THE HERALD United Church of Christ Second Congregational of Westfield Sunday, Oct. 26: The Art of Love – Relationships Are Matters of the Heart · Stewardship question: Who has made a difference in your spiritual life? · Children’s Message – Rev. Kim · Christian Education’s famous, All Ages “Halloween Happening” at 4 PM Sunday, Nov. 2: · · · · October (and a skosh of November) Calendar of Events Sunday, Oct. 5: World Communion Sunday · We celebrate our commonalities in Christian Worship Sunday, Nov. 9: Stewardship Sunday · Declarations of Your Heart – Extravagant Generosity is an Expression of Your Heart · Children’s Message – Jen Thielen · Veteran’s Day on Tuesday; the Office will be closed Sunday, Nov. 16: “Regular” worship and/or Stewardship follow-up Sunday, Oct. 12 · · · Guest Preacher: Bert Marshall from CWS Mission focused/Mission forward: Church World Service and Neighbors in Need Sunday! Children’s Message – Rev. Kim Columbus Day weekend Bucket Lists – Vision & Hope are Inspirations of the Heart Holy Communion Stewardship question: What is your vision and hope for our church? Daylight Savings ends Sunday, October 19: · · Stewardship Sundays begin: Sunday #1 – EKG – Ministry flows from the Heart Stewardship question: where have we seen Jesus at work? Children’s Message – Jen Thielen Sunday, Nov. 23 at 10 AM: The Greater Westfield Community Thanksgiving Worship Service To Be Held AT SECOND CHURCH! · Participating clergy: Elva Pawle, First Church; Nancy Webb Stroud, ECOT; Rev. Bruce Arbour, United Methodist Church of Westfield, Rev. Kim · Guest Preacher: Laura Everett, Massachusetts Council of Churches Volume 46 • Number 8 • October 2014 -2- Cabinet Meeting Notes: September 9, 2014 Report submitted by Irene Eberwein, Secretary Pastor’s Report: The memorandum of understanding (MOU) signing with Ed Mello and his MRC group is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, September 28, during worship. The Open House at the Interfaith Center at WSU has been canceled. Reverend Kim made 22 visitations and numerous phone calls, emails, and text check-ins during the months of June, July, and August. Christian Education and Youth: Jen Thielen is the new Director of Christian Education and Youth. Upcoming event: Halloween Happening at 4:00 pm on October 26. Deacons: Deacons will be asking the finance committee to move money into their budget to cover coffee hour expenses. There will be a jewelry fundraiser sometime in November. Deacons continue to discuss ideas for upcoming services. Finance: The survey committee will compile the survey data and will present the results to the congregation sometime in October. Two scholarships have been sent to the recipients. The budget-ofneed is completed and will be presented to the congregation Sunday, September 14. Missions: The CROP walk and Neighbors in Need (NIN) collection are scheduled for Sunday, October 19. Burt Marshall of Church World Services will speak to the congregation on October 12. Music: The summer music program went very well and was cost effective. The choir is back and rehearsals have begun. Property: The light outside the church building facing the West parking lot has been replaced. New thermostats have been installed in the Sanctuary and the Founders’ Room. The thermostat in the kitchen was not replaced, as the current system appears to keep the kitchen appropriately heated Stewardship: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 16 at 10:00 am. Safe Church: The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 12. Ken Magarian will meet with the cabinet at their next meeting in October. He is proposing a day care center here at Second Church with an opening start date in January 2015. Parking Update: Both the East lot and the West lot are full. The cabinet voted unanimously to add three extra slots for student parking in the West lot. There have been minimal problems with illegal parking this semester. Signage has been very helpful. All-Church Meeting: Proposed amendments to the Bylaws to be presented at the meeting include: 1) Replace “Director of Christian Education” job title with “Director of Children and Family Ministries.” 2) Authorize committee on Finance to transfer funds within line items under specified conditions. Next Meeting: The next cabinet meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm. HOLD THE DATE We have another delicious fundraiser coming up in October, this time at the Westfield’s Applebee’s restaurant! On Tuesday, October 21, 2014, from 4:00 to 9:00 PM, we will be participating in Applebee’s “Dine to Donate” fundraiser! Second Church will receive 15% of the total sales (excluding tax and tip). However, you must use a flyer so that the server will know to credit Second Church. The flyers will be printed out in October and will be available in the Church Office! Invite your friends! Make a date of it! Celebrate! -4- NEIGHBORS IN NEED (NIN) One of the things that marks us as Christians, as active members of UCC Second Congregational Church, is our concern for others and the actions we take to express that concern. Throughout the United Church of Christ in October we contribute to the collection “Neighbors in Need” to support justice and compassion ministries throughout the United States. Many such programs address hunger and poverty; and fully one third of the grants support the work of the UCC’s Council for American Indian Ministries. Funding includes Justice and Witness Ministries that has mission projects right here in Massachusetts. Outlined below are a small sampling of the diverse programs that our dollars support. Mano en Mano/Hand in Hand is an agency in Downeast Maine for Latino, immigrant, and farmworker issues, including educational services, outreach events, and affordable housing. Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement empowers and unites people of all ethnic backgrounds to identify local problems and needs, take action to address them, and to bring about social, economic, and environmental justice. Our contributions to NIN support dozens upon dozens of such programs around our country. We are literally helping our neighbors who have such great needs, helping the groups who are trying to help themselves and others. Please be generous with your financial support to this Neighbors in Need collection on Sunday, October 19th. The effect of your dollars will be multiplied many times over by the efforts of those fellow members of the United Church of Christ implementing these programs and helping us to serve others. Your Missions Committee San Francisco Night Ministry provides middle-of-the-night Christian pastoral care, counseling, referral, and crisis intervention to anyone in distress. 