered by Catholic Charities. Jack and Mary Howe are Jefferson Coordinators. The first step is to take applications of families who would like to be adopted this Christmas. If you’d like to volunteer on a Monday, or Friday morning from 9-11 a.m. October 1 through November 28 OR Wednesdays, October 1 & November 5 from 5-7 p.m. If you’d like to help take Thank you for being a blessing to others. FROM OUR PEACE WITH JUSTICE PERSON -Mary Howe Here is an excerpt from Daily Sojourner, a Christian resource. Happy is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in [God's] ways. You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall go well with you. - Psalm 128:1-2 "Every day there are people in our world that do absolutely amazing things. People of all ages are very capable of doing tremendous, courageous things in spite of their fear."-Mairead Corrigan Steadfast God, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is why you continue to entrust the work of your kingdom into our clumsy hands. But we are forever grateful that you do not want to change the world without us. May we become the church you dream of. Amen. - From Common Prayer PALESTINE: THE OTHER STORY A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE Sunday, October 19 at 6:30 p.m. In the Angel’s Wing Rev. Suzanne Hill, retired United Methodist Pastor, has spent time in the Middle East and will be on hand to share some perhaps different perspectives on the situation there. Here is a brief description from Rev. Suzanne -“I have always been proud that I was born in the same year as the State of Israel was born, 1948. As a 12 year old I read the heart wrenching book, "The Diary of Anne Frank." and the next year I read "Exodus," Leon Uris's hugely influential mega-bestseller. Like many Americans, I grew up with one part of the history, as told through the heroic birth of Israel out of the Holocaust. I knew of Israel as a safe haven for the Jews, but I knew nothing of the Palestinians who fled or were driven out of what is now Israel. It was not until our son, Roger, spent 6 weeks in Gaza in 2010 teaching documentary filmmaking to children, that I began to realize that there is another side of the story. In my program, "Hard Times for Palestine," I hope to deepen our understanding and compassion for the Palestinians. And I will also share ways that we can actively be supportive of the Palestinian Christians who are working for holy justice and peace. STOP & HAVE COFFEE, FRUIT AND DONUTS (and other good things) Sunday mornings at 9:30 in Wesley Hall (the gym) In between our Sunday services we serve coffee, tea, juice, fruit and donuts. All proceeds benefit a scholarship fund for our high school grads. It’s a great time to meet others and enjoy a quick breakfast!! If you could take a turn serving on a Sunday morning, please sign up on Sunday’s Church Life Volunteer. You’d help out from 9:15 –10:15 a.m. once every other month or so. THANKS!!! COME TO MORNING PRAYER Wednesdays 9 – 9:30 a.m. Why? Prayer is the life breath of all ministry and life. Somehow through prayer we engage with God and God with us and the church. Through prayer we acknowledge that life and ministry is not solely about what we do and how well we do it. Life and ministry need God’s presence, the Holy Spirit, woven into them in a life-giving, life-empowering, life-transforming manner. Who? Anyone who wants to grow in their practice of prayer is welcome to be part of Morning Prayer. You do not have to be a veteran of prayer. In fact, Morning Prayer will be a helpful opportunity for those who find prayer awkward. How? We will use a tool, Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals. This helpful and accessible tool uses a form of prayer that is centuries old. Together we will share in a responsive call to worship and Psalter reading. We will hear and quietly reflect on designated readings from the Old and New Testaments. These will be followed by prayers for people and needs lifted on the previous Sunday. Morning Prayer concludes with the Lord’s