The Periodic Table Regents Unit Review Name: Date:

The Periodic Table Regents Unit Review
Part I:
1. Which of these elements has physical and chemical properties most similar to silicon (Si)?
(1) germanium (Ge)
(2) lead (Pb) (3) phosphorus (P) (4) chlorine (Cl)
2. Which list of elements contains two metalloids?
(1) Si, Ge, Po, Pb (2) As, Bi, Br, Kr (3) Si, P, S, Cl (4) Po, Sb, I, Xe
3. Which element is a solid at STP?
(1) H2 (3) N2 (2) I2 (4) O2
4. In which group of the Periodic Table do most of the elements exhibit both positive and negative oxidation
(1) 17 (3) 12 (2) 2 (4) 7
5. The elements in the Periodic Table are arranged in order of increasing
(1) atomic number (2) atomic radius (3) mass number (4) neutron number
6. The element in Period 4 and Group 1 of the Periodic Table would be classified as a
(1) metal (3) nonmetal (2) metalloid (4) noble gas
7. Which of these elements is the best conductor of electricity?
(1) S (2) N (3) Br (4) Ni
8. On the present Periodic Table of the Elements, the elements are arranged according to increasing
(1) number of oxidation states (2) number of neutrons (3) atomic mass (4) atomic number
9. What is a property of most metals?
(1) They tend to gain electrons easily when bonding. (2) They tend to lose electrons easily when bonding.
(3) They are poor conductors of heat.
(4) They are poor conductors of electricity.
10. Which pair of symbols represents a metalloid and a noble gas?
(1) Si and Bi (2) As and Ar (3) Ge and Te (4) Ne and Xe
11. Element X is a solid that is brittle, lacks luster, and has six valence electrons. In which group on the Periodic
Table would element X be found?
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 15
(4) 16
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12. What determines the order of placement of the elements on the modern Periodic Table?
(1) atomic number
(3) the number of neutrons, only
(2) atomic mass
(4) the number of neutrons and protons
13. Germanium is classified as a
(1) metal (2) metalloid (3) nonmetal (4) noble gas
14. The elements in Period 5 on the Periodic Table are arranged from left to right in order of
(1) decreasing atomic mass
(3) increasing atomic mass
(2) decreasing atomic number
(4) increasing atomic number
15. Which list of elements contains a metal, a metalloid, and a nonmetal?
(1) Zn, Ga, Ge
(2) Si, Ge, Sn
(3) Cd, Sb, I
(4) F, Cl, Br
16. The element in Group 14, Period 3 on the Periodic Table is classified as a
(1) metal
(2) noble gas
(3) metalloid
(4) nonmetal
17. Elements Q, X, and Z are in the same group on the Periodic Table and are listed in order of increasing
atomic number. The melting point of element Q is –219°C and the melting point of element Z is –7°C. Which
temperature is closest to the melting point of element X?
(1) –7°C
(2) –101°C
(3) –219°C
(4) –226°C
Base your answers to questions 18 through 20 on the data in Reference Table S.
18. Record the boiling points for He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe.
19. On the grid below, plot the boiling point versus the atomic number for He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe. Circle and
connect the points.
20. Based on your graph, describe the trend in the boiling points of these elements as the atomic number
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Part II:
1. Which element is classified as a noble gas at STP?
(1) hydrogen
(2) oxygen
(3) neon
(4) nitrogen
2. Based on the Periodic Table, explain why Na and K have similar chemical properties.
3. In the 19th century, Dmitri Mendeleev predicted the existence of a then unknown element X with a mass of
68. He also predicted that an oxide of X would have the formula X2O3. On the modern Periodic Table, what is
the group number and period number of element X?
4. An unknown element X can form a compound with the formula XBr3. In which group on the Periodic Table
would element X be found?
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 13
(4) 14
5. Which element has chemical properties that are most similar to the chemical properties of sodium?
(1) Mg (2) K (3) Se (4) Cl
6. Which element has chemical properties that are most similar to those of calcium?
(1) Co (2) K (3) N (4) Sr
7. Which statement correctly describes two forms of oxygen, O2 and O3?
(1) They have identical molecular structures and identical properties.
(2) They have identical molecular structures and different properties.
(3) They have different molecular structures and identical properties.
(4) They have different molecular structures and different properties.
8. Which statement explains why ozone gas, O3, and oxygen gas, O2, have different properties?
(1) They are formed from different elements.
(2) They have different molecular structures.
(3) They have different oxidation numbers.
(4) They have different electronegativities.
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Part III:
1 Base your answers on the table below which shows the electronegativity of selected elements of Period 2 of the
Periodic Table.
a) On the grid provided, set up a scale for electronegativity on the y-axis. Plot the data by drawing a best-fit line.
b) Using the graph, predict the electronegativity of nitrogen.
c) For these elements, state the trend in electronegativity in terms of atomic number.
