FRIEDENS UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST SUMNEYTOWN, PA M U R O F S N FRIEDE BUSINESS NAME October 2014 Pastor’s Message From the Pastor…..October 2014 As we prepare to enjoy the crispness and beautiful colors of October, we are reminded again of the wonder and gloriousness of God’s creation. In all of our lives this happens over and over again. The change of seasons is always another opportunity to appreciate the awesomeness of the natural world. In the past month we have revised our family schedules, begun new routines and will begin whatever we must in preparation for winter, which we hope will be more moderate than last year. One of the new routines we have begun here at Friedens is the formation of a new confirmation class. They will be confirmed at Pentecost 2015, which represents a change back to what historically had been in place at Friedens, approved by the elders. There are eight participants: Kelsey Bernhart, Lindsey Danasko, Kyleigh Danasko, Paige DelConte, Rianne Moll, Raegan Parke, Antonio Manfredi and Vansessa Worley. Pam Morris and I will be sharing the leadership. We will learn some basic things about the Bible, so that the Bible will not be mysterious and overwhelming. We will memorize a few basic passaged/ verses from the Bible, become familiar with some of the historic creeds and prayers of the Christian church as well as Christian worship. Mrs. Morris will focus on some of the basic questions that Christians have i.e. Can I be a Christian without going to church? Can it be proven that God exists? Is it okay to be angry at God? Why does God let bad things happen? etc. One of our goals is to give the confirmands the tools to be able to speak and think about their faith and to grow it throughout their lives. The tools include a combination of facts, ideas and confidence. We want to see the confirmands at church on Sundays and also hope they will want to participate in activities, getting to know more members of Friedens. We are looking forward to the coming year. Take time to notice and greet these youth, welcoming then as Friedens is known for. Blessings, Rev. Stoneback Inside this issue: Pastor Message 1 Birthdays 2 Calendars 5 Worship Leaders 6 SPECIAL POINTS Evergreen Sale 3 Desert Auction 3 Facebook 3 Reminders 4 Confirmation 4 PAGE 2 OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS OCTOBER 1 Gary Hopkinson Jonathan Morris OCTOBER 3 Logan Seasholtz OCTOBER 4 Delaney Faust OCTOBER 5 Betty Sturkey OCTOBER 6 Kathryn Bernhart OCTOBER 7 Sue Bernhart OCTOBER 8 Jeanne Ruth OCTOBER 9 Bill Bernhart OCTOBER 10 Ronda Gray OCTOBER 12 Helen Higman Raegan Parke OCTOBER 13 Grace Hoover OCTOBER 15 Jenny Dierolf OCTOBER 16 Julie DeSousa OCTOBER 17 Ron Long OCTOBER 18 Terry Smith OCTOBER 20 Matthew Hoffman OCTOBER 21 Lisa Bernhart OCTOBER 22 Calvin Schwenk OCTOBER 23 Amanda Ruth OCTOBER 24 Charles Higman Ruth Ann Smith OCTOBER 26 Sheila Freed Ron Grubb OCTOBER 27 Shirely Schwager OCTOBER 28 Alyssa Hoffman OCTOBER 29 Gary Gilbert Marvin Underkoffler Page 3 EVERGREEN SALE Quantity Total W2 22” Noble Fir Wreath Cost $22.00 _________ __________ C5 12” Diameter Centerpiece Cost $15.00 _________ __________ S4 30”x20” Noble Fir Door/Grave Swag Cost $22.00 _________ __________ W3 28” Mixed Evergreen Wreath Cost $28.00 _________ __________ W4 22” Mixed Evergreen Wreath Cost $22.00 _________ __________ TOTAL ORDER __________ __________ Gift items include shipping and are in the catalog. See a Deacon or church member to order. Please pay when ordering. Make out checks to Friedens UCC. At