Prayer and responsive Sending Forth (Benediction). Copies of Common Prayer will be made available to each participant. FINANCIAL UPDATE All bills are paid, with the exception of the Mission Apportionments which is $6027.92 (about a month and a half behind). Offerings fell short this month -- we are around $7,000 behind our target. Hoping September with five Mondays will help, as well as the idea that summer vacations are done and will draw folks back. We did receive a foundation grant for the balance of the Organ Fund and $11,000 to pay off the short term loan we had for the Wesley Hall roof. So our debt was reduced by $25,000 this month. Current debt load stands at $140,000, which is the balance on our educational wing. The Finance Committee is confident that we can get back on track. If you have any questions/concerns about our Shared Ministry commitment, please contact me at the church office 576-4561 or [email protected] STRONG WOMEN RESUME CLASSES Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5 p.m. in Angel’s Wing This is a fitness class for women who want to maintain strong bones. It is a weights workout, some sitting, some standing. You can start with very light weights and work up to heavier weights as you grow stronger! If you’d like more information, call Linda Springer at 294-2831. We donate $1 to the church for use of the building. THANK YOUS Jefferson UM Church members, Thank you for the outpouring of socks and underwear. You collected a total of 329 pairs. We’ll be giving 3 pairs to each person, so we’ll help 109 people. God will surely pour down his blessings as you have poured out yours! As always, thank you! Spiderweb Executive Director Sherry Cullers Pastor Dan Bilkert and the congregation of the Jefferson United Methodist Church, I want to thank all who have prayed for me and those who have sent cards of encouragement. it is comforting to know there is a loving church remembering me with prayers. Ardith DeBow Dear JUMC, I wish to thank you for the many sympathy cards you sent me when my sister, Joyce Sasala, passed away. She will be missed, but she is at peace. Sue Murphy COME HELP AT THE SPIDERWEB CLOTHES CLOSET Director Sherry Cullers is looking for a few good people who would be willing to help sort clothing for Spiderweb’s free community clothing closet. A few hours here and there would really help her out, especially as she puts away summer clothes and gets out cold weather clothing. Sign up on today’s Church Life Servant Sheet if you can help. MANNA PANTRY LOOKS FOR SUPPORT Hello to all the churches. Manna Food Pantry continues to need tuna. Our stocks of tuna are very low. We also need Boxed potatoes, tea bags, shampoo, and baking mixes. Please, keep up the good work. The Jefferson Church community March responds well Jerry to these requests and helps fill in the gaps at the pantry. Lorna Westlake Director, Manna Food Pantry FAITH IN ACTION CAREGIVERS IS LOOKING for Director. Part time position, 30 hours /week , $11/hour. Send resume to Faith in Action Caregivers, PO Box 1623, Ashtabula, Ohio 44005. 440-964-5506, or John King 997-6014 [email protected] First Annual Oktoberfest Saturday, October 11, 2014. 11:00-3:00 during the Covered Bridge Festival! Enjoy bratwursts, sauerkraut, strudel and root beer on the front lawn of First Congregational United Church of Christ (41 East Jefferson Street) Come to the Monk’s Meal 4th Tuesday of each month At St. Joseph’s Catholic Church 32 E. Jefferson Street 4:30 – 6 p.m. Doors open at 4 p.m. Takeout meals available at 5:30. No charge, but donations are accepted SHARING THE MINISTRY IN OCTOBER 2014 8:30 Service 11:00 Service Acolyte Oct. 5 12 19 26 Nick Litwiler Melissa Norton Kiden Housel Aidan O’Neill Thomas Miller Tyler Buemi October 1 2 Tech Oct. 5 12 19 26 Cody & Will Ulrich Cody Ulrich, Dan Claypool Will Ulrich & Tom Avsec Cody Ulrich, Dan Claypool Oct. 5 12 19 26 Greeter Hospitality (8:30) Charles & Betty Jacques, Betty Johns, Bob Lachey Herb Housel, Doreen Cole, Annette Sheldon & Dylan Sheldon Sue Murphy & Marilyn Woodworth, Barb Johns, Leeanne Fasuk & McKeznie Cheryl & Lee DeyErmand, Martha Demshar, Marcia Kepiro Greeter Hospitality (11:00) -- Vicki Wright Oct. 5 12 19 26 Oct. 5 12 19 26 Liturgists Greg Housel Ron Ensell Tom Avsec Hannah Gage Café Hospitality Jodi Bishop Dennis Hoffman Barry Humes & Annette Paul Mary Howe Oct. 3 10 17 24 Friday Afternoon Helpers Carol DeBow Leeanne Fasuk Madge Lehnert Norma Barton Communion Stewards (8:30) Ron Ensell (11:00) Kathy Housel Ushers (8:30) Herb Housel, Mike Fenton (11:00) Lee DeyErmand, John Rodgers Here's a list of folks with birthdays in October. (If you'd like your birthday listed, just call the church office.) Caleb Frank, Rob Ebersole Kevin Burke Buzz Sly, Noah Manweiler Neil Coleman, Noah Manweiler Nursery (11:00) Jeff Corbett Joyce Zigmont June Cooper Spark Gigi Bilkert Michael Brail Katy Profeta Nita Mountjoy Vicki Furman Barbara Brook Nancy Williams 3 Julie Smith 6 Bob Cornell Lee DeyErmand, Jr. 7 Audrey Fox Kim Stevenson 9 Hannah Gage 10 David Amsdell 11 Geraldine Jerome Debra Bumgarner 12 Rita Zack Bruce Chapman 15 Jim Donathan Angela Brail Madeline Litwiler 16 Pam Searcy Donovan Leininger Grace Jerome 18 Larry Vlock Candace Brooks Millie Stutzman 20 Dan Bilkert 21 Gerald Berrier Cooper Krieg 23 Brian DeyErmand Ron Cramer Jarrett Buell 26 Madge Lehnert Mike Stevenson Tom Poremba Bethany Brail 27 Jeff Corbett 28 Katie Stevenson THIS MONTH’S EVENTS Sundays Sundays Sundays Sundays Sundays Tuesdays & Thursdays Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays Saturdays Saturday, Oct. 4 Saturday, Oct. 4 Monday, October 6 Tuesday, Oct. 7 & 21 Wed., Oct. 8 Thurs., Oct. 9 Tues., Oct. 14 Thurs., Oct. 16 Sat., Oct. 18 Sun., Oct. 19 8:30 a.m. Worship Sanctuary 9:50 a.m. Sunday School Various locations 9:50 a.m. Adult Classes Various locations 11:00 a.m. Encounter Worship Sanctuary 11:20 a.m. SPARK! for children Angel’s Wing 5:00 p.m. Strong Women Angel’s Wing 3:35 p.m. Adventure Club right here! 6:30 p.m. INFUSE Youth Group Youth Room 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Sanctuary 7:15 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Mugs Restaurant 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. MIRACLE MARKETPLACE CRAFT SALE & SOUP LUNCHEON 1-4 p.m. REAL8 kids go to a corn maze. Meet at the church at 1 p.m. noon – 6 p.m. Red Cross Bloodmobile Wesley Hall 4 – 6 p.m. Christian Café Wesley Hall 6:30 p.m. Evening Book Circle Trinity Presbyterian Church 10:30 a.m. Salvation Army Board St. Paul’s Lutheran Church NOON Table Talk Angels’ Wing 7:00 p.m. Memory Loss Support Group Angels’ Wing 5-7 p.m. Infuse Teens Fall Festival meet at the church – travel to Gages’ home 6:30 p.m. Palestine & Israel – a Different Viewpoint Angel’s Wing Mon., Oct. 20 Tues, Oct. 15 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS Change the World Team Trustees Angel’s Wing Parlor ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL UPDATE The Administrative Council met in September with just a few items to discuss. Susan Avsec reported that the Staff-Parish Relations Committee has completed preparations for their annual consultation with the District Superintendent and the SPRC portion f the Church’s 2015 budget and submitted it to the Finance Committee. The Missions Committee reported on the success of the August Seats & Feet program to provide socks & underwear for Spiderweb clients. The Change the World Christmas events are in full swing. We’ll be supporting CCO (Kelly Cooke), Orphan Relief and Rescue (Matthew Cramer), Spiderweb and another local mission need with our Change the World proceeds. The Joy in Mission team is planning another work camp week for next spring. The Missions 2015 budget request was also submitted to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee presented the proposed 2015 budget. The total amount is $364,260, compared to $345,031 in 2014. The large increase is because the Missions Committee has included monies they expect to raise through the Fourth Sunday Loose Change collection, monies raised by