2. Which of the following Group 15 elements has the greatest metallic character?
(1) nitrogen (2) phosphorus (3) antimony (4) bismuth
3. What are two properties of most nonmetals?
(1) high ionization energy and poor electrical conductivity
(2) high ionization energy and good electrical conductivity
(3) low ionization energy and poor electrical conductivity
(4) low ionization energy and good electrical conductivity
4. Compared to the radius of a chlorine atom, the radius of a chloride ion is
(1) larger because chlorine loses an electron (2) larger because chlorine gains an electron
(3) smaller because chlorine loses an electron (4) smaller because chlorine gains an electron
5. One electron is removed from both a Na atom and a K atom, producing two ions. Using principles of atomic
structure, explain why the Na ion is much smaller than the K ion. Discuss both ions in your answer.
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6. Which of the following Group 2 elements has the lowest ionization energy?
(1) Be (2) Mg (3) Ca (4) Ba
7. Compared to the nonmetals in Period 2, the metals in Period 2 generally have larger
(1) ionization energies (2) electronegativity (3) atomic radii (4) atomic numbers
8. As the elements in Group 17 are considered in order of increasing atomic number, the chemical reactivity of
each successive element
(1) decreases
(2) increases
(3) remains the same
9. In Period 3, from left to right in order, each successive element will
(1) decrease in electronegativity
(3) increase in number of protons
(2) decrease in atomic mass
(4) increase in metallic character
10. As the elements in Period 2 of the Periodic Table are considered in succession from left to right, there is a
decrease in atomic radius with increasing atomic number. This may best be explained by the fact that the
(1) number of protons increases, and the number of shells of electrons remains the same
(2) number of protons increases, and the number of shells of electrons increases
(3) number of protons decreases, and the number of shells of electrons remains the same
(4) number of protons decreases, and the number of shells of electrons increases
Base your answers to questions 11 through 13 on the Reference Tables for Physical Setting/ Chemistry.
11. Complete the data table provided below for the following Group 18 elements: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe
12. Using information from your data table in question 56, construct a line graph showing the trend in first
ionization energy with increasing atomic number. Label each point, Circle each point and connect the points.
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13. Based on your graph in question 57, describe the trend in first ionization energy of Group 18 elements as the
atomic number increases.
14. The amount of energy required to remove the outermost electron from a gaseous atom in the ground state is
known as
(1) first ionization energy (2) activation energy (3) conductivity (4) electronegativity
15. As the atoms of the Group 17 elements in the ground state are considered from top to bottom, each
successive element has
(1) the same number of valence electrons and similar chemical properties
(2) the same number of valence electrons and identical chemical properties
(3) an increasing number of valence electrons and similar chemical properties
(4) an increasing number of valence electrons and identical chemical properties
16. As each successive element in Group 15 of the Periodic Table is considered in order of increasing atomic
number, the atomic radius
(1) decreases (2) increases (3) remains the same
17. As the elements of Group 1 on the Periodic Table are considered in order of increasing atomic radius, the
ionization energy of each successive element generally
(1) decreases (2) increases (3) remains the same
18. As the elements in Group 17 on the Periodic Table are considered from top to bottom, what happens to the
atomic radius and the metallic character of each successive element?
(1) The atomic radius and the metallic character both increase.
(2) The atomic radius increases and the metallic character decreases.
(3) The atomic radius decreases and the metallic character increases.
(4) The atomic radius and the metallic character both decrease.
19. The data table below shows elements Xx, Yy, and Zz from the same group on the Periodic Table.
What is the most likely atomic radius of element Yy?
(1) 103 pm
(2) 127 pm
(3) 166 pm
(4) 185 pm
20. Which trends are observed when the elements in Period 3 on the Periodic Table are considered in order of
increasing atomic number?
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(1) The atomic radius decreases, and the first ionization energy generally increases.
(2) The atomic radius decreases, and the first ionization energy generally decreases.
(3) The atomic radius increases, and the first ionization energy generally increases.
(4) The atomic radius increases, and the first ionization energy generally decreases.
21. Which trends are observed as each of the elements within Group 15 on the Periodic Table is considered in
order from top to bottom?
(1) Their metallic properties decrease and their atomic radii decrease.
(2) Their metallic properties decrease and their atomic radii increase.
(3) Their metallic properties increase and their atomic radii decrease.
(4) Their metallic properties increase and their atomic radii increase.
22. At standard pressure, which element has a melting point higher than standard temperature?
(1) F2 (2) Br2 (3) Fe (4) Hg
23. Which Period 4 element has the most metallic properties?
(1) As (2) Br
(3) Ge (4) Sc
24. Based on electronegativity values, which type of elements tends to have the greatest attraction for electrons in
a bond?
(1) metals (2) metalloids (3) nonmetals (4) noble gases
25. Which list of elements from Group 2 on the Periodic Table is arranged in order of increasing atomic radius?
(1) Be, Mg, Ca
(2) Ca, Mg, Be
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(3) Ba, Ra, Sr
(4) Sr, Ra, Ba