bottom of the check write Evergreen Sale. Deadline for ordering is Oct.31. Delivery before Thanksgiving. We will call you. If you have questions please see a Deacon. Call Judy Miller 215-234-8863 or Church Office 215-234-4941 NAME PHONE # 4TH ANNUAL MISSIONS Я US DESSERT AUCTION!!!! Date: October 12, 2014 Where: Friedens fellowship hall Time: following worship Have you Liked Friedens UCC on Facebook yet? Please help us to increase our “Friends” Bank and improve Friedens’ accessibility on the web. Just go to our website at and click on the Facebook icon at the bottom of the homepage. A link to our monthly Forum newsletter is also located there. Friedens’ Facebook page, and Friedens’ website, are a quick and easy way to check on the latest happenings at Friedens and to also see pictures and videos of recent events. Page 4 REMINDERS FOR OCTOBER BREAKFAST BUNCH Tuesday, October 7th 9 AM A & N Diner, Sellersville Come and join us for some great fellowship !! CONFIRMATION CLASS Confirmation classes have started. Classes will be every Sunday from 6:00-7:30PM. FORUM DEADLINE The deadline for article submission for the Forum is always two weeks before the end of the month (usually the second or third Sunday of the month). It is greatly appreciated if all committee chairs and groups will try to adhere to this deadline to facilitate getting the Forum out to everyone by the first of the following month. Thank you so much!! November Forum deadline is Sunday, October 12. Page 5 OCTOBER 2014 Worship 10:00AM Special Offering: Friedens Future Sun Mon 5 10AM-Worship Holy Communion 6-7:30PM Confirmation Class 6 12 10AM-Worship Missions Desert Auction 6-7:30PM Confirmation Class 13 19 20 10AM-Worship 6-7:30PM Confirmation Class 26 6-7:30PM Confirmation Class REHEARSALS Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 Chow-Chow Chow-Chow 30 31 6-7PM– Handbell 7PM-Hallelujah Singers 7:30PM-Adult Choir REHEARSALS 6-7PM– Handbell 7:30PM– Adult Choir REHEARSALS 6-7PM– Handbell 7PM-Hallelujah Singers 7:30PM-Adult Choir 27 10AM-Worship Tue REHEARSALS 28 29 6-7PM– Handbell 7:30PM– Adult Choir WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES OCTOBER 2014 DATE October 5 OPPORTUNITY LECTIONARY Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Psalms 19 Psalms 80; 7-15 Matthew 21: 33-46 Lay Reader: Judy Kulp October 12 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Lay Reader: Betty Yerger October 19 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Lay Reader: Ron Grubb October 26 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Lay Reader: Linn Woodward Psalms 106: 1-6 Psalms 23 Matthew 22: 1-14 Psalms 99 Psalms 96:1-9 Mathew 22: 15-22 Psalms 90: 1-6 Psalms 1 Mathew 22:34-46 FRIEDENS UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST PO BOX 268 1011 CHURCH ROAD SUMNEYTOWN, PA. 18084 Phone: 215-234-4941 or 215-234-9963 Fax: 215-234-9964 E-mail: [email protected] “the little church on the hill” We’re on the web: LIKE us on Facebook WORSHIP TEAM HELPERS OCTOBER 2014 OFFERING DATE ACOLYTE GREETER USHERS OCTOBER 5 Ben Bernhart Bonnie Krick Sue Mulvehill Halie Smith Cindy Dise (D) Pam Morris (S) OCTOBER 12 Lindsey Danasko Ronda Gray Ronda Gray Bob Gray Wayne Dubs (D) Ronda Gray (S) Betty Yerger OCTOBER 19 Kelsey Bernhart Chet Yanus Richard Schwager Calvin Schwager Alec Hoffman (D) Ron Grubb (S) Ron Grubb OCTOBER 26 Austin Hoffman Ben Hoffman Pam Morris Fred Morris Judy Miller (D) Bob Tipping (S) Linn Woodward Altar Guild– Faye Bernhard STEWARDS LAY READER Judy Kulp
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