the Christo and Joy in Missions teams, the Advance Special offerings we do (such as One Great Hour of Sharing, etc.) and the Change the World events. The amounts that were added reflect the average amount raised for the last few years. The payout on these line items will not exceed the monies raised. They total $19,100. When this figure is subtracted from the budget total of $364,260, the 2015 budget amount is actually $345,160, right in line with our 2014 budget. This is just a different way of accounting for the monies we devote to missions. By having them included in our budget, there is a more accurate picture of the mission work we engage in. . The Prayer Closet “Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, Just as in fact you are doing.” From Paul I Thessalonians 5:11 From our church family: Callie Fuentes Don & Joy Sirrine John Parker Glenda Graham Alvina Cramer Regina Glover Ardith DeBow John Buzzard Maggie Smith Grace Jerome Barbara Hillyer Chris Litwiler Lori Ford Linda Springer Callie Fuentes Oleta Swaney Friends and family: Virginia Gamble (lifted by Heather Whetsell) David Smith (Judy Kampf’s nephew) Gene Giddings (Judy Kampf’s brother-in-law) Floyd & Juanita Cross (lifted by Carolyn Behr-Jerome) Bill McLaughlin (lifted by David & Deanna Blough) Samuel Landerholm (lifted by Pastor Dan) Pat Budd (lifted by Sandy Medic) Mike (lifted by Will Applebee) Kenny Pishner (Pauline Pishner’s son) Celeste (lifted by Deanna Blough) Ron & Sue Franklin (lifted by Deanna Blough) Tony Miller (lifted by Heather Whetsell) Virginia Gamble (lifted by Heather Whetsell) Ella Mae Herman (lifted by Heather Whetsell) Sue Nemeth (lifted by Joe & Dee Miller and Lisa Haggar) Ron Whetsell, Heather Whetsell’s uncle Bill Hancock (lifted by Heather Whetsell) Tim Strong, Sr. (lifted by Charles & Betty Jacques) David Smith (Judy Kampf’s nephew) Gene Giddings (Judy Kampf’s brother-in-law) Ryan – lifted by Judi Huggins. Louise Hickock (lifted by Ruth Rea) Angie, Robin Sly’s niece The Ebola crisis in Africa Those in mourning: The family of Christopher Nafsgier following his death (lifted by Fred Ebersole, Sr.) The family of David Estill following his death (Lauri Allen’s brother-in-law) The family of Paul Moisio following his death (lifted by David & Deanna Blough) The family of Marla Honabarger following her death (lifted by Tim & Sue Mizer) The family of Tim Strong, Sr., following his death (lifted by Charles & Betty Jacques) The family of Joyce Sasala, following her death (Edna Williams and Sue Murphy’s sister) REMEMBER OUR SHUTINS Vera Brenneman and Ruby Hruska-Williams reside at Jefferson Healthcare Center, 222 E. Beech St., Jefferson, OH 44047 Ph: 576-0060. Robert Janson resides at the Ashtabula County Nursing Home. Kingsville, OH 44048. Ph: 1-224-2161. Eleanor Ferguson resides at Country Club Estates, 925 E. 26th Street, Ashtabula, OH 44004 Thelma Hoffman and Mary Russell (536-3018) reside at Saybrook Landing, 2300 Center Rd., Ashtabula, OH 44004 PRAYER CHAIN RECEIVES WEEKLY PRAYER REQUESTS Each Monday those on our e-mail prayer chain l receive a list of those we’ve specifically prayed for on Sunday, along with a brief notation about the person’s particular situation, if appropriate. If you’d like to join in this ministry of prayer, please sign up on today’s Church Life Servant Sheet. CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE TWO BEAUTIFUL FAMILIES! Micah Philip Burns was born Sunday, August 17. He weighed 9 lbs., 1 oz. and was 22 inches long. Proud parents are Wesley & Heather Burns; grandparents are Phil & Mary Spencer and Cathy and the late Barry Burns. Great grandma is Esther Blevins. Micah will join his sisters, Eli and Paige at home. Piper Catherine Waller was born August 27. She weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz., and was 18 ½ inches long. She is the daughter of Josh and Samantha Waller and granddaughter of Terry and Julie Smith and George and Tracy Waller. Piper will join her brother, Tryden,at home.
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