3 “Indykids” is a progressive news publication for young people, educating them about racism, social justice, and human rights. Erase the Hate is a Toledo Area Ministries collaborative campaign promoting peace, harmony, and mutual respect among all people. Kathy Martin Eunice Pomeroy (88) 4 Richard Zyra 6 Janet Walts 7 Susan Liberty 10 Carrie Schieppe 13 Leiann Messer New York’s Poverty Initiative is a program raising up religious and community leaders committed to ending poverty. -6- YOUTH GROUP NEWS Youth Group has reunited! Met, feasted, fellowshipped, fell down, and laughed at our annual Rookie Cookout. We welcome four new attendees to Youth Group: Zachariah Gravel-Blaney, Ashley Neveu, Samantha Santos, and Kaitlyn Jay. We have grown by 30% this year!! We also watched “Heaven is For Real” and enjoyed pizza and discussion. Our next Youth Group meeting is on October 12 from 5:307:00 at the church. We will also be participating in the CROP Walk on October 19th. The Youth Group is encouraged to attend the Halloween Happening on October 26 at 4:00. FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS: THE NEED CONTINUES! The Food Pantry needs: canned soup, canned vegetables, rice, pasta, cereal (both dry and hot), and peanut butter. Thank you for your continued generosity. OUR BIBLE STUDY BOOK FOR THIS FALL — JESUS IS THE QUESTION: A BOOK DESIGNED TO HELP THE READER LIVE THE QUESTIONS JESUS ASKS. Contrary to some common assumptions, Jesus is not the ultimate Answer Man, but more like the Great Questioner. In the Gospels Jesus asks many more questions than he answers. To be precise, Jesus asks 307 questions. He is asked 183 questions, of which he only answers three. Asking questions was central to Jesus’ life and teachings. In fact, for every question he answers directly he asks — literally — a hundred. Jesus is the Question considers the questions Jesus asks — what they tell us about Jesus and, more importantly, what our responses might say about what it means to follow Him. Through Jesus’ questions he modeled the struggle, the wondering, the thinking-itthrough that helps us draw closer to God and better understand, not just the answer, but ourselves, our process and ultimately why questions are among Jesus’ most profound gifts for a life of faith. IN THE MAIL My heartfelt thanks to all who sent prayers, cards, books, puzzle books, flowers and stuffed animals to me during my hospitalization and rehab. They were greatly appreciated. Your thoughtfulness helped me get through some scary times. Liz Caron -8- FROM THE DESK OF THE DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY MINISTRIES As most of you know, I was recently selected to become your Director of Children and Family Ministries. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly grateful at the opportunity you have given me. Thank you for believing in me. I have grown up in this church, and I look forward to helping our church children and families grow too. It's been said that we bloom where we are planted, and I intend on offering an enriched, nurtured, and cultivated environment for us to grow in. I'm confident in your selection in me, as I've had an amazing role model to look up to in this position for so long. I also know how supportive she will be during this transition from me getting my feet wet into full-blown swimming. Beth's style of direction and love of her job are an inspiration to me. I hope to carry her insight and enthusiasm into this next chapter with the church. Our church school is in full swing. Please check out our new look and see what all the "bounce" is about. SAVE THE DATE: we are working on our Halloween Happening for October 26. It promises to be as scary, funny and exciting as hiring me for this position! LIVING AFTER LOSS A six week Grief Support Group offering information on the grief process, discussion around practical strategies for coping and an opportunity to share your own challenges and receive support in your grief process. Location: Genesis Spiritual Life Center 53 Mill Street Westfield MA 01085 Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM Dates: October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th November 5th Facilitators: Jill Adams. MSW, LICSW Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker MaryAnn Rode, BA, MS The program is open to the public and free of cost. Registration is required as space is limited. Refreshments will be served. Please contact Jill Adams at 413-562-3133 to register for the program or for more information. Sponsored by Firtion-Adams Funeral Service Grief Support Center. -10- 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID WESTFIELD, MA PERMIT 135 DATE READERS COFFEE HOUR Alysha Byers Cathy and Mike Jackie DeCoteau Roeder Alysha Byers Sue Emery Jackie DeCoteau Alysha Byers Rich and Sue Jackie DeCoteau Foley Alysha Byers George and Janet Jackie DeCoteau Janke NURSERY TEACHER & HELPER SUNDAY VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE ACOLYTES Gravel-Blaney Jackie DeCoteau family Patrick Jay Howard and Irene Jolie Walts Jay Walts family Eberwein Liz Dion Emily Schieppe Mary Kronholm Schieppe family Marilyn Potter Mike and Lisa Leclair/Thielen Hadleigh Leclair Neveu family Jerry Byers Betty Sikes GREETERS The United Church of Christ Second Congregational P.O. Box 814 487 Western Avenue Westfield, MA 01086 Date mailed __________ The objective of the Herald is to be a communication and evangelism tool for our membership, the community, and Christ. Church Staff & Hours: Rev. Kimberly Murphy: Pastor Tues. - Fri., 9:30-11:30 or by appointment Admin. Asst.: Elisabeth (Liz) Caron: 568-7557 Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Fri., 9:00-12:00 Office Closed Monday Director: of Children and Family Ministries: Jennifer Thielen Music Director: Karen Ducharme Sextons: LaRee and Joe Collingwood Church Email: [email protected] Web Site:
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